Pills to terminate early pregnancy: how they work. Methods of early pregnancy termination. What are the possible consequences of medical abortion: complications, side effects and contraindications

More and more often, girls are asking the question: how can a miscarriage be provoked? Having rejected the option of surgical termination of pregnancy, women use drugs that cause miscarriage, and even use traditional medicine. When deciding to resort to taking pills to help terminate a pregnancy, you should carefully study the instructions for use and find out the side effects.

Consultation with a qualified doctor will help to avoid dangerous consequences, since medical abortion can cause the development of pathologies in the body.

What drugs are allowed to be used to terminate pregnancy?

Medical abortion during pregnancy up to 6 weeks causes minimal harm to the body. Reception must be carried out according to the rules in the instructions. The effect of the pills is not always what the manufacturers promise.

Abortion drugs come in several types and are sold in tablets.

Experts highlight a number of products that act effectively and safely:

  1. Escapelle;
  2. Pencrofton;
  3. Mifegin;
  4. Mytholian;
  5. Mifeprex.

Any drug that causes a miscarriage has a strong impact on a woman’s health, changing the vital processes of the body.

A popular contraceptive, but it is not effective for an already established pregnancy. The tablets should be taken after unprotected sexual intercourse for 72 hours. Manufacturers of the tablets claim that their product has several functions. The components of Postinor block the ovulation process, affecting the fertilization process, and also prevents the implantation of an already fertilized egg. After taking Postinor, bleeding is observed - rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus along with the dead embryo. The drug Escapelle has a similar effect.

The Postinor package contains two tablets, which contain levonorgestrel. The first tablet should be taken within two days, twelve hours later the second tablet should be taken. The properties of Postinor resemble abortion, the effect of the tablets is very strong, it is recommended to take the drug no more than once per menstrual cycle (according to the instructions). Gynecologists do not recommend using this remedy frequently due to the high risk of hormonal imbalance.

Using the drug late in pregnancy is dangerous to health.

Pencrofton promotes contraction of the uterine muscles, which causes the fertilized egg to leave the uterine cavity and a miscarriage occurs. To terminate a pregnancy, three tablets at a time are enough.

Pencrofton is taken in an amount of no more than three tablets. Experts recommend using Misoprostol after this, which provokes an enhanced effect of the first drug.

After 36-48 hours, the woman requires an ultrasound examination to confirm termination of pregnancy. After 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to be examined again.

The drug is contraindicated in women who are allergic to the components of the tablets, kidney disease, liver disease or blood disease. Side effects include dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, bleeding and dyspepsia.

Effective drugs also include Mifepristone, Mifegin and Mifeprex. These tablets are used during pregnancy, the duration of which does not exceed 42 days. If you take the drug later, there is a high probability that the fetus will survive, but will be born with significant deformities. Pregnancy is terminated within 8 hours.

How to protect yourself when taking medications

Despite their effectiveness and popularity, medications for medical abortion cannot be purchased at the pharmacy. Only emergency contraception is available at the pharmacy (Postinor, Escapelle)

The drugs are taken only in medical institutions that perform abortions. Before the procedure, the woman is examined by a doctor, who prescribes an ultrasound and blood and urine tests. It is necessary to exclude the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, which makes it impossible to perform a medical abortion.

Abortion procedures are permitted up to 42 days after the last menstrual period.

During the procedure, the patient takes the prescribed drug, resulting in a miscarriage. After this, the woman must be observed by a doctor for several hours, then she is allowed to go home. Some pills need to be taken twice: the woman no longer has to return to the clinic, but a loved one must stay at home so that if a problem arises, they can call an ambulance to hospitalize the patient.

Complications can occur when taking any of these drugs. Dangerous consequences are caused not only by the action of the pills, but also by carrying out the procedure independently at home. Often, particles of the fetus remain in a woman’s uterus, which begin to rot and contribute to the inflammatory process: this leads not only to the inability to become pregnant in the future, but also to death. To ensure her own safety, a woman is recommended to go to a clinic where she will receive help.

After a medical abortion, it is possible to become pregnant again after two weeks, so the woman needs to take care to use contraceptives.

Safety first

Often women decide to terminate their pregnancy without consulting a doctor, which is very dangerous for their health. Many pills are strong and have dire consequences. It is harmful for the body to take the drug in the later stages: after the sixth week of pregnancy, the pills do not have the desired effect, such use can result in death for the woman. Therefore, it is safer to provoke a miscarriage at an early stage.

