The most feminine sign of the zodiac. Rating of wives by zodiac sign: who is the best? Worst zodiac sign for a woman

According to astrologers, it is impossible to name the best zodiac sign, since each has its own strengths and weaknesses. In principle, for each sign of the zodiac, you can come up with a certain title in which he will be better than others.

What is the best zodiac sign for a woman?

If you conduct a survey in order to find out what the most important features should be inherent in a woman, then you can hear many different answers. That is why each person has the opportunity to independently determine the best zodiac sign for a woman:

  1. Aries. Independent ladies who love to be independent. They are straight forward.
  2. Taurus. Such ladies are always in the spotlight, because they radiate sexual energy. They have a natural
  3. Twins. Representatives of this sign are mysterious and active at the same time. It is also worth noting their emotionality.
  4. Cancer. It is believed that according to the sign of the zodiac, this is the best wife, because she strives to create an ideal warm atmosphere for her beloved, which is very important for a happy life.
  5. a lion. Such women love to be a leader and if they do something, then on a grand scale, not paying attention to the little things.
  6. Virgo. A modest outwardly woman, inside of which passion rages. Virgo can make sacrifices for the sake of a loved one.
  7. Scales. Lovers of beauty, but at the same time they are demanding of themselves and others, which allows them to achieve a lot in life.
  8. scorpions. Attractive women who have good performance and intuition.
  9. Sagittarius. Representatives of this sign are kind and friendly and do not know what pretense is.
  10. Capricorn. Such women are mysteries, have good patience and high efficiency.
  11. Aquarius. Strong and independent ladies, who also have good intellectual abilities.
  12. Fish. Romantic ladies who stand out for their

What is the best zodiac sign? This question can take anyone by surprise. However, it is asked quite often. Especially those people who believe in the veracity of horoscopes. In this review, we will try to solve this issue.

Is it possible to find the most-most zodiac symbol?

If you want to determine which one you can use a variety of features for this. Some are great at communicating. Others do a great job with work of any complexity. There are those who are able to become excellent parents. Positive qualities can be found in each sign. You just need to learn to see them. In addition, not always everyone is able to solve the stars. It is impossible to consider all spheres of human activity. Therefore, we will try to briefly highlight the nature of all the representatives of the zodiac. So what is the best zodiac sign?

Passionate and gentle representatives

Demanding but gentle people

Taurus by nature are very gentle people. They are characterized by reliability and economy. They are not able to forgive betrayal in principle. However, they themselves will not be able to betray either. Are too jealous. But if there are no reasons, then there will be no doubts in your partner either. They are very fond of, if their dignity has not gone unnoticed. They have high self-esteem. However, they are demanding of themselves and their partner. If the question arose about which is the kindest sign of the Zodiac, then why not turn your attention to Taurus?

Duality as a manifestation of character

Gemini can be attributed to dual signs. They are able to show tenderness towards several people at the same time. They tend to be unstable. Able to change. The reason for this behavior is their uncertainty. Geminis simply do not understand what they want from their partner. However, if there is no doubt about the seriousness of feelings, then there is an opportunity to create a fairly strong family. Gemini are characterized by cunning. They can easily and simply manipulate people if necessary to achieve any goals. Is it possible to say that this is the best sign of the Zodiac?

Lovely family men

Cancer can make a great family man. His feelings are strong and long lasting. Even if it was not possible to get happiness from love, then Cancers will worry about this for a very long time. However, they can change. Cancers rarely remain lonely, as they are interesting to the opposite sex. And their constancy plays a huge role in this interest. For many people, this is the best sign of the zodiac.

People who strive to be the first and foremost in everything

Lions are considered the king of beasts. This is reflected in the sign of the Zodiac. In relationships, people born under this sign love to be in charge. And the gender of the representative does not play any role. They love to be the center of attention and are very worried if someone in their environment is more popular. In the event that you want to connect your life with Leo, then you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly be in his shadow. However, in private, the Lions will always be able to thank the person who is able to forgive him for small weaknesses. But it is worth considering that if you spoil him, you can wake up a domestic tyrant in him. In relationships, representatives of the sign have stability. In the event that he has found a mate for himself, then he will never change. Can you say that this is the best sign of the zodiac?

