Transgender from Dagestan. The “brutal murder” of a Dagestan transgender has been covered in the world media. Adam you knew

25-year-old Adam (Raina) Aliyev was brutally murdered in his homeland.

The Dagestani changed his gender for the sake of marriage with another man, for which he was hated in his village, Chontaul.

A few days before the incident, he turned to the police and stated that threats were coming to him, but law enforcement agencies ignored these appeals.

According to available information, the Dagestani changed sex in September of this year and changed the name Adam to Raina.

I did not have time to officially re-register. To change all the documents, the transgender turned to the FMS of the republic, thanks to which the incident became known in his native village, where he went for papers.

According to journalists, the Dagestani changed sex for the sake of marriage with a Muscovite named Viktor, who was originally from Karachay-Cherkessia. For the sake of him, he lost his manhood, Adam's apple, and acquired breasts.

All this set of actions of the young man became the reason for the fierce hatred towards him on the part of his fellow villagers. Who hated him, believing that by his actions he dishonored not only himself, his family and all local residents, but the whole Caucasus.

The interest in this information lies precisely in the fact that the trance is from the Caucasus. The usual representation of Caucasian men is temperamental big men who are only interested in girls.

But in the case of this "man", he chose a different path for himself. I decided to love other men and for the sake of my love I changed my gender and became almost a real girl.

After Adam turned into the girl Raina, the couple got married.
The young people played the wedding in the groom's homeland. According to Victor's countrymen, his relatives were more loyal to the choice of a man and to the operation that Adam-Raina performed.

The couple did not register their marriage in the registry office, they just got married in a quiet family circle, an acquaintance of the newlyweds said. After the celebration, the newlyweds went on their honeymoon.
Now let's try to unravel it.

Was it a murder? There is no reliable information.

Information walks only through the media, mainly through online publications. Official bodies do not confirm the death of young man Adam Aliyev.
So, most likely, this is another "duck" to maintain a trend towards the topic of this person.

Who do you think needs it? After all, the topic is very delicate for many representatives of the Caucasus. And someone specifically kindles it.
Or did Adam himself start up misinformation in order to attract media interest to his person?

Recall that the lovers met in Moscow. After they decided to get married, one of the men, Adam, had sex reassignment surgery at a plastic surgery clinic. According to doctors, the "transformation" of a young man into a girl was successful.

Adam moved to Moscow four years ago. At first he worked as an administrator in a nightclub, and then got a job in a travel agency.
It was reported that after a transgender who changed his gender chose a new name for himself, he applied for new documents to the FMS of the republic. So the news about the metamorphoses that happened to the Dagestan reached his native village.

Furious fellow villagers threatened to deal with the countryman if he came to Dagestan. They believe that by his act he dishonored not only his family, but the entire republic.

According to the neighbors, the family abandoned him. He won't even be upset if he gets killed.

But just with threats, the transgender was not lucky. Every day there are new messages with threats of reprisal and deprivation of life and health. Honor and dignity, already lost, so they are not threatened.

Here is a video from the wedding:

He had previously contacted the police and reported threats against him. Under what circumstances Raina was killed is still unknown.

The Dagestani came to Moscow from the village of Chontaul, where he was hated for his non-traditional sexual orientation, and after the change of sex he was cursed and threatened. However, the young man decided to take such a step in order to marry his beloved: he turned out to be Victor from Karachay-Cherkessia. The couple's wedding outraged the public, reports Russian Dialogue.

According to the deputy head of the Chontaul village, Abdutagir Israpilov, every second villager dreamed of killing a transgender.

"In connection with his statement, both the district police and the prosecutor's office came to our administration," the village official said.

"Adam Aliyev has always been a strange child. He grew up in a large family of Alimshaikh Aliyev. His father withdrew from raising children. Being a married man, he started tricks with another woman, left the family. Alimshaikh's new sweetheart let the world go, he got into debt, had to sell house. Over time, however, he changed his mind and returned to the family. His wife forgave, they seemed to live well. They built a new house. He was always considered a good builder, but there was no order in his head, "Israpilov told Express Gazeta.

The official notes that Adam always dressed in tight leggings. In addition, he was characterized by a feminine demeanor and even a female voice.

Raina's relatives also reacted negatively to the changes.

“The father immediately said: “Let them kill him, I don’t want to see him.” He immediately said so.

Meanwhile, the law enforcement agencies of Dagestan have no information about the death of a transgender. According to some reports, the transgender is currently in Thailand with her husband.

In Dagestan, a local resident who changed sex was brutally murdered, whose scandalous wedding became the cause, first Russian and then Western publications reported.

The first news was published by Express Gazeta, according to which 25-year-old Adam Aliyev from the small Dagestan village of Chontaul, who officially became a woman named Raina in September 2016, was brutally murdered a couple of days later. The site of law enforcement agencies of the republic was indicated as a source. The scandalous news was circulated by hundreds of media, including the British newspaper The Mirror.

