Drugs to improve muscle growth. Pharmacy preparations to increase the effectiveness of training. Means that improve blood supply to organs and tissues

Do you want to quickly gain muscle mass or lose weight without using anabolic hormonal drugs? Unfortunately, you won't succeed. But a well-designed diet, intense training, good long sleep and legal pharmaceutical products will help you gradually achieve your cherished goal and maintain health, and most importantly, consolidate and maintain the results achieved.

Preparations for gaining muscle mass

The drugs presented below for increasing muscle mass are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but do not have such a pronounced effect as the products used by professional bodybuilders. But before using them, you should carefully study the instructions, or better yet, seek the help of a specialist and progress through a well-designed diet and training regimen.

Methyluracil– this remedy is an excellent anabolic because it has an anti-catabolic effect and regenerates new cells well. This drug allows you to reduce recovery time between workouts. The medicine has virtually no side effects except for headaches and dizziness.

You need to take methyluracil 0.5 mg 6 times a day after meals.

Trimetabol– an excellent mass gainer with a strong anabolic effect. The syrup is aimed at improving appetite in children, improving the processes of digestion and assimilation of food. Athletes use increased dosages of up to 60 mg per day.

Syrup in such dosages has a strong effect on the central nervous system, and just one dose of an increased dose makes you very sleepy.

Thyroxine– a drug that helps improve metabolism and also affects tissue growth at the cellular level. It has a positive effect on metabolism and in particular protein metabolism. Affects the oxidative processes of the body.

The effect of the drug depends on the dosage. In small quantities, El-Thyroxine has an anabolic effect. In medium dosages, the effect of the drug is aimed at stimulating the central nervous system, and in large dosages it reduces the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

The drug is a hormone replacement agent in the treatment of such ailments as hypothyroidism of any origin, diffuse euthyroid goiter, and is also used in the treatment of Graves' disease and Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis. The optimal dose as a sports supplement would be 25 mg per day. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

The drug has a number of side effects. In large dosages, or with a sharp increase in dose, the drug causes a malfunction in the cardiovascular system in the form of tachycardia, arrhythmias, angina pectoris, as well as tremors of the limbs and even sleep disturbances. Taking the drug may cause an unreasonable feeling of anxiety and restlessness. Allergic reactions are possible.

You need to know that anabolic hormonal drugs can change the connection of levothyroxine with protein molecules, which increases the effect of the drug.

Vitamins and minerals

B vitamins

B1 thiamine; B12 cyanocobalamin; B6 pyridoxine- all B vitamins play a vital role in the metabolic processes of the body. Improves metabolism and appetite. Positive effect on the central nervous system. Often used by athletes of all sports in the form of injections. Folic acid (B9)– refers to vitamins that help strengthen the immune system and plays a role in protein metabolism. Directions for use: 1-2 grams 3 times a day before meals.

Asparkam– the drug is used by many athletes of various sports. It has a positive effect on electrolyte metabolism, replenishes potassium and magnesium reserves in the body, which prevent heart rhythm disturbances, and eliminate muscle cramps. Asparkam does not have a direct anabolic property and its effect on the body is of an auxiliary nature, however, a sufficient amount of potassium and magnesium in the athlete’s body significantly increases strength and endurance. In bodybuilding, asparkam is taken in small dosages that do not exceed 200 mg per day. The dose should be divided into two or three equal parts and taken after meals.

Calcium glycerophosphate– the medicine replenishes calcium levels in the body and has a synergistic effect in anabolic processes. This drug is not used in sports because its effect is negligible in achieving sports results. The drug should be taken twice a day, 200-400 mg after meals.

Glutamic acid– is one of the most important non-essential amino acids, playing a role in protein metabolism and the construction of muscle fibers, and is involved in nitrogen metabolism. Glutamine enhances the secretion of growth hormone. The dosages of this amino acid in sports are very large, up to 10 g per dose.

Trimetazidine– the medicine maintains the level of ATP in the cell and supplies the cells with oxygen. The drug makes the body resistant to physical stress. Occasionally, athletes take it as a group. The maximum daily dose is 70 mg.

Ekdisten– the drug is aimed at increasing the body’s performance. The drug is actively used by athletes during intense training. Athletes use the drug three times a day, 0.001 mg. Side effects occur in people with a weak nervous system in the form of insomnia and increased blood pressure.

Riboxin– this drug is also called vitamins for the heart. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, promotes cell regeneration, and to some extent, precedes the synthesis of ATP. Many athletes take this drug as a preventive measure for cardiovascular system failure and as an anabolic agent, using it in combination with other drugs aimed at improving metabolic processes. In bodybuilding, the drug is taken in increased dosages, which reach 3000 mg per day and are divided into three doses.

Potassium orotate– is an anabolic non-hormonal agent. It affects protein production at the DNA level. The medicine is used for protein metabolism disorders. Helps increase appetite and tissue regeneration. There are frequent cases of athletes taking potassium orotate. The medicine is taken at a maximum dose of 500 mg 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Vitamin C, ascorbic acid– one of the main vitamins that affects the body’s oxidative processes and the production of sex hormones. It is an aid that strengthens the immune system. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 1 gram, which must be divided into two doses.
Vitamin complexes– vitamin complexes consist of a dozen vitamins and minerals. They are taken in a course lasting several weeks.

Fish fat– contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3, 6 and 9, which play an important role in metabolism and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Everyone should take fish oil. The standard dosage of the drug is 1000 mg, which is divided into two doses.

