Accounting for warehouse operations in 1s. Inventory control. Entering product information

01.10.2018 15:26:12 1С:Servistrend en

Warehouse accounting in 1C 8.3

In this article, we will consider the warehouse accounting subsystem in Accounting 3. Competent warehouse accounting will avoid many problems, and will also contribute to making the right management decisions.

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The first thing you need to start with is the creation of accounting places, if the organization has several of them. In the program, go to the “References” section and select the “Warehouses” item. In the window that opens, a list of warehouses will be presented.

By clicking the “Use as main” button, you can set the main warehouse, as a result of this setting, when creating documents in which the “Warehouse” field is present, this warehouse will be substituted in this field. This is especially useful when a warehouse is used much more often than others. You can also add a new warehouse by clicking the “Create” button in this window.

In the card, you must specify the name of the warehouse, the type of warehouse and the type of prices - these are mandatory fields. If necessary, you can specify the responsible person. For example, it can be a storekeeper or director of an organization.

If the organization is just starting to keep records and the information base is still empty, then it is necessary to enter the balances of products, materials, containers, etc. in the relevant accounts. To do this, you can use the “Balance Entry Assistant” in the “Main” section. Next, select the organization and the desired account and click on the “Enter account balances” button.

Then we fill in all the necessary analytics in the next window and click “Submit”.

If there are many positions, then entering balances manually is a rather laborious process. If the information is contained on an electronic medium, you can resort to the services of a programmer who can load the rest even from other programs or files.

To register the receipt of goods, there is a document “Receipt (acts, invoices)” in the “Purchases” section. The document has several types of operations. In our example, the operation “Goods (invoice)” is used.

In the “Warehouse” field, a warehouse is selected, which will receive the goods that came to us from the counterparty.

In the document “Sales (acts, invoices)” in the “Sales” section, by analogy with the above receipt, you must specify the warehouse from which the goods will be written off.

To move goods between warehouses, the “Movement” document in the “Warehouse” section is intended. For example, you need to move goods from a wholesale warehouse, which will be indicated in the “Sender” field, to one of the retail warehouses, which should be indicated in the “Recipient” field.

Also in the program, it is possible to control the quantity of goods in the warehouse and not allow documents to be posted if their quantity goes into the red. To do this, go to the “Administration” section and select the “Documents Posting” item.

If the checkbox “allow write-off of inventories in the absence of balances according to accounting data” is enabled, it will be possible to write off in the negative.

To write off materials for production, the document “Requirement-invoice” is intended in the “Warehouse” section. The document header also indicates the warehouse from which the selected goods specified in the tabular section will be written off.

In addition to all of the above documents, there is a document “Inventory”. To indicate the actual and accounting quantity, the corresponding columns are provided in the tabular part of the document. For convenience, automatic filling of the tabular part according to the balances in the warehouse is provided.

As a result of the inventory, there may be discrepancies. When the accounting quantity of goods is greater than the actual, and when the actual is greater than the accounting. In the first case, on the basis of the inventory, by clicking the “Create based on” button, you should create the document “Write-off of goods”.

After posting the document, the negative deviation will be written off. Similarly, on the basis of the inventory, we create the document “Goods posting” for a positive deviation.

To obtain information on balances, there is a report “Remains of goods” in the “Warehouse” section of the program, which will show the number of goods in the warehouses of the selected organization.

Also if you have disabled control negative balances, then to obtain information on such positions, there is a report in the same section “Control of negative balances”.

If you have any questions about warehouse accounting in 1C 8.3, we will be happy to answer them as part of a free consultation.

Inventory and material assets (TMC) are materials that organizations use for economic needs and for the production of products. Accounting for materials in 1C 8.3 Accounting is carried out by type of goods and materials on different sub-accounts opened for account 10 "Materials". Here, read in detail about accounting for goods and materials in 1C 8.3 with step-by-step instructions.

Read in the article:

Accounting for goods and materials in 1C 8.3 is divided into two main stages - receipt and write-off. The receipt of materials in 1C 8.3 is documented by the document "Invoice for the receipt of goods". Write-offs do different ways depending on the nature of the disposal of materials. In this article, we will tell you how to write off materials for production. Read on, how to register materials in 1s 8.3 Accounting in 6 steps.

