Phosphates - benefit or harm. Phosphates in Food - Harm and Benefits Why phosphates in food are dangerous

Application of phosphates

Salts of phosphoric acid (phosphates) are widely used in various industries, in particular in oil production and electrical engineering, in the production of building materials, varnishes, paints and various special coatings, as well as toothpastes and dental cements.

Phosphates are used in the production of various types of glass, including optical glass, and porcelain. In heavy industry they are used in foundries and metalworking, and in light industry they are used in the production of textiles and leather.

In the chemical industry, phosphates are widely used in the production of detergents and cleaners, fire extinguishing agents, photographic materials, and paper.

In agriculture, phosphates of various metals are used to produce fertilizers and animal feed. Below are the names of the most commonly used phosphates for technical purposes and their chemical formulas:

Table 4.

The most commonly used phosphates for technical purposes

Monoaluminum phosphate

Trialuminum phosphate

Aluminum tripolyphosphate

Aluminum metaphosphate

Monoammonium phosphate

Diammonium phosphate

Monobarium phosphate

Ba(H 2 PO 4) 2

Boron phosphate

Monocalcium phosphate

Ca(H 2 PO 4) 2

Dicalcium phosphate

Tricalcium phosphate

Ca 5 (PO 4) 3 OH

β-Tricalcium phosphate

Calcium pyrophosphate

Urea phosphate

CO(NH 2) 2 x H 3 PO 4

Copper(II) pyrophosphate

Iron(III) orthophosphate

Iron(III) pyrophosphate

Fe 4 (P 2 O 7) 3

Monolithium phosphate

Trilithium phosphate

Magnesium phosphate

Dimagnesium phosphate

Trimagnesium phosphate

Magnesium metaphosphate

Monomanganese phosphate

Dimanganese phosphate

Trimanganese phosphate


Monopotassium phosphate

Dipotassium phosphate

Tripotassium phosphate

Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate

Potassium tripolyphosphate

Potassium polyphosphate

Monosodium phosphate

Disodium phosphate

Trisodium phosphate

Sodium acid pyrophosphate

Na 2 H 2 P 2 O 7

Trisodium pyrophosphate

Tetrasodium pyrophosphate

Sodium tripolyphosphate

Sodium trimetaphosphate

Sodium hexametaphosphate

Monozinc phosphate

Trizinc phosphate

Zinc pyrophosphate

Phosphates are one of the traditional and widely used moisture-binding agents in meat and fish processing, confectionery and dairy industries.

Phosphates approved for use in the food industry mono-, di-, tri-, pyro- and polyphosphates.

The specific use of phosphates in different areas of the food industry varies greatly. For example, in meat and fish production, food phosphates are used that have high solubility in water and saline solutions:

1. di - or pyrophosphates E450, salts of pyrophosphoric acid H4P2O7;

2. triphosphates E451, salts of tripolyphosphoric acid H5P3O10;

3. polyphosphates E452, mixtures of salts of linearly condensed polyphosphoric acids.

Phosphates are acidic, neutral and alkaline. In general, they are best suited for emulsified meat products. phosphates with pH from 7.0 to 8.3, and when preparing brines for whole muscle meat products, use phosphates with a pH from 8.3 to 9.3.

Monophosphates are obtained from phosphoric acid and alkalis pre-purified to food grade. Pyrophosphates and triphosphates - by dehydration of hydroorthophosphates, polymer polyphosphates - by condensation of mono- and diphosphates.

Diphosphates have properties similar to ATP and can restore the natural ability of proteins to bind moisture. Diphosphates neutralize the cross-link between actin and myosin formed during rigor mortis and promote the breakdown of the actomyosin complex into individual fibers.

Phosphates weaken the electrostatic interaction within the actomyosin complex. Phosphates only can break down actin and myosin, and this is the main reason for the ubiquity of phosphates.

Almost all food phosphates and their mixtures used in the meat processing and fishing industries have an alkaline reaction. The addition of alkaline phosphates to meat and fish leads to an increase in pH and, as a consequence, an increase in the moisture-binding capacity of proteins.

Acid phosphates are used to soften and swell connective tissue proteins and improve color formation.

Phosphates increase the ionic strength of muscle tissue and alter the ratio of activated and swelling proteins, promoting immobilization of added water and emulsification of fat.

Thanks to the above actions, food phosphates increase the yield of finished products, reduce losses and migration of moisture during defrosting and heat treatment, shorten the duration of salting, improve the texture and consistency, color and taste of finished meat and fish products, and slow down the burning of fats.

Meat, fish and seafood treated with food phosphates are more juicy, tender and more valuable from a nutritional point of view. Processing of meat, fish and seafood with phosphates is carried out only before heat treatment, i.e. food phosphates interact with native, undenatured proteins.

Phosphate mixtures

To date, individual phosphates are rarely used in modern industrial technologies. Typically, mixtures of phosphates are used that have certain properties such as pH value, solubility in cold water and salt solutions, etc.

