How can you freeze bell peppers fresh for the winter in the freezer at home? How to freeze peppers Is it possible to freeze bell peppers in the freezer

For a very long time, in order to procure fruits, berries and vegetables that are not suitable for storage in the cellar, it was necessary to resort to any methods of processing them: canning, pickling or drying. But with the arrival on sale of household refrigerators with a spacious freezer compartment, there was a small revolution in the actions of many housewives. Since it became possible to store more products over a long period of time without resorting to heat treatment. Thus, freezing has become another acceptable way to preserve summer fruits and vegetables until the next harvest. However, even today, many inexperienced housewives do not know how to do things correctly. Therefore, I’ll start small and tell you all the secrets of how to freeze bell peppers for stuffing and pieces in the freezer for the winter.

How to freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing in the freezer without minced meat

You can easily and quickly prepare hollow peppers for stuffing for the winter. And the most important thing is the unsurpassed aroma of the finished dish on the table, reminiscent of the taste of freshly picked fruits. Pickled whole peppers don't taste like this.

Tip: for 1 liter of water you need 10 grams. salt.

Preparations for freezing:

  1. We wash green thick-walled sweet peppers without visible defects, not flaccid and small in size.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut off the stalk, capturing part of the fruit (up to 5 mm), and then carefully remove the inner core with the seeds.
  3. Place the hollow peppers in boiling water for 5 minutes. and transfer to a bowl of cold salted water.
  4. Place the cooled soft peppers on a cotton towel.
  5. After the vegetables have dried, place them entirely in a vacuum or plastic bag next to each other. And put it in the freezer for 3 hours, without leaning the bags against each other.
  6. After the time has passed, you can package the frozen pepper in the required quantity in vacuum bags in several layers.

Tip: It is better not to use paper towels, as they become soggy and stick to the fruit.

Tip: in the bag you need to distribute the fruits in one layer so that they do not freeze in a whole lump.

Before stuffing such preparations, you need to take them into a bowl and leave for 15 minutes. until completely defrosted.

Frozen peppers stuffed with meat and rice

With this recipe I want to interest all business women who do not have time to stand at the stove for a long time, as well as housewives who are already tired of standing at the stove and absolutely do not know how to diversify the daily menu. Ice cream stuffed peppers are the ideal solution for a delicious and quick lunch with the whole family or for welcoming unexpected guests.

Required ingredients:

  • Pepper – 12 pcs.;
  • Rice – 170 gr.;
  • Minced pork and beef – 350 gr.;
  • Onion – 50 gr.;
  • Carrots – 120 gr.;
  • Basil and parsley – 5 grams each;
  • Salt – 7 gr.

Tip: do not bring the rice to full readiness so that when preparing already stuffed peppers it does not end up as a boiled mess.

Preparation of peppers:

  1. We wash the selected thick-walled sweet peppers. We cut off the tail, capturing up to 1 cm of the fruit itself, so that the inner pulp with seeds can be easily removed.
  2. Place the prepared fruits in hot water for blanching for 5 minutes, until they become soft and pliable. After this, place the peppers in a colander and cool under running cold water. And place it on a plate to drain off excess liquid.
  3. Meanwhile, boil the rice. Peel the onions and carrots, wash and finely chop the greens and onions, and chop the carrots using a grater.
  4. Add minced meat, greens with onions and carrots to the rice in the pan, then add salt to the mixture and stir thoroughly.
  5. We stuff each pepper with the prepared minced meat and put it in a container or vacuum bag, close it and put it in the freezer.

Advice: you need to cool it in cold water so as not to reduce the amount of vitamin C in the fruits.

Tip: you can also add spices if desired: ground allspice, curry or paprika.

The stuffed peppers are ready, all you have to do is take them out, put them in a saucepan, pour in the borscht seasoning and simmer for 50 minutes. over low heat, serve with sour cream.

Freezing bell pepper pieces

A multi-colored assortment of frozen peppers is ideal for both a salad with fresh cabbage and carrots and a vegetable stew. I often use such pieces when baking potatoes in mounds with meat, they are simply delicious.

Tip: 10 gr. salt goes to 1 liter of cold water.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We wash the thick-walled yellow and red peppers and then cut them into pieces, removing the inside with the seeds.
  2. Place the prepared pieces in boiling water for 3 minutes. and place in a bowl of cold salted water for literally 2 minutes.
  3. Place the chilled peppers on a towel and allow excess liquid to drain.
  4. And after this, we place the pepper slices in vacuum bags and store them compactly in the freezer.

