The search for Maxim in the forest is the last. "It is impossible to look at Maxim's mother without tears." Exactly a month has passed since the disappearance of the schoolboy in Pushcha. What area has already been explored

Maxim Markhaliuk went missing on September 16, 2017. The search for the boy is still ongoing. Nobody is going to close the criminal case. Recently, the version that the boy got into an accident has been on everyone's lips. About how the search for the boy is going, about working with psychics and volunteers, and about the versions that the investigation is considering, TUT.BY was told by one of the leaders of the USC in the Grodno region. And Maxim's mother, five months after the disappearance of the child, is still waiting for her son to go home.

Maxim's day before the disappearance, investigators say, was "more than usual". The boy walked on the street, met his peers several times, called them to the forest for mushrooms, and together with a friend went to the "base", where he nailed some boards in a hut. The last time his mother saw him was at about 18:15 - the boy was riding a bicycle down the street near the house.

Everything was as always. And then the child disappeared.

His search began immediately, that same evening, as soon as his mother called the police. Law enforcement officers arrived at the scene - the police and investigators, a little later, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the military began to comb the forest. Then the volunteers joined in.

"The version with the accident was checked immediately"

Two main versions were immediately put forward: an accident happened to the child (he got lost and is in the forest) and a criminal one, - says Deputy Head of the Investigative Committee for the Grodno Region, Colonel of Justice Viktor Legan.

According to him, a rescue operation took place in the first two weeks: they were looking for a living child.

The search began from the moment he was reported missing. First, he was searched for by police officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the military. Aviation equipment was also used: an autogyro (gyrocopter), three helicopters, an airplane and three drones with thermal imagers. Volunteers to the search pulled themselves up when the topic had already spread with the help of social networks and the media.

In parallel, a criminal version was worked out. As part of it, they began to locate people who could be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba theoretical crime scene. Previously convicted, released, mentally unhealthy and those who fell into the field of view of the police were checked. For example, those who committed sexual crimes. First, those who could be close to the place where the boy disappeared were checked, and later all those who live not only in the Grodno region, but throughout Belarus.

"Now more than five thousand people have been checked for involvement in the disappearance of the child"

These are the categories of people that I named earlier, as well as those who simply could be in the area where the boy disappeared. We have not received any information that could help us. But work in this direction is still ongoing. Including using a polygraph. Now, as before, we are considering these two main versions. As part of them, we also check private subversions.

- For example?

For example, Maxim was a victim of an accident. For some reason, this version is now on everyone's lips. But we checked it out right away. We inspected all the roads that pass through the forest, established the owners of all vehicles seen there at different times - both private owners and carrier organizations. We talked with drivers using a polygraph. Then they examined every car that, according to our information, could be in the area where the boy disappeared. The cars were checked using forensic technology to identify traces of biological origin, as well as traces of damage to the car, characteristic of an accident.

Here, too, no important information was obtained.

- Was the version of the involvement of one of the relatives in the disappearance of Maxim considered?

Naturally, at the time of the initiation of the criminal case, we checked all versions without exception and did not disregard all the people who communicated with the child and theoretically could be involved in his disappearance. But there was no information that any of the relatives could be involved in the disappearance of Maxim. If we had even the slightest suspicion on this score, then a criminal case would have been initiated on other elements of the crime, and not on the unknown disappearance of a person.

- And why was the case initiated only ten days after the disappearance of the boy?

A criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of a person is initiated 10 days after the receipt of the application, if the search activities have not brought any results. This is the law. But in fact, the date of the initiation of the case does not mean anything: the investigators, along with the police officers, began to conduct operational-search activities immediately. It does not matter whether a criminal case has been initiated or not, such events are carried out in any case, and investigators immediately participate in the search.

At what stage is the investigation of the criminal case now? Is the search for the boy still ongoing and does it make sense?

Search activities have not been terminated. Of course, they are not held as actively as before, but this is solely due to weather conditions. Militiamen, military and operational officers of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate periodically leave for Novy Dvor. Employees of the Svisloch District Department of Internal Affairs and an investigator who is included in the investigation team searching for Maxim are always on the spot. Periodically, about once a month, meetings are held on the spot, during which we summarize the intermediate results of what has been done and what needs to be done. The criminal case is under control in the Central Office of the Investigative Committee, and the course of the search is under the personal control of the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

Hut "base" where the child's bicycle was found

Maxim was afraid of animals, did not swim well and did not navigate the terrain

At the same time, a non-criminal version was also worked out, says Colonel of Justice Victor Legan.

If we take into account that the boy was lost in the forest, then first of all we checked the swamps and nearby reservoirs with the help of divers.

Of course, I would very much like to believe that the boy is alive, but all the experts we talked to say that irreversible processes can occur in the body of a child of his age within seven hours, which in turn can lead to death. That is, theoretically, if in those weather conditions the child lay down under a tree and fell asleep, then it is likely that he could develop pneumonia with the corresponding consequences.

