Vitamin C to protect children's health: daily dosage and features of taking ascorbic acid. Who, how much and how to take vitamin C Daily intake of vitamin C


Daily dosage of the vitamin for children, women and men. When should you take it? Possible contraindications.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, “ascorbic acid”) is the main element of the diet, without which normal human development and growth is impossible. This substance is classified as water-soluble, and its excess is excreted in the urine. But not everyone knows that the body needs a regular supply of it, and a decrease in the daily norm often leads to serious consequences.

What is the norm of vitamin C per day? What are the risks of ascorbic acid deficiency? Is its excess dangerous for health? These issues require detailed consideration.

Beneficial features

The benefits of ascorbic acid have been confirmed by dozens of different studies. At the same time, scientists were able to prove the following effect on the body:

  • Restoration of epidermal cells, ligaments, tendons and vessels of the circulatory system. All this rejuvenates the body, making it resistant to modern challenges - negative ecology, hard work, unfavorable climate, and so on.
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and scars. For this reason, ascorbic acid is often prescribed in the postoperative period or after injury.
  • Strengthening and restoration of bones, teeth and cartilage tissue.
  • Supply of the required amount of antioxidants that block processes associated with the negative effects of radicals hazardous to health. A sufficient supply of vitamin guarantees slowing down the aging process, reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthening the immune system and protecting against the negative effects of viral diseases.

It's worth remembering that The human body is not able to synthesize ascorbic acid. For this reason, the need for it must be covered from food. In addition, the following points should be taken into account:

  • If the daily dose of the element is regularly supplied to the body, this contributes to rapid recovery and the absence of complications.
  • Ascorbic acid should be taken only as an addition to the main diet. It will be effective only in combination with other vitamins and minerals.

Daily dosage

When planning your diet, you should take into account vitamin intake standards to avoid overdose or deficiency. In the case of ascorbic acid, dosage requirements depend on the person’s age, health status and a number of other factors (more on this below). Here it is worth highlighting the following patterns:

  1. Children. It is worth noting that the norm of ascorbic acid in children is lower than in adults. In this case, the need for the element appears immediately after birth:
    • up to six months of age – 30 mg;
    • from six months to a year – 35 mg;
    • from one to three years – 40 mg;
    • from four to ten years – 45 mg.
  2. Daily norm for men and teenagers higher than in children. This vitamin can strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of many “male” systems. To cover the need for an element, males must take:
    • at the age of 11-14 years – 50 mg;
    • from 15 years onwards – 60 mg.
  3. Norm for women. As for the fair sex, their need for ascorbic acid is similar:
    • at the age of 11-14 years – 50 mg;
    • from 15 years onwards – 60 mg.

    But in some cases women need more consumption:

    • during pregnancy – 70 mg;
    • while feeding the baby – 95 mg.

It is recommended to divide the daily vitamin intake into 2-3 parts. This is due to the fact that the human body immediately uses up the incoming element, and dosed intake is a chance to maintain a high level of the substance throughout the day.

It is worth noting that the need for ascorbic acid changes under the influence of the following factors:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • difficulty of work;
  • presence of diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • environmental features and so on.

So, the daily rate increases in the following cases:

  • Residents of the Far North should increase the dosage by 40-50%.
  • An old body absorbs ascorbic acid worse. For this reason, from 45-50 years old, it is allowed to increase the dosage by 20-30%.
  • Smoking, fever, stress, illness, toxic exposure are additional factors that increase the need for such an important element.

How to recognize a deficiency?

When planning your diet, it is worth knowing the daily requirement of vitamin C and the first signs of its deficiency. Then it will be possible to promptly identify the lack of ascorbic acid and avoid unpleasant consequences for the body. This problem is really relevant. Recent studies conducted by scientists from the CIS countries have only confirmed fears - 60-70 percent of children do not receive enough of the element in question. In this case, the deficiency manifests itself in winter and spring, when the diet is especially depleted (from the standpoint of the presence of vitamin C in the composition).

A lack of ascorbic acid negatively affects the body's ability to resist infections. According to statistics, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections is increasing precisely because of the reduced intake of vitamin C. This is easy to explain. The action of the element is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria, and its deficiency leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of fighting infection.

To recognize a deficiency, you should focus on the following manifestations:

  • bleeding gums;
  • the appearance of depression;
  • excessive irritability;
  • joint pain;
  • deterioration of the skin condition;
  • hair loss;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • general painful condition;
  • lethargy and apathy.