Leuzea maral root- a plant-based medicine, rich in vitamins and microelements, but today, pharmacological companies can offer a wide list of alternative products containing the same components as in the tincture of Leuzea root, but in a more convenient form. The dosage and method of administration depends on the form and dosage of the drug.

Hematogen- This is an excellent remedy for people who experience iron deficiency and suffer from anemia, as it contains albumin (easily soluble proteins) and iron. For athletes, hematogen is useful along with vitamin complexes and other auxiliary drugs, but it does not play a special role in muscle development, since the amount of necessary components is small.
Drugs to increase testosterone

Plant-based preparations " Tribulus"– drugs that affect the production of endogenous testosterone. The medicine stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular arc. But in practice, its effect is so small that athletes do not notice any effect. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 1500 mg.

Pump-increasing drugs

Agapurin– a remedy that has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and the ability to expand them. The drug reduces the number of platelets and promotes blood thinning. The drug has a positive effect on vascular elasticity and reduces the risk of myocardial hypoxia. The drug is aimed at improving blood circulation in peripheral vessels and supplying tissues with oxygen. The drug is used for circulatory disorders caused by various etiologies. The drug has a number of side effects that affect almost all systems.

The drug should be taken after meals with plenty of water. The standard dose of the drug is 200 mg, which is divided into three doses. The drug also exists in injection form. Injections dosage is less. It is 100 mg per day.

Means that improve blood supply to organs and tissues

Pentoxifylline, Piracetam, Trental– means aimed at improving peripheral circulation. The dosage of these drugs is prescribed by the doctor.

Vinpocetine– the drug improves blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Mildronate– the product removes waste products after intense muscle work and enriches the muscles with oxygen. An excellent aid for muscle recovery after intense exercise. Mildronate is added to various dietary supplements and sports supplements. The medicine is used in the treatment of heart failure (chronic form), cerebral circulatory disorders during withdrawal syndrome.

Side effects are extremely rare and manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions or increased heart rate.

Weight loss drugs and fat burners

Yohimbine hydrochloride– has energetic properties, it increases motor activity, increases peripheral blood pressure, and enhances potency. Stimulates the central nervous system. The drug is non-toxic and is used by athletes as an energy drink. Yohimbine hydrochloride is taken three times a day, 1-2 tablets.

Guarana is an energy drink with a high caffeine content. It can be found in pre-workout complexes or fat burners. Dosages depend on the form of the substance used.

Carnitine– a means of transporting fat to muscles and during aerobic exercise, converting it into energy. Despite the fact that many novice athletes, having read information on the Internet, actively use the supplement, its effect is greatly exaggerated. Dosages depend on the form of the substance used and the purpose of administration.

Beta-2 agonists and Beta-2 locators- a group of drugs aimed at treating asthma, but are widely used in bodybuilding for “cutting” as powerful fat burners. Drugs in this group have a number of serious side effects, and their effect does not apply to all athletes. The most popular drugs are: clenbuterol, saltos, ketotifen. All of the listed drugs in this group are dispensed at the pharmacy with a prescription and contain derivatives of narcotic substances.


Safinor– a general tonic.

Caffeine, caffeine sodium benzoate– a drug aimed at improving attention and reactions. The drug is used as a central nervous system stimulant and its use in sports is useless, at least when taking the drug “solo”.

Aralia Manchurian– this adaptogen is often used in bodybuilding as an aid to increase appetite and a slight tonic effect, similar in effect to ginseng root. The drug is made from Araliaceae and has a positive effect on the central nervous system. Strongly reduces sugar and is used in the fight against diabetes.

Adaptogen is available in the form of tablets of 50 mg, the daily dose of the drug is 50-100 mg.

While taking the drug, side effects may occur such as:

  • insomnia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • various allergic reactions.

Rhodiola rosea- one of the adaptogen plants that increases vital activity by influencing the central nervous system, affects the functioning of muscle fibers, and increases their strength. Stimulates immunity.

Ginseng tincture is a general tonic and adaptogenic agent. Capable of increasing endurance and strength. The tincture increases blood pressure and has a weak diabetic effect. Ginseng tincture contains a large amount of microelements and B vitamins. The drug as a sports supplement should be taken in a therapeutic dose of 15 mg 2 times a day.


Festal- This is a product containing pancreatic enzymes and affects digestion, and also reduces the symptoms of pancreatitis. In sports it can be used as an auxiliary means to improve digestion. Festal is usually taken 1-2 tablets before meals.

Cytochrome c– an enzyme that plays a role in cell regeneration. It is not used as a separate means in sports.

Antiestrogens and estrogen blockers

Anastrozole– belongs to the group of estrogen blockers. Anastrazole reduces estrogen production by 80%. The medicine is aimed at combating malignant tumors of the mammary glands. Widely used by athletes taking anabolic steroids. I take the drug in a dosage of 1 gram per day.

Tamoxifen– a drug from the group of antiestrogens, aimed at treating breast cancer. Athletes taking anabolic steroids often resort to tamoxifen during the post-course therapy phase. The substance, entering the target organs, takes up space on estrogen receptors, and thereby prevents the development of tumor processes. The side effects of the drug are very serious, and there are often cases where athletes were forced to stop taking the drug after a few days of taking the minimum dosage of 5 mg per day.

Bromocriptine is a dopamine receptor stimulant with pronounced sedative properties. It is absolutely useless in sports, with the exception of the suppressive effect of prolactin, which can lead to the development of a benign tumor of the mammary glands (gynecomastia), which is a common ailment of athletes who resort to hormonal anabolic drugs. It also reduces the production of somatotropin (growth hormone), the amount of which affects the amount of testosterone, creating a balance. The lower the level of growth hormone in the human body, the higher the level of testosterone, and vice versa.