Household and decent bores

One of the best signs is Virgo. They are economic, decent. However, there are situations in which representatives of this sign are able to piss off even the most calm partner. It has to do with boredom. And speaking about which zodiac sign is the best, it should be noted that Virgos are characterized by high demands on their partners. In most cases, they are simply unable to forgive shortcomings. They shy away from responsibility, so they are in no hurry with a legal marriage.

Conquerors of hearts

Which zodiac sign is the best? Let's turn our attention to Libra. They are quite sociable. And at some moments it may seem that love is far from being for them. They constantly flirt and flirt. Men born under this sign are able to become real Don Juan. A partner with whom they can connect their lives is chosen for a very long time. This is due to the fact that there are enough interesting people in the world who are worth paying attention to.

Passionate natures

Judging from the position of the fair sex, the best for a man is Scorpio. This is the most passionate zodiac representative, which is manifested not only in love. Almost any business that a person born under this sign undertakes will “burn”. Scorpios are unable to accept the shortcomings of a partner, so they are constantly trying to re-educate him. They are quite secretive and persistent. If the representatives of the sign set a goal for themselves, they will definitely achieve it.

Sociability and diversity

For whom there are many signs of the Zodiac, but you should take a closer look at Sagittarius. They treat life quite positively and are able to charge everyone who is close to them with optimism. Frank enough. If something happens to them, then people around them usually find out about it. They are able to criticize for every little thing, not noticing that someone may not like it. They have a negative attitude towards monotonous relationships, as they highly value courage, fun and diversity. There are issues in which Sagittarians will always remain in their opinion, without changing it throughout their lives.

If there is no need for passion

Such zodiac representatives as Capricorns are famous for their cold nature. They rarely show feelings even if they are in love. They can be classified as careerists. The family sometimes goes by the wayside. They have an excellent sense of humor. In this regard, they can become excellent interlocutors. If you do not like excessive manifestations of passion and passionate love, then Capricorn is exactly what you need.

People who can't stand mental anguish

In the event that relationships are not constantly maintained, then Aquarius, most likely, simply will not be able to maintain them. They are highly sensitive and vulnerable, unable to endure, and therefore prefer to leave rather than endure. Partners can be attracted by unusual views on life, as well as their plans for the future.

Family tyrants that can make good friends

Pisces can easily get close to people. They have a large number of friends. And if your partner belongs to the representatives of this sign, then be prepared for constant calls and requests for help. Also, frequent gatherings in various companies are waiting for you. In love, they can be despotic and cruel.

Don't rely solely on horoscopes

Want to know for women and men? Then all the above characteristics will help you with this. Analyze everything that has been said carefully and figure out which of the representatives of the zodiac signs you could connect your life with. We hope that the information provided will help to cope with such a difficult task.

However, we must never forget that not only belonging to a certain sign can affect the character. There are a large number of factors that determine the personality of each individual person. Therefore, it is not necessary to focus entirely on horoscopes. You should wish you good luck in finding your man, who will have all the necessary qualities!

Each representative of the zodiac circle has its own strengths and weaknesses, which makes it unique. However, only one will get the title of the best: perhaps this is your Zodiac Sign.

Luckiest Zodiac Sign

The kindest zodiac sign

Tactful and courteous Taurus are deservedly considered the kindest Sign of the Zodiac. Their desire to help anyone in need is itself a sign of kindness. In addition, this is evidenced by the manner of communication with others. Even if there is a person next to Taurus who literally annoys him, Taurus will not show negative emotions: on the contrary, he will show favor to the interlocutor so that he feels comfortable.

Most Successful Zodiac Sign

Capricorns have all the necessary qualities in order to succeed. That is why astrologers have come to the conclusion that this Zodiac Sign deserves to be called the most successful. Capricorns can hardly be called careerists, because they try to devote time not only to work, but also to their family. However, if they wish to take a leadership position and earn more than their colleagues, it will not be difficult to do so. Purposefulness allows Capricorns to achieve their goals and become more successful, this is what distinguishes them from other Zodiac Signs.

