Full moon in February

In February, summer residents begin to grow seedlings of vegetable crops. For the future harvest, it is very important that young seedlings develop in optimal conditions from the first days. It is equally important to sow at a favorable time for planting. The Lunar calendar of gardeners will help you with this, which indicates:

  1. Favorable landing days.
  2. Prohibited for sowing and planting days.
  3. Moon phases.
  4. Which zodiac signs are fertile and which are not.
  5. Recommended activities for each day of the month.

If you are just starting to get acquainted with the Lunar Seed Calendar, then I recommend that you first familiarize yourself with at least the first part of it. Then you will be much clearer all the tips and recommendations outlined in this calendar.

Moon phases in February 2017

  • The moon is growing - from February 1 to February 10
  • Full Moon - February 11
  • The moon is waning - from February 12 to 25
  • New Moon - February 26
  • The moon is growing again February 27 - 28

Favorable landing days in February 2017

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.

culture culture favorable days for sowing seeds
cucumbers 2, 3, 7, 8, 16, 21, 22 tomatoes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 16, 17, 21, 28
eggplant 3, 4, 7, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 radish, radish 12, 16, 17, 20, 22
Sweet pepper 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 hot pepper 7, 8, 18, 19, 20, 28
White cabbage 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 16, 22 annual flowers 3, 4, 8, 21, 22, 28
cauliflower 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 21, 22 flowers bulbous, tuberous 8, 9, 10, 12
different greens 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 17, 21, 22, 28 curly flowers 20, 21, 22

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds.

Attention! The table shows favorable days for sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that planting cannot be done on other days. Nothing should be planted in prohibited days.

The table shows the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month.

the date Featured Works
February 1, 2017 Wed.
  • in the greenhouse- these days, weed control and pest control will be especially effective. You can sow greens: spinach, watercress - lettuce, parsley, radish. For seedlings cucumbers, tomatoes, for growing in a greenhouse. Top dressing only with mineral fertilizers. Germination of seeds.
  • In the garden- vaccination table (room).
February 2, 2017 Thu.
February 3, 2017 Fri.
  • in the greenhouse- favorable days for sowing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, eggplant, cucumbers. Sowing spinach, asparagus, radish. Mineral top dressing, watering, picking seedlings, pinching.
  • In the garden- whitewashing trunks in frost-free weather, a good time for pruning trees and shrubs.
February 4, 2017 Sat.
February 5, 2017 Sun.
  • in the greenhouse- sowing dill, cumin, fennel, cilantro, parsley, Chinese cabbage, early cauliflower, early radish, watercress, coriander. You can plant seedlings (it will quickly take root), fight pests and diseases, weed weeds, loosen the soil.
  • Not recommended- sow vegetable seeds for seedlings, water plants.
  • In the garden- snow retention, whitewashing tree trunks in frost-free weather. Sowing strawberry seeds.
February 6, 2017 Mon.
February 7, 2017 Tue.
  • in the greenhouse- very favorable days for sowing seedlings of early tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, all types of cabbage, cucumbers. Forcing all leafy crops: onions, parsley, celery, beets, chard, sorrel. Sowing dill, fennel, cilantro. Watering, mineral dressing.
  • In the garden- desktop winter vaccination, pruning of trees, shrubs. Rooting grape stems.
February 8, 2017 Wed.
February 9, 2017 Thu.
  • in the greenhouse- weeding, loosening the earth, preparing beds. Pest and disease control.
  • Not recommended - sow seeds for seedlings, germinate seeds, pinch, pinch, transplant, feed, water. Plants are best left alone.
February 10, 2017 Fri.
February 11, 2017 Sat. According to the lunar sowing calendar, it is not recommended to work with plants on a full moon.
February 12, 2017 Sun.
  • in the greenhouse- under the sign of Virgo, work on caring for plants is recommended. Digging the soil, hilling, mulching, picking seedlings. Pest and disease control. Root crops can be sown: radishes, carrots, celery root.
  • Not recommended germinate seeds, water.
  • In the garden- trample the snow around the boles, stratify the seeds for spring planting.
February 13, 2017 Mon.
  • in the greenhouse- these days are favorable for picking seedlings, but not for sowing and planting plants growing above the ground. It is allowed to plant onion roots - turnips, carrots, beets, root celery, radishes.
  • In the garden- cutting cuttings for grafting, if they are not frozen.
February 14, 2017 Tue.
February 15, 2017 Wed.
February 16, 2017 Thu.
  • in the greenhouse- favorable days for sowing early radishes, garlic, beets, sowing seedlings of black onion, root celery, pepper, eggplant, cauliflower, tall tomatoes. Planting greens for distillation. Watering, organic fertilizing, picking. Germination of seeds.
  • In the garden- a good time to trim dry branches from trees.
February 17, 2017 Fri.
February 18, 2017 Sat.
  • in the greenhouse- sowing early cabbage, tomatoes, hot peppers. Sowing root celery, parsley, dill, radish. Pest and disease control, soil loosening.
  • Not recommended- weeding, hilling, diving, germinating seeds. Protect plants from damage; wounds do not heal for a long time.
February 19, 2017 Sun.
February 20, 2017 Mon.
February 21, 2017 Tue.
  • in the greenhouse- a favorable time for sowing seedlings for film greenhouses - hot peppers, leeks, root parsley, celery, beets, carrots, tall tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. If your seedlings begin to outgrow, be sure to use these two days for picking, the seedlings will take root perfectly. Thinning seedlings, loosening the soil, organic top dressing, watering.
  • In the garden- sanitary pruning, laying seeds for stratification.
February 22, 2017 Wed.
February 23, 2017 Thu.
  • in the greenhouse- weeding, loosening the soil, hilling vegetable plants, thinning seedlings, pinching, weed control, diseases and pests.
  • Not recommended - according to the sign of Aquarius, you should not water, sow, plant, transplant plants, germinate seeds.
  • In the garden- cutting dry branches, whitewashing tree trunks in warm weather.
February 24, 2017 Fri.
February 25, 2017 Sat. During the new moon, all plants are extremely vulnerable, so the Lunar calendar of gardeners - gardeners does not recommend working with plants on these three days.
February 26, 2017 Sun.
February 27, 2017 Mon.
February 28, 2017 Tue.
  • in the greenhouse- you can plant tomatoes, eggplants on seedlings. Sowing in the winter greenhouse of watercress, hot pepper, spinach, dill, leaf parsley, Peking cabbage, radish, celery. Thinning seedlings, loosening dry land.
  • Do not do it germinate seeds, water, transplant plants, dive. Pest and disease control.
  • In the garden- clipping of diseased and dry branches.

