Psychosomatics. Chicago Seven. Symptoms of mental illness (7 photos) What is needed for recovery

Each of us has our own quirks and bad habits that we mistake for whims.
It turns out it could be a mental illness.
So don’t relax and take it for granted.

1. Fear of urinating in the presence of other people

You go to relieve yourself in an empty toilet (let's say, in a restaurant), and are already halfway to blissful relief, when suddenly a shuffling sound is heard behind you. And... that's it. The process has stalled. You can't squeeze out any more drops. Someone sat down at the nearby urinal. You know - he hears that your flow has suddenly dried up and this only makes the panic grow. And soon a line will form behind you. And they are all perplexed that it is you there, in complete silence...

If you have ever experienced something like this, know that you are not alone. This condition is called paruresis or, more simply, fear of urinating in public. People susceptible to paruresis cannot relieve themselves in the presence of other people, even imaginary ones. This problem is most often observed in men, but it also happens to women from time to time. Scientists claim that seven percent of people have experienced a similar condition at one time or another in their lives.

In the most serious cases, those suffering from paruresis are able to go to the toilet only in their own home, when they are sure that no one is nearby and, in the near future, is not expected. It gets to the point where some sufferers have to have a catheter inserted. Paruresis is particularly problematic when subject to drug testing, and in the UK the disorder is considered a valid reason for exemption from urine tests. And in America, paruresis is a valid reason to refuse jury duty.

2. Nail biting

Onychophagia is one of the most common mental disorders, which is expressed in obsessive nail biting. This scourge affects about 45 percent of people aged 10 to 18 years (most of them are women). Among those suffering from onychophagia there are also celebrities - Britney Spears, Jacqueline Kennedy, Eva Mendes...

This condition also has mild and severe forms. In serious cases, the cuticle and sometimes the teeth may be irreparably damaged. In addition, we must not forget about the microbes that such a person constantly releases into his body.

What's worse is that this seemingly innocent habit can affect your ability to work, your self-esteem, and your social interactions. That is, destroy life.

3. Violent emotional expression

Imagine: your boss scolds you for some serious mistake, and you feel like you’re going to burst into laughter in just a second, and you can’t help yourself. You try to pull yourself together - you understand what this threatens you with, but no matter how you restrain yourself, the guilty look is gradually replaced by a stupid smile, then a strangled laugh, and soon a real, open, loud, hysterical cackle bursts out of you.

If you've ever experienced anything like this, you may be suffering from a syndrome called violent emotional expression, also known as pseudobulbar affect.

A person in this state responds to a stressful situation with a completely opposite reaction than what would be logical to expect. For example, getting depressed from good news or starting to giggle in the most inappropriate place for this.

In addition, if a person takes pleasure in laughing at someone’s bad luck or mistakes, then this may also be a mental disorder, which is called “catagelasticism.” In medical literature it is described as " mental disorder"in which a person takes pleasure in ridiculing others." That is, in fact, this is a medical term for complete scoundrels.

4. Inability to realize and express oneself emotional condition

How often have you heard from a girl that her lover is not sincere enough with her? “He never shares his experiences with me.” “He’s somehow always aloof...” “He doesn’t care at all what’s going on in my soul!” And so on.

Believe it or not, two out of three of these complaints can be explained by a medical phenomenon called alexithymia. This term refers to a person’s inability to recognize and express in words their own emotional state. Each of us has Alexithymia to one degree or another. However, in the most severe cases this condition can seriously poison life. According to scientists, alexithymia interferes with the lives of approximately 8-10 percent of all people, and among them there are more men than women.

In addition to problems with girlfriends, such men have an underdeveloped imagination. People suffering from alexithymia even have dreams that are logical and realistic: about them going shopping, for example, or having scrambled eggs for breakfast.

5. Intolerance to certain sounds

Almost each of us cannot tolerate some sound: foam on glass, chalk on a blackboard, the creaking of a swing, slurping... Whether this is normal or not depends on what kind of sounds they are and how much they interfere with your life.