When making my own mixtures, I take into account the properties of individual food phosphates. In particular, long-chain polyphosphates, which are highly soluble in cold water, usually form the basis of phosphate mixtures for syringe brines.

Phosphate mixtures for emulsified sausages primarily consist of short-chain phosphates, the most active component of which in relation to muscle proteins is pyrophosphate.

Monophosphates exhibit good buffering capacity, which helps stabilize the pH of the final product over time, but do not themselves affect muscle proteins. Pyrophosphates and tripolyphosphates are better at emulsifying fat than others.

We must not forget that the maximum permitted amount of phosphates added per 1 kg. raw meat in terms of P2O5, should not exceed 5 grams. The maximum permitted amount of the same phosphates in fish products depends on their type, and usually ranges from 1 to 5 grams. per kg. in terms of P2O5.

Consumption of phosphates in excess of the permitted standards can negatively affect human health, due to which there is a deterioration in the absorption of calcium, which leads to the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the kidneys, and contributes to the development of osteoporosis.

Phosphate fertilizers.

Phosphorus, like nitrogen and potassium, is necessary for the normal development of plants. The source of phosphorus for plants is soil phosphates, mainly calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2. But most soils have little calcium phosphate. In addition, due to its insolubility in water, it is practically inaccessible to plants. Therefore, the introduction of soluble phosphates, so-called phosphate fertilizers, into the soil is extremely important for increasing crop yields.

Characteristics of the most important phosphorus fertilizers.


Simple superphosphate is obtained by treating ground apatite or phosphorite with sulfuric acid. When sulfuric acid acts on phosphate raw materials, apatite or phosphorite decomposes with the formation of water-soluble monosubstituted calcium phosphate Ca(H 2 PO 4) 2 and gypsum CaSO 4, insoluble in water:

Gypsum remains in the fertilizer and occupies about 40% of its mass; phosphorus in such superphosphate is almost half as much as in the original raw material. For this reason, low-percentage phosphorites are not used to make superphosphate.

Simple superphosphate from apatite contains 14-20% of digestible phosphorus based on P 2 O 5. Most of the phosphorus in superphosphate is in the form of monocalcium phosphate, 5-5.5% of the mass of the fertilizer is contained in the form of free phosphoric acid. Superphosphate contains a small amount of dicalcium phosphate CaHPO 4 2 H 2 O, as well as tricalcium phosphate, iron and aluminum phosphates. Superphosphate is assessed by the content of digestible phosphorus in it, that is, soluble in water and citrate solution (ammonium citrate solution). Assimilable phosphorus in superphosphate makes up 88-98% of the total content.

Superphosphate is produced in the form of granules measuring 1-4 mm. Granulated superphosphate has good physical properties: it does not cake and maintains good dispersion. During granulation, free phosphoric acid is neutralized and superphosphate is dried, so the water and free phosphoric acid content is reduced to 1-4% and 1-1.5%, respectively.

When the free acidity of superphosphate is neutralized with ammonia, ammoniated superphosphate is obtained with a nitrogen content of about 1.5-3%.

Double superphosphate in contrast to simple, it has a high content of digestible phosphorus based on P 2 O 5 - 42-49% and does not contain gypsum. Phosphorus is found in it in the form of water-soluble monocalcium phosphate Ca(H 2 PO 4) 2 ·H 2 O and a small amount of free phosphoric acid (2.5-5.0%).

In the production of double superphosphate, apatite (or phosphorite) is treated with sulfuric acid. It is taken more than in the production of simple superphosphate in order to obtain not monocalcium phosphate, but phosphoric acid, which is then used to process a new portion of the raw material and produce double superphosphate - Ca(H 2 PO 4) 2 H 2 O.

Its chemical and physical properties, application and effectiveness are the same as the simple one. Only when fertilizing crops that react positively to gypsum (clover and other legumes) does simple superphosphate have a stronger positive effect.

In the soil, superphosphate phosphorus, due to chemical interaction with sesquioxides, calcium and magnesium carbonates (or absorbed calcium), is converted into water-insoluble phosphates that are less accessible to plants, i.e. undergoes chemical absorption, or retrogradation. On soils saturated with bases - chernozems and especially gray soils and other carbonate soils - poorly soluble calcium phosphates (octocalcium phosphate, etc.) are formed.

In acidic soddy-podzolic soils and red soils, containing a large number of mobile forms of sesquioxides, aluminum and iron phosphates are formed, the phosphorus of which is poorly accessible to plants. The more mobile forms of sesquioxides are contained in the soil, the stronger the chemical absorption of superphosphate phosphorus occurs. As a result, the use of phosphorus by plants is reduced and its efficiency is reduced.

Superphosphate phosphorus is almost completely fixed at the site of its application and moves very weakly in the soil. When applied before sowing as the main fertilizer, superphosphate should be embedded under the plow so that the fertilizer is located in a deeper and constantly moist layer of soil, where the bulk of the active plant roots are located. Deep incorporation of superphosphate is of particular importance in dry conditions.

