Reptilians are among us. This is not an assumption, but a fact. Interview with a Russian reptilian Aliens reptilians

My friend Igor Tkachenko, in VK, wrote a reptilian who introduced himself as Sergey. You don't have to laugh. Read first, then rate. Whoever he is. What he says is worthy of the most careful reading and deep reflection. Not because he said something sensational, out of the ordinary. Rather, because it confirms indirectly, what most of us have known for so long, but do not find in the world around us, material confirmation.

So, Transcript of the group chat on Igor Tkachenko's page. The primary edition is the owner of the page. (Removed personalization of chat participants, deleted, re-asked questions, etc.)

Question to Sergey: What could you tell people about the essence of reptilians?
Answer: It's a whole treatise to write to answer. Even extremely concise and simplified, about 3 hours. I have already had a chance to tell one figure on Skype. He asked for it himself. The man wanted to troll me, and did not take into account the simple fact that I give a direct answer to a direct question. As a result, one "spoiled" inhabitant of the planet became more. Humans are quite an interesting creation of the creator, with their own trick. We don't have one. If I could envy, I would envy.

Question: There is nothing, "such"?

Answer: The meaning of existence. Lizards have a well-defined growth limit, above which you cannot jump, no matter how hard you try. And people have no ceiling. At all. The result of the action of the introduced growth inhibitors. They are necessary, but harmful. The benefits are greater than the harm. Without them, people would do nothing but beat each other on the head with clubs in order to get food.

Question: At one festival, I saw two girls change the color of the iris in the twilight. And they stood out for their sexuality, bending in the dance, giving out the clearly existing experience in using tantric practices. Strongly standing out in the general mass. At the same time, their physique was different, one was thin, the other was full. Do you think this description is enough to say that they are reptilians? There is an essence in them, it is indisputable, but what? And one had a problem with conception, the second did not communicate on this topic, I heard that reptilians have such problems.

According to the reactions, there was a sensitive sensation of energies, and at that time the body ceased to obey the mind. Curved and writhed, as if in an animal, some unearthly orgasm. It was very obvious, if, of course, you consciously observe the behavior of such individuals. I would not have insisted so if I had not had such communication before, and also: a change in eye color and EVEN the pupil became slit-like !!! A bony figure, the impossibility of conception, esoteric thinking, turning into stupidity.

Answer: Body type matters little. More reactions to follow. Like, "catching a fly in flight alive in the dark." The optical range is a pitiful percentage of what can actually be detected by the human body. The problem is in interpreting the input data.
Yes, lizards do not interbreed with humans, and with each other either. Limitation. I haven't seen any exceptions.

Question: Where does this limitation come from? How do you know about it? illogical, because they must prolong their kind?

Question: How are you born?

Answer: Mutations may or may not be triggered. DNA replication comes from the infofield. Let's call it that for simplicity. Considering that the human body is, in principle, a successful design, there is no reason to change it. There is a good chance to ditch the body, but not to find a new one and scatter in space. I just boosted my immunity so that I wouldn’t have to deal with doctors. And in general, you have illnesses - fu. There is no clear division by body. Anyone can grow horns for themselves. another question - why? The most correct way, always the most simple. Feelings of descent along a calm full-flowing river. Any sharp corners mean you are doing something wrong.

Q: Are you a reptilian?

Answer: Yes. Many sorrows. In particular, the memory of death. All deaths in the human body. Not ... There are very few psychos about this. Most of the 20 times crazy. As a result, maniacs, schizophrenics and so on are delicious. Moreover, this is rarely “natural”, we instinctively do not like people. They can get hurt, simply because they really wanted to, and then sincerely wonder at the investigator why he was caught at all.

Question: What is your world order? How is it with us (would we like to know which one we have exactly?) Or something else? What can you do that we can't? remember past lives?

The question immediately arises, do you have "RA"? (For information on what RA is, see Igor Tkachenko's VKontakte page and his YouTube channel. , it should be. According to your text, there is zero RA, but if you give me your photo, I can say more precisely about RA.

Answer: RA=God? He is the only one for everyone. Creator of this universe. Information space. I try not to think too much about this, maybe a chain will go and the body will not be needed. Have you heard of the "ascension" thing? Ah here is, only have people this is happening in the right form. It's like dividing by zero.

Question: No, "RA" is a unit of God's energy.

Answer: it is difficult to imagine infinity as units. Not sure how to measure. Can't find reference points.

Questioner: So far it has been established that most people have 0 Ra. This is the norm. Above already have the potential or developed extrasensory abilities, the level of RA can be increased or reset. Up to 13 there is a step of 1 RA, after 13 a step of 10.

Answer: There is no photo of my face on the Internet. Perhaps only very ancient ones, taken without permission, by surveillance cameras or other things.

Question: Well, if you are hiding, you can draw something on a piece of paper and show it, I will scan your RA from a photo of the drawing. Tell me about the ascension, how does it happen for you, what are the Gods or Angels?

Answer: The universe is infinite. The energy of the universe is infinite. hence the human energy is potentially infinite. In practice, most often, it is very, very finite, due to the incorrect formulation of thoughts and requests. You formulate destruction, manipulation, suppression... Submission and the flow is cut off. System protection. With an infinite source, one could create a paradox by capturing the creator.

Question: Can you help me understand about my RA jumps? I don't understand the rule of these uplifts. My friends and just viewers of my sessions on YouTube raise their RA by one for 3-5 video views, for 10 minutes of communicating with me or looking at pictures, but the rise is by one. I have the following jumps: 13-53-103-223-603. Today there was a jump to 603, I didn’t do anything like that)) Well, if you take into account the video sessions on YouTube ... Or they pump me up for some kind of mission ... Yes, and at the end there is definitely a three, also a mystery.

Answer: YouTube is twofold. They can be pumped up, the same principle works as in sects. In this sense, porn actors in general should be immortal. But it creates an unpleasant side effect. A human being is extremely lazy, and having got used to receiving energy from the “flock” by the time of the death of his carrier, he gets a catastrophic problem. The flow of energy from people stops, and he never learned to draw it from space during his life. It turns out I would call it a cast. He can no longer be reborn into a man, because he has outgrown a monkey, and he cannot grow higher either, due to the impossibility of nutrition. As a result, again a man (cat) / ficus in the desert ... Many options. This is about the unenviable fate of those who created all kinds of sects, and in general, as a whole, grew up in the wrong way. Well, this also applies to us. It is quite difficult to achieve this, but some succeeded.

Question: No, you don't understand. On the contrary, I give energy. And there were two moments when I thought, how long will I last? And at these moments there were two jumps in RA.

Answer: There is no return of energy, but pumping through itself, with a change in frequency. It's like an LED powered by a Tesla resonator.

Question: So I think something like this, that the “accumulator capacity” is increasing for me and, of course, the divine (cosmic) energy is pumping, in which I also note traces of my energy (according to RA).

Answer: Not quite a battery. It would be more correct to say bandwidth.

Question: Yes, more precisely, I agree! Can you comment on the reptilian video?

Answer: it is dangerous to give some knowledge to people, in the sense that it must be dosed somehow. Ideally, when they "reach" themselves. Because ... Well, read in the yellow press about spontaneous combustion of people? This is not a full plasma rebirth (ascension). Consequence of rapid peak growth. You need to grow with a sphere, not a peak.

Question: Again, are you talking about your own?

Answer: Not for everyone. A lot of trouble from uncontrolled information. On the one hand, it is forbidden to close it, on the other hand, it is also forbidden to pour it in by force. The ideal option is to explain how it works in general, to say that I am not a guru, it is not necessary to love me and it is harmful, the right attitude is like an old chest. Explain how not to do it, but not in an orderly manner, free will, so to speak. You can not categorically push any dogma. And then let it grow on its own. If he wants.

An insider at one time did not chew some things badly. There, the truth is written in the version for the Alternative Gifted, but also digestible. Better than nothing, or all kinds of religious dogmas, mostly created for control and manipulation than for revealing their flock.

I'm not him, by the way. In one of the answers, he clearly indicated that he was not a lizard. Well, then it reads. Compared to him, we are like your pets. No more. Therefore, I am extremely negative about the exaltation of lizards, and this other hysteria on this occasion. People just like anything unusual, but in the end this will lead to the fact that they will start shooting us in the squares.

