Evehealth Information Portal is for women who want results! How to take pbk 20 powder

Review of PBK-20 - a new dietary product for weight loss and harmony: a brief description, properties that it has, composition, instructions for use and contraindications, reviews.

Review content:

PBC-20 is not a drug, but a dietary supplement based on the fiber of pumpkin seeds, which promotes bowel cleansing, better digestion, rapid burning of fat cells and, as a result, weight loss and subsequent weight control. The name literally means Professional Calorie Blocker. Manufacturers write about professional use, about many useful properties, but, unfortunately, they do not refer to medical research and a quality certificate. But, after testing, the product proved to be positive.

How much does PBK-20 cost and where to buy?

This is an information and educational resource, so do not write here questions related to the purchase, delivery and payment of goods! If you want to buy a Calorie Blocker - a weight loss product, then follow the banner below to the official online store, since I could not find PBK 20 in the pharmacy, although the operator on the phone said that she would soon appear in online sales.

Bought a product? Write your review on our website! You can post a photo, write what you think about pumpkin fiber and your weight loss results. Other people will be interested in your opinion.

The price of one pack of PBK-20 (100 g):

  • in Russia - 990 rubles
  • in Ukraine - 359 UAH.
  • in Kazakhstan - 4490 tenge
  • in Belarus - 290,000 Belarusian rubles.
  • in Kyrgyzstan - 1600 soms

Properties PBK-20

The manufacturers of this slimming and weight control dietary supplement claim that by using the Calorie Blocker, you not only quickly lose volume, but also get a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. But in order:
  1. The path to a slim figure with PBK-20 is quick and simple: the natural composition of the product is well absorbed by the body. Due to its composition, the intestines are cleansed and toxins and toxins are removed from the body, the fat that comes with food is broken down, the metabolism is accelerated, and the absorption of vitamins and minerals is improved.
  2. The method is passive. When using PBK-20 powder, you can eat any food (even high-calorie) and at the same time avoid weight gain. But, it can be used in combination with a diet, and even better in combination with regular physical activity. The result will be amazing!
The manufacturer writes the following about the beneficial effects of PBK-20 on health:
  • The calorie blocker begins to "work" in the stomach. Getting into it, the bioactive additive absorbs everything that turned out to be superfluous from the decomposition of food, and swells, giving a feeling of satiety;
  • PBC-20 is not contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, allergies, lipid metabolism disorders, etc. It helps in the normalization of metabolic processes, insulin secretion;
  • as part of the Blocker there are vegetable dietary fibers. They retain moisture, gather in a voluminous lump and contribute to the excretion of bile, normalize the activity of the biliary tract;
  • it is not known how true the manufacturer's statement about reducing sugar and bad cholesterol is - studies have not been conducted on this item;
  • how true that PBC20 helps the kidneys and helps to remove excess fluid - too;
  • in the preparation with dietary fiber and natural composition, pectin is present, which protects the intestinal walls from carcinogens, chemical compounds, various pathogenic microorganisms that cause constipation or dysbacteriosis. It can be considered true that the manufacturers claim that PBC20 helps the intestinal and stomach microflora to recover, improves peristalsis;
  • a dietary supplement, in addition to losing weight, is also suitable as a prophylactic against helminthic invasions;
  • with hormonal, antibacterial, antiviral therapy, PBC 20 can also be used and be beneficial. It helps the drugs to be better absorbed in the intestines.

Composition of Professional Calorie Blocker

The basis of a natural dietary supplement for weight loss is pumpkin seeds, crushed into powder. They really have cleansing and absorbing properties. Fiber, unfortunately, does not have all the microelements and many useful substances, vitamins, to be a nutritional bioactive supplement and maintain our health. Under these conditions, it must be admitted that PBC-20 is really only suitable for cleansing and blocking excess calories. How taking this pumpkin seed powder you can lose weight without diet and exercise - guess for yourself.

Method of use and contraindications of PBC

The fiber dietary supplement is packaged in 100 g bags. This is a powder that must be diluted half an hour before meals each time, 3 times a day. A single serving is 15 grams or 1 tablespoon (without a slide) of pumpkin seed powder (PBK-20).

By the way, they wrote on the package that one tablespoon (5 g), it can only be so much in a teaspoon, they clearly made a mistake!

A slimming cocktail is prepared according to the instructions as follows: a portion of the powder is diluted in a small amount of liquid (water, kefir, juice, etc.). Drink.

