Product packaging as a factor in marketing activities. Analysis of the implementation of packaging functions on a specific example Analysis of product packaging on the example of sweets

The packaging used at OAO Mogilevoblpishcheprom can be characterized as follows:

  • - At the place of packaging - production packaging provided by the manufacturer;
  • - According to the mechanical stability and strength of the materials used, which ensure the degree of safety of goods, this is soft packaging (polymer);
  • - According to the frequency of use, this is a one-time packaging that is used once, but then it may have intended or unintended sequential use by the consumer.
  • - By appointment, this is consumer packaging, which is intended for relatively necessary packaging and preservation of goods with the consumer, it comes to consumers along with the goods.
  • - By levels it
  • - primary packaging - the actual packaging, the original packaging inherent in gift products, provides protection for the goods and at the same time guarantees the correct weight;
  • - By the number of packed units - boxed.

Requirements for packaging in marketing can be divided into 3 types:

  • - Fundamental requirements (safety, environmental friendliness, reliability);
  • - Additional requirements (transportability and warehousing);
  • - Marketing requirements (informativeness, availability of aesthetic properties, recognition, value enhancement, compliance with distribution channels).

The packaging used at OAO Mogilevoblpishcheprom fully complies with the above requirements, as it is bright, colorful, original, contains complete information about the product, is safe to use and is convenient for transportation and storage.

The price list of OAO Mogilevoblpishcheprom is presented in Appendix B.

PET and glass bottles are the main material used for packaging the products of JSC Mogilevoblpishcheprom. Let's consider them in more detail. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used as a raw material for the production of 0.35l, 0.7l, 0.5l PET bottles. PET is absolutely transparent, the bottle made from this material looks clean, attractive, the natural transparency of the material makes it ideal for bottling wines. In addition, PET can be dyed, for example, in green or brown, in order to match the appearance of the product as closely as possible to the needs of consumers. The use of plastic bottles helps to eliminate such an unpleasant effect as container breakage during transportation, which is characteristic of glass containers, while PET, like glass, is perfectly (and completely) recycled. In general, PET packaging, with its limitless innovative potential and wide design possibilities, is now seen not as a competitor to glass containers, but as a material that can open up completely new markets and give rise to completely new consumer priorities.

Significant disadvantages of PET containers are their relatively low barrier properties. It allows ultraviolet rays and oxygen to enter the bottle, and carbon dioxide to the outside, which degrades the quality and shortens the shelf life of beer. This is due to the fact that the high molecular weight structure. Polypropylene packaging for the products of OAO Mogilevoblpishcheprom has one of the most remarkable properties - fat resistance. It should be noted that the use of PET in the production of packaging significantly reduces its cost. It is characterized by: the lowest density (up to 100 kg/m3), the level of optical and physico-chemical characteristics, excellent processability on technological equipment, high ability to modify, excellent weldability and frost resistance.

Bottles of green glass of various shades, with a capacity of 0.75 l, 0.5 l, corked with a plastic stopper. Particularly expensive vintage and dry wines were corked with cork oak. Unlike bottles with plastic corks, a corkscrew is desirable to open the latter. It is made mainly of glass, often dark, recently bottles made of polymeric materials (usually polyethylene terephthalate) have been common. A glass bottle is more expensive, as a result of which a drink in a glass container is more expensive than a similar volume in a plastic container. Among the advantages of glass stands out the best storage of the drink, which is why it is believed that a drink from a glass bottle tastes better. Also a plus for the buyer of glass bottles is the possibility of repeated reuse. Bottles are sealed with corks to protect their contents from oxidation, infection by microorganisms, dust pollution, splashing, for ease of transportation and storage. Stoppers can be combined with other devices to increase the convenience of filling the contents of the bottle or to protect it from falsification.

The following procedure is used to fill out an application and order a batch of packaging required for Mogilevoblpishcheprom OJSC.

From the warehouse, the department of the chief technologist receives the remnants of packaging materials for drawing up a production plan. The production plan is sent from the chief technologist to the supply department, after which data on the required amount of packaging is sent from the supply department to the leading marketing specialist. In turn, the lead marketing specialist draws up an application on the official letterhead for packaging materials and sends it to the packaging manufacturing company.

Such firms are: OJSC Grodno glass factory, LLC Daniongroup, LLC Primepack.

Based on the application, they send the terms of reference and packaging layout for approval (it is sent electronically). Next comes the stage of approval of the package layout: the technologists check the text on the package, and the laboratory checks the full information on the package and the necessary information signs. If there are changes on the packaging layout, then it is sent to the company, and this procedure is repeated until all errors are corrected. When the package arrives at the warehouse of OAO Mogilevoblpishcheprom, the laboratory assistant takes samples of the package and a copy of the agreed layout and checks it. If the packaging is new, then the color layout is agreed upon. All work on ordering packaging materials for the products of OAO Mogilevoblpishcheprom is carried out on the basis of tenders, and subsequently which company won the tender, all documents for ordering packaging are processed with that company.

The positive aspects of the consumer packaging of JSC "Mogilev Ice Cream Factory" are:

  • 1) The packaging is distinguished by the integrity of the image, namely, there is a combination of the image on the package and the name, for example, “Magnat” wine (the image has a rich appearance, without unnecessary elements), and there is also a combination of the image on the package and the type of product. By packaging and the image can unmistakably guess what kind of product it is.
  • 2) Also, the packaging of the company's products corresponds to such a basic principle as the "honesty" of packaging. The images shown on the packaging correspond to the actual product. The most important thing is not to deceive the buyer. After all, the consumer, when purchasing a product, expects to see what is shown on the package.
  • 3) The information located on the packaging, in most cases, is readable. This applies to pouring and wine. On the packaging, you can easily read both the name of the product and its composition, manufacturer.

Thus, packaging is a very important source of product information, i.e. About the manufacturer, about the rules of use, about the shelf life, the composition of the product, etc. An equally important role is played by the visual image of the product implemented in the packaging, which is a certain combination of colors, fonts, geometric shapes and other elements of the pictorial range. Packaging helps the consumer's distracted gaze to grab the right product among the colorful variety of the counter. Intelligent packaging distinguishes the product from among similar ones and, all other things being equal, provides the product with consumer preference. Therefore, in order for a product to be competitive in the eyes of a consumer in a store, it must first of all stand out with its packaging.

Today, we can say with confidence that the creation of packaging is the most important activity of a marketer, which plays an important role in the product policy of an enterprise. Along with other elements of the marketing system, such as advertising, sales promotion, PR activities, packaging is one of the most effective means of promoting a product. No wonder packaging is called the silent seller. Recently, consumers are increasingly rejecting advertising, preferring to choose products based on their experience and the impression that packaging makes on them directly on the store floor.

Packaging is the link that unites the four elements of the marketing mix: product, price, product promotion and product sales. If a product is modified in any way, its packaging must also be modified to meet the requirements of the updated product, protect it, or contain an updated list of ingredients. Consumers today rely more on their own experiences with the product and on the impression that the packaging makes on them. Therefore, bright, memorable and original packaging for its products is so important for JSC "Mogilevoblpishcheprom" in order not to merge with its competitors on the counter and attract the attention of its buyer.

The role of packaging in the product marketing policy goes far beyond its functionality and, in particular, the preservation of the quality and quantity of goods. Packaging has an advertising function, reflects the corporate identity, distinguishes the product from competing analogues and ensures recognition of the company and its trademark. All this can be attributed to the communicative function of packaging. But it can also be a marketing tool.

  • - Origin of the product (JSC "Mogilevoblpishcheprom", contact address and phone number);
  • - Product features;
  • - Composition of the product (raw materials, composition, ingredients);
  • - Physical properties of the product (shape, color, taste, smell, mass).

An equally important role is played by the visual image of the product implemented in the packaging, which is a certain combination of colors, fonts, geometric shapes and other graphic elements. Catchy, eye-catching packaging that catches the eye of the buyer at the first contact at the point of sale can save the manufacturer a significant amount of the advertising budget, since it is itself the best advertisement for the product. According to statistics, about 80% of purchase decisions are made directly at the point of sale, therefore Mogilevoblpishcheprom OJSC sets itself the main task of achieving such a degree of attractiveness of the packaging of its products that the consumer wants to pick it up and consider, and subsequently purchase it.

Packaging plays a significant role in product marketing. ETC. Dixon notes that "every year, firms spend much more money on packaging their products than on advertising them." The cost of packaging reaches 40% of the retail price. Marketers claim that only 3% of buyers do not attach importance to packaging; 87% buy a product, recognizing a well-known company by the packaging, and 35% - only after reading the text on the packaging.

JSC "Mogilevoblpishcheprom" pays special attention to the packaging of its products. So, in the price structure, packaging has 15%. The company does not seek to reduce the cost of packaging its products, since it is thanks to it that, in the first place, the consumer gets acquainted with the product and purchases it. For example, a special HD flexo technology was introduced into production, which allows you to get a digital image of the highest quality and stability.

Thus, the competent use of the communicative and executive functions of packaging ensures the formation of consumer preferences and the activation of sales, which in turn plays an important role both in product policy and in general for the enterprise. JSC "Mogilevoblpishcheprom" makes every effort not to get lost against the background of its competitors and win the preference of its customers.

Let's examine the presented sample of buckwheat packaging (Appendix 1) and evaluate how the packaging and labeling functions are implemented.

  • 1. physical functions:
  • 1.1. Product containment - the product is placed in a biaxially oriented polypropylene film;
  • 1.2. storage of goods (is it possible during use) - it is allowed to store buckwheat in the package as it is gradually used;
  • 1.3. protection of the content / protection of the environment of the product - the product does not pose a threat to the environment;
  • 1.4. means of packaging goods: dosage in certain quantities - the package contains 900 g of buckwheat;
  • 1.5. ease of use, including opening / closing and application - the packaging is easy to open (closing is not expected);
  • 1.6. safety in use - there are no traumatic parts;
  • 1.7. strength - the packaging is strong enough for transportation and storage;
  • 2. Information functions, i.e. transfer of basic information about the product (labeling):
  • 2.1. category of goods - consumer goods;
  • 2.2. characteristics of the goods - the product is used for culinary purposes;
  • 2.3. advantage of the product - convenience and ease of use;
  • 2.4. product features (composition, instructions) - selected, quick-cooking groats, cooking method: to prepare 3 servings of buckwheat porridge, 1 glass of buckwheat and 2-2.5 glasses of water are required. Pour the cereal into a pot of boiling water, mix and close the lid. Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the buckwheat in the pan under the lid for a few minutes until the water is completely absorbed. Add oil to taste.
  • 2.5. information signs - manufacturer's information signs;
  • 2.6. manufacturer's information - Angstrem Trading Company LLC, 198035, Russia, St. Petersburg, st. Scottish, d. 6.
  • 2.7. bar code - the manufacturer's bar code is applied to the packaging - 4 607081 900500;
  • 2.8. date of manufacture - 01.12.2009;
  • 2.9. shelf life - 12 months;
  • 2.10. TU 9294-002-33150217-96; Buckwheat groats are quick-cooking. First grade.
  • 3. Identification (identification) functions:
  • 3.1. manufacturer's name (logo) - selected cereals "grain to grain";
  • 3.2. trademark - "grain to grain";
  • 4. Emotional functions (due to design, aesthetics, color combinations):
  • 4.1. attracting attention - the packaging attracts with its colorful design, the color scheme is perfectly matched;
  • 4.2. aesthetics - the packaging is quite elegant and beautiful;
  • 4.3. pleasantness - the packaging does not carry negative information;
  • 5. Advertising Features:
  • 5.1. advertising on the packaging (advertising text, photos, drawings, etc.) - the packaging contains a logo image, contains transparent inserts through which the contents are clearly visible;
  • 6. Satisfying the requirements of distribution channels for packaging in terms of ease of transport, storage and circulation of goods:
  • 6.1. Packaging is made in accordance with the requirements of transportation and storage.
  • 7. The ability to segment the market, the ability to highlight the target segment:
  • 7.1. The packaging is designed for the mass buyer.
  • 8. Environmental features of packaging:
  • 8.1. This is probably the only drawback of packaging - it is not an environmentally friendly material, because it requires a special disposal procedure.

3.5. Packing and packaging analysis

Packaging - a specific container or shell in which a given product is placed and which, for the most part, is properly designed. In this case, the immediate container of the goods is considered to be the primary packaging.

In order for the goods to be moved from the producer to the consumer, it must be placed in special containers that allow the best possible loading and unloading, warehousing and transportation. The receptacles used in this case are usually called transport packaging (tare). An integral part of any package is the labeling, and in some cases, the presence of special printed information about the product, which is placed on the package or contained in a separate insert. These inserts may give detailed instructions on how to consume products that may harm a person, or contain instructions that certain precautions must be taken when using these products. In addition, inserts can be used, for example, discount coupons for repeat purchases or recipes for preparing individual dishes using this product.