Indications for use and overdose

Ascorbic acid is an important element of the diet. At the same time, the required vitamin intake per day must be maintained throughout the year. Separately, it is worth highlighting situations when appointment is mandatory:

  • liver diseases;
  • overdose of anticoagulants;
  • overwork;
  • growth period;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • vitamin deficiency (winter-spring period);
  • for bone fractures and so on.

But when planning your diet or taking additional medications, you should not forget about the risk of an overdose of ascorbic acid. This problem often manifests itself as follows:

  • diarrhea;
  • stomach irritation (when taken simultaneously with aspirin in a large dosage);
  • manifestation of hemolysis;
  • deterioration in the absorption of vitamin B12;
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • worsening problems with diabetes;
  • the emergence of addiction (especially dangerous during pregnancy).

Daily intake of vitamins and minerals for humans


Why is it necessary?

Consequences of shortage

Consumption rate per day

Vitamin C, ascorbic acid

Rose hips, black currants, gooseberries, grapefruit, bell peppers, parsley, sorrel, spinach; found in smaller quantities in almost all vegetables and fruits. Destroyed by sunlight and oxygen.

Collagen is produced, which ensures firmness and elasticity of the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles and stretch marks.

It has a healing effect, strengthens blood vessels and ligaments. Increases immunity and, together with other vitamins, prevents aging. Destroyed by toxins, stress and nervous tension.

Leads to bleeding, decreased body resistance to

the occurrence of a number of infectious diseases, joint pain and a number of other disorders in the chain of complex biochemical reactions in our body. Leads to stopping the growth of muscle mass.

ATTENTION! Taking vitamin C may be dangerous for people who are prone to blood clots and may lead to blood clots.

70 mg

Vitamin B1 – thiamine

Oats, buckwheat, wholemeal flour. Slightly less in nuts, legumes, yeast, egg yolk, pork and chicken meat, kidneys, liver, heart.

For the proper functioning of the nervous system, liver, heart,

participates in carbohydrate metabolism and helps in the treatment of skin diseases. Plays an important role in carbohydrate-protein-fat metabolism.

General weakness, decreased blood pressure, anorexia, irritability,

depression, insomnia, tendency to constipation, decreased immunity.

1.7 mg

Vitamin B2 – riboflavin

Beef liver, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, sour cream, fatty fish,

beef, pork, rabbit, buckwheat, oatmeal, green peas, spinach, cauliflower, bell peppers, green onions, dill.

Participates in protein synthesis - in the construction of body cells, red blood cells, is responsible for the growth and restoration of tissues, increases skin elasticity. Thanks to it, the skin is smooth, elastic, without cracks, ulcers and wrinkles, strong and healthy hair and nails.

Cracks or “jams” in the corners of the mouth, dull hair prone to loss, dandruff, photophobia and eye diseases. Wrinkles appear above the upper lip. Wounds heal slowly, anemia develops and immunity declines.

2 mg

Vitamin B3 or PP or niacin

In the same products as vitamins B1 and B2 + coffee and cereals: semolina, rice, millet, oatmeal, corn, bread, potatoes, tomatoes, fruits.

For the normal functioning of the digestive system, for protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Normalizes blood cholesterol levels and increases blood flow. As a result, the skin has a healthy color and well-groomed appearance.

Drowsiness, depression, depression, irritability,

insomnia, dental caries, bad breath, tendency to constipation.

20 mg

Vitamin B5 – pantothenic


Sprouted grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables. It can be found in meat, but is destroyed when frozen, canned, salted, or boiled.

Plays an important role in fat metabolism. It is necessary for

formation of fatty acids and cholesterol

The occurrence of skin diseases, white spots appear on the skin,

early gray hair, discolored iris.

5 mg

Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine

Yeast, meat, liver, kidneys, brains, fish, eggs, legumes, potatoes, wholemeal bread, bananas.

Stimulates the activity of the nervous system and increases resistance

body to various diseases. Its main role is

maintaining healthy skin,

especially the head area.

Trembling hands, memory loss, nervous tics, acne, obesity.

2 mg

Vitamin B8 – inositol

Kidneys, liver, brains, yeast, milk, eggs.

Improves liver function and regulates cholesterol levels, prevents vascular atherosclerosis. Improves intestinal function and stimulates the development of beneficial microflora.

Leads to early graying of hair and premature hair loss.

500 mg

Vitamin B9 – folic acid

Dark green leafy vegetables, avocados, oranges, green onions, peas, lettuce, spinach, yeast, strawberries, raw cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, liver, kidneys, eggs.

Necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids, i.e. formation of protein molecules. Participates in hematopoiesis. Pregnant women need folic acid the most.

Leads to retardation of intrauterine development of the fetus, especially with regard to damage to the nervous system. Weakness, irritability, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression.