A mental disorder called misophonia is a condition in which ordinary, unremarkable sounds cause irritation. For example, the sounds that other people make when they eat, breathe, cough, or do other completely familiar and not noisy activities.

In addition, most people are only annoyed by repeated noises, but a person suffering from misophonia can be upset by a single unpleasant sound. There have been recorded cases where such people, in a fit of irritation, smashed dishes and literally punched a wall through the wall (we're talking about drywall, of course; approx. when someone nearby accidentally slurped.

The situation is exacerbated if the hateful sound comes from a person with whom the misophonia sufferer is emotionally connected - a family member or close friend.

Of course, such people have many problems communicating with others. It's hard for them to get started romantic relationship, because they can't stand it when someone eats near them. Many of them eat only alone behind closed doors.

6. Oppositional Defiance Disorder

In a large team there will always be someone who is hostile to everything that comes from “from above.” He considers his main goal to undermine the authority of his superiors in the most noisy and unpleasant way for the latter. He bickers and argues over every insignificant issue.

Do not rush to draw conclusions - it is possible that the person is not to blame for behaving this way. His stubbornness may be due to a mental disorder called oppositional defiant disorder. The medical literature describes the condition as “a long-term disorder characterized by defiance, hostility, and negativity toward superiors.”

Although this disorder is quite common in adults, children are, of course, most susceptible to it - about 20 percent. And this is not just bad behavior from time to time, but a constant condition for at least six months. If you do nothing about it, then with a probability of more than 50 percent, the situation will only get worse.

We often say the phrase: “All diseases come from nerves!” How does modern medicine relate to this statement? In February 2016, a scientific conference of psychotherapists and psychiatrists was held in St. Petersburg, where this problem was discussed. The trouble is that both in Russia and throughout the world the number of neuroses and borderline mental disorders is growing. According to experts, about 70% of Russians have various neurotic disorders. Residents of large cities are especially susceptible to neuroses: they are affected by the pace of life, psychological stress at work and at home, and economic problems. What is neurosis Neurosis - nervous disease, which is expressed in the fact that a person cannot adapt to real life conditions and begins to react to them inadequately. For example, with neurasthenic neurosis, the patient seems to be weak, very ill, and unfavorable circumstances are constantly developing around him. Main symptoms: headache, pain in the heart area. Without outside help, this painful reaction of the nervous system can lead to serious chronic diseases. With hysterical neurosis, a person may feel pain in different organs, including “paralysis” of the legs or arms, “deafness”, “blindness”. These “symptoms” essentially serve to attract attention to one’s person and manipulate others, and sometimes even unconsciously. Experts believe that neuroses arise not because of unpleasant events, but because of a person’s attitude towards him. Of course, neurosis cannot lead to disability and death, but it seriously reduces the quality of life. IN Lately one of the main signs of neurosis was increased anxiety. Neurosis manifests itself as sleep disturbances and various phobias, the “traditional” phobia is the fear of death or serious illness. In our technological age, many people suffer from aerophobia, the fear of flying on an airplane; we are not talking about those who are afraid, but cope with their fear and anxiety. There are people who refuse to fly on principle. What is a psychosomatic illness? The term “psychosomatics” is made up of two Greek words (psyche – soul, soma – body). Psychosomatic disease is a disease of the body caused by psychological reasons, when bodily symptoms are a kind of “escape into illness” from life problems. An authoritative psychotherapist from the USA, F. Alexander, compiled a list of seven such diseases: Hypertension Stomach ulcer and duodenum Nonspecific ulcerative colitis Bronchial asthma Rheumatoid arthritis Neurodermatitis Thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease) Many experts believe that a psychological cause can be found for any disease. Psychosomatic disorders include up to five hundred diseases. The direct influence of the nervous system has also been proven in the development of such painful conditions as dizziness, irritable bowel syndrome, and tension headaches. We ourselves have encountered such situations: on the eve of an important test work a child develops a fever, or we have to cancel a business meeting due to a sudden cold or domestic injury. Many psychotherapists explain such coincidences by a sudden decrease in immunity; in this way the body protects itself from the expected heavy load on the psyche. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, about 40% of patients who come to the doctor suffer from psychosomatic diseases. How the nervous system affects the functioning of all body systems can be observed under stress. Typical reactions to a stressful situation: Increased blood pressure. The heart begins to beat faster and stronger. Muscle tone increases. Blood flow to the brain, heart and muscles increases. Internal organs get less blood due to vasospasm. As a result, the body comes into a state of tension and excitement “in vain”, and the accumulated negativity has nowhere to go, except perhaps to transfer it to someone who is innocent of anything. loved one, leading to stress. Repeated swinging of all systems and organs ultimately leads to disruption of their functioning, first temporary, and with frequent stress - to a permanent “real” diagnosis. How to avoid diseases from nerves? If possible, avoid conflicts; if that doesn’t work out, get out of them peacefully. Do not hesitate to contact a psychologist, do not wait for serious health problems. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day; constant lack of sleep is a strong stress for the body. Visit more often fresh air, travel. Try to follow a daily routine, eat at a certain time, and plan your activities. In addition to work, it is very useful to engage in creativity and physical education. We work to live, not the other way around! With increased nervous stress (a child entering school, problems with loved ones, transition to new job, urgent and complex production task) take vitamins and health products to support the nervous system. There are many health products, one of them is modern options– DOCTOR SEA series, developed by domestic scientists. The complexes IMMUNOSTIMUL and EXTRA YOUTH - DOCTOR SEA are made from marine raw materials; they help strengthen the nervous system, maintain immunity, and reduce the severity of the reaction to stress. IMMUNOSTIMUL reduces anxiety levels, protects the body from damaging influences external environment. EXTRA YOUTH also improves skin condition, normalizes metabolism and the functions of the endocrine glands, and serves as a source of essential vitamins, macro- and microelements. Even if all diseases are really “from nerves”, these products will strengthen your nervous system and health.

