Reptilians among us (7 photos). Reptilians in the Russian government: evidence David Icke reptilians

It so happens that, as if by someone's evil whim, a lot of work is simultaneously piled up, and the volume of information coming from outside simultaneously increases, which you simply do not have the right to omit or postpone for later. Therefore, everything that I planned to write down begins to jostle in my head and demand an exit, but I have to make a lot of efforts in order to keep thoughts in my head until I figure out what claims to be “out of turn”.

Thank God, the intermediate line has been drawn. I hope at least. Why did I decide so? Probably because yesterday an absurd incident happened to me, which scared me seriously. Let me explain.

Over the past few days, I have been working with materials of various directions, in which, by a strange coincidence, the topic of reptilians was touched on to a greater or lesser extent. It seems that someone upstairs is pushing me hard to think about how reliable the reptilian version is. Such intrusive behavior of the information field cannot but arouse suspicion that the flow of information is clearly controlled by someone. Well, it cannot be a mere coincidence that, in addition to articles and videos sent by friends, entirely devoted to the version of the global control of the Earth by reptilian entities, I began to “imagine” indirect confirmation of the correctness of David Ike in many official messages.

For example, several events seemed to me to be interconnected, which at first glance, it would seem, are not connected in any way. By the way, not only me. Several of my friends immediately drew attention to them, and one of them even added one more event to this chain, which I initially did not put in this row:

1. - Killing a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo, Ohio USA. 05/29/2016. The reason was child, caught in the enclosure to the animal. The boy was not in danger. Obviously a ritual murder, a sign for those "in the know."
2. - The murder of the singer Grimmie in Orlando, state Florida. Killer from a neighboring town Petersburg. It happened 11.06.16 The eleventh number is beloved by the Kabbalists. The number of death. (9/11, Fukushima).
3.- Execution 50 buggers in Orlando, state Florida 13.06.16 The meaning of the number thirteen is not worth mentioning. There are two days between the second and third events.
4. - The crocodile dragged the child into Orlando state Florida 15.06.16 Between these events in Orlando - just a difference of two days. It's all a fantasy here. An army of police officers and other supermen on boats and helicopters is caught reptile- the murderer, while being executed 5(FIVE) innocent alligators. It can be seen that only after their death is it established that the fingerprints are not the same. The guilty alligator vanished. I wonder what would be done with a crocodile suspected of attacking a human cub? Judged? Sentenced to death in the electric chair? In general, a real farce. An explicit staging, with a ritual sacrifice of a child, and a demonstrative warning to the reptilians.
5 - 16.06.16 (three sixes on the date) A "computer glitch" wiped out 12 years of data on US Air Force internal investigations.

No, there is no trial: the US Air Force decided to whitewash itself before history - a “computer failure” destroyed data on internal investigations over the past 12 years All information since 2004 disappeared from the computers of the US Air Force Prosecutor’s Office as a result of an alleged accidental “glitch”. According to the Defense One portal, we are talking about internal investigations, ranging from small labor disputes to large fraud facts, both about “signals” and about the decisions that were made on them.

Now collect all the words in bold in one line, and try to establish a pattern.

There is only one conclusion. There is a magical invisible battle going on in the USA, with the epicenter in Florida. The fact that we do not see those who met in this duel does not mean the absence of the duel itself. Ants also do not know why their anthill collapsed. They think that this is an element, inevitability, fate. But in fact, the forest inspector gave a pumpkin to a poacher, and he fell into an anthill.

About the same with us. We see only a reflection of a small detail of a global event that is happening before our eyes, but we do not have sufficient means and knowledge to understand what is actually happening.

And when I already began to think that it was time to end this, that the hour was not even - “the roof would go” on one topic of reptilians, they sent me the last convincing sign. I myself, face to face with one of them.

I won't name him because he is a very famous person. Let me just say that I have known him for 15 years, and during the first meeting I liked him incredibly. Tall, despite his advanced age, fit, outwardly, he was very similar to Bill Clinton. Today, he has turned into an old man who can easily be confused with Brzezinski, Rothschild, or Soros.

When yesterday I opened the door for him, I turned my head to the side, and with peripheral vision I saw something ... It was as if the skin fell off his face, and a gray-green scaly muzzle was exposed with unblinking pupils stretched vertically. I was dumbfounded. The first thought, of course, was “I read, I saw enough, everything, damn it, I knew what mind games are.”

Then he calmed down and began to think. Yes, the "reptilian face" appeared for a fraction of a second, but I saw it too clearly to attribute it to the play of light and shadow. In addition, the close, suspicious look of the visitor that followed convinced me of the reality of what was happening. He (or it?), clearly understood that I saw something. And his further behavior during the meeting fully confirmed my guess. He behaved with me emphatically friendly, joking and laughing, and even praised me several times, although there were no grounds for this.