February worries of gardeners

Trample the snow near the trees. If there is little snow, rake it up to the tree trunks. This will protect the roots and root neck from freezing.

Around the hilled trees, trample the snow along the ring (path) so that the mice do not penetrate under its loose layer to the trunk and gnaw it and the root neck. Such trampling should be done 5-6 times during the winter, after snow falls.

Do not forget to trample the snow around the bushes: at the end of winter, hungry mice can gnaw on the bark of branches.

Shake the snow off the treetops. In warm weather, in the second half of the month, it thaws, and then, when frost returns, it is firmly fixed on the branches. The branches bend under its weight, break off, leave teases on the trunks. Shake off the lower branches first.

On thaw days, carefully free the branches of shrubs from snow, which can break them off.

Caring for the bark

With sharp fluctuations in night and daytime temperatures, the bark can crack. Freeze holes form. They are not difficult; notice. Carefully tap the tree trunks with a piece of wood. In places of damage to the cortex, the sound will be deaf. Don't wait until spring. On a warm, sunny day, clean the affected bark, cover the bare area with garden pitch, tie it tightly with burlap, and on top with a film.

February is dangerous for the garden with sunburn and frost cracks, cracks on the trunks and skeletal branches of unprotected trees. In warm weather, you can whiten or renew the autumn whitewash if it has been washed off by rains.

Sunburns appear during sap flow in the form of spots on the bark of trunks and skeletal branches, more often from the southwestern side. The damaged bark brightens and is pressed if not pressed by hand.

Early spring burns can cover large areas of the bark and cause the death of young trees.

Whitewash can be restored and applied again at a temperature of minus 5 degrees. We remind you the composition of whitewash: dilute 2 - 2.5 kg of freshly slaked lime in 10 liters of water, dissolve 500 g of copper sulfate in a separate bucket (non-metallic) and pour it into a bucket of lime. For better adhesion, you can add 1-2 cups of milk.

Try to carry out all these works on the days recommended in the Lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners.

Trimming the trees

At the end of February, you can start pruning apple and pear trees. Remove dried, damaged, diseased branches growing inside the crown, hanging low, intertwining.

If the ends of the skeletal branches have dried up in the crown and tops have begun to grow, shorten the branches to tops. Remove some tops, leave some to form a crown.

The thickened crown must be thinned out. A properly formed and trimmed crown receives more light, is less attacked by garden pests and affected by fungal diseases.