Sexiest and most passionate zodiac sign

The attraction of Scorpions lies precisely in their sexuality. Many mistakenly think that Scorpio enters into intimacy only in order to lose excess energy and get complete satisfaction from the process, and it does not matter to him whether the partner will be pleased. But in fact, they are more important than the feelings and emotions of another person. Unlike other Signs of the Zodiac, Scorpio will not calm down until he gives the partner the full range of feelings.

smartest zodiac sign

Virgos strive to be perfect in everything. That is why, more than other Signs, they are engaged in self-development, gain new knowledge and try to apply it in experience. In addition, they will not miss the chance to show off their erudition and surprise others with interesting facts and information. Despite Virgo's shortcomings, astrologers believe that their desire for excellence has helped them earn the title of the most intelligent Zodiac Sign.

The most honest zodiac sign

It is quite difficult to say which zodiac sign is the best. After all, each has advantages that make them truly unique and attractive. However, some character traits, on the contrary, repel people: you can learn about them from

As studies of various fashion magazines show, the most beautiful girls are born under the sign of Leo. Some astrologers call Aquarius and Libra the most attractive. And on the forums on the Internet, you can often find statements that the first beauties are Scorpios.

However, whoever holds the "palm", it is so unfair to representatives of other signs! After all, men melt from the mysterious look of Pisces, they are toned up by the eccentricity of Sagittarius and the unpredictability of Gemini beckons. In general, in each representative of the zodiac pantheon there is something that attracts the opposite sex.

And today we will tell you what is the peculiarity of each of the twelve signs, and determine their most outstanding features of external and internal attractiveness.

But first, let's say that, unlike the character and predilections, the Zodiac does not have the strongest influence on the appearance. Much depends on the signs in which other planets of the personal horoscope are located, as well as on genes, that is, on parents and other ancestors. So among the representatives of any sign there are both "Beauties" and "Beasts". Not to mention the fact that beauty is a subjective concept, and what seems to be the height of attractiveness to some, others perceive as outright ugliness.

Therefore, we will concentrate on the best sides of the representatives of each zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries girls rarely leave anyone indifferent. They know how to make themselves noticed and remembered. These ladies attract attention with bright outfits “in contrast”, but once you look into their faces, you no longer want to consider what they are wearing. Their appearance harmoniously combines the will and the desire to win, the desire to live, love and be loved, originality and challenge, and, surprisingly, defenselessness. And even if a certain asymmetry is visible in their appearance, this is perceived as a “highlight”, and not as a disadvantage.

Women born in the first decade of Aries often have a full figure, but if they correctly select clothes and accessories, their magnificent forms attract no less interested looks than the slender legs of some young lady.

Beauties born under the sign of Aries: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Tatyana Navka, Celine Dion.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

The first thing that attracts in Taurus girls is their ostentatious softness and great personal charm. Men buy into it instantly and only later, having already fallen in love, do they discover that iron will and nerves of steel are hidden behind seeming complaisance. But by some incredible coincidence, they still continue to consider their beloved "white and fluffy", defenseless and vulnerable, and also the most beautiful.

And they are absolutely right, because the Taurus ladies are cozy, they will never be the first to start a quarrel; representatives of this zodiac sign carefully monitor themselves, skillfully use cosmetics and have a delicate taste in the selection of clothes. So even if suddenly nature did not endow them with classical beauty, they still rarely remain in the shadows.

Beauties born under the sign of Taurus: René Zellweger, Uma Thurman, Penélope Cruz.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Gemini girls are multifaceted. They change so rapidly that it is impossible to keep track of them. Today in front of you is a vamp woman with blood-red lips, sharp nails and a fatal look, and tomorrow - a modest peysan (ed. - peasant woman) with hair braided or laid in a tight knot at the base of the neck. It all depends on what role this lady plays, that is, on what is consonant with her worldview at this particular moment.

The beauty of Gemini women is ambiguous, and someone perceives them as goddesses, while someone does not react to them at all. But in any case, you can not ignore their hands. As a rule, they live their own lives, separate from the rest of the body, they tell something or refuse something when their owner seems to agree with the interlocutor. And sometimes it seems that the monologue leads the whole body of the Gemini woman. And it's incredibly attractive and erotic.

