Types of stimulants. The effect of stimulants on the human body. Brain and psychostimulants

A large group of drugs used for narcotic purposes include central nervous system stimulants, psychostimulants, amphetamines, stimulants, psychotonics, and doping agents. The most commonly used of them are phenamine (amphetamine), nervitin, peridrol, centedrine, meridil, ephedrine, theophedrine. This group also includes plant-derived nervous system stimulants cola, beatel, mate, khat and the more common coffee, coffee grounds (coffee in in the form of thick jelly) and chifir (concentrated tea infusion - 50 g of chifir contains approximately 0.35 g of caffeine), which is obtained by boiling tea for a long time in a small amount of water. Caffeine is also used in the form of medication (tablets, injections).

The main pharmacological effect of chifir is determined mainly by the content of a large amount of caffeine and its alkaloids. This drug enhances and regulates excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. However, the effect of chifir is not completely similar to that of caffeine. This is apparently explained by the presence in chifir, in addition to caffeine, of numerous substances, essential oils, etc. The same can be said about coffee, where caffeine is not contained in pure form, but in a certain ratio with a large group of other organic substances. Therefore, the body’s reaction to coffee and chifir is somewhat different than when taking pure caffeine in the form of a medicine.

In the 70s of the 20th century, a drug related to amphetamines appeared - phenmetrazine (preludes), the slang name for vat. At first it was believed that it was less dangerous than other amphetamines, but these hopes were not realized. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) was also similar.

It is necessary to isolate methyl amphetamines, which have some properties similar to hallucinogens. One of them is the well-known drug MDMA. For advertising purposes, it was given the enticing name “ecstasy” (in slang - “XTS”, “Adam”). It is a prototypical designer drug and has both hallucinogenic and amphetamine-like properties. The drug is quite toxic. Doses exceeding 100 mg cause toxic effects (perception distortion, visual impairment, increased sensitivity, etc.). This drug is often taken by young people at discos and dance parties. Easy distribution is facilitated by the ease of its use - inside in tablets that come in different colors, sometimes with patterns on the surface. Although it appears to be harmless, it can cause death due to excessive physical exertion and fever caused by the toxic effects of the drug.

A similar drug, similar to the previous one and approximately equal to it in terms of its effect on the body, but less commonly used - dimethoxymethylamphetamine - DOM (in slang - “STP”). Its chemical nature is similar to mescaline and causes similar hallucinatory-visual effects. Methylenedioxyamphetamine is also used - DMA (in slang - “love drug”, “soft”), MDE (in slang - “Eve”), DOET, etc.

Narcotic effects of stimulants on the human body

Stimulants stimulate the central nervous system, improve well-being and mood, promote a surge of energy, cause cheerfulness, a subjective feeling of increased strength, relieve fatigue, increase physical and mental performance, general activity and sthenicity, and activate mental activity. These drugs also stimulate intellectual activity, accelerating the flow of ideas and associations. At the same time, speech speeds up, the ease of finding words and switching is felt. There is a general mobilization of efforts and an increase in mental tone, a kind of readiness for action, greater self-confidence, perseverance, and determination. Some drugs cause a feeling of power, superiority over others. This can sometimes lead to aggressive tendencies. Many drugs increase blood pressure, heart rate and breathing.

In medicine, stimulants are used in neurological and psychiatric practice for various depressions and other diseases accompanied by drowsiness, lethargy, and are also prescribed during childbirth. Previously, stimulants were used more widely. For example, amphetamines in the 20s of the XX century. used to treat obesity, colds, narcolepsy - a disease in which a person sleeps uncontrollably, and, oddly enough, were used in the treatment of hyperactive children and many other diseases. Amphetamines are now rarely used in practical medicine, mainly because they are so easy to abuse.

The effect of central nervous system stimulants is largely due to their influence on the body’s energy processes. However, the mechanism of this action is somewhat different for different means. For example, phenamine and pervitin increase the resynthesis of ATP in the brain - a substance necessary for normal metabolic processes in the heart muscle and brain cells. Stimulation by caffeine and some other means occurs due to increased use of energy reserves. Although they increase physical and mental performance, they actually only mobilize the body’s reserves, “spur” it, acting as if as a whip. The feeling of vigor, clarity of thinking, increased mood, activity does not last long - a few hours, giving way to a feeling of fatigue, general weakness, weakness, depression, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, which are all the more pronounced and lasting, the larger the dose of the stimulant substance was taken.

