But also at rest. The state of rest. The state of the vascular system and the heart

A physical body that exists in its own time and its own space is either in a state of motion or at rest. The theme of this work is the relation to each other of indistinguishable states of motion of the body and rest and distinguishable states of motion and rest of the body.

The great Italian physicist and astronomer, the creator of the foundations of mechanics G. Galileo (1564-1642) established the law of inertia:

In it, the Earth was taken as an inertial body, which is not affected by other bodies and which maintains a state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion. A sign of inertial bodies and systems was taken to be such their relation to the Earth, in which they retain a state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion.

Later, when it was proved that the Earth rotates around its axis and makes an annual revolution around the Sun, it could no longer be considered an inertial frame of reference for all other inertial bodies and systems. The formulation of Galileo's law of inertia was not supposed to contain the concept of the Earth.

The great English physicist, astronomer and mathematician, the founder of classical mechanics I. Newton (1642-1727) updated the formulation of Galileo's law of inertia:

A sign of inertial systems was taken to be their correspondence to Newton's second law.

The law of inertia of Galileo-Newton established the distinguishability of the state of rest and the state of motion of the body at different times of the existence of the body: at one time the body is at rest, at another time the same body is in a state of uniform rectilinear motion. Briefly speaking, movement is not rest, rest is not movement.

Another law, called Galileo's principle of relativity, stated:

It followed from it that the translational, uniform and rectilinear motion of the Earth as a whole does not have any effect on the physical processes occurring inside and on the earth's surface, no mechanical experiments carried out inside the inertial system can determine whether it is at rest or moving uniformly and rectilinearly. Briefly speaking, movement is rest, rest is movement.

It might seem that Galileo's principle of relativity contradicts the law of inertia, that one of them is true and the other is false.

In fact, it is not the relation of the law of inertia and the principle of relativity that contains a contradiction, but the relation of the state of rest to the state of motion contains a contradiction, which is reflected and expressed by the relation of the law of inertia and the principle of relativity of Galileo. The law of inertia and the principle of relativity introduce theoretical mechanics into the realm of dialectics.

The state of motion and the state of rest of the body are the same, having the same all signs and indistinguishable. On the other hand, they have different characteristics, are distinguishable and opposite.

Analysis of the unity of opposites requires not only considering the state of motion of the body, not only considering the state of rest of the body, but also considering the process of converting the state of motion into a state of rest and the state of rest into a state of motion. A suitable body for such consideration can be a pendulum that performs harmonic oscillations. The oscillations of the pendulum can be considered as a process of interaction of its internal forces: uniform and opposite, defining each other and excluding each other, i.e. representing unity of opposites.

In classical mechanics, inertial systems, for which Newton's basic laws are strictly observed, are in the foreground, and non-inertial oscillatory systems are in the background. In quantum mechanics, non-inertial oscillatory systems are in the foreground, and inertial systems are in the background. Therefore, quantum mechanics was originally called wave mechanics.

The famous French physicist Louis de Broglie in 1924 put forward a hypothesis about the universality of wave-particle duality. Previously, it was established that photons, for which there is no basic frame of reference, have corpuscular and wave properties. Louis de Broglie's hypothesis established that not only photons, but also electrons, neutrons, atoms and molecules, for which there are basic reference systems, have corpuscular and wave properties. Then de Broglie's hypothesis received experimental confirmation and became a reliable scientific theory. Despite this, the universality of the wave-particle duality was limited to the field of physics of the microworld.

In the article "Interpretation of wave mechanics" ( transl. from fr. published in the journal "Problems of Philosophy" No. 6, 1956.) Louis de Broglie wrote: “I tried to imagine a corpuscle as a very small local disturbance included in the wave, and this led me to consider the corpuscle as a kind of small clock, the phases of which must always be consistent with the phases of that wave, with which they are combined. Studying the difference between the behavior of the frequency of the corpuscle-clock and the frequency of the wave accompanying it, I noticed that the phase matching imposed on the rectilinearly and uniformly moving corpuscle a very definite movement in relation to the plane monochromatic wave, which I had to associate with it "/ "Philosophical questions of modern physics". Ed. I.V. Kuznetsova and M.E. Omelyanovsky, M., 1958, p. 80/.