Pruning regulates the crop, removes its excess. The fruits grow larger, better colored. The overall yield is not reduced.

If there is no more snow in the garden at the end of February, gooseberries and currants can be cut.

Notice on the branches of trees the oviposition of the ringed silkworm - cut them off. Destroy black mummified fruits (hotbeds of fruit rot), nests of pests. Clear boles from old, dead bark during thaw days.

Lunar calendars for the following months:

We plan our life, subordinating it to a schedule, regime, or simply a certain order. The yardstick in this regard is the calendar: meetings, birthdays, events, important things and deadlines for their implementation - all this is subject to a single calendar system that records the days of the week and month, as well as the time for which all this is scheduled. But have you noticed that often even the most thoughtful and simple transaction fails, and your loved one - usually soft and calm - breaks into a scream? This is because the influence of the lunar cycles is increasing and the lunar calendar for February 2017 will help you understand them.

Lunar calendar for february 2017

A detailed article gives a complete interpretation of the influence of the lunar phases on a person and his behavior. But at the same time, there are several main postulates that everyone should remember and navigate according to them, even if the full description of the day is unknown to you:

  • New Moon (February 26 at 5:57 pm) is the time to spend on rough planning. This is a kind of period between phases and you should not do anything on this day. Active actions and too early undertakings will simply be doomed to failure, since the time is not yet at all for them. Also try not to do anything that requires attention. Your mistake could result in serious trouble or injury.
  • The first quarter (February 4 at 07:19) is the period when plans should become clearer and acquire boundaries. Set the deadlines for your tasks, choose a field for activity, try to write down the plan in as much detail as possible, write in the theses, visualize your idea as much as possible. At the end of the period, proceed to active actions.
  • The second quarter is perfect for maximizing your efforts in your plans and their implementation. Hold meetings, negotiations, seminars. Engage in self-education, sports, attend exhibitions, direct energy to creativity. This is the best time for undertakings and investments, both spiritual and financial. Take advantage of this time.
  • Full Moon (February 11 at 03:31) - time to make a stop. This is the middle of the road and you have a great opportunity to check if you are on the right path. Make changes to your plans. Change the plan completely, if circumstances so require, make an analysis of actions and actions, try to assess the situation as objectively as possible in order to draw the right conclusions and move on.
  • The third quarter - starting something during this period is not recommended at all. The thing is that the moon goes into a waning phase, which means that things need to be brought to an end. Now you can make deals - if everything worked out for you with the negotiations - reap the fruits of your efforts last week. It is time to replace active actions with obtaining results. And if before you were not good enough, now you will feel it.
  • The last quarter (February 18 at 22:33) - in these few days you should take stock. It's time to do a deep analysis of the month, write a short report for yourself (or a detailed one, if you prefer), pause in cases that drag on into the next month, think about how you can speed up the process further.

Astrologers say that in order for your undertaking to be successful, it should fit within the framework of the lunar month. That is, in time for one lunar cycle to do everything that you have planned. Delaying a case or extending it for the next period may lead to your going into the category of “long-term construction” and then it may freeze or even be postponed indefinitely ..

They also suggest a little trick: if your goal is far enough and the path to it is difficult to fit in one month, break it into several smaller ones. The big goal will be achieved when you pass all the short stops - it will be easier to fit them in a month. But remember that this is not suitable for all areas of life.

Lunar calendar february 2017: auspicious days

Probably the biggest difficulty for those who see the lunar calendar for the first time is to determine how the lunar day affects a normal day and what it threatens, why it is important to take into account the zodiac sign and the lunar phase. The phases are mentioned above, but let's dwell on the rest in more detail. Since the lunar cycle does not coincide with the earthly one - 28.5 days is the exact length of the lunar month - and the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon and the sun are also different, there can be 2 or even 3 lunar days in one day. Lunar days also last for different times. But every day carries its own energy and influence, as well as the sign of the zodiac. After all, it is he who determines the character of a person, and in this case, a day. The modern lunar calendar February 2017 already contains all the necessary information, you do not need to calculate and check with different sources.

The lunar calendar for February 2017, the table of which you see below, has already been deciphered. In it you will find not only an indication of the lunar day, but also a brief description of the day, which will tell you which day is better to start playing sports, and which day to make a deal. These simple recommendations will be useful to you regardless of the type or field of activity.