Methionine– an amino acid that plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the liver. Promotes cell restoration and improves metabolism. Many athletes include this drug at the stages of PCT (after a course of therapy) as a means of accelerating the regeneration of liver cells and normalizing metabolic processes. To cleanse the liver during PCT, bodybuilders take 4 tablets 3 times a day.

Carsil silymarin– a medicine aimed at treating liver diseases. Completely useless compared to modern medicines. It is contraindicated in bodybuilding, since silymarin has a fairly strong estrogen-like effect and converts testosterone to dehydrotestosterone.

Sugar-lowering drugs

Diabeton and Diabeton MV– the medicine is intended to combat diabetes in cases where lowering blood glucose through exercise or diet is impossible. Despite the fact that this drug is aimed at the synthesis of insulin (the strongest anabolic hormone), its action is not enough for the athlete to noticeably achieve results, but the risk of developing diabetes is extremely high. Athletes do not use this drug.

Metformin– a drug that lowers blood sugar levels. This drug is not used by bodybuilders. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

Drugs that do not affect the training of athletes

Papaverine hydrochloride– an antispasmodic agent aimed at normalizing blood pressure of various etiologies. 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Phenibut- affects the nervous system, and acts as a synergist for sedatives. Has tranquilizing properties. Dosages are determined by the doctor.

Aescusan– has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect, and is aimed at treating varicose veins. It is useless in sports, as there are stronger drugs.

Work schemes and courses of pharmaceutical drugs in bodybuilding

For weight gain

An excellent complex for gaining weight would be to take Trimetabola with B vitamins and glutamic acid. With such a complex, it is advisable to exclude fast carbohydrates and pay special attention to nutrition, it should be balanced. Despite glutamic acid, increase your protein intake. Alternate meat and seafood. Include fermented milk products in your diet and consume them before bed.

Scheme No. 1

  • Trimetabol - 30 mg one hour before meals before each meal. With this complex you need to eat at least 6 times.
  • Glutamic acid - 5-10 grams three times a day, between meals.
  • Vitamin B complex - taken in the morning after meals. There is no specific dosage; to gain weight, a therapeutic dose is sufficient, which is different for each complex.

The amount of protein when using these drugs should be consumed at least 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight, and carbohydrates 3-4 grams per 1 kg of weight.

Course duration 14 days

Scheme No. 2

Another wonderful complex that can support an athlete’s body and even boost his immunity.

  • Riboxin 1000 mg 3 times a day after meals;
  • Methyluracil 6 times a day, 0.5 mg after meals;
  • Mildronate 2 times a day before training.

Course duration is 21 days.

When using these drugs, you need to pay special attention to nutrition. The minimum amount of protein when using medications should be at least 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight, and carbohydrates 3-4 grams per 1 kg of weight.

For weight loss

When losing weight, you should follow a low-carbohydrate, salt-free diet. To increase the transport of fats into energy, you need to take the following drugs:

  • L-carnitine, 1000 mg twice a day, morning and evening, or morning and before training;
  • Fat burners based on caffeine, yohimbine and guarana, taken before training according to the instructions, not exceeding the daily allowance;
  • Vitamin complexes. Especially important during periods of vitamin deficiency and poor diet. It is undesirable to use individual vitamins additionally to avoid overdose. The course of application is from 20-30 days;
  • Asparkam - necessary to prevent cramps, bone depletion, due to loss of calcium, which occurs due to diet. Take 100 mg twice daily.

The course lasts no more than 2 months.

To increase strength

When training for strength, energy drinks are suitable. The best option would be pre-workout complexes that contain the following substances:

  • Yohimbine hydrochloride;
  • Guarana;
  • Caffeine;
  • Creatine;
  • Vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

Important! Avoid the substance ephedrine in pre-workout complexes and complexes for weight loss - similar to a narcotic substance, it negatively affects the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.


In achieving sports results, an athlete must follow several rules.

Firstly, he should get a lot of rest, since during sleep, recovery processes are launched in the body.

Secondly, meals should be varied and frequent, so that catabolic processes do not start in the athlete’s body.

Drugs for gaining muscle mass are used in bodybuilding, fitness, weightlifting and many other sports to boost athletic performance. Based on their action, these substances are divided into synthetic analogues of anabolic hormones, other pharmaceutical drugs, dietary supplements and sports nutrition. In practice, competitive sports use all available means to increase muscle strength, speed, endurance and mass. Amateurs are advised to avoid the use of potent drugs and limit themselves to sports nutrition.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

Anabolic hormones

The most effective and most harmful class of drugs for building muscle mass. The effect of these drugs is based on increasing the rate of protein synthesis, improving the absorption of potassium, magnesium, calcium and other elements. Along with the quick effect (you can increase body weight by 12-15 kilograms in a month), these medications have a large number of significant side effects. Despite this, in almost all strength and speed sports, anabolic steroids are the basis of pre-competition preparation.

