Anorexia - with what weight it starts, causes, signs, consequences. Anorexia: causes and symptoms What does anorexia mean

The last century brought not only outstanding discoveries, Nobel Prize winners and computer technology, but also new diseases, one of which is anorexia. The pursuit of fashion and the ideal of morbid thinness has caused many young people to strive to lose weight, sometimes even at the cost of their health.

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Why does anorexia occur?

Anorexia refers to neuropsychiatric disorders, which is characterized by an obsessive desire to lose "extra" weight and deliberate refusal to eat. Signs and symptoms of anorexia appear against the background of fear of imaginary obesity, and the disease can reach an irreversible stage in its development, when even modern medicine cannot help such patients.

It has been proven that more than 80% of all cases of anorexia appear at the age of 12-24 years, that is, at the time of personality formation. All causes of the disease are conditionally divided into genetic, social and psychological.

Of all the reasons, social factors and the influence of the environment on the unformed psyche of a teenager are singled out, as well as the desire to imitate and the expectation of attention to one's person. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the symptoms of anorexia appear at a time when a person is not confident in himself. Add to this dissatisfaction with your appearance, hormonal changes, stress, low self-esteem, unrequited love and family problems ...

The picture is presented in such a light that the teenager has no choice but to take care of his appearance after assessing the successful people around him. At the same time, they usually do not dedicate their parents and acquaintances to their plans, and when it becomes clear to them that something is wrong with the child, it is usually too late.

The most terrible complication of anorexia is the launch of the body's mechanisms for self-destruction, when, due to a lack of nutrients, the cells feed on the same cells, that is, they eat themselves. How to identify anorexia and recognize its signs in time?

Stages of anorexia

1. Signs of anorexia manifest themselves in different ways, it depends on the stage of the disease, which can be characterized as follows:

2. Dysmorphomanic - in patients, thoughts begin to prevail that they are inferior due to excess weight. It is during this period that it is important to be able to recognize the first signs of anorexia.

3. Anorexic - when patients no longer hide the fact that they are starving. The weight of patients at this stage of the disease is reduced by 25-30%. At this time, it is not difficult to make a diagnosis, since there are obvious symptoms of a nervous breakdown.

4. Cachectic - the period when the internal restructuring of the body and irreversible processes begin. The weight deficit is more than 50%.

How to identify the signs and symptoms of anorexia?

Among all nervous disorders and diseases associated with changes in the psyche, mortality from anorexia ranks first. And the statistics for today are such that 8 out of 10 girls aged 12-14 try to reduce their weight through diet or dietary restrictions.

Some of them simply refuse to eat, while others try to get rid of the food they have eaten with the help of vomiting, laxatives and enemas. On this basis, all patients with anorexia are divided into 2 types - restrictive and cleansing.

The main difference is that some do not eat up to a feeling of fullness, while others eat as much as they want, but at the same time they try to remove the food eaten from the body in any way. From the point of view of a mental disorder, both of these signs indicate the presence of a disease.

In addition, the first symptoms of anorexia in the early stages of the disease include:

- Decreased appetite due to dissatisfaction with one's appearance.

- Increased time spent in front of the mirror.

- Pain in the abdomen (especially after eating).

- Increased fragility and dryness of hair, as well as their loss.

- Violation or cessation of menstruation.

- Increased interest in diets, calories, famous models in the fashion world.

- Frequent fainting spells.

- Increased chilliness and intolerance to cold.

- Long stay in the toilet, which can be caused by constipation or attempts to get rid of food with the help of a gag reflex.

- The appearance of hair on the body (due to changes in the hormonal background).

Signs of anorexia nervosa at this stage are easily recognized, but it is almost impossible to get patients to see a doctor for medical help. If the treatment of the disease is not started, then the patients develop the terminal stage, which leads to disruption of the work of all organs and systems, and in some cases to death.

The article discusses anorexia. You will learn what this disease is, what symptoms and stages it has. We will tell you what causes the development of this pathology and consider medical, psychological and psychiatric methods of treating the disease. Following our advice, you will learn how to prevent and follow a special diet. Let us highlight the topic of the features of the treatment of childhood and adolescent anorexia.

Anorexia is a dangerous disease that often has psychological causes.

Anorexia is the degree of exhaustion of the body, while the patient himself does not recognize the presence of the disease and considers himself excessively fat. Signs of anorexia include an obsession with losing weight and a fear of gaining weight. Most often, this disease affects girls and women aged 14 to 25 years.

In our time, this pathology is quite common. Most often this is due to a distorted perception of the beauty of the body. In an attempt to become like emaciated fashion models, girls torment themselves with diets.

The danger of pathology lies in the rapid decrease in body weight. At the same time, the body is deprived of the substances necessary for normal functioning, and this, in turn, leads to disruption of the work of all organs and systems.

Among the consequences of anorexia are disruptions in the menstrual cycle, arrhythmia, digestive disorders, general weakness of the body, fainting, osteoporosis, weakening and hair loss. In extreme cases, death can occur.

You learned what anorexia is and why the disease is dangerous. Now let's take a closer look at the causes of this pathology.

Causes of anorexia

Depending on the causes that caused the pathology, there are several varieties of the disease. One of the most common is anorexia nervosa, it is provoked by psychological or mental disorders.

The second no less common form of the disease is medicinal. This pathology develops as a result of taking special medications that reduce body weight. They work by eliminating the feeling of hunger. At the same time, some of them are addictive, so it can be extremely difficult to refuse to take them on your own, which leads to excessive depletion of the body.

Among the reasons for the formation of anorexia is a panic fear of gaining excess weight. This fear is based on disturbances in the perception of one's own body, most often manifested in adolescence, when girls begin hormonal changes and more rounded hips and breasts appear.

