Pearl horoscope for december virgo. Family and love relationships

December 1st to 10th. The period of your harmonious love can be disturbed from December 3 to 6 by increased demands on your partner and capriciousness. Under the influence of Venus and Jupiter, there will be a desire to please not only your partner, but also other men. This, in turn, can offend a loved one. Try to direct your energy to creation and creativity. From December 6 to 8, you will feel a person very much, literally see through. However, you should not use this ability for personal purposes.

From 11 to 20 December. Until December 16, few people will be able to resist your talent as an orator and inspirer. These days, acquaintance with the person you need will go well. You can schedule an important conversation with your chosen one. From December 17, you will want to please yourself and your partner with pleasant little things and gifts more often.

From 21 to 31 December. Until December 26, responsible and balanced communication will allow only those people whom you feel and with whom you can go through life without fear of betrayal to appear next to you. To create coziness and harmony from December 25 to 27, the experience of your parents or the traditions of your family may be useful. Be more feminine, especially after December 29th.

Family horoscope

Staying at home will become a vital necessity for you. If you don't feel it yourself, circumstances will force you to do it. Therefore, pay more attention to the home environment, interior decoration, and the creation of delicious family meals. A look into the past will help you see yourself and your relationships differently. Communication with relatives will reveal to you new facets of your family, clan. Your faithful will be busy with a career, but in his free time he is glad to feel like the head and master of the house. Children in December will not be completely obedient. They will really need heart-to-heart talks, but at the same time they will not allow to climb into their souls. They will need time for solitude, rethinking, creativity and dreams.

Health Horoscope

Your activity and tirelessness, vitality and a sense of optimism will be an example for others. Until December 8, at times you will overestimate your strengths and capabilities. This can lead to fatigue and minor injuries. Pay attention to the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system. Watch your nutrition.

Horoscope of work and money

The size of your fee in December will depend on your entrepreneurial spirit and innovative ideas in December. Use intuition, ingenuity and the ability to creatively solve complex problems. The right connections will appear at the right time. Be prepared for impulsive, unplanned spending. At the end of December, relationships with colleagues are harmonized thanks to your efforts and homemade goodies at lunchtime.

Horoscope for December 2016 for Virgo men

Love. He will be confident in himself and his feelings for you. In December, let him realize his romantic fantasies. Or tell me what you would like. In December, your chosen one will allow himself to show miracles of generosity. If you lead a joint life, do as he pleases.

Tone. Your loved one is full of strength and courage. He is able to move mountains and not out of breath. In December, he will pay more attention to his appearance and listen to his well-being. In December, behind the bustle of everyday life, he can completely forget that the body needs to be fed and allocate time for rest.

Finance. Until December 8, you need to be careful in solving cases related to money: loans, credits, registration of inheritance documents. In December, you can count on the benefits of other people's money and things, income from commercial activities.

Job. At the beginning of winter, registration of documents, transport affairs will be successful. Also, work on the Internet will show its advantages, you can consider proposals for cooperation with relatives. From December 15, you can deal with issues related to real estate. He can also count on the favor of his superiors.

Friends. Friendly gatherings at home in the December decade can greatly devastate household supplies. And a meeting at the entertainment center will make wallets lose a lot of weight. It will be difficult for him to stop, so you need to rely on the consciousness of friends.

Leisure. In December, he will enjoy movement and communication, not necessarily in real life, but also virtually. There may be a desire to redo something in the house. In December, he may be interested in cooking.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for December 2016:

In December, Virgos can prepare for pleasant changes in their lives. Several areas of activity will surprise you at once. It seems that it was this month that the universe finally decided to reward the patient Virgos.

A job change, a career advancement, a win, a long-awaited move to a new apartment, a car purchase or a wedding - everything will become possible.

At the beginning of the month, Virgos should stop giving in to the blues and soul-searching, negative thoughts can only pull you to the bottom. You should always doubt, but do not let doubts take over reality. After all, by and large, all decisions have been made, relatives are nearby, friends support, what else is needed?

The first days of December will be characterized by some kind of search for the truth, Virgo is very stubborn, she will not calm down until she gets to the bottom of the truth, old friends will help her in this, on whom she can always rely.

At this time, you can afford to go beyond the limits that constrain the enterprising Virgo. If this concerns professional activities, then you need to ask the authorities if it is possible to take the initiative and do something in your own way. Any initiative will be met with enthusiasm.

By the middle of the month, minor difficulties will arise in the family life of this sign, which will be easy to cope with, the main thing is to do it on time so that they do not accumulate into big problems. The family will rely on Virgo, having a sense of increased responsibility, she will not be able to let anyone down.

In December, no long-distance trips and flights are expected, the eve of the holiday and the holiday itself will be met at home in the usual company.

There will be more than enough money this month, thanks to which Virgo will treat herself to shopping, and loved ones with pleasant gifts. But she does not intend to perform the function of Santa Claus, so the soulmate or loved one should share the expenses.

