Will man evolve further. How can a person change in the process of evolution in the future, from the point of view of science? We can breathe at high altitude

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Like all life on Earth, we continue to evolve. If you don’t believe me, remember the story of wisdom teeth, which were well developed in our distant ancestors, eating rough food. With us, they were reduced as unnecessary.

We are in website wondered how a person would look like after millions of years of evolution, if the conditions on planet Earth roughly correspond to the emerging trends and likely forecasts.

  • Growth. Over the past 200 years, the population of developed countries has grown by 10 cm due to improved living conditions, quality nutrition. If this goes on, the growth of men will reach 2 meters, but hardly higher. (Sources: Mean Body Weight, Height, and body mass index, United States 1960–2002, wikipedia)
  • Leather will become darker as the races mix intensively. And dark skin will better protect against ultraviolet radiation, which will penetrate the Earth in excess. (Source: livescience, nickolaylamm)
  • Body. Man will reduce his physical costs with the help of machines and robots. Physical strength will not be required, the muscles will contract. Technology will become an integral part of our body, embedded chips and gadgets will become commonplace. (Source: futurehumanevolution)

  • Arms. Constant use of keyboards and touch screens will make hands and fingers thinner and longer. (Source: the-scientist)
  • Legs. The body will change to match the sedentary lifestyle, long strong legs will not be needed. The fibula is reduced, which is typical for terrestrial animals. This bone is used to turn the foot, which was important for our tree-climbing ancestors. But for us, lateral mobility of the ankle became rather harmful, often leading to dislocations. (Source: futurehumanevolution, anthropogenez)
  • Toes. Our ancestors also used them for climbing trees. In the series from Australopithecus to us, the fingers have noticeably shortened, it is obvious that this is not the limit. Probably, their number will also decrease. Land animals always come to a decrease in their number, and the horse is the champion here. (Source: anthropogenez)
  • Rib cage. If it becomes more and more difficult to extract oxygen from the atmosphere, the lungs will increase in size. The chest will also increase.
  • Head. It is still unclear whether the man of the future will have a smaller or larger volume of the skull than now. On the one hand, compared with the Cro-Magnons, the human brain has become, oddly enough, smaller. It becomes more compact, which only contributes to its fast operation. On the other hand, more and more caesarean sections allow children with large heads to survive. This will affect the increase in its average size. Therefore, it is likely that there will be no natural childbirth in the future. (Sources: anthropogenez, bbc, vox)
  • Teeth. Humanity is switching to softer food. The number of teeth and their size will decrease, this will entail a decrease in the jaw and mouth. (

Speaking with technology and innovation experts at California's Singularity University, Pete Flint put together a variety of predictions about the future: about how we will think, about the opportunities that will open up for us, and about the problems that society will have to face.

Pete Flint

Investor and technology consultant, founder and director of online real estate service Trulia, founder of Lastminute.com, an online travel service.

The optimistic view of things suggests that the development of technology will solve some big problems in areas ranging from medicine to transportation and energy. This will allow to achieve a qualitatively new standard of living.

Already, the rate of change is very high: in business and technology, literally every week there is something new. In the future, the speed of progress will only increase. And this entails changes in ethics, culture and society. New problems will arise that humanity will have to solve.

Features of innovation development

1. It is actually very difficult to predict the future, because it is too illogical and the principles of exponential growth do not work in many areas of life. When it comes to technology, many of them are developing exponentially. As a result, we often overestimate the impact of scientific discoveries in the short term and underestimate the long term.

2. It is often difficult to predict the future due to companies introducing innovations that are attractive to a limited circle of people. The public either ignores such innovations or ridicules them. However, these companies are growing rapidly and providing themselves with decisive advantages, while other organizations either do not have the opportunity to use the new product, do not want to do it, or do it too late.

3. Innovation is like a relay race where one group of people create something and pass it on to another. First, the dreamers pass their ideas on to the innovators, who, in turn, pass on the products to the entrepreneurs, and they, in turn, to the big businessmen, the creators of empires, in order to put the product on a financial basis and introduce it to the masses. Successful technology investing depends on timing and understanding how innovation evolves.


