Calcium Zinc Magnesium. Dry skin of the hands, reasons for what to do, folk remedies. Instructions for use Solgar Calcium, magnesium, zinc: method and dosage

German company specialists MAXLER developed a complex of the three most important minerals for the body - Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, plus a few additional ingredients. Regular intake contributes to the overall strengthening of the body, maintaining health during periods of training.

Muscle growth and the stress received by the body during exercise increases the need for calcium, MAXLER Calcium Zinc Magnesium replenishes the loss of minerals and thus stimulates the proper functioning of the main body systems.

Useful effects and features MAXLER Calcium Zinc Magnesium

  • preservation health of bones and teeth;
  • maintaining health of nails, hair and skin;
  • exception development of osteoporosis;
  • maintaining work of the central nervous system;
  • good dream;
  • preservation functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulation muscle contractions;
  • improvement metabolism;
  • strengthening immunity.

Calcium- supports the health of bone tissue, the cardiovascular system, stimulates the development of muscle mass, plays an important role in the process of muscle contractions, the role of calcium in immune processes is important.

Magnesium - participates in bone formation, carbohydrate and energy metabolism, regulates the functioning of the nervous system, controls blood glucose levels, maintains normal blood pressure and metabolism.

Zinc - protection of immunity during intense physical activity, regulates appetite, affects the speed of wound healing and maintains skin elasticity. Stimulates the synthesis of adrenal hormones and sex hormones, spermatogenesis. With zinc deficiency, various lesions of the skin and mucous membranes occur - dermatitis, baldness.

Part MAXLER Calcium Zinc Magnesium also includes copper, silicon and boron, which help the body stay strong and strong for a long period.

Copper - stimulates the oxidation of glucose and prevents the breakdown of glycogen in the liver, enhances the hypoglycemic effect of insulin, participates in the construction and regeneration of bone tissue, improves digestion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, participates in the synthesis of collagen.

Bor- is contained in bone tissue, makes it strong and protects against such a serious disease as osteoporosis. maintains normal levels of male and female sex hormones necessary for bone health. With the participation of Boron, vitamin D is converted and works in the body, and therefore calcium is better absorbed.

Silicon - It is present in all tissues and organs, from hair to blood cells. Silicon compounds are necessary to maintain the strength and elasticity of connective tissues and epithelium, helps to remove toxins, fungi, harmful bacteria from the body. The elasticity of the skin, walls of blood vessels, tendons is due to the content of silicon compounds. Silicon plays an important role in the process of assimilation of other elements: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, aluminum, sodium, etc.

Glutamic acid- participates in the process of nitrogen metabolism in the body, stimulates the oxidation of brain tissues and has a positive effect on the central nervous system. To put it simply, glutamic acid is combustible for our brain.

The human body is especially in dire need of increased consumption of minerals during periods of intense physical exertion, as well as diets. MAXLER Calcium Zinc Magnesium indispensable for athletes who receive constant stress on the musculoskeletal system.

All components MAXLER Calcium Zinc Magnesium are contained in optimal concentrations for professional athletes, which contributes to their effective assimilation

Compound MAXLER Calcium Zinc Magnesium

Substance content in one portion

3 tablets

Calcium (calcium carbonate)

Magnesium (magnesium oxide)

Zinc (zinc oxide)

Copper (copper oxide)

Boron (boron citrate)*


Glutamic acid*

Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, pharmaceutical glaze.

Take three tablets throughout the day, preferably with or immediately after meals.

Stimulates the work of all organs and tissues of the body!


Contraindications : individual intolerance to the components of the product. Pregnancy and lactation.

Storage conditions : Store in a dry place out of direct sunlight in the original packaging. Keep away from children and pets.

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs certain vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, not all health benefits can be obtained from food. Sometimes it is necessary to use biologically active additives. One of these tools is discussed in the article.

"Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc" ("Solgar"): general characteristics

This dietary supplement from the manufacturer Solgar contains substances necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. It contains the following trace elements:

  1. Calcium (needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth).
  2. Magnesium (helps strengthen the nervous system, muscles).
  3. Zinc (an important trace element that keeps nails and hair healthy, helps to cope with stress and overexertion).

As additional components, the preparation contains vegetable cellulose, glycerin, citric and stearic acids. In the manufacture of Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc (Solgar), yeast, milk, wheat, gluten, soy, sugar and aromatic additives are not used. The drug does not contain components of animal origin, so it can be taken by those who do not eat meat.