The most well-known anabolic drugs for increasing muscle mass are represented by the following names:

Medicine Therapeutic effect Dosage Side effects Image
MethandrostenoloneThe oldest and very effective drug for increasing muscle mass and strength. It is a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone testosterone. The rapid action of the medicine (30 minutes after use) is due to the oral form of administration. After taking only 10-15 mg of the substance, after a short time a person begins to feel an improvement in appetite and mood, a surge of strength, and increased endurance. Metabolism on the course of methandrostenolone increases very muchRecommended dosages - from 10 to 50 mg per dayDue to the heavy load on the liver, the course of medication should not exceed 6 weeks. Side effects of the drug include increased blood pressure and libido, gynecomastia, acne, obstructive jaundice and baldness.
OmnadrenThe drug is a mixture of 4 different esters of a synthetic analogue of testosterone, and therefore its effect begins quickly (within a few hours) and lasts for a very long time (up to 1 month). Using the medicine makes it possible to gain from 8 to 15 kilograms of body weight per month. However, it should be borne in mind that most of the acquired weight will consist of water and will disappear within a few months after stopping Omnadren.The accepted dosage of the drug is 250-2000 mg per week.At very high dosages (more than 2000 mg per week), attacks of aggression are possible in men. Women should not use this medicine
Testosterone propionateDue to its low price, good effectiveness and rapid elimination, the drug was the most popular among strength sports athletes until 2014. However, after testosterone propionate was included in the list of potent drugs, it began to be sold in pharmacies only by prescription, and its illegal trafficking (sale) is now subject to criminal liability. The accepted dosage is 100 mg every other day. The propionate form of testosterone is especially popular among girls, as it allows them to gain high-quality lean muscle massAccepted dosage - 100 mg every other daySide effects (baldness of the head, excessive growth of body hair, greasiness of the skin, acne, frequent erections, increased libido, swelling, hypercalcemia, nausea and dizziness) occur infrequently when the dosage is observed.
AndriolThe drug is the safest in its class and does not cause side effects typical of steroids. At the same time, its effect is relatively weak - you won’t be able to gain 5-10 kilograms of muscle with its help. For this reason, the medicine is used mainly in women and competitive athletes during cutting to maintain results. Dosages used - from 10 to 100 mg per day
JintropinThe medicine is an artificial analogue of human growth hormone - somatropin. Jintropin does not increase muscle mass as much as synthetic testosterone, but everything gained will be of high quality, without fat and water. This property of the drug to increase the growth of dry mass makes its use relevant for athletes in speed and strength sports, as well as in bodybuilding - during the period of pre-competitive preparation. A notable feature of somatropin is its ability to build muscle tissue without trainingRecommended dosages of the drug range from 0.07 to 0.1 IU per kilogram of human weight per dayThe most significant side effects of the drug are the growth of internal organs and water retention in the body. Allergic reactions are possible. Jintropin should be used with caution by older people, as it can provoke the growth of malignant cells in them.
InsulinThe use of the pancreatic hormone causes a sharp increase in appetite and hunger, and the metabolic rate begins to increase rapidly. Gaining muscle mass on a course of insulin is due to its ability to increase the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by cells. An adult man can often gain up to 10-12 kilograms of weight in just 1 month.Insulin therapy is started with 5 units. The regimens for taking the hormone are very varied. The most effective combination is: insulin, somatropin, testosteroneDespite the fact that insulin is a potent medicine, there are practically no side effects if the dosage is followed.

Steroids can only be purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. This is due to the fact that uncontrolled use of anabolic drugs can cause great harm to human health.

Enzymes and vitamins

Pharmaceutical preparations for gaining muscle mass, in addition to hormonal drugs, are also represented by enzymes and vitamin-mineral complexes. Their effect is much weaker than that of anabolic steroids, so these compounds are used mainly to improve digestion during a cycle of anabolic steroids:

A drug Effect on the body, dosage Photo
Mezim forteOne of the very first and most reliable drugs in its group containing pancreatin. Taking Mezim forte helps to increase the metabolic rate and the absorption of nutritional compounds in the intestines. Contraindication for use is acute or chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage. Take Mezim 1-2 tablets before each meal
FestalA complex preparation containing, in addition to pancreatin, hemicellulose and bile components. Festal also contains enzymes - amylase, lipase and protease - which accelerate the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Hemicellulose improves intestinal motility and reduces gas formation in it. Bile promotes the absorption of vitamins and the secretion of lipase by the pancreas. Take the medicine 1-2 tablets after each meal
Multi-tabsThe big advantage of using vitamins and minerals during bodybuilding and fitness is that they can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription and used independently at home. They help you recover faster after workouts and speed up your metabolism. This allows you to eat more food, thereby speeding up the process of muscle gain. The most famous and popular representative of the “vitamin-mineral complexes” class is Multi-Tabs. The dosage should be selected based on factors such as age, weight, diet, etc.
VitrumThis vitamin and mineral complex is used to replenish the body with the substances necessary for normal recovery after heavy weight training. Vitrum allows you to train more intensely and more often, which has a positive effect on the growth of muscle tissue. Take 1 tablet after or during meals.

Of particular note is a drug such as Riboxin. It is an anabolic substance - it helps increase the energy balance of cells, increases the rate of nucleotide synthesis, accelerates the dissociation of oxygen from oxyhemoglobin, which helps improve tissue respiration. The drug is actively used to gain muscles and improve athletic performance in many sports. The daily dose when taken orally is 600 – 2400 mg. The medicine should be used with caution for cardiovascular diseases.

Cautious men and women who are afraid of boosting their athletic performance with hormonal therapy can safely take vitamins and enzymes - these drugs have virtually no side effects if the dosage is followed.

Sports nutrition

A prerequisite for the rapid growth of muscle tissue is the consumption of special supplements containing nutrients.