4. We should be enthusiastic about the possibility of superintelligence, which will help solve many important problems. Especially considering the fact that technological breakthroughs happen both with deep immersion in one science, and at the junction of different disciplines.

5. Consumer technology is constantly improving. Usability, data analysis, and analytics will become increasingly important. Companies that do this now have excellent prospects for the future.

6. Some technology companies based on their own data, public data or intellectual property assets, on the contrary, will weaken. Because other companies and communities provide data for free or for very little money to attract users to their services.

7. or artificial intelligence will make many people happy.

Adam McIver/Flickr.com

8. have almost become a commodity of mass consumption. In the future, increasing the power and number of sensors, lowering the price, more advanced interfaces and reducing the cost will contribute to the further spread of robots.

Richard Unten/Flickr.com

9. Robots will become much more interesting when they start doing things that are inaccessible to a person, instead of just replacing a person, as is happening now.

10. The transition to self-driving electric vehicles will greatly affect everyday life in general. And this will happen much earlier than expected, and before people have time to prepare for it. The fact that during the trip you can do anything and not follow the road, cities and regions. In large cities, this will affect the quality of life and will likely lead to a surge in urbanization.

11. The introduction of electric vehicles will start slowly, and then quickly gain momentum. As gas stations become less popular, over time it will become less and less profitable to have a regular car.

12. Changes in robotics and innovation in manufacturing and agriculture will destroy the traditional production chains that exist today. This will create many business opportunities.

The medicine


13. In the near future, 3D printing will allow you to create cartilage and bones, taking into account the characteristics of a particular person. In the long term, molecular and nanoprinting will create devices and robots that will revolutionize medicine. For example, with the help of such a seal it will be possible to create organs for transplantation.

14. The cost of genomic testing is rapidly declining, and in the next decade this procedure will cost a penny. This will have a major impact on and at the same time the emergence of consumer health products and crazy ideas like smart toilets and showers based on sensitive sensors.

15. The ability to conduct low-cost genetic research, combined with data analysis, will shift the focus of medicine from treatment to diagnosis and prevention of disease. This will make it possible to find cures for the most terrible killers of our time - cancer and neurological disorders.

16. To take into account the huge amount of information received from sensitive low-cost sensors, medicine will need analytics and artificial intelligence. Fragmentation and accounting of information will become the main problems of medicine.

17. People born in developing countries today have every chance of living 2.5 years more than those born 10 years ago. As technology advances exponentially, human life expectancy will increase with every decade. So in the future, those who will be born in a few decades will have every chance of living a very, very long time (if, of course, they can afford it). In this regard, a number of problems will arise - financial, cultural and social.

Finance and Economics

18. Blockchain - a technology for reliable distributed data storage - will soon change the work of financial institutions. They become almost invisible to us.


19. will develop until it becomes practically indistinguishable from the real world. Moreover, in terms of quality of experience and functionality, it will surpass reality. This will go really far and will have a huge impact on our society.


20. The cost of obtaining solar energy will fall, so it will be used more and more.


21. Over the past few decades, energy change has been held back not by technology but by politics and social factors.

22. Innovations in the field of energy storage and transportation matter even more than new energy production technologies.

23. The digitization of information will create potential threats, so the investment in security will be very significant.


24. Most likely, the skills required for the job, . To stay afloat, the specialist will need to undergo repeated training. A new approach to education and careers will be required.

25. Our children and grandchildren will live in another world. For them to be successful, we must provide them with continuous learning and knowledge in the field of technology, engineering, as well as develop critical thinking, creativity and sensitivity.

Organizations of the future

26. As technology advances, the demands on the productivity of organizations and managers will increase. This will shorten the lifespan of most companies. The most successful organizations of the future are those that continue to train employees and implement new technologies throughout their existence.

27. Companies that have the ability to quickly innovate and change technology will always keep pace with progress.


28. To prevent drastic job cuts, the government will need to provide everyone with a basic income, whether they work or not, and help them navigate social and workplace changes.

29. It is expected that the number of jobs in the US will be halved over the next 20 years due to computerization and the replacement of people by robots. In less developed countries this figure will be lower.

30. Job losses due to the introduction of robots and artificial intelligence are predictable and inevitable, just as they were in the past with the automation of enterprises. But it is difficult to predict how the government and society will react to this.