Anorexia often develops in children and adolescents when parents force them to eat.

In adolescence, the cause of the formation of anorexia is often pathological self-doubt and low self-esteem. Against the background of hyper-custody on the part of parents, this turns into the impossibility of a calm reaction to any slightest criticism regarding the appearance of the child.

Often you can meet the development of this pathology in the period of expectation of the baby. This is due to the fear of gaining excess weight and not returning to its previous shape after childbirth.

Anorexia and pregnancy are incompatible concepts. During the period of bearing a child, the body needs a larger amount of nutrients, which, due to pathology, generally cease to flow, and the fetus has nowhere to take building material for growth and development.

Anorexia during pregnancy can lead to various pathologies of fetal development. These include gestational diabetes and miscarriage.

You learned what anorexia is and how it appears. Now consider the main symptoms and stages of the development of the disease.

Symptoms and stages of anorexia

The first signs of how anorexia begins are difficult to determine. This is due to the fact that at the initial stage of the disease there is no pronounced thinness, and some signs can be observed in healthy people. Nevertheless, with a detailed examination and attentive attitude towards a loved one, changes in behavior can be noticed.

There are behavioral and physiological symptoms of anorexia. And if physiological ones appear in the later stages of the disease, then changes in behavior can be noticed immediately.

A person suffering from anorexia of the 1st degree, first of all, begins to express dissatisfaction with his own appearance, in particular, his figure and weight. Such people begin to get involved in all kinds of diets, regardless of the state of health, they can severely limit themselves in food, induce vomiting after eating.

The physical signs of anorexia in women include menstrual irregularities up to the complete cessation of menstruation. Disorders of the digestive system appear: bloating, pain, intestinal obstruction.

At stage 1 of anorexia, weight loss begins. Along with this, dizziness, a sharp deterioration in well-being and a breakdown appear. The loss of 20% of the total mass is an alarm signal and an indication for immediate medical attention.

It is possible to say at what weight anorexia begins only by calculating the body mass index. This indicator is different for everyone. To determine it, it is necessary to divide the patient's weight by the squared height in meters. The resulting numerical indicator should not go beyond 18.5 to 25 units. Modern medicine has set a critical BMI of 17.5 - this is the threshold for the development of anorexia. Look at the ratio of weight and height in the table for anorexia.

Healthy conditionheight (m) / weight (kg) Anorexiaheight (m) / weight (kg)
1,55/53 150/34
1,58/54 153/35
160/56 154/36
163/58 155/37
165/60 158/38
168/62 160/40
170/64 163/41
173/65 165/42
175/67 168/43
178/69 170/44

There are 4 stages of anorexia. They develop gradually, following one after another. Let's consider them in more detail.

As a rule, the first stage of anorexia lasts from 2 to 4 years. This preparatory period is characterized by the formation of a critical opinion about one's appearance. At the same time, the positive opinion of others is not taken into account, but an inadvertently expressed remark or criticism is perceived quite painfully and can serve as an impetus for the transition to the second stage of the disease.

If at the initial stage of anorexia the patient only has thoughts about how to correct his appearance, in particular his figure, then starting from the second stage, he begins to take action. There is a passion for diets and a strict restriction of oneself in food.

With grade 2 anorexia, there is a visible and fairly significant weight loss - from 20% of the total body weight. This entails hormonal disruptions and disruption of most organs and systems.

The cachectic stage or grade 3 anorexia is characterized by an aggravation of the patient's condition. At this time, somatohormonal disorders predominate: menstrual flow stops, the subcutaneous fat layer disappears, dystrophic conditions of the skin and muscles are formed.

With the 3rd degree of anorexia, the heartbeat slows down, the pulse becomes weak, blood circulation is disturbed and blood pressure decreases. The patient is constantly cold, and the skin becomes bluish.

In parallel with this, the condition of hair, nails and teeth is significantly deteriorating. They become more brittle and lifeless, bleeding and sore gums appear.

At this stage of the disease, medical intervention is necessary. Without psychological help and medications, it is impossible to cope with anorexia on your own.

The last stage of the disease is characterized by the return of obsessive thoughts about one's appearance. Since after treatment, the weight begins to return to normal, there are panic states about excess body weight. The last stage of anorexia can last up to 2 years. All this time the patient must be under close supervision, otherwise he will break into another hunger strike.

Depending on the stage of the disease, there is a constant loss of body weight. Look at the ratio of weight loss and stages of anorexia in the table.

Stages of anorexia Weight loss from body weight BMI health risk
1 from 5% less than 18.5 absent
2 from 10% less than 17.5 high
3 from 20% less than 16 very tall
4 from 50% less than 14 critical

You learned the stages, symptoms and causes of anorexia. Now let's talk about the methods of medical, psychological and psychiatric treatment of the disease.

Anorexia Treatment Methods

The success of the treatment of anorexia lies in an integrated approach and the desire of the patient to recover. To return a person to a habitual way of life, it is necessary not only to restore the work of all organs and systems of the body, but also to normalize and adapt his mental state.

Therefore, the question - which doctor treats anorexia, can definitely be answered that consultation of many highly specialized specialists, including psychologists and psychiatrists, will be required. Consider individual methods of treating pathology.

Medical therapy

Before curing anorexia with the help of drug therapy, a consultation with a therapist is necessary. As a rule, doctors are faced with the task of restoring the functioning of the digestive system, normalizing metabolic processes in the body and heart function, smoothly increasing body weight, preventing the development of dystrophy.