Stimulants gradually impair the ability to remember. These drugs eliminate the physiological need for natural rest and normal recuperation, which ultimately, with prolonged use, can lead to depletion of nerve cells. For narcotic purposes, stimulants are used in high doses, more often orally, less often intravenously. Some of them chew, for example cat. There are other ways to use them.

Due to the difficulty of acquiring narcotic drugs, drugs prepared by homemade methods have recently appeared. One of them, in the slang of drug addicts, is called “shirk” - this is a homemade drug that is a derivative of pervitin. A rather dangerous drug is ephedron - a product of artisanal processing of medical products containing ephedrine (ointments and drops for the common cold, some anti-asthmatic drugs, for example solutan, etc.). In the jargon of drug addicts, ephedrone is called “marcephalus”, “Jeff cocktail”, “mulka”, “murtsovka”, etc. Given the great danger, ephedrone is included in the list of drugs. Pervitin and ephedrone are phenylalkelamines with amphetamine-like effects. They are administered almost exclusively intravenously, although most amphetamines are taken orally.

Stimulants as doping for athletes

Here we cannot fail to mention doping, which, unfortunately, is still widely used by athletes, of course, in the strictest secrecy. These are, as a rule, substances that stimulate the offensive impulse and vital activity of the body, its stamina and endurance, which helps to achieve higher results that are inaccessible to an athlete under normal conditions. We can say that doping is a whip, artificially cruelly pushing the athlete’s body, often forcing him to exceed the boundaries of his own capabilities.

Additional articles on this topic:

Nervous system stimulants are a group of pharmacological drugs that increase stimulation of the nervous system.
Medicines that stimulate the nervous system can increase blood pressure, mental and physical performance, increase reaction speed, reduce drowsiness and fatigue, increase attention, improve mood, and temporarily reduce the need for sleep. They act non-selectively, that is, in high dosages they stimulate the entire central nervous system, regardless of the point of their main application. Refers to doping.
The areas of application of nervous system stimulants today are gerontology (vascular and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system in the elderly). Treatment of various cerebrovascular disorders (stroke, chronic disorders), pediatric neurology (treatment of postnatal encephalopathy, pyramidal disorders, decreased concentration syndrome). Unfortunately, it is worth noting that Nervous system stimulants for all of the above conditions have not been subjected to large randomized trials and are classified as drugs with unproven effects. The issue of prescribing drugs in pediatric practice remains controversial, especially the issue of prescribing phentamine derivatives in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly. The use of analeptic drugs in the treatment of arterial hypotension, reflex cessation of breathing, and psychostimulants in the treatment of depression and narcolepsy is justified.
The use of any stimulants of the nervous system in healthy individuals in order to increase performance, concentration, and learning ability.

Drugs that stimulate the nervous system

Nervous system stimulants are divided into the following groups.

I. Psychostimulants. They accelerate metabolic processes in organs and tissues, primarily in the brain. Raises blood pressure and increases heart rate. Accelerate energy exchange of tissues. At high dosages and long-term use, they deplete the body. They cause withdrawal syndrome, rebound syndrome, addiction and addiction.
1. Psychomotor(adrenergic agonists of indirect or mixed action). Used for depression and narcolepsy. Cause pronounced addictions.
Purine derivatives: caffeine-sodium benzoate. Enhances the utilization of energy resources, thereby achieving the effect of stimulating the body.
Phenamine (amphetamine). Phenylalkylamine derivative. Increases the restoration of adenosine triphosphoric acid in the brain, which normalizes metabolism in the cells of the heart muscle and brain. Stimulates serotonin and adrenergic receptors. Increases the effects of norepinephrine and dopamine, inhibiting their reuptake.
Sidnocarb. A derivative of sydnonimine.
2. Psychometabolic(nootropics) accelerate metabolism in neurocytes, affecting only pathologically altered tissues. They are used for metabolic disorders in the nerve cells of the brain (treatment of traumatic brain injuries, strokes, encephalopathies of various origins, chronic cerebrovascular accidents).
Racetams: nootropil (piracetam), aniracetam, rolisiracetam.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid derivatives: phenibut, pantogam, picamilon.
Polypeptides: cortexin, cerebrolysin;
Neuropeptides: semax.