At the same time, there are no reports of this incident on any of the websites of the republican law enforcement agencies (IC, Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutor's office). As Reedus found out, there is no official confirmation of the tragedy. But on the Web there is a video of the wedding of Adam (Raina) and Victor, which, according to available information, was celebrated in Thailand. In the same place, the happy newlyweds decided to spend their “honeymoon”, so it is not clear how they could end up in the native village of the “bride”.

As Reedus already wrote, the young man moved to Moscow after school, because at home he was not only not accepted, but hated and harassed because of his non-traditional sexual orientation. In the capital, he earned money in clubs, where he found his love Victor.

After the operation, 25-year-old Adam Aliyev warned the police that they wanted to kill him. Such a desire, according to the deputy head of the village of Chontaul Abdutagir Israpilov, was experienced by every second fellow villager.

“In connection with his statement, both the district police officer and the prosecutor's office came to our administration,” the village official explained.

“Adam Aliev has always been a strange child. He grew up in a large family of Alimshaikh Aliyev. The father withdrew himself from the upbringing of the children. Being a married man, he started tricks with another woman, left the family. The new sweetheart of Alimshaikh let the world go, he got into debt, he had to sell the house. Over time, however, changed his mind and returned to the family. The wife forgave, it seems they began to live well. They built a new house. He was always considered a good builder, but there is no order in his head, ”Israpilov admitted in an interview with Express Gazeta.

According to the official, Adam always dressed in tight leggings, his demeanor was feminine. Even the voice is like that of a girl.

Despite the fact that the groom's parents, on the contrary, reacted calmly to the transgender bride, the parents of Adam/Rain himself categorically refused to accept such a son/daughter.

“According to our customs, it is believed that he not only dishonored the whole family - this is a stain on the entire Caucasus. For the mother, the operation of her son was a shock; today she does not communicate with any of the residents. My father had a stroke,” Israpilov said.

According to the family's neighbors, the transgender's own father said he would not mind if his son was killed in front of him.

Adam himself, in a letter to a friend, said that he was offended by his relatives, since they allegedly betrayed him after learning about the operation, while he himself regularly helped them with money.

The other day, the media reported that 25-year-old Dagestani Adam, who changed sex a month ago and became a woman named Raina, was brutally murdered a couple of days after the wedding. However, his relatives believe that in fact, he is alive and on the run with her husband, according to Life.

A noisy wedding in the village of Beslenei blew up social networks and shocked the residents of the two North Caucasian republics. It's all about the bride, who used to be a man.

Adam, 25, is transgender. In a Moscow clinic, he changed sex and married Viktor G., a resident of the neighboring republic, in his native village. Now the newlyweds are in hiding.

Life's special correspondent Evgenia Zmanovskaya found out how a strange wedding was perceived in the Caucasus and who threatens young people with death.

Victor called his mother, told her and asked her to tell all the relatives that he would soon arrive with his bride. On September 26, the couple arrived from Moscow in Karachay-Cherkessia, in their native village of Besleney. The son introduced his companion to his mother.

“This is my fiancee Raina. We will sign later, in Moscow, we will celebrate the wedding here. She is from Dagestan, from the village of Chontaul. Her relatives can not come in any way, collect all of ours. Let's walk"- Victor said to his mother.

The bride stood nearby, smiling modestly, hardly raising her eyes. As it should be according to local customs, before the wedding, Raina was taken to the house of her relatives. She lived there for five days.

“A pretty girl, modest. Victor made a good choice. And she passed the household check. Washes dishes and floors, cooks well. Today we went together to choose beautiful underwear for her, bought a negligee. Raina has a good figure. But I think she needs to get a little better, she's too skinny.", - unmarried young girls discussed the bride in the kitchen.

Newlyweds Victor and Raina are cursed by many... for their daring deceit. The couple in love deceived their parents, relatives, relatives and friends. In the Caucasus, this is not forgiven.

“Their wedding disgraced not only two clans, the shadow of their shame is not just on two districts, Kizilyurtovsky and Khabezsky. Shame on the two republics! How did they even think of coming home after this! the house brought a man in a wedding dress.

Nobody remembers such a thing in the history of the Caucasus, that a man on a man. We've never had anything like this! And why did none of the relatives understand that she was a man, we looked at their wedding photos with the whole department, he looks like a man even in a dress", - one of the traffic police inspectors, who met journalists on the way to the groom's village, is indignant.

A former classmate of Victor told. that he "seemed to be a normal guy."

“We were even friends for a while, he was kind, he could always help out. But, on the other hand, could a normal person do such a thing? In his native village, a wedding with a man? It’s good that he didn’t go to our mosques with her, he would desecrate. I myself often visit Moscow, there, of course, they have a simpler attitude towards such things, but this will not work here. It’s better for him not to come here, although I personally don’t care about him or about the whole history. didn't rob or kill anyone." he says.

"No one from the village knew, and relatives did not know the truth, otherwise they would have been torn apart! I personally would have pulled out my hair for this act. This is not Muslim. This is a shame for the whole family, for the whole village", - a woman of about sixty intervenes.

“They say that his wife, or how to call him correctly, was killed. They found him and avenged the shame. They found him in Moscow. That’s what he needs. the murdered woman does not look like the one at all. Now it is generally not clear where the truth is. It is disgusting that they deceived everyone "- swears a man in his fifties.