When superphosphate is applied shallowly, the bulk of the fertilizer ends up in the top layer of soil, which dries out quickly. The roots in this layer die off, so the fertilizer phosphorus is less utilized by the plants. Applying it superficially to fertilizing without incorporation (for grains and other continuous sowing crops) is ineffective.

The binding of superphosphate phosphorus in acidic soils occurs more strongly with more complete contact of the fertilizer with the soil (broadcast application, small particle sizes); granular superphosphate phosphorus is less fixed by the soil than powdered one. On neutral and carbonate soils, fertilizer phosphorus is better absorbed with a more uniform distribution in the soil, and granulating superphosphate does not significantly increase the effectiveness of the fertilizer.

The fixation of superphosphate phosphorus, especially granular phosphorus, in acidic soils is reduced when it is applied locally to rows or nests during sowing, as well as when applied by band before sowing. Therefore, the effectiveness of granular superphosphate on acidic soils with the same application methods (both with scattered application before sowing, and with local application in rows or holes during sowing) is significantly higher than that of powdered superphosphate. With row application, small doses of superphosphate give the same yield increases as significantly larger doses with scattered pre-sowing application. This is due to a decrease in the chemical binding of phosphorus due to a decrease in the area of ​​contact of the fertilizer with acidic soil, as well as the fact that the fertilizer is placed near germinating seeds and provides plants with readily available phosphorus from the earliest period of growth. When sowing cereals, leguminous crops, flax and sugar beets, 10-15 kg P 2 O 5 per 1 ha in the form of superphosphate is added to the rows; in holes when planting potatoes and vegetable crops - 15-30 kg P 2 O 5 per 1 ha; when sowing corn - 4-8 kg P 2 O 5 per 1 ha.

The coefficient of use of phosphorus from superphosphate in the year of its application when applied pre-sowing scatteredly for plowing is 10-15% of the applied amount, and with row application it increases by one and a half to two times. Over 2-3 years, the utilization rate of superphosphate phosphorus is approximately 40%.

To obtain a high yield of sugar beets, corn, flax, potatoes, grains, vegetables and other crops, it is advisable to combine the application of superphosphate in the main fertilizer before sowing with a small dose of it in the rows or holes during sowing. This creates good conditions for plant nutrition with phosphorus both in the first period of growth due to row fertilizer, and in subsequent periods due to the main fertilizer applied under the plow. However, on soils with a high content of available phosphorus or when very high doses of phosphorus fertilizers are applied before sowing, the use of superphosphate in rows during sowing may not have an effect.

Precipitate, waste slag, thermophosphates, defluorinated phosphate

Precipitate-- CaHPO 4 · 2H 2 O -- disubstituted calcium phosphate (dicalcium phosphate) contains 38% phosphorus based on P 2 O 5 . It is obtained by acid processing of phosphates during the precipitation of phosphoric acid with lime milk or chalk, and also as a waste from gelatin production.

Precipitate phosphorus is insoluble in water, but dissolves in ammonium citric acid and is well absorbed by plants. The fertilizer has valuable physical properties: it does not cake, maintains good dispersion, and can be mixed with any fertilizer. The precipitate can be used as the main fertilizer for various crops on all soils. Its phosphorus is fixed in the soil less than superphosphate, so the precipitate is more effective on acidic soils rich in sesquioxides and carbonate gray soils. On chernozems, the precipitate is close in effectiveness to superphosphate.

Open-hearth phosphate slag- a by-product of the open-hearth processing of phosphorus-rich cast iron into steel and iron. Contains phosphorus mainly in the form of silicophosphates and free calcium oxide. The composition can be conventionally represented as 4CaO+P 2 O 5 ·CaSiO 3 . Phosphate slag used as fertilizer must contain at least 10% phosphorus soluble in 2% citric acid (calculated as P2O5) and be finely ground (80% of the product must pass through a sieve with a diameter of 0.18 mm). It can be used as a basic fertilizer on all soils, but is most effective due to its alkaline properties on acidic soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils. Phosphate slag cannot be mixed with ammonium fertilizers to avoid loss of nitrogen in the form of ammonia.

Has similar properties Thomasslag-- 4CaO·P 2 O 5 +4CaO·P 2 O 5 ·CaSiO 3 is a by-product during the processing of phosphorus-rich cast iron into steel and iron using the Thomas alkaline method. Thomas slag occupies a significant place in the global production of phosphate fertilizers. In our country, tomasslag (produced from Kerch ores) is used in limited quantities. It must contain at least 14% phosphorus soluble in 2% citric acid, calculated as P2O5.

Thermophosphates-- Na 2 O·3CaO·P 2 O 5 +SiO 2 -- is obtained by fusing or sintering ground phosphorite or apatite with alkali salts - soda or potash, or natural magnesium silicates, as well as with potassium, sodium and magnesium sulfates. In this case, calcium-sodium or calcium-potassium phosphate salts, as well as other phosphates and silicophosphates, are formed that are assimilated by plants.

Thermophosphates contain 20-30% lemon-soluble phosphorus based on P 2 O 5. In terms of properties and efficiency, they are close to tomasslag. They can be used as a basic fertilizer on all soils, but as alkaline fertilizers they are more effective on acidic soils.