Anemia, deterioration of stomach activity.

400 mcg

Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin

Lean meat, offal, fish, shellfish, cheese, cottage cheese.

Essential for the functioning of nerve tissue cells and bone marrow cells. Participates in the formation of blood cells, reduces cholesterol.

Anemia with damage to blood cells.

3 mcg

Vitamin A – retinol

Fish liver, egg yolk, milk, cream, sour cream, butter, fatty cheeses. Many vegetables and fruits that are yellow, orange and red, carrots, mangoes, apricots, papaya, pumpkin, tomatoes, herbs: dill, parsley, spinach.

Antioxidant, slows down the aging of the body and helps keep the skin smooth and elastic for a long time. Use with

vegetable and butter, sour cream, mayonnaise.

The skin cracks and peels, takes on an unhealthy grayish tint, and hair splits and breaks. Nails become brittle and grow slowly. And most importantly, the ability to see in the dark decreases, the so-called “night blindness”

1 mg

Vitamins of group D

Fish oil, fatty fish, caviar, butter, cream, egg yolk

Participate in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Participate in

formation of the skeleton, in the functioning of the thyroid and sex glands, strengthen the gums, regulate the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

In children it leads to rickets, curvature of the bones of the legs, chest, and skull. In adults it leads to fragility and brittleness of bones.

5 mcg

Vitamin K

Soybean oil, liver, nuts, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, green tomatoes.

Helps maintain normal blood clotting.

Frequent nosebleeds.

120 mg

Vitamin E

Young shoots of wheat, sprouted seeds of other cereals and

leafy vegetables, olive, corn, flaxseed and sunflower oils, peanuts, legumes, liver, eggs.

Antioxidant, necessary for the absorption of vitamins of other groups. It is important for metabolic processes in muscle tissue, for maintaining

energy balance, prevents premature aging and cell death, can reduce the risk of a number of chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, cataracts, and is necessary for the normal development of pregnancy and the correct course of childbirth.

Deterioration in the ability to conceive and give birth to a child, muscular dystrophy,

pain and cramps in the legs, destruction of red blood cells.

15 mg

Vitamin H – biotin

Liver, yeast, milk, nuts, cauliflower, legumes.

Stimulates the formation of fatty acids and promotes their processing

together with carbohydrates, to prevent splitting of nails and improve their growth. Necessary for normalizing the function of the skin and mucous membranes, preventing the appearance of acne and comedones.

Depression, weakness, muscle pain, nausea, aversion to food.

50 mcg


Baked potatoes or boiled in their skins, dried apricots, bananas, vegetables, fruits, berries, chocolate, fish, beef, veal.

Responsible for removing fluid from the body. Ensures proper functioning of the heart muscle, and also regulates water and electrolyte balance, recommended for those who suffer from various heart diseases, especially arrhythmia, hypertension

A lack of potassium leads to an excess of sodium. This manifests itself in edema and cardiovascular diseases. Excess fluid in tissues appears as fat and excess weight.

2500 mg


(without magnesium it is not absorbed)

The best combination of calcium and magnesium in sardines, herring, eggplants, cucumbers,

lettuce, garlic, beans, pears, apples, grapes, raspberries, porcini mushrooms. IN

cottage cheese is an ideal combination of calcium and phosphorus. Calcium from milk, cottage cheese,

meat, bread and cereals are less digestible. Calcium is absorbed only if there is protein, vitamin D, and magnesium in the diet.

It is the main component of bones and teeth. In addition, it regulates

the functioning of the nervous system, participates in thrombus formation, promotes

proper formation of the muscular system, strengthens blood vessels.

Frequent “spontaneous” bone fractures (osteoporosis), abrasion and

tooth decay, caries occurs. Deficiency in the body

manifests itself in brittle bones and the formation of lumps

and growths on bones.

1250 mg


Liver, tongue, rabbit meat, turkey, cereals, blueberries, peaches, sturgeon caviar.

There is enough calcium in vegetables and fruits. Vitamin C is necessary for good absorption of iron. You should be aware that plant foods are not a reasonable alternative to meat foods. Use common sense.

In combination with protein molecules, this is hemoglobin. The main function of which is the transport of oxygen. Excessive consumption of plant foods such as beans, brown rice, corn, and spinach interferes with the absorption of iron.

leads to the development of a serious disease - anemia; women (due to monthly blood loss) and pregnant women, as well as people who prefer a vegetarian diet (due to eating plant foods that contain poorly absorbed iron) are susceptible to this disease. The main symptoms of anemia are separation and brittleness of nails, hair loss, perversion of appetite, observed in the need to eat inedible substances, often chalk and soap, drowsiness, weakness, and fatigue.