II. Analeptics. Stimulators of the vasomotor and respiratory centers located in the medulla oblongata. The main use is to stimulate breathing.
1. Direct action.
Bemegrid. Respiratory center stimulator. Used to stimulate breathing in case of poisoning with fluorotane and barbiturates.
Etimizol. Has low toxicity. Drug of choice for pediatric practice. Used for respiratory depression.
2. Reflex action.
Cititon. It is used for carbon monoxide poisoning, like lobeline.
Symptom Mild peripheral circulatory analeptic.
3. Mixed action.
Nicetamide (cordiamin). Nicotinic acid diethylamide. It has a stimulating effect on both the respiratory center and the carotid sinus receptors, increasing blood pressure and stimulating respiration.

III. Spinal cord stimulators. Strengthen reflex reactions, improve taste, vision, hearing, and touch. Increases skeletal muscle tone. They have a stimulating effect on the vasomotor and respiratory centers.
Prescribed for hypotension, weakened cardiac activity due to intoxication, for paresis and paralysis.
Securenin. Alkaloid.

IV. Adaptogens(general tonics) improve the body’s adaptability to the environment, including its adverse effects. They help stabilize the body’s condition when exposed to physical, chemical, and biological components. Helps the body cope with stress. These effects are achieved through the use of the body's reserve forces. With prolonged and uncontrolled use, they can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, disruption of hormonal and immune adaptation mechanisms. In this regard, the use of adaptogens should be carried out under medical supervision.
1. Animals.
2. Vegetable.
Preparations of eleutherococcus, lemongrass, ginseng, rosea radiola, aralia.

Depending on the point of application of their action, stimulants of the nervous system are divided into:
1. Drugs that act directly on the central nervous system.
a) stimulants of the cerebral cortex (phenamine, sydnocarb, meridol);
b) stimulants of the respiratory and vasomotor centers in the medulla oblongata (nicetamide, bemegride, etimizol);
c) spinal cord stimulants (strychnine, securenine).
2. Drugs with a reflex effect on the central nervous system (nicotine, lobeline, veratrum).

Stimulants of the nervous system cause withdrawal syndrome with abrupt cessation of use and rebound syndrome with large dosages and long-term use: excitation of the central nervous system is replaced by depression. Causing dependencies. With prolonged and uncontrolled use, they deplete the cardiovascular system and cause mental disorders. Self-administration of nervous system stimulants is unacceptable. It is mandatory to consult a doctor before starting to take the drug. Dosages and courses must be strictly observed. A lot of side complications, addiction and dependence are the price to pay for uncontrolled use of nervous system stimulants.

Library Nutrition and sports Stimulants


Stimulants are substances that directly stimulate the central nervous system, increasing brain arousal, heart rate, and metabolic rate. The effect of stimulants is similar to the effect obtained from the action of adrenaline.

The effect of stimulants is a decrease in fatigue, an increase in excitability and the ability to concentrate.

Illegal stimulants such as amphetamines, cocaine, ephedrine and caffeine can be found in a variety of medications, including those that can be purchased over the counter at pharmacies. There are cases where athletes were disqualified for using ephedrine, which entered their body with medications for allergies, hypertension and the common cold. This places additional responsibility on the athlete and requires caution when using simple medications even during a cold. Substances of this class may contain some drugs obtained from plant materials.

Taking one of the well-known stimulants, caffeine, at a dose of 5-8 mg per 1 kg of body weight has a pronounced effect on endurance indicators in a bicycle ergometer test in runners and strength indicators in bodybuilders. Caffeine can be “extracted” from coffee by taking it before a race or workout. However, caffeine is a doping, and the IOC Medical Commission allows a maximum dose of caffeine in the blood (!) for athletes of 12 mcg/ml. This amount is contained in 5-6 cups of coffee. Thus, caffeine can be both a doping and an ergogenic drug, depending on the dosage.

CNS stimulants are designed to make our bad times in life less difficult and relieve some of the moral burden. Everyone chooses their own means. Some people drink a lot of coffee, others prefer alcohol, and still others even drink a special sedative. We will try to figure out whether this is correct and whether such stimulants can be called drugs.

CNS stimulants - effect on the body

Stimulants can increase the rate at which basic processes occur in the body. After taking them, a person feels a surge of vigor, incredible lightness and self-confidence. At such moments you think, “Now I’ll move mountains!” After stimulants, difficult annual reports are easily and quickly filled out, lectures are learned in one night, and other actions are performed that require significantly more time.