Since plant components are used in the manufacture of dietary supplements, its properties (hue, smell) may vary depending on environmental conditions. The medicine is made in the USA. The manufacturer aims to ensure that the product they produce is as natural and safe as possible. The dietary supplement will be useful for those who would like to strengthen bones, nails and hair.

"Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc" ("Solgar"): instruction

The only contraindication to the use of dietary supplements is the period of childbearing, breastfeeding. As side effects of the supplement "Solgar" "Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc" is usually called individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug. In order for the product not to lose its useful properties, it should be stored properly. The medicine must be kept in a dark place. After opening the container, you need to remove the cotton wool that is on the surface of the jar. It is not recommended to place the medicine in the refrigerator.

Advantages of the tool

About the preparation of the company "Solgar" "Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc" reviews are positive. Experts believe that the drug has a beneficial effect on the body, as it provides a complex effect. Deficiency of trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and zinc has an extremely negative effect on physical well-being. Their deficiency can cause brittle bones, insomnia, headaches and muscle pain, joint problems, heart rhythm disturbances, irritability. There is a deterioration in cognitive functions, a decrease in concentration, memory suffers. A person has weight loss, brittle nails and hair, increased fatigue.

Most people who have used this dietary supplement are satisfied with its action. They believe that the drug helps to cope with stress, normalizes sleep and stabilizes the emotional state. Women during menopause, young mothers also speak about its effectiveness. Judging by customer reviews, this remedy is excellent for joint problems, reduces bone fragility. With weakened, exfoliating nails, it is also effective, gives a more noticeable result than cosmetics.

The dietary supplement helps to cope with fatigue and muscle cramps. In addition, "Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc" ("Solgar") provides the body with the necessary substances that it does not receive for some reason (for example, if a person is on a diet). The drug also helps with heart problems, normalizes its rhythm. The composition is well absorbed, does not provoke side effects. The tablets are neutral in taste and easy to swallow.


However, not all buyers are satisfied with the effect of the drug. Some say that the dietary supplement was ineffective for problems with hair and teeth. Also on the Internet you can find reviews of those buyers in whom the product caused individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up the composition. In some patients, adverse reactions such as dizziness, vomiting, respiratory disorders, skin rashes and fever were observed during the intake. There are also consumers who are not satisfied with the release form - the packaging seems heavy to them, and the tablets are large. In addition, some say that taking a supplement three times a day is not too convenient for them.

Despite the mass of care products for the skin of the hands, the problem of dryness haunts almost every woman, regardless of age. This problem is accompanied by a lot of troubles: irritation, peeling, cracks, wounds, unattractive appearance. To eliminate dry skin of the hands, it is important to identify and get rid of the causes of it.

Dry hands can be caused by many reasons, including:

  • The negative impact of environmental factors: windy and cold weather makes the skin rough, it thickens, resulting in redness and cracks, and the sun contributes to its dehydration and accelerates its aging processes. Sharp fluctuations in air temperature can cause dry spots on the skin for some.
  • Influence of detergents: daily contact with household chemicals gradually destroys the epidermis layer, depriving it of its natural protection. As a result, allergic reactions, cracks, various dermatitis, irritation and excessive dryness of the skin may occur.
  • A lack of vitamins or beriberi, which usually occurs in spring and autumn, is also the cause of dry skin.
  • Insufficient or lack of hand care also affects the condition of the skin. Lack of nutrition and hydration is the source of many problems.
  • Dryness can also be a congenital phenomenon. In this case, intensive and regular care will help.

Care tips.
The skin of the hands contains much less moisture than, say, the skin of the face. In addition, it has practically no sebaceous glands, which makes it vulnerable and prone to dryness. That is why it requires regular and thorough care.

In caring for your hands, you should follow one important rule - keep your hands perfectly clean. Every time, especially after going to the toilet, you should wash your hands with warm water and a mild soap, moisturizing lotion or special gel, as they do not dry out the skin, unlike ordinary soap. After washing, the hands should be thoroughly dried with a towel, including the areas between the fingers. Carelessly, hastily wiped hands leave moisture on the surface, which, when evaporated, leads to dry skin.

For daily hand skin care, use creams and lotions that contain a large amount of moisturizing ingredients, in particular, glycerin, lactic acid or sorbitol. When caring for your hands, you can use a regular moisturizer for up to thirty years, and then the cream must include sun filters that prevent the formation of age spots.