As already noted, packaging, firstly, should ensure the preservation of the product during its transportation, storage and consumption, and secondly, to be a means of promoting the product to the market, this determines the main functions, the implementation of which should be ensured through the use of packaging. These functions are:

protection of goods from possible damage;

preservation of consumer properties of the goods;

· ensuring the possibility of creating rational units of cargo for loading and unloading goods, as well as their storage and transportation;

creation of optimal units for the sale of goods;

Assistance in the promotion of goods on the market.

The creation of packaging can be considered as one of the important elements of marketing implementation. By placing a product in a spectacular package, you can ensure a significantly greater increase in its sales than other marketing activities, in particular advertising. This is determined by a number of factors. Here are the main ones:

1. Packaging can attract the attention of potential buyers, allowing, if necessary, to get acquainted with the main characteristics of the product, helps to choose the required product. This is especially true for retail stores operating on the principles of self-service;

2. Packaging can create convenience in the consumption of goods, provide a pleasant appearance, emphasize its prestige;

3. Packaging allows the buyer to quickly select the product of the brand he needs or the corresponding company;

4. Packaging can provide certain benefits to the customer. So, for example, by using different package sizes, it is possible to offer goods placed in large packages, which is sometimes the most acceptable for buyers. At the same time, taking into account the requests of individual customers, it is possible to offer the product in a package of minimum dimensions.

These functions of packaging can be implemented if all management decisions regarding its creation and use are carefully substantiated. First of all, it is necessary to establish what end result is to be achieved through the creation of appropriate packaging. With this in mind, it is necessary to determine whether the company will use uniform elements on each package or not, i.e. will use group or individual packaging.

It is also advisable to identify opportunities for packaging standardization. Finally, and most importantly, the cost of packaging should be analyzed. Assuming that, on average, about 10% of the retail price of a product falls on packaging. In some cases, the cost of packaging is up to 40% of the retail price of the goods, and sometimes exceeds it several times.

Design is of particular importance for packaging. The size, shape, material, color, text and location of the trademark have a direct impact on buyers, creating a certain attitude towards the product and the manufacturer.

Considering all of the above, the company decides to create prototypes of packaging. These samples should be subjected to appropriate tests. These are usually the following tests:

technical, allowing to check the compliance of the packaging with various standards, safety conditions;

visual, making it possible to make sure that the color is chosen correctly, the font is legible, the trademark is correctly placed;

Dealership, designed to establish whether the packaging meets the requirements of intermediaries in terms of product distribution and promotion of goods to the market;

· consumer, making it possible to make sure how the packaging meets the real needs and needs of potential buyers.

All of the above defines the so-called packaging concept. When developing such a concept, each company should pay special attention to packaging design. Therefore, it is necessary to determine how long the same design can be used. At the same time, it is especially relevant to study the feasibility of further use of this design, if:

The design is quite expensive for this product;

design does not suit intermediaries;

The design does not satisfy the buyers;

The firm enters a new market segment

The firm changes the position of the product on the market.

Consider the packaging of goods offered by OMNI LLC (Appendix 8).

The main transport packaging is cardboard boxes. For weight products, which are packaged at the retail site, the carton box is the consumer packaging. This type of consumer packaging makes up 7% of the total number of different types of packaging (see Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Share of various types of consumer packaging.

The largest share of percent (38%) has such a type of consumer packaging as a polymer can. This type of packaging reliably protects the goods from mechanical damage during transportation. Preserves, fish and vegetable salads, not expensive caviar are mainly packaged in this type of packaging. The shelf life of products in such packaging is up to 4 months. 54% of Udmurtryba brand products are packaged in polymer cans (see Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. The share of brands whose products are packaged in polymer cans.

The second place is occupied by vacuum packaging (33%). This packaging is used for various fish products: salted fish, cold and hot smoked fish, preserves, caviar. Also, vegetable salads and seaweed salads are packaged in this package. The largest percentage of goods packaged in this package are trademarks "Udmurtryba" and "Russian Sea" (see Fig. 12). The shelf life of products in such packaging is from 25 days to 6 months.

Rice. 12. The share of brands whose products are packaged in vacuum packaging.

16% of the products offered by OMNI LLC are packaged in plastic bags. This type of packaging is low cost. The disadvantage of this packaging is that it does not sufficiently protect the goods from external influences. 37% of the products packed in plastic bags fall under the Dry Cargo brand (see Fig. 13), or rather, all products of this brand are packaged in plastic bags. Also, all products of the Noble Catch and Vyalenki trademarks are packaged in plastic bags. Of the products of the Udmurtryba trademark, only seaweed salads have this package.

Rice. 13. The share of brands whose products are packaged in plastic bags.

Only caviar of such trademarks as "Russian Sea", "Avistron" and "Santa Bremor" is packaged in glass and metal jars.

3.6. Product Life Cycle Analysis

In marketing, to characterize the change in the level of demand for a product, the curve of the life cycle of demand (technology) is used. In accordance with the theory of the life cycle, cyclic changes in time of any need and its characteristics, such as, for example, the volume of consumption (sale) of any value, go through the following stages:

Introduction (origin);

Uneven growth (acceleration and deceleration of growth);

· maturity;

recession (attenuation).

1. The emergence of demand, when the need for a particular product requires the rapid development of the corresponding production, the market environment is characterized by the presence of several competitors and a significant amount of potential consumers.

2. Acceleration of growth in demand, when there are determining rates of growth in demand over supply, conditions are created for the development of production and intensive activity in the market in order to obtain high profits.

3. Slowdown in demand growth - a period when there are signs of saturation of demand, and supply begins to outpace demand.

4. Maturity, when demand is saturated in the product market, and excess capacity may occur at the enterprise.

5. Attenuation, a decline in demand, which is caused both by a decrease in the consumption of a particular value, and by changes in the state of the demographic and economic characteristics of the environment.

In addition to the life cycle of demand (LCS), as varieties of the life cycle of needs, there are:

· Technology life cycle (LCTech);

· Product life cycle (LCT).

In practice, when studying the state of the market and developing marketing activities in the field of product policy, they consider schedules for a specific combination of three cycles: demand, technology, and product. Depending on the level of technology variability, i.e. From the frequency of substitution of some technologies by others during the life cycle, the characteristics of the life cycle may change.

The life cycle of the process of meeting demand with the help of technology goes through the same stages that any need goes through. But if the needs are stable enough, i.e. less often change in time, then the goods that satisfy them have a certain life cycle. Under the influence of scientific and technological progress and social factors, they become morally and physically obsolete and are replaced by others. In a competitive environment, the product is sooner or later forced out of the market by another, more attractive product.

However, the life cycle theory is perhaps much more important for durable goods or other products that are used until they physically "die", do not wear out completely.

A new product can leave a plateau for any reason, but the plateau itself will remain until a significant breakthrough in technology occurs - each new invention leads to a change in product generations.

Now let's talk separately about the product, i.e. about its life cycle. Having created a new product, the company organizes its production and sale. Initially, the goods are produced in small batches and offered to the market in a limited volume. At the same time, each company wants its product to be universally recognized and the demand for it lasted as long as possible. However, no one believes that the product will be sold forever. Everyone knows perfectly well that the time will come when the product will be discontinued and its sale will stop. However, the company's management believes that the time the product stays on the market, i.e. its life cycle will be long and the company will be able to fully compensate for its costs associated with the development, organization of production and bringing a new product to the market.

To describe the life cycle of a product, a graphical representation of the dependence of sales volume and profit on the time the product is on the market is used. This dependence is different for individual time intervals, in connection with which the corresponding intervals are distinguished, for which there are their own specific features. Usually, four main stages of the product life cycle are considered:

· access to the market;

· maturity;

Sometimes one more stage of the product life cycle is considered - the stage of saturation, which is intermediate between the stages of maturity and decline.

Implementation stage. At this stage, the company organizes the production of goods and enters the market with it. It supplies only a limited number of assortment items, since the market is not ready to accept various product modifications.

Potential buyers are not yet sufficiently familiar with the new product, its properties and advantages compared to similar products of competitors. Therefore, the company attaches great importance to the policy of promoting goods on the market, pays special attention to those groups of buyers who are already ready to make purchases. Moreover, the company proceeds from the fact that for the product there are the following stages of adaptation in the market:

· awareness;


· grade;



Given the presence of such stages, the company, entering the market with its product, tries to present it as if it meets all the needs of potential buyers. The product is submitted for their consideration, and if it really satisfies certain needs of buyers, then a need arises for it and its sale is ensured. By improving the quality of the goods and expanding the number of its assortment positions, as well as improving the distribution system, the company ensures the growth of sales of goods. At the same time, the price of goods, as a rule, remains quite high.

The firm incurs losses or earns insignificant profits due to low sales volumes and high costs for the implementation of the distribution policy.

Each firm is interested in the fact that sales volumes are constantly growing and growth rates are significant. For her, the transition to the next stage of the product life cycle, the growth stage, is important. To speed up this transition, the firm may, for example, improve the quality of the product or increase the cost of the promotional policy. It may also lower the price of a commodity somewhat or increase the cost of implementing a distribution policy. By varying several of these variables at the same time, the firm can achieve the final results that it wanted to achieve at the stage of entering the market.

Growth stage. If the product meets the requirements of buyers, then it gradually receives their recognition. Many buyers make repeat purchases. Thanks to informative advertising carried out by the company, new buyers join these buyers. Sales volumes are growing significantly. The growth phase is coming.

By this time, the number of competitors in the market increases, which leads to increased competition for market positions. Therefore, the commodity producer must continue to spend heavily on promoting the product and at the same time reduce the price of the product. Such measures can be taken only by financially independent firms. Other firms go bankrupt. Their positions in the market are occupied by the remaining firms. Competition is decreasing and prices are stabilizing. As a result, sales volume increases and profits grow. Of course, every firm wants this state of affairs to last as long as possible. To do this, she can take one or several decisions at the same time from the following possible:

Entering new market segments;

increase the level of product quality;

increase the number of assortment positions of goods;

reduce the price of goods;

· provide a higher level of policy promotion of the product on the market and above all increase the importance of persuasive advertising;

· Improve the system of distribution of goods.

By making one or more of the above decisions, the firm can count on a leading position in the market. At the same time, ensuring the implementation of the decisions made, the company incurs additional costs, and therefore loses part of the profit. Thus, the firm must decide what is more important for it at this stage: to get the most profit or to gain a strong position in the market.

stage of maturity. At this stage, the volume of sales does not increase significantly for some time, then stabilizes at approximately the same level, and finally decreases somewhat. Therefore, sometimes there are three stages of this stage:

1. Growing maturity;

2. Stable maturity;

3. Decreasing maturity.

The maturity stage is usually longer than others, the demand for the product at this stage becomes massive. Many buyers purchase goods repeatedly and repeatedly.

At this time, original developments of new products of competing firms appear on the market. Some buyers are testing these new products. The demand for the old product is decreasing. The company is looking for ways to maintain its position in the market. To do this, she can choose one of three options.

1. Modify the market. Market modification can be achieved in three ways: by entering new markets or market segments; through the implementation of new ways of using the product; by repositioning the product in the market.

2. Modify the product. Modification of goods can be carried out due to: improvement of its quality; modernization; improving product design.

3. Modify the marketing mix. Modification of the marketing mix is ​​provided by improving its main elements: product policy; pricing policy; distribution and promotion policies on the market.

Recession stage. No matter how long the stage of maturity lasts, there comes a time when sales volumes are significantly reduced and profit from the sale of this product decreases. This is an indication that the commodity is entering a recession phase. With regard to a product at this stage of the life cycle, a company can make a variety of decisions, for example: gradually reduce the production of a product without changing marketing costs; reduce the production of goods with a significant reduction in marketing costs; stop the production of goods and sell their existing stocks, for the most part, at low prices; organize production instead of obsolete new goods.

Which of the above decisions will be made in each specific case depends on the top management of the firm. When making a final decision, he should first of all take into account the needs of consumers of the goods and do everything possible to ensure that they are satisfied and that the image of the company is preserved.

OMNI LLC sells 335 assortment positions and all of them are at different stages of the life cycle, for example, preserves are at the “growth” stage, and salted fish are at the “maturity” stage.



Department of Industrial Marketing and Communications


Product packaging


FMK, 3 course, DMP-1 I.V. Tomai


MINSK 2006


Coursework: 52 p., 1 tab., 50 source, 29 app.


Subject of research: packaging of consumer goods.

Object of study: JSC "Krinitsa".

The purpose of the study: analysis of the packaging of consumer goods on the example of the activities of JSC "Krinitsa".

When performing the work, the method of theoretical analysis was used.

In the process of work, a field study was conducted on the topic: "Packaging for beer and its improvement."

This work contains three chapters. The first chapter gives a marketing understanding of packaging, provides the main functions of packaging, requirements for packaging, its main types, describes the process of creating packaging; the second chapter describes the beer industry in the Republic of Belarus, studied the packaging of consumer goods of the JSC "Krinitsa" enterprise; in the third chapter, taking into account global trends in the packaging industry, recommendations are given for improving packaging at the studied enterprise.