The squares where police officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the military worked are marked in brown, volunteers are marked in yellow

We also considered the version that he could be frightened of some animal. Here on the map shows the habitat of those animals that are found in the nearby forests. For example, elk, bison, lynx. Despite the fact that Maxim spent all his free time near the forest or in the forest, he had problems with orientation in the area. There were cases when he got lost, he was also afraid of animals and did not swim well. The boy almost drowned in 2016 - his friends pulled him out of the reservoir.

It can be assumed that he, in a state of passion after a fright, could go to the swamp. In that area, swamps and swamps with a depth of three or more meters. What could - all checked. Even hard-to-reach areas were explored - as far as our capabilities were enough.

- Did only police officers, the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Emergency Situations work in the swampy area, or were volunteers also?

Volunteers were not allowed there. Only employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the military, and the police worked in the area of ​​​​the alleged place of the disappearance of the boy. It was important not to miss any details. Here you need a professional look. I can assure you that for the entire distance of his possible route, we have explored every centimeter of the ground.

"All of us together walked 200 square kilometers with our feet. Probably, only with the exception of the bottom of the marshes"

We even exceeded the science-based capabilities of an 11-year-old child: even if he wanted to run away, such a long distance that was examined, he could not do it.

- Did the volunteers interfere with all this work? How do you assess the interaction with the search teams?

This is not the first time a person has gone missing when volunteers are involved in the search. But more often than not, we find people in the first few days or weeks. Here it turned out differently. The boy was not found, time is running out, people began to come to the Pushcha in groups. Volunteers did not interfere and, of course, they could not trample any traces. They did their job well in those squares where the security forces did not work. Truly, we are very grateful to all those people who responded and came in search of Maxim.

"We considered all versions. Probably, except for aliens"

What about psychics? We know that during the search for Maksim Markhaliuk, they offered their help and talked about places where they could look for the boy. Were their versions taken into account?

We worked out many private versions. And, of course, they also listened to psychics. We have accumulated three volumes of information shared by caring citizens (one volume - about 250 sheets).

“Dozens of people wrote and called who “consulted with the cosmos”, who “knew exactly the whereabouts of the child”

We responded to each such message. For example, we get information that a certain lady persistently calls Maxim's family and says that she received information from a psychic and knows where the boy is. We find a psychic. She says she didn't tell anyone. Yes, I talked to the lady, but only suggested that my parents, if they were interested, talk to her. We find a lady. We ask where the information comes from. She replies that she was at the reception of a psychic on personal issues and at the same time asked about Maxim. "And by the way the psychic rolled her eyes, I thought she knew something," the woman says. And there were many such calls. We have worked on each of them and will continue to work if we receive any new information. Psychics certainly do not harm us, but if they helped - and I personally do not know of a single case where a clairvoyant helped solve a crime - then we would have worked for a long time.

- What are the most exotic versions did the investigators have to check?

The most exotic are already covered in the media. Probably with the exception of aliens.
For example, there was a version that the boy was "taken apart for organs" somewhere in Lodz. On it, we interacted with our Polish colleagues. They sent them an international order, and the local police examined those institutions where Maxim could allegedly be. They talked to doctors. The version has not been confirmed. Like the story about the boy in the Polish driver's van. On it, we also worked closely with Polish law enforcement officers.

"Moreover, initially we interacted with the Polish border guards and we can say with confidence: the boy did not leave the territory of Belarus"

In any case, the technical means of control did not record the fact of crossing the border.

We checked two German citizens who were hunting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha at that time on our territory. We sent an international assignment to our German colleagues, and they talked with the hunters.

Belarusian tactics and methods of carrying out operational-search and investigative measures to search for the missing are among the most advanced in Europe, investigators say. -If someone disappears there, then they are looking for him on the territory of only one country, but we declare our missing people on the interstate wanted list-.

"I don't believe in any of the versions"

Now the New Court, wrapped in fog and snow, lives its quiet and measured life. The village, where in September volunteers and searchers from all over Belarus gathered, returned to its usual way of life. True, local residents are still discussing what happened and expressing a variety of versions. But the mother of the missing boy does not lean towards any of them: “I don’t want to believe in any of the versions and I’m waiting for my son to go home.”

Maxim's mom - Valentina

Valentina is silent for a long time. We are standing on the porch of the house. The woman is going to work. She, as before, works at a local school as a technician and ran home for lunch.

What can I tell you? the woman finally asks. - That the investigation was poorly conducted, so the child has not yet been found? No, I can’t say that - the investigators worked and are working. I am not an expert to evaluate their activities. And the search was carefully organized. I am very grateful to the volunteers, who all that time were not only in the forest, but also came to me, supported, talked.

- And now you have someone to talk to?

I have almost no friends. Of course, we discuss the loss of Maxim with relatives. They sympathize, but each of them has his own life. Therefore, often we are left alone with my husband. It is especially hard to be at home, where everything reminds you of your son, but he is not.