Day of the week Lunar day lunar phase Zodiac sign
1st of February 5 lunar days (until 11:10)

6 lunar days

First quarter Fish
Description of the day: Quite a difficult and controversial day. Be objective in your desire to be active. Evaluate and measure your strengths, do not take on too much and be more silent about your plans for the future. If something does not work out, you will be reminded of it and then it will be impossible to refuse what was said.
6 lunar day (until 11:33)

7 lunar day

First quarter Aries
Description of the day: Your hectic activities will be safer if you are alone or with trusted people. Excessive emotionality and a desire to be in time everywhere will not allow you to respond evenly to refusals, slippage or delays from colleagues. You risk talking too much.
7 lunar day (11:57)

8 lunar day

First quarter Aries
Characteristics of the day: If the previous day did not go too smoothly, there is no reason to give up and become discouraged. You will have to make an effort not to lose heart and constantly maintain a keen interest in what is happening. If you get depressed on this day, you risk being stuck in this state for a long time.
8 lunar day (until 12:24)

9 lunar day

First quarter Taurus
Description of the day: It's time to review your plan for the last time and take action. Check all theses, find and get rid of contradictions, outline the first goal and head straight for it. You will have enough determination and perseverance to do what you have been putting off for a long time: going to the gym, starting a diet, asking you out on a date, or asking for a raise in salary.


9 lunar day (until 12:57)

10 lunar days

Second quarter Taurus
Description of the day: You need to moderate your ardor a little and add concentration. You are already ready to rush to conquer Everest, but at the same time, you still need to complete a number of preparatory activities. In a word, do not smack the fever and do not rush too much, you risk making many mistakes.


10 lunar day (until 13:28)

11 lunar days

Second quarter Twins
Description of the day: Start the day with something slow and unhurried: walking to work, reading mail. You need to build up gradually. If you immediately “turn on”, get tired before lunch, and after all, the day is long, there is a lot of work. Keep a distance in dealing with people, you may be provoked to a scandal or excessive frankness.
11 lunar days (until 14:28)

12 lunar day

Second quarter Twins
Characteristics of the day: Dedicate the day to the routine. New beginnings will wait a day, nothing will happen, and it is better to leave your enthusiasm for ordinary things. Try to put things in order on the table or in your documents, drawers, cabinets. Make time at home, call your parents. Slow down a little and change course for a while. It will do you good.
12 lunar day (until 15:29)

13 lunar day

Second quarter Cancer
Description of the day: This is a great day for meditation and contemplation. If possible, put aside everything important, urgent and significant. You just need to feel connected to everything around you and think about whether you are in the right place. Do not go on long trips or unplanned business trips - the road will be unsuccessful.
13 lunar day (until 16:37)

14 lunar days

Second quarter Cancer
Description of the day: Go to a seminar or webinar, exchange experiences with colleagues, read a useful article or book. Any information on this day will be absorbed very easily. Also, the day is good for group activities: do a joint project with colleagues, organize family leisure in the evening, spend the day with friends.
14 lunar days (until 17:52)

15 lunar day

Second quarter a lion
Description of the day: One of the best and most favorable days of the month. You will feel a surge of strength, self-confidence. You will be on the shoulder of any business that you undertake. But, most importantly, do not take on ten things at once, you should not be scattered - choose the main thing, the main one, and focus on it. Success will not be long in coming.
15 lunar day (until 19:08)

16 lunar days

Full moon at 03:31 a lion
Characteristics of the day: After a serious breakthrough on the previous day, you need to give yourself a break. Look around and think about whether you did the right thing, whether you are on the right path, towards the right goal. You can amend your plans, change them completely, or even change your goal if circumstances have changed. The main thing is not to take action. Failure awaits you.


16 lunar day (until 20:23)

17 lunar days

third quarter Virgo
Description of the day: Today you can afford the luxury of being a little lazy. You need to recuperate after the previous active period, take this opportunity. You will feel harmony and mutual understanding with many people, save and increase this feeling. It will be useful to you later.


17 lunar day (until 21:36)

18 lunar days

third quarter Virgo
Description of the day: It's hard to think of a worse day to work. You will have to constantly pacify yourself, since the desire to work will not work at all, but going on an active holiday or just chatting with friends is simply irrepressible. If you get a chance, leave work early, or even take a day off. After resting now, you will be invigorated for the rest of the month.
18 lunar day (until 22:47)

19 lunar days

third quarter Virgo
Feature of the day: Do not overestimate yourself. Of course, you are capable of much, but this does not mean at all that you can move a mountain alone. Be respectful of what colleagues say. It is also a kind of day of truth: everything said - both good and bad - will be a true opinion about you or the situation. There is something to think about.
19 lunar day (until 23:57)

