Remote opening of deposits. Online deposits. Is it possible to? What does it mean to open a deposit remotely

Today, in some banks, you can open online deposits, which practically do not differ from ordinary deposits through branches. But such a service is not available in all banks due to a number of legislative restrictions.

For example, physical A person can open a deposit only in his presence or his representative. In addition, the contract can only be concluded in writing.

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But most credit institutions successfully circumvent such restrictions.

Where to begin

Opening an online deposit in any bank provides for the following conditions:

  • the presence of a regular or card account in this bank;
  • registration of an application for connection to Internet banking;
  • obtaining a login and password for authorization in your personal account;
  • authorization;
  • go to the deposit management section.

Important! Most banks automatically connect new customers to Internet banking. It is enough for them to come with a passport to a bank branch and complete the necessary documentation.

Initially, it may take several days to open an account, but the client can carry out all subsequent operations via the Internet very quickly. There is no "paperwork" when opening online deposits, it is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive service agreement or another agreement concluded when opening an account for the first time.

The procedure for opening an online deposit in the Internet banking systems of different credit institutions is not much different.

Opening an online deposit always starts with depositing money into a pre-opened or existing current account in a way convenient for the client, after which these funds can be used for various purposes, including opening a remote deposit

What to look out for

Before opening any deposit in a bank, you need to find out what the essence of deposits is, what they are.

And in order to make the right choice of a bank deposit online, it is important to determine for yourself its most significant parameters:

Purpose How much do you want to have in the end and at what point.
Quantity A deposit can be opened for any amount, but it is better to invest a large one separately in several banks, because in case of bankruptcy, insurance will reimburse the maximum 1,4 000 000 from each contribution.
Timing It is important to remember: the longer the term, the higher the rate, but in case of early withdrawal, most of the interest is lost.
Interest rate High interest rates should always be a concern: remember the adage about free cheese in a mousetrap.
Currency According to experts, due to the high level of inflation and economic instability today, foreign exchange investments are more reliable.
Possibility of early withdrawal/replenishment These advantages will reduce the interest rate, it is better to choose a short term for the deposit.

Possible catch

Before opening an online deposit, it is necessary to carefully study the contract and pay special attention to the fundamentally important aspects:

  • income;
  • terms;
  • additional conditions.

The calculation of income depends on the terms of the investment: in different banks it is calculated differently (some 360 days take as a basis, others - the actual number of days). In a well-written contract, the number of days in a year must be indicated.

It is important to pay attention to how interest is added to the principal amount. The contracts sometimes prescribe a schedule of accruals and interest payments, even by dates. This is true for clients who want to receive rental income regularly.

When choosing a deposit with interest capitalization (income is accrued on an additional amount of previously earned %), it is important to study additional conditions, for example, “% with options”. Under this wording, “the most interesting” may be hidden.

There are deposits on which different percentages are charged in different periods for the entire term of the contract. But only the highest rate is announced.

Carefully reading the contract, you can find a clause prescribing the procedure for calculating%: in the first 90 days - 7% , during 230 days10% , a 12% just in the last month.

Important! It is necessary to constantly monitor the amount of the minimum balance. Its insignificant reduction may lead to early automatic termination of the contract.

The tariff scale of some banks for cash withdrawals, replenishment of investments through ATMs or non-cash transfers provides for commissions. Such items should be sought in "other conditions ...". It will not be superfluous to consult how they apply to depositors' money.

Holders of foreign currency accounts need to study the clause in the agreement where the conversion rate for investments is prescribed (it may differ from the exchange rate).

Opening via the Internet can also hide pleasant surprises in the form of an additional percentage to the annual rate and a gift bank card. With a card, everything can be difficult: the issuance is free, and the service fee will be an unpleasant surprise.

Service details at Sberbank

The most popular products among online depositors of Sberbank today are deposits "", "Manage", "Replenish".


The product was created on the basis of a traditional deposit. To open and replenish it, you do not need to come to the branch, the procedure is performed via the Internet.

This deposit is considered to be an excellent choice for clients who want to accumulate by constantly replenishing the deposit. When opening online, the rate is higher than when opening at a branch.

Minimum deposit terms - 3 months, maximum - 3 years. Replenished at any time. The smallest investment amount - 100 $/€ or 1000 RUB.

The amount of the contribution increases as a result of the addition of %. They can be withdrawn and transferred to a card account. Interest is calculated monthly. In case of early closure - rate 0,01% .

Charge table:

Currency Min. remainder 3 - 6 months (%) ½ - 1 year (%) 1 – 2 (%) 2 – 3 years (%) 3 years (%)
  • 100000
  • 20000
  • 10000
  • 200 0000
  • 700 000
  • 400 000
  • 100 000
  • 100000
  • 20000
  • 10000
  • 1,20.
  • 1,20.
  • 1,05.
  • 0,90.
  • 0,80.