At the initial stage, the patient must comply with bed rest. Most often, treatment is carried out in a hospital, but sometimes, when the risk to life is not confirmed, the patient can be transferred to home maintenance. How to treat anorexia at home, the doctor will also tell.

At first, the patient requires constant supervision. To restore appetite and help in the digestion of food, the patient is given insulin-containing drugs. Also, the doctor may prescribe a glucose solution to restore strength.

Frenolon is prescribed to normalize eating behavior. Berpamin and Polyamine will help restore the water-salt balance and metabolic processes. For complex treatment and relief of the condition, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants: Zoloft, Eglonin, Coaxin.

You have learned how to treat anorexia with medication. Consider the importance of psychological intervention in the recovery process.

Psychological treatment

Psychological treatment of anorexia consists in adjusting the perception of one's own body, in accepting oneself as a person and social adaptation after the therapy. Important is the moment of acceptance of the problem and the desire to get rid of it.

The psychologist preliminarily conducts a test for anorexia, thereby determining the main cause of the formation of the disease. An important role in recovery is played by loved ones, who can both help and hinder therapy.

Thanks to the competent work of psychologists, there is an adjustment of behavioral habits, the formation of a normal reaction to one's own body and weight in particular. Classes with a specialist are conducted both individually and in a group of patients with similar problems.

Psychiatric treatment

In the case of the formation of anorexia against the background of severe mental illness, the intervention of a psychiatrist will be required. For example, it is indispensable for schizophrenia, depressive and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

For the treatment of anorexia, methods of group, family and individual psychotherapy are used. If necessary, the doctor enhances drug treatment, adding tranquilizers and antipsychotics to the list. Sometimes hypnosis is used.

Diet for anorexia

Nutrition is an important part of rehabilitation for anorexia

For faster recovery from anorexia, you need to maintain a special diet. It must be carefully calculated and balanced in order to help the body recuperate as quickly as possible without putting excessive stress on weakened organs.

To determine the appropriate menu, it is necessary to conduct bioimpedansometry. This study will assess the deviation from the norm of body weight, muscle tissue and the degree of dehydration of the body. Based on the data obtained, the nutritionist draws up a suitable menu.

Food is introduced into the patient's diet in fractionally small portions. As a rule, during the day the patient should eat at least 5 times. At the same time, it is equally important to drink enough clean water - at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

Features of the treatment of childhood and adolescent anorexia

Most often, adolescents with a fragile psyche fall into the risk zone for developing anorexia. The inability of a child to calmly respond to stress, problems and criticism leads to a rejection of himself and, as a result, to an attempt to change his appearance, in particular weight.

An important role in the formation of anorexia and the cure for the disease is played by parents and close relatives. If a child grows up in an atmosphere of constant criticism and misunderstanding, then in the form of a subconscious protest, he may begin to try to change his attitude towards him by changing his appearance.

Attention to changes in the behavior of the child by adults can eliminate the very cause of the formation of pathology. In this vein, it is especially important for adolescents to maintain a trusting relationship with their parents.

A child in adolescence needs support and understanding, even if he denies it. Therefore, parents should be extremely careful about children who somehow try to artificially influence their own appearance. The sooner you pay attention, the less likely it is that the disease will develop into a serious pathology that will require specialized treatment.

Is it possible to fully recover from anorexia?

The opinions of doctors regarding the possibility of a complete recovery from anorexia were divided. Some believe that with effective psychotherapeutic treatment, a complete recovery from the disease is possible.

Others argue that this pathology is a cyclically arranged disease, in which the stages of remission are replaced by relapses. In this case, a person can lead a normal life for several years, but in the end he will return to a sick state.

Prevention methods

In order to prevent anorexia, attention should be paid to the nutrition of the child from an early age. Do not force feed or overfeed your children. This can lead to weight gain and, as a result, dissatisfaction with your own body and a whole bunch of psychological disorders. The diet should be balanced and contain fruits and vegetables.

The formation of anorexia is greatly influenced by the atmosphere in the family in which the child grows up. If at home he finds constant support, care and words of love, then he will feel much more confident.

If your child is gaining excess weight, try to be as gentle and tactful as possible in talking to him about it and offer your help. Do not leave children alone with this problem, otherwise it will develop into anorexia.

For the purpose of prevention, medical examinations should be carried out annually by a general practitioner (pediatrician), endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Psychologists work in most educational institutions. It would be useful to contact them for advice on assessing the behavior of your child and timely prevention of any deviations.

In case of detection of the first symptoms of the disease, do not postpone a visit to a specialist. The sooner you see a doctor, the more likely you are to get by with psychological support without medication.

For more information about anorexia, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Most often, teenagers with a fragile psyche and women under the age of 25 who are unhappy with their appearance fall into the risk zone for developing anorexia.
  2. Symptoms of anorexia in women are most clearly manifested in the failure of the menstrual cycle up to the complete cessation of menstruation. Disorders of the digestive system appear: bloating, pain, intestinal obstruction, weight loss and weakening of the body.
  3. The success of the treatment of anorexia lies in an integrated approach and the desire of the patient to recover. For therapy, drug treatment, psychological and psychiatric treatment are used.

Everyone can answer the question of what anorexia is. However, not everyone can cope with this painful condition alone. After all, an ailment can be both a consequence of another, more serious physical illness, and a harbinger of a complex mental disorder.

Anorexia is a complex of symptoms of malnutrition, representing a real danger to human life.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of good nutrition in ensuring the normal functioning of all subsystems and organs of the body.

How do people get anorexia? Causes

The factors provoking the disease can be conditionally divided into: independent, cultivated and not realized.

At the same time, certain types of disorders are formed from the variety of conditions for the maturation of the disease.