Question: I also say something like this, I am not a Guru. But even for what I say, I am accused of pride and boasting. And I just share my experience, I don’t invent anything and I don’t create sects. Is he not a lizard or a human? Or an advanced person?

Answer: An advanced person who, by his own will, stopped his growth. Serious self-sacrifice, I would say.

Question: What is the meaning of such an act?

Answer: Well, someone must prevent you from blowing yourself up with a nuclear bomb. As it has already happened several times. The whole planet is in vortexes. Outside, you can't. Violation of divine law. Only from within.

Question: Watch the video above, who could I see? From yours.

Answer: lizard. According to indicators, it is. Possibly a local view. They are here too. The origin is different. Local people are not much different. But tourists in general would not even be able to live here. Complex crystalline silicoid form. It is problematic to describe, and it does not matter, it will not work to recreate.

Question: I saw them exactly as lizards, can they change appearance or appear at night? There were three types of lizards and one type of humanoid.

Answer: everyone can change their appearance. In general, consciousness determines the appearance of reality. Observer effect in full. It's just that all the inhabitants of the planet sincerely believe that black is black. If you want to make black white, get yourself the same number of fans to create an antiphase module.

Question: That is. everyone wants to see people and see people? If you wanted to see a lizard, would you see a lizard? And if this is a person, and not a lizard, you need to be aware? Explain how to look? Do you see yours?

Answer: You have to strain very hard to see as a standard person. To be able to print on a laptop, and not to see what it is made of to the level of atoms, and all the processes taking place in it at that moment. This is normal vision for anyone who understands how everything around works. 90% of the forces go to the suppression of oneself, in order to remain this oneself. For this reason, reptilians, from the word, are never drug addicts / alcoholics. It's terribly dangerous. Yes, and people in general too))

Question: What does "from the word" mean?

Answer: It's a turn of phrase. "Never" cubed.

Question: Therefore? can relax concentration and appear in scales?

Answer: they will disintegrate altogether. we are not you, ascension is impossible for us, it is worse than death in your understanding.

Question: Nowhere to ascend? no place for your Souls?

Answer: A person has a final point for this universe, this is when he understands everything in general, and this creates a paradox in the system. There can be only one God in one universe. Therefore, the system will throw out a younger version of itself. And he will create his own. With their laws and stuff. Don't ask me about further, the information is closed to me

Question: What do you call the universe? One of the Universes or All Space?

Answer: Lizards have a clear growth ceiling. The average person outgrows a lizard in half a year. Even if it's very tight.

Question: Why do you have a ceiling? "Messed up" in something, or did it happen, didn't include such options?

Answer: All space, this is a very interesting thing. I don't know how to describe it. It is easier to manipulate the term universe. It’s strange, of course, to say “simple” about this, but you have to start somehow. Well, firstly, we screwed up a lot, and secondly, we are your Alpha Version. Glitchy, with bugs, crashes.

Question: I specify because they say, for example, God, and one thinks about the Creator of EVERYTHING, the other about the creator of the solar system, the third about the creator of the Earth, and the fourth about Christ, and GOD is everywhere.

Answer: Our conscience is so clear and transparent that it is almost invisible. And you have a whole specially designed individual module.

Question: You say that every universe, of which there are many, has its own God, right? And probably above them, the Gods, there is PAPA-GOD or MOM?

Answer: It is not desirable to consider God as a grandfather in the clouds. God = universe. Complex multidimensional information something. It's just that if people are taught in this version, then they turn out to be defective citizens. It is not clear then how to manipulate them.

Question: Religious people see God wherever the father's finger points. Are you saying that you have no conscience?))) Or is it pure, like a child's? Are all reptilians aware of who they are?

Answer: Rather the same as a dog. We are animals. Highly developed and stuff like that, but animals. All sorts of emotions, morals... Past. Some try not to break any laws, many frankly on the contrary.

Yes, everyone understands. It's just being tested. If you see your legs in a dream, then this is not a dream, but a parallel. Multidimensional beings do not have dreams in the human sense. We never sleep in your version.

Question: This is another feature of those two girls - they practically do not sleep at night ....

Answer: 4 hours a day, one hour in pieces to serve the body is enough. Unless, of course, you unload the wagons. Then 8 is better, otherwise the body will quickly deteriorate.

Question: So they communicate with us, realizing that they are different, making plans with us, dreaming of children, but they themselves understand that this is impossible? How are you born anyway? Do you inhabit human bodies at birth?

Answer: Not at birth. I already wrote. so that the body can be occupied, it must be killed. Well, the original owner is gone. All these wonderful stories with getting a drop dead coma injury and a certificate of death, this is what it is.

Question: Here! One of those girls had an accident with a bunch of injuries and was in a coma!!!))

Answer: if you suddenly start living according to the laws of the universe, we are kaput)) You will have to look for other less smart creatures. Without a body, the soul does not live indefinitely, and exceed the speed of light, too.

Question: I didn’t understand here, who are you talking about and what laws? If we learn the Laws of the Universe, accept them and start living according to them?)) Live and do not worry, Allah Akbar!))

Answer: it won’t work to fly away. You need to build something on which to fly away. although every time you reached the vimana, you happily killed yourself to the state of the stone age, monkeys with clubs

Question: Can't you fly in subtle bodies? Move to another planet in other people and that's it. Or can't you?

Do you have MAIN? Chief Serpent God or something like that. Who manages or organizes you? Or are you on your own?

Answer: The problem is that a lizard cannot rule over people (maximum being an adviser without the right to vote), after this you will be divided by zero almost literally. So all these stories, about the fact that the evil reptilians blew something up there, is shoving their joints onto someone else. For the same reason, there are various variants of the devil in religions. Well, on God, then blaming problems is somehow not out of hand. Heresy reeks. In the age of technology and the rejection of religions, other "enemies" have been found.

The soul cannot violate the general laws of the universe. Yours is possible if developed enough. We have that there is a body, that there is no body, everything is almost the same.

I was not in your form, I build my assumptions on conjectures, and once seen achievements. You can't invent something that didn't exist before.

I would be glad to get away from here somewhere, but I don’t have a vimana, you are in no hurry to build them, the elementary base is miserable ... Everything is sad.

Question: That is. astral travel is not available to you?

Answer: There is no concept of astral. these are notions and an incorrect interpretation of 3+ dimensions. Technically, everything that surrounds you is the astral plane. Concentrated structured void playing at different frequencies.

Question: Well then, in a different way: you cannot visit other planets?

Answer: We need to build something for this journey. We do not have any kind of clan system and mutual assistance. We are not people, we are quite evil reptiles from the very beginning. You can't force people. You can tell how. But you usually, whatever you tell me, it turns out to be a bomb. And "later" in this case does not exist. All the same, it will not work on oil, but on those transformers, you will destroy the planet.

Question: Did I torture you with questions?)

Answer: No, but I start smearing on the keyboard. There is a sin

Question :)))) This is forgivable, are you a lizard?))

Answer: You ask a question, I build a module in my mind. What follows is a rather painful process of describing it. In reality, communication looks much cooler. 2 bodies meet, stand side by side, say something like “aha” and “uh-huh”, all this lasts for several seconds - the conversation took place.
This is comparable to an attempt to describe the process of ICE operation in real time.

Question: Did you tell about your communication?

Answer: Yes

Question: Are you looking for each other for a couple or do you care who you live with? Are you family? Do you have children?

Answer: I am against bestiality, try not to be offended.

But that personally I, for all I have no right to speak.

I honestly tried to be like people. There's family and stuff. But it's bad for "karma," let's call it that. It is a continuous process of manipulation and repression. You give a little slack, and they instantly begin to hate you. Well, it can't go on for long. People are stronger, people grow fast. A maximum of 3 years is possible.

Question: Why be offended?) Do you like to communicate with people?))

Answer: Many are offended, projecting zoophilia onto themselves, not understanding that I consider myself an animal in this version.

Question: Understood... So a child of a human woman is possible from you?

Answer: No, but there were many attempts on their part. Still, a great way to honestly squeeze property.

Question: And about moving in during a coma. Your Soul moves into someone else’s, but after “returning” to life, you must continue your former life, how will you recognize and communicate with everyone? Are you using old memory? How?) Do you remember how you moved in yourself, how many years ago?