Receipt of materials in 1C 8.3

Step 1. Create a receipt of goods and materials in 1C 8.3

Go to the "Purchases" section (1) and click on the link "Receipt (acts, invoices)" (2). A window for creating an invoice for goods receipt will open.

In the window that opens, click on the "Receipt" button (3) and click on the link "Goods (invoice)" (4). An invoice form will open for you to fill out.

Step 2. Fill in the details of the invoice for the receipt of goods and materials in 1C 8.3

In the invoice form please indicate:

  • your organization (1);
  • material supplier (2);
  • which warehouse received the materials (3);
  • details of the contract with the supplier of goods and materials (4);
  • number and date of the seller's invoice (5).

Step 3. Fill out the material part of the invoice in 1C 8.3

Click the "Add" button (1) and click on the "Show all" link (2). The nomenclature directory will open.

In this directory, select the material (3) that you received. Next, indicate on the invoice:

  • quantity (4). Indicate the quantity of materials received at the warehouse;
  • price from the invoice (UPD) from the supplier (5);
  • VAT rate from the invoice (UPD) from the supplier (6).

Invoice has been completed. To complete the posting of materials, click the "Record" (7) and "Submit" (8) buttons.

Now in accounting 1C 8.3 there are entries on the debit of account 10 "Material". To view the postings for the created invoice, click on the "DtKt" button (9).

In the posting window, you can see that the material was credited to account 10.01 "Raw materials" (10). Also, the debit of account 19.03 "VAT on acquired inventories" (11) reflects the receipt of VAT. These accounts correspond with account 60.01 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” (12).

So, the receipt of materials is formalized, now the next stage is write-off.

Write-off of materials in 1C 8.3

Step 1. Fill out an invoice requirement in 1C 8.3

To write off materials for production costs in 1C 8.3 they use an invoice requirement. To create this document, go to the "Production" section (1) and click on the "Requirements-invoices" link (2). A window for creating a document will open.

In the window that opens, specify:

  • your organization (3);
  • date of release of materials into production (4);
  • warehouse from which you write off materials (5).

Check the box (6) opposite "Cost accounts on the "Materials" tab". This flag is set when materials are written off to production.

Step 2. Fill in the material part in the invoice requirement

In the "Materials" tab (1), add goods and materials for write-off. To do this, click the "Add" button (2). Next, select the material (3) that you write off for production in the "Nomenclature" directory, and indicate its quantity (4). The cost account (5) is set to 20.01 "Main production" by default. If necessary, enter a different expense account in this field. In the "Nomenclature group" field (6), select the group for writing off materials. Such groups include different types manufactured products, such as "Furniture", "Windows", "Doors". In the field “Cost items” (7), select the item suitable for writing off, for example, “Material costs of the main production”.

To reflect the write-off of materials to production in the accounting, click "Record" (8) and "Post" (9). Now in accounting there are entries:

- write-off of materials to production

1C: Accounting 8.2. An understandable tutorial for beginners Gladkiy Alexey Anatolyevich

Chapter 10. Accounting for warehouse operations

Warehouse accounting is mandatory for any enterprise. After all, even those business entities that are not engaged in trade, construction or production (that is, activities whose very specifics imply the presence of warehouses with a large range of valuables), in any case, have on their balance sheet some assets (stationery, furniture, office equipment, spare parts, etc.), which, in accordance with the requirements accounting must be carried out through the warehouse.

In this chapter, we will learn how to keep inventory records using the 1C Accounting 8 program.

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1C:Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" is a specialized circulation solution based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform for automating the management of an enterprise's warehouse facilities. The product allows you to effectively automate the management of all technological processes of a modern warehouse complex. "1C-Logistics:Management" configuration warehouse" - a product of the company "1C", created as a result of the analysis of the experience of automation and management of warehouses of a number of Russian and foreign companies.

The system "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" edition 2.0 is aimed primarily at those companies that want not only to take into account the movement and balance of goods, but want to manage all warehouse operations, personnel and equipment.