According to the recommendations of most cosmetologists, it is necessary to lubricate the hands with cream after each wash. In this case, it is better if the cream contains plant extracts. In addition, you should protect your skin from the weather by applying a protective nourishing cream before going outside, especially in winter or spring.

When performing daily cleaning or any work that involves prolonged contact with water or household chemicals, it is important to protect your hands with vinyl or rubber gloves. By the way, before putting on gloves, it is recommended to apply a caring nourishing cream to your hands.

If you stained your hands with paint while painting any surface yourself, do not use gasoline, kerosene or acetone to clean your skin. Such solvents perfectly remove impurities, but dry the skin very much. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to use special detergents for hard-to-wash stains.

Do not neglect mittens and gloves in cold periods of time.

In the summer, don't forget to protect your hands too. The negative effect of ultraviolet radiation causes various damage to the skin, makes it even more dry and contributes to the appearance of cracks. Therefore, every time before going outside, you should use sunscreen for hands with an SPF content of at least fifteen.

In the cold period of time, you should warm your hands. In addition, in the spring and autumn, you should consume as many vitamins as possible (fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.).

Folk remedies.

Masks and compresses for dry skin of the hands.
Any vegetable oil (olive, linseed, sunflower) effectively softens the skin of the hands, restoring its elasticity. The oil is slightly heated in a water bath, several gauze layers are impregnated with it, which are then applied to the hands, waxed paper is fixed on top and cotton gloves are put on. If the skin has minor lesions, one procedure will be enough. With rather serious hand problems (cracks, peeling, wounds), such a wrap should be carried out at least twice a week until the skin condition improves significantly. Warm oil can simply be rubbed into the skin of the hands for fifteen to thirty minutes, until it is completely absorbed.

Dry skin of the hands will also be helped by an effective homemade cream, which can be prepared from pork and lamb fat, taken in equal proportions and melted in a water bath. Pour the mixture into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Every day, rub this cream into the skin of the hands at night.

Olive oil masks are also considered the most effective remedy for dry skin. To prepare it, combine a tablespoon of slightly warmed olive oil with a teaspoon of moisturizing hand cream and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mass should be well beaten. Apply the resulting composition in a dense layer on the skin of the hands and put on cotton gloves. Leave the mask on all night. It is advisable to carry out this procedure once a week.

A mixture prepared from five drops of ammonia, two tablespoons of glycerin and three tablespoons of water will perfectly soften the skin. Rub the mixture into damp skin of the hands, and then wipe them dry with a towel.

A mixture of a tablespoon of glycerin and half a glass of water with the addition of the juice of half a lemon will help soften and moisturize dry skin of the hands. Rub the resulting composition into clean skin of the hands.

Perfectly eliminates dry skin of the hands and cracks such a mixture: grind 100 g of fresh herb herb and pour half a liter of olive oil, after which the mixture is insisted for a week. After that, the resulting composition is applied to rough skin areas, including hands, knees and elbows.

A mask of whipped chicken protein with the addition of the juice of one lemon will help get rid of roughness and roughness on the hands. Apply the composition for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water, and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Such an ointment softens the skin of the hands well: slightly warm linseed oil in a water bath, combine with honey, add yolk and lemon juice. All ingredients are taken care of.

Soothe dry and chapped skin with a mask of coltsfoot leaves. To prepare it, you need to grind the fresh leaves of this plant. Take two tablespoons of the resulting herbal gruel and combine with a glass of fresh milk. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water, and grease your hands with a nourishing cream.

Boil a couple of potatoes in their skins, mash with the addition of milk and butter to a puree state. Apply the mass in a warm form on the skin of the hands, hold for fifteen to thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water. Lubricate the skin of the hands with a nourishing cream.

Cook oatmeal, add vegetable oil and cool until warm. Put your hands in the resulting porridge for twenty minutes, it is advisable to carry out such a procedure at night.

Sour cream compress will be an ambulance for your dry hands: combine a glass of medium-thickness sour cream with chicken yolk and add the juice of one lemon. Moisten a gauze napkin in the resulting composition and put it on your hands, wrap it with cling film on top and put on cotton gloves or wrap it with a towel. To withstand such a compress for twenty minutes, after which its remnants should be removed with a cotton pad. After the procedure, it is recommended to wear cotton gloves. This procedure is best done at night.