It is no less dangerous for a woman to provoke an abortion using traditional medicine. Most of the methods that can be found on the Internet not only do not help to safely induce a miscarriage, but also cause significant harm to the health of the mother.

If you intend to take pills for a miscarriage, a woman should understand that it is dangerous to engage in a medical abortion on her own: you need to consult a qualified specialist who will prescribe an examination and the right drug.

It is also necessary to take into account that termination of pregnancy causes diseases of the adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland and disorders of the thyroid gland.

Pills that terminate pregnancy - a lot is said and written about them. And this is understandable, because this is a wonderful alternative to surgical abortion. It remains to find out what these drugs are called, where they can be purchased and at what price, and what contraindications there are to terminating an early pregnancy with pills at home.

Where to get medicine

In order to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, two drugs are needed - antiprogesterone and, 36-48 hours after taking it, a drug that stimulates uterine contractions. What pills terminate pregnancy in the early stages, their names? There are many commercial names for the drugs, but the main thing is that the first one should contain mifepristone, and the second one should contain misoprostol. Medical studies have proven that this combination helps in 95% or even more cases of causing a complete spontaneous miscarriage.

But these tablets cannot be purchased at the pharmacy. They are issued in clinics where medical abortions are performed on a commercial basis. Essentially, gynecologists examine the patient and determine the exact duration of pregnancy. And if there are no contraindications, they give out medications that are taken in their presence.
But some women use a trick and purchase abortion pills from their hands via the Internet. This is illegal and dangerous. Both from the point of view that you can buy a drug of unknown quality, and perhaps even a pacifier, and from the point of view that perhaps you should not take it at all. Meanwhile, the cost of such drugs purchased secondhand often turns out to be not much more profitable than the price of a medical abortion in a clinic. When the doctor will advise you, the medications will be guaranteed to be good and will work.
The cost of a medical abortion varies greatly among different clinics. It depends both on the drug (it is produced by different countries and pharmaceutical companies, hence the difference in price) and on the number of services provided to the patient. Sometimes they include services that are essentially not very necessary, such as consultation about the types of contraception that can be used after a medical abortion.

It is not true

Again, in order to save money and avoid visiting doctors, women try to use emergency contraceptive pills for spontaneous abortion, or even regular oral contraceptives in high concentrations. Almost always such measures are useless. At most, they can provoke uterine bleeding and partial miscarriage.

Doctors are periodically approached by patients who tried to terminate their pregnancy in this way, but failed. In this case, if an incomplete abortion occurs, women undergo uterine cleaning or vacuum aspiration and are prescribed antibacterial therapy.

If the fertilized egg continues to develop, then the woman can, if she wishes, leave the child. If the embryo continues to grow, the pregnancy will not “freeze”, this means that the drugs did not have a negative effect on it. In the early stages, the “all or nothing” principle applies.

Contraindications to medical abortion

But the question of whether it is possible to terminate a pregnancy with pills and, if so, which ones, is not so important, if this is impossible to do in a particular situation due to the fact that there are contraindications.

1. Gestational age. Medical abortion shows the highest effectiveness up to 42 days from the first day of the last menstruation. Moreover, the earlier the drug is taken, the easier everything goes. Less pain, less heavy bleeding, no nausea, no vomiting. At least, that's what women who have experienced medical abortion say.

2. Ectopic pregnancy. With it, the pregnancy test will also “strip”, the breasts will be tense, toxicosis will appear, etc. For this reason, among other things, you cannot decide to have an abortion without examining a doctor and establishing the fact of intrauterine pregnancy.

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Abortion pills are a modern way to terminate a pregnancy without surgery in the early stages. These drugs contain mifepristone, a special substance that blocks the release of the hormone progesterone. After taking the abortion pill, there is a decrease in the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. The muscles of the cervix relax, and the uterine mucosa begins to peel off, which may be accompanied by bleeding. The second component, misoprostol, provokes uterine contractions. As a result of increased work of the uterine muscles, the fertilized egg is expelled. As a result, the pregnancy is terminated within 5-6 hours. The effectiveness of tablet abortion is 95-98% according to statistics. This is only slightly less effective than surgical abortion.