Valentina says that she knows and even read comments in thematic groups on finding a boy on social networks. He says that some of the remarks become insulting when they, the parents, are blamed for the disappearance of the child.

If only they knew how we feel...

- At some point, psychics joined the search. Did they help you?

Yes, many clairvoyants came. But have you heard their versions?

“According to them, Maxim has long been buried, killed, buried in the forest, or he was taken somewhere in a car. I don’t even want to hear these versions.”

There were many psychics in the first days after the disappearance of Maxim, and now none of them come to us.

- What do you think about the disappearance of your son? Which version do you prefer?

I think nothing. I do not believe in any of the versions. How many there were, and what they just didn’t come up with! By the way, Maxim did not know the forest well, as many here said. So, only this edge, - my mother points towards the forest, which comes close to two-story houses. - I just believe that he will come back. Will walk this road out of the woods as if nothing had happened. You know, sometimes I leave the house, look for a long time at the stadium where he played in the summer, on the street, in the yard and miss him very much. I look forward to it every day. From all these experiences, my father (husband) and I have been on medication all this time.

Valentina speaks quietly, looks tired. From some confusion I ask:

- Maybe you should go somewhere, change the situation ...

How can I leave? What if the baby comes back?

On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, the VG journalist went on a night search for the missing Maxim Markhaliuk and saw the activities of the search teams from the inside.

The boy took refuge in the old house

For four days the whole country has been following the search for 11-year-old Maxim, who got lost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on Saturday, September 16th. The misfortune of a rural family has consolidated the entire Belarusian society - perhaps, in the history of a sovereign country, this is the first case when people abandon all their affairs and rush into the forest as volunteers, and those who cannot pray for Maxim. They even created a petition on the Internet to oblige the media to make the main news about missing people.

During the days of searching, the fate of the boy was overgrown with rumors and even legends. Their people retell in search engine groups. Rescuers check everything, even the most crazy ideas. A grandmother from a neighboring village went for mushrooms and heard crying. Another witch woman said that the child was thirsty, he was alive, but his legs hurt. A psychic from abroad, contacted by people via the Internet, said that the boy would be found on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, another version appeared from the Bulgarian clairvoyant that the boy found shelter in an old house under a roof, near the road, many dogs and other animals. Nearby there is a large puddle of water, Maxim is scared and his arm hurts.

There is no headquarters, unity, and the village council is closed

Daytime searches on Tuesday, in which the police, foresters and volunteers took part, did not bring results. But the search and rescue teams do not give up and invite volunteers for a night search. In the group of the search and rescue squad "TsentrSpas" we write that we are leaving Grodno and are ready to take two more people with us. Not even five minutes pass, when a girl wants to go in search of us and asks us to wait until she picks up the children from training. We agree to pick her up at Olshanka. 30-year-old Zhanna is a mother of two children. When asked why she is going to the forest for the night, she briefly answers: “My son is 9 years old.” Everything becomes clear.

The road of 110 kilometers to Novy Dvor takes almost two hours. Participation in the search is the first for us, but, despite our inexperience, we are sure that we will come in handy. On the way, we imagine that now we will arrive at the village council, where there will be a search headquarters and well-organized work, that in a few minutes we will be divided into groups and sent to search. But the picture looks different...

There is no headquarters, no premises, no lighting. There is no single leader to whom information would flow from the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the forestry, schoolchildren and volunteers. The feeling that everyone who is looking for Maxim work separately and do not try to interact with anyone. The village council is locked up, and people are standing in groups in the parking lot. There are many people here dressed in camouflage. Volunteers, on average, look about 30. Men smoke cigarettes one after another, drink energy drinks and are silent. The girls are also silent. Cars drive up to the village council, tired people come out and shrug their hands guiltily - nothing.

Other volunteers argue with the commanders of the search parties and rush into the forest. Locals also offer to go there, some already drunk. The conversation takes place in high tones. Men are not embarrassed by the presence of girls and swear loudly - these days of searching have exhausted people, and their nerves are just at the limit. We change clothes and talk about willingness to help.

Guys, let's wait for our group from the swamp and then we will decide, - Christina reassures everyone. In the afternoon, information appeared that traces were found near the swamp. The search engines rushed to the place with the thermal imager, but found nothing. Then, in their minibus equipped for searching, the guys from the Angel squad shone through the forest with strong searchlights and tried to identify themselves with noise in the hope that the child would see the light or hear the sound and go to it.

Knock on any house - you will be accepted for the night

We are impatiently waiting, but then the bus drives to the village council and exhausted people fall out of the car. It seems that they have not slept for several nights, and spend all this time on their feet. But the search again brought nothing. Commander Sergei Kovgan went out to the volunteers and said that all the rumors and clues did not materialize. The commander admits that there are not enough coordinators for the search who could direct people.