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

The beauty of Cancer women rarely immediately catches your eye, you must be able to see it, feel it, realize it. However, the one who managed to do this is unlikely to exchange such a lady for a brighter person. The representatives of this sign are intertwined with the features of a loving and caring mother, a faithful comrade-in-arms and the mistress of the house, to which you always want to return.

And let the Cancer woman not sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow spectrum, she quietly warms, kindly and condescendingly smiling, as her patroness, the Moon, smiles from heaven. And if it suddenly occurs to her to dress up, then she will easily “plug in the belt” of those who occupy leading positions in the ranking of the most beautiful signs. By the way, Cancers themselves are not outsiders there and, despite the lack of an enchanting appearance, they usually stand in 3-5 positions.

Beauties born under the sign of Cancer: Zhanna Friske, Natalya Varley, Nonna Grishaeva.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Lionesses, as already mentioned, are recognized beauties, and it is surprising that they attract attention even if their appearance, to put it mildly, is far from ideal. There is something in them that makes them beautiful even in the absence of this very beauty. The sun, their heavenly patron, endowed the representatives of this sign with an incredible charm. It is especially manifested when the Leo woman smiles. Her face changes dramatically, and from an ordinary, unremarkable person, she turns into the Swan Princess or the goddess Bast (ed. Bast, or Bastet - in ancient Egypt, the goddess of love, joy and fun, hearth and fertility was called that. She was depicted as a woman with a cat's head) - as you like.

Lionesses know how to charm, you can’t take that away from them. But sometimes they get tired of extraneous attention and disguise themselves, hide, stop emitting light. However, not for long. After all, for them the adoration of others is a necessary condition for existence.

Beauties born under the sign of Leo: Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lopez.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Girls born under the sign of Virgo make themselves. They may not have innate beauty, but, as a rule, others rarely notice this. Virgos know how to present themselves in such a way that men, and even women, have no doubts - they are lucky to be next to such an attractive and charming person.

Representatives of this sign carefully look after themselves, watch their figure, devote a lot of time to cosmetic procedures, they have great taste, so they are always a pleasure to look at.

And they constantly emit a subtle smell of freshness of forest herbs, even if they use a rather aggressive and sweet perfume. These ladies know how to not only attract attention, but also keep it, so their fans would definitely give them an apple with the inscription "The most beautiful."

Beauties born under the sign of Virgo: Salma Hayek, Sophia Loren, Cameron Diaz.

Beauty of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Libra girls are incredibly attractive. As a rule, they have a special article that attracts the attention of others to them. They have the figure of ancient goddesses, beautiful hands, expressive face. In general, nature did a great job creating these women.

True, sometimes they spoil everything themselves, choosing clothes that do not suit them, or a hair color that is actively knocked out of their harmonious appearance. And this despite the fact that Libra has a delicate innate taste! Sometimes it seems that they themselves are frightened or ashamed of their beauty and try to get rid of it. However, sooner or later, they realize that they are harming themselves, and return their splendor. And Libra women are very artistic, and this also becomes their advantage in the struggle for a leading place in the ranking of the most beautiful signs of the Zodiac.

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Scorpio women can hardly be called unconditionally beautiful. Although they consider themselves the height of perfection. And, in principle, they are doing the right thing, because few people doubt their attractiveness. But their beauty is rather exotic than familiar to our eyes. And they “take”, as a rule, with the sexuality emanating from them, and not with the correct facial features and good looks.

And the Scorpio ladies make them compete and conquer themselves, and this rarely leaves the opposite sex indifferent - men like the process of hunting. Sharp-tongued, Scorpios do not let you relax, they constantly attack without waiting for others to do it, and slip away as soon as one of their fans decides that they have caught this incomprehensible and dangerous creature.

Beauties born under the sign of Scorpio: Julia Roberts, Sophie Marceau, Demi Moore.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Sagittarius ladies can be anything - angular, sharp, not very beautiful, but this does not change anything. Both men and women are drawn to them anyway. They are forgiven for things that other people would never be forgiven for anything. Maybe it's all about charisma, generosity - spiritual and material, the ability to entertain and captivate, that is, all that are the strengths of the representatives of this zodiac sign.