The line of sports nutrition for muscle building is represented by the following products:

  1. 1. Protein. It is the starting material from which muscle cells are built. Available in powder form containing protein concentrates obtained from whey, meat, eggs, soy and other products. Protein is consumed 50 grams 2-3 times a day between main meals.
  2. 2. Amino acids. Supplement containing 20 essential amino acids derived from animal proteins. Available in liquid form, tablets and capsules. Use 6-12 grams 30 minutes before and 15 minutes after training.
  3. 3. Creatine. Increases the performance of muscle cells, allowing them to perform more repetitions in each approach during weight training. This helps to increase muscle strength and volume. Take 5-15 grams of creatine 30 minutes before the start of physical activity, after mixing the powder with juice.

Unfortunately, the most effective drugs for gaining muscle mass belong to the “doping” class. Considering that the period of elimination of some of them from the body can reach 1 year or even more, men and women who plan to participate in official competitions should not take anabolic steroids.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Many celebrities have lost their medals and titles once it was discovered that their bodies contained foreign substances. There are still many questions and doubts among leading experts about whether doping can be used. To answer this question, you should find out what it is and what it is used for.

Doping - what is it?

Doping is the use of prohibited substances of natural or synthetic origin that allow one to achieve the best results in sports. Taking the drugs helps to temporarily increase the activity of the endocrine and nervous systems, increases muscle mass due to protein synthesis. Such drugs are on the special list of the World Anti-Doping Agency. Their use leads to unwanted side effects and is harmful to human health.

How does doping work?

The most popular type are anabolic steroid hormones. Such doping drugs contain testosterone, which is produced by male reproductive cells. With the help of anabolic steroids, physical strength, muscle volume and endurance increase. After certain strength limits have been reached with the help of drugs, they raise the capabilities of the human body to a new level with renewed vigor.

Doping in sports - pros and cons

For an athlete, what is important is the result that he can achieve through hard training. Therefore, all possible means are often used to achieve high results. It would be a mistake to hypocritically declare a desire to keep athletes healthy. And only sports doping allows an athlete to maintain the body’s performance under enormous physical exertion.

Experts have differing opinions on whether doping can be used. Scientists who spoke in favor say that:

  1. Allowing the use of doping will make sports safe, and there will be a desire to develop safer and more effective drugs.
  2. Legalizing doping will help prevent drug overdoses and harm to athletes.

Scientists who opposed it say that:

  1. Allowing doping could lead to clean athletes also taking it and the integrity of the sport could be destroyed.
  2. Athletes who take doping put themselves at great risk: cardiovascular disease, drug addiction, serious liver damage, gender reassignment, aggression.
  3. Doping makes sport unattractive and no longer distinguishes it from any other commercial activity.
  4. The use of doping leads to unfair sport, violates the very concept of equality between athletes, and success in this case is achieved not through hard training, but through the body’s chemical reaction to the substance.

Types of doping

There are the following types of doping in sports:

  1. Stimulants. Helps increase efficiency, blood pressure, cardiac activity, and disrupts thermoregulation.
  2. Analgesics. They have an effect on the central nervous system, increase, and the athlete with an injury is not able to understand its severity, which leads to even greater damage.
  3. Beta blockers. They help reduce heart rate, have a calming effect, improve coordination, and are used where serious physical activity is not needed.
  4. Diuretics. Helps you lose weight quickly. Such drugs are taken in order to improve and before doping control, in order to quickly remove prohibited drugs from the body.
  5. Erythropoietin helps increase endurance.
  6. A growth hormone promotes accelerated growth of muscle mass, reduction of fat, accelerated wound healing, and strengthened immunity.
  7. Insulin. Used in strength sports.
  8. Anabolic steroid. They help increase muscle mass up to ten kilograms per month, increase strength, endurance, productivity, and reduce body fat.
  9. Gene doping. This is the transfer of foreign genetic material or cells into the athlete's body. Many times stronger than all other drugs that once existed.

Doping for athletes

Doping in sports dates back to the times of the USSR. In those days, doctors created all kinds of drugs to improve the physical endurance of athletes. A list of popular medications gradually emerged:

  1. Erythropoietin is a prohibited doping for athletes.
  2. Anabolic steroids in the form of testosterone, stanozolol, nandrolone, methenolone.
  3. Blood transfusion – autohemotransfusion and blood transfusion.
  4. Stimulants in the form of cocaine, ephedrine, ecstasy, amphetamines.

Brain doping

Doping for chess players is represented by drugs that improve brain function and mental activity, these are simulators and nootropics, the former have a powerful but short-term effect, the latter have a cumulative effect and are suitable for long-term stimulation. In the first and second cases, the drugs help:

  • stimulation of blood flow in the brain;
  • improving the quality of nutrition of brain cells;
  • eliminating oxygen starvation;
  • improving cognitive abilities;
  • improving memory and attention.

Endurance doping

Chemical or natural doping helps achieve your goals. Chemical doping for running is used in the form of analeptics, growth hormones, diuretics and anabolic steroids. Natural components are represented by beets, shellfish, leuzea, St. John's wort. Each of the above helps:

  • improving endurance and performance;
  • getting rid of fatigue;
  • increasing tone;
  • stimulation of muscle tissue growth;
  • removal of fluid.

Doping for muscle building

Doping agents help build muscle mass, improve strength performance and burn subcutaneous fat. Pharmacy doping in bodybuilding is represented by the following drugs:

  1. Hypoxene increases endurance by 15%, relieves shortness of breath, improves the utilization of oxygen in the blood, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, it is a kind of doping for the heart.
  2. Pentoxifylline lowers blood viscosity and dilates blood vessels. Contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. The drug is available according to a doctor's prescription.
  3. Schisandra improves the tone of the central nervous system, improves digestion and sleep quality.
  4. Potassium orotate is involved in the creation of protein molecules and helps build muscles.