And when he got into his giant black executive sedan and left our city, I had enough time to comprehend what had happened, and analyze recent events. Not without analogies with the old Hollywood film "They are here", in the original - "They live". There, according to the plot, in order to see "strangers", it was necessary to use special glasses that looked like ordinary sunglasses. It seems that in a feature film, we were shown the world as it really is.

Now, the works of Alexander Krivonos and Avraam Sakralsky from the category of “I admit the probability” have moved into the category of “almost certain”. It is possible that in a slightly different form than it appears today, taking into account the existing knowledge and experience, all this looks a little different. But this is not so important. The main thing is that IT IS. They are really alive, they exist, and in this case, we are inevitably manipulated.

I admit the possibility that physically they are not among us, but there are some projections, or avatars. After all, it is absolutely not necessary for radiations or fields to have a dense body in order to physically influence the material world, objects of high density. Who said they can't be sane? After all, even those objects, the existence of which we do not question, can turn out to be just holograms.

The Blue Beam project is already being successfully applied. And the most striking example can be considered a "terrorist attack" on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon 11 .09.2001. There were no planes. There were only their holograms, which has already been proven more than once by many researchers who analyzed each frame, out of thousands taken, by many cameras, in fractions of a second.

No, this is not an overload of the brain, not the result of the influence of information repeatedly repeated on the air, which involuntarily infiltrated the consciousness. This is a real phenomenon.

The reptilians who were on the ground, under the ground, left the clear world. They have gone deep underground and maintain contact with the world government only through special communications. Basically, they solve property issues and send cargo spaceships with precious metals looted from the earth and other property to their Pekelny world. But intergalactic ships are tracking these starships, delaying them as much as possible. Only reptilian queens will remain on the ground, which are not subject to transportation and maintenance personnel in small numbers. Reptilian incubators are currently not very capable, they do not need so many individuals. Laboratories where genetic experiments were carried out are closed. There are only special laboratories where virus spores are removed for release into the open world. In the world government, the members of the pride understand the hopelessness of the situation. And in connection with climatic changes on earth, with an increase in vibration and, as they say, with the beginning of a quantum transition, with the movement of the planet's axis, inter-clan disputes are resolved. The world government will soon leave with the closure of the IMF. And the government of many countries will be left without external leadership. There will be a rotation of power, geopolitical changes. And the murmur of the people will be heard everywhere everywhere. In connection with the estates on the planet, the planetary catastrophe, the population of the planet will have to rally, unite, realize the seriousness of geopolitical changes.

With the lie of Peter 1, foreign enemies of (gray) Zionists, Satanists, dolls are doubles in the ranks. Russian resident Shelomov (Putin) died suddenly on June 6, 2004 at 23.15 Moscow time from an atherothrombotic ischemic stroke .. By the way, Yeltsin's double transferred control ... .

“By the evening of June 6, 2004, the patient began to complain of a severe headache, nausea and vomiting, pain in the eyeballs, confusion of speech, drowsiness and weakness. He was diagnosed with high blood pressure (220/120). As a result of repeated ischemic attacks, the patient's condition deteriorated rapidly, he lost consciousness and was urgently hospitalized. In the conditions of a medical institution, timely assistance was provided to him, but it was not possible to save him. Due to extensive cerebral edema, the cerebellar tonsils were wedged into the foramen magnum with compression of the lower sections of the medulla oblongata, which caused the death of the patient. twins of Vladimir Putin. He found out about this quite by accident, having become interested in the scientific research of his colleague, who is directly involved in this experiment. For the preparation of twins, the latest developments in medical science are used - a whole team of leading plastic surgeons and psychologists is working. The results that they managed to achieve are impressive - after all, almost no one notices the substitution.

The clinic itself is located not in Moscow and not in St. Petersburg, but in the suburbs of Sochi. That is why "Putin" spends so much time at the Black Sea resort. The interior of his residence completely copies his Kremlin office; the “president” does not appear in Moscow for months.

In the documents given to us by an anonymous specialist, a brief description of the procedure for preparing a double is given. The preparation of the physical body goes simultaneously with the psychological training. The double must absolutely identify itself with the object. Therefore, they are subjected to sessions of the most severe hypnosis, treated with various psychotechnics, kept without sleep and food in an isolated room in pitch darkness, or, on the contrary, they are forced to spend several days in a brightly lit room so that a person ceases to navigate in space and time. This achieves an almost complete destruction of the double's own personality.