Main causes of anorexia:

  • bad heredity;
  • improper care and upbringing;
  • the harmful influence of society;
  • surgical and oncological diseases;
  • psychiatric disorders.

IMPORTANT: How do people get anorexia?? They simply stop taking enough food for normal life.

They are hindered, for example, by pain or the absence of individual organs. They may develop destructive subconscious reflexes that are difficult to control. Their worldview is more categorical than rational: extremes can be traced in judgments about the appearance and social role of a person.

Anorexia symptoms. How to protect yourself from a dangerous disease?

The physical signs of permanent malnutrition are monstrous.

The lack of professional treatment for many years can lead to irreversible changes in metabolic processes and the almost complete disappearance of the immune system.

Symptoms of anorexia easily recognizable:

  • loss of muscle and brain mass;
  • osteoporosis and bone fractures;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • cardiac arrhythmia and bradycardia;
  • pallor and dryness of the skin;
  • hair loss, changes in the structure of nails;
  • vomiting and intestinal obstruction.

IMPORTANT: How to protect yourself from a dangerous disease? Eliminate the possibility of programming the unconscious reactions of your body by anyone. Try to match only your ideal body type.

Types of anorexia: primary anorexia

Violation of the feeding regimen in childhood can cause significant deviations in physical development.

Wrong actions include not only non-compliance with nutrition schedules, but also feeding: excess, forced, inedible foods.

IMPORTANT: Primary anorexia grows entirely from the formed food rejection reflexes.

Reducing the excitability of the food center by the monotony of foods or the immoderate feeding of sweets also leads to weight problems in the future.

Types of anorexia: anorexia nervosa

This complex of deviations in eating behavior affects mainly females aged 14-20 years.

The key manifestation of the disorder is a manic obsession with weight loss.

The goal is achieved using a simple set of actions:

Although anorexia nervosa and is a serious illness, timely correction of a person's behavioral motives helps to quickly curb it.

Types of anorexia: drug anorexia

Refusal of food can be caused by the intake of specific therapeutic agents. At the same time, the purpose of taking the drugs will not have any connection with weight loss issues.

Some pharmaceutical forms for the treatment of asthma, allergies and heart disease, as well as painkillers and anticancer compounds, can provoke the development of this type of disease.

drug anorexia found in many drug addicts. Frequent stimulation of pleasure receptors in the brain significantly dulls the food reflex.

Types of anorexia: mental anorexia

The evolution of this deviation is accompanied by vivid mental reactions. Among others:

  • increased anxiety and fear of everything new;
  • experiencing feelings of guilt;
  • indecision and vulnerability;
  • loss of self-control, affective states;
  • suicidal syndrome.

IMPORTANT: According to many doctors, mental anorexia- one of the manifestations of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Those suffering from such an ailment separate their inner self from the outer shell, experiencing twofold feelings for the body: love and hatred at the same time.

Anorexia: photos of girls

Glossy magazines and television have always had a great influence on the behavior of adolescents. Does beauty require sacrifice?

Bringing themselves to excessive thinness, girls try to live in a normal rhythm. But this rarely comes out.

You are no longer the same!

Curbing anorexia on your own is almost impossible. Biochemical processes in the body give a strong failure.

Many patients have difficulty with an adequate assessment of the size of their own body. Excessive thinness seems attractive to them.

The addiction to weight loss sometimes brings people together. At the same time, the likelihood of an early aggravation of the condition in all recently made friends increases dramatically.

Anorexia: photos of girls do not leave anyone indifferent. However, they are extremely pitiful.

Getting out of a painful state and becoming “normal” is not easy. Medical complications are unlikely to pass by.

Anorexia - what is it?

Pregnancy with anorexia

Long-term medical practice rejects the possibility of normal formation and development of the fetus in a mother who restricts herself in nutrition for a long time. The very probability of getting pregnant in such a woman tends to zero.

The lack of trace elements necessary for sexual function stops the reproductive cycle completely.

miraculously formed pregnancy with anorexia is extremely difficult, with a constant threat of miscarriage or death of the mother.

Bear a normal child with anorexia? Forget about it!

IMPORTANT: An exhausted girl never has healthy children.

Anorexia in guys: photo

The male half of humanity rarely suffers from eating disorders. Against the background of schizophrenia, chronic depression or alcohol abuse, a nervous or mental anorexia in boys. Photo below provide evidence of symptomatology.

Problems similar to women: loss of muscle mass and sagging skin.

In adult men, a painful condition usually occurs against the background of serious physical ailments.

Treatment of anorexia

As part of getting rid of eating disorders, the implemented assistance can be divided into medical And psychological. For example, stationary enteral nutrition preparations and psychotropic drugs help patients overcome the borderline states of physical and mental exhaustion. And the fight against complications implies a mandatory general strengthening treatment in the form of:

  • glucose and vitamin therapy;
  • correction with antacids and enzymes;
  • recovery with nootropics and analeptics;
  • reinforcements with antihypertensive and antianemic dosage forms.

IMPORTANT: Treatment of anorexia impossible without quality psychotherapy. Specialists identify and correct errors of thinking, expand the system of behavior, help to establish lost interpersonal connections.

Anorexia: before and after

Ridding the patient of a pathological belief in the defectiveness of the body is one of the priorities of psychologists in the treatment of anorexia nervosa.

An adequate perception of body parameters and a correct assessment of the degree of weight loss indicate the onset of a phase of mental recovery.

Many have already recovered! And how are you?

fading anorexia before and after medical intervention looks completely different.

Every day of delay in treatment leads to irreversible consequences for the internal organs.

An unformed motivation for recovery is a direct road to relapse.

Behavioral interventions should not be terminated earlier than expected.

Recidivists are also among anorexics!

