Black discharge 10 days before menstruation. Why do I have discharge a week before my period? Brown discharge is a dangerous signal during pregnancy

How healthy a woman is can be judged by two principles - the duration of the menstrual cycle and the nature of her periods. If the cycle is unstable, menstruation is accompanied by pain and the appearance of spotting, then this is no longer the norm. Particularly noteworthy is the moment when women suddenly experience brown discharge before menstruation (this can happen approximately 3-5 days before), since they often signal pathologies that require immediate treatment.

When is panic inappropriate?

Before considering the causes of discharge, it is necessary to immediately note that their occurrence is not always a sign of the presence of serious pathologies. If they occur a day before your period, are light in color and do not provoke severe abdominal cramps, then there is no cause for concern. In most cases, such discharge is completely natural and is caused by the release of a dead egg from the uterus. This process does not happen very quickly and can last from 2–3 hours to a day.

But if a woman suddenly begins to have discharge a week before her period or earlier, then this is a serious reason to think about her health, even if she does not experience pain or changes in her general condition. In this case, there are many reasons why spotting appears before menstruation. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so self-medication. This can turn out very sad for you.

Non-pathological causes

Spotting that appears 2 days before the expected date is often caused by factors such as:

  • Stress.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Physical and psycho-emotional exhaustion of the body.
  • Change of climatic conditions.
  • Installation of an IUD (spiral).
  • Reception ok.

For many women, brown spotting before menstruation occurs during the initial stages of taking OCs (oral contraceptives). When a woman takes such drugs, hormonal changes occur in her body, which naturally affects the nature of the vaginal secretion. At the same time, most people experience discharge not a couple of days before their due menstruation, but throughout the entire month. And this is also normal, but only if the woman started taking the drug very recently (no more than 3-4 weeks ago). Further, the body adapts, and the daubing stops.

However, if, while taking OCs, a woman smears brown from her vagina for more than a month, then this already indicates that the drug is not suitable for her and it is urgently necessary to replace it. If this is not done, this can provoke the emergence of various serious pathologies, including cancer.

Dark discharge also often occurs after insertion of the IUD into the cervix. Moreover, they can begin one to two weeks before the expected date of menstruation. This happens because the cervical canal was damaged during the procedure and it bleeds. As soon as the mucous membranes are restored, abdominal pain and dark discharge should disappear. But if this does not happen within several months, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Since the IUD can provoke the development of severe inflammation, which can be eliminated only after undergoing special drug therapy.

The psycho-emotional factor also plays a big role in this matter. If a woman is experiencing severe stress or is depressed for a long time, then she may also experience discharge 2-3 days before her period.

For many women, light brown vaginal secretion is the primary sign of pregnancy. Its occurrence is caused by the penetration of the gamete into the uterus, against the background of which its vessels are damaged, and slight bleeding occurs. Blood is released in very small quantities and, due to the fact that it enters into an oxidative reaction with oxygen, acquires a brownish-red hue. It must be said that in this case, discharge often appears even before the delay.

But it should be noted that if severe abdominal pain occurs and body temperature rises, then discharge during pregnancy cannot be ignored, since it signals an unnatural location of the fertilized egg. In other words, it is not transplanted into the uterine cavity, but into the walls of the fallopian tube, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy.

If you do not visit a gynecologist in a timely manner and do not have an abortion, this can end sadly for the woman’s health. The fertilized egg increases in size very quickly and can cause a rupture of the fallopian tube, followed by internal bleeding and the need to remove the organ.

In addition to the reasons described above, factors such as alcohol abuse and smoking can provoke discharge 2-3 days before menstruation. These bad habits have a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole and can cause not only cycle disruption, but also changes in the nature of menstruation.

Pathological causes

If a woman has a brown spot before the onset of menstruation, which is accompanied by pain, a pungent odor and other unpleasant symptoms, this means that she is developing pathologies that need to be treated immediately. Among them are:

  • endometriosis;
  • endometritis;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • infections;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polyps.