It is this inhuman treatment of those who are destined for the role of a double that forced the doctor to publish this information. He learned quite recently that they are preparing doubles specifically for Putin, because it is forbidden to name any names, the faces of doubles from ordinary clinic workers are hidden by masks. When he learned the truth, he could not remain silent. Think about it - someone organized a real factory of doubles. Behind their backs, the country is run by completely different people who naturally do not care about the well-being of the people of Russia. Who exactly? The regime clinic is supervised by FSB and FSO officers. And who leads them - foreign enemies, Zionists, Satanists, black priests of the golden tour (Federal monetary system, bondage, usurers) All elections are a Jewish circus with clowns and goyim geek button-cats .......... Wake up RELATED !!! KNOW and you will Rule and Glory on Mother Earth .....

Rus' will wake up, remember its Gods, and then such a buildup will go around the world ...

The rites of the Slavs are, first of all, practice, the one who embarked on the spiritual path of development goes to a place of power, receives a name, his spiritual name, wears his chamber of the Svarog Circle (silver) around his neck. After that, the development of his consciousness begins. Slava's message connects this person to the creator. He feels that the Light Gods, the Creator himself and his ancestors are with him. He comes out of the Jewish matrix and stops his Karma in Reveal....increases the power of the Gods...He remembers himself, who is he.?!!! why did his RELATED ancestors send him to Earth and all Mother NATIVE NATURE helps him .... Ancestors look from the world of Rule and send strength to their descendant to overcome the trials that will fall on his life path. Everything is possible in the Explicit World, but you need to be strong, face the truth and not lie to yourself. It is very important. Ancestors, Gods really want to be proud of their descendants, who, in spite of all the difficulties, got up, straightened his back and went through life carrying the VEDAS TO KNOW Grandfathers ... Az Godov Knows the Verb Good .... where is truth, sanity and love ... And no one can bring him to his knees again. Anyone who understands that he is being oppressed is no longer a slave. He wants to understand why everything in life is like this and who is to blame for it. Slavs develop consciousness, practice to become stronger and streamline life according to the customs and traditions of their ancestors. ..

Among people live beings from other planets. The most harmful and dangerous are reptilians, but I want to add that not all. Some can cooperate with a person on an equal footing if he is conscious, but be careful, out of their habit, they can capture your consciousness unnoticed by you. Have you heard about them about the reptilians? Do you know how to recognize a reptilian and protect yourself from it? If not, then be sure to check out the material below. Many people disappear from the planet as if they never existed. Relatives cannot O look for their tracks. There is an opinion, carefully hushed up in the media, that it is the reptilians who are cracking down on them. People tell a lot of things, but they are not able to provide evidence. Let's try to figure out what to believe and what to laugh at.

Reptilians on earth - fact or fiction?

The presence of alien creatures in the vastness of their native land is m

can be different. Conspiracy theorists are sure that reptilians have been among us for a very long time. Back in the days of Atlantis, they tried (and not without success) to seize power over humanity. And now the representatives of this terrible tribe are concentrated where it is possible to command other creatures, that is, us sinners. But power is not the only thing that attracts reptilians. A hostile tribe seeks to take the planet from the natives. And for this, all means are good. But they are not yet able to get rid of people completely. Strange creatures have no soul, and this O means that they are not subject to the mechanism of processing energy vibrations. Only the soul of a living person, born on planet Earth, is able to lower or increase the amplitude of radiation. There is no other being in the Universe capable of such work. Therefore, the reptilians among us are working to transform the energy of the Universe into a lower spectrum that is comfortable for them. Light love (high vibrations) is deadly for these beings. It turns out that there is a war going on on Earth, which we do not even suspect!

How to recognize a reptilian?

Of course, aliens do not roam towns and villages wagging their tails. They are forced to acquire human form, so as not to frighten the population. By the way, reptilians are creatures that are in a sense related to our lizards and crocodiles. This is where the name came from. They are cold-blooded, have tails, claws, and sharp teeth. But such things as conscience, compassion, humor are inaccessible to them. Reptilian aliens, according to conspiracy theories, have the following traits:

  1. height above average;
  2. bright and G rubo outlined sexual characteristics;
  3. insensitivity to heat;
  4. extraordinary physical strength;
  5. strange eyes with narrow pupils.

We have given those distinctive qualities of beings from other planets, which it is rather difficult for them to hide. In fact, they don't look like humans at all. But they can transform their shape and look almost like real people. Let's go through each sign separately in order to understand exactly how to recognize a reptilian?