In de Broglie's mental experiment, the movement of the clock corpuscle was piloted by a wave that played an active role in their interaction. The corpuscle-clock was in a subordinate relation to the wave, played a passive role in it, was in one common form with the wave, lost its corpuscular properties and acquired wave properties. Therefore, in the wave it became unobservable, non-localized and elusive.

Although de Broglie assumed and expected that the corpuscle-clock included in the wave would find itself in a certain place of the wave “as a very small local disturbance”, but his assumption and expectation were not confirmed.

The wave does not taste the corpuscle, as much as the frog, which expands his stomach and forms an observable local disturbance in a certain place of his body. De Broglie had to look for a corpuscle in a wave using a double solution of the wave equation and the corpuscle-clock equation. The values ​​of the wave function showed de Broglie that in a very small area, in the center of it, there is a mathematical singularity with an infinite value. Its origin was unknown and its meaning meaningless. Therefore, it was replaced by a large finite value and was not included in the corpuscular-wave theory and in the theory of double solution.

Since the result of the mental experiment of Louis de Broglie remained misunderstood and not included in the theory, I made changes and additions to the experiment. In particular, the corpuscle-clock was replaced by the pendulum of wall clocks such as clocks. And it was not the pendulum that was included in the wave, but the wave was included in the pendulum. Only these changes in the mental experiment of Louis de Broglie had as a consequence the spread of universal wave-particle duality to all physical bodies consisting of atoms and molecules.

It was possible to compare the observed harmonic oscillations of a pendulum with the unobserved harmonic oscillations of a particle of a linear harmonic oscillator and, by means of comparison, establish their one-to-one correspondence. At my disposal was a beautiful parallel that reveals many secrets. Among them, the secret of the origin of the zero energy level of a linear harmonic oscillator was revealed. The zero level energy turned out to be an exchange energy present in a harmonically vibrating particle, but not belonging to it. The linear harmonic oscillator turned out to be non-linear And open physical system. The pendulum also turned out to be not a conservative closed oscillatory system, inside which nothing changes and does not develop, but open physical system. The interaction of the pendulum and the wave turned out to exist in a subordinate relationship to an unobservable third external force.

The pendulum's own space and the waves and the outer space communicate through a very small area, through the center of which a portion of momentum enters the pendulum from the outside in one form at the beginning of the period of oscillation and goes out in another form at the end of the period. Moreover, at one certain moment of time, the amount of motion leaving the outer space completes the period, and the amount of motion entering the inner space begins a new period.

This small area was discovered by Louis de Broglie, in the center of which was a mathematical singularity with an infinite value. Behind the infinite value of the wave function, there was a two-way motion of two portions of momentum belonging to an unobservable external force. The amount of motion entering the pendulum from the outside spends its entire “life” in it.

From the beginning to the end of the period, “childhood”, “youth”, “youth”, “maturity”, “old age” and “decrepitude” of the momentum infused into the pendulum pass. At the end of the period, the old momentum is exchanged for the new momentum. The description of the act of exchange is a matter of the near future.

Now we consider the relation to each other of the state of motion and the state of rest of the pendulum, starting with its simplest form, which corresponds to the principle of relativity of Galileo.

A). Indistinguishable states of motion and states of rest belong to a body that exists in its own time and space, which are indistinguishable. Therefore, it can be assumed that

  • a moving body exists in time,
  • a moving body exists in linear space,
  • a body at rest exists in time,
  • a body at rest exists in linear space.

IN). The change and development of the form of the relation of the states of the body leads to the fact that the indistinguishable state of motion and the state of rest become distinguishable states of the body that exists in time and space, which have become distinguishable in relation to each other and in relation to themselves. The definite time of existence of a body differs from its indefinite time. The definite space of existence of a body differs from its indefinite space.

The movement of the pendulum from the upper right position through the lower position to the upper left position is carried out in half the period T time, which has a certain exact value. It is carried out on an indefinite changing length of space. Certain time is divisible by certain divisible moments of time, and indefinite time is not composed of indivisible "now" /Aristotle/.

A pendulum at rest in the upper right position, or in the upper left position, exists for a certain length L space indefinitely. A certain length of space is divisible into its divisible parts, and an indefinite length of space is not composed of indivisible "here".

Signs of the states of the pendulum can be generalized and expressed in the form math sentence, which consists of conditions and from the resulting conclusions.

Suggestion 1. If a body is in a state of uniform rectilinear motion, then it exists in its definite time and indefinite linear space.