Thus, the "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" system is an automated decision-making system, the "brain" of a modern warehouse complex, which can significantly increase the efficiency of the entire warehouse complex as a whole, namely:

  • optimize the use of warehouse space and volumes;
  • reduce storage costs;
  • reduce the time spent on all warehouse operations;
  • reduce the number of erroneous warehouse operations;
  • improve the accuracy and efficiency of accounting for goods;
  • avoid losses associated with the critical timing of the sale of goods;
  • reduce the cost of wages of warehouse workers.

The 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management system is implemented in the 1C:Enterprise 8 environment and, therefore, supports all the advantages of this modern technological platform: scalability, openness, ease of administration and configuration, the presence of a large number of service engineers in almost any city and etc.

The system supports various types of commercial equipment: label printers, barcode scanners, batch and radio data collection terminals.

Another important advantage of the system is the possibility of its full integration with the software products of the company "1C" - "1C: Enterprise 8. Management manufacturing plant".

Main functions of the system

  • Defining the warehouse complex topology
  • Acceptance
  • Quality control
  • Placement at the place of storage or cargo handling
  • Intra-warehouse movements
  • Selection of goods for shipment
  • Assembly
  • Packing and repacking
  • Shipment
  • Inventory
  • Write-off
  • Accounting for pallets and goods on pallets
  • Accounting for the actions of warehouse workers
  • Accounting for loading and unloading equipment in the warehouse
  • Ability to generate analytical reporting (mechanism universal reports)
  • Connection of standard commercial equipment (scanners, wired data collection terminals, label printers, etc.)
  • Integration with "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8".

The system allows you to keep records of an arbitrary number of warehouses and zones within the warehouse, while each zone of the warehouse consists of cells. A cell in the system can be understood as any possible place for storing goods: a cell, passage, room. Auxiliary virtual cells may also be present in the system. For each cell, the dimensions and the maximum weight that it can withstand are specified.

Each cell has its own address by which it is identified. Such a system of address storage allows you to determine the location of the goods in specific cells at any time.

When used in a warehouse for pallet storage, the system can use the function of accounting for the movement of goods in the context of pallets. A pallet in the system can be understood as any container or transport unit: pallet, box, container. Pallet accounting can be disabled.

Also, the system implements the accounting of goods in the context of units of measurement. Thus, there is always accurate information on the availability of goods in the warehouse in all possible units of measurement. For each storage unit, dimensions, volume and weight are specified. Accounting for goods by units can be disabled, in which case accounting is carried out in the base unit.

In addition, the system provides for the possibility of accounting for goods in the context of additional characteristics (color, size, characteristics, etc.), batches, expiration dates, certificates and serial numbers.

When carrying out warehouse operations, the capacity of cells and pallets is controlled by volume, quantity and weight of goods.

Preparing for receiving goods

One of the features of the system when receiving goods at the warehouse is the presence of a mechanism for preparing the warehouse for the acceptance and placement of goods. Information about the planned acceptance is entered and stored in the system.

Reception planning allows, for example:

  • enter information about the product or product barcode into the system
  • print labels for goods or pallets
  • prepare pallets
  • attract additional employees to receive goods
  • prepare storage areas for the placement of goods, both in the receiving area and in the main storage area (for example, warehouse compression or core make-up).

Information about the planned acceptance is usually transferred to the system automatically from the corporate system. The system "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" provides a typical opportunity to obtain this information from such systems as "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8" and "1C: Trade Management 8".

Acceptance of goods

Possible sources of goods receipt can be suppliers (in case of goods receipt from the supplier), customers (in case of return of goods from the customer), other warehouses of the company (in case of movement between warehouses within the same company), production sites (in case of receipt finished products from production).

The goods acceptance procedure may include unloading the goods in the receiving area, identifying and marking, bringing the goods to the standard warehousing, quality control of incoming goods, recalculation of goods.

For inbound planning, the system can automatically palletize the goods in the inbound area.

To automate the process of goods acceptance, bar coding is usually used in conjunction with the use of specialized commercial equipment for working with bar codes - label printers, bar code scanners, data collection terminals. Bar coding allows you to uniquely identify the goods at all stages of warehouse storage and minimizes the likelihood of error.