Physical form

We have already mentioned that aliens can transform. It is not difficult for this entity to look like an ordinary person or even an animal. But there are limitations associated with their psyche. These entities are uncomfortable in the guise of "nerd - bespectacled." They are terribly afraid of their own weakness. Therefore, the aliens take the form of a physically strong person. It can be an athlete with pronounced biceps, a lady of extraordinary flexibility, or another person who can run, jump, lift weights. In addition, reptilians almost never get sick. They are not afraid of our ailments, but their own - far away, on their native planet. It has been observed that these creatures do not succumb to the evil influence of alcohol. They either don't drink at all, and

whether they are drunk.

Sex characteristics

When you figure out how to recognize a reptilian, you need to remember that these are other creatures. They are not built like we are. But these entities have to adapt to the environment. They do it rather rudely. If a reptilian wants to look like a man, then he will take care of acquiring a brutal appearance. For example, T from a macho man, who is thrown openly inviting glances by all ladies aged from five to a hundred years old, it may well turn out to be an alien with a green tail. Ladies of this "nationality" have gorgeous breasts and slender hips. Appearance can cause a feeling of artificiality. But not all reptilian women want to look like that. Now they began not to try to stand out from the crowd and take on the appearance of ordinary "low-key" people. I had to face one female representative personally.

Relationship to temperature

Reptilians have cold blood, as already mentioned. They feel much more comfortable in forty-degree heat. So don't be surprised e

if an important person is sitting nearby and forbids turning on the air conditioner or opening the window. It's probably a reptilian. He feels good when a normal person languishes from the lack of fresh air in the room, steams like in a bathhouse. Representatives of this species of aliens do not sweat. Their glands do not secrete fluids to cool the skin. It is organized differently than ours. You will never see on their clothes untidy stains near the armpits, so natural for a person in hot weather. But the cold is unpleasant for them. The reaction of aliens slows down in proportion to the decrease in temperature. They try to be less in the cold and quickly dart into a hotly heated room.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

The only sign that betrays an alien is his eyes. The body can be changed, the head and hands can be transformed, but you can't hide your eyes. They say that they are the mirror of the soul. Of these, a field is transmitted to others, which reflects the state of a person's aura. Aliens have much lower vibrations than the average member of our species. Their gaze is cold, like a February blizzard, and just as detached. Conspiracy theorists prove that the eyes of a reptilian are distinguished by narrow pupils, like those of a cat. This is only true O t parts. They become like this at some point. When something threatens an alien creature, the pupils constrict. This is clearly visible. As a threat aboutnand perceive the energy of love, the vibrations of which kill them. Try to show sincere compassion to the suspect of involvement in the genus of aliens. And at the same time, look into your eyes.

The famous ufologist D. Carpenter, who has been dealing with the problem for many years, says that almost all eyewitnesses describe them in the same way. They are upright creatures. Their height is from 1.8 to 2.4 meters. The head is a cross between a human head and a lizard head. The same can be said about the face. The skin is scaly, its color is from greenish to brownish, sometimes spotty. The eyes are bulging, golden or light red, with a vertical pupil, like a cat. There is a comb from the top of the head to the mouth. The body might have seemed human if not for the protruding ribs on the chest. The hands are four-fingered, webbed, ending in claws.

Contacts almost always occur at the initiative of reptilians. Carpenter claims that in all cases of such meetings, people did not see spaceships. . This gave reason to some researchers to suggest that the Earth is the homeland of reptilians and that they currently live in its bowels. According to these experts, reptilians originated on Earth about 60 million years ago as a result of the evolution of one of the types of lizards.

Reptilian civilization has reached an extremely high level of development. She went into space, where she entered into competition with representatives of alien races that mastered our solar system.. Apparently, the reptilians were not the strongest in this competition. They have ceded control of the planet Earth to a race we call (also known as the "Tall White Aliens"). Subsequently, these latter took care of the appearance of people on Earth.

There were many wars for the Earth between reptilians and aliens, and the most ancient civilizations of people have kept the memory of them in their culture.

The wars of the gods are mentioned in the Mahabharata, an Indian epic:

“Vimanas (flying ships) approached the Earth with incredible speed and fired many arrows sparkling like gold, thousands of lightning ... The roar they emitted was like thunder from a thousand drums ... This was followed by violent explosions and hundreds of fiery whirlwinds ...
Burned by the heat of weapons, the world staggered as if in a fever. The elephants caught fire from the heat and ran wildly to and fro in search of protection from the terrible power. The water became hot, the beasts perished, the enemy was mowed down, and the fury of the fire brought down the trees in rows… Thousands of chariots were destroyed, then a deep silence descended on the sea…”
(God weapons are very similar to nuclear weapons.)