Suggestion 2 the opposite. If the body exists in a certain time and indefinite space, then it is in uniform rectilinear motion.

The observed movement of the pendulum is not uniform and rectilinear. But it does not follow from this that the pendulum is not in uniform rectilinear unobservable motion. If it is possible to influence the pendulum and the wave of an unobservable external force, then the uniform rectilinear unobservable movement of the pendulum and the wave under the command of an external force is also possible.

Both sentences characterize the state of uniform rectilinear motion of the body, which is in one-to-one correspondence with the existence of the body in a certain time and indefinite space. body weight R , existing for a period of time T , has a momentum equal to the product of the weight R for a while T : p = RT.

Suggestion 3. If the body is at rest, then it exists indefinitely.

Proposal 4, the opposite. If a body exists in a certain linear space for an indefinite time, then it is at rest.

body weight R , existing on the length of a certain space, has the same amount of motion in magnitude, but of a directly opposite quality. The constant energy of the body is equal to the product of the weight R for length L : E = PL .

The pendulum has a constant weight R , B and the wave interacting with it has a variable weight R , according to the law of equality of action and reaction. The pendulum is in the upper extreme right, or left, position in unstable equilibrium in a state of rest and weightlessness. Variable weight, present in the substance of the pendulum, does not change its value by a single atom. By superimposing them on each other without mutual distortion, according to the principle of superposition, the constant weight of the pendulum is, as it were, supported from below by the variable weight of the wave and acquires the property of weightlessness.

In the lower extreme position, the pendulum crosses the vertical at an extremely high speed from right to left, or from left to right. The variable weight of the wave is superimposed on top of its constant weight. As a result of imposing a variable weight, the constant weight doubles.

WITH). Further change and development of the relationship between the state of motion and the state of rest leads to the fact that their difference turns into their direct opposite.

The body passes from the state of motion, which corresponds to the lowest level of development of the relationship, to the state of rest, which corresponds to the highest level of development of the relationship. The transition from the state of motion to the state of rest is possible not earlier than the end of time T movement states.

During T the impulse repeatedly passes from one, less developed, of its form to another, more developed, form. The pulse shapes follow one after the other in a strict order. And only the last form of impulse is capable of converting into the first form of energy. The conversion of momentum into energy does not occur instantly, not for one specific moment in time, but for the entire period T fluctuations from the first to the last moment.

In other words, as long as the momentum and the state of motion of the body exist, the process of converting the impulse into energy exists for the same amount of time, and the energy and the state of rest of the body exist for the same amount of time.

Parallel to momentum reversal RT into energy PL time reversal occurs T in length L space by superimposing them on top of each other without mutual distortion. As a result, a space-time interval is formed. Its beginning is the end of “pure”, unclouded by space, definite time. Its end is the beginning of a “pure”, unclouded by time, definite linear space.

In each of the four mathematical propositions there is an inseparable pair of either definite time and indefinite space of the body, or definite space and indefinite time of the body. These pairs show that any physical system cannot be in a state of motion or at rest, in which the time and space of the system simultaneously take on certain, exact values. This means that the relation of time and space to each other of any physical system is an uncertainty relation, one of the special cases of which is the uncertainty principle discovered in 1927 by W. Heisenberg. The coordinate of the center of inertia of the system is a linear space, and the momentum, in the dimension of which there is a dimension of time, is time.

Newton's law of universal gravitation describes the force of gravity as a quantity that depends on the distance i.e., on the length of the space between the interacting bodies, and does not depend on time. Why? The answer to the question helps to find Proposition 3. Interacting bodies are at a certain distance from each other in a state of rest. Resting bodies exist in a certain linear space indefinite time, which has no definite, precise meaning. The force of gravity cannot depend on an indefinite time. For the same reason, the force of interaction of electric charges is described by Coulomb's law as a quantity that depends on distance and does not depend on time. Electric charges at rest exist in a certain linear space indefinite time.

The basic equations of electrodynamics - Maxwell's equations - mean that the vortices of the electric and magnetic fields are determined by derivatives with respect to time and do not depend on the value of the length of space. Why?

moving vortices electric field are determined by the time derivative of the magnetic field, and the magnetic field - by the derivative by time from the electric field. Electric and magnetic vortices exist for a certain time in an indefinite space that has no definite length.