- At night in the forest you have nothing to do, you just get lost, and in the morning we will have to look for you, - Sergei explains. - Whoever stays overnight and continues searching in the morning, let him go to rest. Sleep in cars or knock on any hut, you will be accepted for the night. Those who have to work tomorrow and are ready to work now will receive assignments.

We are given fragments of a map of the area, they name the villages and are asked to check all the abandoned buildings, stacks of straw, in a word, all those places where the boy could hide at night.

The high beam of the car snatches out a dirt road, along which field mice and foxes run across. The forest is getting thicker. The night, though starry, is dark, and, unfortunately, there is no moon.

The child was found, but lost again?

The first village of Shubichi does not look abandoned: lights are on in the houses, there are lanterns on the street, which are visible from afar. We pass through the village and find nothing. We go further to the village of Bolshaya Kolonaya, turn off the engine and turn off the headlights. The houses are plunged into darkness.

A flashlight of light snatches out an abandoned house. The walls rotted and the roof fell to the ground - not a bad place to spend the night! We climb inside, we see the straw, but there is no one else. And why should the boy hide if he went out to the village. Here, knock on any house - they will immediately help, because the whole country is closely following the search and waiting for news.

Our nightly searches in Stasyutichy and Zalesnaya are also unsuccessful. There is no boy along the stream flowing from Belovezhskaya Pushcha: we assumed that the child should keep to the water, this is his chance for salvation ...

We call the number "Angel" 7733, report on the results and go to Grodno. On the way home, information appears that the child has been found. We dial the phone number, the woman says that the school said that the child went out to some village at 21.40. This news inspires hope until the morning, but on Wednesday neither the police nor the search engines found Maxim. It seems that during these four days the whole village went crazy with grief.

The search for Max continues. In groups of search parties, volunteers again write about their intentions to come. Drivers in cars talk about empty seats and call to join. The feeling that this search will never end... They pray for Maxim and believe that they will find him alive.

The child has been searched for a week and a half, but the largest search operation in the country does not produce results. How does it go? Komsomolskaya Pravda tells. [photo, video]

On the 10th day after the disappearance of the boy, a criminal case was opened. The search continues.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

1. How did the boy disappear?

It is known that on September 16, late in the evening, Maxim left home in the agricultural town of Novy Dvor, Svisloch district, Grodno region. He went to the forest for mushrooms. Since then, nothing has been known about him.

- 150 meters from the stadium there is a so-called base - a hut that was built by the boys. His bicycle and a basket of mushrooms were found in this hut. He and his friends picked mushrooms, sold them and bought building materials for their hut with this money - slate, nails. On the evening before the loss, the boy called his friends to go mushroom picking. Two refused and he went on his own- says one of the coordinators of the search and rescue squad "Angel" Dmitry.

True, it later turned out that the basket with mushrooms does not belong to Maxim, but the bicycle really is his.

The search for Maxim Markhaliuk has become the most resonant recent event in Belarus.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

2. When did they start looking for him?

On the same evening, when Maxim did not return home, relatives and neighbors went to the forest. Then the police, rapid response units of the Belarusian Red Cross Society and the search and rescue unit "Angel" joined in. After information about the missing boy appeared in social networks and in the news, first trained search volunteers from all over the country began to gather in Novy Dvor, and then ordinary civilian volunteers.

The Red Cross is also actively involved in search activities.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

3. How many people are involved in the search?

At the moment, Angela and the CenterSpas search and rescue squad, Red Cross volunteers, the military, police, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, foresters are involved ... Plus, groups of ordinary caring Belarusians come every day who want to help in the search.

Over 1,000 volunteers signed up over the weekend- says the coordinator Dmitry.

On different days, from several dozen people to several hundred volunteers go out to search. Plus, rescuers, military, police and people who go into the forest "AWOL" - without coordinators and coordination with the headquarters.

The surroundings of Novy Dvor within a radius of 10-12 km were combed several times - no traces.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

4. Who is leading the search?

Until now, search and rescue operations have been led by a special headquarters created in Novy Dvor. It includes employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other specialists responsible for the search. Volunteers check maps with headquarters several times a day to note which areas have already been inspected, and where people or special equipment still need to be sent.

The headquarters gives us squares. There are places where only narrow specialists, trained people are sent. The same swamps: volunteers will not pass there, Dmitry explains.

Caring people from all over the country come to search. Photo: Sergey GAPON

In addition, the headquarters decides when to raise the helicopters of the Ministry of Emergencies into the sky (from above they adjust a chain of people who comb fields and forests, inspect the territory within the search radius). There are also reports on the work of drones with thermal imagers that operate at night.

On the 10th day after the disappearance of the boy, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case. Now the search work and all other procedural actions will be coordinated by the investigators. The case was taken under personal control by the chairman of the Investigative Committee Ivan Noskevich.