After the acceptance process is completed, the system can track discrepancies between planned and actually received goods. If there are discrepancies, a list of discrepancies can be obtained.

Placement of goods in the warehouse

After acceptance of the goods, tasks for placing the goods in the main storage area can be automatically generated.

For each product, individual placement rules are set:

  • place goods in free cells
  • place goods in occupied cells with the same or similar goods (if possible). When placed with a similar product, compatibility is controlled. For example, you can set it so that you cannot put products with different series together to prevent a picking error.
  • place goods in occupied cells for any product. Can be used to save storage space.

In addition to placement rules, goods movement rules are set - areas and bypass routes, for example, in a warehouse, you can select different areas and set the priority for placing goods in them. Bypass routes are usually configured based on the principle of ABC-classification of goods (quick-turning goods are located closer to the picking area for finished orders to speed up the selection), or based on other features (oversized goods, temperature characteristics of storage, marriage, etc.).

When placing, data collection terminals are also used.

Selection and shipment of goods

Information about planned shipments of goods is entered and stored in the system. Based on this information, it is possible to carry out routine measures to prepare for a faster selection of this order (for example, replenishment of the core cells or preparation of the shipping zone for acceptance of a completed order).

Information about the planned shipment is usually transferred to the system automatically from the corporate system. The system "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" provides a typical opportunity to obtain this information from such systems as "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8" and "1C: Trade Management 8".

On the basis of shipment planning, the process of picking goods from the warehouse can be initiated. In the system, you can set different automatic selection rules for each product:

  • batch selection (FIFO , LIFO , manual)
  • selection by expiration dates (BBD, manually)
  • selection based on cell rating
  • picking when maximizing storage bin or minimizing picking time. When maximizing a storage bin, selection is made in order to free up the maximum number of bins. When minimizing the sampling time, sampling is carried out with a minimum number of approaches to the cells
  • selection with the possible replacement of units of measurement with larger/smaller ones
  • piece or pallet sampling from the active zone, from the reserve zone, from the acceptance zone in the order of the established priority. For example, you can configure that if a whole pallet is required, then the selection will occur from the reserve zone, and if a piece item is required, then from the active zone.

Selection with core feeding.

In the absence of goods in the active selection zone, additional transfers of goods from reserve storage cells to active cells (feeding) can be formed. This allows you to significantly increase the convenience and speed of order selection.

The selection of one order can be carried out in several stages or by several employees. It is also possible the situation of simultaneous selection of several orders.

When forming tasks for selection, the addresses of the cells and the goods to be selected are indicated.

After the selection of goods, an assembly operation (assembly of a set of components) can be carried out. The assembly operation assumes that the kit appears in the warehouse, and the components are written off from the warehouse. The system keeps records of components for each set. The reverse operation can also be carried out - dismantling.

Before shipment, the operation of packaging or repacking of goods can also be carried out. In this case, the goods can be repacked into storage units required by the client, as well as transferred to other pallets or other boxes.

After completing the selection, assembly and packaging operations, the goods enter the shipping area and can be shipped to the client. If the client refused all or part of the ordered goods, then the system can disassemble the order and re-place this product in the warehouse.


Conducting a complete inventory, as a rule, threatens to completely stop the work of the warehouse, and, accordingly, stop the shipment of goods to customers. Therefore, in most cases, the inventory is made "on the fly", without stopping the main work.

Constant recalculation of goods in the warehouse during the working cycle allows you to reduce or completely avoid stopping work.

The system provides the following types of inventory:

  • Inventory of a certain item in the warehouse. It is carried out only on those cells where the specified product is present.
  • Inventory of all goods in the active storage area. It is carried out for all or for a part of the cells that have a sign of active storage.
  • Inventory of empty cells. The cells are visually checked for the absence of any goods in them.

During the inventory, the cells in which the goods are recounted are blocked. Blocking is possible both for the cell as a whole, and for a specific product in the cell. After the inventory, the cells are unlocked and become available for warehouse operations.