At the basis of the statement of the concept of long-range action is the existence of a vortex-like motion of the ether in certain time and indefinite space, while the assertion of the principle of short-range action is based on the existence of interacting bodies at rest in certain linear space indefinite time.

It would be possible to ask other questions and try to find answers to them. But it is better to wait for their independent appearance. Then the answers to them will arise by themselves.

The famous aporias of Zeno of Elea are directly related to the state of motion and the state of rest of the body.

See the article The relation of motion and rest in the aporias of Zeno of Elea

http://www.knowed.ru/index.php?name=pages&cat=20Physical exercises cause a deep restructuring in all organs and systems of the human body. The essence of the exercise is physiological, biochemical, morphological changes that occur under the influence of repetitive work or other types of work.

activity under varying load and reflecting the unity of consumption and restoration of functional and structural resources in the body.

So, the indicators of fitness at rest include:

1) changes in the state of the central nervous system, an increase in the mobility of nervous processes, a shortening of the latent period of motor reactions;

2) changes in the musculoskeletal system;

3) changes in the function of the respiratory organs, blood circulation, blood composition, etc.

A trained body expends less energy at rest than an untrained body. As studies of basal metabolism have shown, at rest, in the morning, on an empty stomach, the total energy consumption of a trained organism is lower than that of an untrained one by 10% and even 15%. This is partly due to the fact that trained individuals are better at relaxing their muscles than untrained individuals.

A similar trend is observed in the work of the heart. The relatively low level of cardiac output at rest in the trained compared to the untrained is due to the low heart rate. A rare pulse (bradycardia) is one of the main physiological companions of fitness. Athletes who specialize in stayer distances have a particularly low resting heart rate - 40 beats / min or less. It is almost never seen in people who do not exercise. For them, the most typical pulse rate is about 70 beats / min. Responses to standard (testing) loads in trained individuals are characterized by the following features: 1) all indicators of the activity of functional systems at the beginning of work (during the development period) are higher than in untrained people; 2) in the process of work, the level of physiological changes is less high; 3) period recovery is much shorter. At one and the same

At the same work, trained athletes expend less energy than untrained ones. The former have a smaller oxygen demand, a smaller amount of oxygen debt, but a relatively large proportion of oxygen is consumed during operation. .Consequently, the same work occurs in trained people with a greater share of participation in aerobic processes, and in untrained people - anaerobic ones.

At the same time, during the same work, the trained people have lower indicators of oxygen consumption, lung ventilation, and respiratory rate than the untrained ones.

Similar changes are observed in the activity of the cardiovascular system. Minute volume of blood, heart rate, systolic blood pressure increase during standard work to a lesser extent in more trained. Changes in the chemistry of blood and urine, caused by standard work, are usually less pronounced in more trained than in less trained. In the former, work causes less heating of the body and perspiration than in the latter.

Differences in the performance of the muscles themselves are characteristic. Electromyographic studies have revealed that the electrical activity of the muscles in trained people is not so much increased. as in the untrained, less long, concentrated at the moment of greatest effort, decreasing to zero during periods of relaxation. Higher rates of excitability of muscles and the nervous system, inadequate changes in the functions of various analyzers are especially pronounced in less trained.

The results of the research lead to two important conclusions regarding the effect of training. The first is that a trained organism performs standard work more economically than an untrained one. Training causes such adaptive changes in the body that cause economization of all physiological functions. In the process of training, the body acquires the ability to respond to the same work more moderately, its physiological systems begin to act in a more coordinated, coordinated manner, and forces are spent more economically. The second conclusion is that the same work, as fitness develops, becomes less tiring.

The human body, even at rest, consumes a lot of energy. Energy consumption during physical and mental labor increases several times. The body replenishes its strength from the consumed varied and thus complete food. The science of rational (proper) nutrition has proven that it is best for a healthy person to eat mixed food, that is, consisting of various products of animal and vegetable origin. The more varied the food, the healthier the food. It ensures the normal functioning of the body, high working capacity and longevity. Vegetable and animal products from which food is prepared consist mainly of various proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. All of them are necessary, but proteins, minerals, vitamins and water are of the greatest importance. Their deficiency leads to disease. On how and what a person eats from the very first days of his life, his health depends.
More than fifty years ago, the great Russian scientist I.P. Pavlov, receiving the Nobel Prize, began his response speech with the following words: “It is not without reason that concern for daily bread dominates all the phenomena of human life.” Is there any need to prove all the profound wisdom of these words? Everyone knows that malnutrition, systematic malnutrition lead to depletion of the body, to diseases.