The author of the work confirms that the calculation and analytical material presented in it correctly and objectively reflects the state of the process under study, and all theoretical and methodological provisions and concepts borrowed from literary and other sources are accompanied by references to their authors.


1. Product packaging in the marketing mix……………………………………....5

1.1.Marketing understanding of packaging……………………………………..5

1.2.Functions of the package…………………………………………………………….9

1.3.Packaging requirements…………………………………………………....13

1.4. Classification of packaging and its types……………………………………..17

1.5. The concept of packaging creation…………………………………………...21

2. Analysis of the packaging of consumer goods at OJSC Krinitsa. .26

2.1. Overview of the beer industry in the Republic of Belarus………………………....26

2.2. Brief description of JSC "Krinitsa"……………………………....29

2.2. Consumer packaging of goods at JSC "Krinitsa"………………..33

3. Proposals for improving the packaging of consumer goods at Krinitsa OJSC, taking into account global trends in the packaging industry………………………………………………………………………………… 40


List of sources used…………………..………………………….51



For centuries, packaging has been an integral part of human life. The oldest packaging materials include naturally occurring materials such as nut and egg shells, dried fruit rinds such as pumpkins, and empty cavities in tree trunks and rocks.

Then there are man-made packages - ancient vessels, which originally performed the two functions of storage and service. They were not used for transportation. Even if we take the packaging of the 19th century, it may seem a little strange for our days [Appendix A]. Since then, changing and improving, packaging has taken its rightful place in modern trade. Currently, its importance and role continues to grow. Today, packaging is everywhere. There is so much of it that attention no longer lingers on it, but it is designed in such a way as to act on the subconscious.

Every year, packaging of goods continues to occupy an increasingly important place in the construction of marketing strategies for a large number of enterprises. This is due to the growth in the number of firms on the market, and the intensification of competition between them for a “place in the sun”. Firms are forced to look for new ways to better meet the needs of the consumer of their products, trying to please him in everything and everyone. And packaging is a very good opportunity to distinguish your product in relation to the competitor's product. Therefore, it is important to constantly improve packaging and follow current trends.

That is why this topic is also relevant for the development of Belarus, despite the fact that the packaging market for Belarus is relatively new. Therefore, in order not to act “blindly” in order to reduce risks, it is very important to conduct timely marketing research on consumer preferences in this area and to identify real opportunities for improving the packaging of manufactured goods.

Consider the packaging of goods in the marketing mix;

· identify the position of OJSC "Krinitsa" in the beer market of the Republic of Belarus and characterize the packaging of beer produced by this enterprise;

1. Product packaging in the marketing mix

1.1. Marketing understanding of packaging

What is packaging?

For quite a long time, packaging was considered in its most direct meaning - as a decorated container that protects the product and contributes to its distribution.

However, bringing to the fore the issues of meeting all the needs of the customer and delivering only high quality products and without losses objectively led to a significant revision of the value of packaging. Packaging production today is one of the most important industries in the economy of many countries.

Currently, the concept of "packaging" is considered from two sides. From the point of view of merchandising and logistics, packaging is a means or a set of means that ensures the protection of products from damage and loss, the environment from pollution, and also ensures the circulation process. A container is the main element of packaging, which is a product for the placement and spatial movement of products. In addition to containers, packaging and dressing materials are packaging elements.

From a marketing point of view, packaging is the container or shell of the product, which in most cases is appropriately designed.

As the old Russian proverb says: "They meet by their clothes." And packaging is a kind of “clothes” of a product. Just as improperly selected clothing distorts the appearance of a person, so incorrectly selected packaging distorts the idea of ​​​​the product, creates a false picture of its quality and properties.

Packaging design should influence the image that the company is looking for for its products. Color, shape, materials - all this affects the perception of consumers about the company and its products. The success of goods on the market largely depends on successfully found packaging images.

One of the tasks of packaging is to inspire confidence in the effectiveness of its contents. For example, next to the pasta packaged in ordinary cellophane, there is an elegant box with funny spaghetti curls. The consumer thinks: “Maybe these are better? They probably cook faster and taste better. Undoubted benefit - no need to untie the knot every time. As a result - the purchase of the same pasta, only less in weight and more expensive in price and confidence in making a bargain. And it is the packaging that should convince the buyer of the correct choice. Picking up a pack of new washing powder, tea, cigarettes or any other product, he must be sure of its superiority over already familiar products in the same category.

Research in the field of packaging shows that when a person comes to a store, a person does not think about packaging, but first of all pays attention to it. Packages affect people in such a way that consciousness does not perceive it. And this ability - bypassing the mind, to dull the vigilance of the consumer and is its main strength. Despite the fact that people encounter packages daily, both at home and at work, they do not see them. The packaging is noticed only when it is difficult to open it or it is time to throw it away.

The purpose of packaging is to captivate and inspire confidence at the same time. That is why the first impression is so important, which, as you know, is difficult to change. It is necessary to find the form and the material that will combine, on the one hand, the marketing tasks of the company, production and financial resources, and on the other hand, the expectations of the target audience.

Marketing tasks solved at the packaging level can be divided into those that do not involve changing the packaging itself (its shape, material) and those that are achieved by designing and launching new packaging on the market.

In the first case, marketing tasks are focused on the intangible values ​​of the brand, which include:

· trust, reliability;

· psychological reward;

quality of differentiation.

Trust and reliability are achieved due to the ability of the packaging to be the carrier of the manufacturer's advertising message, as well as the bearer of the latter's corporate identity.

The emergence of new packaging options is due to certain reasons and goals:

1. The packaging carries an advertising message. The type of advertising message that is optimal for a particular advertising campaign is selected depending on the type of advertising that the company uses at this stage. As a rule, the main types of advertising include: informative (the stage of bringing the product to the market), persuasive (growth stage) and reminiscent (stage of "maturity").

Most often on the packages you can find a detailed advertising message and expert advice. The expanded advertising message basically promotes the slogan of the company. Consultation of a specialist involves the direct speech of a person who is authoritative for the desired target audience. Recently, expert advice has been actively used on the packaging of various juices, such as "Lubimiy" and J7.

2. Reflects corporate identity. Packaging is also important as a carrier of corporate identity, presenting to the buyer all the company attributes: trademark, logo, company symbols, company colors, which improves the memorability and perception of the product by buyers, partners and independent observers, and also allows you to oppose a specific product to products and activities of competitors .

The packaging realizes the psychological reward of the buyer as a carrier of practical information. For example, food packaging contains information about the composition, nutritional value and method of preparation of the contents, sometimes recipes and recommendations are also included on the packaging. In addition, the packaging contains an indication of the date of manufacture and the expiration date of the product.

The psychological comfort of the buyer is also ensured by the presence on the packaging of signs that protect the product from fakes and certify it. Thus, Mercedes-Benz has developed a special packaging for spare parts, designed to protect the consumer from fakes. This package has a protected trademark, a number of products of the Prime Line are equipped with holograms with the current numbering, the label of parts on the package has a narrowed shape and is provided with a bar code, the name of each part is given in 4 languages. The packaging of goods for beer in our republic also contains marking with special signs, and it is mandatory both for Belarusian enterprises and for enterprises exporting their products to Belarus.

3. Promotes the product. There are the following options for promoting a product when packaging plays a significant role - the use of lids, labels, packaging elements as attributes of promotions.

The next group of marketing tasks is solved by changing the form of packaging. In this case, packaging becomes a competitive advantage. It optimizes the process of using the product, and, therefore, becomes, as it were, a part of it. So, when choosing vodka, all other things being equal, the consumer will prefer the one with a dispenser; from juices, he will choose the one that is equipped with a valve and is easy to open, etc.

We must not forget about the possibility of reusing packaging. So, tin or clay packaging of tea can become a container for storing bulk products, many people use plastic bottles as a convenient container for storing liquids.

4. Builds an assortment line. We also note the tendency to build an assortment line of goods that differ in volume and, accordingly, packaging. So, drinks, both soft and low alcohol, are offered to the consumer in containers of 0.33, 0.5, 1 l, 1.5 l and 2 l. Thus, the maximum coverage of the target audience, which may be interested in the product, is achieved.

Another trend concerns the improvement of packaging in terms of the time of consumption of the product: immediately after the purchase is made or later. Therefore, manufacturers, for example, began to offer beer on the market with new, easy-to-open lids, which are convenient to open without leaving the point of sale. Sunflower oil "Moya semya" has original packaging, which, on the one hand, distinguishes the product from a series of similar ones, and on the other, facilitates transportation. The oil is bottled in square bottles, which are easier to crate.

This also includes the so-called smart packaging. Such packaging shows the condition of the product it contains. The best-known example of the use of intelligent packaging on the Russian market is the promotion of Afanasy beer, the label of which indicates the degree of its chilling.

5. Forms an image. As options for changing packaging, we will consider cases when fundamentally new forms of product presentation enter the market. The use of new packaging is possible in the following cases:

when creating a new image of a well-known brand, when an existing product is offered, but in a more functional package;

when launching a new product on the market;

· for elite goods of single production.

A striking example of packaging change is the transformation of beer bottles, juice and fruit drinks packages, which are now offered in different packaging options, including those with screw caps.

Unusual types of packaging also include custom-made luxury packaging. Such packaging is used for expensive limited consumption goods (expensive drinks, cigars, souvenirs, jewelry...). These are elite goods and goods that are not themselves the product of a single production (books, disks). But in any case, elite packaging is the packaging of a single product, it is used when it comes to one object, it excludes serial production. Distinctive features of such packaging are the original form and/or material, which do not pursue functional purposes, but serve solely for the purpose of aestheticizing the product.

For example, Havana cigars are an expensive commodity in their own right. There are rare, original varieties of such cigars. Accordingly, the boxes in which they are packed are the product of a single, hand-made production (for comparison: standard packaging, as a rule, has the usual rectangular shape and is made of cardboard). Luxury packaging for the Cabinet Boite Nature brand is made of natural wood and varnished. The gilded emblem of the brand is placed on the box, confirming the reliability of the brand. Such packaging is intended for special non-standard shaped cigars [Appendix B, Figure B.1.].

Often, original packaging is used for products that are not in themselves an object of material value, such as discs.

In other words, regardless of whether the product is a commodity of mass or limited demand, it must be remembered that packaging is part of the image - both of the product and of the enterprise as a whole. And to underestimate the role of packaging in the creation and promotion of goods is not only reckless, but also dangerous. Faceless product packaging can seriously damage a company's image. And the image is expensive.

1.2. Packing features

Packaging today is the content, and the label, and information, and advertising. This is strength, and flattery, and the ability to gain trust. It's beauty, craftsmanship, and convenience. It is individuality, protection, and help.

The importance of packaging as a marketing tool has been recognized by manufacturers with the rise of mass merchandising and self-service. It is now a critical element of a firm 's product development strategy .

Today, packaging is referred to as the "5P" in the marketing mix. It is the packaging that is the “link” that provides an effective link between the components of the marketing mix and affects the success of the entire project.

In order to promote the sale of a product, packaging must perform several functions. Typically, studies formulate from 3 to 7 such packing functions. However, based on the most necessary packaging requirements, four functions should be distinguished:

1. Localized function. In fact, any packaging means, first of all, limiting a certain amount of products in a certain volume. The main purpose of such a restriction is to allow the product to pass through the distribution system [Appendix B]. The manufacturing, handling, warehousing and transportation networks of developed and developing countries alike need this packaging function in order to move industrial and agricultural products from one place to another. As a result, the product is able to be efficiently delivered to the point of sale, allowing buyers to purchase it where it is most convenient for them. At the same time, for many goods it becomes absolutely necessary to use special packaging that provides this opportunity. It is hard to imagine that nitric acid, radioactive isotopes or infectious biological materials could pass through the trade network without proper packaging.

Today, the consumer expects, even demands, that the product arrives packaged. There are few buyers who are willing to take a bucket and go to a dairy farm for fresh milk, or go to a convenience store and buy five kilos of roofing nails and bring them home in their own pocket. In other words, modern society requires that goods be packaged in such a way that they can be transported, stored, shipped and sold at a convenient place for sale.

2. Protective function. This is the purpose of packaging to ensure the protection of the packaged product from the harmful effects of the environment, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to protect the environment from aggressive and dangerous products through their packaging.

Protecting a product from the environment is the most common function of packaging. It is known that most products are subject to this kind of effect: for household bleach it can be protection against loss of chlorine, for potato chips it can be protection from increasing air humidity (which makes the chips viscous and viscous), for a typewriter it can be protection from physical shock , which lead to the discord of its mechanism, for beer - resistance to leakage and preservation of taste. The product must not show physical damage or even appear to be damaged. A faded cloth, brown or wet sugar that has turned into a brick, a dented can of beer may simply not find a consumer, although they may still be quite suitable for their basic qualities.

In other words, the packaging is actually between the product and the environment. At the same time, the task of packaging is to protect the product from everything that can partially or completely spoil it. And it is very significant that the list of environmental factors that can harm the product is getting longer and longer every day.