31. The rapid development of technology should help people in all areas of life. But if there are no major changes in government and society, technology will be available only to a small number of wealthy people, which will further divide society into classes.

32. Some developing countries will be able to outpace others in building certain types of infrastructure and gain an economic advantage, much like existing companies are beating out by adopting a new, more efficient model of operation.

33. The future reflects the many stories that are woven into traditional religions: life after death, out-of-body experiences, the eradication of diseases, the treatment of paralysis, superintelligence, and so on. Is it a coincidence? Or has our human nature, throughout history, pushed us to solve these problems? And how will religions react to the fact that miracles are becoming commonplace?

34. Perhaps society will become more human, or perhaps more value human nature in a digitized life. As technology becomes more and more invisible, man moves up Maslow's pyramid of needs and begins to appreciate things around him in a way that all generations of people before him could not.

People have not stopped evolving. Although many of the changes that occur to a person are imperceptible, over time, many of them will manifest themselves in full force.

We are still subject to natural selection, despite the development of modern medicine and technology.

What features will we have in the distant future, based on current trends? Here are the 10 biggest changes that could happen in a few hundred thousand years.

1. Mixing races

The development of modern means of transport and communications means that fewer and fewer people remain isolated from others. Increasingly, there is a mixture of races between representatives whose ancestors originated from different parts of our planet.

As a result, genetic differences between people begin to blur, and racial differences become less noticeable. In other words, the people of the future will be even more similar to each other.

2. Weakened immunity

As people become more dependent on drugs for survival, our immune systems begin to weaken.

The people of the future will more susceptible to pathogens. Modern medical technology and the discovery of antibiotics have improved our health and life expectancy, but have meant that our immune systems have to work less to stay healthy.

From a biological point of view, our immune system is no longer as necessary as it used to be, and we will be even more dependent on medical technology.

3. Muscular atrophy

Evolution gets rid of those signs that are no longer needed. One candidate for elimination in this sense is physical strength. People no longer have to rely on strong muscles to perform labor-intensive tasks. We are increasingly dependent on technology to do the work for us. Research has already shown that we much weaker than our distant relatives, and in the future, perhaps, we will become even more frail.

In addition, if we start to explore more and more other places in space, then, most likely, lose most of our muscle mass. Astronauts who have been on a long space flight returned to Earth, having lost the ability to do physical work by 40 percent.

4. High growth

Human growth has increased rapidly over the past two centuries. Only in the last 150 years a person became on average 10 cm taller. It is believed that the main reason for this is the abundance of food available to us.

The more a child eats, the more energy he has for growth. As long as people are able to eat in abundance, we will continue to grow even higher. Whether there is a limit to our growth, evolution will show.

5. Little hair

People are already called hairless monkeys. However, like all mammals, we have hair, but there is much less of it than our anthropoid relatives and ancestors.

Clothing and modern technology have made the warming function of hair obsolete. Women are considered more attractive without hair in certain parts of the body, and perhaps over time, there will be no hair at all.

6. No wisdom teeth

The reason why wisdom teeth are removed is because most modern people's jaw is too small to accommodate them without interfering with other teeth. They are considered rudimentary molars that appeared in ancient people when their jaws were larger and their diet consisted mainly of hard food.

No wonder wisdom teeth are starting to disappear. Furthermore, 35 percent of people are already born without wisdom teeth, others have only one, two or three wisdom teeth (there are 4 in total).

In addition, our teeth will become even smaller. Over the past 100,000 years ago, our teeth have almost halved in size, and this trend may continue into the future.

7. Memory impairment

Technology is already affecting how our memory works. The human brain, being a machine that strives for maximum efficiency, tends to remember where information is stored, not the information itself.

In the age of the Internet, this feature has become even more important. How often have you tried to remember something and instead just looked up the answer on Wikipedia or a search engine? The habit of checking everything on the Internet has taught us to use computer and internet as "external memory", relieving our brain from the need to store information.

8. Fewer fingers

Before humans could walk upright, our toes were used for grasping, just like our hands. As we climbed less and walked more, our toes began to shrink to their current size.

While the thumb maintains balance and helps with walking, the little finger does not have any special purpose. Perhaps for this reason, over time, people will become creatures with four toes.