15 mg for women, 10 mg for men


Found mainly in seafood (squid, mussels, shrimp), fish,

radish, rhubarb, cabbage.

Vital for the production of thyroid hormones. Iodine

increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, which has a very negative effect on

the general condition of a person and the functioning of all organs and systems.

150 mcg


In all types of meat, vegetables, legumes. Animal proteins (except

milk proteins) are excellent sources of zinc, so in the weekly

Of the total amount of protein in the diet, you need to consume about 15 - 25%

protein of animal origin.

It is important for growth, for the normal functioning of the immune system, and takes part in the stimulation and regulation of puberty. Prevents aging. Enhances the effect of collagen protein, due to

causing the skin to become healthy, smooth and elastic.

Obesity, rough skin, acne, acne, poor wound healing

12 mg


Seafood: shrimp, squid, mussels; tea, wholemeal bread.

Spirulina, alfalfa

Together with calcium, it takes part in the formation of bone tissue. Most important for strengthening tooth enamel and dentin.

Excess fluoride causes dark stains on tooth enamel

and skeletal deformities

1.5 mg


Fish, cheese, milk, cereals, meat, legumes, cereals, nuts. It is better absorbed from animal products. Together with calcium, it is absorbed quickly and completely.

Participates in the production of proteins and cell structure, promotes cell restoration, and takes part in the regulation of the nervous system.

Teeth decay, caries, enamel abrasion.

800 mg


Green leafy vegetables, nuts, honey, oatmeal and buckwheat, and the rest of most foods.

Activates intracellular reactions and also plays a supporting role in the absorption of other mineral salts. calcium antagonist. An excess of one of them interferes with the absorption of the other.

Eyelid twitching, cramps, numbness, tingling in the legs, spots before the eyes, imbalance, fatigue, constipation, inattention, headaches, apathy, insomnia, nightmares, weather dependence, stomach pain and cramps, auditory hallucinations.

400 mg


Animal liver, dried fruits, eggplants, beets, chocolate, hazelnuts, oatmeal and buckwheat, bran

Stimulates a number of vital biochemical processes in the body, takes part in the formation of red blood cells. Prevents dry skin and affects the synthesis of pigment that determines hair color.

Early gray hair, dull hair color, poor wound healing.


Grains, seafood, liver, kidneys, heart.

Necessary for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Activates vitamins C and E. Increases resistance to viruses.

Selenium deficiency slows down the development of body tissues.


Vegetables, legumes, wholemeal bread, cereals, liver, cheese.

Affects carbohydrate metabolism and helps maintain blood sugar at proper levels. Promotes weight loss.

Excess can lead to cancer.


. Was the term “Vitamins” initially untrue? The term “vitamin” was proposed in 1912 by the Polish chemist Casemir Funk. At first it sounded like “vitamin” - from the Latin vita - life and English amine - amine, a nitrogen-containing compound. Later, when vitamin C, which does not contain an amine component, was discovered, the letter “e” from the word “vitamine” was removed. This is how the now common word “vitamin” appeared.

. milk with added synthetic vitamin D, and almost all milk in stores is like this, can it cause a pronounced magnesium deficiency in the body? In addition, antibiotics are added to store-bought milk so that it can be stored for a long time.

. Do people living in cities with a polluted atmosphere lack ultraviolet rays? Therefore, unlike village residents, they are deficient in vitamin D.

. Do you have to pay for the “happy moments” of daily alcohol consumption with a deficiency of vitamins B, B6 and folic acid? And those who drink beer change gender. Beer disrupts sex hormones, men become feminine in appearance, women become masculine, their mustaches begin to grow, their voices and character become rougher. In addition, all of a woman’s eggs are affected at once and it will be difficult to conceive healthy offspring.

. Do small children need three, and older children 1.5–2 times more protein per unit of body weight than adults?

. Does taking vitamin B1 help with seasickness and poor air travel tolerance?

. If you eat a lot of protein-rich foods, do you need to increase your vitamin B6 intake?

. Various types of onions, garlic and radishes contain allicin , which destroys pathogenic microbes without harming bacteria friendly to our body?

. Can aspirin increase the rate of removal of vitamin C from the body by as much as three times?

. The original idea of ​​naming vitamins in alphabetical order according to the time of their discovery was prevented by vitamin B? When vitamin A was discovered, the next active substance was called vitamin B. Later it turned out that vitamin B was in fact not the only substance, but a group (complex) of various vitamins. Since the following vitamins were already named, the various substances were given serial numbers, respectively vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12 names. Other B vitamins were discovered later and were given their own names in addition to the number (for example, B9 - folic acid). The gaps in numbering arose because many substances originally considered vitamins were then removed from the B vitamin group.