Disadvantages of abortion using pills:

  • Bleeding may occur.
  • Infection may occur (very rare).
  • In 2-3% of cases the procedure is not so successful.
  • Abortion pills may not work immediately.

Mifepristone tablets

The drug Mifepristone is an antiprogesterone drug for medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages, without instrumental intervention in the uterine cavity, which significantly reduces the possibility of developing complications of abortion, often leading to infertility. A synthetic steroid antigestagenic agent (blocks the action of progesterone at the level of progestogen receptors) and does not have gestagenic activity.

Pencrofton tablets

Pencrofton contains mifepristone, an antiprogesterone component that binds to receptors and blocks the activity of progesterone. As a result, the effects of progesterone are not realized, and pregnancy cannot be maintained in such conditions of hormonal imbalance. No gestagenic activity was detected. The drug enhances the contractility of the myometrium and provokes desquamation of the decidua. As a result, the fertilized egg is released.

Mifegin tablets

Mifegin tablets for abortion is a drug for medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy for up to 42 days and for preparing and starting labor in the event of a full-term pregnancy in the presence of problems with the fetus. Thus, Mifegin is

Mifolian tablets

Mifolian is a drug for medical abortion. The effect of the drug Mifolian is due to its main component - Mifepristone. It causes detachment of the embryonic membranes from the uterine wall and expulsion of the fertilized egg. This occurs as a result of blocking receptors for the hormone progesterone, which is designed to support the pregnancy process in the body.

Pills after abortion

It is difficult for a woman who has undergone an artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion) to quickly restore her psychological and physiological health. No matter what heights medicine reaches, intrusion into the natural processes of nature always entails negative consequences. Therefore, abortion is still a source of various complications and diseases. To prevent them, doctors prescribe the necessary medications to women after an abortion.

The process of rehabilitation after an abortion is individual for each woman, just as any body is individual. Therefore, we will immediately make a reservation that only a specialist can prescribe pills after an abortion. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. What helped one woman may not only be useless to another, but also cause serious harm to her body.

Abortion pills timing

There are clear deadlines for abortion pills. Their use in later stages of pregnancy is ineffective and is associated with a number of serious complications. The officially approved maximum period for medical abortion is 42 days, counting from the first day of the last menstruation. There is enough evidence in the world that abortion pills are effective for terminating pregnancy up to 63 days of amenorrhea. Early use of these drugs is considered the most optimal. At 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, abortion is performed on an outpatient basis, that is, without hospitalization. If the doctor decides to use abortion pills to terminate a pregnancy at a later date, then the procedure is carried out in a gynecological hospital. Until what period do abortion pills have the maximum safety and effectiveness profile? Any specialist will confirm that it is optimal to use this method of abortion up to 6 weeks. This means that only after learning about pregnancy and deciding to have an abortion, a woman should immediately seek medical help. Medical abortion is carried out on a paid basis in public and private clinics that have the appropriate license. Taking abortion pills on your own is dangerous at any stage of pregnancy.

Consequences after taking abortion pills

The consequences of medical termination of pregnancy are less dangerous than surgical ones, but in the absence of qualified assistance they can lead to infertility and even death. Taking pills is not difficult, however, despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, it causes serious changes in the body: a large dose of hormones affects the reproductive system and disrupts the natural processes of preparation for bearing a fetus.

Headaches, menstrual irregularities, difficulties with conception - these are the main complaints of women after a medical abortion. The risk of complications is lower, and the effectiveness of the termination procedure is higher when it is carried out by a qualified specialist who can accurately calculate the dosage of drugs.

Features of abortion pills

At the first visit to the gynecologist, a pregnant woman is prescribed an ultrasound to accurately find out about the stage of pregnancy. Tablets can be taken if the period is no more than 8 weeks; in other cases, the procedure is prohibited.

The doctor explains in detail how to take the pills, how effective they are, and also warns about side effects so that the woman can get her bearings. The first tablet is taken directly from the gynecologist, and the second tablet is taken at home on the second day. If a single dose of Misoprostol does not lead to a miscarriage, you need to go to the doctor again, he will recommend what to do.

Stages of the procedure

Before prescribing pills for medical abortion, the specialist conducts a complete gynecological examination of the patient. Additionally, laboratory tests, ultrasound to clarify the date, and consultations with specialized specialists will be prescribed.

What pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy, in what combinations they will be used, is the choice of the doctor alone. He will take into account laboratory data, concomitant pathologies, and the patient’s age.

Afterwards, the doctor writes a prescription for the pills, and the woman signs a document in which she expresses her consent to the procedure.

The patient takes anti-pregnancy pills and is under doctor's supervision for four hours. If the patient feels good, the doctor allows the patient to go home. Within a few days, the muscles of the uterus will begin to reject the fertilized egg, and heavy bleeding will begin with moderate cramping and throbbing pain. As prescribed by the doctor, the patient is allowed to take analgesics.

During medication interruption, the patient may feel a headache with dizziness and weakness. Usually these symptoms go away on their own and do not require additional medical interventions.

By the end of the third week after the procedure, the gynecologist schedules a re-examination of the patient. If an ultrasound examination reveals remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterus, the doctor will prescribe vacuum aspiration or curettage. In very rare, severe cases, the doctor decides to perform open surgery.

The ability to provoke an early miscarriage with the help of medications is not only about preserving the woman’s health, but also a guarantee that she will be able to give birth in the future. It is recommended to take the tablets that will be presented below in consultation with a specialist. This is necessary to maintain full functioning.

The drug is included in the category of progesterone opponents, which block uterine receptors. This is what provokes the rejection of the embryo. This occurs in accordance with the following algorithm: a change in size and softening of the uterus is noted, its cervix begins to open and the fertilized egg is released. The described process lasts no less than 6 and no more than 8 hours.

In order to enhance the characteristic muscle contractions, specific auxiliary agents (prostaglandins) are used. As part of the simultaneous use of non-steroidal anesthetic drugs, the effect of Mifegin becomes less significant.

Despite the fact that there are analogues, the presented product is one of the most reliable. Its effectiveness is close to 100%, but the side effects are more than insignificant. The likelihood of even minimal allergic reactions is minimized. The use of the presented drug has been officially approved by the Russian Ministry of Health since 1999. It would be most rational to use Mifegin for a period of no more than 6 weeks. After this period, the degree of effectiveness decreases significantly.

A prerequisite for the use of the presented medication should be the exclusion of the possibility of future fetal development outside the uterus. In this regard, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound to examine all organs related to the pelvis. Adverse reactions, which occur in approximately 15% of cases, depend entirely on the characteristics of the female and the period of pregnancy.

In situations like this:

  • pregnancy is still developing;
  • the fetus may die and remain in the uterine area;
  • bleeding becomes active, eventually requiring medical intervention.


Belongs to a category of substances called antiprogestogens. The presented synthetic agent makes it possible to block impulses to progestogen-type receptors. Termination of pregnancy through the use of Mifepristone involves the use of another drug. It comes in a kit called Misoprostol. The drug allows you to intensify contractions that end in miscarriage.

Termination of pregnancy using the described tablets is allowed for a maximum period of up to 9 weeks. It is permissible to use the drug only as directed by a specialist, also to induce labor. In addition, if it is necessary to interrupt the natural course of pregnancy due to the death of the fetus inside the womb and for medical expansion of the uterine area. Mifepristone is also indicated for surgical miscarriage for a period of up to 12 weeks and to enhance the effect of prostaglandins. This occurs from the 13th to the 22nd week.

The described substance would be most appropriately consumed in specialized medical institutions and only after a professional examination. The presence of a specialist - a gynecologist or obstetrician - is also considered mandatory. After using the required dosage, the patient should be observed for at least several hours. The degree of ultrasonic activity is most often checked after one and a half to two days.


The product can be used for 6 weeks. Despite the fact that it is highly effective, the medicine in the vast majority of cases does not provoke even the slightest complications. "Pencrofton" is good because it protects the integrity of not only the cervix, but also its cavity. The presented form, which helps to cause a miscarriage, does not cause psychological trauma to the female representative, and the use of the product will not be fraught with infertility after an abortion.

Thus, the presented technique should be perceived as the most desirable means of helping those women who have never given birth to get rid of pregnancy. It should be noted that this drug, which causes miscarriage, seems impossible to purchase at the pharmacy.