This compress will not only eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, but also make it smooth and supple. Mix a teaspoon of salicylic acid with a mixture of honey and olive oil, preheated in a water bath, taken in half a glass. Distribute the resulting composition in a warm form on a gauze napkin and put on your hands. Wrap with polyethylene on top and wrap with a towel. Hold the compress for twenty minutes, then remove the remnants of the product with a cotton pad previously moistened with lemon juice.

This mask also helps with dryness: carefully grind two egg yolks with two tablespoons of honey and olive oil (1/3 cup). Stir the mass thoroughly to get a homogeneous paste. Apply it on the skin of the hands and leave until completely dry. Then remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton pad.

Or this recipe for dry hands: combine two egg whites with the juice of two lemons and add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. The resulting composition should be wiped twice during the day the skin of the hands.

Hand baths.
Hand baths are an excellent way to soften the skin. In particular, baths from plantain infusion, prepared from a tablespoon of herbs and a liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture for thirty minutes. Keep the hands in the resulting broth for ten to fifteen minutes, after which they should be wiped dry and a greasy cream applied.

A decoction of chamomile will soften the skin of the hands and have a healing effect on cracks. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of chamomile (flowers) with a liter of boiling water and insist for fifteen minutes. Then lower the hands into the decoction at a temperature (40-42 ° C) for twenty minutes. After that, lightly dry your hands with a soft cloth and apply a fat cream.

Fifteen-minute baths of hot sage infusion prepared from two tablespoons of leaves and 400 ml of boiling water will help soothe dry and cracked skin of the hands, as well as relieve inflammation. The mixture is infused until completely cooled, then filtered. Instead of infusion, you can use a decoction of plantain, prepared from a decoction of two tablespoons of leaves and 400 ml of boiling water. The mixture is put on low heat and boiled for ten minutes, then cooled and filtered.

The serum bath also has a positive effect on the skin of the hands, eliminating dryness and flaking. Heat two cups of whey until warm. Lower the hands for fifteen minutes after the procedure, dry the hands with a towel.

The herbal bath will also soothe reddened and dry skin on the hands. Mix in equal proportions linden, chamomile, sage, mint and dill. Take two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist for twenty minutes, then keep the hand infusion in this. The procedure lasts no more than twenty minutes.

Heat any vegetable oil in a water bath and keep your hands in it for twenty to thirty minutes, it is advisable to carry out this procedure at least twice a week.

And finally, once a week pamper your hands with home SPA treatments. You can add essential oils (birch, bergamot, basil, grapefruit, clove, etc.) to warm water and dip your hands into it for twenty minutes. Then you should scrub dry skin with light circular movements using a delicate product (ideally gommage with fruit acids). Such a tool will gently cleanse the skin of dead cells, while not damaging it. After that, it is recommended to make oil wraps. Mix three tablespoons of olive (or linseed, sunflower) oil with a tablespoon of honey, put in a water bath and heat to a temperature of 40-45 ° C. In the resulting composition, a pre-prepared piece of gauze, folded in several layers, should be moistened and applied to the skin of the hands. On top of the gauze should be wrapped with a film and put on cotton gloves. The procedure is best done at night.

    BioTech Calcium Zinc Magnesium is a complex of minerals that is suitable for both athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle or take care of their health and want to improve their overall well-being.

    Trace elements are necessary for our body, but, unfortunately, it cannot synthesize them on its own, but receives them from various sources, namely food and special dietary supplements. These substances are needed for the proper functioning of the nervous system, the good condition of teeth, bones, nails, connective tissue, and simply supplying our body with energy for life and health.

    Release form

    100 tablets without taste.


    Ingredients: calcium carbonate, bulking agents (microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), dicalcium phosphate, magnesium oxide, hydrochloride, anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate, stearic acid), silica, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, boric acid.

    BioTech Calcium Zinc Magnesium Component Properties:

  1. Calcium is one of the most necessary substances for our body, which is a link in bones and teeth. In addition, it helps the normal functioning of the nervous system and is responsible for blood clotting.
  2. Thanks to magnesium, our bone tissue is strong enough, it normalizes phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  3. Phosphorus, another element along with calcium, is needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth.
  4. Zinc affects protein metabolism, supports the functioning of the reproductive system, and also strengthens the immune system.
  5. The lack of copper has an extremely negative effect on the state of the body, it can cause an increase in cholesterol in the blood, a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system.
  6. Boron ensures the proper flow of energy processes.
  7. Silicon is needed for the health of connective tissue and bones.