When phosphorite or apatite is fused with magnesium silicates, fused magnesium phosphates are obtained. They contain 19--21% of digestible lemon-soluble phosphorus based on P 2 O 5 and 8--14% MgO, and are especially effective on magnesium-poor light sandy and sandy loam soils. Thermophosphates are also used as the main fertilizer and cannot be mixed with ammonium fertilizers.

Defluorinated phosphate is obtained from apatite by treating with water steam a mixture of apatite with a small amount of silica (2--3% SiO 2 at a temperature of 1450--1550 ° C. This destroys the crystal lattice of fluorapatite and removes fluorine in gaseous form, and phosphorus becomes digestible (lemon-soluble) form.

Defluorinated phosphate contains at least 36% P 2 O 5, soluble in 0.4% HCl. The fertilizer is non-hygroscopic and does not caking. The grinding fineness is such that 95% of the product must pass through a sieve with a diameter of 0.15 mm.

Defluorinated phosphate, like Thomas slag, cannot be mixed with ammonium fertilizers. Can be used as a basic fertilizer on all soils. On soddy-podzolic and chernozem soils, it is not inferior in effectiveness to superphosphate.

Phosphorite flour

It is obtained by grinding phosphorite to the state of fine flour. Phosphorus is contained in the form of compounds fluorapatite, hydroxyapatite, carbonate apatite (that is, it is mainly in the form of tricalcium phosphate Ca 3 (PO 4) 2. These compounds are insoluble in water and weak acids and are poorly accessible to most plants.

Phosphorite flour is non-hygroscopic, does not caking, and can be mixed with any fertilizer except lime. The fertilizer industry produces four grades of phosphate rock with a total content of P 2 O 5 - the highest grade - 30%; 1st -- 25; 2nd -- 22; 3rd -- 19%.

To produce phosphate rock, low-percentage phosphate rocks that are unsuitable for chemical processing into superphosphate can be used. Phosphate rock is the cheapest phosphate fertilizer.

The effectiveness of phosphate rock depends on the composition of phosphate rocks, grinding fineness, plant characteristics, soil properties and accompanying fertilizers. Nodule-type phosphorites, which are younger in geological age and do not have a well-defined crystalline structure, are more accessible to plants. When they are ground, flour is obtained that is suitable for direct fertilization. Phosphorites of more ancient origin, having a crystalline structure (for example, Karatau phosphorites), are difficult to access and therefore unsuitable for preparing phosphate rock.

The effectiveness of phosphate rock increases with increasing fineness of grinding. The finer the particles, the greater their surface and contact with the soil and the better the decomposition of phosphate rock under the influence of soil acidity into compounds assimilated by plants. The importance of grinding fineness for increasing the efficiency of phosphate rock is especially great on soils that have insufficient acidity for its decomposition, on podzolized and leached chernozems. According to the standard, at least 80% of particles must pass through a sieve with a mesh size of 0.18 mm,

Only a few plants (lupine, mustard, buckwheat and partly sainfoin, peas and hemp) can absorb phosphorus from phosphate rock with a neutral reaction of the soil solution, i.e. without first decomposing it under the influence of soil acidity. In the laboratory of D.N. Pryanishnikov, it was established that the acidic secretions of lupine roots strongly acidify the soil, which has a dissolving effect on trisubstituted phosphate and promotes its conversion into an assimilable form. Research by F.V. Chirikov showed that in plants capable of assimilating phosphorite, the ratio of CaO: P 2 O 5 in the ash is more than 1.3, and in plants unable to assimilate it is less than 1.3. A significantly greater consumption of calcium by plants compared to phosphorus leads to depletion of the nutrient medium in calcium, as a result of which the transition of Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 into an assimilable form is facilitated.

Most plants - all cereals, flax, beets, potatoes - can use phosphorite only at a certain acidity of the soil, sufficient for its decomposition, therefore, on soils with a neutral reaction (ordinary, deep and southern chernozems), the use of phosphate rock is ineffective. On acidic soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils, red soils and leached chernozems, it cannot yield to superphosphate.

Not only actual but also potential acidity is involved in the decomposition of phosphate rock. Under the influence of soil acidity, phosphate rock turns into dicalcium phosphate CaHPO 4, which is assimilated by plants. Research has shown that on soils with a hydrolytic acidity of less than 2-2.5 meq per 100 g, the decomposition of phosphate rock is weak and its efficiency is very low. The higher the hydrolytic acidity, the higher the effectiveness of phosphate rock. However, its effect depends not only on the acidity of the soil, but also on the absorption capacity (T) and the degree of saturation with bases (V).

At the same hydrolytic acidity, the lower the absorption capacity of the soil, the higher the effect of phosphate rock.

The rate of phosphate rock is also set depending on the acidity of the soil. On strongly and moderately acidic soils (pH 5.0 or less), phosphate rock can be added at the same rate as superphosphate, and on slightly acidic soils - at double or even triple rate. On limed soils its effectiveness decreases.