After that, we silently walked on. When we approached the foot of Babia Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed out to me a small rock protruding from the mountainside at an altitude of about 600 meters. When we leaned on the rock together, it suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. An opening opened up, into which a cart could freely enter.
A tunnel opened before us, descending steeply. The tunnel, similar in cross section to a flattened circle, was straight, wide and high enough to fit a whole train. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and steps were almost inaudible. Looking closely, I noticed deep scratches in many places on the floor and walls. It was completely dry inside.

Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until it led to a spacious hall, similar to the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross section, others were rounded.

... the father spoke again:

Through the tunnels that diverge from here, you can get to different countries and different continents. The one on the left leads to Germany, then to England, and on to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, to the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it connects with the left one. You can also get to America through other tunnels laid under the Earth's poles - North and South. Along the way of each tunnel there are "nodal stations" like the one we are currently in. So, without knowing the exact route, it is easy to get lost in them ... Father's story was interrupted by a distant sound, similar at the same time to a low rumble and a metallic clang. Such a sound is made by a heavily loaded train, starting off or braking sharply ... Reptilians for the possession of our planet .... civilizations), it can be assumed that it was the appearance of the Moon on terrestrial... on the moon it was confirmed, our first the task is to find out from where ... not a single one was found proof in favor of this theory....

But it was not always so. Ancient legends captured the events of distant antiquity, when this non-humanoid race had just appeared on our planet. For example, the ancient Russian Veda about Veles tells about these events, the roots of which go back to the ancient culture and worldview of the distant ancestors of the Russian people - the inhabitants of the northern continent Arctida-Oriana ...

Here is how the keeper of the ancient Orian Vedic tradition explained the meaning of the images of this Veda and other legends of the peoples of the Earth to the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov:

"So, there is one oral story about the great cosmic battle. About that terrible time when the planet Astra, or Phaeton, died, and Mars, located not far from it, was devastated. Its seas evaporated, and it all burned out. Yes, and the Earth got it .. .

This legend is about two million years old. Once the events told in it were written on the pages of books, but no books live for millions of years. Therefore, those ancient events turned into a Veda about Veles and Rina. Veles, according to legend, defeated his enemy, ruined his "eagle's nest" in the sky, but Rin, having fallen to Earth, penetrated into the bowels of the planet. And he survived there. Few researchers pay attention to this. And it would have to.

Rin was also riding a dragon. The reptile was his ally. And a serious reptile. According to the Veda, the mountains were destroyed from her cry, and the seas evaporated from the fiery breath. This is exactly what happened on Mars. None of our zombified scientists realize that the myth of the battle between Veles and Rin, in which the dragon is mentioned, is the very first legend in the world about the arrival of powerful non-humanoids in the solar system.

The fact is that in all layers of the earth, starting from the Trias, traces of the activity of only people are visible. And two million years ago, reptiles appeared in near space. And since that moment they have not disappeared anywhere. A long war of mankind with lizardheads began. It goes on in our time. It is a pity that there is no description of Rin himself in the Veda. What was he like? But these are details.

In those distant times, a giant asteroid hit the Earth, and perhaps more than one. And from his fall, the cradle of the black race, the legendary Lemuria, went under water. The climate on the planet changed dramatically, and the extinction of the tertiary flora and fauna began. The so-called Quaternary cooling has come. The trouble was that the planet periodically rocked. And our distant ancestors had to save her with the help of a powerful gravitational field of an artificially created satellite. You must know that the moon was built by ancient mankind...

I will tell you that about seven hundred thousand years ago, new colonies of earthlings arose on the Moon and on Mars. But disaster struck, something similar to what we have seen in our day. For some unknown reason, ancient humanity began to degrade catastrophically. And as I told you above, in a relatively short time, a person turned into a new kind of archanthrope, which is called Neanderthal in science. It is clear that both the lunar and the Martian colonies of that ancient race also degenerated and perished. Here the law applies: not a single small colony survives without a metropolis.

But, as I told you, in high latitudes, both in the north and in the south, a group of Cro-Magnons survived - the keepers of ancient knowledge and the descendants of those who joined it from a dying, reborn society. The survivors, having come into contact with a distant metropolis, launched a new round of evolution. This happened about five hundred thousand years ago. But if you believe the ancient Sumerian myth of Atraharsis, the new civilization of human gods lasted on Earth unclouded for only a hundred thousand years.