9. Bigger or smaller head size

Scientists are still arguing whether a person in the future will have a larger or smaller volume of the skull. Most are of the opinion that a person cannot develop a larger head, as this would make natural childbirth impossible, and increase maternal mortality. For this reason, the size of the human head is likely to remain unchanged, and may even decrease.

But it is worth considering the fact that more and more caesarean sections allow children with a large head to survive. Many even believe that over time, caesarean sections will become safer than natural births, and babies with small heads born naturally will be less likely to survive than those whose mothers underwent surgery.

10. Self improvement

People can reach the stage where they can manage human development with the help of technology. Bionic organs and genetic selection will allow future parents to choose the features of the child even before birth.

It may eradicate all defects and undesirable signs. Once this practice becomes widespread, it can lead to the disappearance of many negative qualities.

What will the person of the future look like?

This is how, according to some experts, our body and face will change in thousands of years:

Height about 180 -210cm due to improved nutrition and advances in medicine

— More short intestine to absorb less sugar and fat and prevent obesity

Smaller testicles due to decreased male fertility.

— More long arms and fingers to save us from having to reach for objects. More nerve endings on the fingers for using various gadgets such as the iPhone.

Smaller brain size due to the fact that the task of remembering and thinking is mainly performed by computers.

Big eyes will compensate for the small mouth. Communication will be based on facial expressions and eye movement.

Less teeth, as the food becomes softer and does not require much chewing.

Quad chin because our body is designed to eat less and use more energy than it does now.

same nose shape, since the climate has less effect on the body due to air conditioning and heating.

less hair or baldness due to the use of warm clothes and heating, but more wrinkles due to the use of electronic devices.

saggy skin on the neck and bags under the eyes due to strong exposure to the Sun.

Darker skin color because of the mixing of races.

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I will post an interview with R. Kurzweil, which he gave a few years ago. But it has not received wide circulation in RuNet, so it is useful to repost. Kurzweil is a futurist, an innovator, perhaps the best in the world. He tells what awaits us in 20 years. He grew up in Queens, USA, where he says schooling kept him away from what he wanted to do most: build computers. While continuing his studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ray earned the nickname "Phantom" for not showing up for many courses. Instead, he was engaged in inventions in the field of electronics and computer technology. He helped invent the first optical pattern recognition technology; the first speech synthesizer for reading printed text; computer musical instruments and the first human speech recognition system. His inventions made him famous. Subsequently, he founded several companies and wrote hundreds of scientific articles. He is also the author and co-author of many books, including The Age of Ouija Machines, or When Machine Intelligence Surpasses Human Intelligence. Now Ray, together with Terry Grossman, is writing a book about the possibilities of nanotechnology and nanomedicine, Fantastic Journey. At present, instead of inventing, Ray has taken up the prediction of the technological development of mankind.

We have heard a lot about how technology leaves people without jobs. Will it continue?

Ray: It's part of a process that began at least 200 years ago when the English textile industry began to automate. Then a machine simply appeared that could move 10 or 30 shuttles. But with the launch of such machines, new industries also appeared. For example, the engineering industry, which creates and maintains these machines. As soon as the product becomes mass, the demand for it increases. People no longer want to settle for one shirt when they can buy several more. The history of automation shows that the number of jobs has not decreased, but, on the contrary, has become even greater. A hundred years ago, about 30% of the potential workforce was employed. More than 60% are now arranged. Compared to the last century, dollar earnings have increased six to eight times! (Ray talks about the US, while not taking into account inflation - approx. transl.). Can we hope to continue this trend? A significant increase in the productive capacity of mankind can be expected in the near future. In 20 years, we will be able to produce almost any physical product very cheaply. This will happen due to the close integration of modern information and production technologies. Today, we can already produce a variety of products using software, as there have long been automated computer systems for managing production processes, tools, raw materials and their processing.

-Of course, the increasing productive capacity of mankind is wonderful, but what about jobs?

Now in the US there is a relatively small percentage of unemployed (about 6%). One of the features of work in the 20th century is the binding to a specific place. So if you want to work in New York, you must live in New York. But now, thanks to cyberspace, you can live almost anywhere. Thus, a person can find a job in another city if he does not find work in his own. However, he does not need to move. This is a positive trend for the global economy. This is how the world economy is leveling off.