However, it would be unfair to say that Sagittarius women are unattractive in appearance. Often they are amazingly beautiful, especially if they make a conscious effort to do so. It's just that sometimes they pay so little attention to how they look that their natural data is lost, dimmed. However, if they set themselves the goal of "conquering the whole world", then it is impossible to pass them by.

Beauties born under the sign of Sagittarius: Milla Jovovich, Svetlana Svetikova, Scarlett Johansson.

Charm Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

All Signs of the Zodiac are different from each other. There is no doubt about this. Astrologers decided to rank the most-very Zodiac Signs and see which of them succeeds in what.

The strongest zodiac sign

Astrologers believe that Pisces is the strongest sign of the Zodiac. This is rather strange, because the representatives of this constellation are very impressionable and sentimental. Where does their power come from? Pisces has a lot of internal resources that other constellations do not have. And when, for example, stubborn and ambitious Aries and Capricorns fail, Pisces take a fairly strong position. We can say that Pisces bend, but do not break.

Sexiest Zodiac Sign

The sexiest sign of the zodiac is Aries. Representatives of this constellation are energetic, attractive, passionate and active. They have no equal in love pleasures. Aries attract attention due to their charisma and inner charm.

The most insidious zodiac sign

The most insidious sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio. If the representatives of this constellation begin to take revenge, then you can’t stop them. They act by the most sophisticated methods, it is difficult to convict and suspect them of something. Scorpios are the worst and most dangerous enemies.

The most faithful sign of the zodiac

Astrologers consider Virgo to be the most faithful Sign of the Zodiac. People of this constellation strive to find a partner for life and are very careful in choosing their soulmate. And if they choose someone, then we can say with full confidence that the representatives of this Zodiac Sign will definitely not change.

The most beautiful sign of the zodiac

The most attractive zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The people of this constellation are by nature outwardly very harmoniously built, which gives them every right to be called the most attractive. In addition, they always monitor their appearance, which once again emphasizes their beauty and attractiveness.

The kindest zodiac sign

The most kind sign of the Zodiac is Taurus. He does not like to conflict, he is always soft and tactful in communication, which, of course, in itself is a sign of his benevolence. Taurus can provide free assistance, thereby proving once again that they have the biggest heart.

Luckiest Zodiac Sign

The luckiest zodiac sign is Gemini. Often they are in the right place at the right time, which makes them more successful than other constellations. Geminis are naturally optimistic, and this already accounts for 90% of their luck. Due to their luck, they can still rightfully be called the happiest sign of the zodiac.

The most family zodiac sign

The most family sign of the Zodiac is Cancer. For representatives of this constellation, family values ​​come first. They strive to find a worthy partner, get a cozy house and give birth to a bunch of children. This is the most ideal zodiac sign for marriage and serious relationships.

The most selfish zodiac sign

The most selfish zodiac sign is Leo. Despite their generosity and friendliness, the representatives of this constellation do almost everything to please their desires. They love to be the center of attention, which replenishes their energy. In addition, Lions are very fond of praise and flattery, as they feel at their best at such moments.

The most sociable sign of the zodiac

Libra is considered the most sociable sign of the zodiac. Don't put your finger in their mouths - just let them chat for an hour or two. Representatives of this constellation find pleasure in new acquaintances. When they are in society, they feel confident and at ease. It is difficult for them to withstand even one day of loneliness.

The most private zodiac sign

The most closed sign of the Zodiac is Capricorn. It is very difficult to imagine what is on the minds of the people of this constellation! They rarely trust their feelings and experiences to anyone, and, most often, they behave indifferently and coldly in public.

The most brilliant sign of the zodiac

The most ingenious sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius. Representatives of this constellation always generate new ideas. They have a very developed imagination and creative thinking. But sometimes they do not have enough strength to bring their ideas to mind, and therefore, all their brilliant inventions and projects remain unrecognized.

Remember that you are the very best for yourself, and do not forget to press the buttons and

30.01.2014 13:59

Having learned the Zodiac Sign of your chosen one, you can easily understand what she will be like in marriage. Hurry up...

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