Daily value of vitamin C for a person. Vitamin C on guard of children's health: daily dosage and features of taking ascorbic acid Daily intake of vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is very important for the normal functioning of the body. An equally important aspect in this case is the daily dose of this drug.

The human body is a specific device that works due to micro and macro elements coming from outside. All substances entering the body can have both positive and negative effects. Overdose those other substances can lead to disastrous consequences.

What is ascorbic acid?

Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is a complex organic compound actively involved in the functioning of the human body.

This compound performs a number of functions necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

It is a natural restorer and antioxidant.

Also, this drug has an anti-radical effect, but it is extremely insignificant in order to prevent the rapid decay of cells.

In nature, ascorbic acid is found in many vegetables and fruits.

According to the IUPAC systematic nomenclature, ascorbic acid is also called gamma-lactone 2,3-dehydro-L-gulonic acid.

Reference! The discovery of this substance was associated with the victory over scurvy in 1928. It was then that Albert Szent-Györgyi, having synthesized this molecule for the first time, came to the conclusion that the lack of vitamin C in the body leads to scurvy.

Ascorbic acid in the human body involved in the synthesis of collagen, serotonin from tryptophan, the formation of catecholamines, the synthesis of corticosteroids.

Ascorbic acid is also involved in the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids.

It inhibits hemoglobin glycosylation, inhibits the conversion of glucose into sorbitol.

There are data on neuroprotective action ascorbic acid, in particular, about its positive effect on premature aging, prevention of age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.

That being said, avoiding vitamin deficiency appears to have a more positive impact than taking large doses as supplements to a healthy diet.

Daily dose

Like any other drug, ascorbic acid has a daily norm consumption.

If this norm is exceeded, a person develops hypervitaminosis, and with a lack of use, hypovitaminosis.

Consequences from an excess or lack of a vitamin can be very different.

From simple fatigue to serious diseases or disruptions in the normal functioning of the body.


The body of young children, namely infants, is especially susceptible to attacks from outside. In part, this is due to the fact that they have not fully formed the immune system.

However, the doses of the devices should also be selected wisely, since at the stage of infancy the body is extremely sensitive.


For children aged 1 to 3 years, it is advisable to give 40 mg / day.

The dose reduction in comparison with infants is due to the fact that the child's body and immune system must independently deal with factors from outside.

It is impossible that ascorbic acid would take on the entire role in maintaining the antioxidant barrier.


At the age of 4 to 8 years, children can be given up to 45 mg / day. An increase in the dose is associated with an increase in the activity of the body.


Adolescents aged 9 to 13 years should take 50 mg / day of ascorbic acid every day.

Young boys and girls

For young boys and girls, the dose of vitamin C is slightly different.

This is partly due to the fact that men are more susceptible to the harmful effects of radical particles.

So young guys aged 14 to 18 years old should drink up to 75 mg of vitamin C daily. While young girls aged 14 to 18 years old, 65 mg per day will be enough.

Adult men and women

In an older organism, the ability to produce its own ascorbic acid begins to noticeably decrease.

This is partly due to the fact that the phase of intensive development in the body has passed.

That is why older people need more vitamin C intake.

For men over the age of 18, it is worth taking a day before 90 mg.

For women over the age of 18, the required daily allowance will be 75 mg.


During pregnancy, women experience serious hormonal changes, so body weight also increases. Pregnant women are recommended to consume up to 100 mg per day.


Nursing mothers should consume daily up to 110-120 mg.


In the body of older people, the independent production of vitamin C practically stops. In accordance with this, they need to consume up to 300-400 mg per day.

Norm for smokers

For people who actively smoke or are regular passive smokers, it is also worth consuming more ascorbic acid.

For adult male smokers, this rate is up to 120 mg per day, and for adult smokers women 105 mg per day.

Reference! The maximum level of consumption of ascorbic acid in the Russian Federation reaches 2000 mg per day.

Calculation of the daily dose in a dragee

The calculation of the daily dose of ascorbic acid will depend on many factors. For various weight and age the daily requirement will be significantly different.

It will be no less important whether there are serious physical or mental stresses in a person’s daily life.

In the general case, for a healthy man, the calculation of the daily requirement will be as follows: for each kilogram of body weight, you need to take 1-1.25 mg ascorbic acid.

If a man is actively involved in sports, then the dosage can be increased to 1.5-1.75 mg per kilogram.