Pencrotphone is delivered only to special medical institutions, and it is used only in the presence of a gynecologist or obstetrician. It happens this way:

  • a woman after taking three tablets for at least an hour, or even better than two, remains under specialized supervision;
  • at this stage the process of fetal rejection begins, and therefore it requires special attention;
  • in the absence of any side effects, a repeat appointment must be scheduled. The most optimal period of time would be 3-5 days.

Of course, in the early stages of pregnancy, the presented method, which provokes a miscarriage, can be considered a good remedy. However, you should always keep in mind that there are no 100% safe types of abortion and all of them, at a minimum, require the supervision of a gynecologist.


The presented medication has been used for emergency contraception for many years. It is suitable in situations where contraception was not used during sexual intercourse. The drug’s packaging includes several tablets, the list of components of which includes levonorgestrel and pachecosin.

According to experts, the remedy cannot provide a 100% guarantee that the pregnancy will be terminated.

Realistically assessing this probability, we can only say that it is 85%. It would be best to take the first pill immediately after sexual intercourse has taken place. However, no later than 74 hours, which is very important to increase the likelihood of miscarriage. The next pill should be taken by the woman after another 12 hours.


The presented remedy is suitable for terminating a pregnancy up to 42 days. The main advantages of Mifeprex can be considered a high degree of effectiveness and almost perfect tolerability. After using the product, a woman may experience slight bleeding over the next 2-3 days. If they continue longer, you should contact a gynecologist.


This medication is manufactured in France. It is perhaps the most reliable of the known drugs that are necessary to terminate a pregnancy up to 6 weeks. Its effectiveness reaches 100% when used correctly.


Another drug developed exclusively for emergency contraception, which is pointless to use after 72 hours from the end of sexual intercourse. The algorithm for its use is similar to Postinor, but in some cases it may be necessary to take more than two tablets. Given their high activity, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Because undesirable consequences are possible, for example, problems with the thyroid gland and hormonal levels in general.

General contraindications and other nuances

It should be noted that there are some general contraindications in which the use of any of the drugs that cause miscarriage would be not only undesirable. This will be detrimental to a woman’s health:

  • either diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • kidney-related diseases, namely kidney and adrenal insufficiency;
  • long-term use of corticosteroid-type drugs;
  • the presence of diseases that are associated with a violation of the blood clotting process;
  • inflammatory diseases, even the most minor ones, arising in the field of female gynecology;
  • the presence of uterine fibroids in a woman.

Provoking a miscarriage through the use of pills has more than significant advantages. These include the absence of the likelihood of injuring both the endometrium and the cervical area. This is what is very often observed after an abortion due to surgical intervention. In addition, psychologists point to a significantly higher psychological tolerance and admissibility of use in an outpatient setting.

No less advantageous is the high degree of effectiveness of the technique (on average it is 95%). And finally, the most important thing is that the presented effect should be considered the best option for women who have never given birth. After all, returning to surgery again, in the vast majority of cases it eliminates the possibility of subsequent pregnancy.

Thus, you should remember that under no circumstances should you use these drugs on your own. It is even more incorrect to use several doses in a row or several hours apart to increase the effect. It is also necessary to conduct an ultrasound in advance to confirm pregnancy and exclude its ectopic type of development. Because in the latter case, the use of pills to induce a miscarriage is strictly prohibited.

Video - pharmacological termination of pregnancy

According to the law, termination of pregnancy at the initiative of a woman is possible for up to 12 weeks. Late abortion is allowed only in the case of genetic or physical defects in the development of the fetus. Types and regimens of taking pills to terminate early pregnancy without a prescription are divided into 2 categories.

The method refers to preventive measures and sharply reduces the likelihood of fertilization of the egg or attachment of the fertilized egg to the endometrium of the uterine cavity.

Pregnancy prevention medications contain components from the group of gestagens, which reduce the production of progesterone, which is critical for maintaining pregnancy. Early pregnancy termination pills can be purchased without a prescription.


The drug contains 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel, taken once for 3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. Its effectiveness directly depends on the elapsed time. During the first day, the probability of a contraceptive effect is 95%, on the next day – 85%, then the protective effect drops to 58%.

The active substance suppresses ovulation and prevents fertilization, and also promotes pronounced regression of the endometrium of the uterus and prevents implantation of the fertilized egg. If attachment has occurred, the drug is ineffective.