But this does not go unnoticed for the body. Interestingly, they were originally sold to people with mental disorders, and later were given to military suicide bombers before going into battle. Therefore, the narcotic properties of such a substance have been mastered for a long time. Their regular use has a negative impact on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. Today there are many stimulants, both illegal and not.

Types of CNS stimulants

The following types of central nervous system stimulants are not prohibited in the world:

  • Nicotine;
  • Caffeine;
  • Ephedrine;
  • Chafir.

Illicit drugs have a much stronger effect on the psyche, for example:

  • Amphetamine;
  • Methamphetamine;
  • Crack;
  • Cocaine;

Mild stimulants

Mild CNS stimulants are widely used and used by people all over the world. These include caffeine, ephecrine and nicotine. Coffee and cigarettes are regularly advertised on television, in glossy magazines and on the silver screen.

By consuming caffeine in small quantities, you can get rid of fatigue, the desire to sleep and cheer up. Interestingly, this substance is found in much higher concentrations in tea than in coffee. Although it is generally accepted that the opposite is true. Caffeine is obtained from coffee beans and leaves.

Caffeine stimulates the cerebral cortex, which is why it produces such an effect of vivacity and extreme lightness. Thanks to this, it is much easier and more productive to work and complete the assigned tasks. People with a weak nervous system can become aggressive due to caffeine and have difficulty sleeping. In such cases, people try to stay away from such a substance.

Cigarettes containing nicotine are in second place in popularity. Many people feel relaxed during and after smoking, bad thoughts leave them and they stop being aggressive. But smoking has many side effects, including death from lung cancer. Therefore, if you have not started smoking, then it is better not to take up this harmful habit. Even with a strong desire to quit smoking, sometimes it is very difficult; anti-nicotine patches, chewing gum, and special literature are used.

Ephedrine is taken by athletes or women who want to lose weight. More recently, it was used for medicinal purposes to treat asthma and allergies.

In our country it is very difficult to find due to the fact that other potent drugs can be prepared from the drug. The effect of the drug is amazing; for a while, those who take it become stronger, do not feel pain and become more intelligent. Vigor and a surge of strength appear. All these symptoms disappear when the medicine leaves the body.

Heavy central nervous system stimulants

Heavy central nervous system stimulants are more dangerous for humans because their overdose can cause death or end up in intensive care. Cocaine, methamphetamine, and amphetamine cause hallucinations, feelings of euphoria, and a variety of other symptoms. However, they cloud a person's judgment and prevent him from performing daily tasks normally.

In addition, it should be noted the enormous negative harm that drugs have on the human body. Due to constant use of drugs, problems with the kidneys, heart, mucous system or lungs may occur. This largely depends on the duration and method of taking the prohibited substance.

Amphetamine, for example, can significantly increase a person’s physical strength, but at the same time makes him aggressive and dangerous to people around him.

Cocaine tends to be expensive, so not rich people prefer the cheap alternative in the form of crack. It is less pure and may contain impurities, but the effects of the drug are very similar to those of cocaine.

It is highly discouraged to try these substances as they are highly addictive, and treating psychological and physical addiction to illicit substances can require a lot of time and effort. In addition, drugs have a destructive effect on the body and its key systems.

Consequences of taking

The consequences of taking stimulants of the unequal system may vary depending on how often and in what doses a person allows himself such weakness. This will negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract. If we mention energy drinks that contain caffeine and other stimulants, it has been proven that their use led to heart problems in a young man and death due to this.

Abuse of any stimulants is fraught with negative consequences, so it is worth finding an alternative to them and trying meditation, reading or walking in the fresh air in order to distract yourself and get on a positive note.

Deliberate impact on the body, depriving it of sleep, normal daily routine, proper nutrition and other necessary standards can also have a negative impact, so reconsider your views on this and try to limit yourself in such substances that affect the heart, brain and other key organs.

By doing this, you will not ruin your health and will live a long, happy life, not burdened by the need to visit doctors, treat your heart, do cardiograms and recover from such stimulation.

Video CNS stimulants - student drugs

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Gadgets that affect human muscles using electricity have been on the market for decades. During this time, their reputation changed. At first they gained insane fame and became a hit on TV shopping, because the advertising promised people to build muscle without much effort. Then came the time of disappointment in EMS technology, when everyone realized that it was impossible to become a muscleman without training and dieting.