Tip: you need to pack in small portions so that there is enough for cooking at once without re-freezing the leftovers.

Now you know how to freeze bell peppers for stuffing and pieces in the freezer for the winter. I hope you will try this simple recipe.

How to Freeze Bell Peppers for Pizza

Nothing is impossible when it comes to freezing pepper recipes. You just need a little effort and accuracy to ensure that the rings are even and of the same width, and as a result, surprise your family or guests with real Italian pizza.

Procurement process:

  1. We wash multi-colored sweet peppers (red, orange and green) without visible defects.
  2. Carefully cut off the stalk along with part of the fruit, capturing about 5-7 mm, so that it is easy to remove the inside with the seeds.
  3. And then we blanch the already peeled peppers in hot water and cool in a bowl of salted cold water.
  4. Then we take each one in turn and cut it into rings with a sharp knife so as not to tear the soft walls.
  5. Place the cut rings on a towel and leave until all the water has drained.
  6. After the time has passed, lay it out on a board in one layer and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. And we put the frozen pieces into vacuum bags and store them compactly in the freezer.

Tip: you can also cut hot capsicum rings into this assortment.

You'll see, pizza with such colorful rings and ham and cheese will even lift your spirits.

How long can you store stuffed peppers with meat in the freezer?

Depending on the model of a household refrigerator, the optimal temperature in the freezer is set from -6 to -18ºC, which allows you to preserve food products with their original taste and nutritional characteristics. If we consider stuffed peppers as a complete ready-made dish, then its shelf life is 3-4 months. But this is subject to the use of freshly prepared minced meat from fresh meat; if you take minced meat from the store, then you need to take into account its expiration date. The remaining ingredients are beyond doubt.

If you have any questions, I suggest you also watch a video on how to freeze peppers in the freezer.

Bell pepper is considered one of the healthiest foods in the daily diet. In terms of the amount of nutrients, no vegetable can compete with it. Dishes prepared with fresh bell peppers are especially tasty and aromatic. The red color of the vegetable gives a festive look to any salad. In order for such a special product to bring benefits and delight you with its taste all year round, you should learn how to properly store and freeze it at home.

How to freeze bell peppers for the winter

The main type of storage of vegetables with a high juice content is considered to be freezing. This process ensures the preservation of nutrients, color and shape of the product. The main difference in the types of freezing bell peppers is the method of their preliminary preparation. When choosing, first of all, they start from dishes that will later be prepared on the basis of semi-finished products. It is also worth considering the volume of the freezer and its shape.

There are three types of freezing peppers:

  1. in pieces
  2. entirely
  3. in the form of a complete semi-finished product

The first type is used for further preparation of soups, stews and salads. Its main advantage is significant space savings in the freezer. Densely compacted pieces allow you to prepare a large amount of pepper for the winter. In this case, the product will not interfere when opening the door and will not create additional inconvenience.

The second type is suitable for stuffing and decorating holiday dishes. Once thawed, whole peppers can be sliced ​​and garnished on salads and other appetizers. The cavity inside can be filled with minced meat, cheese or fried vegetables. In any case, everything depends on the imagination and skills of the cook. This type of storage makes it difficult to prepare large quantities of product and requires a larger storage chamber.

The third type is suitable for long-term storage and helps to significantly save time, which will later be spent on cooking. After processing and drying the whole sweet pepper, minced meat, fried vegetables and rice are placed inside. You can fill the preparation with boiled carrots and spices. Peppers stuffed in this way are completely ready for further processing. It can be prepared in any way: boiled, stewed or fried. Next, the semi-finished product is packaged and sent to the freezer. Such preparations will require a lot of space, but using the method can significantly speed up and facilitate the culinary process.

How to properly freeze bell peppers? Freezing instructions

The process begins with selecting fresh and large fruits without damage. Any damaged parts must be cut off during preparation. It is important to choose high-quality peppers with the thickest walls. Such vegetables freeze better and retain a large amount of nutrients. Priority should be given to fruits from your own garden. Store-bought bell peppers are most often waxed and treated with chemicals for better storage.

Next comes the turn for cleansing. It is imperative to thoroughly rinse each fruit. After this, they begin cleaning: the partitions and seeds are removed, and the legs are carefully cut off. To remove the insides of the pepper and not damage its juicy walls, everything is done by hand. At this stage, it is worth making sure that there are no seeds left inside. To do this, the workpieces are additionally rinsed in water.