20 lunar day

third quarter Scales
Description of the day: One of the demonic - satanic - days. The duality of the day will manifest itself in the fact that you will need to decide for yourself, but are you in the right place? If you feel uncomfortable or suddenly realize that you are doing the wrong thing, feel free to leave. Consider that it was a litmus paper that showed the true state of things. On the other hand, control your emotions, only patience will help you survive this day.
20 lunar days third quarter Scales
Description of the day: Take care of yourself and your upbringing. This advice can be understood both literally - to go in for sports, and figuratively - to meditate or turn to a psychologist. You will be given enough energy for any accomplishments, and it depends only on you what you spend it on. You can also do a variety of types of therapy, including group therapy.
20 lunar day (until 01:05)

21 lunar days

third quarter Scorpion
Description of the day: The time for rest and meditation is over, it's time to return to work. Finish things or move on to the final stage. You can only start something urgent and does not require additional discussion, something that can be easily and quickly implemented. You may receive an interesting job offer.
21 lunar days (until 02:10)

22 lunar day

third quarter Scorpion
Description of the day: Pretty favorable day for a variety of activities. But it is not recommended to start something. Direct your energy into creativity or, on the other hand, approach the solution of routine tasks and responsibilities. On this day, a new romantic meeting is possible, however, it will not lead to anything serious enough.


22 lunar days (until 03:15)

23 lunar days

Last quarter Sagittarius
Characteristics of the day: On this day you will be unusually active, but at the same time, a little aggressive and irritated. This inexplicable contradiction will tear you apart and prevent you from making sober decisions. Spend time alone, do something that does not require the involvement of a group of colleagues or friends.


23 lunar day (until 04:15)

24 lunar days

Last quarter Sagittarius
Description of the day: The time of excessive activity continues. Today is the day of the mind, not of emotions, it is he who will control you. Any choice you make on this day will be meaningful and cold-blooded. As well as the spoken words, so you should watch your language, and if you heard or said something, think about it, because now you know the true state of affairs.
24 lunar days (until 05:12)

25 lunar day

Last quarter Sagittarius
Description of the day: Try to slow down a bit on this day. You need to be less fussy and take your time. Plan your day in such a way that nothing urgent falls on it. It is also important to listen calmly to others and be attentive to their requests. You may also need help.
25 lunar day (until 06:03)

26 lunar day

Last quarter Capricorn
Characteristic of the day: You will be subject to constant mood swings on this day. It is important not to close in yourself, but to give vent to emotions. Just make sure that no one from the leadership is nearby, they may not like your attacks. The day will pass in the hustle and bustle of constant affairs, you will be busy every minute, although in the end there will be little done.
26 lunar day (until 06:47)

27 lunar days

Last quarter Capricorn
Description of the day: An auspicious day for work and a variety of activities that can bring financial benefits. The first half of the day will be full of meetings and news, most often favorable, and in the second half, try not to annoy anyone with your smile and not brag about your successes - you will make enemies.
27 lunar day (until 07:26)

28 lunar days

Last quarter Aquarius
Description of the day: A very successful day. Trips on this day will be favorable and will be beneficial for you. You can safely do any business without fear that something will go wrong. Fortune is indeed on your side today. However, remember that today you receive a reward for your efforts - if you do not like it, change your course of action or course of action.
28 lunar day (until 07:58)

29 lunar days

Last quarter Aquarius
Description of the day: The darkest day of the month. Very dangerous in every sense, try to limit communication with people, mostly strangers and ill-wishers, and not go on the road. There is a high risk of running into scammers or getting into an accident. The best thing to do is to spend the day at home.


29 lunar day (until 08:15)

30 lunar day (until 19:00)

1 lunar day

New Moon at 17:57 Aquarius
Description of the day: Relax, meditate, analyze the month or week. Don't do anything that requires a lot of physical effort. The day will pass calmly and without fuss if you dedicate it to meetings with people you know well, discussing recipes or engine design. Don't do anything really important.


1 lunar day (until 08:51)

2 lunar days

First quarter Fish
Description of the day: A day when dreaming is not only pleasant, but also useful. Your dreams will gradually take shape into goals, but now you need to relax and determine for yourself what you want, what you expect from this month and how you plan to spend it. Turn off logic, only emotions and intuition will help you today. Yes, work and important things should also be postponed.
2 lunar days (until 09:15)

3 lunar days

First quarter Fish
Description of the day: Be very attentive and vigilant on this day. Everything you say will be taken literally by the Universe, so try to make your message favorable and then you will receive the same in return. It's time to formalize your plans in a more material form and begin to implement them.