- The fact that China and India produce a lot of cheap products does not “damage” the American economy in any way, since the latter has moved into the information and high-tech sectors. What do you think about the continuation of this trend in the longer term?

Now we see an international competition in the field of training highly qualified specialists. Each country wants to have the most competent personnel. And this trend will continue. I think this is a good direction. China is building about 50 universities of the same class as Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And this indicates that their state wants to have highly qualified specialists and intellectual property. For humanity, it doesn't matter which country makes a new discovery in the field of biotechnology - everyone will benefit from this. But I believe that the US will remain at a high R&D level.

-What do you think about new products and products that may appear in 10 years in the IT industry?

To do this, you need to trace several trends. Most of today's network and server solutions are likely to change or disappear altogether. There will be no desktop computers. By the end of this decade, most desktop computers will be gone, replaced by smaller, more portable counterparts integrated with systems that project images directly onto the retina. Everyone will be in touch. The Internet or similar communication link will become very fast. Computer equipment will be almost everywhere: in the walls of a personal apartment, in clothes, on the streets.

-What will the IT industry do then?

It will focus mainly on protecting users from hackers and viruses. Now such developments are relevant, and in a decade they will become even more relevant. Everything goes to the fact that the software will work directly in our bodies, brain, circulatory system (thanks to microchips and nanorobots), so a virus or hacker attack will directly affect our physical condition. I also believe that the value of information as such will increase, as it will be the basis of the future society. And, of course, nothing will be more important than organizations involved in information processing.

-How will people change? What will they become? What will they strive for?

Technological advances grow exponentially as we use the latest advances in technology to create even more advanced technologies. This process began with biological evolution. It took billions of years for a DNA molecule to appear, but as soon as DNA began to use the mechanism of replication, new organisms based on it arose. The Cambrian era began. The same thing happens with technology. The first computers were designed on paper and assembled with bolts. Today, an engineer sitting at a CAD-type design program forms the structure of a computer with whole ready-made blocks and formulas. The necessary microcircuits are produced automatically, this process takes several days, while earlier it took months and even years for prototyping. That's why computer technology evolves exponentially. Now the creation of new technologies is a joint process of cooperation between people and machines. I think it's important to realize that technology and human civilization will come into closer contact. Computers will become closer and closer to us. I recently spoke with a woman who said that her ten-year-old son's laptop was an extension of himself. She said that the laptop is as close to the child as if it were inside him, like a part of the body. So soon computers will be inside us. In one or two decades, we will be able to place non-biological computing devices inside our bodies that will not harm our health. By 2020, it will be possible to place billions of cell-sized nanorobots inside the circulatory system. These machines will be able to slow down the aging process, treat individual cells and interact with individual neurons. So the machines will practically merge with us. The architecture of our brain is limited. The brain uses electrochemical signals to process information, and processes it millions of times slower than today's electronic circuits. The brain is not suitable for storing large amounts of information, since the number of neural connections is limited. If you've ever used search engines like Google on the Internet, you can imagine the information power of machines. In the future, expanding the number of neural connections through electronics and accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses through them may lead to the creation of completely new personalities. And this process will also develop exponentially. By 2030, the brain of an individual person will be significantly improved with the help of non-biological computing. Therefore, the question of what will happen if we do not change can be answered that machine intelligence will far exceed human intelligence. But I think that this will not happen, since machines and people will eventually merge.

-If this change of the world happens so drastically, won't humanity have a culture shock?

I think not. It's a very smooth process. Of course, the world of 2030 is nothing like our modern world, but these changes will come through a lot of incremental improvements. Each of the steps will be cautious and conservative, but at the same time, it will bring us closer to the new world. Of course, there will be a response from society. Something like a movement against technology. People's thoughts about whether they control the world order, or whether the world order controls them, belong more to the field of philosophy. Since ancient times, mankind has tried to destroy the restrictions dictated to it by the outside world. I think that we will not stop at biology and take a step further. For example, I myself plan to improve my intelligence as soon as the opportunity arises for this.

Are you smart enough now?

