What does it mean that clots come out during menstruation? If your periods come in chunks, what could this mean? Treatment options in case of pathology

Blood clots during menstruation are a phenomenon that can be provoked by both physiological and pathological factors. To maintain reproductive health, this symptom should not be ignored.

During menstruation, there is discharge - bloody clots. Before we tell you what it is, we suggest you understand how blood is formed during menstruation.

Every month, the endometrium grows in the uterine cavity, which is exfoliated and released from the body on the first day of menstruation. The upper tissue of the organ sometimes separates in lumps - this is normal. This process is associated with the maturation of the egg, which prepares the body for possible fertilization.

When the reproductive organs prepare for pregnancy, the body produces large amounts of female hormones, causing the endometrium to become thicker. If the egg is not fertilized during ovulation, hormone production stops. This leads to a slower flow of blood to the uterus, as a result of which its upper layer, the endometrium, begins to gradually be rejected. Discharge appears.

Normal periods should be liquid in consistency. On the 3-4th day, the amount of fluid released decreases. At the end of menstruation there is a so-called spotting - blood spots. They can be seen on panty liners.

Blood clots during menstruation are small. Usually their size does not exceed 0.3 cm. If a woman moves a lot during menstruation, then the pieces increase during menstruation. They also often stand out when there is a sudden change in body position.

Menstrual discharge, which comes in liver-like chunks, is associated with stagnation of blood in the uterine area. When immobilized in the reproductive organs, it stagnates and gradually coagulates, resulting in it coming out in pieces. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, so there is no reason to panic.

But if clots come out along with heavy periods, and the woman complains of severe discomfort in the ovarian area, this is an alarming symptom. In this case, it becomes necessary to undergo a medical examination.

What clots can be normal?

The presence of liver clots during menstruation does not always indicate pathology. The color and consistency of menstrual flow varies from girl to girl.

The female body is specific. During the menstrual cycle, enzymes are actively produced that take part in the process of slowing down blood clotting. Periods with chunks are a guarantee that these substances do their job well.

It is the enzymes that color the monthly discharge burgundy and make it jelly-like in the second half of menstruation.

If the discharge with chunks comes out painlessly, the woman’s body temperature does not rise and nausea does not occur, there is no need to worry, as this is a normal phenomenon.

Some girls note in themselves; you can learn more about this condition from a separate article on our website.

Pathological menstruation

The appearance of menstrual blood with large pieces is often associated with a dangerous pathology. We have explained why there is discharge in chunks during menstruation. If large burgundy blood clots are released painlessly and asymptomatically, then there is no need to worry, as this is due to the activity of enzymes.

Menstruation in pieces indicates the occurrence of a pathological process in the following cases:

  1. A woman has severe stomach pain.
  2. Lots of clots with heavy periods.
  3. During menstruation, large clots similar to liver come out.
  4. During menstruation, clots are released in young girls (under 18 years of age).

What do big clots mean?

If blood clots during menstruation, similar to liver, occur due to physiological factors, they are not large in size and have an unpleasant odor. But huge pieces that come out along with heavy bleeding are dangerous.

The reasons why blood clots come out during menstruation may be:

  1. Uterine fibroids. The disease is characterized by the presence of a benign neoplasm in the uterine area, due to which the monthly cycle fails. The release of menstrual blood in chunks in this case is accompanied by increased body temperature and painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  2. Hyperplasia of the uterine endometrium. This disease promotes the clotting of blood stagnant in the uterine area, resulting in the formation of enlargements. With hyperplasia, menstrual discharge is prolonged and abundant.
  3. Endometriosis. This is a dangerous disease in which the endometrium grows outside the uterus, that is, on other organs. The process of its growth and exfoliation is very painful. With endometriosis, the discharge resembles liver.
  4. Hormonal disbalance. Heavy periods with burgundy enlargements are a common sign of hormonal imbalance.
  5. Intrauterine device. This contraceptive is often perceived by the female body as a foreign body. As a result, the fluid in the uterine area coagulates, large clots are formed, which are very painfully released from the body during menstruation.
  6. Problems with blood clotting. In this case, the monthly fluid begins to coagulate in the uterine area. This is due to impaired functioning of enzymes that should prevent coagulation.
  7. Ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, the discharge is characterized by profuseness and pain. Also, with an ectopic pregnancy, the temperature rises.
  8. Drug correction of the monthly cycle. Often, after taking medications to artificially induce menstruation, for example Duphaston, the cycle is disrupted. This provokes poor coagulation of menstrual fluid in the uterine area, resulting in the formation of large, painful clots.
  9. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of excessive blood loss