This is a very serious disease that can cause discharge. By their nature they can be abundant liquid or scanty and thick. In this case, an unpleasant odor appears from the perineum and nagging pain, which:

  • They intensify 4 days before menstruation, and weaken after them.
  • They have a pronounced character at the onset of menstruation.
  • They intensify with strong physical exertion and sexual intercourse.

If brownish discharge in a woman is accompanied by such symptoms, she should immediately go to the doctor. To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to undergo a full examination, which includes not only an examination in a gynecological chair, but also a biopsy, MRI and ultrasound. Treatment of endometriosis involves taking synthetic hormones, which should be prescribed on an individual basis.


Discharge that appears approximately 5 days before menstruation, accompanied by abdominal pain, means the development of endometritis, characterized by inflammation of the uterine mucosa.

If this pathology is not treated, a woman may have monthly delays, after which painful periods will appear. But that's not the worst thing. The danger of endometritis is that it can take a chronic form and cause frequent miscarriages in early pregnancy. However, if a woman has the above symptoms and consults a doctor in time and undergoes treatment, she has a high chance of becoming a happy mother in the future.

Important! Endometritis can cause the development of endometriosis, the occurrence of which increases the risk of malignancy of endometrial cells.

Endometrial hyperplasia

If you begin to smear brown discharge from your vagina 2-3 or more days before the start of your period, then pathological processes may be occurring in the uterine cavity that provoke endometrial hyperplasia. This condition is characterized by excessive growth and thickening of the endometrium. As a rule, this happens due to a lack in the body of a hormone such as progesterone, which is produced by the ovaries.

In other words, this disease occurs against the background of hormonal disorders, which can only be eliminated through the correct selection of hormonal therapy. Endometrial hyperplasia, like endometritis, is dangerous for the development of cancer and frequent miscarriages. Therefore, if you have been having smears for two days now and have painful sensations in your stomach, immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Since all the previously discussed pathologies manifest themselves almost identically, an accurate diagnosis can only be made after a thorough examination.


The appearance of discharge can also signal the development of infectious processes in the organs of the reproductive system. At the same time, there are always third-party symptoms that signal that not everything is in order with the body. In this case, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Itching and burning.
  • The appearance of a sharp specific odor.
  • The presence of vaginal discharge that is brown or brown in color.
  • Pain when urinating.

As a rule, three diseases have such symptoms, the causative agents of which are chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonococci. To eliminate these diseases, you will need to undergo a course of antibacterial therapy. Only a doctor can prescribe it, after receiving the results of bacterial culture, which determines the exact causative agent of the disease. You may need to take immunostimulating drugs.

Uterine fibroids

When this pathology occurs, there is also a brown discharge that occurs 3-4 days before menstruation. It is characterized by the formation of a tumor in the organ itself or the cervical canal.

This formation occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, when the body experiences increased production of estrogen. After menopause, the level of this hormone decreases, and fibroids can resolve on their own. But! If left untreated at a young age, it can easily cause the development of cervical cancer, so it should not be ignored.

Polyps are also benign growths that arise in the uterine cavity or in the cervical canal. But unlike fibroids, they are very small in size and are multiple in nature. Can polyps cause discharge? Yes. Moreover, their occurrence is often accompanied by spotting in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, as well as after the end of menstruation.

Important! Like any other benign formation, polyps can become malignant and provoke the development of cancer. Therefore, when they appear, urgent surgical intervention is required. But there is no need to worry about this. Nowadays, medicine uses the latest techniques for removing polyps, which are minimally invasive and are rarely accompanied by the appearance of postoperative complications.

There are many reasons why women may experience brown spotting before their period. And some of them are truly dangerous to their health. Therefore, there is no point in sitting at home and counting the days waiting for the rash to go away on its own and without consequences. If you want to maintain your health, then you should go to the doctor immediately if signs of pathological conditions arise.

Every woman should hear the signals of her body and determine the prerequisites for the threat. Brown discharge a week before the expected period is noted by 35% of women.