Answer: It's hard to describe. I won't risk it. Difficulties are strong in this regard. Failures are very frequent, like a person who does not remember anything. At the expense of memory, this is a misunderstanding of the functioning. Brains are the controlling driver of the carcass. Paws sort out, tail wag, if available. There is no memory and thought in it. And all attempts to use it in this way are harmful to its shelf life. It's more of a broadband radio. With flexible frequency adjustment. In general, the essence of thinking itself is the correct formulation of a request to the “server”. With the right request, the answer comes in full, instantly, in absolute completeness. Then there are the problems of interpretation.

Reptiloid Sergey S. is engaged in creative work at his leisure. A favorite material for creations is steel.

Question: There is an opinion that your cities are underground, is this true?

Answer: There are quite a lot of curious things on this planet. But most of the underground facilities are yours. Either from the current civilization, or from the previous ones. No one will give coordinates, of course, so that you immediately stuffed a nuclear warhead there? Thank you, no one wants.

About the lizards, Vladimir from Amazing revealed everything well. There are quite a few inventions.

Question: Did you give him material?

Answer: No, we did not interact, and he was even offended. I explained to him why he was so cruelly sausage when he decided to take a walk without a body. And what could it lead to?

Q: Is he yours too? And who lives there, underground from people? Do modern people have access, or are they just remnants of past civilizations? Here's to chatting with them!

Answer: No, the same person as everyone else. YouTube is a dangerous thing, but I have already written a couple of times. Even what I'm doing now is a rather dangerous occupation. Let's hope that I just won't call for sympathy, and everything will remain smooth. On YouTube, there absolutely cannot be non-humans. To be a guru in any form is harmful to existence.

On the topic of structures, look for yourself. You have all sorts of interesting military and government organizations. Everything can be vulgarized, but there is no desire to reveal other people's secrets.

Question: Why are you being shot?

Answer: Not people or open people, very wrong citizens of any state. It is not clear how to manipulate them, it is technically impossible to threaten them. Well, what will you do to them, except destroy the body? No, well, you can put a device on the TH, then there will be a rather sad event, but this is a slightly impractical method, and expensive. Most of the population, broke to think. People are very lazy creatures. It's specially made that way. To overcome laziness.

I do not meddle in the breaking of social formations. I personally. Almost complete humility. There are outbreaks, but I deal with them. Nothing good ever happened to things or processes that my paws got to.

Question: Do you feed your body, as it should be, from the store? Nothing specific?

Answer: I eat once a day, 3-4 slices of bread with vegetable oil. But technically, of course, I can eat everything. I don't feel the need for it. If the activity is severe physical, then meat is needed, as it is not regrettable.

Question: Sergey, will nothing happen to you for telling us such things? You just tell it in an interesting way, you can’t watch and read this in any program or on YouTube.

Answer: The maximum that they can do to me is to bang the carrier. It will be rather sad for the "relatives". And in general, a rather dangerous technical procedure. Because nothing will interfere with breaking into the killer himself. Get tired of killing killers. So you can kill the whole planet. It's best to leave it as it is and ignore it. I don't go where they don't invite me.

Question: Good position. And alternative historians got to the bottom, and Insiders said that the Capture took place 400 years ago. By whom? Write the laws of the universe please.

Answer: Capturing from outside is a violation of laws. It's like dividing yourself by zero. Just a change of civilizations. And not 400, but about 200. I'm not a calculator, I can calculate exact dates. 1820 approx. TY devices were clean. You staged a not weak civil war. Given the specific side effects of the mass use of such products, no one remembers it, but there is an incredibly large amount of material evidence. You get tired of hiding. Dates have been moved. In general, the story is a funny thing. In the age of the Internet and the media, you can turn the story as you like once a week.

The laws are simple: Have fun as you like, but do not force others to entertain. This is greatly simplified. Do not leave unfinished actions tied to someone other than yourself. Like a quarrel. Because the module has been built, the negative channel has been created, then both of you will die, but the channel will remain, and how will you then look for each other? The veil of death will not be able to remember what happened last time.

Question: 1. Do not go where and when they do not ask. Please continue. Through the channel of negativity = accumulated karma, they meet every time, after all. 2. Do not create tails - reconcile? Love, warmth, forgiveness... Right?

Answer: The easiest way, the most correct. Feelings at work, like the course of a full-flowing flat river. No bumps, thresholds, sharp corners. Any obstacle = erroneous, harmful action. You need to think about whether everything is going well. Is that what you want. This turns life into a continuous thought, with the construction of a complex multidimensional tree of analysis of possible consequences. It will not work to predict everything, because when it does, the system will throw you out of the universe. But you have to try.
Very confusing, alas, described. The defense here is simple: - Love the one who kills you. The mirror principle works. You feed him with a continuous flow of energy, and he directs this energy against you. "Bite his hand" the system cuts off the power to him, in order to avoid creating the paradox of "Capturing God" Well, you never know what he thinks. In the end, he burns himself out. It is important to understand that with an aggressive attack without a reason, in a preventive way, you will certainly achieve the goal, but the retribution will be unpleasant. Being born with cerebral palsy is not fun. Approximate such, clumsy description.

Question: There is a well-known blogger among us who could retell our conversation, would you allow me to retell this conversation?

Answer: I have no right to interfere. Moreover, this is the Internet, the social network “myl-ru”, in addition to the participants listed here, another 20 additional people can read us.

Question: Tell me, Sergey, if you are in the carcass of a person, and I, like a person according to the attached “crust”, also feel myself in the carcass, then what is the difference between us?

Answer: The difference checking method is nasty. To bang the "reptiloid", you need to saw off the head. Ideally, blow it to shreds. A person can break from a careless fall. Therefore, I do not advise anyone to check their suspicions with effective methods. A couple of times people hung me on the rack for fun. What they wanted to know is not clear! But he failed to die. So far they have not shot or cut in this body, but everything is still ahead. I have no illusions.

Q: Do you think this is unfair? Remember all the horrors and partings of past lives?

Answer: I wouldn't call it such a horror, but it's not pleasant, and it doesn't work on the mind. Someday I will break.

Question: What to do if your most native biological carrier is a Tyrant and a Despot? Castaneda had a similar situation with Don Juan.

Answer: I pass. The narcotic stimulants of Castaneda's visions are not our method. It’s quite difficult for me to maintain consciousness in a sober state, because of the physiological cycle of human digestion, but there it is in general ...

Question: You eat once a day and sleep little. Are you powered by energy from space, the sun or people?

Answer: All of the above is space, strictly speaking. And at a low level, quite a lot of people do not like me, to put it mildly. It feeds well on its own. I, with the exception of a few serious jambs of recent times, did not evoke these vivid feelings in any way. It's just the way people are, there's nothing you can do about it.

Question: Sergei! Can the past change? We call time a series of events, but events are multivariate, each point grows its own branch of reality, therefore the future has an unlimited number of scenarios. But what if we have chosen a different branch in which events are developing, radically different from the previous branch, does this mean that the past also changes its vector. How about in math?

Answer: The response picture is close in size to the universe, it flashes in small fragments for a moment, and it is impossible to comprehend it intact with my frankly flawed abilities. It's like trying to load a magazine cover into TIFF in preprint mode, on a computer with 2 gigabytes of RAM, with the swap file disabled. The process starts, something is loaded, and suddenly ... Cutoff.

You are better off asking yourself these questions. You have no restrictions. People almost don't have them. The question about the nature of time, in a simplified version, gives an answer that is worse than the question itself.

Question: How can you be identified at a meeting? Can you tell me? I noticed about the girl that when she entered a nervous state, she began to unbalance her movements, her body did not obey her head. Just movements, but meaningless, as if in prostration.

Answer: It is necessary to ask a direct, not difficult, and not provocative question. Lying is prohibited. There will be either a very detailed answer, or if the answer can violate any laws, stupid silence, but by the general reactions it will be clear that the answer is ready. Well, or drink, forcibly. Only it is better to combine with binding, in order to avoid serious troubles.

Q: A direct question about something specific? I also answer honestly, so what? I'm not a reptilian, I don't drink now, but I used to be able to hold on for a long time. If you get drunk, will it be like a girl's? Head to one side, arms to the other? Or aggression? Are you stronger than us when drunk?