15 g of dry matter PBC-20 is 17.3% of the daily human need for fiber.

Some women who are especially keen on diets advise the following menu for the use of PBK-20:

  • breakfast: scrambled eggs (3 eggs), a slice of bread, tea / coffee (can be with sugar), a portion of the Calorie Blocker;
  • dinner: soup (you can use fatty broth), stew, 2 slices of bread, juice, dessert with fruit and 1.5 servings of PBK;
  • dinner: beef steak, pasta (required from durum varieties), salad, ? servings of dietary supplement with pumpkin seeds.
Fiber is still an abrasive and may be contraindicated in children, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people with individual intolerance, with duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers, gastritis, and with low acidity of gastric juice.

The instructions on the package honestly inform you that before using the Professional Calorie Blocker-20, a doctor's consultation is required.

Result from Calorie Blocker

PBC is advertised as an effective and fast way to burn fat and lose weight. Manufacturers do not indicate the exact parameters that can be achieved with the use of Blocker-20, but really, with bowel cleansing and proper nutrition, a couple of kilograms per month. Taking in calories, the food entering the intestines becomes less high-calorie, the stomach filled with swollen fiber will not give you a feeling of hunger, better intestinal motility will improve digestion and normalize stools.

In addition to losing weight, you can get clear skin of a healthy color, strong hair and nails with such a diet. With proper nutrition and prepared PBK-20 intestines, the absorption of substances useful for the body will improve, and this is additional energy for new things.

A professional calorie blocker is somewhere in the middle, between fat burners and dietary supplements. Many doctors seeking to improve women's health give conflicting recommendations about PBC 20. Most call the blocker the most effective and proven tool that can stabilize normal weight in a short period of time and make the figure more attractive. However, many gynecologists give negative feedback on the effect of the drug. To understand exactly how effective an innovative drug can be for you, you should consider in detail the composition of the blocker. Need a professional 20 calorie blocker to see from the inside.

The main difficulty is that you will not be able to find its exact description anywhere and see what components it consists of. We can only strain our imagination in order to determine the composition of the drug, starting from the description of the effect of the drug on the body. Calorie blocker PBK 20 is made on the basis of fiber. It is she who helps to achieve such an amazing result. The complex suppresses appetite and cleanses the system of the gastrointestinal tract, ridding it of accumulated toxins. You must understand that this is not a medicine that will quickly remove excess fat. When buying pills in the store, do not expect that they will become a panacea for obesity.

PBC 20 for weight loss consists of fibers that cannot be digested and do not increase the calorie content of food. Once in the intestines, they create the illusion of satiety and reduce the need to eat. In addition, moving inside the intestines, they cleanse its walls of mucus and growths. Real reviews say that after taking PBC 20, you can forget about the feeling of hunger. The use of the product is supported by female doctors, since the vegetable oils that make up the composition stimulate the work of the female body.

When ordering a drug, you should be aware that PBC 20 is not a medicine, but only a food supplement that cleanses the body and guarantees the rapid burning of fat accumulated in the body. A professional calorie blocker will certainly help reduce food requirements and make the bowels more productive and rational. The manufacturer, unfortunately, does not refer to their clinical studies. However, the real positive effect of the calorie blocker is confirmed by numerous customers using this remedy. It can be problematic to buy PBK 20 at a pharmacy, it is better to use the services of a distribution site. The cost may vary depending on the region of delivery.


There are no restrictions on breastfeeding, as it contains only environmentally friendly components made on the basis of pumpkin seeds. The calorie content of the products does not matter if you are taking the PBC 20 weight loss product. Once in the intestines, it absorbs decomposition products and toxins, thus cleaning. At the same time, swelling, gives a feeling of satiety, which dulls the appetite. 20 professional stabilizes metabolic processes, so even people with diabetes can use it. It does not cause allergies and does not affect blood pressure. Helps to cope with lipid metabolism disorders and stimulates the production of insulin.

PBC 20, the composition of which is saturated with vegetable dietary fibers, helps to retain moisture, preventing it from entering the cells and preventing edema from forming. You can buy a remedy if your pancreas is impaired. The blocker stimulates the release of bile and normalizes the functioning of the biliary system. Side effects with long-term use of the drug have not yet been registered. It is enough to order the drug on the site, and you can help the body fight excess cholesterol and excess blood sugar. PBK 20 instructions for use says that it can be used to normalize the functioning of the kidneys and ensure the rapid removal of excess fluid from the body.