If the discharge does not cause discomfort, there is no itching, burning, or unpleasant odor, then there is no special reason for concern, but you should not delay a visit to the doctor. The attentiveness of the woman herself is of great importance. Especially if the discharge and accompanying symptoms are acute.

Spotting before ovulation, on days 12–15 of the menstrual cycle, may be associated with the movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes and weakening of the endometrium. This is especially troubling for girls suffering from hormonal deficiency. Low progesterone weakens the mucous membrane.

For girls who want to know exactly the period of ovulation, brown discharge is a kind of hint. This allows you to more accurately determine the beginning of the ovulation period.

Usually, in such cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs that help increase progesterone levels.

In cases where spotting begins 1 week before menstruation, it may indicate:

  • completion of treatment and taking hormonal medications (“Utrozhestan”, “Duphaston”, “Jazz-plus”, “Diane”);
  • diseases of the uterus (fibroids, inflammation of the endometrium, endometriosis);
  • spiral in the cervix.

If the smear is not abundant and short-lived, there is no need to worry. Sometimes it is a positive symptom, especially after taking hormonal medications. Depending on the increase in pain, normal discharge develops into a pathology requiring medical intervention.

Brown discharge that bothers you for 2-3 months after treatment indicates that the drug is not suitable and an additional course of drug treatment is required. This is what causes menstruation irregularities. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, she should immediately consult a doctor. Brown daub can become an obstacle and create some difficulties.

To strengthen the fetus, you need a good level of progesterone, otherwise it threatens placental abruption and spontaneous abortion. The placenta does not provide enough oxygen and nutrition to the fertilized egg, which leads to the freezing of the embryo at an early stage.

One of the dangerous causes of brown spotting is internal uterine bleeding. Symptoms resemble the onset of regular menstruation or poisoning:

  • elevated temperature;
  • cramping pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • high pressure.

If similar symptoms are detected, immediately call an ambulance. At the hospital, specialists perform an ultrasound, determine the nature of the disease and prescribe treatment. In some cases, surgery (cleaning) is required.

Internal bleeding may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, an unexpected frozen pregnancy, disease and inflammation. If you don’t seek help in time, it will end with rupture of the ovaries or fallopian tube.

Brown discharge is a dangerous signal during pregnancy

The body of an expectant mother is mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes the processes that happen in it are simply inexplicable. Any deviations alarm pregnant women, but what to do if the expectant mother is not aware of the ongoing pregnancy?

Often women consider brown discharge to be the start of their period ahead of schedule. In fact, from days 6 to 14, the implantation period occurs, the attachment of the egg in the uterus. A slight creamy smear from the genital tract during this period of time is considered normal. It has a scarlet or light pink color. Spotting during pregnancy lasts for several months, on the days of menstruation.

Discharge a week before your expected period is brown in color - a signal of danger and the threat of miscarriage. This is leakage of the uterine wall due to detachment of the fertilized egg. Pregnancy at the termination stage can be saved only if you go to the hospital in a timely manner. Women with a threat of miscarriage are placed in conservancy and prescribed IVs and hormonal medications to stabilize progesterone levels. A prerequisite is bed rest.

Pregnancy after 12–14 weeks is less susceptible to failure, since the fertilized egg is well established. If the patient complies with all the requirements and recommendations of the attending physician, after 3–4 weeks her condition will return to normal and she can be discharged.

An ectopic pregnancy is the abnormal development of a fertilized egg in the uterine tube. According to statistics, 2 out of 100 women have suffered from this pathology. Brown discharge a week before the expected period, in combination with nagging pain in the lower abdomen, are symptoms of fetal rejection. The outcome may be rupture and subsequent removal of the fallopian tube. Today this is done using direct surgery, laparoscopy. The operation lasts from 30 to 40 minutes; three small scars remain in the lower abdomen, which subsequently heal. There is no other way to eliminate an ectopic pregnancy.

The earlier a woman is diagnosed with pathology of fetal development, the greater the chance of preserving her reproductive organs. Diagnosis of the fallopian tube occurs using ultrasound and additional tests.