The next step is drying and getting rid of any signs of moisture. You need to properly place all the vegetables on a dry towel and wait until they dry completely. You can speed up the process using napkins and a towel, but it is recommended to let the pepper dry in the open air for at least an hour. After this, start cutting into pieces or slices. The type chosen depends on which housewife liked the recipe.

After thorough preparation, the peppers are placed on a towel or kitchen napkin made of fabric, which is spread to the bottom of the freezing chamber. You can use a special plastic tray. Whole peppers are placed one inside the other in a pyramid shape. This will save space and prevent the edges from getting damaged. It is advisable to cover the stacked vegetables with a cloth so that air does not enter them when the freezer is opened. The preparations are left in the freezer for two days, after which the frozen peppers are taken out and packaged in thick plastic bags or special containers for frozen vegetables. This storage method will provide vitamins throughout the winter and is perfect for enriching a variety of recipes.

The optimal temperature for quick freezing of fresh bell peppers is considered to be 20 degrees below zero. With this mode, the products do not lose nutrients and remain more elastic during subsequent defrosting. The shelf life of such stocks can range from six months to 10 months. It all depends on the initial condition of the fruit and compliance with all harvesting rules.

Secrets of cooking dishes based on frozen bell peppers

To prepare first courses, semi-finished products are added to hot water immediately after they are taken out of the freezer. This way the vegetables give off all their flavor and do not lose their bright, rich color. It is important not to keep them in boiling water for a long time, so that all the beneficial substances remaining in them are preserved in sufficient quantities. Frozen peppers are best suited for making vegetable puree soup. At the same time, the consistency of the dish is complemented by an aromatic and bright taste.

A side dish of frozen vegetables goes well with sour cream and spices added to taste. There is no need to defrost the workpieces first; just lower them onto the hot bottom of the frying pan. There is also no need to add water; the amount released during thawing is enough. This method of stewing will provide the vegetables with an elastic shape and will not allow them to lose their original appearance.

Freezing bell peppers is an easy and simple process that will provide many benefits in the future. Peeled and chopped vegetables will be useful to any housewife. This will speed up the cooking process and reward the efforts spent in the summer with a beautiful look and taste of the dishes. And the main advantage will be vitamin recipes, which can now be prepared at any time, with pleasure and quickly.

You can preserve the maximum amount of components beneficial to the body by storing vegetables in the freezer. Almost all vegetables from the garden can be frozen. Sub-zero temperatures practically do not change their taste and consistency. Before you start preparing the product, it is important to know how to properly freeze bell peppers for the winter. Much depends on the quality of the product, vessel and refrigerator.

Today there are special freezers on sale. They are the size of a refrigerator and are designed solely for preserving food.

Is it possible to freeze bell peppers for the winter?

You can buy vegetables in the supermarket in winter, but the price is exorbitant. Therefore, many housewives are thinking about how to prepare peppers for the winter. It can be canned, dried, salted and pickled. Recently, the most popular method of preserving the workpiece is freezing. During processing, the vegetable does not lose its nutrients and vitamins. The bright color and taste of the vegetable are preserved.

It’s not only possible, but necessary, to freeze sweet vegetables. Frozen vegetables are used to prepare omelettes, soups, salads, stews, baked goods, and so on.

Selection and preparation of vegetables before starting the process

For harvesting, it is necessary to select ripe, fresh fruits, without visible damage. Both sweet and hot peppers will do. Cut off dented and damaged parts. Juicy and thick-skinned specimens are suitable for freezing, because they contain a maximum of useful substances.

Priority is given to fruits that are grown on your own plot. Vegetables from the supermarket are treated with chemicals for long-term preservation. If there are none, then vegetables are purchased at the market. It is important to ask the seller where they were collected. To be sure, check the fruits with a dosimeter.

Selected vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water. It is better to wash each specimen separately, paying attention to the area near the tails, where the greatest amount of dirt accumulates.

To better remove seeds, you can rinse the pieces in water.

Place cut sides down on a towel and let drain and dry. The procedure takes more than an hour.

After preparation, the freezing process itself begins. Place a towel or napkin in the freezer and pour out in one layer. Cover the top with another napkin to protect from warm air that enters when the chamber is opened.

If you freeze them whole, then it is better to stack them one on one, from largest to smallest. Keep in the freezer for two days. If there is a quick freeze function, you can do less.

Preparing the refrigerator

Freezers and refrigerators must be prepared before the vegetable freezing season. Review the remaining last year's supplies and throw away the excess.