Of course not, are you kidding? My main occupation is to follow the development of technologies and anticipate their further development. This forces me to dip my intellectual "hands" into various fields of knowledge in order to find the necessary information. This activity is quite the opposite of what modern scientists are doing, who are becoming more and more specialized. Therefore, I consider myself a neophyte in this new uncultivated field.

- You rely entirely on the power of the machines that will help us, forgetting about the mistakes that so often occur during their work. For example, in biology: there is no cure for cancer and AIDS. How will technology work in this area?

This is complete nonsense. We are just beginning to develop biotechnology. We have just finished sequencing the human genome. We don't know anything about revertases. And we don't know enough about how genes are expressed into proteins right now. Computers are only now emerging that can solve the problem of protein folding. We have just begun to apply new methods of information processing to the problems of aging and the treatment of diseases. In order to defeat aging and effectively treat and prevent diseases, we need to make many more discoveries in the field of biotechnology. As we improve and apply our knowledge in the field of biotechnology, we will have new drugs. For example, drugs, taking which, you can eat as much as you like and not get better. There will also be an effective cure for type 2 diabetes. I'm pretty sure that within the next decade, 95% of the deadly diseases that exist will be cured with the help of biotechnology. Now we have already identified a number of mechanisms of aging and we have a number of strategies to eliminate them. I believe that in 10 years we will be able to get a mouse that does not age at all. Then we will try to transfer this therapy to humans, which may take another 10 years.

What do you think the life expectancy of the people of the future will be?

I don't even think they'll think about it. People who will live in 20-30 years will not think about death at all. We are structured differently now. We think life is short and you can't live forever. Only taxes and one's own death are eternal. This is called the normal life cycle. Since we still have not been able to overcome death, we simply rationalized it and took it for granted. I believe that death is a tragedy. This is the loss of all knowledge and experience accumulated by a person. And we have introduced death into our natural life cycle. In my book Fantastic Journey, due out later this year, I will detail all of the latest advances in medicine, nanotechnology, and biotechnology that will soon allow man to live forever while improving his body and brain. You are in good physical shape. Yes, because I set myself the task of extending life. I don't accept death even for a minute. I recently took a biological physical age test and found out that my body is in the 40s. And now I'm 56.

What are you doing to slow down the aging process?

Our genome is full of harmful programs that we execute subconsciously. 'Hunt every calorie! You won't be able to find food next time!' says one of the long-outdated self-preservation mechanisms. This and other programs need to be radically changed. Many mechanisms of aging accelerate when we are 50, 60. I try to stop them with the help of the techniques I have developed. I eat a certain specially designed diet. I take 250 nutritional supplements every day. By doing this, I literally reprogram my biochemistry. Many people believe that in nutrition you need to obey yourself and be natural. I don't think so, because biological evolution is working against us.

-And how do you imagine 120-year-old people? Maybe prolonging the age will bring them more additional disappointments and problems?

Yes, of course, there is a difference between a 30-year-old and a 120-year-old person. But since the future society will spend most of its time in virtual reality, even 120-year-olds will be able to fully realize themselves. Most importantly, they will have the opportunity to think and accumulate knowledge. This, I think, is the meaning of our life!


Incredible Facts

People have not stopped evolving. Although many of the changes that occur to a person are imperceptible, over time, many of them will manifest themselves in full force.

We are still subject to natural selection, despite the development of modern medicine and technology.

What features will we have in the distant future, based on current trends? Here are the 10 biggest changes that could happen in a few hundred thousand years.

1. Mixing races

The development of modern means of transport and communications means that fewer and fewer people remain isolated from others. Increasingly, there is a mixture of races between representatives whose ancestors originated from different parts of our planet.

As a result, genetic differences between people begin to blur, and racial differences become less noticeable. In other words, the people of the future will be even more similar to each other.

2. Weakened immunity

As people become more dependent on drugs for survival, our immune systems begin to weaken.

The people of the future will more susceptible to pathogens. Modern medical technology and the discovery of antibiotics have improved our health and life expectancy, but have meant that our immune systems have to work less to stay healthy.

From a biological point of view, our immune system is no longer as necessary as it used to be, and we will be even more dependent on medical technology.