Gynecological diseases: discharge and causes

In addition to the above reasons, brown discharge a week before your period can be a symptom of endometriosis.

Attention!!! Endometritis and endometriosis should not be confused.

Many women believe that this is the same disease. This is not surprising, because in many Internet sources, medical reference books and even some doctors, these words are considered synonyms. Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus due to infections, and endometriosis is the appearance of small “nodules” on the uterus. The nodes are located not only in the uterus, but also in nearby genital organs. They are benign neoplasms that arise against the background of hormonal imbalance.

Endometriosis is accompanied by two main symptoms:

  • continuous heavy brown spotting, mainly a week or two before menstruation;
  • lingering pain in the lower abdomen.

The danger of the disease lies in the spread of nodules throughout the body. This problem can only be solved through surgery.

A common disease that causes brown vaginal discharge is cervical erosion. Intrauterine pathology may well appear accidentally. For example:

  • after sex;
  • childbirth;
  • pregnancy.

Moreover, the spotting appears both during the week of menstruation and after. Erosion of the uterus often does not make itself felt. A woman can live with the disease most of her life. If erosion is detected, it is better to treat it immediately. Modern medicine offers laser burning of erosion. This does not require hospitalization. The procedure lasts about an hour and is absolutely painless.

Brown discharge is characteristic of cervical cancer. Today, doctors are sounding the alarm, as the number of patients with this disease is growing every day.

In fact, it all starts with cervical erosion or harmless fibroids, which gradually develop into cancer. The outcome can be either removal of the reproductive organs or death. Oncological diseases are practically not treated, but only suspended. It is possible to extinguish a cancer focus for a while, but it is impossible to cure and give birth with such a diagnosis.

In the treatment of any of the above diseases, timely diagnosis plays a special role. The sooner a woman worries about her health and identifies the cause and nature of the discharge, the fewer consequences for the patient. There are many ways to detect cancer:

  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy;
  • test - markers;
  • tests for infections.

Constant observation and treatment by a gynecologist provides a kind of guarantee that brown discharge will no longer bother you.

The menstrual cycle cannot work like a clock - each woman has her own characteristics. This phenomenon is considered almost a punishment, but not at all because of the bleeding itself, but because critical days are usually accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, heaviness of the chest, bad mood, headache, nausea, etc. d.

All this is associated with changes in hormonal levels and usually goes away with menstruation. Another thing is spotting before menstruation, which may be a sign of some disease.

The vagina is a mucous membrane, it must constantly secrete something. If you have a spot before your period a week before your period, then, in principle, there is nothing to worry about. This is how the body prepares for menstruation, during which the cervix opens slightly and the risk of contracting an infection increases. It is the mucous secretions that protect the organ from infection.

But if you regularly experience prolonged spotting before and after your period, accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina, you should consult a doctor.

It is the gynecologist who, based on the totality of symptoms - pain, duration, intensity of the cycle, will be able to determine whether there is a pathology. In addition, be prepared to undergo required tests and examinations to eliminate all potential dangers.

Tolerate or play it safe?

If you have spotting before your period, the reasons can be very varied. You shouldn’t listen to friends who “had this happen” - all women are different and their cases are unique.

Do not engage in self-diagnosis, looking for symptoms that match your feelings. To find out why spotting appeared before your period, it is better to trust a professional. But you can find out the reasons for this phenomenon at home, so as not to be careless about your health.

What is the prerequisite for such discharges?

Speaking about the causes of discharge that are not related to menstrual bleeding, we can say that spotting before your period is normal if nothing else bothers you. It is also worth paying attention to the color of the mucus - only transparent discharge that precedes the cycle is acceptable.

Sometimes a pregnancy test will help answer the question why there is spotting before menstruation. It is after conception that there are strange discharges that precede and then replace the critical days.

In total, five types of daub can be distinguished.