It should also be taken into account that in the store the buyer may try to “try” the product (by opening, for example, a jar of product or a bottle of cosmetics), steal it from the counter, replace or steal the product if its packaging is small in size, does not have protective devices. and easy to hide. It is known that shoppers in stores often push and act aggressively, trying in every way to "assess" the characteristics of the product manually. One of the purposes of packaging is to protect the product from such mistreatment by consumers, as well as from the actions of the unpacker, who, with the help of a billhook, opens cargo boxes with reckless indiscretion.

No less urgent and responsible task of society is now also becoming the protection of the environment from the impact on it of the products of human production activity.

3. Operational function. This role of packaging is particularly multifaceted and is designed to meet the needs of the consumer, i.e. packaging should provide useful services to the person using this product as much as possible and most specifically. It is necessary, for example, that it opens to allow the product to be taken out and used freely, and also (if necessary) closed so that a part of the product can be stored for reuse. In some cases, it should be practically inaccessible to curious children. It may also be necessary for the packaging to measure a measured amount of the product, or have a sifting nozzle, etc. Finally, special packaging may be required in order to keep some sterile products out of prying hands.

For a number of years now, two terms have been commonly used to describe the effectiveness of this packaging function: "convenience" and "practicality". In general, the term "convenience" would seem to be associated with opening, reclosing, and distributing all sorts of things in consumer goods containers that ordinary shoppers purchase from retail stores and bring home for individual consumption. In essence, the meaning of the term "convenience of packaging" is that it should be designed for an unprepared consumer and should be understandable even without detailed instructions on how it works.

The term "practicality" has also been used for many years to characterize the special advantages of a particular package in the delivery of goods to the point of sale. First of all, this term is used to define the ability of packaging to serve the product to the consumer in the form and sequence in which it is necessary for its most effective use. This can be compared to the requirements for the distribution of sterile instruments in the operating room, where both special preparation for the use of these instruments is necessary, as well as their placement on the table to facilitate their successful use. In other words, the meaning of the term “practicality of packaging” is its special design (adaptation) for solving specific problems and its use by personnel trained for this purpose.

4. Communication function. The packaging must carry all the necessary information. First of all, it provides identification of the product, informs the buyer about the features of the product and is the last link with the consumer on the trading floor, encouraging him to purchase this product, which is preceded by advertising and promotion of the product in other ways. Packaging is the detail that first of all catches the eye and clearly shows the specifics of the product. From this point of view, it is primarily intended to:

Identify the product by its common legal name. In addition to this, she identifies the product by its quality, bearing the seal (image) of the company. The product quality that a company is trying to maintain can also be expressed in packaging;

Inform the customer about what the product is and how to use it. The packaging must contain a list of ingredients, instructions for using the product (how to knead the dough for the pie or how best to spray the paint, instructions on how to store the product (“keep cool”, “do not break” or “do not burn, etc. .);

Encourage the customer to purchase the product.

If we talk about the communication function of beer packaging, then labels perform it here. Traditionally, there are three labels for beer on a bottle - a front (main) label, a counter label (it is placed on the back of the bottle) and a collar (an arcuate strip of paper under the neck of the bottle). The front label is usually printed with an original pattern, typical for the manufacturer and brand of beer. On the collar

the name of the beer or the company that produces it is written, it is possible to have a brand name of the company, an emblem. It, as a rule, performs a decorative function, and also allows you to determine the type of beer without removing the bottle from the box.

Previously, it was required that the type of beer, GOST standards and data that require a sanitation service were indicated on the front side, i.e. the capacity of the bottle, the content of proteins and carbohydrates in 100 grams of the product, the energy value of the drink, as well as the time during which it should be consumed. Now, in order to unload the "facade", all such information can be printed on the back label. Previously, it was used only to get acquainted with the composition of the purchased drink, the address of the manufacturer, the barcode, and also read a brief annotation. Sometimes a counter-label is used to convey promotional information directly related to a given drink. In the same place, on the counter-label, a barcode is placed. Code on the label in Annex D: 481 0038 000134 3. 481 - state code (Belarus); 0038 - code of the enterprise JSC "Alivaria"; 0001 - product code - "Gold Alivaria"; 3 - check digit. The STB and RST conformity marks are also affixed there. This indicates that beer without additional checks can be sold both in the Republic of Belarus and in Russia. Collierette performs a decorative function, and also allows you to determine the type of beer without removing the bottle from the drawer.

In a number of works by American authors, packaging is called the "silent merchant". Indeed, many studies confirm that the purchasing impulse at the point of sale is triggered primarily by packaging. This is especially evident when the advertisement and image representing the product are consistent with the type of packaging, and the packaging clearly represents the company, the product and creates a certain image of the product on the sales floor.

Well-designed packaging creates additional convenience for consumers and is an important means of additional sales promotion for manufacturers.

The use in 1899 of Unida biscuit packaging (cardboard, inner paper wrapper and outer paper wrapper) in the United States significantly increased the shelf life of the product. Previously, inconvenient types of containers were used for this purpose - barrels, chests, bulky boxes. Kraft's use of cans to package cheese also extends the shelf life of the cheese in the store and enhances the firm's reputation as a reliable food manufacturer. Mention should also be made of firms that immediately attracted the attention of buyers by offering for the first time to pour soft drinks into cans with a pull-out segment of the lid. Beautifully designed paper bags for packaging milk, kefir and other dairy products turned out to be exceptionally convenient for consumers.

Possible outcomes of packaging for manufacturers or retailers are as follows:

Attracting the attention of potential buyers;

formation of the company's image;

Ensuring the growth of sales volumes;

rational use of retail space;

· ensuring the possibility of creating rational cargo units for loading and unloading goods, as well as their storage and transportation;

Creation of optimal (in terms of mass and volume) units both for the sale of goods and for its consumption. For example, sugar in retail stores is sold in 1 or 2 kg per package, soil for indoor plants - 3-5 kg ​​or more, face cream - 100-200 ml.

Possibility of special production for a specific market group. For example, gift wrapping is targeted at shoppers purchasing gifts.

Possibility of modifying a product that is in the stage of maturity. Examples of products that have been successfully modified and presented as new due to packaging innovation include:

Aerosol cans for shaving cream, deodorants and hairspray;

Disposable containers for milk, carbonated drinks and beer;

Aluminum containers for fast food;

Transparent packaging for meat;

Vacuum packaging for tennis balls, etc.

For consumers, the main benefits of the existence of packaging are:

1. the ability to quickly select the product of the desired brand or the corresponding company (for example, the buyer of photographic materials will immediately recognize the familiar yellow boxes with Kodak film);

2. ensuring the attractiveness of the appearance, prestige;

3. familiarization with the main characteristics of the goods;

4. creation of convenience in the consumption of goods;

5. providing certain benefits to the buyer - gift type, trial version;

6. increasing the value of the product. So, transparent packaging makes it possible to see the goods. Or, on the contrary, opaque hides flaws, contributes to less economical use (for example, detergent), which is beneficial for the manufacturer or seller.

Creating first-class packaging for a new product can cost a firm several hundred thousand dollars and take anywhere from a few months to a year of hard work. However, a successful solution immediately attracts the attention of buyers to a new product and contributes to the commercial success of the company.

1.3. Packing Requirements

Requirements for packaging are established by manufacturers of goods, transport and storage organizations, the Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, with the participation of sanitary and epidemiological committees and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Then they are fixed in product standards, special packaging standards for certain types of products (GOST), technical specifications (TU) for the production of packaging materials and packaging, in guidelines, instructions, standards for determining hygienic and microbiological indicators of packaging materials and containers, contracts and agreements for the supply of products, in the law on the protection of consumer rights.

The set of requirements can be divided into four groups: fundamental, additional, marketing and sanitary-hygienic.

The fundamental requirements include packaging safety, environmental friendliness, reliability, compatibility, interchangeability and cost-effectiveness.

The safety of packaging is not the absence of harmful substances in it, it is the prevention of the transfer of harmful substances from the packaging to the product in contact with it. Harmful substances contain many types of packaging. For example, paper contains lead, polymeric materials contain monomers, and metal containers contain iron, tin or aluminum.

The safety of packaging is ensured by applying protective coatings on it (food grade varnish, half-day for metal containers) or by limiting the shelf life of products (polyethylene or PVC packaging). The use of certain dyes for packaging design requires permission from the Ministry of Health of Belarus. It is necessary to take this into account when choosing packaging for a particular product.

The safest glass and fabric packaging, the least - metal and polymer.

The environmental friendliness of packaging is its ability, when used and disposed of, not to cause significant harm to the environment.

There are no types of packaging that are absolutely safe for the environment, since various substances are released into the atmosphere during disposal. Thermal disposal of wooden, paper, fabric and polymer packaging releases carbon dioxide into the environment, resulting in the onset of the greenhouse effect and climate change. Polymer packaging, in addition, releases chlorine, sterol, dioxins, etc. during combustion.

Glass and metal packaging can be melted down, otherwise it will pollute the environment for many years. Polymeric and glass practically do not collapse, metal collapses within 10-20 years. The most quickly destroyed paper and fabric packaging.

The environmental friendliness of packaging is enhanced by repeated use (returnable packaging) or recycling (for example, paper and wood are processed into cardboard) .

Packaging reliability is the ability to maintain mechanical properties and tightness for a specified time under certain conditions of transportation and storage. Tightness is understood as the absence of exchange between the contents of the container and the environment. On this basis, absolutely, tightly and well-sealed containers are distinguished. Absolutely sealed containers are impervious to gases; tightly sealed for water vapor; well sealed protects products from accidental spillage or drying out.

Reusable packaging itself must be sustainable.

The shelf life of disposable packaging may slightly exceed the shelf life of the goods.

Packaging compatibility - the ability not to change the consumer properties of goods. To do this, the packaging must be clean, dry, without signs of mold and foreign odors. It should not absorb individual components of the product (water, fat, etc.) or impart any properties. For example, wooden food boxes should not be made from softwood, as the food will acquire an unusual smell.

Interchangeability - the ability of packages of one type to replace packages of another type when used for one functional purpose. For example, sealed metal and glass jars with metal lids or boxes and cartons are interchangeable.

The economic efficiency of packaging is determined by the cost, the cost of operation and the cost of disposal.

The cost of packaging depends on the materials used, as well as the manufacturability of production. For example, paper is cheaper than glass and metal, but the latter are easily melted, molded or stamped.

Disposable packaging is cheaper, but requires high disposal costs. Reusable packaging becomes cost effective if used more than 3-5 times without repair.

The economic efficiency of packages is not the same and is determined by the characteristics of the product. There is no one type of packaging that is most effective for all products.

Additional requirements include the transportability and storability of the package.

Transportability is the ability of a packaged product to be transported by certain modes of transport and ensure the technical, technological and economic efficiency of this process.

Stockability is an important requirement, since goods are stocked not only by the manufacturer, wholesalers and retailers, but also by forwarders in ports and by the consumers themselves. Therefore, before choosing an acceptable means of packaging, it is recommended to study all the circumstances directly related to the storage of goods in order to make the packaged units optimally convenient for warehousing.

Marketing requirements include: informational content, presence of aesthetic properties, recognizability, value enhancement, subsequent applicability, adequacy to the product, brand and client, conformity with distribution channels.

Informativeness. The packaging must clearly present the benefits of the product, its scope (functions, suitability, shelf life).

The presence of aesthetic properties is especially important for consumer packaging. Packaging should be modern and attractive, which is achieved through the use of attractive materials (foil, cellophane, polyethylene) and colorful design. Impeccable design and psychologically successful color solution, elegance and grace of packaging, ease of implementation of artistic design at minimal cost are important requirements when developing packaging for specific products.

Recognizability - the ability of packaging to be seen among a large range of competing products and clearly indicate the brand or manufacturer. This is a property that characterizes the effectiveness of advertising.

For example, the developers of the Tide laundry detergent packaging were proud of the fact that even if the pattern is cut into pieces and swapped, the image will remain recognizable.

Adding value - providing the consumer with additional convenience in use. Compliance with this requirement allows you to gain a competitive advantage over competing products, which is especially important in a saturated market.

Subsequent applicability, that is, the possibility of using the package after it has been emptied, is important for some consumer groups, for example, for the economical ones.

Adequacy to the product, brand, customer involves the creation of packaging that matches the lifestyle of consumers. It is clear that it makes no sense to use expensive packaging for a cheap product. Or pour beer into yogurt cans.

Compliance with distribution channels. If the product is sold in self-service stores, then it must not only be packaged, but also be suitable in size and appearance for presentation on store shelves. This is especially true for vending machines.

The most stringent requirements are imposed on packaging materials intended for contact with food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. When choosing packaging material for these types of products, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the required level of sanitary and hygienic characteristics.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements include the following provisions:

The composition of the packaging material should not include highly toxic substances with cumulative properties and specific effects on the body (carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, allergenicity, etc.);

The packaging material should not change the organoleptic and physiological properties of the product, as well as release harmful substances in quantities exceeding the migration levels acceptable from a hygienic point of view.

Compliance with these requirements is secured by a hygienic certificate.