The drug is taken twice with a time interval of 12 hours. The package contains 2 tablets of 750 mcg of levonorgestrel. The effectiveness is comparable to Escapelle - the earlier the first tablet is taken, the more likely a positive result is. The interval between taking both tablets is no more than 16 hours.


Active ingredient: 10 mg mifepristone. The drug is also taken once and helps prevent pregnancy. The contraceptive effect reaches 99% even on the third day after possible fertilization.

Analogues of the drug:

Drug prices vary depending on where they are sold, but on average the cost of drugs does not exceed 300-500 rubles, which is much cheaper than the price of a medical abortion.

Disadvantages of postcoital contraception

The method significantly reduces the likelihood of pregnancy, but is accompanied by some risks.

Effect on the embryo

The first weeks of embryo formation are the most important in terms of organogenesis. Therefore, having decided to continue pregnancy, it is necessary to assess the possible risks. The likelihood of damage decreases only towards the end of the 1st trimester, however, the travel time of the fertilized egg to the uterine cavity takes an average of a week.

During this period, there is theoretically no possibility of harmful effects on the embryo. Therefore, taking medications should not harm the fetus, this applies to levonorgestrel. Mifepristone is more aggressive. In the case of taking drugs based on it, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy or undergo a thorough examination at 11-12 weeks to exclude pathologies of fetal development.

The dose of "Postinor" or "Escapela" is contained in 50 tablets of the drug "Microlut", and this is almost 2 months of planned contraception. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to emergency measures in extreme cases and not to use the method unnecessarily, especially regularly.


The possibility of pregnancy cannot be completely excluded. Therefore, control is necessary before the arrival of the next menstruation. If it is delayed, it is recommended to immediately contact a gynecologist and take a blood test to check for elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin. The indicator indicates successful implantation of the fertilized egg and the development of pregnancy.

Pills to terminate early pregnancy are sold without prescriptions, but before using them, it is important to read the instructions and consult with your doctor.

Timely confirmation allows you to resort to other gentle methods of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. These include medical abortion and vacuum aspiration. However, there are also clearly defined deadlines for them.

Medical abortion

The method is gentle.

If it is successful, the important advantages are:

  • no surgical intervention;
  • ease of implementation;
  • rapid recovery of the body.

The disadvantages include the high cost, provided that you seek the help of a specialist. The price in clinics reaches 10 thousand rubles.

Pills for terminating early pregnancy without prescriptions are taken using this method in 2 stages:

  1. "Mifepristone." The drug has a toxic effect on the embryo and leads to its death. The dosage is 200 mg in a single dose, which should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. If a woman decides to have an abortion on her own, she herself will be responsible for all negative consequences. Fetal death occurs within 24-36 hours after administration.
  2. "Misoprostol." For up to 49 days of gestation, after the allotted time, a second drug is taken at a dosage of 200 mcg of the active substance. If there is no effect, take 1 more tablet. For a period of up to 63 days, a single dose of 800 mcg of Misoprostol is allowed.

There are special products designed for phase 2 of medical abortion. The most commonly used is Mirolut, containing 4 tablets of 200 mcg each. The drug stimulates labor and leads to the expulsion of the embryo from the uterine cavity.

The result of a medical abortion is similar to a normal miscarriage and is accompanied by heavy bleeding mixed with the remains of the fertilized egg and exfoliated uterine endometrium.

Is it possible to have an abortion on your own using pills?

The option is possible, but do not forget about the very high risks and possible complications.

An experienced gynecologist is able to select the required dosage of both drugs, taking into account many indicators, including:

  • gestational age;
  • patient's weight;
  • concomitant pathologies;
  • drug tolerance;
  • general well-being.

Abortion pills can be purchased without a prescription. For abortion, the drugs “Ginestril” and “Cytotec” are used, containing 4 tablets of 50 mg of mifepristone and 2 tablets of 200 mcg of misoprostol, respectively. The combination will cost 4,000 rubles. When visiting a clinic, the price is significantly higher.

When using tablets on your own, you must follow the dosage regimen and carefully monitor your well-being. A week after taking the second drug, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination to confirm that the abortion has taken place and the complete detachment of the ovum.

The use of drugs for postcoital contraception containing smaller dosages is not economically profitable. To kill the embryo, you need to take 20 packs of Zhenale, for example. Therefore, it is much easier and safer to seek professional help or purchase a set of special medications.