  1. White spotting before menstruation, resembling curd flakes. If you experience this phenomenon, you most likely have candidiasis (thrush). It is not difficult to cure if you consult a doctor in time.
  2. Black spotting before menstruation usually occurs in the postpartum period, when the cycle is just beginning to recover. Nursing mothers experience similar discharge instead of their first menstruation.
  3. Against the background of cervical erosion, there is often a pink spot before menstruation, when the organ descends and begins to spew ichor. If you notice such a symptom, do not delay going to the doctor, otherwise an infection may develop.
  4. Greenish-yellow vaginal discharge with a strong, unpleasant odor indicates either a sexually transmitted disease or purulent cervicitis. Also, this kind of spotting before menstruation is a sign of pregnancy. In any case, a trip to the gynecologist is inevitable.
  5. The most common is brown spotting before menstruation, which has a number of causes.

Most often, this picture is observed with endometriosis of the cervix or the organ itself. To identify the disease, they also pay attention to the following signs: aching pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort during sex.

Only a gynecologist can confirm the diagnosis upon examination - the uterus will be hypersensitive, immobile and swollen; as well as ultrasound, which will show small heterogeneous nodules and cellular formations in the tissues of the organ. Endometriosis can occur after cauterization of erosions, abortion, miscarriage or pathology during childbirth. So be doubly vigilant if you experience something like this.

Also, brown discharge preceding menstruation may appear due to polyps and endometrial hyperplasia. With this pathology, endometrial tissue grows too much into the uterine cavity.

This picture is typical for progesterone deficiency and estrogen excess. Polyps on the surface of the endometrium also occur against the background of curettage and damage to uterine cells.

Spotting often occurs before menstruation when taking OCs (oral contraceptives), but, as a rule, the discharge stops after 1-3 months. Of course, not every woman has the strength to endure this, so it’s easier to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe other contraceptives.

Remember, you cannot arbitrarily prescribe hormonal drugs, you cannot stop taking them in the middle of the cycle, and in no case should you experiment with different OCs, taking new pills every month.

Prescribing oral contraceptives is a matter for the doctor. Before this, you must be examined and tested. Hormones are nothing to joke about, don’t forget that.

Other reasons include the following:

  • the first menstruation in virgins usually begins with spotting, which turns into full menstruation only after several cycles;
  • in mature women, spotting that begins and ends menstruation may be a sign of approaching menopause;
  • Any young woman of childbearing age can suffer from spotting due to hormonal imbalance. Do not let the discharge transform into bleeding, go to the gynecologist at the first unpleasant symptoms;
  • Rarely, a light brown smear is a sign of poor intimate hygiene. It may be necessary to wash yourself more often, or, conversely, do it more delicately, without washing away the beneficial microflora from the vagina. It is also worth using only special intimate gels with neutral pH.

Do not let changes in your body take their course, so as not to encounter unpleasant consequences later.

Unusual discharge, other than menstrual discharge, in women is often a symptom of diseases of the reproductive system. The appearance of brown discharge a week before your period can have several causes. Among them are completely natural changes in the body, in which such a sign is not considered a pathology. But there are also very dangerous diseases for which this symptom is characteristic. In this case, timely examination of the woman, early detection of abnormalities and determination of the method of treating the disease are of great importance.


When changes are considered normal

If a woman has brown discharge that appears before her period and is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, or burning and itching sensations in the vagina, then most likely they are not signs of illness. Transparent, dark-colored mucous leucorrhoea can appear as a result of processes associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body:

  1. Puberty. Such discharge may appear in girls before the first few periods.
  2. Completion of the reproductive period. Brown discharge a week before menstruation in women 40-45 years old often indicates the onset of menopause.
  3. Use of oral contraceptives if such means are chosen incorrectly.

Warning: Before using any hormonal contraceptives, you must undergo a hormone test. They can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. It is dangerous to change birth control pills frequently or stop taking them in the middle of the cycle. If, after starting to take the product, brown discharge appears for 3 cycles or more, then it may be necessary to choose another one instead.

Leucorrhoea of ​​this type appears a week before menstruation after the installation of an intrauterine device. Due to mechanical irritation of the endometrium and hormonal effects, the fixation of a fertilized egg in the uterus becomes impossible. If the spotting brown discharge does not disappear after 2-3 months, then the IUD is removed and a different type of contraception is selected.