For people, smokers and sick people, the norm will be 1.25-1.3 mg per day.

Do not forget about age, with age, the consumption rate increases significantly.

The unconditionally acceptable intake for men is 2.5 mg per day, while conditionally admissible 7.5 mg per day.

For women, the same principle applies as for men. However, the level of consumption should be reduced. Except for pregnant and lactating women.

In all other cases, the dose of ascorbic acid should be 25-30% less than for men.


An overdose of ascorbic acid is accompanied by a number of functional disorders. In this case, often, the first symptoms have external severity.

abuse ascorbic acid it is forbidden. With prolonged use of high doses of the substance, it leads to a deterioration in the absorption of vitamin B12, also known as cyanocobalamin.

The overall acidity in the digestive tract increases, and the pH of uric acid also decreases. With a significant increase in acidity, uric acid, deposition of axalate salts and the formation of kidney stones are possible.

For women an excess of ascorbic acid is dangerous by increasing the level of estrogen in the blood, especially for women who take drugs from outside.

Important! In addition, against the background of high doses of vitamin C, enzymes that metabolize it are activated. If this occurs during pregnancy, the newborn may develop rebound scurvy.

Define an overdose of ascorbic acid can be on the following grounds:

  • constant insomnia, increased irritability and lethargy, a feeling of omnipresent anxiety;
  • increased sweating;
  • nausea, dizziness, headaches and a feeling of loss of consciousness;
  • periodic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vomiting, nausea.

In addition, in adults and children, the skin may appear allergic reaction on the drug, in the form of acne and other inflammations.

long-term use higher doses can eventually lead to:

  • dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • acute kidney disease;
  • various kinds of gastritis and gastroduodenitis;
  • hypersensitivity to vitamin C, sometimes even to the smallest doses;
  • decrease in the number of white blood cells;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • decrease in blood clotting.

Important! An overdose of ascorbic acid can only be corrected by a specialized and experienced doctor; you cannot self-medicate or use folk remedies.

Lethal dose

The lethal dose of ascorbic acid is considered to be 20-30 g for one take. However, this substance is highly soluble in polar solvents.

That is why in the human body, excess acid will be absorbed and excreted from the body without accumulation.

However, taking such a dose of a substance will affect all human organs, even death.

Compatibility with other vitamins

Ascorbic acid is combined with other drugs.

However, for a significant effect, take it better separately from other drugs.

Vitamin C works well with vitamin E and A, B5 and B9.

  • The antioxidant effect of ascorbic acid increases with the addition of carotenoids (Vitamin B5);
  • Vitamin C restores the activity of vitamin E.
  • Vitamin C contributes to the preservation and absorption of vitamin B9.

Acid co-administration with ethinyl estradiol may lead to an increase in the concentration of the latter.

The level of aluminum in the blood will noticeably increase when taking the vitamin along with antacids.

Use with tetracycline promotes the removal of vitamin C from the body.

Useful video

Video warning about the consequences of an overdose of vitamin C.


Ascorbic acid, an important and indispensable component necessary for the human body to normal functioning.

However, the thoughtless use of uncontrolled amounts of this drug can lead to serious consequences.

In contact with

Water-soluble vitamin C can be distributed in the body with normal fluid. It must be included in the daily diet, because it is not capable of being produced in our body on its own, and its daily intake must be replenished. Vitamin C is vital for humans.

Foods Containing Vitamin C

A significant content of ascorbic acid falls on products of plant origin. These are vegetables, citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli. Also, if you use strawberries, black currants, persimmons, peaches, sea buckthorn, ascorbic acid, you will be provided with a daily allowance. Vitamin C, among other things, is also found in tomatoes, bell peppers, mountain ash. Ascorbic acid is also found in some herbs. For example, in peppermint, fennel, parsley, red pepper, nettle, plantain, raspberry leaves. Therefore, the intake of vitamins should consist of plant products and be replenished daily.

How much vitamin C does a person need

The daily human need for ascorbic acid is formed from a number of indicators. Gender, age, nature of work, climate, bad habits, pregnancy - all these factors determine the daily intake of vitamin C. Stress, illness, toxic effects on the body increase a person's need for ascorbic acid. In the Far North and in hot climates, the need for vitamin C increases by 30-50%. In older people, ascorbic acid is absorbed worse than in young people, so in old age its daily intake increases. Vitamin C is reduced in the body when using oral contraceptives. Therefore, women taking such contraceptives need to increase the amount of foods rich in ascorbic acid in their diet.

