How to prepare the dead for burial. The procedure for organizing the funeral of a loved one. Preparing for a funeral at the morgue

Leave the body of the deceased at home until the funeral

or transported to the morgue for preservation?

To answer this question, it is necessary to decide when and where the burial will take place.

  • If the burial is planned more than 12 hours after death, it is better to take the body of the deceased to the morgue for preservation. After death, the human body after a very short period of time begins to darken, swell and produce unpleasant odors, especially at temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius.
  • You also need to know that in the process of decomposition, an exponential increase in the number of aerobic bacteria around the body of the deceased occurs, which can subsequently cause serious illness in relatives who have been near the body of the deceased for a long time. Only special procedures (embalming) can reduce the risk of exposure to a bacterial background and properly protect those present at the burial ceremony.
  • In the refrigerating chamber of the morgue, these processes slow down, plus, the morgue staff will carry out all the necessary procedures much more professionally to prepare and preserve the body of the deceased for burial or cremation. (embalming, tamponing, ablution, dressing, make-up, make-up, etc.).

It is worth additionally considering the following nuances:

  • Having a medical certificate of death in hand, the deceased (s) can be taken to any pathoanatomical department of the city of Stavropol, which provides services for the preservation of bodies and preparing them for burial.
  • Without documents established by law, the body of the deceased can be sent for storage only to the forensic morgue.

The deceased is collected: a pectoral cross, underpants, socks, a T-shirt, a shirt, a suit (preferably without a tie), shoes, dentures (if used).

Things for the deceased: pectoral cross, underpants, nightgown, stockings, head scarf, shoes, long-sleeved outerwear, dentures (if used).

Before laying in the coffin, over the deceased, any Orthodox layman at any convenient time can read an intensified common prayer (lithia).

Then, first the body, then the coffin - they sprinkle it with holy water. The deceased is laid face up with eyes and mouth closed, hands should be laid crosswise at the wrists.

A wreath in the form of a paper ribbon with the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Forerunner is placed on the forehead of the deceased. It is necessary to write the Trisagion (a song to the deceased as a winner who ended his earthly life and kept his faith), in the hope of receiving a heavenly crown from the Lord (a symbol of the reward of the Kingdom of Heaven for the hardships of earthly life).

As a sign of the Orthodox faith of the deceased, an icon of Christ or the Virgin is placed in the hands. You can have a special crucifix for funerals.

The deceased is covered with a white veil or veil. At the moment of farewell or funeral service, the veil is thrown from the face to the waist (so that the hands are not covered). At the end of the ceremony, the deceased is covered back completely.

In an apartment or house, the coffin with the deceased is placed with its head to the icons. Near the coffin, four lamps are placed crosswise: head, legs and sides. If this is not possible, then candles are placed near the head as a sign of the transition of the deceased from perishable life to true light.

Near the icons next to the deceased, candles and lamps are lit!

Under them it is unacceptable to put glasses with water, vodka, put bread, food!

Photos of the deceased are not placed near the icons and candles are not lit in front of the photographs!

The Orthodox Church does not encourage pompous funerals. This must be remembered. It is believed that for the deceased and his immortal soul, alms for him will be the best. It is recommended that in return for a rich funeral, order a memorial service and magpie, and thereby help those in need in his name "for the memory of the soul."

Traditionally, the coffin is wooden, modest.

Yes, the first impression of the autopsy is very strong. To mentally prepare, first you need to imagine in advance what you will expect there. I am not a pathologist, so I will describe my impressions in a simpler language. Enter the morgue and you will be enveloped in a veil of heavy, vile smell. There are corpses preparing for autopsy - of any age and gender. Their scalps have been cut off and pulled over their faces. The picture looks like this:

Then the opening of the skull begins. The pathologist (or orderly) cuts the bones with a saw (it looks like sawing a log, the head dangles from side to side), opens the skull, removes the brain (crosses the brain stem with a long knife). The brain puts on the table and cuts into pieces. Looks for tumors, hemorrhages, evaluates the general condition. Puts a few pieces in jars with a solution. After extracting the brain, we observe this:

Then the chest is opened. An incision is made with a knife from the neck to the xiphoid process, then the ribs are cut off from the sternum. The pathologist takes out the sternum, pushes the ribs apart and takes out the lungs, heart and bronchi, trachea, and vessels.

These organs are placed on the table, studied, cut. The smell from the brain, lungs and heart is the least noticeable.

Next, the stomach is torn open and the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen are removed. When opening the abdomen, a layer of yellow subcutaneous fat is clearly visible even in thin corpses. If the corpse is thick, then swollen intestinal loops fall out after cutting.