They can appear at the time of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the follicle). This is caused by the movement of the egg through the tubes to the uterus and damage to the endometrial vessels during its attachment to the wall, which occurs approximately on the 12-15th day of the menstrual cycle (about 9-14 days before the start of menstruation). It is during this period that conception is most likely. Therefore, the appearance of such leucorrhoea serves as a reference point for a woman from which to calculate the duration of pregnancy. This is especially possible when the level of progesterone in the body is low. To eliminate the deviation, drugs with increased hormone content are used.

Video: Spotting brown discharge before menstruation, its causes

Dark discharge during pregnancy

If, after ovulation, accompanied by the appearance of brown discharge, fertilization of the egg occurs and pregnancy occurs, then leucorrhoea can be mistaken for menstruation, which came 1-1.5 weeks ahead of schedule. A woman often does not suspect that pregnancy has occurred if they recur in subsequent months, on the days when she should have menstruation. Some women do not realize they are pregnant until 3-4 months, not paying attention to the general malaise inherent in this condition.

If the volume of discharge is small and is not accompanied by painful sensations, then its appearance in the 1st trimester of pregnancy does not pose a danger. However, before 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, the probability of miscarriage is quite high. Brown mucus in this case appears due to detachment of the fertilized egg, which threatens its rejection and termination of pregnancy. This condition is characterized by severe abdominal pain. But with timely consultation with a doctor and treatment with drugs that increase progesterone levels, pregnancy can be maintained. The woman must remain in the hospital for 3-4 weeks under the supervision of doctors, with mandatory bed rest.

Ectopic pregnancy

The appearance of an anomaly may be associated with an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg does not reach the uterine cavity, but is fixed in one of its tubes or on an abdominal organ). As the embryo grows, the tube stretches, often leading to rupture. This condition is life-threatening for a woman due to internal bleeding. The earlier such a pathology is detected, the greater the chances of a successful outcome. With an ectopic pregnancy, in addition to brown mucus, a woman experiences spasmodic cutting pain in the lower abdomen, on one side. In this case, you must call an ambulance.

If the ultrasound confirms the diagnosis, then an urgent operation is performed to remove the fertilized egg. It is performed using laparoscopy; the egg is removed through small incisions on the abdomen in the area of ​​the tube. If a pipe ruptures, it is completely removed. At the same time, the chances of getting pregnant are significantly reduced, and in some cases the woman may remain infertile.

Advice: If brown leucorrhoea appears a week before the usual onset of menstruation, it is especially important to consult a doctor about its cause if the woman has had unprotected sex. It is possible that pregnancy has occurred (the test result cannot always be trusted), and discharge serves as a signal of serious complications.

Pathologies in which dark discharge appears before menstruation

There are pathological conditions in which the appearance of brown discharge before menstruation becomes a reason for emergency medical intervention.

Intrauterine bleeding

Brown leucorrhoea is a harbinger of intrauterine bleeding. The cause may be uterine fibroids (the appearance of benign tumors in the muscle tissue of the uterus), endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa), infectious lesions of the reproductive organs, frozen pregnancy (death of the fertilized egg).

In addition, intrauterine bleeding can be caused by endocrine diseases, which cause hormonal changes, as well as low blood clotting and anemia. If the brown discharge does not stop, and is replaced by heavy bleeding, accompanied by cramping abdominal pain, dizziness, fainting, increased temperature and pressure, then you should immediately consult a doctor. It is necessary to call an ambulance, find out the cause and stop the bleeding, since this condition is very dangerous. Surgery may be required.

Video: Causes of brown discharge before menstruation

Gynecological diseases

Endometriosis. A benign disease associated with abnormal growth of endometrial tissue, which sometimes becomes malignant. Signs of endometriosis include persistent brown leucorrhoea before menstruation, as well as pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and increased length and duration of menstruation.