Hidden obstacles and pitfalls in online deposits Replenish are also available:

  • withdraw money from the account in the first 3 months you can’t - you lose interest;
  • it is impossible to partially withdraw funds;
  • in case of early termination of the contract, % is accrued without monthly capitalization.

The maximum amount of investment is also limited, it is equal to the initial contribution multiplied by 10 times. 0,5% rates are charged if the deposit exceeds this amount by the difference between the real and the maximum allowable amount. This restriction does not apply to pensioners.


This deposit is now considered one of the highly profitable products of Sberbank. It can be issued in any currency. The investment period is set individually, but within from 1 to 36 months.

This deposit is distinguished by the presence and absence of operations on expenses and contributions. This program depends on the period of placement of money and their amount. Loyal conditions are provided for pensioners.

Attention! Credited % can be withdrawn online. In this case, the check amount does not change, but only the remaining part of the interest is capitalized.

Advantageous aspects:

  • quick open ( up to 5 minutes);
  • minimum costs;
  • economic benefit - annual % on online deposit, 1% higher than traditional;
  • simple management (via Internet banking);
  • the possibility of terminating the contract at any time.


The goal is to have the opportunity, in addition to storing and increasing capital on a deposit, to actively use it in a form convenient for the client. You can invest in any currency. The smallest deposit amount is 30,000 rubles, or conversion at the rate.

"Manage" provides investors with more opportunities to use the money invested. Allows operations of replenishment and withdrawal of money from accounts partially.

You can withdraw up to a certain amount (minimum balance), calculated from the investment amount. But there are no preferential conditions for users of retirement age.

Important! The program provides for an increase in the rate when the amount of the deposit reaches the amount that corresponds to the increased rate. To this end, they conclude an agreement to increase the minimum balance.

Features of accrual%:

Sum Currency 3 - 6 months 0.5 - 1 year 1 – 2 years 2 – 3 years
  • 10000
  • 20000
  • 100000
  • 10000
  • 20000
  • 100000
  • 30000
  • 100000
  • 400000
  • 700000
  • 2000000

Banks provide an opportunity to open a remote deposit by proxy, use an electronic digital signature

Where is the best place to open

RBC studies (30 banks with the maximum number of Internet users were studied) considered the most profitable deposit for 1 year size in 100 000 rub., available to online users, and compared its profitability in branches, the main criterion was the maximum rate, without capitalization%.

According to the results of research, the best offers today are presented by banks: Home loan

11,3 10 Credit Europe Bank 11,25

Advantages and pitfalls of online deposits

In order to save your money, you can use bank deposits. Today there are a large number of offers, a variety of conditions and percentages are offered. Opening a deposit through an online application is the most convenient way, you can start receiving interest from the deposit tomorrow. Using Internet technologies, you significantly save your time, and also, you do not need to drive up to the bank branch once again.

What is the difference between a deposit and an investment?

At its core, opening a deposit or a deposit is one and the same, you deposit money into a bank account, and then receive income in the form of interest.

IMPORTANT! When opening a demand deposit, you don’t have to worry about time, it is not limited in any way, which means that there is simply no current limit on terms.

If we talk about term deposits, then the time period of the deposit is initially specified, as a rule it lasts from a month to one year. Such a deposit cannot be replenished or withdrawn ahead of time, otherwise you may be subject to a fine. Deposit interest can range from 7 to 23%, it all depends on which financial institution you decide to contact.

How is the contract concluded?

To get started, you submit an online application for opening a deposit, This take no more than 5 minutes, after sending it, a bank employee will contact you and confirm your application, as well as provide additional information on further actions and answer your questions.
Each bank has its own rules for concluding online contracts, moreover, you can always drive up to the office in your free time and get your original documents.
Of course, your deposit will bring more income if your funds are in the bank for as long as possible, time in this case only plays into the hands.

WARRANTY! Using deposits as a means of investment, you are guaranteed the safety of your funds.

As for the ability to quickly earn income, then of course it is possible. The sooner you open a deposit, the sooner you will start increasing capital.

What is the convenience of opening a deposit via the Internet?

A few years ago, in order to open a deposit, it was necessary to spend time in queues, sign a large number of documents, and only then it was possible to put money on a deposit. Today, when opening a deposit online, you avoid all this. After spending only about 5 minutes, being at home, in the office or out of town, just send an application to the bank, after which it remains to transfer money to the account and receive your income from the amount invested.
Each depositor is provided with a personal manager from the bank, with whom you can discuss questions of interest by phone or make an appointment at a branch at any time!

How soon can I withdraw the accumulated money from the deposit?

The interest received can be withdrawn at any convenient time and in any way, whether it is an online transfer, through Internet banking, or you personally drive up to the bank. It is important to consider the terms of the deposit, because the option of withdrawing funds is possible, but with some restrictions in the form of a commission. We are talking exclusively about withdrawing money ahead of time, which is prescribed in the contract. In this case, it may make sense to wait until the expiration date and withdraw money with a good profit a little later. Or open another deposit with the ability to withdraw money at any time.
If there are no restrictions on the timing of withdrawal of funds in the contract, then you don’t have to worry about charging a commission and falling under fines.

