Lean minced chicken meatballs. Chicken meatballs. Recipe for meatballs with cream

Meatballs with rice is a hearty quick dish that you can deliciously feed your husband and children. Meatballs are tender and juicy, and due to the fact that they are not pre-fried, they can also be called dietary. In this, I will reveal to you the secret of juicy meatballs, how not to make them hard and dry. This is very important, especially if you are offering to young children. Properly cooked meatballs should hold their shape well, not fall apart, but are expected to have a soft and juicy texture. In order to prepare tender meatballs, add a little bacon to the minced chicken, as well as sautéed vegetables and half-cooked rice. These simple tricks will help you prepare a delicious dish for side dishes such as boiled rice, potatoes or pasta. And in order not to miss anything from the recipe, check out step by step cooking minced chicken meatballs with photo on our website.

Ingredients for making minced chicken meatballs with rice

Step by step cooking minced chicken meatballs with rice with photo

Minced chicken meatballs are served with gravy for a side dish of mashed potatoes, boiled rice or other cereals. Bon appetit!

If you want to cook a dinner for a large family so that everyone dares and asks for more, then make these delicious minced chicken meatballs with gravy. The recipe is simple, even those who have recently begun to master kitchen wisdom can handle it. The combination of products for gravy may vary. The main thing is its density and volume. Personally, I think that mushroom and creamy taste is best suited for chicken meatballs, so I make gravy from champignons with sour cream. Minced chicken meatballs are very tender, airy, juicy. My household members are cracking them like seeds: before you look back, 25 meatballs are gone, leaving only a pristine frying pan, because they also scrape the gravy clean.


For meatballs:

  • 700 grams of minced chicken,
  • ½ cup dry rice (round is best)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 large onion
  • 2/3 teaspoon salt
  • freshly ground pepper,
  • flour for breading (3-4 tablespoons),
  • vegetable oil for frying

For gravy:

  • 1 can of sour cream 250 grams,
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 300 grams of mushrooms
  • 1 teaspoon flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to cook minced chicken meatballs with gravy

1. First you need to boil the rice. The softest meatballs are obtained with round-grain rice, for example, with Kuban. Pour it with a glass of water, add a couple of pinches of salt and cook without a lid until all the water has evaporated. Rice does not have to be fully cooked. It will reach the condition in the process of stewing meatballs, having absorbed the fragrant gravy.

2. Onions can be turned through a meat grinder or grated. Recently, the second method has become somehow closer to me. After the grater, a certain amount of onion juice is obtained - I drain it.

3. In a large bowl, put the minced chicken, rice, onion, egg, salt and pepper.

4. Mix everything. Pour flour into a bowl. We put a frying pan on the stove. We heat it up strongly enough - we will need to fry the meatballs to a crust so that all the juice remains inside. And it is better to do it at a high temperature. Next, with wet hands, form small meatballs. Spread in flour, breading and in a pan.

This is the most time-consuming moment in the cooking process. Sculpt - roll - fry until golden brown - turn over, fry on the second side - remove the finished ones from the pan and put them in a dish. I got 25 meatballs.

5. Let's do the gravy. To make it especially fragrant, let's do a simple procedure: pour oil into a large frying pan and dip a clove of garlic into it, cut into 3-4 parts. We put the pan on the fire. Roast the garlic until it turns yellow. At the same time finely chop the onion. When the garlic is fried, take it out and discard it. You will appreciate the aroma of garlic oil. We spread the onion in it, fry until transparent, stirring, for 5-7 minutes.

6. We chop the mushrooms smaller. We spread them to the fried onions, mix and fry for another 5 minutes. Finely chopped mushrooms cook very quickly. Then add flour and mix. This will allow us to make the sauce without lumps.

7. Put sour cream in the pan. Pour water into a jar of sour cream and shake to pick up all the leftovers. Pour into the sauce. We are waiting for it to boil, mix. Taste the sauce and adjust if necessary to taste.

8. Put the meatballs in the sauce. Top up with the rest of the water. We close the lid. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Simmer for 30 minutes.