You can order the drug at any pharmacy offering natural biological supplements. It is made from pumpkin seed powder, which has proven itself as an adsorbent and cleanser. Breastfeeding is not an obstacle to the use of a blocker. Unfortunately, fiber is not a complete biological supplement to provide you with the necessary set of trace elements and vitamins.

Taking the drug will help get rid of excess calories and ensure the normalization of the intestines. You can find out how to take PBC 20 in powder by reading the attached instructions. A cocktail of dietary supplements, diet and exercise will help you quickly make your figure more graceful and get rid of excess fat.

How to use

PBK 20 in a pharmacy is packaged in bags of one hundred grams. No contraindications have been identified. The powder is diluted in a glass of boiled water, one tablespoon before each meal. The number of receptions is regulated by the needs of the body.

The first time can be diluted with kefir or juice. Fifteen grams of blocker powder is almost twenty percent of an adult's daily fiber requirement. How to take it correctly, you can find out when buying a powder.

Approximate menu for dieting women

It is better to order the drug in a trusted place with an established reputation, this will serve as a guarantee of the quality of the products received. Remember that fiber is essentially an abrasive, so pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should use it with caution. Also, do not use the drug for people with peptic ulcer, especially during an exacerbation. Reduced acidity also requires a balanced attitude to the use of the drug. In each attached instruction it is written that you should consult with your doctor before using.

The result you can get

Asking the question of how much the PBK 20 calorie blocker costs, you should correlate its effectiveness with the money spent. Blocker 20, the price for it can pleasantly surprise you with its affordability. It is widely advertised as an excellent tool for quickly burning excess fat, but manufacturers do not indicate the exact parameters of the drug. Any pharmacy pharmacist will tell you that with proper nutrition and high-quality bowel cleansing, you can get rid of two to three kilograms in a month.

Is it possible to buy a product that removes fat faster, it is difficult to answer. Each of the drugs has its pros and cons, and when choosing where to buy a universal fat burner, you must decide what you want to get in the end result.

This blocker absorbs calories from food. Swollen, fiber-filled intestines dull the feeling of hunger. The delivery of fats and their deposition in tissues is inhibited. This helps to improve peristalsis and ensures a quick exit of processed food. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, the use of a blocker will help cleanse the skin, make nails and hair stronger and healthier.

Do you have any questions? Use the search!

There are many factors that contribute to weight gain:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • "passive lifestyle;
  • overeating due to frequent stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • digestive problems, as well as some other, less common ones.

Each owner of extra pounds in his own way fights with them, either winning or losing. And often such a struggle lasts for years, taking a lot of physical and moral strength and not leading to obvious results. However, studies by modern nutritionists show that eating enough fiber every day helps to cope with at least three of the most common causes of weight gain. Dietary food supplement PBK 20 for weight loss is the best way to solve this issue.

Beneficial features

The main effect of PBC 20 is due to the fiber contained in pumpkin seeds, which in themselves are a source of nutrients. The remaining ingredients of PBC 20 - sorbents from natural substances and a vitamin-mineral complex provide its beneficial properties. Professional 20 Calorie Blocker for Weight Loss:

  • blocks and binds excess fats and removes them naturally;
  • absorbs and removes toxins, helping to cleanse and improve not only the digestive tract, but the whole organism as a whole;
  • normalizes and accelerates metabolic processes;
  • improves intestinal motility and bile excretion;
  • lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • has antihelminthic and diuretic properties.


As already described above, the main component of PBC 20 is pumpkin seeds. In the manufacture of this dietary complex, the seeds undergo a special treatment, which makes the fiber contained in them even more useful and effective. In addition, it includes:

  • vitamin E, which helps in energy production, while preventing the deposition of fat;
  • vitamin C, known not only as an immunity activator, but also as a fat burner. Similar to vitamin E, it prevents the process of fat deposition, especially in problem areas;
  • vitamin A, which is a valuable source of antioxidants;
  • mineral complex, thanks to which PBC 20 for weight loss promotes the production of the hormone of happiness, reduces cravings for sweets and strengthens the immune system.