Packaging is a multifaceted concept, even contradictory, since, on the one hand, it makes life easier for the consumer, and on the other hand, it mercilessly exploits his consciousness in an effort to attract him to the product. In this regard, opposite requirements are often imposed on the functional properties of packaging. For example, medicines should have a package that protects the medicine from children well, and at the same time, this package should be easy to open, convenient to use for patients and the elderly.

Trends such as the aging of the population in many countries and the transition to processed food, as well as the emancipation of women, have also become a significant factor in changing the requirement for packaging. The active participation of women in production and public life in most countries of the world requires a change in food packaging using portioned packages in the family circle, as well as for fast food in restaurants, cafes, when transporting passengers on airplanes, to feed hospital patients, etc.

1.4. Packaging classification and its types

The main features by which containers and packaging are classified are their purpose, mechanical stability and strength of the materials used, as well as the frequency of use.

According to the purpose, the container and packaging can be:

· internal (consumer): wrappers, cardboard boxes, cans, bottles, packages, vials, tubes, etc. Its cost is fully included in the price of the goods and paid by the consumer, since it becomes the full property of the buyer;

· external: most types of wooden, cardboard, metal, plastic boxes and containers, barrels, drums, various bags, etc. In the external container, products are transported or stored in the process of their movement from the manufacturer to the consumer. Its cost, as a rule, is partially included in the cost of goods (wooden - 60%, cardboard - 80%).

Depending on the materials from which the container is made, it is divided into:

· wooden;





· polymeric;


Depending on the resistance to mechanical stress, there is a container:

Rigid retains its shape before being filled with products and after being released from it;

· soft changes its shape when the product is released from it (bags, packaging fabric, etc.). Such containers well protect bulk goods from losses and pollution; This container takes up little space and is light in weight.

Depending on the number of revolutions that the package can make, it is divided into:

disposable (used by the manufacturer once, but may then have intended or unintended subsequent applicability to the consumer, for example, tins from branded coffee or beer can be collected);

Reusable (involves several successive cycles of use in the production of goods until its complete or partial physical wear and tear, contributes to a more economical use of resources, but requires the manufacturer to collect and prepare it for subsequent use, for example, a glass bottle for beer).

Consumer packaging is delivered to the buyer along with the goods. Packaging is carried out by the manufacturer or the seller in their packaging or consumer packaging. Therefore, the main attention of marketers is focused on this package.

Since packaging can be single-layer or multi-layer, its types can be distinguished by levels:

· Primary packaging is actually a commodity shell, the original packaging inherent in branded products. Provides protection for the goods and at the same time guarantees the correct weight and ease of use, and with its special shape makes it easy to identify the offer. For example, a bottle of perfume.

· Secondary packaging is any subsequent layer after the primary, not counting the transport packaging. It performs primarily an advertising function and is characterized by a high degree of information content, it can increase the value of the product. It plays the main role not for the consumer, but for the intermediary, creating the convenience of storage and trade. For example, a box for a perfume bottle.

By the number of packed units of goods, they differ:

box packaging - calculated per unit of production;

multiple - a package that combines two or more units of goods. It can be the same products (shaving blades, sodas) or combinations of different things (comb and brush, first aid kit). The main purpose of such packaging is to increase consumption of the product, to get consumers to buy sets of, for example, branded goods or to try out new products (for example, a new automatic pencil packaged with a well-known ballpoint pen), and to market slow-moving goods. Most types of multiple packaging are universal in nature: they can be sold as they are transported, or broken into separate units;

· portioning makes it possible to offer separately packaged portions of a product. Often used as emergency packaging. For example, the Alka-Seltzer company sells its namesake tablets individually wrapped in foil, as well as unwrapped in vials. The use of portion packaging can create a competitive advantage and build brand preference. However, the product in portioned packaging has a high cost.

As varieties of consumer packaging for its intended purpose, we can distinguish:


gift (recognized to create a sense of celebration and induce wastefulness);

trial (informs about a new product, encourages him to try it, and also allows you to assess the conformity of the product to the needs of the consumer. For example, trial packages of decorative and medical cosmetics, perfumes are in steady demand, because they allow buyers to navigate a wide variety of goods);

portioned, or one-time (may target the product to a specific segment of consumers, for example, for non-family or traveling consumers);

family, or increased capacity (allows you to purchase a large amount of goods with some savings).

The degree of originality can be distinguished:

standard packaging (provided for this type of product);

individual (can be provided to the buyer as a paid service).

Now let's take a closer look at the types of consumer packaging, depending on the material from which it is made. One of the most advanced and economical types is cardboard packaging [Appendix B, Figure B.2.]. The production of cardboard containers can significantly reduce the consumption of industrial wood. For the production of 1000 cardboard boxes, about 6.3 m 3 of wood is consumed, while the production of the same amount of wooden boxes requires 23-32 m 3. The cardboard container differs in ease, durability and good isothermicity. The main type of such containers, intended for packaging consumer goods. There are boxes of different sizes. For the manufacture of this type of container are used:

flat layers cardboard (used mainly for the manufacture of individual packaging);

corrugated cardboard (used for the manufacture of individual and so-called group packaging).

The largest manufacturer of cardboard packaging in the Republic of Belarus is the Svetlogorsk pulp and paper mill. In principle, the capacity of this enterprise is sufficient to supply Belarus. However, today, due to objective reasons, the plant copes with this task by 60%. He has to increase the supply of products to foreign markets in order to purchase technological equipment with the proceeds of foreign exchange.

Paper packaging [Appendix E] is intended for packaging bulk and piece products. Paper bags are the main type of paper packaging. They are made of two types: sewn or glued with an open or closed (with a valve) neck.

The most common types of wooden packaging [Appendix E] are wooden and plywood crates and drums. The share of wooden packaging in the production of consumer packaging is about 1-2%.

In our time, containers and packaging made of polymeric materials [Appendix G], namely glasses, boxes, tubes, bags, bags, etc., are increasingly used. The advantages of this container include strength, absence of permanent deformations, chemical resistance, impermeability, ability to be painted in any color. Polymeric containers are made from such polymeric materials as polyethylene (bottles, flasks, cups for packaging sour cream, ice cream and other products are made from it), polypropylene (for packaging fresh meat, vegetables, juices, compotes, jams, etc.), polystyrene ( for packaging processed cheeses, sour cream), polyvinyl chloride (for vacuum packaging of meat, poultry, hard cheeses, butter, etc.), polyethylene terephthalate, etc. About 15 enterprises are engaged in the production of polymer packaging in Belarus. The next material for packaging consumer goods is cellophane. This shiny, transparent film is the cheapest of packaging materials. Cellophane is more often used as decorative packaging, food packaging.

Metal packaging (barrels, cans, flasks, tubes, cylinders, etc.). [Appendix I] Compared to other types, this container has a high mechanical strength, which significantly increases the possibility of its long-term use and waste-free processing. Since there is currently a decline in the production of canned meat products in the republic, the demand for tin packaging in this industry is declining. However, the demand for metal packaging for beer and soft drinks has recently grown. Since there is no own production of food tinplate in Belarus, it is purchased in most cases in Russia.

Aluminum foil is also used as a packaging material. For strength, the foil can be laminated (apply a polyethylene film on its surface) or laminated (glued with thin varnished paper). Aluminum foil and its packaging materials ideally meet all the requirements for food packaging. It is impervious to moisture, light, odors and oxygen, contains practically no microorganisms, is ready for sterilization and processing using modern packaging materials. This type of packaging is used for portion packaging of butter, margarine, cottage cheese, cottage cheese and processed cheeses, ice cream, making lids for yogurt, sour cream, mayonnaise, desserts [Appendix K]. Plain, embossed and finishing foils are used for portion packaging in the meat processing industry for the manufacture of plates, glasses, trays, cans and wrappers. For wrapping sweets, chocolate, foil laminated with paper or plastic wrap is used. Foil is used in tea packaging, cigar liners, bottle caps, liquor neck wraps, etc. for the packaging of food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, household chemicals, paints, lubricants, etc. aluminum and polymer tubes are increasingly used. For the production of polymer tubes, a combined material and directly polymers are used.

Glass containers include bottles, jars, cylinders of various shapes and capacities used for bottling wine and vodka products, beer, soft drinks, mineral waters, vegetable oils and other products. The disadvantage of glass containers is their fragility and significant weight, which can reach up to 50% of the mass of products. In the Republic of Belarus, glass bottles of various configurations and volumes for all types of drinks are produced by 5 enterprises. 2 factories specialize in the production of beer bottles: brown and dark green are produced in Grodno, and dark green in the Vileika region. Vodka bottles are produced by almost all factories, except for Grodno. Grodno glass factory is the only manufacturer of champagne tableware in the Republic. It should also be said that the majority of Belarusian glass factories work on imported raw materials.

Considering the pros and cons of all packaging materials, recently composite-based (insert) packages have become more common - these are designs that use more than one material, for example, a paper-based tube with a metal or plastic lid. The combination of materials can open up a new economic way to make a product stand out.

Thus, packaging in modern conditions is considered as a method of creating consumer preferences and a means of meeting the social needs of society, manufacturers, sellers and individual consumers. There are many packaging options, and it would be a mistake to limit yourself to only one material or combination.

1.5. Packaging concept

Packaging design is a part of product planning during which a firm studies, designs and manufactures its packaging. Packaging specialists working at industrial enterprises are called differently in different countries: packaging technologist (Italy), container and packaging manager (Russia), packaging engineer (Republic of Belarus).

However, the manufacturer does not always deal with the development and production of packaging for their products. The following main approaches to the creation of packaging can be distinguished:

Appeal to the services of specialized firms - manufacturers of packaging;

Independent production of packaging for their goods;

Cooperation between a packaging company and a packaging customer. Currently, the creation of packaging that best meets the needs of consumers is ensured, as a rule, precisely as a result of cooperation between the manufacturer of the product and the packaging company, the main advantage of which is the combination of knowledge of the product and its consumers with technical and technological knowledge. This is how JSC "Krinitsa" produces its packaging.

The process of creating packaging involves the following decisions:

1. Determination of the main function of packaging. For example, providing more reliable protection of the goods or a new method of distribution or bottling, or a clear informational focus on the buyer.

For example, Efes began marketing "aluminum bottles" that combined the benefits of multiple closures with rapid cooling. According to the results of numerous surveys, this factor is of great importance for consumers.

2. Choice of individual or group packaging, i.e. the presence or absence of common elements on the packaging of all goods included in the assortment group.

3. The feasibility of using multiple packaging, which contains two or more units of goods. These can be the same products (shaving blades) or different products (perfume and cosmetic sets). If we talk about the beer industry, then it can be several bottles of beer packed in a cardboard box with a handle (group consumer packaging), or a souvenir package that includes, in addition to several bottles of beer, also a mug or some other item.

4. Ability to standardize packaging.

This issue is especially acute for firms that have entered foreign markets. An international corporation must determine whether standardized packaging can be used worldwide with just language changes on the label. Standardization increases global acceptance. For this reason, The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo use the same packaging in all parts of the world. However, some colors, symbols and shapes may be perceived negatively in some countries. For example, white means purity in European countries and mourning in Japan; two completely different images. Here you have to be very careful.

5. Development and determination of the cost of packaging.

The absolute and (which is especially important) the relative cost of packaging are taken into account.

The absolute cost of packaging is a specific price, including the cost of packaging materials, the cost of manufacturing packaging, its storage and transportation, depreciation of equipment, depreciation of the packaging itself, if it is returnable, etc. So, if we talk about returnable containers for beer (glass 0.5 liter bottles of JSC "Krinitsa", then it should be noted that its cost in absolute terms is 140 rubles excluding VAT).

Relative cost is the share that the price of a package makes up in the price of a product. The relative cost of a bottle of beer will fluctuate depending on the type of beer.

The cost of packaging should be in reasonable proportion to the cost of the goods. On average, about 10% of the retail price of a product falls on packaging, and in some cases (cosmetics) - up to 40%. This proportion depends primarily on the degree of prestige and expressiveness of the product itself.

The real opportunity to reduce packaging costs is the use of standard packaging samples. Standard models are given an individual, easily identifiable look with appropriate stickers and labels, which are much cheaper to produce than to produce your own packaging. However, from a marketing point of view, the effectiveness of such packaging is noticeably reduced.

6. Packaging design.

Packaging design should influence the image that the company is looking for for its products. Color, shape, materials, size - all this affects the perception of consumers about the company and its products.

Plain packaging creates an image of lower quality generic brands. In addition, at present, packaging is a symbol not only of the content, but also of the consumer's lifestyle. Therefore, companies spend a lot of effort on package design.

Design is a means of creating and maintaining a brand. Design uses color, pattern, and shape to capture the distracted attention of the customer in order to draw him to the product with the help of packaging. Buyers perceive 11,000 packages in 1800 seconds, bypassing the counters. A sixth of a second goes to the fraction of one package, which means that the designer must have time to achieve the goal in time equal to a lightning flash. Therefore, in the design of the packaging, everything that mankind knows about visual expression is involved.

Packaging design includes 3 components: structure graphics and color.