The daily intake of vitamin C should be divided into several meals, since ascorbic acid is quickly consumed by the body. Therefore, it will be much more useful to maintain a constantly relatively high concentration of the vitamin. The daily norm of vitamin C, from a classical point of view, for men is 90 mg, for women - 75. You can navigate by the daily loss of ascorbic acid. On average, it ranges from 300 to 1500 mg. The required daily rate is formed from the level of its consumption. Vitamin C is desirable to consume no more than 2000 mg per day. This is the norm for an adult healthy person. The effect of vitamin C on the body lasts, as a rule, from 8 to 12 hours after it enters the organic sphere. After this time, the beneficial properties of ascorbic acid begin to weaken and disappear altogether. And excess vitamin is excreted from the body with ammonia.

The biological function of vitamin C

Vitamin C affects not only the state of human immunity, but also inhibits the activity of microbes, does not allow the development of viral diseases. Ascorbic acid prolongs youth, retains the attractiveness of appearance, physical and mental health. Vitamin C allows the production of norepinephrine, which provides a person with a creative approach to business and the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Benefits of Vitamin C

  • Ascorbic acid restores the health of teeth, gums and bone tissues.
  • Vitamin C promotes faster healing of wounds, bone fractures, improves scarring of the skin.
  • Ascorbic acid increases the level of absorption of iron by the body.
  • Vitamin C favorably affects the strengthening of blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid reduces the risk of diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, also accelerates their treatment, improves immunity.

In addition, vitamin C contributes to the growth and healthy formation of cells, improves the proper absorption of calcium. Ascorbic acid helps to minimize the potential formation of hematomas and blood clots. Also, vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, which takes part in the formation of ligaments, tendon branches, blood vessels of the brain.

What are the signs that you can understand that you have hypovitaminosis

Vitamin deficiency can be exogenous, when the required amount of ascorbic acid does not enter the body. Or endogenous, meaning a violation of the absorption and digestibility of vitamin C by the human body. If ascorbic acid does not enter the body for a long time, a person may find the following signs of hypovitaminosis:

  • Lethargy.
  • Slow wound healing.
  • Loss of teeth.
  • Hair loss.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Dry skin.
  • Joint pain.
  • Irritability, depression, general morbidity.

How to save vitamin C in foods

The content of vitamin C in raw foods and in already cooked food are two completely different values. Due to improper cooking, up to 95% of ascorbic acid is lost. With prolonged storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, their vitamin C content is reduced by 70%. Especially quickly ascorbic acid is destroyed under the influence of oxygen, high temperature and the sun. From this fact it follows that fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs are preferably stored in a cool place in hermetically sealed bags.

Significant losses of vitamin C occur during cooking, especially in the presence of oxygen and in an alkaline environment. That is, when cooking, it is better to keep the pan tightly closed in order to minimize contact with air, and it would be good to acidify soups, vegetable stews and other dishes with vinegar in advance, taking into account the compatibility of products. Ascorbic acid is also oxidized in the presence of iron and copper ions. This means that it is better not to cook food in pots made of these materials.

Vitamin C is one of the varieties of ascorbic acid and plays an important redox role in the body. Without his participation, the full functioning of the immune system is impossible.

The body becomes defenseless against infectious agents. The processes of metabolism, blood clotting and tissue regeneration are disrupted. Difficulty in the absorption of other vitamins.

Therefore, it is important to receive a daily portion of ascorbic acid, which is mandatory for maintaining a full life, along with the food consumed.

It is enough to eat only 150 g of oranges to provide the daily requirement of this essential vitamin.

Plants are considered to be natural pantries of vitamin C. Eating citrus fruits, green vegetables (bell peppers), various types of cabbage, black currants and wild roses (fruits and infusions from the leaves), potatoes (especially baked), tomatoes and apples ensures that you do not face a deficiency of ascorbic acid.