How to use

One tablespoon of the drug should be diluted in some water (kefir can be used) and taken half an hour before meals, three times a day. The duration of the reception depends on the result you want to achieve - from one month or more. It is not necessary to exceed a single dose of PBC 20 to enhance the effect, a much better effect on the body will have a regular intake.


Professional calorie blocker 20 consists of natural ingredients, due to which contraindications to its use are minimized. Nevertheless, one should take into account such an important point as individual intolerance to any of the components, as well as the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. During pregnancy and lactation, it would be most advisable to get specialist advice regarding the use of PBC 20.

Where can I buy

You can order PBK 20 on the Internet, for example, on the official website of the manufacturer. Not sold in pharmacies.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Alexander, Perm

It is believed that men find it easier to lose weight than women. Maybe this is true, but not about me. Weight problems began in adolescence. Training and diets help, but not for long, perhaps due to hormonal failure. The feedback from my sister, who suggested that I try PBC 20 for weight loss, was positive. I have been taking the drug for a month and a half, I noticed that the clothes began to “dangle” on me. I lost 13 kg, I feel lighter and more energetic, although these are only the first results.

Elena Kravets, Pushchino

Since childhood, I was plump, nothing helped to lose weight. I swam, ran, went to the gym - very poor results. I have never used any weight loss products before. I decided to try it, but now I don’t have time for sports at all. I read reviews about PBK 20 and got inspired. I can’t stand diets, but after a week of taking it, I didn’t want sweets, now I don’t eat at all, even sugar! I have been taking the complex for a month, I have already lost almost two sizes!

Nastya, Kyiv

I recovered very much due to the disease, I was seriously ill for 3 months, after that it all started. I couldn't play sports, I didn't have the strength. Before the illness, I loved fruits and vegetables, and after that I began to lean on cakes and fried foods. I ate to nausea, but could not stop, problems with digestion began. Started taking Professional Calorie Blocker 20 to improve it and felt better after a week. There was more energy, bouts of “gluttony” passed, and after three weeks I saw (at first my friends said, I didn’t believe it) that I had lost weight, and ordered more! Hope it only gets better.

You can always fight with excess weight. He periodically reminds himself of 80% of the inhabitants of developed countries. Mental stress, problems in personal life are eaten up with fast carbohydrates - extra pounds on the face (and not only). Also, hormonal disorders, stress, and sometimes the banal adherence to the saying “after a delicious dinner, you need to lie down” lead to weight gain.

Many drugs and supplements promise quick results and improved overall well-being without the need for dietary changes or much effort. Perhaps there are such drugs, but for some reason, it seems to me, you need to speed up your metabolism a little, even with simple exercises, and exclude pastries and fried foods from the menu. Personally, I was attracted by the Professional Calorie-20 Blocker, it differs from the "comrades in weight loss" in its composition, effect and principle of action.

Advantages of the tool over others

Professional Calorie Blocker-20 is not a medical product, but a nutritional supplement that blocks the absorption of excess calories. Methods similar in its action were developed back in Rome, when there was no dietology, but court healers were looking for foods and substances that improve digestion.

So, after a plentiful feast with meat and baked products, legionnaires ate apples on holidays. And in Rus', a frequent change of dishes, even among aristocrats, ended with the intake of oat kvass. Modern technologies have made it possible to develop PBC-20, which, with the help of natural ingredients, helps our slender and beautiful figure not to hide under extra pounds of body fat.

Features of the tool:

  1. Removes the feeling of heaviness and discomfort caused by malnutrition or a festive feast.
  2. It is a good adsorbent, removes toxins, salts, slags, toxic substances from the intestines (absorbs).
  3. If there is a problem of accumulation of excess fluid in the body (in case of impaired kidney function, which often happens with lovers of meat products), Professional Calorie Blocker-20 will also remove fluid. Volumes in the abdomen and lush hips are reduced.

Important! PBC-20 does not just break down fats, it does not allow them to be absorbed - fat molecules do not break down and are not deposited.