But over time, EMS myostimulants did not disappear from the shelves: consumers still saw beneficial properties in them. Yes, they won’t turn a skinny geek into Conan the Barbarian, but they will help with muscle recovery and pain relief, and will also be useful to professional athletes during difficult training courses and rehabilitation from injuries.

We have put together all the important information about EMS stimulators, their close relatives TENS, and you can choose the best functional and inexpensive electromyostimulators.

Muscle stimulator - EMS Smart Fitness

This is an excellent electric myostimulator that is powered by batteries that are inserted into the control unit. This gadget is suitable for both beginners and athletes of any gender. With its help, without going to the gym, you can get rid of extra pounds of weight and remove cellulite, as well as pump up your muscles.

The myostimulator is turned on using the middle button. It comes with an ab pad and two pads for the arms and legs. If you attach it loosely to your body, EMS Smart Fitness will turn off within seconds.

The main advantage of this model is the presence of 15 intensity levels. At the same time, you can adjust the switching to the next level more powerfully yourself, which is very convenient even for a beginner. Also, if the sensation is too strong for yourself, you can quickly reduce the level of intensity of the impact on the muscles. The truth is that the kit does not include AA batteries, which is very inconvenient and you have to buy them separately.

Review from a real buyer This stimulator helped me quite quickly lose some weight and tone up my abs. True, from the very beginning, it seemed that it was useless, as it turned out later, there was a defect, and I changed it. Now I'm completely happy with my purchase!

Body stimulator "BODY TRAINER MIO"

A body muscle stimulator is a very cool gadget. Thanks to the active stimulation of muscles with the help of a myostimulator, there is an increase in blood circulation, a decrease in fat and weight loss. At the same time, the muscles are not tense at all, but rather relax, unlike training in the gym on exercise machines. The myostimulator has 4 automatic programs of influence in the form of repeated types of massage, as well as 6 mechanical programs of influence.

In addition, the gadget with an original design and timer has as many as 18 intensity levels, which you can switch independently. And an even bigger advantage is that the myostimulator has a reliable battery that lasts a long time without charging, as well as a USB charger, which is convenient to take with you. The only drawback is that the price of the myostimulator is not affordable for everyone.

Review from a real buyer Mixed feelings about this device. Personally, it only helped me relax in the evening when I turned it on. I did not observe any muscle gain. I also didn’t see any reduction in fat. If you use it purely for energy boost and muscle tone, then the device is worthy.

Myostimulator for rehabilitation - Onron E4

Myostimulator Onron E4, using low and high frequencies, affects various parts of the body, relieving pain. The gadget is unique in that it uses 7 different operating modes for different needs without getting used to it. It even improves blood circulation for numb parts of the body, cramps, and heaviness in the arms and legs.

The myostimulator has great benefits for all people. It can be used by both elderly and children, except for contraindications for certain diseases. Very often this myostimulator is used for electrical stimulation in diseases of muscles and joints. The effectiveness of treatment with a myostimulator has already been proven by many people. The only bad thing is that the electrodes are delicate and can quickly break off.

Review from a real buyer Excellent myostimulator! I especially liked the abundance of his work! You just turn it on and watch TV and do other things. Very easy to use and the price is reasonable.

Stimulator STL ANMS Mercury

This is an excellent device for the neuromuscular system, suitable for physiotherapeutic procedures, which can be carried out anywhere, since the myostimulator is very light in weight and can be taken with you. It is also pleasing that the duration of the procedure can be chosen at will from 5 minutes to an hour and a half. It all depends on the needs for using a myostimulator for treatment. When stimulating muscle activity with this device, they contract without releasing lactic acid, which has a strong negative effect on the muscles and poisons them.

The intensity of work is regulated independently, and the myostimulator runs on 4 batteries, which need to be changed if necessary. This is very inconvenient and there is not enough battery to charge. In addition, the price is also expensive, but in general, this is an effective device for solving many muscle problems.

Review from a real buyer Very pleasant sensations from this stimulator. I've been using it for about 3 weeks, no complaints, on the contrary, only admiration for its performance! I liked the kit for installing the device. The battery lasts a long time and you don’t have to change it often!

Comparative table of the best myostimulators


Main characteristics


Bradex IMPULSE Ems Pro

Type: myostimulator, pulse frequency: 90 – 200Hz, material: PVC, metal, silicone, power: runs on 2 AAA batteries

EMS SmartFitness

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