Answer: Strongly stun. It takes a lot of heavy damage. But from the point of view of the law, it looks ... Well, you understand))). It must be understood that you are removing all residual inhibitors from the crocodile. I had some very sad moments like that. There were no casualties or destruction, but people still had sediment. ~70 people will be very happy if I get hit by lightning.

Question: Are you stronger than us in a fight? Can it be compared, but the potential may be different? Of course, I am for BL (Unconditional Love) and World-Peace, War-turd, but still I wonder how you can be dangerous? Do you spit poison?)))) Joke)

Answer: I see the human body structurally. I can bang my finger. Therefore, I never fight, and I do not resist. This is the discipline of the Special Olympics, to bring me to physical assault. I have a good idea of ​​the upcoming consequences.

Question: That is. just as a chiropractor knows all the points on a person's body, so you can "punch" it once, and the person will not be ... Or not? What Olympics? Where did she go?

Answer: This is the slang of "Lukomorye". You have such a wonderful, in quotation marks, encyclopedia. Many of the data on it are extremely accurate.
The consequences may be different. but for me to kill someone is many times worse than if he kills me. It is difficult for me to imagine such a situation when the scales will outweigh.

Question: I am returning to the identification of the reptilian. An honest answer will not work, although thanks for the hint. Is there a key word or word in your language that you can say and elicit an honest response from yours?

Answer: Some words in Arabic, when spoken without the use of vocal cords, are very similar. Pronounce it on a deep exhalation, strongly stretching. From an informational point of view, there will be a bilebird, but triggers will work and the thought will be read. But most lizards are paranoid, and this is going to be pretty funny.

Question: Do you have one language? All over the earth? Do other planets have yours with your language?

Answer: Language is a rudiment. It is used more for ritual purposes than for the transfer of information. Most of the information in general is not possible to convey in any language.

Question: Sergei! What about the Flat Earth Theory?

Answer: There are a lot of extremely rubbish theories created and promoted for the conservation of the population, within the given limits. The planet is most similar to a dried apple. If you "remove" the water from it.

Question: Does the Oort cloud exist? Can we leave the solar system?

Answer: Yes and no. Technically, you can build something like a UFO in a garage with current technology, but in fact you will not have much to do there. You can't get along on the planet. Constantly, the situation is on the brink of disaster. The wonderful Avatar movie, in reality, would have ended with a massive bombardment of this planet, until the species was completely erased, in response to the attack and enslavement of the blue Papuans for the sake of resources. Most of the local population falls right into panic attacks at the thought that someone can fly here from outer space and enjoy the view of that fierce lawlessness that you do to yourself.

Question: Let me clarify my question. Specifically, in our earthly carcass is it possible to fly somewhere further than the Earth's orbit? I so suspect not.

Answer: Antigrav, radiation protection 2-3 meters of gold. She's good armor. With anti-gravity, thrust is proportional to the load. Size doesn't matter. It's even better if it's big. More support pad comes out. The theory of "hyperspace" you have. You have everything for a veil, for a very long time. The only thing missing is consciousness, the necessary level.

Question: Judging by the dynamics of approaching the BP, it, consciousness, will no longer appear. And the saucers that fly, what is it in general, or who?

Answer: Your plates. Replications + unearthed. It's a simple thing in general. There are few people who want to fly to the Papuans to be caught, tortured for a long time, and for dessert they arranged an autopsy without prior killing. The "observer effect" based on the fierce, frenzied envy of people is working in full breadth. If you want to completely destroy any idea, tell people about it.

Question: How will the Papuans catch the plate?))) Are you kidding?

Answer: Seemingly reasonable, killing is bad. This is generally beyond understanding. Creatures sit down, begin to communicate. And you beat them with a club on the head and into the bushes while warm. Such a principle.

Question: Whose pyramids? Who built? I want to compare with what I saw in a past life.
Answer: The remains of the former power system. In the era of oil, they are harmful, because they work even in a badly broken form. The Egyptians are in plain sight, and they are embarrassed to blow them up. Unlike the Far East.

Question: And how did they work, or work?

Answer: Emitters, Schumann resonance amplifiers. Now from the most powerful of them, you can charge a mobile phone at most. Hours for 10.

Question: How is energy generated? Pressure on quartz or gathering energy of the Earth? I saw that a large translucent quartz was laid in the foundation, and there were also cellars. These are the American pyramids.

Answer: The planet is, strictly speaking, a multilayer capacitor, an electrostatic generator. You have a huge iron core in the center, and it also rotates. Out of sync with the rest of the planet. There is no energy problem. But it had to be invented, for obvious reasons.
These are, in my opinion, simple official things. I feel like a broken phone.

Question: So do you know who built the pyramids? Humans or Reptilians? Or demigods?

Answer: People built. There have been many attempts to launch civilizations. There are also older structures. Now, for unknown reasons, Tartary has been officiallyized. So... Start now. It's hard to even predict the outcome. Because they will start digging to prove that all this did not exist, but they will dig up such that they will have to rewrite everything.

Question: Tell me about dolmens

Answer: Yes, they are, in principle, the same as about the pyramids. The network is broken. So these are just curious monuments of a bygone era. I have little to no interest in inoperable structures. There are a lot of whole and efficient ones. Although these are also monuments of that era. On the one hand, it would be interesting to “turn them on” on the other hand. This is what you need to do. Well, because they are yours, and the defense will blow me away, and this is in the best case.

Question: And for example, what now from that, well, or what time, can work?

Answer: Isaac is completely whole. In general, Peter, no matter how spoiled it is, is a huge efficient complex.

Question: Here is your opinion, who built all this?)

Answer: 2 Masonic temples. The column too. The fortress is almost 3 thousand years old. Under it is a curious apparatus. As under all the "stars".

Question: What do you know about Tartaria?

Answer: Everything has been said about Tartaria many times already. But all the narrators hide the reasons for the fall. People tend to blame anyone but themselves. Although it was a classic suicide. The rulers "lost the banks", as a result of the deepest moral decay, local riots in the cities. TJ destruction of rebellious cities, chain in the atmosphere, tectonic shifts ... Full 3.14zdets. There is a wonderful monument, and the greatest mass grave with not even covered traces. Pleshcheyevo Lake. When even too lazy to disguise the narrow-gauge railways, leaving along the vectors to the center of the lake.

Question: So Tartaria collapsed on its own? Pleshcheyevo, what province is this? Yaroslavskaya?

Answer: Pereslavl there. More precisely, what was left of him. Suburbs. The TY device is approximately 7.5 megatons with a depth of about 100 meters. Well, on the subway. You just need to understand the mindset of people of that time. TY devices are clean. No nuclear trigger. They are dirty now, not because they can't do clean things, but because governments are greedy. Clean, orders of magnitude more expensive, impressive in size, and do not scare people. Just a very powerful bomb. The settlement rebelled - it must be removed so that there are no harmful refugees. Everything is very human.

And the versions that are pressing with might and main that evil aliens have arrived are a blur, a diversion from the main problem. Even if we forget about all sorts of "stupid" laws of the universe, then the very fact: - to fly to no one knows where, to bomb no one knows who, it's the same as if you get off the couch now, buy a plane ticket to South Africa, then you will shake for 3 weeks on a camel, so that at the end of the path, put a firecracker in a termite mound.

Question: Sergey, do you work anywhere? What city do you live in?

Answer: What I'm trying to do, I have openly on the page. Any specific Art Objects. Most are not for sale. In connection with, to put it mildly, the crisis, I work at a loss. Well, it will be fun for archaeologists of the future to unearth all this. Money is a sore subject. The main reason why I got out of the virtual cave at all was that my, if I may say so, food base had a crisis, and I climbed to deal with the reasons. So I would sit and make my hedgehogs in peace and quiet. Make a hedgehog for a day. The hedgehog feeds me for a month. Feeding, to be more precise. Now I regret that I crawled out. But it's too late.

Question: That is. Are you your own boss and are you not in a hurry to work in the morning?

Answer: The mass of those rejected, due to the complexity of the performance, and innate perfectionism, is flooded in the surrounding swamps. So archaeologists will be cool. Approximately half is made from "not killed" materials. The expiration date is the lifetime of the planet.

Question: You can regulate the duration of your life in this body; keep the body in a better condition than if a person lived in it?