This table presents, they contain:

Products Content (mg per 100 g)
vegetable crops
Red pepper) 250
Horseradish 110–200
Pepper (green sweet) 125
Cauliflower) 75
Radish 50
White cabbage) 40
Tomatoes (red) 35
Green peas (fresh) 25
Potato (young) 25
tomato paste 25
Squash 23
Sauerkraut) 20
radish 20
Turnip 20
cucumbers 15
Tomato juice 15
Green peas (canned) 10
Zucchini 10
Potato 10
Bulb onions) 10
Carrot 8
eggplant 5
Parsley (leaves) 150
Dill 100
Cheremsha 100
Sorrel 60
Spinach 30
Onion (green, feather) 27
Salad 15
Rosehip (dry) up to 1500
Rose hip 470
grapefruit 60
oranges 50
Lemons 50
Apples (Antonovka) 30
tangerines 30
melons 20
apricots 10
Bananas 10
Peaches 10
Pears 8
plums 8
watermelons 7
grenades 5
Currant (black) 250
Sea ​​buckthorn 200
Rowan (red) 100
Strawberry (garden) 60
Gooseberry 40
Red currants) 40
Raspberries 25
Cowberry 15
Cranberry 15
Cherry 15
Blueberry 5
Grape 4
Chanterelles (fresh) 34
White mushrooms (fresh) 30

Daily rate

It has been proven that vitamin C is absorbed more easily in youth, therefore, in men and women of age, the need for ascorbic acid increases.

The harsh northern climate, like the hot tropical climate, contributes to an increase in the daily intake of vitamin C by 20-30% (up to 250 mg). And stress, illness and smoking increase the need for this vitamin by 35 mg per day.

To avoid health hazards, the daily intake of the vitamin should be from 50 to 100 mg. In therapy, doctors may prescribe 500-1500 mg of the substance per day.

For men

The main dose of vitamin C should be obtained from food

Lack of vitamin C in the male body leads to a decrease in the density of sperm in the seminal fluid and to the loss of their ability to move (especially for smokers).

For women

They often complain of feeling weak and lethargic. They have increased capillary fragility.

Lack of blood supply leads to brittle hair, bleeding gums and skin rashes.

To support women's beauty and health, it is enough to consume 60-80 mg of ascorbic acid daily.

The daily intake of vitamin C required for women taking oral contraceptives should be higher than the standard female daily allowance. This is due to the fact that the concentration of the vitamin in their blood is lowered.

For children

Vitamin C is especially necessary for the children's body.

It is important to provide the baby with the proper amount of ascorbic acid entering the body. The growth and restoration of children's bones, tissues, blood vessels, as well as immunity depends on this.

Vitamin C is essential for the proper absorption of iron. It has a positive effect on the vital activity of the internal organs and the state of the nervous system of the child.

The daily norm for children varies from 30 to 70 mg per day. The prescribed rate is determined by the age and weight of the baby.

With a cold

The amount of ascorbic acid not received with food can be taken from multivitamin complexes, the necessary dosage of which can be determined by a doctor.

To prevent infection with viral colds and for their treatment, it is recommended to increase the dose of ascorbic acid to 200 mg (smokers - 500 mg).

This will help you recover faster as well.

Part of the daily value of vitamin C should be taken from food. Patients are advised to drink tea with lemon, berry fruit drinks, vitamin infusions of wild rose throughout the day.

During pregnancy

It is important for the expectant mother to provide the developing baby with an adequate supply of vitamin C. It is responsible for the production of collagen, which goes to the structure of connective tissues.

The daily dose of ascorbic acid consumed should be at least 85 mg.

For athletes

Experts recommend that people involved in professional sports, as well as those who work hard physically every day, consume from 100-150 to 500 mg of vitamin C per day.

Vitamin C is one of the main elements of sports nutrition

Ascorbic acid will help them strengthen tendons, ligaments, bones and skin. This powerful antioxidant activates the immune defenses.

Vitamin C takes part in protein synthesis. It regulates the absorption of the protein consumed by the athlete. In addition, ascorbic acid suppresses the production of cortisol.

Given these properties, this vitamin can be additionally included in sports nutrition.

It can be taken before and during training, which will help protect muscles from destruction.

Vitamin C overdose

The daily dose of ascorbic acid should comply with the recommended standards. Otherwise, an overdose will occur, the symptoms of which can be both temporary and remain with the person even after the treatment of beriberi.

An excess of vitamin C is fraught with kidney stones, a decrease in vascular permeability and severe allergic reactions.