In addition, PBK-20 was remembered for other good results:

  • Natural ingredients in the composition further enrich the body with useful substances.
  • This herbal preparation is effective even in the absence of additional efforts on the part of the person (although it is never too late to take care of yourself).
  • Digestion returns to normal, as a result of which you feel light, free.
  • Professional Calorie-20 Blocker controls the feeling of hunger, so you will want to eat only "on business", during true hunger, and not psychological, stressful.
  • The weight will go away steadily, the result is guaranteed by the manufacturers for a long time (I still believe that a month has passed, I haven’t gained excess weight yet, I’m still slim).
  • Slags are removed from the intestines, I said goodbye to constipation, now the morning trip to the toilet does not cause torment.
  • Before, my legs swelled (I drank a lot of water, my kidneys could not cope), now the excess fluid is gone. But with swelling, it is better to visit a doctor to find out the reasons.
  • Recently I took tests for sugar content, after using PBK-20 I was pleasantly surprised by the results - the glucose level decreased.
  • The pressure also returned to normal, which means that the vessels became stronger and the “clearance” increased in them, as the doctors say. It turns out that the Professional Calorie Blocker also reduces the level of bad cholesterol!

Reviews of other users claim that the remedy also has an anthelmintic effect, improves the functioning of internal organs - the liver, kidneys, heart, and blood flow. Probably, here the plant-components help the drug.

Ingredients for weight loss

The consistency of this supplement resembles a powder. It is diluted in a liquid (preferably in water at room temperature) and drunk. The base is ground pumpkin seeds. The taste is indistinguishable from the favorite delicacy of childhood - roasted sunflower seeds!

Due to the fibers that do not grind to the end, the result of the adsorbent is achieved. Pumpkin seeds remove everything unnecessary from the body, and due to the small particle size, it absorbs more and does not injure the intestinal walls.

You also need to pay tribute to the composition:

  1. Alimentary fiber do not allow carbohydrates to be absorbed (and fat is also formed from sugar!).
  2. Pumpkin microfibers prevent the absorption and deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.
  3. Also included is vitamin E aka tocopherol. This trace element is also found in vegetable oils. Its main function is the absorption of good cholesterol, the fight against fat deposition and the normalization of digestion.
  4. Vitamin A participates in the work of the liver, improves vision. It is also known as an antioxidant in the diet.
  5. Contained and vitamin C, it helps the vessels to remain elastic and strong. Also, the vitamin is necessary in accelerating metabolic processes (it is probably not necessary to talk about what fights against many colds).

The body after taking the Professional Calorie Blocker-20 becomes noticeably easier. Cheerfulness is felt, appetite decreases, kilograms melt. What is not a reason for the production of the hormone of happiness?

The principle of operation of PBK-20

Nutritionists, therapists, gastroenterologists are unanimous in one opinion: fiber must be in the diet of every person! Unless, of course, it concerns exacerbations of peptic ulcers.

Fiber is such fibers that are not digested in the stomach and exit the intestines, retaining the structure. As Elena Malysheva says, they are needed for the "formation of feces." If everything is in order with the stool, there will be no constipation, unnecessary substances will not linger in the body.

In PBK-20 - only those fibers that also bring benefits. They are saturated with vitamins and microelements, which are partially absorbed in the stomach, and the rest - in the small and large intestines. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

The result of such a wellness diet (taking into account the usual menu and the Professional Calorie Blocker-20 supplement) is also reflected in the appearance. In addition to reducing puffiness and body fat, you can see a prettier person in the mirror. A well-established metabolism “gives itself out” with clean skin, the absence of acne or inflammation, dermatitis.

TRY Eco Pills Raspberry: when weight loss becomes a reality!

Using PBK-20 in full course, I noticed such changes for the better in myself:

  1. The weight has been successfully maintained for 4 weeks already, and while taking this drug, I got used to eating little (PBC-20 regulated my appetite).
  2. Satisfied with the condition of the skin, hair and nails, which are constantly exfoliating. It turns out that it was only necessary to solve the problem of food and slagging.
  3. Self-doubt disappeared, I understand that the current weight of 70 kg can hardly be called small, although my height is 180 cm, but in a month I lost 13 kg. Since we were able to do this with PBK-20, then self-confidence automatically increased.

Weight went evenly, from the tummy and sides. Although other users, I suspect, everything is individual. After all, everyone has a special type of figures, the distribution of fat reserves depends on it:

  • Girls who have a pronounced thin waist and lush hips belong to the “pear” body type. Their result will be clearly noticeable in the area of ​​the buttocks and legs, since a treacherous orange peel is most often formed there, and cellulite also disappears during the course of administration.
  • In hourglass girls, lush hips and buttocks act as a contrast to a thin waist, and breasts can be large. But you don't have to worry about the top. Professional Calorie-20 Blocker breaks down only "harmful" fats, so excess reserves will leave those areas where they really do not belong.
  • But most of all, as for me (and I was convinced of this from personal experience), girls with an “apple” figure need such a drug, when fat accumulates in the waist area. Its danger is also in the fact that it negatively affects the work of female internal organs - the ovaries.