Structure is the physical form of the package; these are contours that can attract attention; it is the perception of the package in the hand; it's a way to open it and distribute the content.

Although structural innovations are an advantage for the brand, all packaging tends to become generic for a particular product group. The most typical example here is consumer packaging for beer during the Soviet era. Many of the most important functional innovations in packaging design actually need to be tweaked before they can actually fit the bill. For example, in a beer can, a ring designed for easier opening was constantly torn off for a long time.

The presence of multiple packaging options for the same product creates choices for the consumer (for example, packaging options of different capacities). Moreover, the choice is not only in terms of container size, price, etc., but you can create the impression of product differentiation in a deeper sense.

The choice of packaging and packaging material is influenced by the sensitivity of the product to be packed, the types of possible damage during transport and storage, the laws and regulations in force for the transport and storage of a particular product.

Graphics is what is on the surface of the container. Often "equity", that is, style, individuality, especially for brands with multiple product categories in different containers, lies in a purely graphic concept, in a combination of colors, fonts, emblems and the entire design style. Recently, the design of the company's packaging in a single corporate style has become an integral attribute of successful sales.

Color is the element of packaging that causes the fastest and widest response. This effect occurs on a non-verbal and unconscious level. Color can cause the most conflicting feelings and opinions, associations, therefore, knowledge of the specifics of "color" issues allows you to more correctly solve problems related to packaging design.

When buying beer, the most important is the associative perception of the package, i.e. connection of the product with color variations on the packaging, which, due to market processes, become part of the product category (the label for dark beers is usually made in dark colors). It is the stability of certain associations that allows us to define colors as symbolic, signal expressions of certain general qualities, properties that we transfer to what we see.

The designer, through artistic means, must express what the package is supposed to "say" and not say what is not intended for an audience of buyers who only give attention to most packages for a fraction of a second. And if the packaging design did not separate the product from the mass and did not provide it with sustainable consumption, this is a failure. Therefore, in the design of packaging, designers today use everything that mankind knows about visual perception.

7. Packing test.

After the previous six decisions are made, packaging prototypes are created and subjected to the following tests:

1) technical - allow you to check the compliance of the packaging with various standards, safety conditions, etc.;

2) visual - make it possible to verify the correct choice of color, font, placement of a trademark, etc.;

3) dealerships - necessary to establish the compliance of the packaging with the requirements of intermediaries. Labeling should also be taken into account here.

4) consumer - allow you to make sure that the packaging meets the real needs and needs of potential buyers.

8. Packaging production. Her patenting

After the tests, mass production of packaging is being established, taking into account possible adjustments during testing of prototypes.

Simultaneously with the production of packaging, a packaging sample is patented. Any aspect of a package may be registered as an industrial design if it is not functional; functional aspects can be patented as inventions.

Patent protection is very important for "equity", a corporate identity, because the favor of consumers, once won with the help of corporate symbols, colors, shapes, can have a positive effect for many years.

Abroad, the practice of patenting packaging is very common, since the appearance of the product significantly affects sales. However, in the Republic of Belarus this type of intellectual property has not yet gained value.

Creating prototypes, testing them, organizing mass production of packaging and patenting the final packaging design - these stages are the final ones in the development of the packaging concept, and they are presented as the result of the work done in the previous stages. Of course, the final stage is the most time-consuming and costly from a financial point of view, however, the most responsible work is carried out at the previous stages, when the image and idea of ​​the package is created.

Thus, packaging is one of the main, after quality, components of successful product sales. Well-made packaging is one of the main ways to gain customer confidence. The desire to buy is caused by packaging, and it is she who makes a decision. When creating a product improvement concept, it is absolutely essential to link it to the packaging concept and design, because it helps a person to make a choice among many other similar products.

2. Analysis of the packaging of consumer goods at JSC "Krinitsa"

2.1. Overview of the beer industry in the Republic of Belarus

The beer industry, which has been developing at an accelerated pace in Northern Europe and the USA since the end of the 19th century, is now transcending borders and expanding into China, Russia and Central Europe. Moreover, it is curious that the largest in the world are not German beer concerns at all, as many believe, but the American Anheuser-Busch (turnover of more than 15 billion euros), South African SubMiller (10.4 billion euros), Dutch Heineken (9.2 billion). In an effort to attract the consumer, the United States began to sell beer in aluminum bottles, in France - in kegs and come up with lighter or flavored varieties of this drink, and also try to increase the consumption of beer among women.

Beer is a serious topic for Belarus. Suffice it to say that the state automatically receives up to 45% from each bottle sold in the form of various taxes and fees. It is not surprising that the problems of the Belarusian beer industry are being solved today at the highest level. In terms of beer (however, as in any other part), the republic has its own, unexplored path. In Russia - traditionally revolution. By attracting investments, world-class brewing companies (such as Baltika) quickly and unexpectedly for experts appeared. In Europe and America, producers followed an evolutionary path: they gradually increased the quality of beer, production volumes, tracked consumer preferences, developed slowly, but with high quality. In Belarus, everything is individual. First, in the mid-90s, the brewing industry was cornered. Producers were obliged to support unprofitable collective farms and buy barley from them, which is more suitable for feeding livestock than for beer production. Then the brewers were taxed with incredible taxes, deprived of benefits and preferences. The industry was on the brink of extinction. And now she is under full control. However, with all this, there is also a positive trend.

Beer production in our republic is carried out by 13 specialized organizations and 5 minibreweries. Their profitability averages 21.8% - the highest among the food industries. However, out of 18 enterprises, only half are at the level. The production capacity of the republic's brewing organizations is 49.2 million decaliters. Almost half of the capacities (39 percent) are concentrated in Minsk. 7 percent of the capacities are concentrated in the Brest region, 8 percent in the Vitebsk region, 11 percent in the Gomel region, 12 percent in the Grodno region, 5 percent in the Minsk region, and 17 percent in the Mogilev region.

Minsk "Krinitsa" and "Olivaria", Lida, Rechitsa and Brest breweries have been and remain the leaders of Belarusian brewing. It should be noted that the Bobruisk brewery Syabar, which until recently was on the verge of bankruptcy, is not far behind them after the reconstruction. According to the results of 2005, the leaders of Belarusian brewing are: in terms of growth rates in percentage terms, Olivaria is the leader, and in terms of gross beer production today there is no equal to Krinitsa. Mogilev and Slutsk breweries can be called the first applicants for bankruptcy.

In 2005 the output of beer amounted to 27,150 thousand decalitres, the rate against the corresponding period of 2004 was 119.5%. In 2005, according to operational data, 738.8 thousand decaliters of beer was supplied for export by the brewing industry organizations, or 69.7 percent of the 2004 level.

According to Belgospischeprom, the brewing industry plans to increase beer production by 20% this year compared to 2005 to 32.5 million decaliters. At the same time, all the largest manufacturers of these products intend to increase their output. According to experts, the potential capacity of the Belarusian beer market is estimated at about 33-35 million decalitres. According to the Ministry of Statistics, 30.1 million decalitres were sold in the republic last year (per capita sales increased to 30.6 liters against 22.2 liters in 2004).

In many respects, the success of the brewing industry can be associated with the current program for the development of the country's breweries. In accordance with it, the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the brewing production at Krinitsa, Olivaria, Rechitsapiva, Lida Pivo, Dvinsky Brovar and Syabar Brewing Company was carried out.

JSC "Krinitsa" reconstructed the brewing production with bringing the production capacity up to 15 million decalitres. In addition, measures were taken to complete the first stage of reconstruction without increasing capacity.

A line for bottling beer into PET bottles, an automatic machine for blowing PET bottles and a CIP station, refrigeration equipment and forfas (6 pieces) were put into operation, a line for bottling beer into an aluminum can was modernized, and a rainwater station was installed.

Olivaria Brewery OJSC completed the reconstruction of the brewing, fermentation, yeast departments, beer bottling shop. Production capacities have been increased by 1.1 million decalitres.

Reconstruction of Lidskoye Pivo OJSC was completed with an increase in beer production capacity by 2.5 million decaliters (taking into account the disposal of production capacities - 1.5 million decaliters) and the first stage of Brestskoe Pivo OJSC, with an increase in capacity of 1.7 million gave.

In the JV "Rechitsapivo" JSC, a technical re-equipment of the brewing procedure, a beer bottling shop was carried out, a technical re-equipment of the fermentation-lager and yeast departments is underway. The increase in capacity amounted to 1.4 million decalitres.

On July 14, 2005, the first stage of the new brewery JLLC "Dvinsky Brovar" with a capacity of 1 million decaliters was put into operation.

The reconstruction of SZAO Brewing Company Syabar is underway with the re-equipment of the fermentation-camp, brewing, filtration departments, and the beer bottling shop. Its capacity increased by 4 million decaliters and amounted to 7 million decaliters. .

In 2003, investments were attracted to this sector for technical re-equipment and reconstruction in the amount of 42.3 million US dollars, the increase in capacity amounted to 9.5 million decaliters; in 2004 - 42.1 million US dollars, the increase in capacity - 2.5 million decalitres.

In 2005 investments were attracted in the amount of 43.6 million US dollars, which is 128 million US dollars since the beginning of 2003, or 114.8 percent of the target for 2003-2005.

In connection with the above reasons, the volume of production of foamy drink has significantly increased, the modernization of enterprises is being actively carried out. Last year, the consumption of Belarusian beer increased by 10%. This is a very good indicator, because in order for the beer industry to work effectively and enterprises to develop, they need a 5-6% increase in sales annually. Already now, in principle, it can be stated that the stores are filled with products of domestic breweries. However, it is estimated that about 8 out of 30 liters of beer consumed by the average Belarusian are foreign products. Here, Belarusian brewers compete mainly with Russian firms such as Baltika, SUN Interbrew, and Nevskoye.

Beer consumption per inhabitant of Belarus is only 27 liters per year, while in Russia - 30 liters, in Lithuania - 55 liters, in the USA - 90 liters, and in the Czech Republic and Germany this figure reaches 160-220 liters. There is something to think about.

In 2002, the Olivaria brewery was the first in the Republic of Belarus to produce a new kind of beer for the Republic of Belarus, Olivaria-0. All over the world, non-alcoholic beer is the pinnacle of brewers' skill. Those who brewed non-alcoholic beer were automatically included in the brewing elite. And after "Olivaria-0" appeared "Nulevachka" from the Lida brewery, non-alcoholic beer from "Krinitsa" is planned. In the total volume of drinks produced by Olivaria, non-alcoholic beer takes 2%, and on a national scale this figure is 0.3%.

According to Interfax, from January 2004 to December 2005 the beer container market underwent serious changes. The market share of the glass bottle decreased by more than 20%, while the popularity of beer in plastic bottles (from 22% to 32%) and aluminum cans (from 2% to 12%) increased. At the beginning of 2006, the demand for beer packaging looked like this: PET bottles remain the most popular (44.3%), followed by glass (33.7%), aluminum cans (15.4%) and kegs (6.6%) , used mainly for the sale of beer on tap.

Now let's take a closer look at the leader of the Belarusian brewing JSC "Krinitsa".

2.2. Brief description of JSC "Krinitsa"

In 1973, in the Minsk industrial region "Drazhnya", the first stone was laid in the foundation of a new enterprise - Minsk Brewery No. 2, and already 2 years later the enterprise produced its first beer "Krinitsa". Then, the brewery as the head enterprise was part of the Minskpivprom production association, along with five other factories in the Minsk region (Borisov soft drinks plant, Slutsk brewery, Molodechno brewery, Minsk soft drinks plant and the Belarus brewery - now known as Olivaria "). Later it was renamed into "Krinitsa". The economic difficulties of the early 90s of the last century did not bypass the brewers, and since 1992 the production association "Krinitsa" has become a leased enterprise. Then in 2001 the enterprise was transformed into an open joint stock company. Under an agreement with the Russian company Baltika, a large-scale reconstruction of production has begun. For an investment of $50 million, Baltika, according to the initial agreement, was to receive 50% plus one share of the enterprise.

In 2003, at the initiative of the Belarusian government, the agreement with Baltika was terminated. The block of shares owned by the state is transferred to the trust management of Priorbank OJSC. The 1st stage of reconstruction is being completed. Within its framework, the brew shop and yeast department were modernized, the filtration and fermentation-lager equipment was completely replaced, a new water treatment station was installed, and new beer bottling lines were installed. Thanks to this, it was possible to improve the quality of products, as well as more than double the production capacity. New equipment was supplied to the enterprise by leading manufacturers from Germany, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, France, Holland.

2005 is the year of the thirtieth anniversary of Krinitsa. The company continues to strengthen its position as the leader of the brewing industry of the republic.

Since March 23, 2006 JSC "Polotsk Pivo" has become a branch of JSC "Krinitsa". The initiative of such a merger belongs to Priorbank, in whose management the Polotsk brewery was transferred for five years. This association is beneficial for Krinitsa, as it will allow it to get the Polotsk market.