Cervical erosion. Spotting brown discharge appears a week before menstruation, and also continues for several days after it. However, they may be the only sign of erosion. A woman sometimes does not know about its existence until she consults a doctor.

Polyps in the uterine cavity. These are benign neoplasms that arise due to focal endometrial hyperplasia (the formation of individual pedunculated nodules on the inner surface of the uterus). This disease is characterized not only by discharge, but also by pain in the uterus, reminiscent of contractions. Elimination of polyps most often requires cleaning, complete removal of the endometrium.

Uterine cancer. Malignant tumors are usually asymptomatic. Brown discharge about a week before menstruation is sometimes the only unusual sign that should attract a woman's attention. In this case, a tissue biopsy of the affected areas is performed for histological examination and to determine the nature of the pathology. An examination is carried out using ultrasound and colposcopy.

Video: What determines the nature of discharge during menstruation

Brown discharge before and after menstruation in women is minor bleeding. Their appearance can be either a sign of the normal functioning of the reproductive organs or indicate the development of pathology. It is important to know what signs occur in diseases of the female reproductive organs in order to identify the problem in time and begin timely treatment.

In what cases is spotting before menstruation considered normal, and what does this mean?

It is considered normal for brown discharge to occur a few days before menstruation in the following cases:

  • 1-2 days before menstruation, women experience red-brown vaginal discharge. Scanty and smearing, they are often almost unnoticeable, but gradually their volume increases. Further, such discharge turns into full menstruation. This phenomenon is not accompanied by pain, itching or other discomfort and occurs regularly for many years.
  • While taking hormonal drugs (COCs), light or dark brown discharge is observed. The presence of this symptom 3-4 days or a week before menstruation is typical for the adaptation period, which lasts 3-6 months. The persistence of symptoms for more than six months indicates an insufficient dose of progesterone in the chosen drug. The problem is solved by replacing the contraceptive.
  • Taking gestagenic means of protection against unplanned pregnancy is also often accompanied by the appearance of intermenstrual spotting of a brown or scarlet hue. If a similar problem persists after the adaptation period, it is recommended to change the drug.
  • Insertion of an intrauterine device may cause vaginal discharge a week or two before your period. Menstruation when using non-hormonal IUDs is often very heavy and prolonged. Against the background of hormone-containing IUDs (Mirena), menstruation becomes quite scanty.
  • The appearance of bloody brown discharge is common after the first sexual intercourse. Violation of the hymen is accompanied by tissue trauma. Symptoms do not depend on the cycle and can be observed both 4-5 days before menstruation and after their completion.
  • After the birth of a child, the menstrual cycle changes and becomes established gradually. During breastfeeding, periods are usually irregular, scanty or too heavy. Often, full menstruation after childbirth is replaced by the appearance of spotting brown discharge. Upon completion of lactation, the cycle should be restored.

Is it normal that menstruation always begins with scanty brown discharge, the duration of such discharge is 1-2 days? Christina, 17 years old.

This is completely acceptable provided there is no pain, itching, burning or other unpleasant symptoms. This is how the gradual rejection of the uterus occurs. A full period should begin in a day.

Possible causes of light brown and dark brown discharge before menstruation

When the occurrence of bloody discharge is not associated with the above reasons, this is a sign of a malfunction in the woman’s reproductive system. Other symptoms also speak in favor of pathology:

  • Pulls in the lower abdomen.
  • Nagging pain appears in the lumbar region.
  • Severe pain occurs in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of contractions in intensity.
  • Discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.
  • There is itching and burning in the vagina.
  • Urination became painful.
  • Menstruation takes a long time or becomes too short, its volume changes, and it becomes painful.
  • Body temperature is often elevated.

Similar signs that appear before menstruation, along with characteristic brown discharge, mean the development of pathology.

Possible reasons:

  • Diseases of the cervix: erosion, polyp, endometriosis.
  • Adenomyosis is internal endometriosis of the uterus.
  • Hyperplastic process of the endometrium.
  • Endometrial polyps.
  • Endometritis is inflammation of the uterus.
  • Vaginal trauma.