The fact is that, according to Sumerian legend, about four hundred thousand years ago, from one mysterious planet Nibiru, which supposedly is located on the outskirts of our solar system and belongs to another Sun, some Anunnaki arrived on Earth. According to the description and according to the statuettes of the proto-Sumerian Ubaid culture, these were real reptilians. This time the non-humanoids came to Earth in peace. They told the white gods that their distant planet was gradually losing its atmosphere, and they needed gold to save it. And in large numbers.

The question immediately arises, why did the white gods of the Earth accept their former enemies and begin to support them? There can only be one answer. Our distant ancestors were not so powerful as to refuse non-humanoids. They understood that they could not win the second war after the degeneration of the bulk of humanity against the Anunnaki. Surely the white gods knew about the underground bases of non-humanoids, and about their desire to take over the planet, but, unfortunately, they had no choice. Perhaps our ancestors also understood the secret strategy of their enemies. I mean the information impact that led to the degeneration of society and its transformation into a new kind of half-monkey...

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed. Now it is difficult to understand the reasons that prompted the white gods to accept aliens. The fact that they were. And according to the Sumerian myth, our ancestors began to cooperate with the Anunnaki. They allowed them to engage in gold mining on Earth. But it is not clear why to mine the precious metal on the surface, when the bowels of the planet were at their disposal? Maybe other laws operate in giant voids, and it is easier to do this through mines?

In any case, ancient mines on earth have been found. They are located in southern Africa, and according to modern scientists, they are more than a hundred thousand years old. Even such an assessment leads to awe. It turns out that gold was mined when, according to modern science, there was no Cro-Magnon race on Earth. But then, who dug all these mines? It turns out that the Neanderthals. No one else.

In fact, the gold mines are much older than our bastards believe. They are at least two, or even all three hundred thousand years old ... But let's get back to the myth. At first, as the Sumerian chronicle says, the Anunnaki themselves mined gold for themselves, but very soon got tired and decided to create slaves for themselves. It was then that the Illuminati found a loophole for themselves. They say that all modern humanity was created by perfect lizard-headed...

I already told you that the Anunnaki were not particularly afraid of the white gods. And our ancestors could not stop their project to create new people from archanthropes. What was done? The Annunaki only added parts of the archanthropes to the genes of the white gods: in the Far East - Sinanthropes, in the south - Pithecanthropes and Neanderthals. Thus, the foundations for the emergence of two great human races appeared: yellow and black. It was precisely such hybrid people that they forced to work in Africa in the extraction of yellow metal ... Hence the servility to dragons characteristic of the Chinese people. As you can see, it's not as difficult as it seems...

According to the myth, very soon hybrid humanity multiplied, and it had to be hastily thinned out... But a myth is a myth, many things are missing in it, and one can only guess about them... First of all, there is no mention of the war between the Anunnaki and the gods. There was such a war, and not just one. The memory of her was preserved in the folk legends of all, without exception, the descendants of the white race ... And the non-humanoids lost that war, and therefore changed their strategy. It was the war that forced the Anunnaki to throw a Trojan horse into their ranks to defeat the white gods...

This is old proven technology. The legend of Atraharsis says that three hundred thousand years ago, the main part of the Anunnaki was forced to leave the Earth. Interestingly, their departure coincides with the emergence of hybrid earth races. All this leads to the idea that the lizardheads left our planet against their will. Obviously, genetic intervention to create slaves for themselves forced the white gods to put the lizardheads in their place. And our ancestors succeeded.

Only representatives of the Anunnaki remained on earth, who obeyed the supreme god Enki and no longer tried to argue with him. So the myth. In fact, the lizardheads made an interesting move. I called him a "Trojan horse". The legend says that after all these showdowns, three hundred Anunnaki went to heaven, and three hundred remained on Earth. And not visible to either people or gods. And now let's remember that far in the north, the sky converges with the earth among the ancients. What does it say? Isn't it about three hundred lizardheads going north? It looks like it is. So, the path of these camouflaged lizard-heads lay in the glacier-covered Europe...

The legend says that the Anunnaki remained on Earth. And a little bit, but as many as three hundred... Perfectly mastering genetic technologies, they introduced the psychic complex of the Annunaki lizard into the body of the white god. Moreover, this gene complex is completely and completely inherited. This is the Trojan horse.

Interestingly, exactly the same gene technology was used by the Egyptian priests of Amon to create God's chosen ones. Only for the latter a different gene complex was taken. Not reptilian, but neanderthal. It is passed down through the female line from generation to generation. Consequently, the descendants of Abraham's father are genetically, as it were, half Neanderthals. Hence they have a predilection for appropriating what is ready. But that's only one side of the coin...