Turn off the refrigerator for a few hours and defrost. Wipe all shelves and containers intended for freezing with water and soda. Wipe thoroughly with a dry cloth. If possible, do not turn on the freezer for 3 days.

It is important to properly sort food in the freezer and adhere to neighborhood rules. Meat, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits should be in different compartments.

After this, turn on the installation and wait until the temperature drops to the desired value.

What utensils will you need?

You can freeze in the following containers:

  1. A bag made of dense polyethylene is the most versatile option. The bag perfectly stores fruits both in pieces and whole.
  2. Plastic containers with lids. It is advisable to use rectangular shapes, which can be placed one on one and thereby save space.
  3. Plastic bottles are also suitable for peppers. Pay attention to containers with a large neck.
  4. Glass and metal containers are not suitable for freezing. These materials react very strongly to temperature changes.

The best ways to freeze peppers at home

There are many ways to freeze. You can try two types of freezing at once and compare the results in winter.

Whole in the freezer

Fruits can be frozen either fresh or after preliminary blanching.

For preparation you will need medium, fleshy specimens. It is important that the pepper is fresh and of the correct shape.

  • Wash each fruit and cut off the stem in a circle. Remove seeds and membranes with your hands. Rinse the peppercorns in the middle and place the cut side on a towel. The copies must dry.
  • Place the peppers one inside the other in the form of a pyramid and place in a plastic bag.
  • You can place grated carrots in the middle of the pepper, which will be needed when stuffing it.

Some housewives blanch the vegetable before freezing, due to which it softens. Peel the peppers as above and place in a pan of boiling water. Blanch for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander or sieve. Allow time to dry and place in a bag or container.

In halves

This preparation is used to prepare stuffed peppers. Select large, fleshy specimens. Rinse and dry. Cut in half and scrape out seeds and membranes. Place in plastic bags one on top of the other. To freeze.


For soups, salads and baked goods, you can prepare them in pieces, which are convenient for later use and easy to store. Many housewives do not use the above methods to save space.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare, you will need a vegetable of any shape, even with defects.
  2. Wash the vegetables, dry and peel.
  3. The next stage is cutting vegetables. Depending on where it will be used, cut into suitable pieces. If for stews and soups, then in pieces. For pizza, side dishes and gravy - in half rings.
  4. You can immediately put the peppers into containers or bags and freeze them. Or you can first freeze it on a plate, and then pour it into a bag and send it into the depths of the chamber.

Assorted for stew

The assortment is frozen in the same way as described above. For stew, you can cut the pepper into large pieces. For a spectacular look, you need to take peppers of different colors - yellow, red, green.

Chop the prepared fruits and mix. You can add green peas, corn or other vegetables. Divide into bags and freeze.

Freezing baked sweet peppers

This method involves baking the vegetable in the oven.

Cooking method:

  • The fruits must first be washed and placed on a baking sheet.
  • Coat the surface with vegetable oil.
  • Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
  • When the peppers are browned, remove from the oven and place in a container. Cover tightly and let stand for twenty minutes.
  • When the fruits have cooled slightly, remove the skin and seeds. It is important to preserve the juice that is released.
  • Cut into pieces and place in prepared containers, pour in juice. The peppers turn out incredibly juicy and aromatic.
  • Place the workpiece in the refrigerator for storage.

Freezing stuffed peppers

This method involves preparing peppers already filled with minced meat. The vegetable can be stuffed raw and boiled in salted water. Pre-blanching allows the pepper to soften, making it easier to stuff with minced meat.

Place the prepared preparations on a dish and keep for 24 hours.

With dill and parsley

You can freeze peppers with herbs - dill and parsley. This vegetable mixture will remind you of summer both in appearance and smell. Yellow and red peppers with herbs look good.

Finely chop all the ingredients, scatter them on a plate and place them in a quick freezer. Then pour into containers or zip bags and send for storage. In winter, add to vegetable soups and salads.

Temperature for freezing peppers and shelf life

The ideal temperature for freezing peppers is 18 - 20 degrees. It allows you to quickly freeze a product and preserve its color, taste and consistency.

Shelf life ranges from 10 months to a year. The duration of storage depends on the quality of the vegetables and compliance with freezing rules.

Is it permissible to re-freeze the product?

Repeated freezing is not advisable. After all, when re-frozen, the vegetable loses its taste. Dishes made from re-frozen vegetables will not have a rich flavor.

In this case, useful substances and vitamins are lost.