HINT! Accrued interest on the deposit can be transferred to your account in just a few clicks. Use internet banking for this.

What can I learn from a bank employee?

From a bank specialist, you will also find out how much income you can get by investing a certain amount, as well as after what period of time you can count on profit.

Of course, you can use online calculators that are on the Internet, but their big disadvantage is that the calculation is not individual, but general, which entails not entirely reliable information, both about possible profit and about the time for which the deposit will be opened. .

Any bank deposits can be made remotely, for this a deposit agreement is signed using a digital signature, details can be obtained from a bank employee after you send an application online. In total, it will take no more than 5-7 minutes to open a deposit.

The development of mobile and Internet technologies is increasingly simplifying every aspect of human life. The financial sector has not been left out. Today, the Internet allows not only to control the status of accounts or make settlement transactions. Bank customers now have the opportunity to open deposits without leaving their homes or offices. To perform such a transaction, you only need a computer, mobile phone or ATM nearby. The advantage of this service, in addition to saving time, is its availability, as the service works around the clock and seven days a week.

So far, not every bank has the opportunity to provide such a service. Let the client not notice this, but the technical side of the procedure is quite complicated, especially from a legal point of view. For this purpose, a legal framework is specially developed that regulates every nuance of the relationship between the client and the bank. Even before opening a deposit, the client needs to sign a separate agreement with the selected bank in order to be able to exchange electronic signatures. It takes some time, but as a result, a satisfied depositor receives round-the-clock remote access to opening deposits online.

When applying for this service, you should carefully study the programs of different banks, since some of them, such as: Moscow Credit Bank, Trust Bank, Russian Standard or Rosgosstrakh Bank, offer only one service online. Those who wish to receive several such services at once can pay attention to Raiffeisenbank, Sberbank of Russia, Alfa-Bank and some others.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is impossible to single out a large number of advantages when opening an account via the Internet, but such a system does not have serious disadvantages either. First of all, it is convenient for people who closely interact with new technologies, who value their time and their comfort. The new service allows you to open an account without unnecessary trips, quickly and effortlessly without leaving your home, not to mention the fact that you can do it almost at any time.

In addition to this, some banks give a higher interest rate on such deposits compared to regular accounts. The difference, of course, is small, but with large deposits it is quite significant.

Among the shortcomings, there are none that can cause serious inconvenience or financial loss. Opening an account online is no more risky than opening a deposit with the depositor personally present at the bank office. The only difficulty is the transfer of funds to a new account, but there are no problems if you carefully follow the instructions provided by the bank. Also, due to the peculiarities of Russian legislation, a depositor, before opening an account via the Internet, must already have at least one open deposit account in this bank.

A relatively new banking product - online deposit is gaining popularity among customers. The website of most banks provides step-by-step instructions on how to open a deposit via the Internet.

Depositor Requirements

  • availability of a universal service agreement ();
  • current account;
  • cash (minimum contribution from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the bank);
  • Internet access.

The deposited amount can be in rubles, dollars or euros. Opening an online deposit is not always more profitable than a regular deposit. Please read the terms and conditions beforehand. As a rule, you will be offered several options.

Types of deposits

1. According to the mode of operation:

  • or not replenished;
  • without partial removal or .

2. By the method of depositing money

  • in cash at a bank branch;
  • by bank transfer from an account in another credit institution;
  • transfer from a plastic card;
  • by transfer from another account in the servicing bank.

Registration procedure

  1. Sign an office service agreement (if you are not a bank client).
  2. Get an instant from a bank employee (in case you do not have a plastic card yet).
  3. Get a username and password to access the program. This can be done by printing a check at an ATM or via a mobile phone (for example, the service "").
  4. On the bank's website, select the "Online deposits" menu.
  5. Follow the prompts to register in the Internet Banking program.
  6. Familiarize yourself with the information on deposits (interest rate, term, etc.).
  7. Fill out an application for.
  8. Check the entered information (card number for debiting and crediting funds, amount).
  9. Confirm your consent to the operation.
  10. The status of the request will change to "completed".
  11. You became .

Possible risks

At the legislative level, the issue of online deposits is not entirely settled. The Internet banking program is not equipped with an electronic digital signature. Therefore, in order to open a deposit in a bank, the personal presence of the client at the branch is required. By neglecting this condition and facilitating the process of interaction, you put yourself at risk. Without having documents “on hand” (signed and sealed), in the event of a technical failure or bankruptcy, you will encounter a problem. The certificate of attestation of the bank as a member of the deposit insurance system guarantees the reimbursement of your funds, the placement of which is executed in accordance with the law.

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