Very many researchers, studying the psychology of the descendants of Father Abraham, were amazed that they had a completely different idea of ​​the environment. They are like aliens from another world. Not earthly, but something else… All their concepts are turned upside down. What is white for us, they perceive as black, and vice versa. Of course, everything I tell you about does not apply to all representatives of this tribe, but to a very large part of it. Mostly Asian and African.

It can be assumed that on the territory of the Ubaid culture, lizard-headed ones, the very ones that people depicted on their figurines, appeared as genetic deviations towards reptilians. They were born, apparently, from people with Anunnaki genes. Why is that? Yes, because the figurines do not have tails. It is clear that these are already hybrids. True Anunnaki are all tailed. This is evidenced by their images in Chinese, Japanese and other drawings...

The fact is that the Anunnaki are creatures that do not have a right hemisphere. They are entirely left hemispheric. What does this indicate? The fact that the beasts are the product of a completely different world, and their representatives do not have a multidimensional field essence that connects us, people, with the Creator. That's why they don't have a right hemisphere of the brain. But the logic and the ability to abstract are very well developed. But if these creatures comprehend the laws of the development of the world from below through logic, then we humans, I mean not left-hemisphere biorobots, but quite normal people, receive knowledge from above, by reading information from the field. This is what we call intuition. And now let's remember, does our earthly science take into account intuitive knowledge?

You see how it works. On the one hand, they, these lizards, are trying their best to turn off the right hemisphere in a person, on the other hand, they are trying to change their psyche, bringing it closer to the human one. Obviously, in Bolivia and Peru there has been a laboratory of hybrid Anunnaki for a long time to study the central nervous system of our species. Far from the north and Europe, in a quiet place. But the gods of Bolivia, the white viracochas, obviously got to their “raspberries”. And the laboratory ceased to exist.

But we digress a little. Engaged in comparing our psyche and reptilian. As you can see, in terms of the work of the pineal gland and the right hemisphere, a person is more organized. Therefore, both biologically and spiritually, we are far ahead of the Anunnaki. This is how it should be, because they are lizards, and we are representatives of a more progressive class. But, as you can see, these scaly and lizard-headed guys are stubborn. They don't get discouraged. Their "Trojan horse" launched such activities on Earth that sometimes you can come to despair.

We stopped with you on two of their groups. One group is those three hundred individuals that hid on the ground, the other - those that went somewhere in the sky. With those on Earth, we, I think, have figured it out. It is not difficult to guess that these are the very ones who gradually made their way to power in Atlantis. Plato, describing the fall of the spirituality of its rulers, tells exactly about the time when the substitution took place.

In Atlantis, these creatures in the guise of people came to power, judging by the events that took place, twice. The first time about 40 thousand years ago. It was they who unleashed that first world war between Atlantis and Oriana, traces of which are still visible throughout our planet. That great battle "relocated" the Cro-Magnons to the southern latitudes. In fact, refugees from the north and the dying west. It was in those days that the colonies of earthlings on the Moon and Mars perished. This time they didn't respawn.

These creatures in human form, again from Atlantis, organized the Second World War 13 thousand years ago. Then a superweapon was used: powerful ionospheric energy impacts on tectonic plates. It was this war that gave rise to the Great Flood. No joke: three continents have sunk to the bottom of the oceans at once! And the tsunami waves rolled over entire continents. Now do you understand where the survivors from Atlantis came from in the Pyrenees, in central Europe and Africa? Where did those appear in Egypt who replaced in it the cult of solar Ra with the cult of Set-Amon?

But these genetic freaks were relatively few. Some of them dug in in the country of Kemi. The other occupied the Ubaid, later Sumer and Babylonia. Everything that I am telling you now was well known to the Babylonian priest of Shamash, Berossus. According to him, in a certain forgotten Sumerian city on the banks of the Tigris, whose name is Sippar, a great library of priests is kept. Her books go into detail about all these events...

You must understand that not only the Egyptian priests of Amun worked to create a priestly army of God's chosen ones. The Chaldeans also did a lot for this. Because the same half-human half-Annunaki stood above both of them. Do not forget where the Torah, the sacred Talmud and Kabbalah were written. All this was created in Babylon. Not Egyptian priests, but Chaldeans. And not by their priesthood, but who knows. Who do you think composed their sacred texts for the Jews?...

And now let's talk about those Anunnaki in the form of people who, according to the myth, moved to heaven. It is clear that these genetically modified creatures did not go to heaven. Their owners showed them to Europe, it was there that they found refuge. For a while, this group lived apart from European Neanderthals and Pithecanthropes. The knowledge she gained allowed her to protect herself.