This organ complex is placed on the table and each organ is cut. The stomach is opened, its contents are scooped up with a small scoop. The foul odor intensifies. It is better to take a medical mask with you - it slightly weakens the smell. You can see undigested food residues in the gastric juice, slightly crushed. The small intestine is then cut. Its contents are poured onto the table - a lot of yellow diarrhea. The smell is such that the eyes begin to water, the sight makes you sick. But the pathologist is imperturbable - he carefully cuts, studies, tells something, jokes, discusses current affairs. Along the way, the liver is cut, the gallbladder, spleen are opened. It comes to the large intestine - diarrhea darkens and thickens. When the lower part of the large intestine, the rectum, is cut, formed dark brown masses are visible. Fecal notes penetrate the smell.

Then the kidneys and bladder are removed.

And here we see a gutted human corpse

Then the remains of the organs are again placed in the corpse, the orderly sews up roughly and the deceased is ready for burial. After the autopsy is completed, the doctor takes off his dirty clothes, washes his hands, washes himself and goes to drink coffee - at the exit or outside the door there is just a dining table with a kettle.

Impressions are very strong. For several days, when you look at people, you imagine their internal organs. You look at your stomach and imagine the insides. Even sexual desire disappears for a few days.

Therefore, be prepared for loss of consciousness (particularly impressionable girls fainted), nausea or vomiting (it is better to drink antiemetics before opening), temporary loss of libido. With each time, openings are transferred easier and easier.

Funerals are an ancient ritual. People have always been interested in the afterlife. People believed in an afterlife and that the soul is immortal. Consider what traditions there are in Orthodoxy regarding funerals and burial.

Roots of Orthodox funeral traditions

Since ancient times, people have been preparing for death. They bought funeral clothes, and some even ordered coffins in advance. In the case of a severe and prolonged illness, the deceased was unctioned, sins were forgiven. The soul was cleansed and ready to move on. The dying man needed to say goodbye to his loved ones, to forgive all quarrels and insults, to give orders before his death.

The body had to be prepared for burial. He was washed - this was the same important item as the remission of sins. During ablution it was necessary to say prayers. When the ablution has taken place, the deceased is placed on a table covered with a cloth, dressed in a new outfit. If it is not possible to purchase a new outfit, it should at least be clean.

Funeral preparation

After the ablution has passed, the deceased is placed in a coffin, covered. And before that, the sprinkling of holy water takes place. A pillow is placed under the head of the deceased, the eyes are closed, the arms are folded on the chest. Left hand down and right hand up. A cross is mandatory.


According to Orthodox traditions, prayers were read to the deceased all the time before the funeral. The funeral was to take place on the third day. Prayers were said by the readers. Everyone came to the deceased to say goodbye. The main canon is read by the priest before the deceased. It is also necessary to order a magpie.

The funeral takes place in the church. On the forehead of the deceased there should be a crown, in his hands it is necessary to put a small icon with Jesus. A cross is placed at the head, which relatives and friends can kiss. Although in the modern world, the funeral can take place at the home of the deceased. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the correct position of the deceased - facing the icon. Thus, he asks to have mercy on him and forgive all his sins.

What actions followed after the funeral?

After the funeral, the coffin is closed and taken out of the temple. All those who came to say goodbye to the deceased hold candles in their hands and pray. After this, the funeral procession begins. The deceased is not supposed to put anything in the coffin (food, money, jewelry, etc.).

Traditionally, a procession follows the coffin. Because in the modern world, there can be a fairly large distance to the cemetery, then at first the procession goes on foot, and then they transfer to transport, and everyone goes to the burial place. At the cemetery, everyone says goodbye to the deceased, he is lowered into the grave. Everyone must throw a handful of earth on the coffin and leave. The gravediggers are doing their job. Next, wreaths and flowers are placed on the grave, and the procession moves on to the memorial meal.

According to Orthodox traditions, after the funeral, it is strictly necessary to commemorate the soul of the deceased.

Where are the memorials?

The commemoration takes place either at the home of the deceased, or in an ordered place.

At the commemoration, it is customary to say warm words about the deceased, to remember happy moments next to him. At the wake, it is customary to serve several dishes. Traditionally, this is the first (borscht, cabbage soup, noodles), the second is porridge or potatoes. Dishes can be both meat and without (for example, if the commemoration takes place in fasting). Some serve fish or other dishes. The end of the meal is with kutia and pancakes, some serve pancakes. Alcoholic drinks can be either wine or vodka. If alcohol is offered, then very little.


These are the funeral and memorial traditions in Orthodoxy that have come from ancient times and are still in effect. These traditions are respected by all, observed. That is why you can see how people gather to commemorate the deceased for 9 days, 40 days. Everyone wants the soul of the deceased to be in peace, so that the deceased is forgiven for all his sins, and he rests in peace.

funeral rites

Any person at least once in his life is faced with the need to organize the funeral of someone from each of us. Each of us must be ready to take on such a difficult mission as burying a person. The procedure and the general scheme for processing all the necessary documents especially for you in our article.

What to do if a person dies?