How to properly defrost frozen peppers

Depending on the dish to which pepper will be added, the technology for defrosting it depends:

  1. If used to prepare salad, it must be defrosted in the most gentle way possible, placing it on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Using this method, you need to have some time to spare. After all, it may take several hours to gradually compare the temperature. After this, pat the fruits dry with a towel and add to the salad.
  2. If the vegetable is planned to be added to soup, stew, gravy, etc., then it does not require defrosting. Vegetable pieces are sent immediately into a saucepan or frying pan.
  3. You can make an excellent side dish and steam the vegetable. If you don't have a double boiler, use the good old method. Take some water into the pan. Place a sieve with pepper in a container, cover with a lid and steam for 10 minutes. It is important to follow safety precautions. The colander should only contain metal parts. Then pour olive oil and sprinkle with seeds. A delicious and healthy dessert is ready.
  4. Stuffed vegetables are prepared without prior defrosting. It is enough to place its container with the sharp ends down, add sauce, spices and simmer over low heat for an hour.
  5. The halves can be slightly defrosted before cooking. Just rinse with cold water and you can cut.

Do not completely defrost the vegetable, because it will become too soft and watery.

August is the season for harvesting bell or sweet peppers. During this period, the price of vegetables is the most affordable. We suggest you try preparing peppers using any of the freezing methods presented below. Frozen vegetables retain maximum nutrients and will certainly come in handy for preparing various dishes during the winter months.

The process of preparing peppers for freezing includes several stages:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut out the core and remove all the seeds and veins inside the pods. If you leave the light parts of the pepper, then the dish prepared from such a vegetable will be bitter.
  3. Once again we wash the pods to remove any remaining seeds and cut fibers.
  4. Dry the peppers with a paper towel or cotton cloth. Dry vegetables will retain their shape better when frozen, and the freezing itself will be crumbly.

In the video, Elena Deberdeeva will tell you about two ways to quickly peel peppers.

Four ways to freeze sweet peppers

Method one - freezing whole bell peppers

This method of freezing peppers is probably the easiest. Prepared whole peppers just need to be stacked on top of each other, forming a “pyramid”. To prevent the peppers from sticking together, each pod must be wrapped in a small piece of cellophane. To do this, you can cut the packaging bag into several pieces, approximately 10 centimeters in size on each side. The pepper pyramid is placed in a freezing bag, all the air is removed from it as much as possible, and placed in the freezer for storage. Peppers, frozen whole, are later used for stuffing.

Method two - freezing peppers into cubes or strips

This freezing method will also not cause you any difficulty. The peeled, washed and dried pepper is first cut in half lengthwise, then each half is cut lengthwise again. Now you need to cut the resulting pepper slices crosswise into thin strips or cubes. The size and shape of the cut depends on what you plan to make from this pepper in the future. For pizza and soups, for example, it is more convenient to use peppers cut into strips, but for vegetable stews - into cubes. The crushed peppers are placed in a freezer bag and placed in the freezer. After a couple of hours, you can shake the bags so that the slightly frozen vegetables come unglued, and the frozen vegetables are ultimately crumbly.

Method three - freezing baked sweet peppers

With this method, the peppers are first baked in the oven. To do this, the pods are washed without removing the stalk with seeds. The peppers are placed on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and placed in the oven for approximately 40 minutes. As soon as the vegetables are browned, take them out, put them in a saucepan and cover tightly with a lid for 15 minutes. After this, holding the pods by the stalk, remove the skin, and then remove all the insides. These peppers are surprisingly aromatic and tasty, so when peeling the peppers, you must try to preserve the juice that will be released from them. Next, the peeled peppers are cut into small pieces, placed in containers, and poured with the resulting juice. The workpiece is stored in a freezer. These frozen peppers are ideal for salads.

Method four - freezing stuffed peppers

This method is used to freeze peppers already stuffed with minced meat. At the same time, peppers can be stuffed either “raw” or previously blanched in boiling water (about 1 minute). Blanching makes the vegetable softer, which allows it to be filled more densely with minced meat. Ready stuffed peppers are frozen in the freezer on a flat surface for 24 hours. Then they are transferred to freezer bags and stored in the freezer for long-term storage.

Temperature for freezing peppers and shelf life

The optimal temperature for freezing is from -19°C to -32°C. The shock effect of temperature allows you to best preserve all the beneficial properties of products.

Maintaining this temperature regime will allow the peppers to survive all winter, until the next harvest.

See the video recipe for freezing bell peppers from the channel - “How to Cook”.

See video: “How to freeze peppers for the winter. Two ways."