The experience of those who have been ill, their relatives and doctors of various specialties is certainly important for clarifying the real dangers of the disease.

Below are the videos, advice and feedback for the treatment of anorexia.

The cachectic stage is no longer treated. When more than 50% of the weight is lost, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed and convulsions progress, there is practically no one to save. Do not waste precious time that can be spent on saving lives!

Anorexia - painful thinness

Painful thinness is not normal! Save your loved ones before it's too late! Treatment for anorexia will only help if there is a stimulus in life

Treatment will only help if there is a stimulus in life. Can't get out without it.

Anorexia - don't go to extremes

An atrophied brain is not the best gift from youth. Don't go to extremes. Nothing good comes from fasting!

It's probably hard to resist the temptation to prove your superiority to the world. However, no one thinks about a painful starvation death. Be careful what you wish for and take good care of your health.

Video: Anorexia - you can’t lose weight like that!

Video: Anorexia

Video: Treatment of anorexia in EMC. Patient history after therapy

2 Nowadays, excessive thinness is still in fashion, so many girls spend a lot of effort to turn their appetizing forms into a pile of bones. Although it is worth noting that fashion in the West is already moving away from the standards of 90-60-90. In this short article, we will talk about girls who dream of looking like a sheet of paper, both in weight and thickness, such people are called anorexic which means you will read a little below.
However, before continuing, let me recommend you a few more popular publications on the subject of girls and women. For example, how to understand the word Pikhva, which means Vagina, who is called Kulyoma, what is PMS, etc.
So let's continue what does anorexic mean? This term was borrowed from the Greek language "anorexia", and is translated as "without the urge to eat." In Russia, girls with a similar complexion have long been called Sikilds.

anorexic- this is an insult, so they call very thin girls, although they themselves are proud of such a nickname

How to determine if a girl is really sick anorexia? One of the first points that you should pay attention to is the young person's excessive enthusiasm for all kinds of diets, despite the fact that her weight is already small. And the more a woman loses weight, the more she worries about her weight, which she allegedly finds in herself. What is surprising is that even with advanced anorexia, patient continues to claim that she is absolutely healthy. Some individual females sometimes bring themselves to such a state that only hospitalization can save them. Unfortunately, in these advanced cases, nutritionists are no longer able to do anything, here you need to contact either psychologists or psychiatrists.

There are groups on social networks in which it is widely promoted anorexia, there girls concerned about their kilograms share ways to lose their weight even more. These babies, in the truest sense of the word, even formed their own special jargon, which we will give below.

Dictionary Anorexic

kcal- kilocalories, that is, the calorie content of the product.

300, 500 - these numbers in diets show the number of calories.

PP- abbreviation "Proper Nutrition".

ABC- the abbreviation of "Ana Boot Camp", this is the name of a very powerful diet that is suitable for the most advanced cases, or for those who are "not friends with their heads."

ZhP- abbreviation "Hard Drinking".

Exchange is jargon for the phrase "metabolism".

Plateau- this is how anorexics call the situation when the weight does not change for a long time, either in one direction or the other, although you are on a diet.

KP- an abbreviation of "Compulsive Overeating" (this is the uncontrolled consumption of large amounts of food).

weight gain jargon for adding weight on a scale.

plumb line- jargon, which means reducing the weight on the scales.

Butterfly is an obsessive desire to associate oneself with moths, since these insects are so weightless and light. Among anorexics, this nickname is perceived as a compliment.

Butterfly - the same as "moth", is a compliment in the ano circle.

rem- an abbreviation for the word "Remantadine" (a remedy for colds), with prolonged use it contributes to the development of anorexia.

FLU- short for the drug Fluoxetine, is an antidepressant that suppresses appetite, and as a result causes anorexia.

ECA- this is how anorexics call a number of drugs, "Ephedrine Caffeine Aspirin" (they are used in fitness and bodybuilding to get relief muscles and lose weight).

Bisak- short for Bisacodyl (strong laxative).

Bronchus- short for the word Bronholitin, is a cough syrup in which ephedrine is present, and it, in turn, is a constituent of ECA.

hair dryer- an abbreviation for the word Amphetamine (is a narcotic substance and a psychostimulant).

Blue or blue thread on the wrist- this symbol shows that a person has Bulimia (these are periodic or frequent fluctuations in weight, with periods of uncontrolled bouts of overeating and the following forms of cleansing).

Red thread on the left wrist - the girl became anorexic.

Red thread on right wrist- the girl wants to become anorexic.

purple thread on the wrist- is a symbol of the anorexic community, or a designation that you are a PA-schnitsa.

Mia is short for bulimia.

Ana is short for anorexia.

MF- stands for "Malozhranie", that is, the girl limits herself in receiving calories.

Proana- the contraction can be deciphered as a "professional anorexic", that is, one who monitors her weight and figure, and tries to achieve complete perfection, as she understands it.

calorie jargon for a diet based on calorie counting.

SG- the abbreviation stands for "Dry Hunger".

OV- an abbreviation for the phrase "Mechanism of Substances".

MCC- an abbreviation that stands for "Microcrystalline Cellulose" (a substance that helps cleanse the body and effectively lose weight).

Chitting- this is the name of a pre-planned break in the diet, in which they usually consume exclusively healthy food. Sometimes a necessary measure, when a "Plateau" occurs, when the weight mark is kept in one place for a long time.

KD- a fairly common abbreviation for "Critically Days".

I wish plumb- this is a benevolent wish in ano circles, a person wishes you big plumb lines, that is, a decrease in weight on the scales (I apologize for the tautology).