Experienced volunteers know that it is better to go into the forest in rubber boots.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

5. What is the search work of volunteers?

Volunteers meter by meter comb the area where, presumably, Maxim was lost. Representatives of the search groups are specially trained people who know how to navigate the terrain, know how to organize volunteers and build the logic of searching on the ground. They act as coordinators in groups. - Unfortunately, there are often not enough coordinators for everyone. And that makes the job very difficult. City people come who have been in the forest a couple of times so far, picking mushrooms, but now they really want to help, for which we thank them. The coordinator needs to instruct them, but also then make sure that they themselves do not get lost, says the volunteers.

Each search group receives its task from the headquarters and works in a certain square.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

Groups from five to several hundred go out in search. Volunteers comb the forest, the surrounding fields: they walk in a chain at arm's length and carefully look under their feet and around. All abandoned buildings, silo pits, cellars, animal feeders in the forest are explored...

Volunteers are dressed in bright vests and instructed. The main rule is to obey the coordinator and not to step aside without asking.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

“We pay special attention to traces of vital activity. Cores, plucked sunflowers and corn cobs, for example. All that we find - traces, things, places to sleep, we transfer all this information to the headquarters, and, if necessary, the special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, dog handlers, go to the place. Investigating traces is not our business, we are only looking, Dmitry adds.

Life in Novy Dvor goes on as usual, but the villagers actively help the volunteers by inviting them to stay for the night and bringing meals.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

6. What area has already been inspected?

- You can walk through the forest endlessly, but we tried to work out the version that the boy was lost in his native forest. We combed all the roads, orientations are hanging everywhere ... At a distance of 8 - 10 kilometers from here, impenetrable swamps begin, even an adult man cannot pass there. Before them, we all climbed, all bypassed. Nearby there is also the Novodvorskoye reservoir - divers worked there. Within a radius of the next 10 kilometers, we were repeatedly. Volunteers trample there all the time. There are no traces - the search engines cross out the surveyed places on the map several times a day.

The geography of the search is constantly expanding - the detachments combed the forest, farms and fields 15 - 20 km from Novy Dvor.

The building is checked even if the doors are closed, but a child could climb through the gap.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

7. What traces were found?

Until now, only Maxim's bicycle has been found - it was thrown near a hut in the forest, where the village boys had their own base. Volunteers also found shoe prints in the swamp, clothes in the forest, but all this has nothing to do with the missing person. There are no more hooks.

Immediately after the loss, a search dog was launched on the trail, but she went out onto the road and lost her scent. But this does not necessarily mean that the boy was taken away in a car or something like that.

From time to time there is information that a similar boy was seen somewhere in the surrounding villages. This information is checked, but so far it has never been confirmed.

Volunteers ask residents of farms and Pushcha villages if they have seen a boy who looks like Maxim.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

8. What versions of the boy's disappearance are being considered?

Until now, the main version was this: he is alive, but lost in the forest. Although the locals immediately said that Maxim knew the forest in the vicinity of the village very well - he even led the lost out of the forest.

However, volunteers model different scenarios.

The fourth day was the most critical. Before that, it rained, and the boy was dressed lightly enough - this is an instant hypothermia. If something is not eaten, it is diarrhea, vomiting and, as a result, dehydration. I think if he moved, he walked no more than 1.5 - 2 or 3 kilometers, suggests the volunteer. — To the north, to the west, to the east of the village there are roads everywhere, everything is in clearings - it's very easy to get out! But we didn't find a single trace.

In abandoned buildings, they pay attention to traces of a recent overnight stay.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

Abandoned buildings are scrutinized under the scenario that a child is purposefully hiding for some reason. At the same time, there is no information that the boy could have problems at school or at home.

Rescue team coordinators communicate with each other by radio.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

9. How long will the search continue?

In the situational headquarters, which coordinates the search work on the spot, this question is answered briefly and dryly:

Until any result.

What lies behind this veiled formulation is not clear. Volunteers also plan to work as long as there are people who are ready to regularly participate in the search.

“Our job, the search and rescue team, is to rule out the version that the boy is lost,” notes Dmitry.

In the middle of a corn field, they noticed a booth - they checked it too.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

10. Are clairvoyant predictions taken into account?

Lately, the headquarters and volunteers have often received calls from people who claim to be psychics. In the search camp, they are skeptical about them - they need real help, and not indications that the search engines are working in the wrong direction. Nevertheless, some information is discussed and, if there is reason, checked. However, the boy has not yet been found.

On the abandoned farm, except for the volunteers, it seems that there was no one for a long time.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

Search work takes a lot of effort.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

Lunches and dinners for search engines are prepared by Red Cross volunteers.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

There is no shortage of food: the Belarusians have supplied the search camp with food, the villagers also help with food.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

Sometimes the detachment is divided into mini-groups and works out its direction.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

In some places the forest is very dense, there are a lot of fallen trees, but you need to check literally every meter.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

The forest is combed every day - and still the boy has not been found.
Photo: Sergey GAPON

For the thirteenth day in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, they have been searching for the missing 10-year-old Maxim Markhaliuk. As of 09:00 September 28, Maxim was not found. Volunteers and rescuers combed hundreds of hectares of forest, examined huge swamps, but so far have not found any new traces.