. Can vitamins act as “internal cosmetics”? The skin, as an area of ​​contact with the outside world, is subject to particular stress. For this reason, the skin undergoes a constant process of renewal, which requires intensive metabolism and the provision of building materials. Therefore, the body needs an adequate supply of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Their deficiency often leads to changes in the skin. These signs of deficiency disappear when nutrients are supplied regularly and evenly. Thus, the normal structure of the skin, as well as the growth and appearance of nails and hair, depends on diet.

. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is not synthesized by the human body and must be systematically supplied with food, otherwise the walls of blood vessels are the first to suffer.

A person is constantly under the influence of the negative influence of the environment. For this reason, it is important to enrich the body with vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid. However, like every useful element, it must enter the body in certain quantities. The daily requirement of vitamin C is determined based on various factors, which include a person’s weight, age, gender, and stress tolerance. To obtain the required amount of a substance, sometimes it is enough to adjust your diet. However, there are situations when taking pharmaceutical drugs is required.

Historical reference

People first started talking about vitamin C in 1923. It was isolated by Zilva from lemon juice. The vitamin substance was classified as water-soluble and indicated that it was a powerful antioxidant compound. Only some representatives of the animal world can independently produce the element; humans are deprived of this opportunity. For this reason, it is important for him to enrich his diet as much as possible with products that can fill the body’s daily need for it.

Beneficial features

The main benefits of vitamin C are:

  • control over redox processes in cells;
  • participation in the production of collagen, procollagen cells;
  • metabolism of vitamin B9, iron;
  • production of catecholamines, steroid hormones;
  • regulation of the blood clotting process;
  • normalization of capillary permeability;
  • participation in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • providing anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effects;
  • protecting the body from the effects of constant stress;
  • increasing resistance to pathogens of various infectious diseases;
  • prevention of the development of cancer;
  • protection of vascular walls from the deposition of cholesterol cells;
  • protecting the body from the effects of toxins produced during metabolism.

Considering the fact that the human body is not able to produce it on its own, it needs to enrich its diet with foods containing the vitamin. However, we should not forget that improper heat treatment destroys the valuable substance.

Daily requirement

Age is the main indicator on which they base their daily intake of ascorbic acid. So, children up to six months need up to 30 mg of the substance per day, from six months – up to 35 mg. For a child who has reached the age of one year and up to three years, 40 mg of the element per day is enough, from four to ten years - 45, and from ten to eleven - 50.

Boys and girls under eighteen years of age need 60 mg of vitamin per day. For adult men, the daily intake of the element is 90 mg, while for women it is 75 mg. Elderly people over fifty years of age need to consume up to 100 mg of the element daily. During the cold period, 500 to 1000 mg of ascorbic acid is prescribed throughout the day. The exact dose is determined by the doctor who assesses the patient's condition.

For pregnant women, the dosage is also determined by a specialist. Not only the expectant mother needs “ascorbic acid”, but also the child developing inside her. For this reason, the daily requirement is from 200 to 400 mg. During lactation, the norms also increase; the therapist leading the patient determines the dosage. Athletes are recommended to take 200-300 mg of the substance daily, as they are subject to heavy physical activity.

Products containing vitamin

The greatest amount of “ascorbic acid” is found in certain foods. The table shows how much of it is in 100 grams of a particular product.

How many mg of vitamin C are in 100 g of product?

Rose hip

Red pepper (bell pepper)

Currant (black)

Pepper (green)


Strawberry, orange

White cabbage)


How to properly preserve ascorbic acid during heat treatment?

  • refusal of long-term storage of chopped fruits and vegetables;
  • using utensils made of non-oxidizing metal;
  • placing vegetables in already boiling water in such a sequence that they simultaneously reach the desired degree of readiness;
  • cooking vegetables and fruits under a closed lid to limit the supply of oxygen to them;
  • refusal to store prepared foods in a hot state for a long time.

It is best to steam foods containing a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid. You can also fry them, since fats block the access of oxygen to vegetables, for example.

How do you know if you have enough vitamin C?

Most people are deficient in certain vitamins. The main reasons for this are an irrational approach to organizing their own food, as well as living in environmentally unfavorable areas. Symptomatic manifestations of hypovitaminosis C are:

  • bleeding gums;
  • tooth loss for no apparent reason;
  • easy bruising;
  • poor wound healing;
  • state of lethargy, apathy, fatigue;
  • hair loss;
  • dry skin;
  • increased irritability;
  • general painful condition;
  • painful sensations in the joints;
  • lack of feeling of comfort;
  • development of depressive disorders.