Resource management

The system maintains information on all employees of the warehouse. For each employee, you can set its role. Depending on the assigned role, the warehouse worker gains or loses the opportunity to perform certain operations, work with a particular cell. The most and least preferred roles can be set.

Also, the system contains information about the equipment used, as well as the requirement to use the equipment when performing a particular operation.

When scheduling operations, the system checks the availability of free employees capable of performing this operation and the availability of equipment. If there are free resources, the system issues tasks for conducting operations and controls their execution. The date of issue of the task is fixed in the system.

For each operation in the system, the start time of its execution by the employee and the time of its completion are recorded. This information may be required, for example, to analyze the performance of an employee.

bar coding

As you know, bar-coding is the most effective mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the warehouse complex.

The system supports bar-coding of goods, cells and pallets. Any type of barcode can be used.

For goods, barcodes can be generated taking into account the article, series, lot, unit of measurement, characteristics. Thus, a barcode can be used to identify and trace a product in the context of all its properties and characteristics.

Any barcode can be printed both on a conventional printer and on a specialized label printer. Formation of analytical reporting:

  • Creation of universal reports on the movements and balances of goods in the warehouse in any section

Additional features

  • Ability to work in a single information base with "1C:Enterprise 8.0 Trade Management"
  • Ability to integrate with any information system at the file sharing level.
  • Ability to integrate with commercial equipment(scanners, data collection terminals, label printers, etc.)
  • Authentication of warehouse operations.
  • Management of access rights of system users

Module "Calculation of custody services"

The module "Calculation of custody services" is not an independent product, but gives the right to use the extension of the functionality of the configuration "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" version 2.0. This functionality extension is designed to calculate the cost of storage and processing of goods in a warehouse, which is used in safekeeping warehouses (commercial warehouses).

The delivery of this product includes printed documentation and a license to use the extended functionality of the 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management version 2.0 configuration.

Functionality of the module "Calculation of custody services"

The module "Calculation of custody services" provides the following functions:

  • Accounting for the owners of the goods;
  • Accounting for all warehouse operations in the context of the owner of the goods;
  • Setting tariffs for warehouse operations for each owner;
  • Accounting for services and determining the cost for each operation;
  • Formation of a report on the services rendered in various sections.

Accounting for goods by owners

The list of goods owners is maintained in the Counterparties directory. For each owner, an individual product catalog is created in the "Nomenclature" directory.

The rules of work and operations with this product can be set individually for each owner.

Service billing

The list of services is maintained in the directory "Classifier of paid services". Services may be non-periodic or periodic. Non-periodic services include, for example, receiving or shipping operations, and periodic services include storage operations. Any operations performed in the warehouse can be charged.

Tariffs for safekeeping services can be set both for the entire warehouse as a whole, and individually for each owner. Tariffs can be set for the number of product packages involved in the operation, for the weight or volume of the product, for the number of pallets, or for a fixed amount per operation.

Calculation of the cost of services

When calculating services for one-time operations, such as, for example, acceptance of goods to a warehouse, the calculation results are entered directly into the "Acceptance" document. If necessary, you can correct the results, for example, add an additional service that was provided at the time of acceptance. Likewise for other transactions.

To calculate a periodic service, for example, storage, the regulatory document "Calculation of custody services" is used. This calculation can be done at any time.

For the services provided, you can generate reports in any section.

Module "Resource management and connection of data collection radio terminals"

1C Company and AXELOT Company announce the release of a joint software product "Module "Resource Management and Connection of Data Collection Radio Terminals" for the configuration "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management".

The software product "Module" Resource management and connection of data collection radio terminals for the configuration "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management" is not an independent product, but gives the right to use the extension of the functionality of the configuration "1C: Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management".

The delivery of this software product includes a set of documentation, a registration card and a license to use the configuration, hardware protection keys according to the number of workstations.

Functionality of the module "Resource management and connection of data collection radio terminals"

The module can be used in warehouses that use bar-coding technology in their work. For the operation of the module, special equipment is required - data acquisition radio terminals (TSD) with support for one of the standards wireless communication(802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.16a) and the presence of a terminal client Windows services. For small warehouses, it is acceptable to use ordinary PDAs (barcode entry is carried out using a software or hardware keyboard).