Open Joint Stock Company "Krinitsa" is the largest beer producer in the Republic of Belarus with fully automated production management processes. This is a truly modern, powerful, highly developed production facility that produces a wide range of high-quality beer. The number of employees of the enterprise is currently about 1200 people.

The Krinitsa brand embodies a beer of a new, European quality. At the same time, the company continues to develop dynamically. Work on improving quality, modernizing production and mastering new products is ongoing. The company's market share is estimated at 50% among Belarusian brewing companies and about 40% on the entire Belarusian beer market.

Enterprise advantages:

Use of modern equipment for the production of beer;

Using only high quality raw materials;

Permanent, systemic control of product quality;

Competitive price;

Functional and varied packaging;

The quality of JSC "Krinitsa" products is regularly confirmed by awards at international competitions:

International beer tasting within the framework of the exhibition "Bistro, beer, wines, drinks";

Kyiv international competition "Holy beer";

Moscow International Professional Competition "Best Beer, Non-Alcoholic Drink and Mineral Water of the Year".

The target audience for the enterprise are middle and low income groups. Therefore, the company needs to continue to focus on this market segment in the course of building its marketing and production policy. Reorientation of the enterprise to the segment with a high level of income (above 500 US dollars per month at the rate of the national bank) will require large investments and will lead to a repositioning of the brand. And since the company is still paying accounts payable, in this case, due to lack of financial resources, the company risks losing its leading position in the Belarusian beer market.

The company's product range is represented by three product groups:

1. Low alcohol drinks:

· "Krynitsa-1";

· "Krynitsa Klasichnae";

· "Krynitsa Motsnae";

· "Krynitsa Expartnae";

· "Krynitsa Premium";


"Alexandria is light";

«Kaltenberg Pils»;

· "Krynitsa Starazhytnaya";

· Gin and tonic;

Rum Cola

· Mojito;

· Barbados;

2.Soft drinks:

· "Kvass";

Kvass "Zhivitsa";

Kvass "Zakvaskin";

Kvass "Refreshing";

· Kvass "Mint";

· Kvass "Easy";

Kvass "Okroshechny";

Kvass "Cossack";

· Kvass "Spicy";

· Bread kvass concentrate;


· Peach aroma;

· Aroma of orange;

The aroma of banana-kiwi;

· Cola light;

· Krinitsa-Baikal;


· Lemonade;

Cream soda;

· Assorted fruit;

Aroma of lemon-lime;

· Bell;

· Barberry aroma;

· Silver with lemon flavor;

· Pineapple-strawberry aroma;

· Orange slice;

· Green apple aroma.

3.Dry drinks:

Cevita with orange flavor;

Cevita with raspberry flavor;

Cevita with lemon flavor;

Cevita with cherry aroma;

Jelly "Milky";

· Jelly with aroma "Lemon";

· Cherry flavored jelly;

Jelly with strawberry flavor;

Jelly with "Orange" flavor;

Jelly with Pistachio flavor;

Jelly with the aroma of "Raspberry";

Kissel "Winter Cherry";

Cocoa with sugar "Express";

· Cocoa with milk and sugar "Express".

However, despite such a diverse assortment, the largest share in monetary terms, according to the marketing department of the enterprise (89%) of the sold products of JSC "Krinitsa", is beer.

And the fact that OJSC "Krinitsa" is a modern developing enterprise and constantly increasing production volumes can be seen from Table 2.2.1.

Table 2.2.1. Progress in fulfillment of the main indicators of financial and production activities of JSC "Krinitsa"

Name of indicator

1st quarter

Production in

in kind,


Beer, thousand dal.

white alcoholic drinks,

including kvass, thousand dal.

Dry drinks, tons

The volume of sold

products, works, services

in current vacation

prices, million rubles

The volume of sold

products on

export, thousand US dollars


sold products,%

Level reduction

Material consumption,%

Average monthly


one worker,

In order for the company to increase the number of consumers, it is necessary to pay more attention to studying the needs of customers, not to stop there, to improve production, the quality of beer, and also pay considerable attention to the marketing policy of the company.

The author of this work conducted research to identify consumer preferences and factors influencing the purchase of beer [Appendix AB]. The results for some items of the study are presented below:

Figure 2.2.1. Share of factors that play a decisive role in consumer choice of beer

Note. Source: own development

The share of such factors as "taste", "fame of the company" and "price" is the largest, which was to be expected. However, it can also be noted that the share of "packaging" when choosing beer is also significant (almost on the same level as "company fame" and "price"). Thus, it can be concluded that packaging is an integral part of the competitiveness of beer. Therefore, further we will take a closer look at the range of beer produced by JSC "Krinitsa" and its packaging.

2.3. Consumer packaging of beer JSC "Krinitsa"

As already noted, JSC "Krinitsa" is the largest beer production enterprise in the Republic of Belarus. The history of the plant begins in 1975. Then the main production shops were put into operation and the first beer "Krynitsa" was brewed.

The design of the first beer packages of the Minsk Brewery No. 2 as part of the Minskpivprom Production Association practically did not differ from the packages of any brewery in the USSR. If you remember, in the USSR beer was produced in glass bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters, beer labels throughout the Union were almost the same, the prices for beer were the same ... Among the one-faced "Zhigulevskie" brewery No. 2 stood out only "Minsk Golden" . Everything was determined by GOST.

But now the Union and Union standards are gone, and beer producers found themselves in new conditions. There was a struggle for the consumer with practically unlimited possibilities for the production of new, individual varieties of beer.

This is how “Burshtyn of Belarus”, “Vyazynskoye”, “Lev”, “Starozhitnoye”, “Krinitsa” appeared. At the same time, the company was well aware that it was necessary not only to produce good beer, it was important to gain a foothold with it in the consumer market, to make it recognizable. Therefore, special attention was paid to the external design of the beer bottle, i.e. beer label, because beer was still bottled in a standard half-liter container.

Each type of beer from Krinitsa went through several stages of evolution. The manufacturing technology has changed, and the design of the label has also changed. From the primitive faded stickers of the Soviet era, the company has come to stylized bright colorful European-style labels. The changes affected not only the design, but also the quality of printing [Appendix L].

The history of beer "Lev" is interesting. This drink was developed in 1996 for the anniversary of the general director of Krinitsa V.Z. Bodrov (born under the sign of Leo). So it didn't take long to think about the name of the new beer. Since the workers did not dare to put the chef's portrait on the label, they printed a colorful portrait of the Lion - the king of beasts. Finally, the buyer saw something original and artistic at the same time. It is possible that the success of this variety and its steady popularity are explained not only by its excellent taste, but also by the brightness of the design.

Unfortunately, not all designs of Krinitsa's beer labels were so successful. For example, the label for beer "Minsk", made in light blue tones, repeated the design of mineral water "Minsk". To the credit of the manufacturers, they quickly amended. And beer "Minsk" changed its "water sign" to a purely beer one.

An attempt to bring the labels of all produced beer varieties to a single model was also not very successful, when a ribbon appeared on the labels in the middle or at the bottom with the inscription "Krinitsa" ("Krynitsa"). As a result, the specific name of the drink was concealed, and the buyer was confused, perceiving all the different varieties as one - "Krinitsa" (since there was a beer with that name).

The label for Nagano beer is one of the most successful design projects of the Krinitsa brewery. The Winter Olympics in Nagano opened up wide opportunities for the creative imagination of artists. The choice was made in favor of a general portrait of the Belarusian ice squad, since it was with the hockey players that we pinned our main Olympic hopes [Appendix III]. Hockey players did not let the country down, the beer label of their producers did not.

The creation of a new sort of beer also requires a unique packaging design, a design that is well remembered and fixed in the memory of a potential buyer for a long time. Over time, one label design to create an original packaging design was not enough. It was also necessary to change the standard half-liter Soviet bottle, to look for new design solutions.

The rebirth of "Krinitsa" experienced at the end of 2003, when the first stage of a large-scale reconstruction of the plant was completed. Thanks to this, it was possible to more than double production capacity, as well as improve product quality. The new beer bottling line, commissioned at the enterprise at the end of 2003, allows increasing the production of intoxicating drink up to 30,000 glass bottles per hour. [Appendix M]

Today, the renewed "Krinitsa" is a modern, powerful and highly developed production, occupying up to 40% of the beer market in Belarus. It should be noted that the range of products is constantly updated.

At the moment JSC "Krinitsa" produces 9 types of beer, including 8 light varieties: "Krynitsa-1", "Alexandria", "Alexandria light", "Krynica motsnae", "Krynica classic", "Premium", "Kaltenberg Pils, Krynica Ekspartnae and dark Starazhytnae. Since January 2006, the company has stopped producing the dark beer Krynica Porter due to the low sales volume of this drink.

Beer is bottled in a glass bottle of 0.5 liters (euro and branded), PET bottles of 0.5, 1 and 1.5 liters and kegs of 30 liters. Since 2005, the production of beer in an aluminum 0.5 l can began.

A half-liter plastic bottle (new in 2003), supplemented with a special stopper with an eyelet, with which it can be opened without much effort, the bottle is also safe during transportation and operation [Appendix H]. A few breweries in the world can boast that their products are sold in such bottles. The capping technology mastered at JSC "Krinitsa" is the only one in Belarus and one of the few CIS countries (until 2005 it was the only one). The new bottling line for such beer produces up to 4 thousand bottles of beer per hour [Appendix M].

Since the end of October 2004, expanding the range of beer in PET bottles, JSC "Krinitsa" has added a bottle of 1 liter to the production of beer in bottles of 1.5 liters and 0.5 liters. For the first time in such a container, the company began to produce beer "Krynitsa-1". Now almost all sorts of beer of JSC "Krinitsa" are produced in such containers [Appendix P].

At the moment, the largest share in the total output - 66% - belongs to beer in PET bottles (1.5 and 0.5 liters), in 2002 this figure was only 8%.

Since 2005, the company has also started using branded green glass bottles for bottling beer Krinitsa Premium, Krinitsa Porter and Alexandria [Appendix P].

As regards other types of beer, in the first quarter of 2006, in accordance with the requirements of the market, JSC "Krinitsa" qualitatively raised the level of packaging of its products. The usual European bottle was replaced with an elegant, strict branded brown bottle [Appendix C].

The choice in favor of the brown color of the signature bottle was based both on marketing considerations and on the data of numerous technical tests. As you know, light has a negative effect on beer, giving it an unpleasant "illuminated" aftertaste. Beer is best protected from light by brown glass bottles, which determined the decision on the color of the container. This will ensure the stability of the quality indicators of the beer of JSC "Krinitsa".

The production of a branded bottle for the products of the Open Joint Stock Company "Krinitsa" is organized at the Belarusian-Austrian joint closed joint stock company "Glass factory Yelizovo".

The development of the design of the branded bottle was carried out jointly by specialists from Krinitsa OJSC and the Elizovo glass factory. The new packaging fully complies with the requirements of the standard and contains the main elements of the company's corporate style.

By transferring all products produced in glass bottles to branded packaging, Krinitsa intends to make it easier for consumers to find their products in a retail outlet, creating and maintaining a single standard for the entire range of beer in glass bottles. In addition, the use of a new branded bottle will further strengthen the Krynitsa brand, eliminate the possibility of counterfeiting or falsification.

At the same time, taking into account the wishes of the consumer, a new branded bottle from the first day of its use is a returnable container. However, a survey of sellers at the points of sale of beer from JSC "Krinitsa" showed that the consumer is not yet accustomed to the new bottle, many consider such beer a fake, which is associated with untimely awareness of the consumer and the imperfection of the marketing policy of the enterprise. This situation is aggravated, according to the author, by the fact that beer is still periodically bottled at the enterprise and, accordingly, sold in old bottles, which can be associated with an unorganized system for providing new containers. Previously, plastic boxes were used to protect a glass bottle during transportation, mainly they were returnable (about 70-80%). Now beer is transported in the following packages: glass bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters, like beer in iron cans, are placed on cardboard pallets, and then the bottles together with the pallets are wrapped in a polymer film, the only difference is that the soldering of iron cans is formed from 24 pieces , and glass bottles of 20; PET bottles are also transported in polymer film packs in quantities of 6, 6 and 12 pieces in one pack of 1.5, 1 and 0.5 liter bottles, respectively. Beer in PET bottles is not initially placed on pallets, as it is less susceptible to external mechanical influences.

If we talk about corks, which are an integral part of the packaging, then glass bottles are corked with a twenty-one-toothed metal cork, PET bottles of 1 and 1.5 liters have plastic corks with a thread, and a half-liter plastic bottle is supplemented with a special cork with an eyelet. Also on corks for the entire range of products there is a company logo [Appendix T].

Currently, Krinitsa is still the only producer of beer in aluminum cans in the republic. Beer "Klasichnae", "Alexandria" and "Premium" is poured into such cans.

Now "Krinitsa" produces products of the European standard, which provides for the presence of three labels on the bottle: a collar (usually an arcuate strip of paper under the neck of the bottle), a front label and a counter label.

In order to attract buyers and boost exports, in the summer of 2000 OJSC Krinitsa changed the design of bottles and began supplying them with European-style foil labels.