It is generally accepted that anorexia is a psychological disorder, consisting in the voluntary refusal of food. However, this far from unequivocal disease, in some cases is characterized not only by loss of appetite, but also by an overly active addiction to exercise. In general, everything that leads to weight loss. Since anorexia nervosa manifests itself in a conscious, often mentally unreasonable desire to lose weight, it is not surprising that this disorder has a strong effect on the physical shell of a person, leading to the development of many diseases and, sometimes, to death.


So, anorexia nervosa usually begins with a desire to keep a strict diet and lose weight by all means. This phenomenon can be caused by some event in your personal life, for example, a break in relations with a loved one. In this case, the emerging desire to control your diet and follow some kind of healthy diet is replaced by the desire for complete control of your partner's feelings. Also, anorexia can be caused by the death of a loved one, his illness, or some other significant event. As a rule, girls and young women suffer from this disease, but cases of male anorexia are also known. It is also known that 60 percent of people suffering from anorexia have been sexually abused. In this case, anorexia can be considered a specific post-traumatic syndrome.

People suffering from anorexia are obsessed with not eating, and most often associated with thoughts of weight loss. Such people may eventually stop eating enough to maintain a normal body weight. In addition to all, people suffering from anorexia may agonize over their appearance, considering themselves too full. However, there is usually no reason to think so. Moreover, some of these people just look extremely thin and emaciated.

Refusal of food by a person suffering from anorexia can take quite bizarre forms. For example, a person may refuse to eat in the presence of other people, or simply hide food in cupboards. There are even cases where people showed an increased interest in cooking various dishes, but did not eat them themselves. There are also cases when a person completely refuses products of certain groups, especially those that contain too much (according to the anorexic) fats and carbohydrates. Anorexics can also devote a lot of time to exhausting physical exercise, sometimes showing signs of so-called compulsive overeating (impulsive overeating), which is then accompanied by vomiting. Some specifically take emetics and even laxatives. Also many take so-called diuretics, that is, diuretic drugs. To cope with hunger pangs (those who have them!), anorexics can often take so-called suppressive drugs, which include appetite suppressants.

People suffering from anorexia nervosa usually don't realize or admit that something is wrong with their eating habits. This phenomenon is especially common in the initial stage, when an anorexic does not want to admit that he has any psychological disorder. Anorexia is in many ways similar to bad habits, such as drinking and drug addiction - it is extremely difficult to convince a person that he is an alcoholic or drug addict. A person suffering from anorexia dulls the emotional perception of what is happening, and even if such a person decided to lose weight and began to adhere to an exhausting diet, it can be very difficult to stop him. And you have to stop because this psychological disorder is almost always associated with a deterioration in the physical condition of the body. Anorexia is a potentially extremely dangerous phenomenon, and if it is not dealt with in time, everything may well end in death.


The reasons that lead to anorexia are very complex and not always clear. However, experts around the world acknowledge that a wide range of factors play a role in the development of this disorder among which psychological, social, biological, cultural and even hereditary factors can be distinguished. Some scientists have suggested that even genetic factors may underlie the disorder, but this version has not received support among other specialists, due to the lack of clear evidence in its favor. However, research is still ongoing. So, all of the above factors, according to experts, can make a serious contribution to the emergence and development of anorexia nervosa in people susceptible to this disorder.

According to many researchers, a considerable contribution to the planting of anorexia was made by the media, which actively advertise a certain image of a woman with an "ideal" figure. Young women all over the world are literally bombarded with a huge number of advertising images, the main characters of which are extremely thin girls who look more like concentration camp prisoners. This image has put a lot of pressure on social stereotypes regarding the standards of beauty. However, some researchers believe that such an advertising image, fostered by the media, is only a reflection of the trends and moods hovering in society.

As mentioned above, anorexia nervosa is more likely to manifest itself in those young people who have been influenced by any difficult life circumstances at a certain age level. The age group most prone to developing anorexia includes young people between the ages of 16 and 24. It is assumed that such young people have experienced some kind of emotional or physical shock, manifested in the syndrome of increased anxiety. People suffering from anorexia very often also suffer from extremely low self-esteem; many of them believe, for example, that they do not deserve love. These thoughts are reinforced by the desire to look beautiful and have a slender body, since, according to anorexics, this will help them feel like full members of society. An important factor that spurs the desire to lose weight in such people is the approval that they receive from relatives, friends and other people from their environment at an early stage of losing weight.

Unwittingly, the development of anorexia in some people is influenced by their family members. It is known that people suffering from anorexia very often come from families in which each member of the family is subjected to inflated demands and expectations. Such people are often characterized as perfectionists, ambitious careerists who strive to achieve the highest success in all aspects of their lives. In such families, people depend on the opinions of other family members, so there can be no question of any independent development. Moreover, the child gets used to it and is afraid of growing up. Thus, the refusal to eat and the desire to keep the development of one's organism within the framework of the existing body may be the anorexic's subconscious desire to remain a teenager (or child) for as long as possible. Ideally, always. Basically, this is the misfortune of adolescent girls who are terribly afraid of the changes in their body that manifest themselves in connection with the development of sexuality. They try to stop the onset of these changes by trying to keep their body in a lean condition. It is noteworthy that this phenomenon is typical both for families in which parents overprotect their child, and for families in which parents do not pay attention to him. For example, this phenomenon is often found in families in which parents devote all their free time to a career and making money. Or the other extreme: such a phenomenon can be found in families in which parents are prone to drunkenness or drug addiction. And even in a family in which the cult of food is nurtured, and the parents are real gluttons, the child may refuse food so as not to associate his image with the image of his parents.


If we talk about documented cases of anorexia, then this psychological disorder was accompanied by the following symptoms:

-- An unwillingness to maintain a body weight that was at least 85 percent of the normal weight characteristic of a person of a particular age and height.