When making plans, take the calendar of lunar days for February 2017, you may have chosen a bad day to meet with a potential partner or marry. It also contains helpful tips on when to start a wellness routine, make time for family, or hold back emotions. The lunar forecast will help you avoid many unpleasant situations.

The lunar calendar will help you determine for yourself the main directions of development in February 2017. Astrologers will tell you how to attract good luck during the growth of the moon.

The energy of the growing moon always has a special effect on our worldview and luck. The fact is that during this lunar phase, your mood can often change. You may need help to stay in control of the situation. When the mood jumps, it's hard to keep luck up your sleeve, because thoughts get confused, and it's easier for negativity to enter your mind.

The period of moon growth in February will begin on the 1st and end on the 10th. On February 27, the moon will begin its growth again. As for the first period, it is important to remember that it will begin with the strong influence of Aries. It will be Wednesday-Thursday, so you should expect possible problems at work and at home.

These two days will set the mood for the whole period, so be careful during all 10 days. Before the immediate Full Moon, the baton will be in the hands of Leo, who will also not be able to soften the stormy temper of the Moon. Do not try to solve problems on the 10th by deceit or false promises.

As for the last two days of February, only the first of them will be successful, since Aries will return to duty again. Do not panic, because Monday will be held under the auspices of Pisces, who will help you solve your emotional problems and outline your main plans for the future.

Finance and work

It is better not to solve career issues on the growing moon by negotiating in February. The best way to prove and show your right to promotion and career advancement is to fulfill all duties on time. Conquer your laziness and show everyone what you are really capable of. It will not go unnoticed. The main thing is not to shout about your merits and merits. Modesty will be like a cherry on a delicious cake - a great ending, a final note.

Find extra time for part-time jobs in February on the growing moon, because they will help you solve the main problems just in time. It is better to rest on the waning moon, and during its growth it is better to concentrate on business tasks - fortunately, there will be more than enough energy to complete them.

Love and relationships

From February 1 to February 10, on the 27th and 28th, devote more time to your significant other. Romantic dates are best planned for Friday or Saturday evening. A wedding held during the rising moon in February will be very positive in any way. You just have to be serious about who you invite to the ceremony.

Sexual energy, as usual, should not be kept in oneself on the growing moon. Let all the accumulated energy come out of you during lovemaking. As for the psychological aspect of love, one should believe in the power of mutual understanding. Make sure that your paths do not diverge.

In relationships with people in general, you can expect many disappointments and problems, but all of them will lead to success. Any relationship gets stronger, passing through a sieve of turmoil. Do not be afraid of disagreements and disputes, but remain calm. Flexibility will not hinder you on the growing moon. If you don’t want an easy conflict or quarrel to turn into a war, then just know how to say “stop” to yourself.

Health and emotions

For heavy physical exertion, leave the first, second and last day of the month. Aries will give you a lot of strength that you will need to use wisely. There will be no special health problems if you spend more time on the street. Go to the pool, go for walks and do not stay at home. Solar activity will be weak, so sports in February will be extremely productive. This also applies to intellectual sports - in studies, success awaits the most diligent.

Emotions will be controlled by you, not the Moon - this time it will not be able to harm your fighting spirit. Depression should be overcome during such periods with work and exercise. Do not try to get away from problems - try to make sure that their impact on you is minimal. Learn to get away from them.

May the period of moon growth in February be favorable for you in all areas of life. Do not forget that thoughts materialize in the world around you, so get rid of any negativity that you meet on your way. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

29.01.2017 04:20

To open cash flow and attract wealth, there are a huge number of rituals. One of the most effective...

Lunar energy directly affects human life. The lunar calendar will help you achieve success, avoid troubles and plan important things correctly in February 2017.

With the help of the lunar calendar, you can plan dates and events that are important for you personally: for example, more and more people use the lunar haircut calendar, wanting not only to change their image, but also to renew their energy.

The general monthly lunar calendar contains important information about the influence of the moon on our lives, as well as daily recommendations for everyone who wants to spend February 2017 with benefit and in harmony with lunar energy.

February 1-2: During this two-day period, the Moon will rise and interact with the constellation Aries. These days are favorable and perfect for any undertakings, vigorous activity and conclusion of contracts.

February 3-4: Waxing Moon in Taurus. This period is favorable for financial transactions, large purchases and cash investments. Taurus is a symbol of financial stability, so the risk of financial loss at this time is minimal.