I’ll immediately focus on a sore point for many: what and how to eat. Whatever you want! The body after taking PBK-20 itself controls His Highness Appetite. The proposed menu for the day, which is displayed in the advertisement for this dietary supplement, is an omelet for breakfast, and with a slice of bread, for lunch you can treat yourself to a stew with vegetables and already with 2 slices of the same bread and a bowl of fatty soup. And welcome to the table when meat and (horror?) pasta are offered for dinner! Only you should cook a side dish of durum wheat. But something else is important here, besides balance - this is the use of the Professional Calorie Blocker-20.

Reception features:

  1. It is allowed to consume no more than 15 g of PBK-20 powder per day (a lot of fiber is also harmful to the body).
  2. We set an alarm clock that will notify us half an hour before meals that it is time to take the remedy.
  3. Dilute a tablespoon of PBK-20 in water (this is about 5 g). You can use kefir, juice instead of water.
  4. You can follow a different scheme for using the supplement - in the morning - 1 serving of the product, at lunch - 1.5, and for dinner - only 0.5 servings of PBK-20.

It is important that according to these principles, the Professional Calorie Blocker-20 is used for 4 weeks (one month), the next month - reduce the daily dose to 5-10 g. Then they take a mandatory break, and return to the previous intake if desired, you can use this means for the prevention of obesity.

But I did not meet dissatisfied reviews or complaints about PBK-20. Women, men, elderly people turn to the drug in a variety of life situations. Someone needs to lose weight, someone needs to speed up the process of losing excess weight, and someone wants to arrange disease prevention for their intestines.


There are no side effects of this drug, contraindications are standard:

  1. Children - they definitely don’t need PBK-20, parents should control weight gain.
  2. Women in position and nursing mothers.
  3. Diseases of the stomach and intestines, in which the internal walls of organs are damaged - these are ulcers, gastritis, etc.

Are you actively trying to lose weight, but you are not succeeding? How many such attempts have been made? Hundred, thousand? Can't stand a diet, exhausting physical activity to the "sweat"? PBK-20 professional calorie blocker will solve your problem once and for all! Regardless of your diet, quantity, calorie content of the foods you eat, you can finally lose weight! Moreover, you will be able to consolidate the result for a long time.

Do you want to really succeed this time? Then read this review carefully!

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Composition of PBK-20

It is unlikely that any of us will agree to stuff your precious body with anything. The absolutely safe, environmentally friendly composition of the PBC-20 preparation is the best fit. No chemicals, harmful substances, impurities! Moreover, this is not a cure, but a simple diabetic supplement.

The components of a diabetic supplement are simple and straightforward.

  • pumpkin fiber;
  • a complex of vitamins of group B;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • complex of minerals;
  • natural sorbents.

Thanks to the natural composition of PBK-20, you will finally get rid of extra pounds! Rest assured your body will thank you.

Principle of operation and properties of PBK-20

Once in the stomach, fiber swells and begins to act as a strong absorbent. It, like a sponge, absorbs, accumulates, binds harmful substances, toxins, toxins, effectively removing them from the body.

Most importantly, fiber actively prevents the absorption of simple carbohydrates, blocking some of the calories in the stomach. Then it removes them from the body, preventing them from being absorbed into the walls of the small intestine, and also deposited in fat.

Thanks to the professional calorie blocker:

  • sugar levels are regulated.
  • affordable price;
  • convenient application.

Efficiency and benefits of PBK-20

Why professional calorie blocker PBK-20? Why is it better than other weight loss products? The main secret is the large number of benefits that the supplement has. A solid benefit for those who want to say goodbye to hated kilograms forever. What can be countered:

  • increased intestinal motility. Now you can forget about constipation, diarrhea. The gastrointestinal tract begins to work like clockwork after the first dose. A slight laxative effect of fibers accelerates the excretion of harmful substances from the body;
  • pumpkin fibers have the ability to swell, increasing their volume. This results in a feeling of fullness. You eat much smaller amounts of food. By slowing down the process of splitting food, the feeling of hunger is noticeably reduced;
  • a rich vitamin, mineral complex of a calorie blocker helps strengthen the intestinal mucosa, speeds up the metabolic process, supports the development of beneficial microflora;
  • sugar levels are regulated.
  • effective weight loss without diets, heavy physical exertion;
  • affordable price;
  • convenient application.