During his life, every person experiences a feeling of hunger to a greater or lesser extent. Even a slight sensation of it disrupts the normal functioning of the whole organism: weakness, headache, absent-mindedness, irritability appear, mood deteriorates.
Therefore, systematic daily timely nutrition is the first vital need. At the same time, if the food is cooked deliciously, served and decorated appetizingly, it is with. eaten with pleasure, assimilated by the body as much as possible. It is not important to eat a lot, but it is important to assimilate what you eat as much as possible. I. P. Pavlov, in his famous lectures “On the work of the main digestive glands”, in the message “On the relationship of physiology and medicine to questions of digestion” and in other works, sets out his views on the conditions necessary for food to become a pleasure. Explaining the miraculous adaptability of the digestive glands to the type of food, I. P. Pavlov poses the question: “What is there in food that cannot be reproduced artificially?” And he answers: “It is clear that there can be nothing special in food, but there is something in this whole process: this is a mental moment - the enjoyment of food.” The works of the outstanding scientist contain many interesting statements about the significance of appetite, taste, smell and appearance of food, about the diet, about the physiological role of a certain sequence of dishes. All these elements I. P. Pavlov calls "complex hygiene of interest in food."

Resting state

The state of rest is created by the activation of specific regulatory mechanisms, although it was previously believed that rest is a passive state. But later it was found that in a state of rest, latent excitation can accumulate, and therefore rest is not a passive state. In this regard, Magnitsky A.N. considers rest as a state of excitement, and Ermakov N.V. directly relates rest to an active state, which he understands as a state that can be associated with excitation or inhibition. Ermakov believes that physiological rest is a state of hidden physiological activity, which is expressed by a changing ratio of latent excitation and latent inhibition, that is, rest is a special case of physiological activity.

Many scientists have a different opinion on this matter. For example, foreign representatives believed that rest is an inactive state, equal to zero from an energy point of view. Academician Ukhtomsky A.A. was the first to study the state of rest in more detail. He wrote that we usually believe that sleep is physiological rest par excellence, but we have no other reason for this, except for the sign that sleep brings "rest" and renewal from excitement and work. However, on the basis of this feature, we can also say that normal sleep is an activity specifically aimed at the processes of restoration in the tissues and organs that act during wakefulness.

Physiological rest is not a physiological state taken for granted, but the result of a complex development and organization of the processes of physiological activity. At the same time, the ability to maintain rest is the greater, the more quickly and more urgently the living system is able to complete the excitation in itself. This was proven in practice by N.V. Golikov, who demonstrated that increased lability corresponds to reduced excitability.

The scientist distinguishes between two forms of physiological rest - a minimum of physiological activity (relaxation) and operational rest of vigilant-watchful immobility (attention).

Pre-working state

Transitional between the state of physiological rest and the working state are the pre-working states of a person associated with thoughts about the upcoming activity and mobilization readiness for it.

1. Prelaunch state

During the pre-launch state, the body is adjusted to the activity, which is expressed in the activation of the vegetative system. Simply put, there is a readiness of the body and the human psyche for the upcoming activity, for responding to signals. The excitement of a person before the upcoming significant human activity also matters. The mechanisms for the emergence of pre-working adjustments are conditionally reflex in nature. Vegetative pre-work changes are observed even when a person simply finds himself in a familiar working environment, where he has repeatedly carried out activities, but where he does not need to work at the moment.

2. Prelaunch fever and apathy

Prelaunch fever, first described by O.A. Chernikova, is associated with strong emotional arousal. It is accompanied by absent-mindedness, instability of experiences, which in behavior leads to a decrease in criticality, to capriciousness, stubbornness and rudeness in relations with relatives, friends, coaches. The appearance of such a person immediately allows you to determine his strong excitement: his hands and feet tremble, they are cold to the touch, his facial features are sharpened, a spotty blush appears on his cheeks. With a long-term preservation of this state, a person loses his appetite, intestinal upset is often observed, pulse, respiration and blood pressure are increased and unstable.

Prelaunch apathy is the opposite of fever. It occurs in a person either when a person does not want to perform an upcoming activity due to its frequent repetition, or when, with a great desire to carry out an activity, as a result, “burnout” occurs due to long-lasting emotional arousal. Apathy is accompanied by a reduced level of activation, inhibition, general lethargy, drowsiness, slowness of movement, deterioration of attention and perception, slowing and uneven heart rate, weakening of volitional processes.