Phosphorite flour is used as the main fertilizer; it is better to apply it in advance, in the fall, and always with deep placement under the plow. It is most effective to apply it together with manure for winter crops, as well as for row crops - sugar beets, potatoes, corn, etc. The positive effect of phosphate rock continues for several years. The higher the amount of phosphate rock, the higher and longer its effect.

To increase the content of available phosphorus in acidic soils, phosphorite treatment is practiced - adding high rates of phosphate rock. At the same time, a slight decrease in soil acidity is achieved.

What are phosphates I think now everyone can answer, but I still dare to remind you.

Do not take this as moralizing, but simply as notes from a person who tried to understand this issue as a consumer.

Phosphates- these are salts and esters of phosphoric acids. The main application is phosphate fertilizers. But with the development of the chemical industry and the catastrophic lack of time among women, phosphates are beginning to be widely used in synthetic detergents for binding calcium and magnesium ions.

So, back in the 60s in the USSR research was carried out the impact of synthetic detergents on the environment and human health. The results obtained by our scientists coincided with the results of research by their foreign colleagues. But only the conclusions did not coincide: in Europe they reacted accordingly, but in our country the alarming facts were hidden not only from the public, but also from specialists: doctors, psychologists, chemists, ecologists.
It was found that the main reason for the negative effects of detergents on human health is due to the presence of phosphorus compounds in their composition, which disrupt the acid-base balance of skin cells, causing dermatological diseases.

In addition to external - dermatological effects, phosphorus compounds also affect the functioning of the body as a whole, since upon contact with the skin they penetrate directly into the blood. The functions of the liver, kidneys, and skeletal muscles are disrupted, which in turn leads to severe poisoning, disruption of metabolic processes and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
That's why The use of phosphates in washing powders is prohibited in many countries. A ban on the use of phosphates has been discussed in EU countries since 2011.
Today, Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands have legislation banning the use of phosphates in laundry detergents. In these countries, even car shampoo is produced on a phosphate-free basis.

Belgium more than 80%;

Finland and Sweden – 40%;

UK and Spain – 25%;

Denmark – 54%;

France - 30%;

Greece and Portugal - 15%;

In Japan, by 1986 there were no phosphates in washing powders at all.

In addition to fertilizers and laundry detergents, anthropogenic sources of phosphates in the environment include: untreated wastewater. Thus, in Western countries, the phosphate content in wastewater should be no more than 1 mg/l, in drinking water - at the level of 0.03 mg/l.

For comparison: the standard for the content of polyphosphates in drinking water according to Ukrainian GOST 2874-82 is 3.5 mg/l.

For some reason, we stubbornly do not want to notice all these terrible facts and continue to buy market detergents that are “cheap” for the pocket, but not for health.

There is no current environmental legislation in our country, which would take at least some steps towards the world community and us, ordinary consumers.

Here in these photos results of using such synthetic detergents(SMS).

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, the beginning of all problems. Sometimes, people who do not know about the impact of SMS on health can attribute such reactions of the body to products, but alas, this is the result of our “saving” on good chemistry.

Everything would be fine if not children's health.

When I first saw the presentation of phosphate-free organic detergents and the effect of synthetic detergents was shown in comparison with them, I was horrified at what I was doing to my blood children, and mind you, with my own hands.

Since then there have been no synthetics in our house!!! Chronic bronchitis, which I struggled with for 17 years in my twin boys, seemed to go away somehow unnoticed by everyone. My always red hands from washing (I didn’t have an automatic washing machine yet) began to look like the hands of a well-groomed woman, a manicure appeared.

Probably in response I will begin to be reproached about the high cost of such funds, but I assure you that this is not so. I am raising two children alone, and at the same time I manage to buy such products. I use the company’s products, which are concentrated and therefore very economical.

So, my dear readers, I urge you to love yourself, your children and simply think about future generations in our long-suffering country. With respect to you Elena.

I look forward to your feedback.

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Publication date: 12/31/2013

Many products contain phosphates, which can be easily recognized if you remember a few numbers next to the letter E. For example, E338 - orthophosphoric acid, E339 - sodium phosphate, E340 - potassium phosphate, E341 - calcium phosphate, E342 - ammonium phosphate, E343 - magnesium phosphate, E450 - pyrophosphate, E451 - triphosphate, E451 - polyphosphate. When broken down in the body, these supplements add additional phosphorus to the body.

What harm do these interesting substances phosphates cause to the body?

Compared to other minerals and their benefits or harms, phosphorus is required by the body for normal muscle and brain function. In addition, it is part of very important structural elements of cells - phospholipids. This substance also takes part in metabolism, in the construction of vitamins, many enzymes and other compounds important for the body. But you shouldn’t be afraid of not getting enough phosphorus in your diet. Because phosphorus levels increase to a large extent with frequent consumption of foods that contain phosphates. Such products are: canned foods, sausages, carbonated drinks, etc. With excess phosphate content in the body, the absorption of magnesium, calcium and iron is impaired.