Journalist Inna Grishuk described her own impressions of what was happening.

Volunteers are looking for traces of Maxim

September 27 at about 11 am in the headquarters near the village council is almost empty. On the site - two female volunteers and a coordinator. After the weekend, the number of volunteers in Novy Dvor decreased significantly. That is why the day before the Red Cross rolled up its tent and left, promising that it would return as soon as people began to arrive en masse.

Now the search and rescue squad "Angel" must take care of preparing dinner, and if necessary, provide medical assistance to those who return from the forest.

On September 27, 46 people gathered to search. They came from Grodno, Minsk, Brest and even Gomel regions. Of these, 3 search groups were organized.

As in the previous days, the guys went to comb the forest in the areas indicated by the leadership of the headquarters. The task has not changed - you need to look for any signs of the boy's presence in the forest. Cores, corn cobs, mushrooms and suspicious items.

Each search party receives such a card.

Each group has an experienced coordinator, the rest line up in a chain, go into the forest and follow the commands of the elder, - Anastasia Saltykova, volunteer of the Angel detachment, explains the principle of the work of the search groups.

Fantik in the forest - a big joint

If at least someone from the live chain sees something suspicious, they immediately say "stop". Then the place should be inspected by the leader of the group. Volunteers say that even the buried earth is alarming them.

I know that village boys can build underground hiding places and dugouts. Finding them is extremely difficult. I always looked closely to see if the moss was raised, - volunteer Olga says.

A live chain can stretch for a kilometer or more. During the movement, volunteers are reminded to look not only under their feet, but also up, and also turn around. After all, you can pass and not notice something behind a tree or a high stump. When a group walks through the forest, candy wrappers, water bottles, and cigarette butts must be taken with you.

If you leave, it's a big joint. This is strictly prohibited. If they are found during the second combing of the area, then the question arises - whose are they. They can become a false trail, - the girl adds.

A mine as deep as a high-rise building

Tell me, maybe they found the boy Maxim? - heard from the radio. The guys sigh sadly and answer: "I really want to, but not yet." It's almost 16:00 on the clock, and lunch has just begun at the headquarters. Volunteers pour soup, make sandwiches.

The search group does not begin to dine strictly according to the schedule, but after it examines the assigned territory. “We got out to chew and immediately shurshim back,” the man quickly explains to someone on the phone. Nearby, the guys are discussing the trip:

Worked out a military mine. 12 floors down. We went down by six, but didn’t go any further - we realized that there was no point in going deeper. The guys look exhausted, they smoke nervously, but they ask the headquarters to quickly give them a new search square.

Ilya, Yegor and Alexander are looking for a child almost around the clock during the week.

Already the seventh day here or the eighth. Already confused. We sleep in the car. We slept for a couple of hours - and then we went to look, - says Ilya, who came from Minsk. Everyone admits that they will not be able to sleep peacefully until Maxim is found. In order not to interrupt the search, many took time off or vacation.

Like searching in a swamp

At the morning meeting, the headquarters decided that now more people should be sent to the swamp. Neither volunteers nor journalists are allowed to enter such difficult areas.

The swamps in Novy Dvor are such that fishing boots are indispensable. These works are performed by experienced rescuers. But a small detachment of volunteers agreed to show how they explore the swampy area. They have already managed to study the local forests quite well. They admit: during the search, sometimes they had to go into the quagmire.

The swamp here is such that you can sink up to your chest into the water. And this is three kilometers from Novy Dvor, - says Ilya, when we arrived at the point. The guys before departure put on high fishing boots, some - rubber overalls. They say that this is not the most difficult section. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are also exploring more unsteady swamps.

Even very close to the road there are deep and swampy places. It is really difficult to walk through such a forest. In one place - a bump, and next to it - water. The group moved no more than 50 meters from the road, and in the swamp there began to be places where water reaches an adult to the waist and above. The guys say: "We are waist-deep, but the child? But we believe that Maxim did not go here."

Local Resident: It's Impossible to Get Lost Here

In the meantime, the inhabitants of the New Yard also do not stand aside and, as far as possible, go to the forest. Someone - with the "Angel" group, and someone - on their own. When asked where Maxim could be, they answer differently. But every day there is less and less support for the version of the police that the boy got lost in the forest. A rumor went around the village that the child could have run away from home and gone in an unknown direction.

I do not believe that Maxim could get lost in these forests. We checked every meter of the forest around the village and found nothing. Don't you think this is strange? - says 22-year-old resident of Novy Dvor Vadim.