February 5-6: The moon continues to grow and passes through the constellation Gemini. The period is good for making difficult decisions and work that requires active action. Some rush and a lot of responsibilities can make you a little tired, but increased efficiency will help to cope with the situation.

February 7-9: Waxing Moon in the constellation Cancer. This three-day period is ideal for meditation, Holotropic Breathwork, and slow, low-energy activities. By working at your own pace, you can achieve more success than by rushing to do everything in a short time.

February 10: Waxing Moon in Leo. The day has a neutral energy that minimally affects a person. All decisions made on February 10 need to be thought over several times, and only then proceed to action.

February 11th: Full moon in the constellation Leo. The day is unfavorable due to the heavy energy that affects the human energy field. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, increased emotionality, disputes and conflicts are possible. Astrologers recommend that you monitor your physical and psychological state, do not succumb to manipulation and devote more time to yourself and your desires.

February 12-13: Waning Moon in Virgo. This two-day period is favorable for work related to papers, finances or needlework. The energy of the waning moon makes February 12 and 13, 2017 a good time to start a diet, getting rid of everything unnecessary, interfering and outdated.

February 14-15: The waning moon in the constellation Libra. These two days are favorable for completing things that have been waiting for your attention for a long time, closing debts and meeting friends. Also at this time, rest from active work that requires a high concentration of attention will not hurt.

February 16-18: The moon continues to wane and interacts with the constellation Scorpio. According to the lunar calendar, this time is filled with extremely positive energy: all the problems that have weighed on you for a long time will have the opportunity to safely disappear from your life.

February 19-20: Waning Moon in Sagittarius. This period is favorable for business trips, trips and trips out of town. Any issues related to moving and re-registration of documents at this time are resolved especially well. The only exceptions are legal disputes about property, courts and loan processing.

February 21-23: The moon continues to go through its waning phase and interacts with the constellation Capricorn. According to the lunar calendar for February 2017, a particularly favorable day will be the 23rd, the end of the lunar Capricorn period. This is a great time to hang out with family and friends, go out and party. The more you communicate at this time, the higher the likelihood of positive changes in your Destiny.

February 24-25: Waning Moon in Aquarius. This two-day period is best suited for dramatic changes in appearance, wardrobe changes and general cleaning of the house. Any creative activity at this time will be accompanied by inspiration, and great ideas can come to you at any time.

February 26-27: Waxing Moon in Pisces. On the first day of this period, the New Moon begins. That is why February 26 is perfect for any undertaking: a new project at work, the development of a new hobby or sport will have a beneficial effect on your energy. February 27 will only strengthen the development of what was started the day before and give strength for further work.

28th of February: The waxing Moon in the constellation Aries is conducive to making difficult decisions, financial matters and travel. Any work done with desire will bring excellent results. Avoid conflicts and be careful what you say and in what tone.

In general, February 2017 promises to be a fairly prosperous month: there are practically no unfavorable days in it, and the energy of the moon will influence people positively. Your personal luck may be attracted by the observance of 20 rules for a happy life from wise practitioners - shamans. We wish you a great month and good luck in all your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

We bring to your attention of the year. Thanks to this calendar, you can determine the favorable and unfavorable day for doing one or another thing according to the current phase of the moon.

I would like to note right away that lunar calendars usually indicate MSC time, so for those who live in another area, we advise you to take into account your time zone.

You may also find our article about Haircut Lunar Calendar for February 2017 helpful. You can read it by clicking on this photo.

Moon phases for February 2017

  • New Moon - February 26 at 5:57 p.m.
  • full moon - February 11 at 03:31.
  • Waxing Crescent - from 1 to 10 and 26 to 28 February.
  • Waning moon - from 12 to 25 February.
  • Moon eclipse - February 11 03:45.
  • Solar eclipse - February 26 17:54.