In the age of the Internet, it is very easy to become a hypochondriac: thanks to medical portals, you can “Google” any disease for yourself. And if you read the forums, then that’s it, it’s over. Sit down to write your will, you have all the symptoms of the bubonic plague.

And this just sounds funny, but in fact in English hospitals now there are one in five such patients. Check to see if you have symptoms of hypochondria.

1. Even minor ailments seem like symptoms of a dangerous disease to you.

It is normal to worry about your health and fear the worst. It's not normal if it becomes an obsession.

A stomach ache means an ulcer. Cough is a sign of pneumonia. Headache? Well, that's it, just like a brain tumor. A hypochondriac will not even think that it could be gastritis, a cold or lack of sleep. He is 100% sure that his diagnosis will be the rarest and worst possible diagnosis.

2. You visit medical portals more often than your social media pages. networks

In psychiatry there is even a separate diagnosis - cyberhypochondria. A person with this disorder constantly searches for his symptoms on the Internet. And then he chooses a more serious illness and begins to believe that he is seriously ill.

3. You constantly check yourself

You measure your temperature and pressure, check your lymph nodes, count your pulse, and examine your own feces and urine. You can spend the whole day looking at moles: have they turned into?

4. You constantly go to doctors

The diagnosis “healthy” does not console you at all. You just come across very inattentive ones. They ignore your complaints and do not order the necessary examinations. What if they are simply hiding a terrible diagnosis from you? Or are you sick with a disease unknown to science?!

5. You don’t go to doctors at all.

Why do you need this if you already know your diagnosis? All the symptoms are written on the Internet, and there is even a treatment plan.

6. You have psychosomatic symptoms

This is the body's reaction to: palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, cramps, constipation, weakness, dizziness and pain of unknown origin. If, despite all this, tests show that you are healthy, then you should consult with.