The guy from the first day in his free time with volunteers and volunteers is looking for Maxim. He was one of the first to know about the missing boy. He recalls that then, on September 16, literally in half an hour, the whole village went up in search. Some walked through the forest, others drove around all the roads in cars and motorcycles, and every 100-150 meters they stopped and called the boy.

We would definitely find it. If Maxim were in the forest and wanted to respond, he could go out to the people. Here, no matter which way you go, you will definitely end up either on the road or in some village. If he had wandered through the local forests all these 12 days, he would have left or given himself away long ago, - the guy adds.

The boy could run away

Vadim shows the so-called base, near which on the first day of the loss they found the boy's bicycle and a basket of mushrooms. The base is called a hut knocked together from boards, which serves as a gathering place for village boys. Who built it, no one can remember.

Near the hut, which often visited Maxim. Vadim shows where Maxim's bike was found. According to Vadim, the found basket did not belong to Maxim. This was confirmed by the parents of the child.

She has always been here. On the evening of September 16, my mother was returning from the forest, passed by the hut, saw her. It was the so-called obshchak, in this basket the boys collected mushrooms together, and then handed over to the procurement point, Vadim explains. Where the kids spent the money, he does not know. But he names approximate prices: for three kilograms of chanterelles you can get 12 rubles. The guy is sure that the most plausible version is that the boy left the house on purpose. You need to look for it not in the forest, but in other villages or even cities.

"Angels": looking for a living boy

To date, police report only two pieces of evidence. This is Maxim's bike, which was standing near a hut in the forest about 800 meters from the village. A little later, a witness was found who, on the evening of September 16, saw Maxim or a boy similar to him in the forest south of Novy Dvor, who was sitting near a tree, and then ran away, writes.

If Maxim had stayed in the forest, they would have found at least something else. The police are not looking there. I think he reached the road and left somewhere, - two women argue at the door of the post office. They are also sure that there is no child in the forest.

"Where is he? - But who knows. Maybe someone took him away, or maybe he ran away himself," I hear in response.

The search and rescue squad "Angel" said that they are still considering two main versions: Maxim got lost in the forest or ran away and hides.

We do not consider the criminal version. The Investigative Committee is working in this direction. We are looking for a living boy, - emphasizes the volunteer "Angel" Yuri Azanovich. According to him, rescue and search activities will continue until the child is found.

*Photo by Inna Grishuk

For the thirteenth day in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, they have been searching for ten-year-old Maxim Markhaliuk, who went missing. Volunteers and rescuers combed hundreds of hectares of forest, examined huge swamps, but so far have not found any new traces.

Volunteers are looking for traces of Maxim

At about 11 am, the headquarters near the village council is almost empty. On the site - two female volunteers and a coordinator. After the weekend, the number of volunteers in Novy Dvor decreased significantly. That is why the day before the Red Cross rolled up its tent and left, promising that it would return as soon as people began to arrive en masse.

Now the headquarters is deserted. The coordinator is responsible for sending everyone on a search, and for bringing lunch on time.

Now the search and rescue squad "Angel" must take care of preparing dinner, and if necessary, provide medical assistance to those who return from the forest.

On September 27, 46 people gathered to search. They came from Grodno, Minsk, Brest and even Gomel regions. Of these, three search groups were organized.

Combing the forest, people line up in long chains and walk slowly, inspecting the territory.

As in the previous days, the guys went to comb the forest in the areas indicated by the leadership of the headquarters. The task has not changed - you need to look for any signs of the boy's presence in the forest. Cores, corn cobs, mushrooms and suspicious items.

Each search party receives such a card.

In the forest, everyone must be in bright vests.

“Each group has an experienced coordinator, the rest line up in a chain, go into the forest and follow the commands of the elder,”- explains the principle of work of the search groups volunteer detachment "Angel" Anastasia Saltykova.

Fantik in the forest - a big joint

If at least someone from the live chain sees something suspicious, they immediately say “stop”. Then the place should be inspected by the leader of the group. Volunteers say that even the buried earth is alarming them.

“I know that village boys can build underground hiding places and dugouts. Finding them is extremely difficult. I always looked to see if the moss was raised,- says volunteer Olga.

A live chain can stretch for a kilometer or more.

During the movement, volunteers are reminded to look not only under their feet, but also up, and also turn around. After all, you can pass and not notice something behind a tree or a high stump. When a group walks through the forest, candy wrappers, water bottles, and cigarette butts must be taken with you.

“If you leave, it’s a big joint. This is strictly prohibited. If they are found during the second combing of the area, then the question arises - whose are they. They can become a false trail,- adds the girl.

A mine as deep as a high-rise building

“Tell me, maybe they found the boy Maxim”?- heard from the radio. The guys sigh sadly and answer: “I really want to, but not yet.”

It's almost 16:00 on the clock, and lunch has just begun at the headquarters. Volunteers pour soup, make sandwiches.

The search group does not begin to dine strictly according to the schedule, but after it examines the assigned territory.