Answer: I, at almost 40, look 22. Yes, I try to keep it.

Question: I have planned to live 165 years in a cheerful way, and I think, what Seryoga will teach me this?)))

Answer: The limit is 140 in the current environmental situation. Although I will most likely be banged before. A lot of actively willing, and a complete lack of motivation to resist.

Question: Your limit is 140? Okay, that's fine with me too. I am writing down! What should I do, what mantras should I sing?))

Answer: Do not use the body and its parts other than for its intended purpose. For example, to force the brain with thinking. All the answers have been available for so long, you just need to correctly formulate the request.

Question: It almost works out, sometimes I just turn off my brain and go on autopilot of the subconscious, and get what I need) What else?

Answer: the brain can think, but this is not a very useful process for it. And for the whole organism as a whole. Learn more from Professor Savelyev.

Question: I agree that the more intelligent a person is, the more he collects problems in their heads. But at this - the same time, he can understand at some point that he does not need this garbage, is not important, and then the wrinkles are smoothed out, the smart convolutions too, and the person is happy, like, for example, Igor Tkachenko?)))

Answer: The brain is the controlling driver of your personal home biorobot.

Question: Yes! And I understand that it works on impulses that it programs, including the duration of our body's work. This means that it is possible to reprogram some parameters, and voila, we live and run for 140-160 years! So?

Answer: The environment is not getting better. It's the worst thing in all of this. Convince to give up all the accompanying goodies, the whole planet ... Dismiss me.

Question: What about women?

Answer: Why? With a probability of 99%, the zoophile, according to the results, will begin to hate me, which in general will have a sad effect on her own karma. 1% chance to get addicted to the lizard like a hard drug. Also a sad ending. Therefore, 6 years ago I decided not to create any more unpleasant problems, either for myself or for people. Stop playing human, it's bad and clumsy.

Question: Can you find a similar one for mating? Each ... A pair. Is it more fun to make hedgehogs?

Answer: A rather complicated procedure. And not in pairs. 5 floors. The human will leap up and make rabid females out of the lizard a drum. Passed already. Any pleasant relationship gets along extremely badly with continuous self-control. Something is hurting a lot. Usually the second. The outcome is always the same. So it's easier to grow a "nimbus". More rational.

Question: Yes, then of course it is better with hedgehogs. But it is not clear you are both men and women?

Answer: There is no such division. It's more difficult. There has been no sense in describing technology for billions of years. It is not transferable to human bodies. Attempts were, are and will be, but the result is always sad. It has little to do with people in general. Remember not hunting. You have a future, but we only have an eternal life sentence without the right to amnesty. You just don't have to regret. Carefully and skillfully achieved.

And instead of taking care of yourself, you think how to domesticate a crocodile, and divide your karma by zero. Even from a domestic iguana, more benefits. At least it can be used as a simple detector of good / bad people. If she does not like a person, she becomes red like a carrot.

Question: Can you tell about reptilians that you can't read on the Internet?

Answer: What can not be read on the Internet? Dates? They cannot be verified, there is no material evidence. And those that are there need to be dug. It is forbidden to dig in a private form, and the problem is to open a quarry for 70 meters. The state will never do this. Except in secret. I found a couple of such quarries.

I would like to do all this myself, so that there is something to show that you can feel. To make antigrav using current technologies, you need several tons of mercury. Under 40 million rubles of equipment. I don't have that much yet, I won't borrow. The launch of such a device gives kilometer coverage on meteorological radars. So, most likely, I will not even live to see the calibration.

The explanation is simple. Maglev trains in Japan work fine. In order for something to fly, it is necessary to create a supporting pillow orders of magnitude larger. And calibrate in antiphase to the magnetic field of the planet. Now they are creating a flying skateboard in full. The second version, which no longer needs a special “rug”. And will create in the near future. Then it will be possible to hand me over to the zoo ☻

We need a fairly powerful computer system on board to adjust the field parameters to the "magnetic lines" of the planet. They are all known. Without this knowledge, navigation will fall apart.

The funny thing is that all this is on the Internet, albeit very scattered. It's hard to put together the whole picture. But if you wish, you can. To prove it in such a way that it is completely ... You can arrange an autopsy, but then I will inevitably deteriorate. If I survive, I won't be offended.

Question: I did not receive an answer, how can I give a sign to the reptilian at the meeting so that he responds to me? Some gesture, sign, word? Do you have your own names? You have a reptilian name so that I can say: Greetings from Sergey - Ugumuhtu!

Answer: The simplest thing is to attack. Or approach with a clear desire to attack. Well, how to scare away stray dogs. When you look into her eyes and imagine cutlets from her. Runs away 100%

You can't confuse. Everything is visible. You stubbornly demand to formalize in text that which is not formalized in a similar way. I have already given an analogy. It's like talking about the work of the internal combustion engine in all its forms in real time. As applied to the real atmosphere entering the cylinder atom by atom.

Question: ICE - what is it?

Answer: ICE is an internal combustion engine.
There are no 100% lizards of our species. There is a hybrid if you can call it that, if you consider hybridization, the gradual controlled mutation of a person into a convenient form. Here you have an Apple phone. Its basic essence is “poppy axis”. And you can take and put "Android". Such is the hybridization.

Question: In general, there is no good way to identify a reptilian? only if you're scared? Anyone will run away if you scare her. Okay, let's continue about longevity, shall we? We said that brains do not need to be loaded. What else do you recommend? Is alcohol and smoking harmful to health or neutral?

Answer: I have 2 ideas in my head, at the moment, on this issue. 1) it is not clear how to transfer the process; 2) but will you catch us and make drums?

It is impossible to remove alcohol 100%, we read the physiology of human digestion☻ Getting drunk before a stroke, it is clear that it is not useful. Well, and then over time, you yourself will understand what it interferes with. Pushing dogmas from the outside is useless, and often harmful.

If it is very difficult to unstick from the external intake of nicotine, then it is better to vape. If you have been smoking for many years, then the synthesis of PP in the body will atrophy, and you can die a little. Usually it is 5-6 years of experience. Then you have to pop the pills.

In other words, you have to be completely autonomous. No dependencies at all. As a Soviet citizen, he is ready to launch to Mars at any moment. Or as it was said.

There is an addiction - you can manipulate, you can manipulate - my condolences.

Question: Well, do you smoke? So we're addicted? Or is it good for you?

Answer: for me it is an inhibitor. I stop many functions for myself so as not to use it. They will turn on in a month if the inhibitors are removed. I can't call myself a very stable being. There is impulsiveness. As they say now, it can bomb. Bambanet at the "canned" - not a big problem. And bombing at the full one - the enemy's nerves will burn out. And I will have to buy a new mobile phone, at least. And a laptop too.

Nicotine is actually a nerve agent. He's killing me little by little. What triggers an ongoing immune response. The lizard is passionate about the process, how not to die, and regenerate. There is no strength left for dangerous actions.
We remove the inhibitors, and we get a rather unpleasant creature, with a lot of strength and capabilities, but without these human complexes of yours, such as conscience

Question: You don't want to answer about longevity? we “move out” from this topic regularly, during the conversation.

Answer: With longevity, in my opinion, everything is simple, just right. It is technically possible to develop and completely outgrow the body in 20 years until it is no longer needed. Next, an article will be written about you in the yellow press, and several, very dumbfounded, investigators from the local police department will go crazy. When the walls of the room are burned, all things made of light materials are intact, your clothes are intact, and instead of the body there are ashes. There is no clear sense to stretch the torment in the human body. And then in a few milliseconds there will be “Agu-Agu”, and everything will be all over again. Perhaps this time in the family of an oligarch. Or in some more normal country. But with a completely erased memory of the last launch. All purgatory, hells and hells are fictions. Everything is much sadder.

Question: And what is the purpose of reptilians and people on earth?

Answer: An attempt to grow in the human body. Well, a person can. Failed attempt. There is nothing to get away from you. In fact, a life sentence.

Question: Where are you flying to?

Answer: The universe is infinite. There are many options.

Question: When did you arrive and from where?

Answer: 12,300 years ago. Not on purpose. It happened. Infiltration of yours in ours, rebellion and cremation in the atmosphere. Quite a lot of people died there. Only landing 2 million. All kinds of cattle. There were few lizards. And they flew in to bang you, for the cause of bringing democracy to the surrounding worlds.