Attention! A particular risk of performing the procedure on your own is the possibility of ectopic implantation of the fertilized egg. Such cases are accompanied by especially negative complications.

If the drug does not cause the death of the embryo, and bleeding occurs, there remains a risk of rupture of the fallopian tube as the ovum enlarges.

Contraindications for use

Postcoital contraception:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • severe liver failure;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy.

Medical abortion:

  • hepatic and renal dysfunction;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • age over 35 years of infection;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • smoking;
  • lactation period;
  • porphyria;
  • anemia.

Features of medical abortion

Pills for abortion of early pregnancy, purchased without a prescription, and their administration are characterized by a number of features.

Acceptable deadlines

The maximum period for an abortion is 63 days of gestation, which corresponds to 9 weeks according to obstetric concepts. The earlier the method is applied, the higher the chances of achieving a full result. However, a period of less than 5 weeks with a confirmed pregnancy is also not suitable, since the uterine receptors during this period may not be sensitive enough to the components of the drugs.


Before a medical abortion, confirmation of pregnancy is required. To do this, blood tests are carried out to determine the level of hCG, but more often the result of an ultrasound is needed, in which a fertilized egg was detected. It can be seen after about 5 weeks. Ultrasound examination also allows you to determine the exact number of days after fertilization based on the size of the fertilized egg.

Body reaction

A woman who decides to use the pills may not feel anything after taking them. But sometimes the first drug causes a severe deterioration in health as a result of the death of the embryo. After taking the second remedy, severe cramping pain and heavy bleeding may occur. Symptoms intensify against the background of toxicosis of pregnant women.

Disadvantages and possible complications

Medical abortion does not always go smoothly, either at home or under the supervision of a specialist. The complication rate is much lower than with surgery, but the possibility is present.

Incomplete abortion

The most serious and frequent complication, it is caused by a partial or complete absence of abortive effects, as a result of which remains of the fertilized egg remain in the uterine cavity, or, which happens much less frequently, the pregnancy develops further. In this case, due to the toxic effects of the drug, vacuum aspiration is a necessary measure. The combination of agents disrupts the process of organogenesis of the embryo.

The frequency of incomplete abortion reaches 4% and increases in proportion to the duration of pregnancy. If consequences are detected on the ultrasound machine, the patient is sent for a vacuum aspiration or curettage procedure. Remains of the fertilized egg can cause the development of inflammatory processes in the endometrium and problems with conception in the future.

Uterine bleeding

The usual duration of bleeding is 7-10 days, with a gradual decrease in its volume. If this is not observed, and the color of the blood is bright scarlet, pathology can be suspected. Intense bleeding can occur with anemia or problems in the hemostatic system of the blood.

If the frequency of changing pads is more than 1 per hour, emergency medical attention is required to identify the causes and stop the bleeding.

Intense pain

Misoprostol stimulates labor and causes contractions. Their severity and intensity may differ in women and depend on the gestational age. Acute cutting pain occurs in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, emergency care is required for the patient.

Dyspeptic disorders

Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur after taking medications. The frequency reaches 5%. For symptomatic therapy, Metoclopromide (Cerucal) is recommended. 1 tablet orally 3 times a day. For indomitable vomiting - 10 mg intramuscularly 2 times a day.

Increased body temperature, fever

Medical abortion may be accompanied by an increase in indicators to subfebrile values ​​(37.5°C). This temperature should not cause concern. An increase of more than 38.0°C and persistence for more than 1 day may indicate the development of an infectious-inflammatory process in the uterine cavity.

Temperature may accompany an incomplete abortion, in which the remnants of the fertilized egg become fertile ground for the proliferation of bacteria.

Opinions about the effectiveness of drugs

Most often, taking postcoital medications and following the regimen of taking pills for medical abortion occur without complications and allow you to achieve the desired result. According to some reviews, taking it is often accompanied by nausea and a general deterioration in health; over time, the phenomena disappear on their own.

Over-the-counter abortion pills prevent fertilization or cause miscarriage. However, for every woman, abortion is a necessary measure. Psychological consequences occur in almost everyone. Most women admit that they blame themselves and will not forget about a rash act.

Video about pills to terminate early pregnancy

Effective pills for abortion of early pregnancy, sold without prescription:

Terms of possible termination of pregnancy with pills:

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