Warehouse operations available for execution with TSD:

  • acceptance of goods (counting and palletizing);
  • placement of goods in the warehouse;
  • replenishment of goods from the reserve zone;
  • pallet and piece selection of goods;
  • Shipment of goods;
  • internal movement of goods;
  • inventory of cells of any type.

It is also possible to perform operations at the request of the TSD user (without scheduling work by the operator), for example:

  • arbitrary replenishment of goods;
  • warehouse compaction;
  • arbitrary internal movement.

Currently, the listed operations are available only in warehouses that use pallets.

The functionality of the module is provided by an extensive set of settings:

  • resource download limits;
  • roles of employees in the warehouse;
  • cell access scheme;
  • shift schedules;
  • storage equipment.

Warehouse planning is carried out using the mechanism of business processes and tasks. Tasks are managed and distributed automatically based on system settings.

The work of users with TSD is strictly regulated. Appropriate interfaces have been developed, customizable keyboard shortcuts, the ability to manually enter a barcode, and check the correctness of data entry. Implemented multi-user mode of work with one document. So, any number of workers can be sent to process one warehouse document (based on resource loading limits). The data received from the TSD is transferred directly to the document. At the same time, in each line of the tabular part, the employee, equipment, the beginning and end of the task are recorded. The operator can quickly track the progress of work on the document.

"1C: Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0"

The software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" is a specialized circulation solution based on the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform for automating the warehouse management of an enterprise. The product allows you to effectively automate the management of technological processes of a modern warehouse complex. The software product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse Management 3.0" is a joint product of the 1C company and the AXELOT company, created as a result of analyzing the experience of automation and warehouse management of a number of Russian and foreign companies, as well as on the basis of an analysis of the experience of implementing the 1C product -Logistics: Warehouse Management" editions 1 and 2.


Setting the topology of the warehouse and accounting for goods in the warehouse

The system allows you to keep records of any number of warehouses and zones within the warehouse, at any time to accurately determine the location and quantity of goods in the warehouse in all possible storage units, in terms of expiration dates, batches and serial numbers.

Planning and receiving goods

Possible sources of goods receipt can be suppliers (in case of goods receipt from the supplier), customers (in case of return of goods from the customer), other warehouses (in case of movement between warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in case of receipt of finished products from production). Information about the expected acceptance is entered and stored by the system.

Receiving planning allows you to enter information about the product or its barcode, print labels for goods or pallets, prepare storage areas for the placement of goods and attract additional resources (employees, equipment) to receive goods, etc., prepare storage areas for the placement of goods both in the receiving area and in the main storage area (for example, warehouse compression or core make-up), etc.

It is possible to automatically receive information about the expected acceptance in XML format from any information system. The goods acceptance procedure may include the following operations:

  • unloading in the receiving area;
  • identification and marking;
  • bringing the goods to the standard of warehousing;
  • quality control of incoming goods;
  • recalculation of goods;
  • etc.

The system allows you to accept the goods both "on the fact" of the receipt of the goods, and on the basis of information about the planned receipt. In the latter case, the system can track discrepancies between planned and actually received goods. If there are discrepancies, you can get a list of discrepancies.

Placement of goods in the warehouse

After acceptance of the goods, they are placed in a warehouse in the main storage area. In the case of using radio terminals, the planning and issuance of placement tasks can be performed both during the acceptance process and after its completion.

Allows you to achieve the most optimal placement of goods in accordance with ABC - classification or storage features (oversized goods, temperature requirements, marriage, etc.).

Goods placement rules are set individually for each unit of goods storage (pallets, boxes, pieces). This allows you to use different logic for working with each type of storage units. For example, to set a placement area and/or a selection area that is unique for a given storage unit.

For each unit of storage of goods, individual placement priorities are set:

  • placement in free cells;
  • placement in occupied cells for the same product;
  • placement in occupied cells for any product;
  • pinning a specific cell to specific product;
  • other priorities.

When placing, the volume and weight characteristics of the goods are controlled. Based on this information, the system selects only those cells where this product can physically be placed.