When your periods come in clots, this is a reason to consult a specialist. You should not delay going to the hospital if:

  1. The discharge of blood after menstruation is accompanied by severe pain.
  2. During menstruation, the temperature rises.
  3. During menstruation, clots are released for more than 4 days.
  4. Large pieces have an unpleasant odor.

In these cases, immediate treatment of the pathology is necessary. With heavy menstruation, gynecologists prescribe hemostatic drugs that stop the discharge. The most popular drugs in this group are Dicynone and Tranexam. They take an active part in the process of blood clotting. As a result of their use, periods end faster.

Nettle decoction also helps reduce the duration of menstruation. To prepare it, the plant juice must be diluted with hot water and the mixture brought to a boil. The product is taken before meals 3 times a day.

If menstrual clots, which visually resemble the liver, arose as a result of a pathological process, then surgical treatment will help get rid of them.

Abnormal periods are a problem that almost all representatives of the fair sex have encountered. The state of women's health is reflected in the characteristics of the menstrual cycle as in a mirror.

Menstruation with blood clots and mucus, as well as any changes in the duration of the cycle, is a reason to take a closer look at yourself.

What it is

Bloody menstrual discharge contains more than just blood. They are actually a mixture of blood, shed endometrial cells and vaginal mucus. Normally, their volume is about 80 ml and they may contain small blood clots. If the number and size of clots increase, this may be one of the first symptoms of a gynecological disease.

Another warning sign is a change in the smell of the discharge. It usually resembles the smell of raw meat or iron. The appearance of something disgusting is a direct indication of problems in the reproductive system.

Among the reasons that provoke heavy periods with blood clots and mucus may be:

  • Postpartum period;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Abnormal structure of the uterus;
  • Installation of an intrauterine device;
  • Gynecological diseases of various origins.

In the latter case, the abnormal appearance of the discharge is often accompanied by unpleasant odors.

Clots larger than 2 cm in size are considered to be large. When they appear, it is better not to look for a way to stop heavy periods on your own, but to contact a gynecologist. By self-medicating, a woman risks wasting time and only aggravating the problem.

Causes of unpleasant odor during menstruation

There are various factors that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor during the menstrual cycle. Some of them are safe for health and are of an extraneous nature. Others indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Improper hygiene

Neglecting hygiene procedures is not the best solution, especially on menstruation days. A sanitary tampon or pad is an ideal environment for the rapid development of putrefactive microorganisms.

It's warm, humid, and has a rich source of nutrition - protein contained in the secretions. If the hygiene product is not replaced in time, it will be impossible not to notice the presence of bacteria - it will be indicated by the increasing smell of rotten meat.

This is the most easily removable cause of the problem. However, its appearance with careful adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene is a fairly serious signal of trouble in the body.

Infectious diseases

Violations of intimate hygiene are far from safe. The “reserve” of microorganisms in the most intimate part of the body is a real time bomb.

Menstruation with the smell of rotten meat is a symptom of several diseases, including:

  • Bacterial vaginosis;
  • Endometritis;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Sexually transmitted infections.

With candidiasis, vaginal discharge becomes profuse, cheesy, its smell is usually sour, less often putrefactive, intensifying during menstruation. Menstrual discharge contains mucus impurities.