If you feel discomfort when premenstrual bleeding occurs, you should be examined by a gynecologist.

Two days ago, spotting brown discharge appeared before the expected period. No menstruation yet. Could this be a sign of pregnancy? Elizaveta, 22 years old.

This is possible, but such a symptom is a sign of pathology. During gestation, brown discharge should not be observed, with the exception of the period of implantation bleeding (7-8 days from conception). Make an urgent appointment with a gynecologist - it is necessary to exclude complications, including an incipient miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Spotting as a sign of pregnancy (a week or 10 days before menstruation)

The appearance of pink-brown discharge 7-8 days after ovulation and a week before your expected period may be a sign of pregnancy. Similar symptoms are associated with the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. There is little vascular damage and little bleeding is observed. Vaginal discharge may be spotty, pink or brown, and is almost always painless. A slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen may occur. The duration of the discharge is 1-2 days, after which it disappears without a trace. After a week, pregnancy can be diagnosed using a pharmacy test.

Light brown or dark brown discharge two to three days before the expected menstruation may indicate the development of pregnancy complications:

  • An incipient miscarriage is a condition in which partial detachment of the fertilized egg occurs and the life of the embryo is threatened.
  • Regressive pregnancy - the fetus dies, but the uterus does not contract and expel it.
  • An ectopic pregnancy is the location of the embryo outside the uterus.

Discharge a few days before your period can be mistaken for the normal course of your cycle. Often a woman has no idea that she was pregnant, and only an examination helps establish a diagnosis. Ultrasound, a blood test for hCG and a regular pharmacy test help clarify the nature of the pathology.

Brown discharge on the first day of menstruation

Scanty discharge of a brown or pinkish tint is considered completely normal, provided that nothing else bothers the woman and her reproductive function is not impaired. Such symptoms persist for no more than a day, after which full menstruation occurs. The volume of discharge gradually increases. The average duration of menstruation in a healthy woman is 3-7 days.

It is important to remember: a similar clinical picture is observed with some diseases of the uterus, and in particular with adenomyosis. Other signs added to these symptoms:

  • Drawing pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
  • The appearance of mucous bloody discharge before and after menstruation.

Brown discharge 2, 3, 5 days before menstruation - what does this mean?

It is impossible to calculate the cause of such symptoms solely by the day of the menstrual cycle and make the only correct diagnosis. With many diseases of the uterus and appendages, discharge of various types is noted - both the day before menstruation and 2 weeks before it. To clarify the diagnosis, additional examination is carried out:

  • Examination by a gynecologist. When examined in the mirrors, the doctor can see a defect in the cervix (polyp, erosion). During the bimanual examination, space-occupying formations are determined. It is possible to diagnose pregnancy from an early stage.
  • Laboratory methods. A tumor marker test helps detect an ovarian tumor. With inflammatory processes of the uterus, changes in blood tests are observed. A blood test for hormones provides useful information.
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infections. Allows you to identify the cause of inflammatory processes in the genital tract.
  • Pregnancy test. Allows you to find out about the conception of a child 10-14 days after fertilization. The diagnosis can be clarified using a blood test for hCG.
  • Colposcopy is the main method for diagnosing cervical diseases.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Used to diagnose most pathological conditions of the uterus and appendages.
  • Endometrial aspiration biopsy. Makes it possible to obtain material for histological examination from the uterine cavity.
  • Hysteroscopy. Endoscopic examination of the uterus is used in the diagnosis of tumors, hyperplasia, polyps, developmental anomalies and other conditions.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy. In controversial cases, it allows you to visually assess the condition of the pelvic organs and make a diagnosis.

Treatment tactics depend on the identified pathology. It is important not to neglect the problem and consult a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Two days before your period, brown discharge (spotting) constantly appears. It still hurts in the lower abdomen. After 2-3 days, your period comes, but the pain remains. What could it be? Elena, 27 years old.

Similar symptoms occur with endometriosis of the uterus. You need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to confirm the diagnosis or exclude pathology.

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