If you have at least a few of these symptoms, you should consult a specialist for help. Self-medication and self-determination of vitamin C dosage is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to a state of hypervitaminosis, which is dangerous for the body.

Symptoms of excess vitamin C

It is believed that vitamin C is well tolerated even in large dosages. However, there are a number of symptoms that indicate that there is too much of it in the body. These include:

  • development of diarrhea;
  • development of hemolysis;
  • suspicion of a peptic ulcer (usually develops when taking large doses of acidic vitamin with aspirin);
  • impaired absorption of cyanocobalamin;
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • violation of the blood clotting process;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important not to use “ascorbic acid” together with preparations containing aluminum, since when it is completely absorbed by the body, it becomes toxic to humans. It is important for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and a tendency to thrombosis to consult a specialist before starting to use vitamin C.

Why can’t you determine your daily dose of vitamin C yourself?

Self-determination of the daily dose of ascorbic acid is dangerous to health. The recommended norm should not be exceeded; moreover, if you have chronic concomitant diseases, you should consult a doctor for help. Too much ascorbic acid or its lack can cause irreparable harm.

Water-soluble vitamin C can be distributed in the body through normal fluids. It must be included in the daily diet, because it is not capable of being produced independently in our body, and its daily norm must be replenished. Vitamin C is vital for humans.

Products containing vitamin C

A significant content of ascorbic acid is found in products of plant origin. These are vegetables, citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli. Also, if you eat strawberries, black currants, persimmons, peaches, sea buckthorn, ascorbic acid, you will be provided with the daily requirement. Vitamin C, among other things, is also found in tomatoes, bell peppers, and rowan berries. Ascorbic acid is also found in some herbs. For example, in peppermint, fennel, parsley, red pepper, nettle, plantain, raspberry leaves. Therefore, the norm of vitamin intake should consist of products of plant origin and be replenished daily.

How much vitamin C does a person need?

A person’s daily need for ascorbic acid is formed from a number of indicators. Gender, age, nature of work, climate, bad habits, pregnancy - the daily intake of vitamin C depends on all these factors. Stress, illness, and toxic effects on the body increase a person’s need for ascorbic acid. In the Far North and in hot climates, the need for vitamin C increases by 30-50%. In older people, ascorbic acid is absorbed worse than in young people, so in old age its daily intake increases. Vitamin C is reduced in the body when using oral contraceptives. Therefore, women taking such contraceptives need to increase the amount of foods rich in ascorbic acid in their diet.

The daily intake of vitamin C should be divided into several meals, since ascorbic acid is quickly consumed by the body. Therefore, it will be much more beneficial to maintain a relatively high concentration of the vitamin at all times. The daily requirement of vitamin C, from a classical point of view, for men is 90 mg, for women - 75. You can navigate by the daily loss of ascorbic acid. On average it ranges from 300 to 1500 mg. The required daily requirement is determined from the level of its consumption. It is advisable to consume vitamin C no more than 2000 mg per day. This is the norm for a healthy adult. The effect of vitamin C on the body lasts, as a rule, from 8 to 12 hours after it enters the organic sphere. After this time, the beneficial properties of ascorbic acid begin to weaken and disappear completely. And excess vitamin is removed from the body with ammonia.

Biological function of vitamin C

Vitamin C not only affects the state of human immunity, but also suppresses the activity of microbes and prevents the development of viral diseases. Ascorbic acid prolongs youth, maintains attractive appearance, physical and mental health. Vitamin C allows the production of norepinephrine, which provides a person with a creative approach to business and the ability to make innovative decisions.

Benefits of Vitamin C

  • Ascorbic acid restores the health of teeth, gums and bone tissue.
  • Vitamin C promotes faster healing of wounds, bone fractures, and improves scarring of the skin.
  • Ascorbic acid increases the level of iron absorption by the body.
  • Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on strengthening blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid reduces the risk of diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, also speeds up their treatment, and improves immunity.

In addition, vitamin C promotes cell growth and healthy formation and improves proper calcium absorption. Ascorbic acid helps to minimize the potential formation of hematomas and blood clots. Vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of collagen, which takes part in the formation of ligaments, tendon branches, and blood vessels of the brain.

What are the signs that indicate you have hypovitaminosis?

Vitamin deficiency can be exogenous when the required amount of ascorbic acid does not enter the body. Or endogenous, meaning a violation of the absorption and digestibility of vitamin C by the human body. If ascorbic acid does not enter the body for a long time, a person may find the following signs of hypovitaminosis:

  • Lethargy.
  • Slow wound healing.
  • Tooth loss.
  • Hair loss.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Dry skin.
  • Joint pain.
  • Irritability, depression, general illness.