Meatballs and minced chicken, as it turned out, is a favorite dish of our grandmothers. In those difficult times, when only minced meat, meat and poultry flaunted on store shelves, meatballs were a frequent “guest” on the table of almost every Soviet family.
Chicken meatballs are quite popular to this day. And they are also popular because they contain a small amount of calories. 100 g of chicken meatballs contain only 150 calories, and in a serving of three meatballs only 70-75 g. Accordingly, you can safely eat 2 servings of chicken meatballs at one meal.
We prepared minced chicken meatballs with rice with tomato paste sauce, these meatballs are easy to cook, everyone can eat without exception, including small children.
How to cook these wonderful meatballs?

TIME: 60 min.


Servings: 2-3


  • 500 g chicken fillet,
  • 250 g rice
  • 130 g carrots
  • 100 g onion
  • salt, pepper (to taste)
  • 1 chicken egg,
  • bunch of parsley,
  • a tablespoon of sour cream
  • a tablespoon of tomato paste (can be a third of a glass of tomato juice)
  • a glass of boiled water.


To make the dish light and low-calorie, we advise you to use a Teflon pan. Otherwise, we will need some more sunflower oil for frying.
1. Wash the chicken fillet and cut into small slices. You ask why we cut it, you can scroll it in a meat grinder? It is possible, but we will take the path of greater resistance so that chicken meat is clearly felt in the meatballs. If you also cut the chicken by hand, we advise you not to completely defrost it. Slightly frozen fillet is cut much easier.

2. As for carrots and onions, now we need only halves of both. Finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots. We send vegetables to a deep bowl for mixing products. We also send finely chopped parsley there.

3. Shredded fillet, along with a chicken egg and rice, are also sent to a bowl with vegetables. Salt and pepper the contents of the bowl and mix. We got minced chicken with rice and vegetables. Let's put it aside.

4. The remaining halves of onions and carrots are again chopped and lightly fried in a pan for 5 minutes. Put aside. We will add this frying to the gravy for meatballs a little later.

5. We return to our minced meat. We rinse our hands with cold water so that the minced meat does not stick to them and begin to sculpt round meatballs the size of a quail egg. We send the meatballs to the pan and cook them for a minute and a half on both sides.

Fry on the other side.

We put the finished meatballs in a thick-walled pan.
6. Let's start preparing the gravy. Add a tablespoon of sour cream, about the same amount of tomato paste (or a third of a glass of tomato juice) and a glass of water to the carrot-onion frying.

Stir and pour the gravy into the pan with the meatballs.

Minced meatballs made from chicken breasts are tasty and dietary at the same time. This also contributes to the preparation of meatballs in the oven. A vegetable pillow on which chicken meatballs will be baked, plus water will turn into a delicious sauce dominated by carrots. Due to this sauce, meatballs will cook. Such meatballs can be safely included in the children's menu.

To cook minced chicken meatballs with rice in the oven, take: chicken breasts or ready-made minced chicken (it’s better to make minced meat yourself, it will be more reliable), round rice, onion, chicken egg, vegetable oil, tomatoes, carrots, water, salt , black pepper. Boil the rice until half cooked and drain the water from it. Onion cut into cubes.

Fry the onion (0.5 pcs.) in vegetable oil (30 ml) until golden. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes.

Pass chicken meat through a meat grinder. Add rice, fried onion, egg, salt and a little ground pepper to the minced chicken. Stir in minced meat.

In a frying pan, fry in vegetable oil (50 ml) diced onion (0.5 pcs.), Carrots (large grater), peeled tomatoes (diced). Place the roasted vegetables in the bottom of the dish. Put small meatballs (round cutlets) molded from minced meat prepared a little earlier on a vegetable pillow.

Carefully pour boiling water salted to taste into the mold so that the water almost, but not quite, covers the meatballs.

Close the mold with a lid and cook the meatballs in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

That's it, minced chicken meatballs with rice (cooked in the oven) are ready to serve. Garnish - your choice. Tasty and healthy!

Enjoy your meal!

Preparing a tasty and healthy second course, and even one that everyone at home, young and old, likes, is a rather difficult task. If your relatives with enviable constancy ask to cook homemade cutlets - surprise them and cook meatballs with a thick, tasty gravy. What kind of watering will be up to you, we have prepared for you two recipes for the most successful creamy or tomato-based sauces and we will show you in detail, with step-by-step photos, how to do everything, so that even the most novice cook will cope with cooking.