How to use

For the most effective assimilation of trace elements, you need to use dietary supplements between meals. Daily dosage - 3 tablets. They need to be washed down with water without gas, it is better to refuse hot drinks, soda.


The only restriction on admission is individual intolerance to the components. However, the manufacturer also does not recommend the use of the supplement by minors, pregnant and lactating women.


The mineral complex is not a medicine. It is forbidden to exceed the dosage of three tablets.


612 rubles for 100 tablets.

For weightlifters who use fantastic weights in their classes, exorbitant loads on muscle groups, the spine and the musculoskeletal system. Harmonious and saturated nutrition of the body will help in building muscle fibers, increasing muscle mass - all these factors put a lot of stress on your musculoskeletal system. Advanced bodybuilders pay due attention to their own health, and in addition to protein isolates and muscle gainers, they find it advisable to nourish and strengthen their ligamentous system, bones and tendons by including mineral preparations in their menu, such as Calcium-Zinc-Magnesium from Universal Nutrition.

Let us consider in detail the components of this complex.

Calcium is an essential mineral for the body. It helps the healthy functioning of the heart, kidneys, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Calcium has a very important function in the healthy life of the cell membrane, it helps this cell to pass a number of hormones and other elements into itself, and also helps to absorb vitamin B12. Lack of calcium in the body leads to osteoporosis, tooth loss, brittle hair, baldness, imbalance of hematopoiesis (changes blood clotting and capillary permeability). Calcium in the preparation Calcium-Zinc-Magnesium contains two types - calcium carbonate and dicalcium phosphate. Not casually, the volume of this component in the content of the drug is huge, in comparison with other elements - 1 gram per serving.

The use of the Calcium-Zinc-Magnesium complex gives the athlete the following number of advantages:

  • improving the efficiency of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improving the secretion of the hormone testosterone;
  • absorption;
  • reducing the possibility of getting kidney stones.

Zinc is an equally significant component of the diet of athletes. It helps in the proper functioning and release of the testosterone hormone, and also reduces an enzyme such as aromatase, which converts testosterone into estrogen. Growth hormone is called the main hormone for athletes, because thanks to it there is an increase in muscle mass by 70% during a normal, classic workout. 15 mg of zinc in one dose of Calcium-Zinc-Magnesium - and the release of this hormone will be at the proper level.

The presence of 600 mg of magnesium in each serving of Calcium-Zinc-Magnesium is a guarantee of gone muscle pain, cessation of convulsive contractions, good tone and high physical efficiency. The creation of energy through magnesium and the creation of protein fibers is another plus for an athlete to achieve high results. Hard classes in the gym are always accompanied by huge streams of sweat. Huge amounts of magnesium leave the body of an athlete along with sweat, and as a result, a lack of this component occurs in the body. When exercising with heavy weights, when exercising with weights, the use of a complex with magnesium will allow you not to deplete your body, prolong the feeling of tone and help your cardiovascular system work.

Silicon, copper and boron, contained in the Calcium-Zinc-Magnesium complex, will give the body the opportunity to always be strong and young. This complex is a necessary auxiliary nutrition for athletes who receive huge loads on the spine or musculoskeletal system while working in the gym with heavy weights.

Universal Nutrition's Calcium-Zinc-Magnesium Complex is composed of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and a mineral complex (copper, boron, silicon).

The Calcium-Zinc-Magnesium preparation will fit well into your diet, give your bones health, is an excellent absorbent, reduces the risk of kidney stones, and increases the volumes of testosterone and the hormone IHF 1.

Amount of nutrients per dose (3 tablets):

  • Calcium - 1 g
  • Magnesium (from oxide) 600 mg
  • Zinc (from oxide) 15 mg
  • Copper (from oxide) - 1 mg
  • Boron (from gluconate) 100 mcg
  • Silicon (from Dioxide) 20mg
  • Glutamic acid - 100 mg

Other elements: dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, whey.

Prohibited: if there is an individual intolerance to the elements of the complex, pregnant and lactating women. Before you start using the complex, be sure to consult your therapist.

Note: The product is not a drug.

Storage conditions: store the drug preferably in a place closed from sunlight, closed, in a dry and cool place. The expiration date is indicated on the package.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the elements of the complex, pregnant and lactating women.

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