As for effectiveness, it has also been proven by practical studies that were conducted on the basis of New York University. Two groups of women took part in the testing.

One group took the supplement without changing their lifestyle. Patients were allowed to eat any food, go to the gym. The second group, with the same calorie blocker PBC-20, followed a light diet plus light exercise.

The weight loss of the first group was approximately 5 kg. The second group showed an even more successful result - almost 7 kg per month.

It is quite obvious that the supplement works even when the diet is not particularly observed, and there is also no physical activity.

Expert opinion

And what are the reviews of doctors on the PBK-20 calorie blocker?

Question: LI, please tell me, is there any alternative today other than diets? Are there any "helpers" in the fight against excess weight, except for exercise? What will help a person lose weight without painful hunger strikes, and also without harm to their health?

Answer: Fortunately, today such a remedy has already been found. This is PBK-20, i.e. professional calorie blocker. Everyone knows that the absorption of fats and carbohydrates occurs in the intestines.

The basic principle is to block some of the calories that enter our body. Pumpkin fibers bind some of the carbohydrates and fats in the stomach, effectively removing them from the body. It prevents excess calories from being digested and turning into fat.

Fiber pumpkin, which is the basis of dietary supplements, is truly unique. This is an effective assistant in the fight against extra pounds. Its composition includes a huge list of useful substances that help speed up metabolic processes, and at the cellular level. In addition, the professional calorie blocker PBK-20 is absolutely harmless. It does not contain any chemical additives.

Taking this dietary supplement helped even those patients who had repeatedly tried to lose weight before, but all their attempts were unsuccessful. It also proved to be effective for people who lose weight with great difficulty.

Question: L.I., have there been any studies of the drug? Is it really proven to help you lose weight? How is this confirmed?

Answer: Yes, such data is available. Recently, American scientists conducted a series of tests that proved the effectiveness of a diabetic supplement. It was found that its regular intake allows you to reduce weight by 2-3 kg in the first week. Studies have also shown that a professional calorie blocker has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates the feeling of hunger.

Instructions for use PBK20

How to take PBC-20 to achieve results? The dietary supplement is available in the form of a fine powder. The weight of one pack is 100 gr.

The package says 5g tablespoon, which is a mistake. A tablespoon of the product without a slide corresponds exactly to 15 gr.

100 gr.:15 gr.= 7 days

One package is enough for you for a week, so for a month you will need 4-5 packs

If you strictly follow the instructions for PBK-20, then the average weight loss for the first week will be approximately 2 to 4 kg. Of course, the process of losing weight depends on the characteristics of the body, diet, physical activity, lifestyle, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Repeated studies have proven that the supplement copes with extra pounds perfectly even when a person remains on his usual diet, without any restrictions. However, in this case, weight loss will be slower.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is best to combine the intake of dietary supplements with a diet. Try this diet. Don't worry, you won't leave hungry. But the process of losing weight will be more effective.

Breakfast: a glass of kefir, one boiled egg, two toasts, tea or coffee with honey, 1 serving of blocker

2 breakfast: boiled beef 150 gr, a portion of green peas 150 gr., sour cream 15 gr., apple, tea or coffee with honey

Dinner: vegetable soup with sour cream 300 gr., fresh vegetable salad with sour cream 200 gr., boiled meat, chicken or fish 150 gr., dried fruit compote + 1 serving PBK-20

afternoon tea: pancakes with sour cream and honey, 150 gr., tea or coffee with a little honey

Dinner: grilled fish, boiled potatoes with herbs, fresh vegetable salad with lemon juice, tea or coffee with honey + 1 serving of PBK-20.

Contraindications for use

Since the professional calorie blocker is completely natural, environmentally friendly and does not contain any chemical, harmful substances, absolutely everyone can take it.

Numerous studies by American scientists have proven that the remedy does not give any side effects. However, for reinsurance, check out the list of restrictions.

Contraindications to taking PBK-20 are:

  • pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • exacerbation of gastric ulcer, ulcerative colitis, duodenal ulcer;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • decreased acidity of the stomach.

If you have any doubts, fears, then be sure to consult your doctor.

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