2. Combat excitement

From Puni's point of view, combat excitement is an optimal prelaunch state, during which a person's desire and mood for the upcoming fight is observed. Emotional arousal of medium intensity helps to mobilize and collect a person. A special form of the state of combat excitement is the behavior of a person in the event of a threat of aggression from another person in the event of a conflict.

Dashkevich O.V., revealed that in the state of “combat readiness”, along with an increase in the excitation process, there may also be some weakening of active internal inhibition and an increase in excitation inertia, which can be explained by the emergence of a strong working dominant.

Persons with a high degree of self-control show a desire to clarify instructions and tasks, to check and test the place of activity and equipment, there are no stiffness and an increased orienting reaction to the situation. The quality of task performance does not decrease, and vegetative indicators do not go beyond the upper limits of the physiological norm.

Prestart fever and prestart lethargy are thought to interfere with the effective performance of activities. However, practice shows that this is not always the case. First, it must be taken into account that the threshold for the occurrence of these conditions varies from person to person. In people of the excitable type, pre-start emotional arousal is much stronger than in people of the inhibitory type. Consequently, the level of excitement, which for the latter will be close to "fever", for the former will be the usual pre-launch state. Hence, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the emotional excitability and reactivity of different people. Secondly, in a number of activities, the state of starting fever can even contribute to the success of the activity (for example, with short-term intensive activity - running short distances at speed).

Probably, the negative impact of pre-start fever depends on its duration and type of work. A. V. Rodionov revealed that the pre-start excitement was more pronounced among the boxers who lost the fights even when there was one or two days left before the fight. The winners of the pre-launch excitement developed mainly before the fight. Thus, it can be assumed that the first ones simply “burned out”. In general, it should be noted that in experienced people (professionals) the pre-launch excitement is more precisely timed to the beginning of work than in beginners.

A decrease in the efficiency of activity can be observed not only with "fever", but also with superoptimal emotional arousal. This has been established by many psychologists. It was shown that along with the growth of prestart excitation, the heart rate and muscle strength increased; however, in the future, an increase in emotional arousal led to a decrease in muscle strength.

The severity of pre-work shifts depends on many factors:

Ш from the level of claims,

Ш from the need for this activity,

Ш from the assessment of the probability of achieving the goal,

Ш from individual typological personality traits

Ш from the intensity of the forthcoming activity.

An important question is how long before the activity it is expedient for the occurrence of prelaunch excitement. It depends on many factors: the specifics of the activity, motivation, length of service in this type of activity, gender, and even the development of intelligence. So, according to A. D. Ganyushkin, who considered these factors using the example of athletes, excitement two or three days before the start occurs more often in women (in 24% of cases) than in men (in 7% of cases); athletes with a more developed intellect (35%) than those with a secondary and eight-year education (13 and 10%, respectively). The author connects the latter feature with the fact that with an increase in intellect, a person's ability to predictive analysis is significantly improved. Finally, people with more experience, as a rule, begin to get excited about significant activities earlier than less experienced people.

It is obvious that a pre-launch state that occurs too early leads to a rapid exhaustion of the nervous potential, and reduces mental readiness for the upcoming activity. And although it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer here, for some types of activity an interval of 1-2 hours is optimal.

3. Starting state

The state of readiness for activity, or in other words, the state of expectation, is called "operational rest". This is a hidden activity, in order for an explicit activity to appear behind it, that is, an action.

Operational peace can be achieved in two ways:

increased mobility

increase in excitability thresholds for indifferent stimuli

In both cases, we are not talking about passive inaction, but about a special restriction of the act of excitation. Operative rest is a dominant that, due to its inherent property of conjugated inhibition, suppresses the perception of stimuli that are not related to this dominant, by increasing the thresholds of sensitivity to inadequate (foreign) stimuli. In this regard, Ukhtomsky wrote that it is beneficial for the organism to limit its indifferent, indifferent susceptibility to the most diverse environmental stimuli in order to ensure selective excitability from a certain category of external factors. As a result, the information coming to a person receives orderliness.

"Operational rest" is the physiological basis for the emergence of volitional states of mobilization readiness and concentration

This post is about how many calories the brain needs, and how many muscles, how the basal metabolism is calculated and how to determine the energy expenditure for a particular activity. Let's take a look at some of the research and findings.