Chicken meatballs in a creamy (sour cream) sauce

Cooking meatballs is a simple matter, even for a schoolboy. We will make them from chicken breast fillet. But, unfortunately, not everyone likes the diet option, because it can turn out dry. To avoid this, you need a sauce. We'll make it from cream. This version is very tender and tasty. However, if you find the cream too expensive (or simply won’t be in the fridge at that moment), replace it with more affordable and budget-friendly sour cream. But for sour cream sauce, it is advisable to take sour cream of low fat content - 15%.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • minced chicken - 350g;
  • onion - 1/2 small head;
  • dry bread crumbs - 3 tablespoons;
  • egg - half (2 quail eggs);
  • garlic - 1 small clove;
  • butter - 20g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • chicken broth (or water) - 3/4 cup;
  • low-fat cream or sour cream) - 1/2 cup;
  • spices to taste (ground black pepper, oregano, basil, ground paprika);
  • curry powder (optional) - 1/2 tsp;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable refined oil for frying.

How to cook chicken meatballs with gravy: recipe with photo

In order for a more tender version to come out, cover the form with foil and remove 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Serve with boiled rice, mashed potatoes or vegetables, or with a vegetable salad without a side dish at all, it will still be satisfying and tasty.

How to make bread crumbs

Our family is very fond of fresh pastries, and sometimes we still have yesterday's loaf or baguette, which no one eats anymore. I found the best way, in addition to the traditional preparation of croutons, is the transformation of a long loaf into breadcrumbs and crackers for cutlets and meatballs.

To do this, we take a not quite stale loaf and clean it with a knife from a golden crust. We cut into pieces. For breading, dry the pieces in the oven at a temperature of 50-70 ° C, then cool and chop. For cutlets, meatballs and some other minced meat dishes, grind the loaf immediately without prior drying in the oven - put it in the chopper bowl. Grind to a crumb state. We dry it for 1-2 days on a tray, covering it from dust and debris with paper, usually on a kitchen cabinet. Next, put in a jar with a tight lid. We store in a dry place away from the sun for no more than 1 month. Such dry bread crumbs play the role of the very “bun” that is soaked before being added to minced meat, only it is easier with crumbs, they are immediately added to the meat and swell already there.

Chicken meatballs in tomato sauce

Today we will cook traditional meatballs from tender chicken fillet. The texture of such meat balls resembles a soufflé - they are so tender and soft. For a change, you can add a little mozzarella, feta, Adyghe cheese to the minced meat - so the taste will become even more tender and a little more creamy. In order to make a full-fledged main course out of meatballs, add boiled crumbly rice to the minced meat. Then you don't even need to cook a side dish.

What do we need:

  • chicken breast fillet - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • loaf - 1 slice;
  • tomato paste - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices for chicken - 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil.

How to make meatballs from minced chicken

  1. Prepare the fillet - defrost if necessary, rinse and dry. We cut the meat into large pieces, the onion into small pieces.
  2. We grind through a meat grinder, since chicken meat is tender, then once is enough, even if you have a machine with a handle. By the way, breast is the only type of meat that I often grind in a blender for speed and convenience. This is faster than disassembling and washing the meat grinder later.
  3. We cut off all the hard crusts from the loaf, I soak the crumb in water. Milk is often used for this. However, no one can distinguish by taste what bread was soaked in water or milk. And if so, why translate the product? Water will do the job just fine.
  4. Squeeze out the water, add the crumb to the minced meat. Salt to taste. We let it brew for 20 minutes.
  5. We form beautiful round meat balls with wet hands.
  6. Let's move on to making the sauce. In a bowl, mix flour and volume. pasta, put salt and spices.

  7. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and lay out the meatballs. Fry them until a delicious golden brown.
  8. We dilute the mixture of flour with tomato with 1 cup of cold water. Mix well. Warm water will only speed up the creation of dense lumps, while in cold water they almost never form.
  9. Pour the tomato sauce into the pan and simmer until cooked for 25-35 minutes under the lid, periodically turning the meatballs so that they are better fed with the sauce.

So do not avoid cooking meatballs from minced chicken for a change. For children or for them to be, well, absolutely dietary, you can not fry them before baking in the oven or before pouring them with gravy in a pan. But when cooking in a pan, you will first need to pour quite a bit of water there, bring it to a boil, then just spread the meatballs, boil them a little and only then pour the sauce, otherwise there is a chance that they will fall apart.

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