How to Preserve Vitamin C in Foods

The content of vitamin C in raw foods and in already prepared food are two completely different values. Due to improper cooking, up to 95% of ascorbic acid is lost. When fresh fruits and vegetables are stored for a long time, their vitamin C content is reduced by 70%. Ascorbic acid is destroyed especially quickly under the influence of oxygen, high temperature and the sun. From this fact it follows that it is preferable to store fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in a cool place in hermetically sealed bags.

Significant losses of vitamin C occur during cooking, especially in the presence of oxygen and in an alkaline environment. That is, when cooking, it is better to keep the pan tightly closed in order to minimize contact with air, and it would be good to acidify soups, vegetable stews and other dishes with vinegar in advance, taking into account the compatibility of the products. Also, ascorbic acid is oxidized in the presence of iron and copper ions. This means that it is better not to cook food in pans made from these materials.

G-Lactone 2,3-dehydro-L-gulonic acid.


Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. First isolated in 1923-1927. Zilva (S.S. Zilva) from lemon juice.

According to the results of numerous scientific studies, ascorbic acid is involved in the regulation of redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, tissue regeneration, in the synthesis of steroid hormones, collagen; increases the body's resistance, reduces vascular permeability, which is important for various capillary bleeding, infectious diseases, nasal, uterine and other bleeding. Helps maintain healthy skin, participates in immune reactions, improves iron absorption. Has antioxidant properties.

Plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system, helping to increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

In diseases accompanied by fever, as well as with increased physical and mental stress, the body's need for vitamin C increases.

Vitamin C is one of the body's defense factors against the effects of stress. Strengthens reparative processes. There are theoretical and experimental prerequisites for the use of vitamin C to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Sources of ascorbic acid

A significant amount of ascorbic acid is found in products of plant origin (citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, melon, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, black currants, bell peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, apples, apricots, peaches, persimmons, sea buckthorn, rose hips, rowan, baked jacket potatoes). It is present insignificantly in products of animal origin (liver, adrenal glands, kidneys).

Herbs rich in vitamin C: alfalfa, mullein, burdock root, chickweed, eyebright, fennel seed, fenugreek, hops, horsetail, kelp, peppermint, nettle, oats, cayenne pepper, red pepper, parsley, pine needles, yarrow, plantain , raspberry leaf, red clover, skullcap, violet leaves, sorrel.

Name of food products Amount of ascorbic acid
Vegetables Fruits and berries Eggplant 5 Apricots 10 Canned green peas 10 Oranges 50 Fresh green peas 25 Watermelon 7 Zucchini 10 Bananas 10 White cabbage 40 Cowberry 15 Sauerkraut 20 Grape 4 Cauliflower 75 Cherry 15 Potatoes are stale 10 Pomegranate 5 Freshly picked potatoes 25 Pear 8 Green onion 27 Melon 20 Carrot 8 Garden strawberries 60 cucumbers 15 Cranberry 15 Sweet green pepper 125 Gooseberry 40 Red pepper 250 Lemons 50 Radish 50 Raspberries 25 Radish 20 Tangerines 30 Turnip 20 Peaches 10 Salad 15 Plum 8 Tomato juice 15 Red currants 40 Tomato paste 25 Black currant 250 Red tomatoes 35 Blueberry 5 Horseradish 110-200 Dried rose hips Up to 1500 Garlic Footprints Apples, Antonovka 30 Spinach 30 Northern apples 20 Sorrel 60 Southern apples 5-10 Dairy Kumis 20 Mare's milk 25 goat milk 3 Cow's milk 2

Remember that few people, and especially children, eat enough fruits and vegetables, which are the main dietary sources of the vitamin. Cooking and storage lead to the destruction of a significant part of vitamin C. In states of stress, exposure to adverse environmental factors (smoking, industrial carcinogens, smog), vitamin C in tissues is consumed faster.

To prevent hypovitaminosis, rose hips are often used. Rose hips are distinguished by a relatively high content of ascorbic acid (at least 0.2%) and are widely used as a source of vitamin C. The fruits of different types of rose hips collected during the ripening period and dried are used. They contain, in addition to vitamin C, vitamins A, E, sugars, organic acids, and dietary fiber. Used in the form of infusion, extracts, syrups.

An infusion of rose hips is prepared as follows: place 10 g (1 tablespoon) of the fruit in an enamel bowl, pour in 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath (in boiling water) for 15 minutes, then cool at room temperature for at least 45 minutes, filter. The remaining raw materials are squeezed out and the volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day after meals. Children are given 1/3 glass per dose. To improve the taste, you can add sugar or fruit syrup to the infusion.