I’ll start without long prefaces and water, and go straight to research, tablets and facts 🙂

"Other" includes bones, skin, intestines, glands. The lungs were not measured for methodological reasons, but were estimated at 200 kcal/kg (about the same as the liver).

Fun fact - fat cells also burn calories. Yes, this value is not so high (about 4.5 kcal / kg), but it is not true to believe that fat cells are completely inert. Adipocytes produce a lot of hormones (like leptin, which I mentioned in the video), and this requires energy.

Adipocyte, secretory function:

At rest" 70-80% energy costs accounts for organs that occupy no more than 7% of the total body weight (liver, heart, kidneys, brain). At the same time, muscles can occupy about 40% of the total body weight, but at the same time they spend 22% of energy in a state of "rest", which is somehow not enough.

Here is a good illustration of the ratio of the mass of organs and tissues to the energy consumption of the body in a state of "rest":

Here is another interesting study, it shows how the weight of the constituent components of the body (fat, muscles, other organs) changes with a general change in body weight.

Link on study : Peters A, Bosy-Westphal A, Kubera B, Langemann D, Goele K, Later W, Heller M, Hubold C, Müller MJ. Why doesn't the brain lose weight, when obese people diet?obes facts. 2011;4(2):151-7. doi: 10.1159/000327676. Epub 2011 Apr 7.

I'll tell you right away diet does not affect brain size😉 The mass of the brain in an adult remains almost unchanged when losing weight or gaining weight. But the mass of muscles, fat, kidneys, liver depends on changes in body weight.

Look how little the bones weigh! So the excuse is “Yes, I just have a heavy bone!” won't pass 🙂

It turns out that basal metabolic rate or metabolism at "rest" can be roughly estimated at the level 22-24 kcal per kg of body weight. All this is very individual and depends on the size of certain organs, tissues, active cell mass. But on average, this is 22-24 kcal (for men, a little more, because the average percentage of adipose tissue is slightly less, and there is more muscle), so for a woman weighing 55 kg, the basal metabolism is approximately 1265 kcal. But this is BASIC metabolism, that is, physical activity is minimal.

Physical activity ratios (PAR) or coefficient of physical activity.

You probably heard that an hour of intense running is 300-400 kcal, but as we found out, the level of basal metabolism depends on the size of certain organs, tissues, active cell mass, and calorie consumption for the same type of physical activity differs from person to person.

The graph below shows the physical activity ratio (PAR). What is the point, for example, our weight is 55 kg and the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is 1,265 kcal or 0.87 kcal per minute, so to calculate the total energy consumption rate, you need to multiply BMR by PAR and by the time of a particular activity. Example, we sleep 8 hours a day (480 minutes * 0.87 BMR * 0.93 PAR = 388 kcal per sleep), walked 2 hours (120 minutes * 0.87 BMR * 3.9 PAR = 407 kcal), etc. .

Link on study : Stefano Lazzer, Grace O'Malley, Michel Vermorel Metabolic And Mechanical Cost Of Sedentary And Physical Activities In Obese Children And Adolescents

It is unlikely that anyone will calculate all this, personally, for the purpose of determining energy costs from physical activity, I use a sports watch, but it’s not difficult to calculate the basic metabolism.

Finally, information for those who like to drink tea with a chocolate bar and a handful of cookies in the office, they say mental activity is very energy-consuming.

Average the indicator of energy consumption of the brain is 0.23-0.25 kcal per minute. While an increase in the energy consumption of the brain for the “thinking process” adds about 1% to the total energy consumption, and the maximum level of energy consumption is not more than 10% of the total energy consumption of the brain.

“Event-related changes in cerebral blood flow and glucose uptake are no more than 10% of the physiologic baseline in typical cognitive paradigms. Concomitant changes in energy utilization are on the order of 1%"

Link to study: Raichle, M. E., and Mintun, M. A. (2006). brain work and brain imaging. Annual Review of neuroscience, 29, 449-476

It turns out that in order to solve super-complex tasks, the whole working day (8 hours * 0.25 kcal * 60 minutes * 1.10) the brain needs 132 kcal, and this is as much as 1.5 bananas! 😉

Here is such an article. Well, I wish everyone a good mood, health, a cool figure and super-efficient brains!)

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