Calcium phosphate

Calcium in the bones, when combined with phosphorus (calcium phosphate), leads to disruption of the formation of compounds necessary for bones in the body. With an excess intake of phosphorus in the body, calcium is poorly absorbed, which leads to the risk of developing rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. In addition, an excess of this element stimulates the production of a hormone that provokes the leaching of calcium from bones.

An excess of poorly soluble phosphates in the body causes the formation of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys, and also impedes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, increasing the risk of anemia. In addition, scientists have proven that excess phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the deposition of calcium compounds in tissues and blood vessels, which significantly increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
Modern food production technologies strictly regulate the amount of phosphates added to products as food additives. But human addiction to the same carbonated drinks and sausages becomes the reason that we ourselves create an excess of phosphates in the body. What makes the situation even worse is that sometimes manufacturers overload food with nutritional additives.

Why do foods contain food additives?

So, for example, these substances are added to sausages and other meat products to reduce the loss of product weight during heat treatment, to increase shelf life and increase the yield of finished products. Also, fish fillets are soaked in solutions of phosphate mixtures before freezing, and chicken drumsticks are syringed with the same mixtures before smoking to increase the yield of finished products and stabilize their consistency and color.

For example, if you take 700 gr. fish fillet and treat it with phosphate, then after defrosting it will be 200 grams. more. In addition to significant weight gain, another sign of the presence of phosphates in fish is the appearance of foam during frying.

In addition to the above products that contain phosphates, they are also found in bread with flour improvers, condensed and concentrated milk, artificial soft drinks, fruit ice, ice cream with additives, barley and chocolate drinks, minced fish surimi, broths and soups (concentrates), alcoholic beverages. In addition, in cream, syrups and their analogues created on the basis of vegetable fats, processed cheeses, margarines.

How to reduce phosphorus levels in the body?

Foods rich in heme iron (lean meats: liver, veal, tongue) can help reduce phosphorus levels in the body. It is advisable not to eat these foods with rye bread, since it contains elements that interfere with the absorption of iron. In addition, if there is an excessive intake of phosphates from food, the menu should be enriched with magnesium. Magnesium is found in large quantities in dark chocolate, cocoa, bran, whole grain bread, oatmeal and buckwheat, nuts, beans, buckwheat honey, raisins, soybeans, dates, dried apricots and prunes. Also, in order to reduce or neutralize the negative effects of excess phosphorus on the human body, a sufficient amount of calcium must be present in the diet. It is best absorbed from fermented milk products and milk.

What are phosphates? Phosphorus is a chemical element known to everyone from school chemistry courses. Phosphates are salts of phosphoric acids that are found in fertilizers and are used in the production of many medicines. People encounter phosphates everywhere: they are found in industrial and domestic wastewater and detergents. Besides

, phosphates are officially approved for use as a food additive.
Phosphates are an essential component of the body of all people. First of all, phosphates are a component of adenosine triphosphoric acid, which is the main carrier of energy in the human body.
Calcium phosphate (like many other phosphates) is important for our body. It is part of teeth and all bones. For them, this is the main building material.
Phosphates are an integral part of many medicines, which are absolutely necessary in the treatment of certain diseases.
Phosphates are widely used in the food industry. They are moisture-binding agents in meat and fish processing, as well as in the confectionery and dairy industries. Sodium phosphate is added to many products. It loosens the dough, makes cheeses, sausages and condensed milk homogeneous. Mono-, di-, tri-, pyro- and polyphosphates are officially approved for use in the food industry of the Russian Federation. The features of their use in different branches of the food industry are very different. For example, in meat and fish production, food phosphates with high solubility in water and saline solutions are used. They all have an alkaline reaction. Their addition leads to an increase in pH, which means an increase in the moisture-binding capacity of proteins. Those. You can add more water to sausages, sausages, and boiled sausage, thereby increasing its weight.

Acid phosphates are used to increase swelling and moisture retention of connective tissue proteins and improve color formation. This makes the products elastic and juicy, not due to the quality of the meat, there is almost no meat there! And due to softened connective tissues (films, crushed tendons, boiled cartilage), which also acquire a pink “meaty” color with the help of special additives. Thanks to these actions, the yield of finished products increases, losses and transfer of moisture during defrosting and heat treatment are reduced, the duration of salting is reduced, the texture and consistency, color and taste of finished meat and fish products are improved, and fat oxidation is slowed down. Meat, fish and seafood treated with food phosphates are more juicy, tender and more quickly digested.
Potassium phosphate is used in the food industry as an antioxidant and bactericidal substance. The effect of potassium phosphate on bacteria is explained by the fact that metabolic processes in the body of the bacterium are suppressed. Accordingly, potassium phosphate is also used as a preservative.