Question: Did they conduct a census of reptilians in the world now, in our days? How many?

Answer: 0.4%. Average temperature in the hospital. In Jews, the density is greater. But not more than 1%. It takes a long time to count across countries and there is no need, because all those counted will be put on the drums without leaving the cash register. Well, maybe someday people will come up with a new enemy for themselves, and it will become easier.

Question: All the rulers are probably yours

Answer: When you look at a person, what do you see? Pretty skin? And I immediately everything including the soul. If there were all our rulers, you would have been flying to Mars for the weekend for 200 years to fry barbecue. And they would collect animals in a space personal zoo. Lizards are progressors

Question: but they tell us everything else - lizards are hostile

Answer: Well, it's impossible to say how it really is. Then the states will collapse. How then to dominate? Pretty simple way to determine who the ruler is. There can be no offspring. Therefore, there is no need to take care of it. None of your material values ​​are of interest. There is no need to plunder and dominate.

Question: What about Elizabeth and Jolie? Are they human or not?

Answer: Do you have children? Biological? Here is the answer.

Question: Reptilians, then, do not die?

Answer: Very much even die. Mostly by force at a young age. Up to 60 years old. In its prime. Just unlike people, there is no veil of death. A child, if it was a child, never is. This is immediately visible. Communication and behavior. Depends on who your brilliant doctors brought to clinical death nearby, and how suitable the carrier was in general. Sometimes there are simply no options. Being a ghost isn't fun.

Question: If reptilians cannot have children, how do they return?

Question: That is. reptilian is not a physical being?

Answer: We blew up our planet during the civil war. There is no species, as such, in physical form.

Question: Well, we usually bury the carcass. Or do you quickly "come alive"?

Answer: Who immediately buries the carcass? What about murders and stuff like that? And keeping in a coma for six months?

Question: Well, anything can happen to carcasses. There is probably no shortage of them. Murder is, let's say, a hole in the heart. You move in like that and what, heal a hole?

Answer: A lot of options do not reach the officials at all. Kind of like accidentally pouring instead of cough syrup, a solution of soap in methanol. As mine was. Damage shouldn't be that critical. Ideally, poisoning or brain injury.

Question: Did you pour a solution of soap with methanol instead of a mixture?

Answer: Soap alcohol in the USSR, remember, was sold as a detergent? Was very popular.

Question: Sergey, so you have the ability to see down to atoms, right? Is it yours or can we develop it in ourselves too? I heard from one that he, like, can see like that, but then I doubted it, watching him talk about himself.
Can you see the future and the past? If yes, how accurate?

Answer: This is yours. I already wrote. The human body can cover almost the entire available spectrum. Some ranges are, however, dangerous. Gamma, X-ray, UV ... But you can. The question of interpretation of the received data.
The future cannot be seen because it has not happened yet. You can predict it. You can look at parallels where something has already happened, and also make an analysis. But all this is extremely inaccurate, and depends on many factors. Let's just say, when you can do something like that, you will definitely not ask such questions anymore.

Changing the past will not make changes in the present, it will create another branch of reality, in no way possible, not intersecting with the current one.
It will not be like in a movie about dinosaurs and a crushed butterfly.

Question: So those who supposedly predict the future are mere talkers? Vanga is there, Nostradamus ...

Answer: Yes and no. If you predict the end of the world or the arrival of aliens, then the collective consciousness of people, for reasons of fierce envy and hatred for everything “not like that”, will cancel this very end of the world, and the aliens will suddenly die at ease. This is exactly the prediction. How is the weather. If you hypothetically chip 100% of the world's population, ranging from cockroaches to dolphins, start a super computer, then the future can be predicted very accurately.

Question: Speaking of dolphins. Do you understand them?

Answer: It will not work with human consciousness. Because the moment he succeeds, it will cease to be human. This demiurge will turn out

Question: We set up an experiment. In a collective session, the total number of personal RAs is added up, i.e. collective prayer or meditation collects energy, and then ... Where shall we direct it?)))

Answer: The stadium is cooler. The lower the level of emotions, the stronger they are. A large stadium, where football players play with axes and the severed heads of penalty boxers, can revive Lenin.

And collective meditations, it worked well in Aum-Senrikyo. If they didn't run to spray sarin, there would be a great future. Someone installed them into the structure of a provocateur.

To grow up normally, you need to be completely independent, no groups, families, children, attachments.

Question: What does it mean to "grow up normally"?

Answer: Development, ideally, should be like an inflating balloon, not a hedgehog.

Question: Do you mean thorns - flaws, or distortions in development?

Let's just say that you are doing interesting experiments to obtain experimental data for yourself. From the side it is useless to show, they will not believe.

Holy man = oxymoron. You can do experiments, but if you try to expand and deepen, you still get a sect.

Question: The question of the moment of connection to the body at the moment and after the coma remained unexplained. How does the reptilian connect to previous experience and memory? How does he recognize his relatives, go to work where he has never been? How did you, Sergey, move into your body, do you remember? How did you adapt to what was before you?

Answer: Experience and memory are not stored in the brain. It is important to tune in to them. It doesn't happen right away. It is important not to rattle in the "fool" in the process. Because often you name events that happened in parallel, but did not happen in this world.

But usually, as if after a coma, or clinical death, they don’t torture - WHO ARE YOU !!

It is very curious to communicate with those who received a bullet wound in the head, but did not die. This clearly shows the true purpose of the brain.

Question: There were cases when bullets got stuck in the skull without reaching the brain, but there were also those who survived after a bullet wound to the head?

Answer: Over the past 25 years, many. You love to fight very much.

Question: How did your planet die?

Answer: Core detonation, voluntarily forced. We are animals.
when you are going to once again arrange a thermonuclear war here, you may find out “how”. There is such a chance. Because one more time, the planet will not survive.

Question: Once again?

Answer: Well, it has already happened 8 times.

about 200 years ago Tartaria itself. Euthanasia through civil. The funnels are very fresh, it is calculated without any occult knowledge, the metal of the structures has not yet completely oxidized.

Part of the infrastructure is in use. The tunnels are the same.

Question: What kind of people were there before the thermonuclear war?

Answer: A little taller. The parameters of gravity, humidity and oxygen content were better. Not 12-15% but from 32%. "Vimanas" and thermonuclear were. The energy system is not oil. The brains are essentially the same. What is the result.

Question: Do you have moral constraints: “Do no harm” or “The end justifies the means”?

Answer: I can't speak for everyone. Some live like ordinary people, using additional pleasant properties to the fullest. It won't be worse than it is. Part of periodically crawls out into the light, to communicate. Mostly during crises. Some are monastics, in vain attempts to ascend. Restrictions are not moral. It's just that when you do something frankly wrong, it requires incredible effort. It is necessary to break the protection of the system. The good way is always the easiest, the most pleasant. Satisfied people run around, radiate rainbows, and fart butterflies. Exaggerated.

Question: Is there an Us and Them problem? And is this a problem of people now rather than reptilians?

Answer: When a lot of people stopped believing in God and the Devil, they invented new enemies for you. Humanity is always to blame for someone else, but not themselves. Drums make us, so that's our problem. What do you need, you have been making drums from each other for thousands of years, not even considering that there is something bad in it.

Question: Are the narrow-gauge railways in Pleshcheyevo the transport of the previous ones?

Answer: There was a city on the site of the lake. The city has an honor of ground railway transport. Part of the subway. The device was driven into the subway and bang. The city turned into dispersed dust and launched into the stratosphere. Together with all buildings and inhabitants. How this happens in nature is shown in the example of 9/11 The charge is simply orders of magnitude weaker.
If you study the writer on civil defense, then all the remaining ruins, including metro stations, are simply read from a satellite image. Trace and so on. I won't elaborate on this. It’s more interesting to look for yourself ... So you can make a complete map of the world before the war, the metro system was global

Question: The Vatican recognized your existence?

Answer: Well, not really. The Pope said that aliens are also God's children, and from this it follows logically that burning at the stake is already bad manners.

I don't really want to write about religion. All sorts of insults to the senses can be. But in general, the essence is the same as with football. He just doesn't like everyone. And I want to eat. In all senses.

On the topic of search methods: - Almost under every such video, there is a natural census.