Admixtures of foamy, foul-smelling mucus in normal bloody discharge during menstruation are one of the symptoms of Trichomonas colpitis. – a characteristic symptom of this disease; they persist throughout the entire cycle. If you suspect infection with Trichomonas, you should consult a gynecologist. If left untreated, serious complications can occur, including infertility.


The clinical manifestations of various gynecological diseases are very similar, so self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable.

Monthly menstruation is a normal, natural process. Using this method, the female body is cleared of the endometrium, which was intended for implantation of the egg after fertilization. However, not all representatives of the fairer sex experience menstruation without problems. Some women complain of painful periods. Other ladies talk about heavy discharge. This article will tell you why your periods come in clots. You will be able to get acquainted with the main reasons for this phenomenon. Also find out whether this symptom needs to be treated. This sign appears quite often. That is why every woman needs to know about it.

Why do my periods come in clots?

Before answering the question, it is worth saying that this phenomenon is not recognized as an independent disease. This symptom is a sign of many pathologies. Also, the symptom appears regardless of the disease. In this case, the woman does not require treatment or correction.

Why do my periods come in clots? If you have this question, you should contact your gynecologist. Only a specialist will be able to clarify what is happening and make a correct diagnosis. It is worth noting that for this the doctor will need to conduct a little research. In most cases, it consists of ultrasound diagnostics, hysteroscopy and some tests. Let's look at several situations that will explain why your periods come in clots.

Condition after childbirth: lochia

Why do my periods come with blood clots? If you have recently become a mother, then this phenomenon is absolutely normal. During pregnancy, an embryo with a placenta is located in the reproductive organ. The baby is also surrounded by the endometrium.

After childbirth, the fetus comes out, and the baby's place follows. The remaining areas peel off within a few days and come out. In the first weeks after childbirth, blood clots that come out of the vagina are normal. However, if such discharge lasts more than a month, then there is a reason to consult a doctor. About two weeks after birth, lochia takes on an orange-pink hue and a slimy consistency. Blood clots no longer bother the new mother.

The cause of blood clots is miscarriage

Why do my periods come with clots? If the fairer sex was not previously bothered by such discharge, then we may be talking about self-abortion.

Quite often, after conception has taken place, pregnancy is terminated even before menstruation is missed. In this case, the woman does not know about her new position, but notes that menstruation has become more abundant. Clots are the rejected membranes. In the event of a miscarriage, such discharge is considered normal. However, already in the next cycle the consistency and quantity of menstrual flow should be restored.

An insidious disease - endometriosis

Why do I have heavy periods with clots? Sometimes the cause of this symptom is endometriosis. This disease is hormone dependent. With it, the inner lining of the uterus grows where it should not be. In most cases, this is the abdominal cavity, ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervical canal. With the arrival of a new cycle, the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ is rejected, and the growing pathological endometrium undergoes the same change.

Often, during endometriosis, menstruation not only has blood clots, but is also protracted. Many women note that during this period their health worsens, and the color of the discharge takes on a chocolate hue.

Hormonal imbalance in women

Why do blood clots come out of the vagina when I get my period? The cause of this symptom may be hormonal imbalance. At the same time, the woman previously had completely normal menstruation.

When a representative of the fairer sex experiences a hormonal imbalance, not only does the nature of menstruation change, but its regularity is also disrupted. Bleeding may be absent for quite a long time, and then begin suddenly with increased force and lumps of mucus.

Abnormal structure of the pelvic organs

Why do blood clots come out when I'm on my period? The cause of this symptom may be an abnormal structure of the reproductive organs. It is often considered congenital. It can also be acquired and appear as a result of childbirth or abortion.

The bending of the uterus, the septum in it and adhesions lead to the fact that the rejected endometrium does not come out immediately. It accumulates in the uterus and blood clotting occurs. After this, the woman notes that clots are coming out of the vagina.