-- Panic fear of gaining weight and looking fat, while in reality, the person looks extremely thin and emaciated.

-- A distorted perception of the image of one's own body, which seems normal, but in fact, is more like a skeleton.

-- Just too low body weight, unnatural thinness and an exhausted body.

-- Menstrual disorders in girls (absence of at least three cycles in a row) against the background of extreme thinness. It is necessary to take into account, however, that taking contraceptives can lead to such a violation.

As a rule, all of the above symptoms are mandatory companions of anorexia nervosa. In addition, the following manifestations are possible:

-- Vomiting, abuse of laxatives in an attempt to control their weight.

-- Use of appetite suppressants. The most active drug, which causes the strongest dependence, is pseudoephedrine.

-- Strict restrictions in terms of food - including quantity.

-- Obsessive-compulsive manifestations (impulsive gluttony and so on).

-- Torture by excessively intense physical exercise.

-- Inadequate reaction to everything related to food.

-- Decreased sexual desire.

-- Denying the existence of a clear problem with excessive thinness, and so on.

-- Refusal of the usual manifestations of daily activity.

-- Attempts to hide or disguise one's condition by actions such as wearing oversized clothing, trying to hide food, making oneself vomit artificially, and so on.

-- The decline of conscious activity. Manifestation of drug and alcohol addictions.

Anorexia, among other things, is dangerous because it has a negative impact on all areas of human life. Starvation can lead to the same effect that severe depression leads to. Man feels overtired, suffers from distracted attention and loss of ability to concentrate, loses interest in everything that once interested him in life. All these manifestations lead to social and interpersonal conflict, from which not only the anorexic suffers, but also his close circle.

The consequences for the health of a person suffering from anorexia can be, as mentioned above, extremely severe. Health changes are characterized by the following symptoms:

-- Abnormal decrease in heart rate.

-- Withered skin, acquiring a yellowish tint.

-- The appearance of hair in the form of a small fluff on the face and hands (a phenomenon called "lanugo", which is explained by the fact that the body, in this way, tries to conserve body heat).

-- Lack of energy and fatigue with even slight activity.

-- Intolerance to cold, especially in the arms and legs.

-- Low blood pressure and dizziness.

-- Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, manifested in constipation and abdominal pain.

-- Hormonal disorders.

-- Swelling of the joints.

-- Increased fragility of hair and nails.

In especially severe cases serious complications are possible, which manifest themselves in the following symptoms:

-- Heart rhythm disturbances.

-- Weakening of kidney function.

-- Anemia.

-- Extremely low blood pressure.

-- The appearance of erosion of tooth enamel due to constant vomiting.

-- Decreased bone strength (osteoporosis).

These complications pose the greatest threat not only to the general health of an anorexic, but also to his life.


As mentioned above, anorexia is most common in women (in 90 percent of cases), and usually manifests itself in adolescence or at a very young age. According to various information sources, the number of Russian girls suffering from anorexia is at least one percent, and a maximum of ten percent. But most experts agree on an average of five percent. For comparison, in the same United States of America, 0.5 percent of girls aged 13 to 19 suffer from anorexia nervosa.

Experts consider anorexia a chronic disease that proceeds very ambiguously. Some researchers note numerous cases of self-healing without any treatment. Most often, relief occurs after the use of some combination of measures for the treatment of anorexia. Often there is a relapse, which consists in fluctuations in weight. Unfortunately, there are cases when sharply manifested complications of the disease end in death.

As is the case with many other diseases, doctors are more favorable about the course of treatment in cases where the disorder was noticed at an early stage of development and adequate treatment for anorexia was offered before it became advanced. People with mild cases of anorexia who do not need hospitalization tend to have the best chance of getting over the condition. Approximately 70 to 80 percent of people with this disorder recover quite successfully, thanks to conventional methods of treatment.

However, anorexia very often shows resistance to many types of treatment, and also tends to reappear some time after the first small successes in treatment. Approximately 50 percent of people suffering from anorexia return to their normal weight, but almost half of them continue to suffer from other symptoms and problems, such as depression, increased levels of anxiety, problems with social adaptation and in communication with loved ones. Some of the unfortunate fall into extreme states. For example, there have been cases of bulimia - a mental disorder that manifests itself in increased appetite, coupled with a feeling of severe hunger. Usually such manifestations end with overeating and even attempts to artificially induce vomiting.


Anorexia nervosa very often begins with a normal diet, gradually manifesting itself in a manic desire to control the weight of one's own body. For example, if a person initially denied himself dessert for dinner for some time, then he may begin to deny himself the whole dinner. Of course, on this basis, it is not possible to determine which of the dieting women belong to the risk group for anorexia. However, there are observations demonstrating that, for example, a sharp weight loss (from one to one and a half kilograms per week) is more likely to lead to the development of anorexia nervosa. Smoother weight loss associated with the consumption of a certain amount of calories per day (more than 1400 calories), to a lesser extent threatens with serious eating disorders and even more so with anorexia.

As mentioned above, anorexia can begin unexpectedly after some event has occurred in a person’s life, which turned out to be a great stress for him.. But in some cases, even seemingly innocuous events can cause particularly susceptible people to refuse to eat. Such changes in the behavior of adolescents, or a young girl (rarely a guy) can be considered signs that this individual may belong to a risk group. That is why special attention should be paid to how the behavior of such young people will change in the future and whether such changes will lead to such a psychological disorder as anorexia.


As mentioned above, some cases of anorexia can go away on their own. However, it is necessary to seek medical help without postponing this decision indefinitely, if you have seen a friend or loved one display the following symptoms:

-- If there is significant weight loss in a short period of time.

