Orvi treatment at home quickly

Doctors say that it is impossible to recover quickly. If an infection “dominates” in the human body, then it will take at least a few days for the cells to stop multiplying and completely disappear.

Probably, each of us is familiar with the unpleasant feeling of feeling the first symptoms of SARS. The temperature rises, brittleness appears throughout the body, an unbearable headache, runny nose, cough, chills - these are the first signs that you have caught SARS (acute respiratory viral infection). Doctors say that it is impossible to recover quickly. If an infection “dominates” in the human body, then it will take at least a few days for the cells to stop multiplying and completely disappear. Therefore, the primary goal of the patient is to help the body overcome the disease as quickly as possible. And the treatment of influenza and SARS at home is quite possible if certain rules are followed.

1. In order to quickly cure ARVI, bed rest should be observed. Many people are accustomed to enduring the disease, as they say, on their feet, making themselves worse: the disease can not only drag on, but complications can also appear. Therefore, if you feel the first signs of malaise, then immediately lie down in bed. So, adherence to bed rest should be at least for three days in order to "overlap" the most severe and acute period of the disease. However, if the condition improves, do not rush to get up and start working. The risk of complications does not disappear.

2. You should call a doctor at home so as not to sit in tedious queues at the clinic and not “add” new viruses from the same ones as you. When examining your condition, the attending physician makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

If you still had to go to the hospital, then do not neglect the special mask. With its help, you can protect yourself from unnecessary viral "gifts" from sick patients.

3. You should not bring down the high temperature with drugs. If you have a fever, then this is the first sign that the body is trying hard to fight viruses. By taking the drug to reduce the temperature, you personally contribute to the weakening of the immune system, and also "prevent" the body from fighting viruses. Also, drugs affect the stomach, liver, kidneys, which entails additional problems.

It is better to wait out the high temperature - this is a rule that should be remembered. Taking medication to lower the temperature should be only if the indicator is 39 ° or more. Regarding a child or an elderly person, then bring down the temperature if it is above 38 °. However, even in these cases, folk remedies can be dispensed with. So, honey, tea with lemon or raspberries, a decoction of lime flowers are the first most effective antipyretics that should be used. Never take aspirin as an antipyretic. This drug may cause internal bleeding. All necessary medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

It is better to wait out the high temperature - this is a rule that should be remembered. Taking medication to lower the temperature should be only if the indicator is 39 ° or more.

4. No antibiotics! Few people know that most antibiotics have no effect on viruses. And the antibiotics themselves only destroy the bacteria in the body that are beneficial. In turn, dysbacteriosis disease may appear. Therefore, the body becomes even weaker and can not cope with the disease. Also, antibiotics can cause a number of complications: otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, and others.

To alleviate the general condition, the doctor may prescribe homeopathic and immunomodulatory drugs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

5. Drink more fluids! The main cause of ARVI is intoxication of the body, in which viruses are released. And in order for the treatment of SARS at home to pass quickly, you should adhere to drinking plenty of water. At least two liters per day.

When the patient has a high temperature, the body is gradually dehydrated. Therefore, drink as much tea as possible, cranberry juice, blackcurrant or lingonberry drinks, semi-sweet compotes. Non-carbonated mineral water contributes to the restoration of the salt and fluid balance of the body.


Stick to your diet! Everyone knows that during an illness, the feeling of appetite absolutely disappears. The body puts all its strength into the fight against viruses. And during a high temperature, doctors recommend starving for at least a day.

In case of awakening the appetite, then do not pounce on everything tasty. You should follow a special diet to speed up recovery. Therefore, take only easily digestible food. Refrain from taking heavy, fatty foods. Try to eat dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Milk contains calcium and trace elements, which increase the body's resistance to infection, and also increase immunity. Very useful porridge and chicken broth. Limit the consumption of sugary foods and alcoholic beverages as much as possible.

Regular airing of the room helps to get rid of SARS quickly. Remember that suffocating air is fertile ground for the spread of viruses.

If you have a cough or feel itchy, then place a bowl near your bed, after filling it with water. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus, sage, or any other essential oil. So, you can easily purchase an additional virus killer.

With ARVI, treatment at home should be accompanied by folk methods of inhalation. It is not for nothing that our grandmothers recommend eating onions or garlic during a flu epidemic. Of course, there is a lot of garlic or onions, not every patient can stand it. And to put a plate near the bed with chopped onion or garlic, everyone can do it. The emitted vapors - phytoncides are detrimental to viruses and infections that are transmitted by the respiratory tract.


Treat yourself with folk remedies. During the disease, you should take decoctions of medicinal herbs from:

  • wild rose,
  • raspberries,
  • cranberries,
  • cranberries,
  • black currant,
  • lindens,
  • chamomile.

These decoctions help to reduce the temperature, and also give the body the necessary vitamins and minerals. If children are infected with SARS, then they can breathe steam of hot decoctions. These actions will help to effectively destroy not only a runny nose, but also a cough. However, each remedy should be drunk warm, not hot. After all, hot liquid only contributes to the irritation of the sore throat.

With ARVI, treatment at home should be accompanied by folk methods of inhalation. After all, it’s not for nothing that our grandmothers recommend eating onions or garlic during a flu epidemic.

Salt water is another remedy for the “treat SARS at home” rule. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. This tool will show how to treat cough, runny nose effectively and quickly. You can also add a few drops of iodine to this solution.

Treatment of SARS in adults may be accompanied by another method: hot foot baths. Add 30-40 g of mustard powder to hot water. It has been scientifically proven that at the biological level, the active points of the foot are connected with the upper respiratory tract. This fact explains the cases of rapid ARVI when the feet get wet.


Many patients ask their doctor the question: "How to quickly cure SARS with antiviral agents?". Unfortunately, doctors shrug their shoulders when it comes to choosing the most effective antiviral agent. After all, each of the drugs only helps to mobilize the body's defenses. Commonly prescribed immunomodulatory drugs include the following:

  • Arbidol,
  • Amiksin,
  • Kagocel,
  • uikloferon,
  • Viferon.

To increase the body's resistance, you can take ascorbic acid.

Among the antipyretic drugs, doctors prescribe the following:

  • Rinza, Theraflu, Panadol, Kodakt Flu Plus (the main substance in the composition is paracetamol),
  • Nurofen (Ibuprofen)
  • Ibuklin.

Antiviral drugs help destroy the viral flu:

  • Tsitovir,
  • Kagocel,
  • Amiksin,
  • Lavomax.

Popular Recipes

Traditional medicine has always wondered "how to cure SARS?". Popular recipes include:

If you have the opportunity to get a flu shot, be sure to take it. Even if you are struck by the flu, the disease will proceed much easier. Remember that a viral infection requires a serious attitude. Therefore, try to take care of yourself and loved ones! Be healthy!

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