7. You constantly talk about your health.

More precisely, about ill health. All your friends already know that you are suffering from something terrible, and the killer doctors just can’t prescribe treatment. You can list your symptoms for hours, sigh heavily and smile sadly in response to words of support.

Few people know that the results of a meeting of a military commission not only influence the decision to serve, but also later life citizen. Those who were released from service under various articles can confirm that this statement is not unfounded.

On forums where issues of military conscription are discussed, you can find the most incredible stories. I was struck by the story of one young man, which says that my mother gave me a military shirt as a gift for her coming of age, and now it’s causing a lot of problems. Let's figure out what such recognition means.

Algorithm for conducting a medical examination of a conscript

Without going into details of the work of medical experts, we note that the procedure for passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office and at the clinic is somewhat different. The tasks of the medical expert of the military commission include confirming a previously identified disease and making a diagnosis in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases.

The list of illnesses is a document that is an appendix to the resolution on military medical examination. That is, it has a strictly defined format and is read only in one way.

This document contains a list of diseases and their possible manifestations, divided by degree of complexity and clinical picture. Each disease is described in a separate article, which allows us to talk about the encryption of the diagnosis in numerical form, where the number indicates the article number.

After the experts make a diagnosis, the conscript is assigned one of five fitness categories by decision of the commission. Only one category “B” implies the issuance of a military ID in hand, since the young man is sent to the reserve. Since the 2000s, the requirements for obtaining a military ID have changed somewhat. In particular, there is now no obligation to enter a diagnosis into one of the fields, although this can still be found as a relic of the past.

How to correctly read a diagnosis entry on a military ID

Despite the fact that the diagnosis was stated in a document, which in some cases served as an identification document, medical ethics did not allow it to be written directly. For entering into the personal file and military ID, a single encoding was introduced, which was deciphered using the Schedule of Illnesses.

Each article is divided into paragraphs that present types of complications of one disease or parallel developing anomalies. These items are designated by letters and are described in detail in the document. Any diagnosis can be uniquely represented as a combination of a number and a letter. Such a simple code indicates the article number and the disease item number that was found in the Schedule.

Each item is assigned a specific fitness category. This document was developed in order to ensure that commission members have an unbiased attitude towards all conscripts. We can say that the outcome of events is influenced not by a professional examination during a visit to the military registration and enlistment office, but by the completeness of the collected data proving the presence of a particular disease in the young man.

Article 7 and the ambiguity of its interpretation

Decoding the diagnosis indicated by Article 7b, which is on the military ID, causes a lot of controversy almost out of nowhere. The question regarding this article receives ambiguous answers, after which the experts (so we will call the respondents) begin to conduct discussions among themselves in order to identify the right one, while the essence of the question remains open.

This difference in opinions is due to the fact that legislation periodically changes, amends, and edits. The passage of time leaves its mark on this process. The Schedule of Diseases was not spared modifications either. Some diseases were added due to the fact that the lower age threshold has been significantly reduced. Others, on the contrary, were excluded, since in modern conditions they are subject to treatment. Changes took place in 1990, 1995 and 2000.

Before trying to determine what “7b” is, it is necessary to establish for what period the military ID is issued, and then use the documents in the edition valid for that time. Although there is one logic in this issue. Since the diagnosis is indicated on the military ID, it means that it happened in the old days, and you need to use the old Schedule.

Find out: What are the categories of fitness for military service?

Until 1995, diagnosis 7b, which the draft board put on the military ID, did not bode well. It denoted moderate psychopathy. The symptoms of this disease were a favorite among those trying to “sneak away” from military service.

Kidney stone disease– every tenth person in the world knows firsthand what this is. Periodic acute pain in the lumbar region or side, difficulty urinating, attacks of nausea and vomiting make a person’s life unbearable, forcing him to go under the surgeon’s knife. Our diet is often to blame for the formation of kidney stones. Let's name 7 products, the exclusion of which from the daily menu will significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease.