We must not forget that the maximum permitted amounts of phosphates added per 1 kg of raw meat in terms of P2O5 should not exceed 5 grams. The maximum permitted amounts of the same phosphates in fish products depend on their type, and usually range from 1 to 5 grams per kg in terms of P2O5 However, unscrupulous manufacturers covertly violate these standards.
Also interesting are phosphates, which are classified as detergents. These are sodium phosphate, calcium phosphate and potassium phosphate. Sodium phosphate is found in many laundry detergents. It is necessary as a reagent that softens water (so that washing occurs better). Potassium phosphate is a component of liquid soaps, shampoos, etc. The purpose is the same as sodium phosphate - to make water softer. Calcium phosphate is included in toothpastes as a mild abrasive to help clean teeth better.
The maximum phosphate content in drinking water and water for household needs is 3.5 milligrams per liter of water. Why? So that water with a large amount of phosphates does not act as a laxative (like sodium phosphate) or harm the intestinal microflora (like potassium phosphate). And it didn’t increase the body’s energy when it wasn’t needed.
Many washing powders do not dissolve well in water and do not rinse well when washing. This leads to the entry of surfactants and phosphates through the skin.

Since phosphates are found almost everywhere, many people experience excess phosphate intake in their bodies. This leads to the leaching of calcium and magnesium from the body and the deposition of phosphorus and calcium in the form of stones, for example in the kidneys. However, eating foods containing a lot of calcium and magnesium does not help. Osteoporosis sets in. Fractures of the femoral neck in women over 60 years of age are more relevant today than 50 years ago, when chemistry did not invade our diet and everyday life so massively.

But the main danger of phosphates is eutrophication of water bodies. Eutrophication is increased nutrition. Phosphates, due to their energetic effect, are an excellent fertilizer for plants. Many people know about such fertilizer as superphosphate. Now imagine that hundreds of thousands of city residents wash their clothes with powders containing phosphates. Phosphates enter through the sewer system into a river or lake.

As a result, algae that have received fertilizers grow. Then there is a rapid bloom of water, a massive proliferation of plankton and other microorganisms. As a result, higher animals (fish, crayfish, etc.) die, since there is no oxygen left in the water for them. Plants used it. In addition, they poisoned the water with waste products. Conclusion: using washing powders with phosphates is dangerous because... poisons the environment, takes the lives of aquatic animals, and then, along the food chain, of other animals and birds. This is the main harm of phosphates - they greatly pollute the environment.
In many countries around the world, the production of washing powders with phosphates is prohibited by law. Phosphate-free washing powders are produced there. In our country, unfortunately, you can find many such powders on sale. Sometimes the label “does not contain phosphates” hides deception.

What foods contain oxalates?

First of all, as mentioned above, oxalates are found in cooked vegetables and fruits.

Oxalic acid salts are also present in vinegar, mustard, chocolate, fatty meats, sweets, wine berries, cookies, jam, dough products, ice cream.

What foods contain oxalic acid?

The harmless amount of oxalic acid salts is 50 mg per 100 g of food.

The leaders in the content of this acid are:
greens (sorrel, rhubarb, spinach, as well as celery and parsley);
lemon and lime (especially the peel);
cashew nuts.

In addition, oxalic acid is found in the following products:
culinary poppy;
green bean;
lettuce leaves;
wheat germ;


Speaking about salts of oxalic acid, one cannot fail to mention phosphates, which are salts and esters of phosphoric acids.

Today, phosphates are ubiquitous in human life, because they are found in detergents, foods, medications, and also in wastewater.

Phosphates are used as moisture-binding agents in the processing of meat and fish.

In addition, salts of phosphoric acids are used in the confectionery and dairy industries: for example, phosphates loosen dough and impart uniformity to cheeses and condensed milk.

Briefly, the role of phosphates in the food industry can be reduced to the following points:
an increase in the water-binding and emulsifying abilities of muscle tissue proteins (as a result, elastic and juicy sausage “flaunts” on our tables, and all these qualities are due not to the high quality of the meat itself, but specifically to the presence of phosphates in meat products);
reduction in the rate of oxidative processes;
promoting color formation in meat products (phosphates provide a beautiful pink color to sausages, frankfurters, balyks and sausages);
slowing down fat oxidation.

But! There are certain established standards for the content of phosphates in food products, which cannot be exceeded so as not to cause serious harm to health.

Thus, the maximum permitted phosphate content per 1 kg of meat and fish products is no more than 5 g (in general, this figure varies between 1 and 5 g). However, often unscrupulous producers of meat and fish products violate these standards. For this reason, it is better to consume meat and fish dishes prepared by yourself, minimizing (or better yet, eliminating) the consumption of store-bought meat and fish products.

Phosphates present in many products (sweets that contain large amounts of dyes and flavor enhancers are especially dangerous) provoke the development of the following reactions:
skin rashes;
disturbance of mental reactions (we are talking about hyperactivity and impulsiveness in children, weakened concentration, excessive aggressiveness);
disturbance of calcium metabolism, which leads to fragility and brittleness of bones.

Important! If an allergy to phosphates occurs, you should avoid foods containing additives such as E220, E339, E322, since these substances can provoke severe reactions within 30 minutes.

What foods contain phosphates?

As mentioned above, phosphates are present in meat and fish products, canned seafood, processed cheese, canned milk, and carbonated drinks.