In the event of a death of a person, first of all, it is necessary to call doctors. The procedure for the necessary actions when a person dies for natural reasons is as follows: first, try to personally assess the condition of the alleged deceased, and then you should call a doctor from the clinic to establish the fact of death. Any ambulance team also has the authority to die and issue relevant certificates. Attention: if you have even the slightest hope that the person is still alive, when calling doctors, call the reason "the patient is unconscious." In this case, the ambulance will arrive faster, most likely, experienced specialists will be sent to the call, capable of carrying out

Having ascertained medical death, doctors give relatives the appropriate document. Also, doctors are required to organize the delivery of the body to the morgue and call the police. Accordingly, the answer to the question: “What to do immediately after the death of a person?” - such: first of all, call a doctor.

Obtaining a death certificate

Depending on the circumstances under which the person died, the doctor who established the fact of death sends the body to the morgue for storage until burial or forensic examination. Pathological examination is mandatory if the cause of death is murder or bodily harm. In cases of natural death, an autopsy is usually not ordered or discussed with the next of kin of the deceased. The death certificate is issued the next day after the fact of death is established. To obtain it, you must contact the registry office at the place of registration of the deceased with his passport and medical certificate.

But what to do if death occurred under unusual or criminal circumstances, how to bury a person? The course of action in such a situation may change somewhat. Relatives will be able to receive a body for burial and a death certificate only with permission from the prosecutor's office. This document is issued after the cause of death has been established and all necessary studies have been carried out.

Funeral agents and services

Very often, almost simultaneously with the doctors called to acknowledge the fact of death, funeral workers arrive. Such ritual agents are often called "black" and openly scolded for high prices and excessive intrusiveness. It's hard to keep your cool right after the death of a loved one, but still try to be as calm as possible. You don't have to agree to an agency employee's suggestions just because they've already knocked on your door. Moreover, you can simply not start negotiations with a specialist whom you did not call.

Do I need the help of specialized agencies in organizing a funeral? This is an individual question. Firms operating in this area can really take on all the mournful chores. Only their services will have to be paid separately. If you want to avoid unnecessary expenses and you have enough strength to do everything yourself, you can do without cooperation with funeral companies. We hope that the instructions for the first actions when a person died, and the tips for organizing a funeral, collected in our article, will help you with this.

Organization of the burial

Find the strength in yourself to notify all your closest ones about the death of a person as soon as possible. You should promptly contact relatives from other cities or who are on business trips. The organization of the funeral begins with the choice of the method of burial and the acquisition of a plot in the cemetery / place in the columbarium. This should be done as soon as the day and time of the issuance of the body becomes known. The issue of conducting a variety of funeral rites should be delicately discussed with the next of kin of the deceased. If you are planning to organize a funeral according to Christian traditions, you can contact the church directly or a specific priest with the question: “How to bury a person?”

The order of actions on the day of farewell is better to paint for yourself on paper. In advance, it is necessary to prepare clothes for the deceased and take them to the morgue. There, if desired, you can order mummification and make-up services. A coffin and the necessary ritual accessories are purchased separately, you should also take care of organizing the transportation of the deceased and ordering transport for the funeral. According to old traditions, the deceased should spend the night in his house or church. Today, many people refuse to perform such rites and, having taken the deceased from the morgue, they are taken to the funeral service in the temple or immediately to the cemetery / crematorium.

Do I need to organize a memorial service?

Planning a farewell to the deceased should be based on the characteristics of the current situation and the traditions familiar to your family. Try to decide at the initial stages of organizing the funeral how many people will accompany the deceased on their last journey. In such a situation, it is not customary to persistently invite or forbid anyone to come. The relatives of the deceased and acquaintances are informed about the date and time of the funeral. It is also appropriate to notify colleagues at work. In our country, it is customary to arrange a wake. This is a dinner organized at the deceased's home or café/restaurant immediately after burial. During the meal, the deceased is commemorated in every possible way and a number of rituals are performed. It is not accepted to refuse completely. In the company of several close relatives, it would be more appropriate to arrange a symbolic commemoration. For example, just have lunch together, without organizing a magnificent many-hour feast and performing only the most important ceremonies.

How to bury a person: the procedure in Moscow for receiving social benefits

Immediately after the death of a close relative, few people think about the financial side of the issue. And yet, within six months after these events, the person who organized the funeral must apply for this payment. This payment is made by the employing organization for employed persons, the Pension Fund for pensioners or social protection authorities for the unemployed and minors. If a soldier or law enforcement officer dies, relatives will not have to think about how to bury a person at all. The procedure in this case changes, and the organization of the funeral should begin with an appeal to the department where the deceased served / was employed. To receive compensation for burial in the event of the death of civilians, you should contact the appropriate organization with the collected package of documents. You can apply for an allowance with a death certificate, a work book and an applicant's passport in your hands.

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