3. Muscular atrophy

Evolution gets rid of those signs that are no longer needed. One candidate for elimination in this sense is physical strength. People no longer have to rely on strong muscles to perform labor-intensive tasks. We are increasingly dependent on technology to do the work for us. Research has already shown that we much weaker than our distant relatives, and in the future, perhaps, we will become even more frail.

In addition, if we start to explore more and more other places in space, then, most likely, lose most of our muscle mass. Astronauts who have been on a long space flight returned to Earth, having lost the ability to do physical work by 40 percent.

4. High growth

Human growth has increased rapidly over the past two centuries. Only in the last 150 years a person became on average 10 cm taller. It is believed that the main reason for this is the abundance of food available to us.

The more a child eats, the more energy he has for growth. As long as people are able to eat in abundance, we will continue to grow even higher. Whether there is a limit to our growth, evolution will show.

5. Little hair

People are already called hairless monkeys. However, like all mammals, we have hair, but there is much less of it than our anthropoid relatives and ancestors.

Clothing and modern technology have made the warming function of hair obsolete. Women are considered more attractive without hair in certain parts of the body, and perhaps over time, there will be no hair at all.

6. No wisdom teeth

The reason why wisdom teeth are removed is because most modern people's jaw is too small to accommodate them without interfering with other teeth. They are considered rudimentary molars that appeared in ancient people when their jaws were larger and their diet consisted mainly of hard food.

No wonder wisdom teeth are starting to disappear. Furthermore, 35 percent of people are already born without wisdom teeth, others have only one, two or three wisdom teeth (there are 4 in total).

In addition, our teeth will become even smaller. Over the past 100,000 years ago, our teeth have almost halved in size, and this trend may continue into the future.

7. Memory impairment

Technology is already affecting how our memory works. The human brain, being a machine that strives for maximum efficiency, tends to remember where information is stored, not the information itself.

In the age of the Internet, this feature has become even more important. How often have you tried to remember something and instead just looked up the answer on Wikipedia or a search engine? The habit of checking everything on the Internet has taught us to use computer and internet as "external memory", relieving our brain from the need to store information.

8. Fewer toes

Before humans could walk upright, our toes were used for grasping, just like our hands. As we climbed less and walked more, our toes began to shrink to their current size.

While the thumb maintains balance and helps with walking, the little finger does not have any special purpose. Perhaps for this reason, over time, people will become creatures with four toes.

9. Bigger or smaller head size

Scientists are still arguing whether a person in the future will have a larger or smaller volume of the skull. Most are of the opinion that a person cannot develop a larger head, as this would make natural childbirth impossible, and increase maternal mortality. For this reason, the size of the human head is likely to remain unchanged, and may even decrease.

But it is worth considering the fact that more and more caesarean sections allow children with a large head to survive. Many even believe that over time, caesarean sections will become safer than natural births, and babies with small heads born naturally will be less likely to survive than those whose mothers underwent surgery.

10. Self improvement

People can reach the stage where they can manage human development with the help of technology. Bionic organs and genetic selection will allow future parents to choose the features of the child even before birth.

It may eradicate all defects and undesirable signs. Once this practice becomes widespread, it can lead to the disappearance of many negative qualities.

What will the person of the future look like?

This is how, according to some experts, our body and face will change in thousands of years:

- Height about 180 -210cm due to improved nutrition and advances in medicine

More short intestine to absorb less sugar and fat and prevent obesity

- Smaller testicles due to decreased male fertility.

More long arms and fingers to save us from having to reach for objects. More nerve endings on the fingers for using various gadgets such as the iPhone.

- Smaller brain size due to the fact that the task of remembering and thinking is mainly performed by computers.

- Big eyes will compensate for the small mouth. Communication will be based on facial expressions and eye movement.

- Less teeth, as the food becomes softer and does not require much chewing.

- Quad chin because our body is designed to eat less and use more energy than it does now.

- same nose shape, since the climate has less effect on the body due to air conditioning and heating.

- less hair or baldness due to the use of warm clothes and heating, but more wrinkles due to the use of electronic devices.

- saggy skin on the neck and bags under the eyes due to strong exposure to the Sun.

- Darker skin color because of the mixing of races.

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