Question: Do you have a hierarchy?

Answer: There was. An empire with a very, totalitarian device. Not anymore. But something like submission persists.

Question: Can you take possession of a living person and gradually force his soul out of the body, take over the body?

Answer: Alive is impossible. People are stronger. Well, in general, this is violence, there will be nothing to move in. The only option is that this person will kill me. Preferably in person, not artillery or a sniper. Therefore, dissolving us into drums is a somewhat futile exercise.

Question: What do the most important people on planet Earth do? And won't they give you a cap for disclosing information in this chat?

Answer: I am more afraid of people. From the point of view of my own, I did not say anything that could not be reached by myself. Just a lot of years of searching merged into a few hours. Rationality. I'm more confident that my neighbors will bang me. They are so… cool.

This was the last phrase of Sergei, who claimed that he was a reptilian. I don’t know what really happened, but he didn’t get in touch anymore. And today, January 19, 2017 at 12:50 Moscow time. His profiles on Vkontakte and Facebook were deleted. At the very moment when I was choosing another photo with his metal works. I hope that nothing bad happened to this person, or reptilian. In a short time of acquaintance with him, I managed to fall in love with him, even become related somehow.

Reptilians in the government of Russia: evidence of the government of the country by lizards from an extraterrestrial civilization, which serve as catalysts and tools for experiments on humanity.

The theories of Dale Russell and David Icke that reptilians rule the world have unexpectedly found their confirmation in Russia. Moreover, even complete skeptics begin to believe in the existence of these creatures.

There are a lot of stories on the Internet. Here, for example, is what Lidia Kotova, who worked for three years in the Senate Palace of the Kremlin as an administrator of a cleaning service, recalls: “The offices are usually cleaned at night, but at that time there were meetings almost continuously. During one of them, the adjutant asked me to quickly put things in order in the office, and after cleaning I went to check the work of the employees who were under my command. The carpet under the table had a few bristles from the brush, and the wastebasket wrapped in a black bag was pushed too far in. Since there was no time left to call the cleaners again, I crawled under the table to fix everything myself, but then unexpectedly MYSELF entered the office. From fear, I froze under the table, and spent about a minute there in confusion, and then it became embarrassing to get out. I decided to sit quietly, especially since the adjutant warned that the break would be short.

What happened in the next seconds shocked me for the rest of my life. First, something oval, leathery and shiny fell on the floor, I thought it was a heating pad, but when I saw sparse hair in the middle of the bald patch, I realized that it was a mask. Then he took off his trousers, and instead of male hairy legs, I saw thin, scaly skin. Having undressed, he lay down on a neighboring sofa facing the wall, and I noticed with horror that between small greenish rolls an oblong, with teeth, tail wriggled. The back of his head moved, and a vein throbbed in his neck. After lying down for about 30 minutes, and making a few croaking sounds, he again put on a human suit, and left for a meeting. Literally the next day, I wrote a letter of resignation, and left with my husband for Germany.

underground life

Reptilians, as you know, live in the dungeon - this was proved by the American researcher Warren Shafelt, who discovered a network of tunnels under Los Angeles. And here, about the participation of reptilians in the government of Russia, an interesting coincidence looms, told by one of the stalkers of the capital.

In 2009, the chairman of the Moscow digger club, Ilya Portnoy, told like-minded people that on the legendary underground path of Gilyarovsky, water had washed out the base of the grate that blocked the connection of the tunnel with the Alexander Garden.

The three of them went down to the Neglinka, folded back the grate, and went up the riverbed. Having reached the waterfall, and not finding anything interesting, they were about to turn back, when suddenly Ilya, wanting to brush off the stuck debris from his boot, stuck his foot into the stream. Surprisingly, there was free space behind the waterfall. Friends, not afraid of a cold shower, climbed into a niche, behind which was a gentle descent.

Literally after 100-200 meters, the diggers stumbled upon a ventilation grate, from the slots of which light was breaking through. To their amazement, the friends heard the voice of one of the well-known politicians - deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the chairman of the faction. However, instead of the politician in the room there was a strange bipedal creature with an elongated nose and red eyes. It sat on eggs and talked on a mobile phone. A few minutes later, a loud crack was heard, the egg broke into fragments, and a cub crawled out, saying in a squeaky voice, “Hello, dad.” And the bipedal reptilian immediately took out a sagging green tit from his jacket, and began to feed the dinosaur with a bubbling liquid.

The diggers rushed to the exit, intending to come to the same place with the journalists, however, the grate towards the Alexander Garden was repaired the next day, and a motion sensor was installed inside.

Why do we need reptilians?

Reptilians in the Government of Russia have the same function as in the rest of the world. They control the population by creating conflicts and inventing GMOs with hawthorn, as well as conducting experiments on orders from above. In Russia, people are gullible, they constantly believe either the tsar, or Lenin, or MMM, so the reptilians do not have a very difficult job. Usually novice lizards are trained here, or demoted for drunkenness and dissolute liaisons.

How to behave when meeting with a reptilian? The most reasonable thing is to pretend that you believe in his legend, or pretend to be the same yourself. To do this, you can confidentially inform that you also hatched eggs a few minutes ago.

In general, Russia needs reptilians just like thieves in law in prison or grandfathers in the army. Without them, it would be a complete mess, so they should be thanked.

Among people live beings from other planets. The most harmful and dangerous are reptilians, but I want to add that not all. Some can cooperate with a person on an equal footing if he is conscious, but be careful, out of their habit, they can capture your consciousness unnoticed by you. Have you heard about them about the reptilians? Do you know how to recognize a reptilian and protect yourself from it? If not, then be sure to check out the material below. Many people disappear from the planet as if they never existed. Relatives cannot O look for their tracks. There is an opinion, carefully hushed up in the media, that it is the reptilians who are cracking down on them. People tell a lot of things, but they are not able to provide evidence. Let's try to figure out what to believe and what to laugh at.

Reptilians on earth - fact or fiction?

The presence of alien creatures in the vastness of their native land is m

can be different. Conspiracy theorists are sure that reptilians have been among us for a very long time. Back in the days of Atlantis, they tried (and not without success) to seize power over humanity. And now the representatives of this terrible tribe are concentrated where it is possible to command other creatures, that is, us sinners. But power is not the only thing that attracts reptilians. A hostile tribe seeks to take the planet from the natives. And for this, all means are good. But they are not yet able to get rid of people completely. Strange creatures have no soul, and this O means that they are not subject to the mechanism of processing energy vibrations. Only the soul of a living person, born on planet Earth, is able to lower or increase the amplitude of radiation. There is no other being in the Universe capable of such work. Therefore, the reptilians among us are working to transform the energy of the Universe into a lower spectrum that is comfortable for them. Light love (high vibrations) is deadly for these creatures. It turns out that there is a war going on on Earth, which we do not even suspect!

How to recognize a reptilian?

Of course, aliens do not roam towns and villages wagging their tails. They are forced to acquire human form, so as not to frighten the population. By the way, reptilians are creatures that are in a sense related to our lizards and crocodiles. This is where the name came from. They are cold-blooded, have tails, claws, and sharp teeth. But such things as conscience, compassion, humor are inaccessible to them. Reptilian aliens, according to conspiracy theories, have the following traits:

  1. height above average;
  2. bright and G rubo outlined sexual characteristics;
  3. insensitivity to heat;
  4. extraordinary physical strength;
  5. strange eyes with narrow pupils.

We have given those distinctive qualities of beings from other planets, which it is rather difficult for them to hide. In fact, they don't look like humans at all. But they can transform their shape and look almost like real people. Let's go through each sign separately in order to understand exactly how to recognize a reptilian?

Physical form

We have already mentioned that aliens can transform. It is not difficult for this entity to look like an ordinary person or even an animal. But there are limitations associated with their psyche. These entities are uncomfortable in the guise of "nerd - bespectacled." They are terribly afraid of their own weakness. Therefore, the aliens take the form of a physically strong person. It can be an athlete with pronounced biceps, a lady of extraordinary flexibility, or another person who can run, jump, lift weights. In addition, reptilians almost never get sick. They are not afraid of our ailments, but their own - far away, on their native planet. It has been observed that these creatures do not succumb to the evil influence of alcohol. They either don't drink at all, and

whether they are drunk.