In addition, since the end of October 2004 JSC "Krinitsa" has updated the design of the label for beer in a 1.5 liter PET bottle. In this regard, the entire range of produced beer in various packaging now has a single graphic style [Appendix X]. However, in connection with the renewal of 0.5 liter glass bottles for beer in 2006, JSC "Krinitsa" decided to update the labels as well. However, the update occurred only on the labels on this container. It should also be noted that this design style differs significantly from the previous one and so far looks somehow “absurd” among the rest of the company's products. According to the survey conducted by me, 86% of consumers do not like the new design of the labels of JSC "Krinitsa" (during the study, 250 people were interviewed at the points of sale of beer). In addition, it is not yet clear whether the labels will be updated on other beer packages.

For several years now, all beer produced in kegs for subsequent sale at points of sale has been bottled in branded glasses of OJSC Krinitsa, containing the company logo.

Now let's dwell in more detail on the range of products.

"Krynitsa - 1" was made at OJSC "Krinitsa" using the best traditions of brewing according to modern technology. A light lager beer, a fermented drink with a pure malty taste and pronounced hop bitterness (its lightness and exclusivity are emphasized by a label made in gold tones). Positioned as a beer suitable for both women and men. At the moment it is one of the most popular types of beer of JSC "Krinitsa".

Density: 11.0%

Alcohol: 3.5%

Ingredients: water, brewing barley malt, hops.

100 grams of beer contains carbohydrates - 4.0 g.

Energy value: 41.7 kcal.

Produced in glass containers with a capacity of 0.5 liters, in PET containers with a capacity of 0.5 l, 1 l, 1.5 l. and in kegs [Appendix Y].

"Alexandria" is a light beer, its unique taste and aroma will leave an indelible impression on everyone who tries it. TM "Alexandria" is very popular among young people and sees the support of sports and Belarusian athletes in particular as part of its mission.

Density: 14.0%

Alcohol: 5.2%

100 grams of beer contains carbohydrates - 5.8 g.

· Energy value: 54.0 kcal.

This brand of beer began to be produced in 2004 after the completion of the first stage of the reconstruction of the plant. Produced in glass containers with a capacity of 0.5 liters, in PET containers with a capacity of 0.5,1,1.5 liters, in kegs, in an aluminum can with a capacity of 0.5 liters. At the end of December 2004, the first of the assortment range of Krinitsa JSC in tin cans was produced exactly the beer "Alexandria". Then it was decided to emphasize the sports character of the brand through an advertising campaign, focusing on the packaging in the new, canned, incarnation of "Alexandria" under the slogan "Don't miss the can!" [Appendix F]. By the way, before that, beer in cans was present on the Belarusian market only from foreign manufacturers. In the winter of 2005-2006, the company produced a trial batch of beer "Alexandria" in group packaging, designed for 4 bottles of 0.5 liters. However, this type of packaging did not find its consumer for several reasons: firstly, the consumer was unaware of the appearance of beer in this kind of packaging, and secondly, the cardboard from which the packaging was made was of poor quality and, without having time to find its consumer, worthlessness (torn). The packaging design is made in white and green colors, which symbolizes the football field, and with it the whole sport.

"Krynitsa motsnae" - light strong beer with a high alcohol content. A glass of Krynica Motsnae warms and goes well with meat dishes. Positioned as a beer for real men. Not everyone likes such a strong type of beer, however, it holds its 8% of sales from the total beer of JSC "Krinitsa".

Density: 15.0%

Alcohol: 5.8%

Ingredients: water, light barley malt, sugar, hops.

100 grams of beer contains carbohydrates - 6.2 g.

· Energy value: 58.0 kcal.

It is produced in glass containers with a capacity of 0.5 liters, in PET containers with a capacity of 0.5, 1, 1.5 liters, also in kegs. The label is made in dark colors, which is typical for strong beer. It is not produced in aluminum cans, as it has a very narrow and not numerous segment. The taste of this type, "Krynica ekspartnae", is similar to the beer of the times of the USSR, 60% of this type of beer is produced in glass bottles due to demand.

"Krynitsa klasichnae" - light beer, has a pure malt taste with mild hop bitterness and hop aroma. A classic type of beer. The best-selling beer is JSC "Krinitsa" and that is why it is produced in all kinds of containers that are typical for this enterprise. Group packaging, in the opinion of the author, is the best suited for this type of beer.

Density: 12.0%

Alcohol: 4.0%

Ingredients: water, light barley malt, hops.

100 grams of beer contains carbohydrates - 4.4 g.

Energy value: 45.3 kcal.

The label is made in blue-blue tones. This color was not chosen by chance. After all, blue, according to M. Luscher, is the color of "binding, affection, fidelity." Blue also characterizes constancy, perseverance, devotion and lightness at the same time. There was no better color for a classic beer.

In mid-September 2004 OJSC "Krinitsa" started selling a new sort of light beer "Krynitsa Premium". Premium light beer. "Krynitsa Premium" has a mild taste and delicate aroma due to a special recipe and cooking technology. A glass of this beer is suitable both for relaxation and for dinner with business partners. This product belongs to the class of elite beer, and therefore only the best raw materials are used in its manufacture. This sort of beer will be able to satisfy the demand of the most demanding beer lovers, who previously gave preference to imported varieties.

Density: 12.0%

Alcohol: 5.0%

Ingredients: water, brewing barley malt, maltose syrup, hops.

100 grams of beer contains carbohydrates - 4.7 g.

Due to its premium nature, Krynitsa Premium was originally bottled only in 0.5-liter containers (branded glass bottles, iron cans, PET bottles). However, recently it began to be produced in containers with a capacity of 1 and 1.5 liters. This is due to the fact that this type of beer is one of the most popular (19% of the total sale). In addition, along with its quality, it has a relatively low price among the "premium". And as you know, with the growth of income in the world, more and more people prefer this type of beer.

At the end of March 2005, changes took place in the assortment line of OJSC Krinitsa products. Instead of the Starazhytnae Lux variety, Krynitsa Starazhytnae began to be produced (a fragrant dark beer with an exquisite taste and light hop bitterness.) [Appendix C]. This is due to the decision to subordinate Starazhytnae Lux beer to the Krynitsa brand, thus optimizing the range of products produced under the specified brand.

Density: 12%

· Ingredients: water, light brewing barley malt, caramel brewing barley malt, hops.

100 grams of beer contains carbohydrates - 5.0 g.

Energy value: 46.0 kcal.

Beer has already won over numerous consumers (its production accounts for 13% of the total beer produced by OJSC Krinitsa). The beer is bottled in a 0.5 liter glass bottle, as well as in a PET bottle with a capacity of 1 and 11.5 liters. The label is made in dark colors, which is typical for dark beers. The consumer can easily identify the variety he needs.

At the beginning of May 2006 JSC "Krinitsa" started selling two new light beers "Krynitsa ekspartnae" (density 13% and alcohol content not less than 5.2%) and "Aleksandriya light" (beer 10% density and with a volume fraction of alcohol not less than 3.8%. The positioning of beer "Alexandria Light" will continue the strategy adopted for the entire brand "Alexandria" linking with sports, active lifestyle and active people. It is planned that by the end of the year this variety will take a strong position in the brand's assortment line. The variety "Alexandria Legkae" is planned to be produced in all types of packaging used by the enterprise. "Krynitsa ekspartnae" is planned to be produced in a branded glass bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters and an aluminum can of 0.5 liters. It is planned that this variety will take a strong position in the premium segment of the domestic beer market.

On May 16, 2006, the official presentation of Kaltenberg Pils beer, produced by OJSC Krinitsa in accordance with a license agreement between the company and König Ludwig International GmbH&Co. KG"

Beer "Kaltenberg Pils" is a perfectly balanced pilsner brewed from selected varieties of aromatic hops, which give it a characteristic bitter aftertaste. Kaltenberg is the only royal beer in the world.

JSC "Krinitsa" produces beer "Kaltenberg Pils" according to traditional Bavarian technology in full compliance with the law on the purity of beer, adopted in 1516. This year the company plans to produce about 160 thousand decaliters of elite beer. It is bottled in branded 0.5 liter glass bottles [Appendix H].

Thus, beer "Krinitsa" can be called the hallmark of the brewing industry in Belarus. For 30 years, it has gained a whole army of fans. And this is not accidental: after all, the name "Krynitsa" is associated with the word "quality". The best raw materials, the best traditions, the best technologies, the best modern packaging - all this is about Krinitsa. After all, he is always looking for a reasonable combination of highly artistic packaging design with excellent quality of the drink and an affordable price for the consumer.

3. Proposals for improving the packaging of beer at Krinitsa OJSC, taking into account global trends in the packaging industry

One of the axioms of marketing says: the buyer wants to buy not a cheap product, but a quality product at a low price. And the appearance of the goods when choosing plays a decisive role.

According to experts, the problem of Belarusian enterprises is not that they do not want to deal with the appearance of their goods, but that they do not keep up with new trends.

World experience shows that new, beautiful packaging helps to sell goods much faster than the introduction of any technological improvements. Modern packaging convinces the buyer of the quality and prestige of the product and indicates its compliance with modern requirements and consumer standards.

JSC "Krinitsa" is the leader in the beer market of the Republic of Belarus. Evaluating the packaging of beer "Krinitsa", we can say that in this area the company under study is superior to Belarusian competitors. However, before giving recommendations on improving the packaging at JSC "Krinitsa", let's look at what parameters are the most important for consumers in the design of beer packaging, and also look at the average consumer assessments according to these factors of the beer of JSC "Krinitsa" (the study was carried out before

Figure 3.1. The Importance of Factors in Beer Packaging Design for Consumers

1. Characteristics of the main types of packaging……………………………………3

2. Analysis of the implementation of packaging functions on the example of packaging seasonings (dried dill)……………………………………………………………...10

List of used sources…………………………………………..12


The main types of packaging can be identified using the classification of packaging according to the following criteria:

1. by appointment;

2. according to the functional purpose;

3. by affiliation;

4. by frequency of use;

5. by the quantity of the goods being packed;

6. according to the material of manufacture;

7. by design;

8. by manufacturing methods;

9. resistance to external mechanical stress;

10. in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation;

11.For additional features;

12. according to the degree of exchange with the environment;

13. according to the degree of permeability.

According to the purpose, consumer, transport, workshop and container-equipment packaging is distinguished.

Consumer packaging is the primary packaging. It comes with the product itself to the consumer and does not represent an independent transport unit. The cost of such packaging is already included in the cost of the purchased goods. Depending on what product it is used for, there are:

food consumer packaging intended for food products;

consumer packaging for drinks;

consumer packaging for medicines and other pharmaceutical products;

consumer packaging for hygiene and cosmetic products;

consumer packaging for equipment, household appliances, spare parts;

· gift consumer packaging, which can be both primary and secondary, depending on the specifics of the product and its packaging by the manufacturer.

Transport packaging is intended for the transportation of goods. In most cases, it is secondary packaging and does not have direct contact with the product. These are boxes, barrels, bags in which a group of goods intended for transportation is placed.

Shop consumer packaging includes trays, boxes, boxes, etc., in which, as well as in transport, a group of goods is placed. The difference between shop packaging and transport packaging is that, most often, it can be smaller and less durable. This type of packaging is designed to group goods by type, properties and for ease of movement within the enterprise.

Container-equipment is also trays and boxes in which homogeneous goods are grouped for storage, display and sale. The main difference between container-equipment and workshop packaging is that during storage, display and sale, it replaces the equipment necessary for these purposes. For example, in many stores, goods may not be sold from showcases, but from boxes located on the floor.

According to the functional purpose, they distinguish universal and specialized packaging, as well as packaging for consumer goods and industrial and technical purposes.

Universal packaging is designed for packaging, storage, transportation, display and sale of various types of goods. Those. One and the same package can contain several goods that are different in their properties, characteristics and functional purpose. For example, various dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese curds, etc.) can be packed in one box.

Specialized packaging is designed for goods of a certain type and purpose. If we take, for example, primary specialized packaging, we cannot pour juice with kefir into one tetrapack. Also, for example, food products cannot be transported in the same container with non-food products. First, a non-food product can damage food packaging, resulting in product spoilage. And secondly, under the influence of one type of product on another, it is possible to change the taste and other specific properties of the product.

Packaging for consumer and industrial-technical goods includes bottles, cans, boxes, boxes, plastic and paper bags, etc. The main difference between consumer and industrial-technical packaging is that consumer packaging is intended for consumer goods: food , drinks, clothing, etc., i.e. This is the packaging in which the product enters the store shelves. Production and technical packaging is used in the production process of goods and in most cases for non-food technical products (engine oils, adhesives, paints, varnishes, etc.).

According to accessories, packaging for individual and general use is distinguished. Packaging for individual use is usually produced according to special orders for a particular enterprise and its products. The use of this type of packaging depends on the main properties of the products and the desire of the manufacturer to distinguish his product from competitors of the same type. General use packaging, as the name implies, can be used by any enterprise and does not require a special order for its production.

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