But 40 thousand years ago, after the first great war between empires, when settlers poured into Europe from the west and north, non-humans acquired their numerous "parish". They turned into leaders, priests, in a word, into the elite, which led the society of the so-called Cro-Magnons. But despite this, the descendants of the Anunnaki did not share their knowledge with those whom they ruled. The secret knowledge of the lizard-headed "gods" of their ancestors spread strictly among the genetically modified.

After the second great war, they received other settlers on their territory. Atlantis perished and a lot of people moved from it to Europe. Ancestors of the same Frisians and Proto-Celts. They were known in Europe as the Albans. The names "Albania" and "Albanians" come from this word. Modern historical science classifies all of them as Paleo-Europeans. These post-Flood settlers were led by the hybrid Anunnaki.

Their crisis of power began when the boreal tribes poured over the Carpathians from the East European Plain and Siberia. But it didn't last long. Yielding to the aliens, part of the Central European Albans, led by a lizard-like elite, moved to Britain. Their other group, on the contrary, moved south, beyond the Alps, towards the Apennines. The Albans did not go to the west. In Iberia, at that time, a different culture developed, the roots of which came from Africa. It was the Paleo-Europeans who founded the great Rome. More precisely, their elite. And one should not think that it arose under the influence of the Trojans who sailed from Asia Minor to the banks of the Tiber.

Dark priests, or rather, half-humans, half-Annunaki, using ancient knowledge on the organization of society and gathering around themselves scattered tribes of Paleo-Europeans and boreals who came beyond the Alps, created what we know as the Roman state. That's where it all started, young man. From Rome. Why the Etruscans, our close relatives, hated him. Apparently their priests knew what was going on.

Now you understand where the bloody fights of gladiators and persecution in the arenas by predatory animals - lions, bears and leopards - defenseless women, children and the elderly came from? Who would like such scenes? Only nonhumans with lizardhead genes. Why? Yes, because people like them have always experienced and experience disgust for man as a species.

To prove this, it is enough to remember that in the empire of our ancestors, nothing like this was ever practiced. If there were fights, then in the form of a search for the truth, the so-called "judgment of God." I think you now understand the tragedy of the Phoenician Kar-Khadsht or Carthage better. In his senate, the "earthly" descendants of the Anunnaki dug in, in Rome, the descendants of those who went north. A tandem of non-humans played off both states in a bloody squabble. Old proven technology: the strongest must win. Rome was more fortunate. Actually, genetically modified nonhumans were put on him. He was needed to continue the war that their ancestors started thousands of years ago...

Their Anunnaki masters gave each group of the "Trojan horse" completely different knowledge. "Earthly" - those who remained in Asia Minor, received an exhaustive knowledge of finance and banking. They were taught how to turn gold and jewelry into counterfeit paper, and how to win not only the descendants of the white boreal gods, but the entire planet with the help of such waste paper through a loan interest.

The "heavenly" humanoid lizards who went to Europe received from their alien masters knowledge about political games, about organization and management. Such knowledge allowed them to create the Great Rome. Remember the Roman catchphrase "divide and conquer"? This is the principle of governing the entire planet. They are still used by lizard people. And not without success...

But as you understand, knowledge of financial slavery and the ability to conduct political intrigues separately mean little. And both disparate groups understood this. Such an awareness of genetic and spiritual unity pushed both of them to each other. It is clear that the merger began in central Europe. Because the main blow of the hidden Anunnaki was always aimed at the descendants of the white gods - the boreals.

Under the guise of rich "Jewish merchants", the "earthly" group immediately after the fall of Rome began to settle in the former empire. They spread throughout Spain, Gaul, Germany, Britain and began to penetrate the lands of the Slavic world. But here the genetic freaks are seriously unlucky. They managed to cling only to the principalities that had adopted Christianity. Now do you understand how the black European elite came into being?"

And now their bloody misanthropic policy of inciting world and local wars, revolutions, riots, supporting terrorism and Nazism in various parts of our planet is becoming clear. Their main goal is the destruction of mankind and the liberation of "living space" for themselves and their masters.

Do you think that Hitler drove the peoples of Europe to slaughter against the peoples of Russia in order to establish an "Aryan" world state? Do you know that the blood of the same hybrid representatives of the world "elite" flowed in his veins? Do you seriously think that in a matter of years he would have been able to restore the ruined economy of Germany and create one of the strongest armies on the continent without the financial and economic support of the same world "elite"?

It is high time for the peoples of Western Europe and the whole world to see clearly for whom their puppet governments actually work and for the sake of whose interests they are driven to slaughter in wars and conflicts, as well as who exactly arranges all these world financial and economic crises, causing famine, deprivation and depopulation. Developed by non-humanoid masters of the world elite, the so-called. "new world order".

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