-- If there are constant refusals to eat.

-- If there is an excessive craving for various debilitating diets.

-- Despite the pronounced thinness a person complains of being overweight.

-- Constantly cuts his diet, worrying about extra calories.

-- She takes laxatives, diuretics, diet pills and emetics after each meal.

-- Feels dizzy, faints and expresses an extreme feeling of apathy.

-- Complains constantly of fluctuating heart rate.

-- Observed unhealthy hyperactivity and sleep problems.

-- If he denies the existence of a problem, despite its obviousness.

-- If there are mental complications, manifested, for example, in depression.


Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to diagnose the presence of this disorder in a person suffering from anorexia for the simple reason that anorexic does not want to admit the presence of the disease (or is unable to do so) and goes to all sorts of tricks to hide the problem. Leaving aside the group of girls who clearly suffer from problems associated with anorexia, it can be noted that a huge group of adolescents and young women show signs of the presence of this disorder, which, according to experts, can easily result in pronounced anorexia. That is why it is worth paying special attention to these alarming signals. Anorexia nervosa should be detected at the stage when a girl is just starting to lose weight and continues to actively complain about being overweight. It does not matter how much this person has lost weight. Sometimes simple blood and urine tests are enough to identify other possible causes of dramatic weight loss.

Diagnosing anorexia is also complicated by the fact that there is some analogy between this disease and another mental disorder - bulimia nervosa. As mentioned above, bulimia nervosa is a condition characterized by real binge eating followed by an inadequate weight loss prevention strategy. In other words, a person takes emetic and laxative drugs, and can also exhaust himself with excessively intense physical training. In many girls suffering from anorexia, the same symptoms appear at different periods of the development of the disease as with bulimia, that is, a person begins to eat a lot, while taking emetics and laxatives. Usually, the reason why an anorexic can lose control of himself and indulge in gluttony is extremely simple- A person begins to feel a strong hunger. After this, as a rule, comes the realization of what happened, followed by the use of emetics and laxatives.


The main goal that a specialist who is trying to cure a person suffering from anorexia should set for himself is discovery of underlying psychological personal and interpersonal factors. Restoring the weight lost by a sick person should be done in an extremely careful and humane manner. It is very important that it is the restoration of weight that becomes the primary moment of recovery, which will be observed by doctors; only then, as weight is restored, the girl suffering from anorexia should be returned to a normal diet. Studying the underlying problems at the earliest stage of the disease can help stop the further development of this disorder. In general, anorexia treatment is most effective when it consists of multifunctional interventions including psychotherapy, nutritional advice and ongoing medical supervision.

Many experts consider it very important in the fight against anorexia to develop individual programs for the treatment of this disorder, which would take into account all the needs of a person suffering from this disease. Proper treatment should also take into account the stage of the disease and the patient's personal desire to participate in treatment. If the anorexic shows a severe degree of exhaustion, then hospitalization may be recommended. As a rule, this happens when the anorexic has lost about 25 percent of healthy body weight, or when fasting has led to some complications in the physical condition of the body. Hospitalization may also be prescribed in the case when outpatient treatment has not brought any positive results. Also, admission to the hospital is carried out, if a person suffering from anorexia tried to commit suicide, or demonstrated any other overt mental health complications. In this case, as a rule, more stringent control and monitoring of the patient is prescribed.

Undoubtedly, the first measure to cure anorexia should be individual psychotherapy - methods of influence by a word on the psyche of anorexic with a therapeutic purpose. An additional and very important event is the development of a special diet. If a person takes treatment at home, then a very important point in the treatment is the support of relatives and friends. To do this, specialists must develop methods of psychotherapy involving members of the patient's family. Collective psychotherapy can be very helpful. when the treatment takes place in a group of people suffering from a similar problem. Also, this treatment is less expensive.

Dietary control and regular medical care are a necessary moment that will complement all the forms of psychotherapy listed above. Returning to a normal diet will bring proper results faster if it is carried out with the active participation of the patient. Anorexics are gradually taught to consume an adequate amount of calories. Since we are talking about changing the behavioral response associated with nutrition, it can be very effective, so to speak, the carrot method, that is, a certain reward system that plays a major role in the mechanisms for reinforcing behavior. However, specialists should be extremely careful in developing such a system of incentives. Although it is very important to praise and reward a sick person for his achievements on the road to recovery, such rewards can lead to a relapse of the disease, as it is far from always possible to successfully and quickly cope with the task of restoring a healthy body weight. Many experts advise in special cases the use of certain antidepressants and relaxants, which can also lead to a positive effect.


As you know, the most effective measures for the treatment of any disease are measures to prevent its occurrence. Unfortunately, there are no unambiguously approved measures to prevent anorexia, but there are some recommendations from specialists that can reduce a person's risk of developing this mental disorder.

-- Parents, teachers and educators can help the child to focus on an adequate perception of himself and on creating a positive image of his personality.

-- Parents need to focus to carry out certain educational work, which will help the child not to take too close to heart any shortcomings of his own appearance and extra pounds.

-- In no case should parents condemn the child for having extra pounds, or in any way focus on the disadvantages of being overweight, if the child has one.

-- Parents should conduct preventive conversations with their children, which will focus on the disadvantages of intensive fasting. Instead, you should pay attention to the improvement of the child's diet.

-- Parents should be interested in the life of the child in time to notice suspicious changes in his diet, or the appearance of a desire to adhere to a strict diet.

-- Ideally, of course, the child should be protected from the information flow that advertises the anorexic image of the modern teenager, which falls out on him from the TV screens, computer and from the pages of modern fashion magazines.

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