Sex characteristics

When you figure out how to recognize a reptilian, you need to remember that these are other creatures. They are not built like we are. But these entities have to adapt to the environment. They do it rather rudely. If a reptilian wants to look like a man, then he will take care of acquiring a brutal appearance. For example, T from a macho man, who is thrown openly inviting glances by all ladies aged from five to a hundred years old, it may well turn out to be an alien with a green tail. Ladies of this "nationality" have gorgeous breasts and slender hips. Appearance can cause a feeling of artificiality. But not all reptilian women want to look like that. Now they began not to try to stand out from the crowd and take on the appearance of ordinary "low-key" people. I had to face one female representative personally.

Relationship to temperature

Reptilians have cold blood, as already mentioned. They feel much more comfortable in forty-degree heat. So don't be surprised e

if an important person is sitting nearby and forbids turning on the air conditioner or opening the window. It's probably a reptilian. He feels good when a normal person languishes from the lack of fresh air in the room, steams like in a bathhouse. Representatives of this species of aliens do not sweat. Their glands do not secrete fluids to cool the skin. It is organized differently than ours. You will never see on their clothes untidy stains near the armpits, so natural for a person in hot weather. But the cold is unpleasant for them. The reaction of aliens slows down in proportion to the decrease in temperature. They try to be less in the cold and quickly dart into a hotly heated room.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

The only sign that betrays an alien is his eyes. The body can be changed, the head and hands can be transformed, but you can't hide your eyes. They say that they are the mirror of the soul. Of these, a field is transmitted to others, which reflects the state of a person's aura. Aliens have much lower vibrations than the average member of our species. Their gaze is cold, like a February blizzard, and just as detached. Conspiracy theorists prove that the eyes of a reptilian are distinguished by narrow pupils, like those of a cat. This is only true O t parts. They become like this at some point. When something threatens an alien creature, the pupils constrict. This is clearly visible. As a threat tonand perceive the energy of love, the vibrations of which kill them. Try to show sincere compassion to the suspect of involvement in the genus of aliens. And at the same time, look into your eyes.

It is believed that creatures from other planets live among people on earth. The most harmful and dangerous are reptilians. Have you heard about them? Do you know how to recognize a reptilian and protect yourself from it? If not, then be sure to check out the material below. Many people disappear from the planet as if they never existed. Relatives can not find their trace. There is an opinion, carefully hushed up in the media, that it is the reptilians who are cracking down on them. People tell a lot of things, but they are not able to provide evidence. Let's try to figure out what to believe and what to laugh at.

Reptilians on earth - fact or fiction?

The presence of alien creatures in the expanses of native land can be treated differently. Conspiracy theorists are sure that reptilians have been among us for a very long time. Back in the days of Atlantis, they tried (and not without success) to seize power over humanity. And now the representatives of this terrible tribe are concentrated where it is possible to command other creatures, that is, us sinners. But power is not the only thing that attracts reptilians. A hostile tribe seeks to take the planet from the natives. And for this, all means are good. But they are not yet able to get rid of people completely. They do not have a soul, which means that they have no control over the mechanism for processing energy vibrations. Only the soul of a living person, born on planet Earth, is able to lower or increase the amplitude of radiation. There is no other being in the Universe capable of such work. Therefore, the reptilians among us are working to transform the energy of the Universe into a lower spectrum that is comfortable for them. Light love (high vibrations) is deadly for these creatures. It turns out that there is a war going on on Earth, which we do not even suspect!

How to recognize a reptilian?

Of course, aliens do not roam towns and villages wagging their tails. They are forced to acquire human form, so as not to frighten the population. By the way, reptilians are creatures that are in a sense related to our lizards and crocodiles. This is where the name came from. They are cold-blooded, have tails, claws, and sharp teeth. But such things as conscience, compassion, humor are inaccessible to them. Reptilian aliens, according to conspiracy theories, have the following traits:

  • height above average;
  • brightly and roughly outlined sexual characteristics;
  • insensitivity to heat;
  • extraordinary physical strength;
  • strange eyes with narrow pupils.

We have given those distinctive qualities of beings from other planets, which it is rather difficult for them to hide. In fact, they don't look like humans at all. But they can transform their shape and look almost like real people. Let's go through each feature separately to understand exactly how to recognize a reptilian.

Physical form

We have already mentioned that aliens can transform. It is not difficult for this entity to look like an ordinary person or even an animal. But there are limitations associated with their psyche. These entities are uncomfortable in the guise of a "nerd - bespectacled". They are terribly afraid of their own weakness. Therefore, the aliens take the form of a physically strong person. It can be an athlete with pronounced biceps, a lady of extraordinary flexibility, or another person who can run, jump, lift weights. In addition, reptilians almost never get sick. They are not afraid of our ailments, but their own - far away, on their native planet. It has been observed that these creatures do not succumb to the evil influence of alcohol. They either don't drink at all, or they don't get drunk.

Sex characteristics

When you figure out how to recognize a reptilian, you need to remember that these are other creatures. They are not built like we are. But these entities have to adapt to the environment. They do it rather rudely. If a reptilian wants to look like a man, then he will take care of acquiring a brutal appearance. For example, that macho man, who is thrown openly inviting glances by all the ladies aged from five to a hundred years old, may well turn out to be an alien with a green tail. Ladies of this "nationality" have gorgeous breasts and slender hips. Everything about them is a little too much, and the appearance evokes a feeling of artificiality.

Relationship to temperature

Reptilians have cold blood, as already mentioned. They feel much more comfortable in forty-degree heat. Therefore, do not be surprised if an important person sits next to you and forbids you to turn on the air conditioner or open the window. It's probably a reptilian. He feels good when a normal person languishes from the lack of fresh air in the room, steams like in a bathhouse. Representatives of this do not sweat. Their glands do not secrete fluids to cool the skin. It is organized differently than ours. You will never see on their clothes untidy stains near the armpits, so natural for a person in hot weather. But the cold is unpleasant for them. The reaction of aliens slows down in proportion to the decrease in temperature. They try to be less in the cold and quickly dart into a hotly heated room.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

The only sign that betrays an alien is his eyes. The body can be changed, the head and hands can be transformed, but you can't hide your eyes. They say that they are the mirror of the soul. Of these, a field is transmitted to those around us, which reflects the state of vibration. The vibrations of aliens are much lower than that of the average representative of our species. Their gaze is cold, like a February blizzard, and just as detached. Conspiracy theorists prove that the eyes of a reptilian are distinguished by narrow pupils, like those of a cat. This is only partly true. They become like this at some point. When something threatens an alien being, It is clearly visible. As a threat, they perceive the energy of love, the vibrations of which kill them. Try to show sincere compassion to the suspect of involvement in the genus of aliens. And at the same time, look into your eyes.

Reptilian goals

You know, it is customary for us to say that they are greeted by clothes, but they are escorted by the mind. This means that a person is judged by his actions. Appearance and types of reptilians are not critical in our constant, but somewhat one-sided war. Much more important is their behavior, due to one very specific goal. Aliens need to lower the general background radiation of the universe. And we are raising it, although few people know about it. Their opposition to the natural development of mankind consists in creating conditions for the suffering of each individual. For example, almost all wars are the result of their intrigues. It is vital for aliens that people suffer in large numbers, suffer, cry, and the like. Their world will perish if we begin to develop according to the plan of the Higher Forces.

Behavioral features

You probably already know how to understand that you have a reptilian in front of you. This individual has power, a somewhat artificial appearance, wealth (an additional resource for influencing and is at the helm of events. For example, your boss may turn out to be an alien, and he may also be a famous blogger or TV presenter. A reptilian woman will definitely turn out to be a friend of an oligarch. This place "she needs it not for her own pleasure, but to fulfill a common task for aliens. They need to lower the vibrations of the Earth. In a provincial village, representatives of this species you will not find. There is no one to influence, so they have nothing to do in the fields and forests? In the interpersonal relations of representatives aliens give out indifference.They do not radiate love, although they carefully pretend.It is felt only by a partner in an intimate setting.From the side it seems that it is normal And in the silence of the bedroom there is an insight, sometimes very unpleasant.If you show the reptilian that he is open, you can disappear off the face of the earth, and where people go, no one knows. this topic has been posted a lot. Is there any grain of truth in them? No one can reliably prove it. Be careful!

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