“We got out to chew and immediately shurshim back,”- the man quickly explains to someone on the phone. Nearby, the guys are discussing the trip: “We worked out a military mine. 12 floors down. They went down by six, but didn’t go any further - they realized that there was no point in going deeper.”

The guys look exhausted, they smoke nervously, but they ask the headquarters to quickly give them a new search square.

Ilya, Yegor and Alexander are looking for a child almost around the clock during the week.

“It’s already the seventh day here, or the eighth. Already confused. We sleep in the car. We slept for a couple of hours - and then we went to look,- says Ilya, who came from Minsk.

Everyone admits that they will not be able to sleep peacefully until Maxim is found. In order not to interrupt the search, many took time off or vacation.

Like searching in a swamp

At the morning meeting, the headquarters decided that now more people should be sent to the swamp. Neither volunteers nor journalists are allowed to enter such difficult areas.

The swamps in Novy Dvor are such that fishing boots are indispensable.

These works are performed by experienced rescuers. But a small detachment of volunteers agreed to show how they explore the swampy area. They have already managed to study the local forests quite well. They admit: during the search, sometimes they had to go into the quagmire.

“The swamp here is such that you can sink up to your chest into the water. And this is three kilometers from Novy Dvor,”- says Ilya, when we arrived at the point.

The guys before departure put on high fishing boots, some - rubber overalls. They say that this is not the most difficult section. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are also exploring more unsteady swamps.

Even very close to the road there are deep and swampy places.

It is really difficult to walk through such a forest. In one place - a bump, and next to it - water. The group moved no more than 50 meters from the road, and in the swamp there began to be places where water reaches an adult to the waist and above. Guys say: “We are waist-deep, and the child? But we believe that Maksimka didn’t go here.”

Local Resident: It's Impossible to Get Lost Here

In the meantime, the inhabitants of the New Yard also do not stand aside and, as far as possible, go to the forest. Someone - with the "Angel" group, and someone - on their own.

When asked where Maxim could be, they answer differently. But every day there is less and less support for the version of the police that the boy got lost in the forest. A rumor went around the village that the child could have run away from home and gone in an unknown direction.

“I do not believe that Maxim could get lost in these forests. We checked every meter of the forest around the village and found nothing. Don't you think it's strange?"- says 22-year-old resident of Novy Dvor Vadim.

The guy from the first day in his free time with volunteers and volunteers is looking for Maxim. He was one of the first to know about the missing boy. He recalls that then, on September 16, literally in half an hour, the whole village went up in search. Some walked through the forest, others drove around all the roads in cars and motorcycles, and every 100-150 meters they stopped and called the boy.

“We would definitely find him. If Maxim were in the forest and wanted to respond, he could go out to the people. Here, no matter which way you go, you will definitely end up either on the road or in some village. If he had wandered through the local forests all these 12 days, he would have left long ago or given himself away, ” the guy adds.

The boy could run away

Vadim shows the so-called base, near which on the first day of the loss they found the boy's bicycle and a basket of mushrooms. The base is called a hut knocked together from boards, which serves as a gathering place for village boys. Who built it, no one can remember.

Near the hut, which often visited Maxim. Vadim shows where Maxim's bike was found.

According to Vadim, the found basket did not belong to Maxim. This was confirmed by the parents of the child.

“She has always been here. On the evening of September 16, my mother was returning from the forest, passed by the hut, saw her. It was the so-called obshchak, in this basket the boys collected mushrooms together, and then handed over to the procurement point, ” explains Vadim.

Where the kids spent the money, he does not know. But he names approximate prices: for three kilograms of chanterelles you can get 12 rubles.

The guy is sure that the most plausible version is that the boy left the house on purpose. You need to look for it not in the forest, but in other villages or even cities.

"Angels": looking for a living boy

To date, police report only two pieces of evidence. This is Maxim's bike, which was standing near a hut in the forest about 800 meters from the village. A little later, a witness was found who, on the evening of September 16, saw Maxim or a boy similar to him in the forest south of Novy Dvor, who was sitting near a tree, and then ran away.

“If Maxim had stayed in the forest, they would have found at least something else. The police are not looking there. I think he reached the road and left somewhere,- argue two women at the door of the post office. They are also sure that there is no child in the forest.

"Where is he? Yes, who knows. Maybe someone took away, or maybe he ran away, ”- I hear in response.

The search and rescue squad "Angel" said that they are still considering two main versions - Maxim got lost in the forest or ran away and hides.

“We do not consider the criminal version. The Investigative Committee is working in this direction. We are looking for a living boy,- emphasizes the volunteer "Angel" Yuri Azanovich.

According to him, rescue and search activities will continue until the child is found.

Recall that 10-year-old Maxim Markhaliuk went to the forest for mushrooms on September 16 and still has not returned. Three days later, he was put on the nationwide wanted list. On September 26, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the disappearance of the boy. As of 09:00 September 28, Maxim was not found.

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