Daily requirement for ascorbic acid

A person’s daily need for vitamin C depends on a number of reasons: age, gender, work performed, the physiological state of the body (pregnancy, breastfeeding, presence of disease), climatic conditions, and the presence of bad habits.

Illness, stress, fever and exposure to toxic substances (cigarette smoke, chemicals) increase the need for vitamin C.

In hot climates and in the Far North, the need for vitamin C increases by 30-50 percent. A young body absorbs vitamin C better than an older one, so in older people the need for vitamin C is slightly increased.

It has been proven that contraceptives (oral contraceptives) lower the level of vitamin C in the blood and increase the daily requirement for it.

The weighted average physiological requirement for the vitamin is 60-100 mg per day.

Table. Norms of physiological requirement for vitamin C [MP]

The body quickly uses up incoming vitamin C. It is advisable to constantly maintain a sufficient supply of vitamin C.

Signs of hypervitaminosis

Vitamin C is generally well tolerated in doses up to 1000 mg/day.

If taken in too large doses, diarrhea may develop.

Large doses may cause hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) in people lacking the specific enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Therefore, people with this disorder can take increased doses of vitamin C only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

When using large doses of ascorbic acid, pancreatic function may be impaired with impaired insulin synthesis.

Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron in the intestines.

Vitamin C gummies and candies can damage tooth enamel, so you should rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after taking them.

Large doses should not be taken by people with increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis and a tendency to thrombosis, as well as diabetes. With long-term use of large doses of ascorbic acid, inhibition of the function of the pancreatic insular apparatus is possible. During treatment, it is necessary to regularly monitor its functional ability. Due to the stimulating effect of ascorbic acid on the formation of corticosteroid hormones, during treatment with large doses, it is necessary to monitor kidney function, blood pressure and the level of hormones in the blood.

The maximum permissible level of vitamin C intake for adults is 2000 mg/day (Methodological recommendations “Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation”, MP

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

According to the head of the laboratory of vitamins and minerals at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. V.B. Spiricheva, the results of surveys in different regions of Russia show that the vast majority of children of preschool and school age lack vitamins necessary for their normal growth and development.

The situation is especially unfavorable with vitamin C, the deficiency of which was identified in 80-90% of the children examined.

When examining children in hospitals in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities, vitamin C deficiency is found in 60-70%.

The depth of this deficiency increases in the winter-spring period, however, in many children, an insufficient supply of vitamins persists even in the more favorable summer and autumn months, that is, it is year-round.

But insufficient intake of vitamins significantly reduces the activity of the immune system, increases the frequency and severity of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. According to domestic researchers, a lack of ascorbic acid in schoolchildren halves the ability of leukocytes to destroy pathogenic microbes that have entered the body, as a result of which the frequency of acute respiratory diseases increases by 26-40%, and vice versa, taking vitamins significantly reduces the incidence of acute respiratory infections.

Deficiency can be exogenous (due to the low content of ascorbic acid in foods) and endogenous (due to impaired absorption and digestibility of vitamin C in the human body).

If there is insufficient vitamin intake over a long period of time, hypovitaminosis may develop. Possible signs of vitamin C deficiency:

  • bleeding gums
  • cyanosis of lips, nose, ears, nails, gums
  • swelling of the interdental papillae
  • ease of bruising
  • poor wound healing
  • lethargy
  • hair loss
  • pale and dry skin
  • irritability
  • joint pain
  • feeling of discomfort
  • hypothermia
  • general weakness

Preservation of vitamin C during cooking

Name of dishes Preservation of vitamin compared to the original raw material in%
Boiled cabbage with broth (cooking 1 hour) 50 Cabbage soup standing on a hot plate at 70-75° for 3 hours 20 Same with acidification 50 Cabbage soup standing on a hot plate at 70-75° for 6 hours 10 Sauerkraut cabbage soup (cooking 1 hour) 50 Stewed cabbage 15 Potatoes, fried raw, finely chopped 35 Potatoes boiled for 25-30 minutes in their skins 75 Same, cleaned 60 Peeled potatoes, kept in water at room temperature for 24 hours 80 Mashed potatoes 20 Potato soup 50 The same, standing on a hot stove at 70-75° for 3 hours 30 Same thing, standing for 6 hours footprints Boiled carrots 40
From the book by O.P. Molchanova "Fundamentals of rational nutrition", Medgiz, 1949.


When studying the effect of vitamin C on passive smokers, it was found that people staying in smoky rooms experience oxidative stress, which accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis.

Conclusion: passive smokers need vitamin C supplements.

* dietary supplement. NOT A MEDICINE

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