Doping for strength

One of the important factors in achieving high sports results is physical strength. For this, athletes use auxiliary drugs:

  1. Actoprotector, increases stability, has a positive effect on the nervous system, cardio-respiratory system and muscle tissue.
  2. Amino acids assist in protein synthesis.
  3. "Branch chain amino acids". The effect of doping is manifested in an increase in energy by 10%, restoration of glycogen in the muscles.
  4. L-carnitine increases endurance, relieves fatigue, pain, burns excess fat.
  5. Produces methionine and prevents the body from becoming dehydrated.

Why is doping harmful?

Doping also affects the psychological sphere, causing aggression, a thirst for victory and achieving goals. But due to the fact that anabolic agents are derivatives of male hormones, they suppress the functioning of the endocrine system of the male reproductive system, which leads to:

  • reduction of testicles and their hormonal activity;
  • reduction in fertilizing ability to complete infertility;
  • deposition of fat cells in places that are characteristic of the female body;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands.

In women, male pattern hair loss and pilosis occurs on the head, hair appears on the face, chest, and abdomen, the voice becomes rough and low, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the uterus atrophies, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands and reproductive function increases. The harm of doping in men and women is manifested in increased cholesterol levels, the appearance of atherosclerosis, the development of ischemia, and liver damage.

How to dope?

If you want to do doping at home at no extra cost, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Energy drink. It tones and stimulates. Brew three tea bags in 200 ml of water with boiling water. After ten minutes, pour the solution into a plastic half-liter bottle, fill the rest with cold water. Add 20 tablets of ascorbic acid, shake, place in the freezer. During each workout, take the drink in small portions.
  2. Drink without caffeine. Take a bottle, pour half a liter of mineral water into it, dissolve a few tablespoons of honey in it, add the juice of one lemon, 0.15-0.30 g, 10-20 drops of adaptogen alcohol tincture. This drink will fill you with energy, additionally stimulate and motivate you.

Doping - interesting facts

Doping first became known during the Olympic Games in 1960. The use of illegal drugs is considered the most important problem in modern sports and there are many interesting facts associated with it:

  1. During archery competitions, athletes take the same drugs that surgeons use during operations to prevent their hands from shaking.
  2. During doping control, a pregnancy test is considered a mandatory condition for female athletes, as scientists have learned that this situation can increase some physical capabilities.
  3. In the 1990s of the last century, scientists took blood from athletes, froze it, and then infused it on the eve of the competition. This helped improve blood circulation and increase endurance. However, no one could detect traces of illegal drugs.
  4. At the end of the twentieth century, it was proven that almost all athletes in the weightlifting category won thanks to the use of doping drugs.

Athletes convicted of doping

The history of world sports remembers the athletes who were caught doping:

Most athletes do not stop only at physical activity and, in order to achieve maximum results, resort to dietary supplements that help build muscle mass. Supplements for gaining muscle mass vary both in their effect on the body and in their price range. Recently, to increase the effectiveness of training, and, accordingly, the effect from them, athletes have begun to resort to drugs that can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy.

But, before deciding to take such a step, it is necessary to study the effect that drugs or tablets have on the body. It is not recommended to abuse them, as they can cause significant harm to the body.

The drug Methionine in bodybuilding

Pharmacy substitute for supplements

Before you go to the pharmacy and choose a set of drugs that are intended for muscle growth, you need to understand exactly what drugs are needed and what they are responsible for. Sometimes the purchased product may not be suitable for a person who has hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition.

Considering this, you should not neglect the preliminary study of the instructions. This will avoid negative consequences for the body and get the expected result.

  • Glutamic acid. This acid promotes the flow of nitrogen into the body and its distribution, thereby achieving accelerated nitrogen metabolism. And, as you know, with the help of nitrogen metabolism, growth processes are activated, including muscle mass. It is recommended to take glutamic acid tablets twice a day when playing sports. You should not take more than 2 tablets at one time. In addition to the fact that glutamic acid is intended for muscle growth, it also affects the body's immune defense. This fact allows you to use this acid as a means to prevent most diseases or during the use of anabolic steroids. After all, when they are consumed, the body’s immune defense is significantly reduced, due to which its vulnerability increases.

Glutamic acid Solgar

  • Methionine is a beneficial amino acid for the body, which is present in some foods and is used for rapid muscle growth. This drug, like other stimulants, can be used by athletes. If the rate of use of Methionine is provided for in a course that provides 1-2 grams of the substance, then when playing sports, the established dose can be adjusted.
    The advantage, as, in fact, the demand for Methionine, is due not only to the fact that capsules of this product are available, but also to the fact that, in addition to the positive effect on weight gain, proper liver protection is provided. This fact allows the use of Methionine in cases where there are oral steroids that harm the liver.
  • Alvezin can also be included in the complex for weight gain. Despite the inconveniences associated with the administration of Alvezin, which occurs intravenously, this solution, which contains amino acids and protein beneficial to the body, has pronounced properties. With the help of this solution, which is recommended for athletes to administer three times a week, the body receives all the necessary amino acids for the process of building mass. A solution administered intravenously is absorbed faster by the body, and accordingly, the result will follow faster. Experts believe that Alvezin should be administered at the moment when the load has reached its maximum.