An acute lack of vitamin C can result in scurvy. With this disease, collagen production gradually decreases and connective tissues weaken. As a result, the patient develops bruises, painful sensations in the joints, wounds heal with difficulty, and even hair falls out.

There are swelling and bleeding of the gums. Due to the softening of tissues and the fragility of small vessels, teeth fall out. Painful manifestations are accompanied by depression.

In the event of scurvy, it is urgent to restore consumption with food or. Otherwise, the patient may develop iron deficiency anemia. Possible death.

If you care about health, then you need to make sure that vitamin C is present in sufficient amounts in your diet every day.

The daily need of the human body for ascorbic acid can be satisfied by eating oranges, green peppers, rose hips, black currants and other useful plants and products.

Hypovitaminosis is a condition caused by a lack of a vitamin in the body. Since this phenomenon is quite common, let's briefly go over the symptoms:

Vitamin A deficiency- “night blindness” (if you see almost nothing at dusk, this is it), frequent conjunctivitis, dry skin, dry and brittle hair, dandruff, pustular diseases on the skin, increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.

IN 1- disorders of the nervous system: insomnia, irritability, decreased memory and ability to concentrate, feeling of numbness of the extremities. With hypovitaminosis B1, the heart and gastrointestinal tract also suffer (hello, gastritis, hello to you, duodenal ulcer!). Attention drinkers! Of all the vitamins, this is the one you need the most. Otherwise, you will have to get acquainted with Korsakov's syndrome, and this acquaintance is very unpleasant: absolutely everything falls out of memory, immediately after it happened and does not return. That is, you can pay a hundred and fifty times in a sober mind for the same bottle of beer and go to the cashier again. By the way, frequent and abundant communication with the green snake generally invariably leads to a deficiency of B vitamins in the body, I recommend remembering this.

AT 2- blurred vision, pain in the eyes, headache, loss of appetite.

AT 5- the symptoms are similar to the symptoms of a lack of vitamin B1, that is, first of all, it sausages the nervous system. Symptoms from the violation of skin sensitivity are more pronounced: burning, itching and other joys, sometimes aggravated at night. In addition, there are muscle pains.

AT 6- again, the nervous system takes the brunt: dizziness, lethargy, fatigue, anxiety, depression. Plus, this beriberi is often written on the face in the literal sense: dermatitis and dermatosis with very unpleasant localization, around the eyes, for example, or - horrified ladies - in the décolleté area. Chapped lips.

AT 9- also a joyless beriberi and also mean, because it reduces the absorption of vitamin B12. It is expressed in anemia, and again in the defeat of the nervous system - fatigue, insomnia, apathy. In pregnant women, it can cause serious damage to the fetus.

AT 12(by the way, be curious, the vitamin has a very beautiful formula, it will immediately become clear to you that it’s somehow a shame to be left without this beauty in the body - digestive disorders, constipation, depression, anemia, ringing in the ears, drowsiness (strange, right? Ringing in the ears , but you want to sleep), Attention, vegetarians! If you do not take any supplements, then sooner or later you will have to deal with this hypovitaminosis, because. And yet - everyone's attention! Even a short-term B12 vitamin deficiency hits the nervous system very hard.

WITH- an old acquaintance, with the lack of which you will be primarily concerned about the fragility of blood vessels (there is even such a tourniquet test - a tourniquet is tightened on the arm, and if after that tiny hemorrhages appear on the skin - petechiae, then there is an increased fragility of capillaries, and it's time to drink teeth into a lemon), hair loss, frequent mysterious bruising, poor healing of even small scratches, bleeding gums, joint pain.

D- Well, adults are not threatened with rickets. However, burning in the mouth and throat, loss of appetite and insomnia can spoil the mood.

E- weakness, muscular dystrophy (well, that is, you walk, go to the gym, but the muscles do not grow, even worse, they decrease). It can be very unpleasant with the liver - with a lack of vitamin E, necrosis and dystophy are described in it. Attention! The need for the vitamin is increased in people with high physical activity.

H- the most unpleasant thing that this vitamin deficiency can lead to is an increase in the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. In addition - seborrhea, dry skin, hair loss, weakness, anemia, muscle pain.

RR (aka B3)- burning in the limbs, redness on the skin, followed by peeling, disruption of the nervous system up to dementia, cracks in the skin, inflammation, weakness, disorders of cholesterol and glucose metabolism.

TO- increased bleeding of everything and everything in the body.

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