Selection, packaging and shipment of goods

Possible recipients of goods from a warehouse can be customers (in case of shipment of goods to a client), suppliers (in case of returning goods to a supplier), other warehouses (in case of movement between warehouses of one enterprise), production sites (in case of issuing materials and components for production) and etc.

Information about shipment orders is entered into the system. This information may be the basis for preparatory measures (for example, replenishment of the selection cells or preparation of the shipping area to accept the collected order).

It is possible to automatically obtain information about the shipment order in XML format from any information system.

Based on the order for shipment, the goods are selected. The selection of one order can be carried out simultaneously by one or several employees. It also provides the possibility of simultaneous collection of several orders by one employee. Picking tasks can be divided into work areas of the warehouse.

Selection of goods (pallet, box, piece) for subsequent packaging and shipment can be carried out according to the following principles: taking into account the shelf life of the goods, taking into account the batch of goods (FIFO, LIFO), in the order of their rating, according to the principle of maximum release of cells, according to the principle time minimization, etc.

The packaging operation can be performed both during the picking process and after picking in a dedicated packing area. When packing, a package (cargo) is created that has unique identificator and weight characteristics. The cargo can be stored and handled in the warehouse like any other commodity. A label and a packing list can be printed on the package.

After the selection and packaging operations are completed, the goods and cargo enter the shipping area and can be shipped to the client. In case of refusal of the client from the entire order or part of it, it is possible to unpack the goods and re-place them in the warehouse.

In the process of selection, packaging and shipment, the stages of order fulfillment are monitored by quantity in the context of goods.

Intra-warehouse operations

The replenishment of the picking area and the random movement of goods around the warehouse (storage optimization, etc.) were organized to ensure planned orders for the shipment of goods and ensure the optimal level of stocks in the picking area. At the same time, the availability of the transported goods and the possibility of placement in the cells selected by the operator are controlled.


Conducting a complete inventory can lead to a complete stop of the warehouse, and, accordingly, the termination of the shipment of goods to customers. Therefore, in most cases, the inventory is made "on the fly", without stopping the warehouse.

Selective recounting of goods in the warehouse during the working cycle allows you to reduce or completely avoid interruptions in work.

The system provides the following types of inventory:

  • Inventory of a specific cell or group of cells at the request of the operator or with a specified frequency
  • inventory of all cells in which a certain commodity item is located;
  • inventory of an arbitrary area of ​​the warehouse (carried out by cells of this area);
  • inventory of empty cells (visual control of cells is carried out for the absence of any goods in them);
  • cargo composition control.

When conducting an inventory, the cells in which goods are recounted can be blocked. After the inventory is completed, the lock is released and the cells become available for warehouse operations.

To compare the lost and found goods, an inventory reconciliation act is used. Confirmed shortages can be written off from the rest of the warehouse.

Task Management

Task management includes planning, issuing and monitoring the execution of tasks. For each employee, in conjunction with the equipment used by him, the composition of the working areas of the warehouse available to him and the operations performed can be determined.

When issuing a task, the time of its issuance and the employee responsible for its implementation are recorded. For each employee, the entire history of his work is recorded: the tasks that he performed, the time they were completed, the quantity and volume of goods, weight, etc. This allows you to conduct a detailed analysis of the work of each employee and implement a flexible system of motivation.

The system supports 2 ways of issuing tasks:

  • "Paper" technology. Tasks are issued on paper, and the warehouse worker marks their completion manually. After that paper carrier is transferred to the operator, who controls and enters information on these tasks in manual mode.
  • radio terminal technology. Radio terminals have an on-line connection to the system, which ensures real-time operation. In this case, all data is extracted and entered into the system without the participation of the operator directly by the employees performing the operations. However, the operator can monitor and influence the progress of the work.

Maximum efficiency and accuracy of task execution is guaranteed only when using radio-terminal technology. Radio terminal technology is mandatory requirement for large warehouses with a large turnover.

bar coding

The system supports bar-coding of goods, cells and pallets.

It is possible to store external product barcodes and generate internal barcodes. Barcodes for goods are generated taking into account the article and storage unit.