Toward the end of the month, Virgo will wait for recognition from colleagues, it will be sincere and deserved. Especially happy about this will be those representatives of the sign who have changed their occupation or job. The internship is coming to an end, it is nice to realize that the efforts expended are not in vain.

The authorities will reward the hardworking Virgos with a generous New Year's Eve bonus, you do not need to deny yourself the pleasure of buying what you have been dreaming about for so long.

Lonely representatives of this sign will not be burdened by their loneliness, they will be able to find something to do with friends. But if you make a right wish on New Year's Eve, then a fateful acquaintance will not be long in coming.

Favorable days of December for Virgo: 3, 4, 5, 10, 13, 15, 19, 22, 23, 31

Unfavorable days of December for Virgo: 1, 6, 7, 12, 18, 20, 24, 28, 30

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Inga Polonskaya.

Although Virgo is used to coping with her own troubles and problems, however, the horoscope for 2016 Virgo advises the representatives of this sign in December to remember the expediency. Of course, no one doubts that Virgo can install new plumbing herself, but this will take her a lot of time, and the quality will be in doubt. If, in December 2016, Virgo simply does not want to seek help from her friends just because she believes that she becomes dependent on them, then this is a completely wrong position. In the end, even if they refuse you, what do you have to lose? Reach out to someone else. And, besides, is Virgo so unsure of her own abilities that she is worried about what they might think of her? Doesn't she have something to brag about? Of course have.

That's why the Virgo horoscope for 2016 advises you not to rack your brains over this nonsense and ask for help when you need it. However, this does not apply to professional issues that are within the direct competence of the Virgin. In this case, Virgo must deal with it herself.

Favorable numbers of December - 1, 9, 13, 20, 23, 28, 31.

Unfavorable numbers of December - 2, 4, 8, 17, 22, 25.

Love horoscope for December 2016 Virgo

In December 2016, Virgo will be inclined to step on the same rake and make all the same mistakes in relationships. And even if her partner turns out to be new. A Virgo who is in an established relationship or married may be faced with the fact that the partner will accuse her of being dragged into the routine, and the relationship is not updated in any way. In December 2016, Virgo may be offended by this, since she herself will consider herself changed and, in retaliation, may go looking for adventures on the side. It is possible that everything will be limited to light flirting.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo warns that in December your family may enter the stage of increased competition. This will also manifest itself in your relationship with your soulmate, when everyone will prove that he is much more useful in the house. And in relationships between children who will prove that each of them has a greater right to parental love. There can be no winners in such a struggle, therefore, in December 2016, Virgo should somehow smooth the situation, perhaps by redistributing household duties. As for children, you just need to praise them more and always equally.

Financial and career horoscope for December 2016 Virgo

Although December is traditionally considered the month of summing up some results, in December 2016 Virgo is unlikely to be able to do this. And all because now and then some shortcomings may come up that will need to be corrected. In addition, Virgo may strive to bring everything to perfection, and therefore, neither the first nor the second time, she will be able to finish the job. The horoscope for 2016 Virgo warns that the pursuit of the ideal can significantly take you away from your goal.

In December 2016, Virgo should add a little warmth and altruism to their relationships with others. Otherwise, they can become much worse. Colleagues will think that Virgo communicates with them only for their own benefit.

The horoscope for 2016 Virgo warns you against getting into debt or taking out a loan, as it will be quite difficult to repay them. Count only on the money you have. If we are talking about payments and their terms, Virgo must necessarily put down strict conditions in the contracts, so that you do not have to wait.

Health Horoscope for December 2016 Virgo

In December 2016, Virgo will be worried about the condition of the skin. It can be some kind of boils, various inflammations and other similar troubles. Virgo must necessarily capture the process at the very beginning, since in the future the treatment may turn out to be much more complicated and lengthy.

The horoscope for 2016 Virgo warns you in December against mixing foods. Even if the Virgo body accepts them separately without problems, their combination can cause you significant inconvenience. Also in December 2016, Virgo can expect a hormonal failure.

December 2016 will help Virgos to fulfill most of their desires in the personal sphere. It doesn’t matter what exactly you want, even if your aspirations cannot be called highly moral, but now even the wildest fantasies will come to life. Do not rush to rejoice, because when this happens, you will probably just be confused and will not know what to do next. To be successful in any field, there must be motivation, but you will lose it now. Therefore, Virgos will have to think carefully about the reasons for their aspirations and about life in general. On the eve of the New Year, when the holiday atmosphere is especially conducive to dreams about the future and the search for prospects, reasoning will be especially effective.

As for the relationship with your soulmate, the stars recommend a little "step back into the shadows", allowing your partner to command the ship. Try to be calm and reserved person, avoid conflicts. If you are already not inclined to take the initiative in relationships, this will only make it easier for you. You can only advise to aggravate the situation a little, giving your loved one even more freedom. So that such tactics do not seem difficult for you, try to look at the world from the point of view of a philosopher, with accompanying irony and calmness.

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