In addition, phosphates are present in many sweets.

Purines and uric acid

Purines (despite the fact that they are classified as harmful substances that provoke the development of gout) are the most important compounds that are part of all living organisms without exception and ensure normal metabolism. Moreover, purines are the basis for the formation of nucleic acids, which are responsible for the storage, hereditary transmission and implementation of information (remember that nucleic acids are the well-known DNA and RNA).

When cells die, purines are destroyed with the further formation of uric acid, which acts as a powerful antioxidant that protects our blood vessels and prevents premature aging.

But as soon as the level of uric acid in the body is exceeded, it turns from a “friend” into an “enemy”, since, accumulating in the kidneys, joints and other organs, it leads to the development of gout, rheumatism, hypertension, osteochondrosis, urolithiasis and kidney stones. In addition, excess uric acid weakens the activity of the heart and contributes to blood thickening.

Therefore, it is extremely important to control the level of uric acid in the body, and for this it is enough to monitor your diet, which should not be oversaturated with foods containing large quantities of purines.

What foods contain purines?

Important! The average daily intake of purines for healthy people who do not have problems with the kidneys, which are responsible for removing excess uric acid from the body, is 600 – 1000 mg. At the same time, products of plant origin containing a large amount of purines are not dangerous to health, since they are suppliers of organic acids that help eliminate excess uric acid directly.

The highest purine content is found in the following products:
veal (especially tongue and thymus);
pork (especially heart, liver and kidneys);
dried white mushrooms;

Moderate amounts of purines are found in the following foods:
bovine lungs;
poultry meat;
rabbit meat;
dry sunflower seeds;
raisins sultanas.

The least amount of purines is present in the following foods:
dry peas;
cauliflower and savoy cabbage;
meat products;
canned mushrooms;
cottage cheese;
dried dates;
sweet corn;
green olives;
bakery products;
a pineapple;
boiled potatoes in their skins;
Red Ribes;


Tannin (this most useful substance has another name – tannic acid) has a beneficial effect on the human body, namely:
eliminates inflammatory processes;
helps stop bleeding;
neutralizes the effects of bee stings;
helps cure various skin diseases;
binds and removes waste, toxins and heavy metals from the body;
neutralizes the negative effects of microbes;
strengthens blood vessels;
eliminates gastrointestinal disorders;
prevents the development of radiation sickness, as well as leukemia.

What foods contain tannins?

Important! It is advisable to consume products containing tannins (and any other tannins) on an empty stomach or between meals, otherwise they bind to the proteins of the food itself and therefore do not reach the mucous membranes of both the stomach and intestines.

Food sources of tannins:
green and black tea;
black currant;
spices (cloves, cinnamon, cumin, as well as thyme, vanilla and bay leaf);

Important! The appearance of a feeling of viscosity in the mouth when eating a particular product indicates the tannin content in it.


This is a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid that provides energy metabolism not only in muscle cells, but also in nerve cells. This is a kind of “warehouse” of energy from which the body, if necessary, receives strength, not to mention increasing endurance.

Benefits of creatine
Significant increase in muscle mass.
Accelerating the rate of recovery after intense physical activity.
Removing toxins.
Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
Reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Promoting cell growth.
Improving brain function, namely enhancing memory and thinking.
Accelerates metabolism, which promotes fat burning.

If we talk about the dangers of creatine, then with moderate consumption of products containing this substance, no side effects will be observed, which has been confirmed by many studies.

But! Ingesting creatine in excessive doses can lead to the development of obesity, as well as overload of systems and organs responsible not only for the absorption, but also for the processing of various food components.

Important! Creatine is produced by the human body itself from amino acids, but still a certain part of it must be supplied with food.

What foods contain creatine?

Creatine is extremely sensitive to heat, so during the heat treatment of products, a significant part of it is destroyed.

Main food sources of creatine:


Aspirin (or acetylsalicylic acid) is a derivative of salicylic acid.

The benefits of aspirin are undeniable:
Preventing the formation and so-called adhesion of blood clots.
Stimulating the formation of a large number of biologically active substances.
Activation of enzymes that break down proteins.
Strengthening blood vessels and cell membranes.
Regulating the formation of connective, cartilage, and bone tissue.
Preventing vasoconstriction, which is an excellent prevention of the development of heart attacks and strokes.
Relieving inflammation.
Elimination of febrile conditions accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
Relieving headaches (aspirin thins the blood and, consequently, reduces intracranial pressure).

Important! As you know, with long-term use of aspirin in the form of tablets, various side effects can be observed, therefore (in order to avoid various complications) for preventive purposes, it is better to consume products of plant origin containing acetylsalicylic acid. Natural products do not cause any serious complications.

What foods contain aspirin?

Acetylsalicylic acid is found in many fruits and vegetables. All the products listed below must be included in the menu of older people and those who suffer from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Main food sources of aspirin:
Bell pepper;
cocoa powder;
red wine;
citrus fruits (especially lemons).

Fish oil also has powerful aspirin-like properties.

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