Alvezin can be included in a complex for weight gain

  • Nonsteroidal drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy for weight gain when playing sports are presented in the form of potassium orotate. Potassium orotate has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, promoting their activation. Due to this, protein synthesis increases. In addition to the fact that such drugs act as growth stimulants, they are included in the nutritional complex of athletes also because they protect the heart from debilitating loads. This method helps to avoid heart problems, including heart attacks. To begin with, it is recommended to take one capsule of Potassium Orotate three times a day. The optimal time to take them is 1.5-2 hours before the intended meal. Gradually the dosage can be doubled.
  • Safinor in its effects has a certain similarity with potassium ororate, which is part of it. But, if potassium Ororate contributes to a greater extent to the protection of the heart muscle, then Safinor acts as a means of allowing the body to adapt to a new load and weight. The complex of drugs used by the athlete must contain Safinor.

Potassium Ororate is similar to Safinor

  • Weight gain stimulants are also represented by such a drug as Ecdysterone. In addition to the fact that the use of Ecdysterone is used to increase muscle mass, it has no contraindications and is harmless to the athlete’s body. Therefore, the complex of drugs used by people related to sports should include it. As for its composition, Ecdysterone capsules consist of an extract of the roots of Leuzea safflower. The drug has a tonic effect on the body. At the same time, it is possible to increase strength, endurance, and, of course, add muscle mass in a shorter time.
    In order to achieve maximum results, Ecdysterone must be taken after meals. If an athlete has three main meals per day, then the drug should be taken 2-3 capsules after each meal.
  • Riboxin can be purchased at any pharmacy without any difficulty. Riboxin causes processes in the body to have an anabolic effect and provides reliable protection to the heart, which is very important when performing regular physical activity. Riboxin, which is part of a complex of drugs that act as a replacement for dietary supplements, has an effect on the rapid restoration of muscle tissue after training. Riboxin tablets provide sufficient blood supply to tissues and participate in energy metabolism . As a rule, at the beginning of the course, which can be 3 months, 1 capsule of Riboxin per day is enough. The minimum dosage is observed for 4 days, after which it is increased to 2 capsules 3 times a day. Additionally, you should worry about taking Riboxin before training.
  • People for whom sports, first of all, have heard about a drug called Betimil. Pharmaceutical drugs designed to increase muscle mass are the best substitutes for supplements, which are often inaccessible to many athletes due to their cost. Betimil and similar drugs can be taken by athletes as drugs that promote muscle gain and allow them to achieve greater performance by increasing endurance and charging the body with energy.
    With proper use of Betimil, athletes have repeatedly managed to double their achievements. In order for the effect of using this product to be maximum, you need to take 2-4 Betimil tablets per day. The duration of the course should not exceed 6 days, after which you will need to take a break of 3 days.

You can buy drugs for weight gain on the American website, where there are always promotions, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. It also works. Therefore, if you have already decided which weight gain drugs are best for you, then they can be found on.

Now athletes who want to increase muscle mass at an accelerated pace know how to achieve this and what the most effective stimulants exist for this. Therefore, if it is not possible to resort to sports nutrition that is designed specifically for this purpose, then you should not be upset. After all, you can look for a more suitable option, affordable among the drugs that are presented in pharmacies in any city in the country. By putting together the necessary complex, which contains the best means that have the necessary effect on the body, you can achieve results no worse than using special supplements for building muscle mass.

represents that group of drugs that can help increase muscle mass, strength, or utilize subcutaneous fat, and which can be purchased at pharmacy. There was already one article on our website dedicated to this type of doping, it was published under the title na-tu-ral-nye ana-bo-li-ki , since it was about drugs that give a similar effect to anabolic steroids, they can be legally purchased and they have no side effects -fek-tov. It is with such drugs that we recommend that you begin your acquaintance with “chemo-mia”, after which you can try more serious pharmaceutical doping, which is more difficult more accessible and/or which gives a more pronounced effect. The pre-pa-ra-ts of the second group will be discussed further, since the topic is quite popular and, unfortunately, weakly -puppies, that’s why they often “sniff bullshit” to the cats. We’ll take a closer look at the most popular drugs, find out their effectiveness, whether it’s worth taking them and how it’s correct. -but do it!

Just understand correctly, we do not encourage you to take pharmaceutical doping, since, most likely, you do not need it! Be sure to check out the articles about the dangers of “hi-mii” and with the article dedicated pos-le-kur-so-howl te-ra-pii , since taking pre-ping is a serious step, the consequences of which may be irreversible, so before making such a serious decision, it is worth finding out about its possible consequences. vi-yah. Nevertheless, if you decide to use doping, then you should start with the softest pre-pa-ra-ts, namely those that were described in the article “on-t-ural ana-bo-li-ki,” and only after they stop “inserting” is it worth switching to those drugs that will be described below. So, the information presented below is a compilation of personal experience, scientific research and reviews that have been used or other pre-parat.


Hypoxene: is a drug that can increase a person’s endurance by 10-15%, which is expressed in the absence of shortness of breath, palpitations after performing heavy lifts, or in a longer “acidification” of the muscles during aerobic exercise. Its action is to improve the utilization of oxygen in the blood and block free-bo-no-ra-di-cal reactions, due to which it also blocks - there is “acidification” of the muscles, simply because the breakdown products are synthesized more slowly. Pre-pa-rat is an-ti-ok-si-dan-tom and b-go-pri-yat-but it influences the heart -so-su-dis-tuyu sis-te-mu in us-lo-vi-yah gi-pok-sii. Was verified in 1999 by Far-ma-ko-lo-gi-ches-kim Go-su-dar-s-t-ven-ny Ko-mi-te-t and received patent No. 02.105.000, so you can be sure of its effectiveness! In addition, the drug has received a lot of positive feedback, but you should only use it during fast muscle fiber training if you are aiming -but tre-n-ru-e-those white fibers, then this drug is not suitable for you!