When the journalists arrived in Adam's native village, his mother, seeing them, ran into the house and locked herself there. As the doors closed, she could be heard sobbing out loud.

However, some relatives and neighbors dared to talk about him. In a whisper, through the open doors.

"Adam was always a kind boy. He was very tidy, probably the most tidy boy in the class. When they went to the market with their mother, he chose new clothes, loved fashionable things. Almost ten years ago he left the village. First he lived in Makhachkala, then in Moscow. He said that he works in a nightclub as a bartender, in a mobile phone shop. Several times he called his mother and father to come to visit him. But his parents have a household, grandchildren. Once. He grew up before our eyes as a normal child, a good guy. They didn't notice anything like that.", they say.

“Adam’s father tries not to come home. Mostly at work, he’s ashamed, he can’t look into anyone’s eyes. We rarely see him. He doesn’t talk to anyone. He said that if this is true, then his son will never return home. a man, a woman will not cross the threshold " says a family friend.

In the village, some are sure that Adam decided to change sex because of a family tragedy that happened several years ago.

His own sister, with whom they were friends, died. The 22-year-old boy took it hard.

“The last time he came to the village four years ago, to the funeral of his sister. She died during the operation. They were very friendly with her. When we saw the photo, where he had already become a woman, we were amazed at how much he became like her. Very similar, as if she. Many in the village say that Adam went crazy. And maybe that's why he went to such a thing"- say women from a neighboring street.

"The mother is in mourning, her sister, Aunt Adama, died three months ago. He did not come to the funeral. Apparently, he was already preparing for this operation. The mother's heart is breaking, she is afraid for her son, they might kill him. She is afraid for her daughter and eldest son Such a disgrace will not be forgiven among us.Even the son who lives in Khasavyurt was forbidden to come to the village until he proves that this is not true, until he finds his younger brother.

Two weeks ago, he called Adam and begged him to send a photo or video of himself. He proved that he is a man. Relatives do not believe where so much money comes from for all operations, it is very expensive. Adam assured that he is now resting in Thailand and will definitely send a photo later or come himself," they say in the village.

But he did not send and did not come.

Adam's phone is unavailable, he no longer contacted his relatives. Exactly a month has passed since the wedding, which was called shameful. Where the newlyweds are now, none of the relatives knows.

25-year-old Adam Aliyev, who changed sex, warned the police that they wanted to kill him

The tragedy occurred in the small Dagestan village of Chontaul. 25-year-old Adam ALIEV underwent a sex change operation in September this year in Moscow. Relatives cursed the son who disgraced the family. Threats rained down on him. The other day, a newly minted woman was found murdered.

In the Caucasus, the male mentality is treated with reverence. 25 year old Adam Aliyev, changing gender to female, disgraced the proud highlanders. Neighbors now call his native village Moiseevka among themselves.

Adam Aliyev has always been a strange child, - said the deputy head of the village of Chontaul Abdutagir Israpilov. - He grew up in a large family Alimshaikh Aliyeva. The father withdrew himself from the upbringing of the children. Being a married man, he started tricks with another woman, left the family. The new sweetheart of Alimshaikh let the world go, he got into debt, he had to sell the house. Over time, however, changed his mind and returned to the family. The wife forgave, it seems they began to live well. They built a new house. He was always considered a good builder, but there was no order in his head.

Did you know Adam?

Yes. He dressed in tight leggings, his demeanor was feminine. Even the voice is like that of a girl. After school, he went to Makhachkala, then to Moscow, where he worked in nightclubs and earned good money. I don't blame him. The feminine prevailed over the masculine in him. Apparently, he decided to correct the mistake of nature. They say, having changed sex, Adam married a Kabardian Vitaly.

- Is it true that he received threats from the villagers?

Yes. Both the district police officer and the prosecutor's office came to our administration in connection with his statement. Every second Caucasian dreamed of killing him. According to our customs, it is believed that he not only disgraced the whole family - this is a stain on the entire Caucasus. For the mother, the operation of her son was a shock; today she does not communicate with any of the residents. My father had a stroke.

Adam himself, in a letter to a friend, said that he was offended by his relatives. Like, when they asked, he helped with money, and they, having learned about the operation, betrayed him. When the cut up body of Adam was brought to the village, I did not recognize him.

A Farewell to Arms

According to law enforcement officials, about half of the transgender people in the capital are from the Caucasus. Having done the operation, the former horsemen turn into burning ladies. Some of the beauties dance in the variety show of clubs, the majority - trades in prostitution. The police are well aware of these "night butterflies", which, while they were "caterpillars", were called Rezo, Sultans, Ramzans, Soslans, and then turned into Malvin, Barbie, Christine and Suzanne. But why disturb this exotic little world if you can put your proboscis into it?


* The leader in the number of gender reassignment operations is Thailand. This procedure brings the kingdom about $4 billion a year. The cost of one operation is about $10,000. Up to 90 percent of patients are foreigners.

* In Moscow, transgender people are treated in several private clinics.

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