1. Sorrel

Rhubarb, sorrel and spinach. What do these products have in common? Each of them contains oxalic acid in abundance. 70% of kidney stones are deposits of salts of this particular acid - oxalates. These are the most problematic formations. They are practically insoluble and have numerous spines and sharp edges, which damage the mucous membrane of the urinary tract and cause blood in the urine. In addition to stewed rhubarb and boiled spinach, oxalic acid is present in large quantities in cocoa powder and beets. So chocolate lovers are at risk of a dangerous disease.

2. Sprats

Abuse of protein foods rich in purine bases leads to the formation of another type of kidney stones - urates(occur in 10-15% of cases). The fact is that during a chain of transformations, purines are converted into uric acid, which is removed from the body by the kidneys. If the latter, for one reason or another, do not cope with their task, the concentration of uric acid in the blood, as they say, goes off scale.

Crystals begin to form in joints, kidneys, and even under the skin. Developing kidney stones. Purines are found in abundance in offal (liver, lungs, heart, kidneys of animals), as well as chicken. But the undisputed leader in this matter is sprats (222 mg of purines per 100 g). By the way, during cooking, about half of the purines contained in the product go into the broth.

3.Artificial sugar substitutes

This product is most often consumed by those who want to lose weight or keep their blood sugar levels under control. Few people know, but sweeteners have a strong acid-forming effect. To protect itself from the destructive effects of oxidative phenomena (acids corrode cell membranes), the body strives to neutralize them. How? First with the help of sodium, but macronutrient reserves quickly run out. The next buffer in line, restoring the acid level to normal levels, is calcium– a mineral with a significant alkalizing effect. It is taken from bones and teeth and released into the blood. High concentrations of calcium in the blood lead to increased mineral deposits in the kidneys and the formation of stones.

4. Table salt

Kidney stone disease may result from a love of excessively salty foods. The fact is that an excess of sodium chloride - as chemists call table salt - causes fluid retention in the body (1 g of sodium retains 200 ml of water), thickening of the blood and disruption of the physiological excretion of urine. Stagnation of the latter, as is known, leads to its thickening, creates additional stress on the kidneys that filter urine and contributes to the formation of stones. The maximum permissible salt intake per day is 2 g.

5.Wheat bread

Here you need to name: candy, white rice, pasta, cookies, beer, sweet white wine. These goodies contain purified – organic substances, freed from all “extra”, that is, from fiber, vitamins and minerals. Such carbohydrates are quickly processed by the body and just as quickly enter the bloodstream, causing surges in sugar levels and fluctuations in insulin concentrations.

The pancreatic hormone has the ability to increase the body's reabsorption of sodium from urine. This is accompanied by increased reabsorption of uric acid in the kidneys. We already know what the high concentration of the latter in the blood leads to. If you are prone to kidney stones, refined carbohydrates should be replaced with unrefined ones. These are found in brown rice, oatmeal, legumes, millet, barley, lentils, and poultry.

Not only do the lion's share of them contain sugar substitutes, the dangers of which we wrote above, but manufacturers also add orthophosphoric acid (E 338) to such drinks as a stabilizer and acidity regulator. But it affects not only the acidity of the drink, but also the acidity of our body, increasing it. We have already written above what this leads to. But that's not all: an excess of E338 in the blood provokes the formation phosphate stones in the kidneys, which are dangerous because they can rapidly increase in size and cause a large number of complications.

7. Powdered skim milk

This product is a leader in calcium content. This macroelement is extremely important for the normal functioning of the entire body. The functioning of the muscular system, the condition of teeth, hair and nails largely depend on it. This is provided that the hormonal balance of the body is not disturbed, and specifically, there is enough testosterone. The fact is that the sex hormone stimulates the birth of bone tissue cells, which are engaged in its renewal and use calcium for construction work.

And remember: it is impossible to defeat kidney stones without revising your traditional diet, since it contains one of the main reasons for the development of pathology.



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