Lunar days in February 2017

February 1, 2017
6 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
in Aries sunrise at 10:09
entry at 22:43
February 2, 2017
7 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
in Aries sunrise at 10:32
entrance to —:—
February 3, 2017
8 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 10:56
entry at 00:02
February 4, 2017
9 lunar day
First quarter
sunrise at 11:24
entry at 01:22
February 5, 2017
10 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 11:56
entry at 02:41
February 6, 2017
11 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 12:37
entry at 03:56
February 7, 2017
12 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 13:27
entry at 05:06
February 8, 2017
13 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 14:27
entry at 06:06
February 9, 2017
14 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 15:36
entry at 06:56
February 10, 2017
15 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 16:50
entry at 07:36
February 11, 2017
16 lunar day
Full moon
sunrise at 18:06
entry at 08:08
February 12, 2017
17 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 19:22
entry at 08:34
February 13, 2017
18 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 20:35
entry at 08:57
February 14, 2017
19 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 21:47
entry at 09:18
February 15, 2017
20 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 22:56
entry at 09:38
February 16, 2017
20 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at —:—
entry at 09:58
February 17, 2017
21 lunar days
Waning moon
sunrise at 00:04
entry at 10:20
February 18, 2017
22 lunar day
third quarter
in sign
sunrise at 01:10
entry at 10:44
February 19, 2017
23 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 02:13
entry at 11:13
February 20, 2017
24 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 03:14
entry at 11:47
February 21, 2017
25 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 04:11
entry at 12:29
February 22, 2017
26 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 05:02
entry at 13:18
February 23, 2017
27 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 05:46
entry at 14:16
February 24, 2017
28 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 06:24
entry at 15:22
February 25, 2017
29 lunar day
Waning moon
sunrise at 06:57
entry at 16:34
February 26, 2017
1 lunar day
New Moon
sunrise at 07:25
entry at 17:49
February 27, 2017
2 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 07:50
entry at 19:08
February 28, 2017
3 lunar day
Waxing Crescent
sunrise at 08:14
entry at 20:28

You may also find our article about the Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for February 2017 useful. You can read it by clicking on this photo.

Why do you need a calendar of auspicious days for February 2017

Auspicious Days Calendar helps to plan as efficiently as possible all your affairs for each day of this month.

According to the phases of the moon the best time to start new business, projects and other activities is the new moon and the new lunar month (the waxing moon).

On the new moon it is recommended to get rid of negativity in thoughts and in life, to let go of past grievances. The new moon and the waxing moon are a time of wellness walks in nature, thoughts about the future and plans for the future. Plans for new projects and the fulfillment of their plans draw strength from the growing moon and have a greater chance of success.

Calendar of favorable days for February 2017 - in the days of the growing moon you need to focus your efforts on the fulfillment of the tasks set. this is a time of active and fruitful work. Whether it is negotiating and concluding contracts, starting or resuming construction projects, starting or resuming investment projects, moving and traveling. All undertakings in the growing moon will be more fruitful than at any other time of the lunar cycle.

Remember that. that the peak of fruitful activity is reached by the full moon. However, the full moon has not only positive aspects, but also negative ones. Such as increased aggression and conflict. However, meetings, events and creative projects will be most effective on the full moon. Tells us about it .

On the waning moon we do not advise you to engage in active promotion of affairs. The general energy begins to weaken, a period of decline in activity begins. This is the best time to work on yourself. If you need to get rid of bad habits, make repairs or do a big house cleaning, pay off debts, throw out trash or do some gardening work. then the waning moon is the time for this.

Also to the waning moon advised to break off the obsolete relationship. The general decline in energy, characteristic of all people at this time, allows you to experience parting less emotionally. If you want to delete a person from your life without much suffering and loss, then the waning moon is the most favorable time for this.

Also to the waning moon the most favorable days for the fight against warts. the most favorable days for the fight against diseases.

You may also find our article about the angel clock for February 2017 useful. You can read it by clicking on this photo.

We offer you a general table of all the favorable and unfavorable days of this month with recommendations on what is worth and what is not worth doing on a given day.

Favorably Adversely
Start treatment 02 .02, 06.02 24.01, 11.02
Assign operations 22.01, 10.01 04.02, 11.02, 12.02, 16.02, 18.02
Set off on the road 21.01, 15.02 22.01, 24.01, 04.02, 07.02, 08.02, 12.02, 13.02, 18.02
change jobs21.01, 15.02, 16.02 04.02, 12.02, 18.02
sign contracts 21.01, 05.02, 16.02 22-31.02, 02.02, 04.02, 12.02, 18.02
Get married30.01, 01.02, 05.02, 06.02, 14.02 27.01, 29.01, 30.01, 04.02, 12.02, 18.02
Sell ​​and buy housing, move 15.02, 16.02 22.01, 29.01, 04.02, 12.02, 18.02
Start construction, repair 21.01, 28.01, 03.02, 08.02, 11.02, 13.02, 15.02, 16.02 29.01, 04.02, 17.02, 18.02
Make big purchases 28.01, 09.02, 15.02, 19.02 21.01, 02.02, 06.02
Start lawsuits 01.02, 16.02, 17.02 22-31.02, 04.02, 08.02, 12.02, 18.02
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