Well: 2-4 weeks, 2 tablets 2 times a day, on training days before training.

Pentoxifylline: a drug for pumping, since the essence of this pre-s-ta-vi-te-la ap-tech-no-go do-pin-ga is that it improves blood fluidity and reduces its viscosity, as well as -expands the vessels. It’s clear that heart-but-so-su-dis-tye for-bo-le-va-nia and high-pressure are pro-ti-in-ka- for-ni-i-mi, so before you see it from your doctor, check your blood pressure and take a heart echo test. Diabetics and athletes taking insulin or di-a-be-ton MB should be very careful, since pen-tok-si-fil-lin can cause severe hypoglycemia! On the other hand, this pre-para-t clearly enhances the action of the gig-pog-li-ke-mi-chest pre-pa-ra-ts, as in -su-lin, that the most frostbitten jocks can use. Pre-par-at effective, collected a lot of positive reviews, which is why he is being discharged only by prescription , so it will be quite difficult to get it.

Well: 4 weeks 300-400 mg before and after training.

Schisandra: a tonic drug that is recommended for athletes to improve the tone of the central nervous system. You can buy lemongrass without any problems, there is no recipe required, no pronounced effect is observed either, but for that reason, lemongrass will definitely not harm you! Based on personal experience, I can say that li-mon-nick improves nutrition and quality of sleep. In general, if you turn to your requests, they will differ, since at a young age the central nervous system is restored to the required level. exactly fast, and there are no problems with sleep, but for more mature athletes, lemon-mon-nick can become a solution to many problems.

Well: 4 weeks, take on an empty stomach or 4 hours after meals, 20-40 drops 2-3 times a day, can be taken as a decoction (20 drops per 200g of water).

Potassium Orotate: is an auxiliary drug during a course of AAS, but it can also be used solo, however, its effectiveness will be much lower. The pre-para-t participates in the construction of protein molecules, in the synthesis of RNA and DNA, that is, those are good things - has a pleasant effect on nitrogen balance, helping to build muscle. In practice, pre-para-t allows you to eat more, increases appetite and allows you to better digest food products, so during harsh meat-packing programs it is used -use-zo-va-nie can be ak-tu-al-but. The reviews are very different, which is most likely due to the fact that those who know how to build muscles take orotate with asteroids, and those who don’t know how to build them, it’s not like a pharmacy doping, growth hormone and insulin will not help them. From my own experience, I can note that potassium orotate allows you to recover faster, heavy regimens on this drug are easier. Available without a prescription.

Well: 3-4 weeks, 0.5g 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals.

Protein solutions: These are liquid injectable drugs that need to be given as drops, so they must be given in a clinic or hospital, under no circumstances should you give them to yourself. Tel no. There are a variety of white races, for example, Alvezin, which is now produced under the brand name Alvezin New. No negative comments about this drug were noticed either online or in gyms; as a rule, everyone speaks about proteinaceous plants. in fact, that, most likely, is due to the fact that they are accepted, as a rule, by experienced athletes in period of preparation, when there is a hard de-fi-cit of nutritious substances. If you take protein solutions while pumping, then, most likely, you won’t feel anything. e-those! Let-go-without-receipt.

Well: 3 weeks, droppers placed 2 times a week.

Diabeton CF: is a drug for diabetics, stimulating the production of insulin, which can only be relevant if one’s own insulin secretion is impaired. In other words, if it were necessary to choose the most useless drug, from the pharmaceutical doping group, then first place in useless you would have taken over the dia-be-tone MV. Generally speaking, it is surprising that someone else is trying this drug, since, apart from negative reviews, nothing else can be found on the Internet. I don’t re-co-men-du-em give you a dia-be-tone MV, since, in addition to violating the secretion of in-su-li-na, this is more than it won't give anything!

Tamoxifen: another useless drug, which is very relevant when taking AAS, but absolutely useless for “straight people”. The only case when ta-mok-si-phen can be useful is during the period of restructuring of the hormonal system, since its essence is the suppression of estrogen receptors. If you have gi-ne-ko-mastia or you went and took hormone tests, during which it turned out that you have higher -but the amount of estrogen in the blood, then take ta-mok-si-phen. If you don’t have all this, then don’t waste your money, because the level is too low for that -it doesn’t-ga-tiv-but influences ana-bo-lism!

Food enzymes: another type of pharmaceutical doping, the use of which can be ac-tu-a-len during severe weight gain schemes, or during the use of water-free diets. In total, there are three types of enzymes: amylase, lipase and pro-te-a-za. The first ones break down carbons, the second ones break down fats, and the third ones break down proteins. You don't follow a fucking farmer on an ongoing basis, no matter what the well-known gu-ru bo-di-bil-din-ga say, because if you -or in the body with an artificial analogue, then the body gradually ceases to produce the natural substance. In other words, if you want to ruin your stomach, then get a fer-men on a pos-yang basis. but-ve. If you don’t want to, then they should be taken in courses of 4 no-de-li in the re-ko-men-do-e-my do-to-ra-mi do-zah, which are on-pi- sa-ny on pack-kov-ke. Let-go without prescription.

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