In August, it is time to freeze peppers, since the price for them is the lowest during this period. Just 35 grams of the plant fruit contain the daily requirement of vitamin C needed by a person. Unlike other frozen vegetables, peppers retain all of their ascorbic acid for 90 days, after which the content begins to drop. So it makes sense to freeze it first. You just have to do it right.

There are many different ways to freeze peppers, including the Soviet way, in which they were stuffed with rice and minced meat when frozen. Do the same with cabbage. Then all that remains is to put the semi-finished product in a saucepan, slow cooker or pressure cooker and cook. Below we will give several proven recipes on how to freeze peppers for the winter, and we will describe step by step the preparation of the famous Bulgarian lecho and the hottest chili.

Recipe for freezing bell peppers


Servings: – + 4

  • bell pepper 1.6 kg

Per serving

Calories: 37 kcal

Proteins: 1.46 g

Fats: 0.16 g

Carbohydrates: 5.6 g

10 min. Video recipe Print

    We begin to prepare the vegetables: remove the stalk with seeds from well-washed peppers and dry. If the shape allows, you should freeze them whole for further stuffing. When the appearance is unsightly, it makes sense to cut it into halves, and then into strips or cubes.

    Fresh peppers that will be frozen whole should be arranged in a pyramid one to one and placed in plastic bags. Pack the cut pieces or strips loosely into bags or scatter them on a tray. Send it to the chamber, setting the maximum freezing mode.

    After 3-4 hours, collect the raw frozen peppers and place them compactly in a bag or container, and turn the freezer on in normal mode.

    Recipe for freezing bell pepper lecho

    Cooking time: 10 minutes

    Number of servings: 4

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​24 kcal;
    • proteins – 1.03 g;
    • fats – 0.12 g;
    • carbohydrates – 4.52 g.


    • bell pepper red, green, yellow – 300 g each;
    • tomatoes – 600 g.

    Step-by-step preparation

  1. Remove the stalks of the sweet pepper, remove the seeds, and cut into strips or pieces.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and make slices 2 cm thick.
  3. Gently mix so that the juice does not flow out of the tomatoes, and place them in containers or bags. The benefit of such a preparation is saving space.
  4. Place in the freezer, setting the maximum freezing mode for 3 hours. Later we return to normal temperature.

Freezing Chili Pepper Recipe

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Number of servings: 1

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​37 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.82 g;
  • fats – 0.19 g;
  • carbohydrates – 8.75 g.


  • chili pepper – 300 g.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Place well-washed and dried peppers tightly, cone down, in a plastic glass and cover with cling film. This will make it easier to pull out the right amount for cooking later.
  2. Place a glass of hot pepper in the freezer and turn on the shock mode for 60 minutes, then switch to normal.

Recipe for freezing hot peppers

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Number of servings: 1

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​37 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.82 g;
  • fats – 0.19 g;
  • carbohydrates – 8.75 g.


  • Hot pepper – 300 g.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Wash and dry hot peppers. Remove all the seeds and distribute the peppers cut into strips in an even thin layer on a tray or flat plate.
  2. Place in the freezer and set the temperature to the lowest possible temperature for an hour.
  3. After 60 minutes, return to normal mode and pack in a container or plastic bag.

Freezing secrets

Pack the peppers carefully, as they like to impart their scent to other foods. You can also freeze it in baked form, as it takes up very little space. The oven does the job perfectly, where the peppers are placed for 40 minutes and then placed in containers. In this case, the stalk is easily separated. Also, to save space, we recommend blanching the peppers, but under no circumstances boil them. It is stewed and frozen; fried also tolerates freezing well.

How long can you store

Pepper can easily not only overwinter, but also be stored for a year until the next harvest, at a temperature of -18 degrees for the first 3 months, completely saving vitamin C, and subsequently losing it up to 10%.

In what container should I store it?

Containers or bags made of food-grade plastic are suitable for packaging. If it is chili pepper, then it is convenient to put it compactly in plastic cups and cover the container without a lid with film as in the video or photo. You can freeze any type of pepper; freezing is well tolerated. This is quite profitable, since in winter they try to sell it as expensive as possible, the cost reaches three digits.

The question of how to freeze bell and hot peppers for the winter at home can be considered resolved. From the mass of recipes, choose the one that suits you and use the freezer space one hundred percent. This is also good for health, since pepper retains all its vitamins and microelements. It can be added to first and second courses, to salads, cooked on the stove, in a double boiler and in the microwave. Freeze and stock up for the winter. Good luck replenishing your bins!

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