Any barcode can be printed on a conventional printer or on a specialized label printer.

Calculation of custody services

A safekeeping warehouse provides services for the storage and handling of goods owned by other organizations.

The module "Calculation of custody services" for the product "1C-Logistics: Warehouse management 3.0" provides the following functions:

  • setting tariffs for warehouse operations in the context of the owners of the goods, nomenclature items and classes of storage units;
  • accounting of all warehouse operations in the context of the owners of the goods;
  • accounting for services and determining the cost for each operation;
  • formation of a report on the services rendered;
  • accounting of goods in the context of owners.

The calculation of the cost of services can be made at any frequency.

Setting up accounting parameters in 1C 8.3 is one of the first steps that you must take before you begin full-fledged work in the program. It is on them that the correct operation of your program, the availability of various functionality and accounting rules depend.

Starting from the version of the program 1C: Accounting, the interface for setting accounting parameters has changed. Also, some parameters began to be configured separately.

Go to the "Administration" menu and select "Accounting Settings".

This section of settings consists of six items. Next, we will look at each of them. All of them allow you to influence the composition of the subconto for certain accounts and subaccounts.

Initially, we already have flags set in two items that are not subject to editing. You can also enable additional accounting methods.

This setting was also completed. It is impossible not to use the “By nomenclature” item, but the rest of the settings can be edited if necessary. The list of accounts and subcontos affected by these settings is shown in the figure below.

Here, subconto 41.12 and 42.02 accounts are managed. By default, only warehouse accounting was set. It is predefined and we cannot edit it. In addition, this type of accounting can be kept according to the nomenclature and VAT rates.

Cash flow accounting

This type of accounting will necessarily be conducted according to the r / s. It is also recommended to additionally take into account in 1C 8.3 the movements of DS according to their articles for additional management accounting analytics.

You can keep records of this type of calculation both for employees as a whole and for each separately. These settings have a direct impact on subcontos 70, 76.04 and 97.01 of accounts.

Accounting for expenses will necessarily be carried out by item groups. If you have a need to prepare audited financial statements in IFRS, it is also desirable to keep records by cost elements and items.

Salary settings

To go to this package of settings, you need to follow the hyperlink of the same name in the form of accounting parameters. Many settings here should be left as default, but you still have a lot of room for action.

General settings

For completeness of the example, we note that payroll and personnel records will be maintained in this program. Of course, there are limitations here, but if there are not many employees in the staff of your organization, then the functionality of 1C: Accounting will be quite enough.

You will see a list of settings for each organization that is accounted for in the program. Let's open the setting for Konfetprom LLC.

Here you can specify how it will be reflected wage in the BU, the timing of its payment, vacation reserves and any special territorial conditions.

Let's go back and follow another hyperlink.

Among other things, you can also change the ordering of the list of employees in documents and customize print forms.

Allows you to set up lists of types of accruals and deductions. Initially, they are already filled with some data.

Also, in this section 1C, you can enable the availability of the functionality of sick leave, vacations and executive documents. The setting is available only if there are no organizations with more than 60 employees in the database.

The last setting is very useful, since when editing, all its amounts will be recalculated automatically.

This section is necessary in order to indicate the methods for allocating labor costs and mandatory insurance premiums with a payroll to accounting accounts. Initially, these settings are already filled in, but, of course, you can adjust them.

Personnel Accounting and Classifiers

It makes no sense to describe these last two sections in detail, since everything is intuitively clear here. Classifiers are already filled in and often leave these settings untouched.

Other settings

Let's go back to the accounting parameters form and briefly review the remaining settings.

  • Terms of payment by suppliers and buyers determine after how many days the buyer's debt to us will be considered overdue.
  • Printing of articles- setting their presentation in printed forms.
  • Filling in prices sale allows you to set from where the price will be substituted in the relevant documents.
  • Planned price type affects the substitution of prices in documents related to production.

Some of these 1C 8.3 settings were previously made in the accounting parameters. Now they are placed in a separate interface. You can also find it in the main menu.

The configuration form is shown in the figure below. Here, by going through the sections, you can set up income tax, VAT and other data.

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