Incorrectly chosen contraceptives

Why do I get clots during my period? If you recently changed your contraceptive method, this may be the first reason. Oral hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine devices lead to this phenomenon.

If the pills are used incorrectly, the woman’s body receives an excess or insufficient portion of hormones. With an intrauterine device, a fertilized egg may be rejected during menstruation. This is exactly what a woman sees when she mistakes mucus for clots.

Inflammation of the pelvic organs and its consequences

If you have periods with clots, then the cause may be simple inflammation. This is often the manifestation of untreated genital tract infections. If you have ever had this pathology, then it is likely that this symptom will appear.

At the same time, a woman may observe an unusual pattern of cervical mucus during the cycle. Pain is also often associated. In the acute form of the pathology, an increase in temperature is observed. If treatment is not started in time, adhesions may form in the uterine cavity. This leads to a worsening of the situation, when clots and lumps begin to appear regularly, and menstruation becomes protracted.

Premenopausal condition in women

The female body is designed in such a way that it has a certain supply of eggs. By about age fifty, it declines and reaches zero. During this period, discharge may be irregular. Also sometimes their character changes. Clots are normal. However, this condition is met only if the woman has no additional complaints.

Most likely, such menstruation with mucus and lumps will be repeated several times. It will all end with the discharge stopping altogether. At the same time, disturbing symptoms will disappear.

Taking hemostatic drugs and menstruation with clots

In some cases, periods with clots appear due to taking medications. If you are using hemostatic medications, this may be the main cause of the symptom.

It is worth remembering that such medications should not be used in the first days of bleeding. Be sure to consult your doctor about this and change your dosage regimen if necessary. Do not use such medications on your own. Remember that long-term use of hemostatic agents can lead to the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

Is treatment necessary?

If you suddenly start having periods with clots, pay attention to your health. If a symptom appears once, you don’t have to visit a doctor. However, if discharge with lumps is not observed for the first time, you should consult a gynecologist. Be sure to consult a specialist if pain appears at the same time or your periods become very heavy.

The treatment regimen always depends on the cause of the pathology. Prescriptions should only be given by a doctor. Intervention on your own can lead to negative consequences. Good health to you!

It is important for a woman to know what normal periods should be like: how many days they can last, how much blood the body loses in one cycle. And if blood clots suddenly appear during menstruation, similar to liver, is this normal? Many reasons lead to increased bleeding during menstruation. This can be a harmless pathology that is not life-threatening, or serious cancer, as well as an incipient miscarriage or systemic diseases. Blood clots can appear in a woman of any age, but where is the line between normal and pathological?

Read in this article

Reasons for appearance

Uterine fibroids are the cause of heavy discharge in the form of clots


Therefore, the total volume of blood removed from the genital tract during menstrual periods... But its existence leads to the fact that clots are found in the secretions, and in general the mucus becomes more viscous. ... Very similar articles.
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  • Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

    Hello! You did not specify for what reasons you were diagnosed with a miscarriage last time. To confirm pregnancy, you need either a histological conclusion from the uterine cavity (if there was curettage to stop bleeding), or a positive test, or a positive blood test for hCG. If none of this was done to you, then the diagnosis is not entirely correct. It’s difficult to say what the reason is now. In addition to pregnancy, uterine fibroids, polyps, endometriosis and other diseases behave this way. The algorithm should be approximately the following:
    1. pregnancy test or blood test for hCG (the latter is better and more informative)
    2. if the bleeding is very heavy and will not stop during conservative hemostatic therapy - curettage of the uterine cavity.
    3. As soon as the discharge becomes less, it is necessary to conduct a pelvic ultrasound to check for polyps, fibroids and clarify the condition of the postoperative scar.
    After such an examination, it will become clearer what is happening to you. In the future, you may need a more in-depth examination for hereditary thrombophilias and other blood diseases. This is the case if your periods are constantly heavy. All the best!

    Blood clots during menstruation may be contained in small quantities in the discharge. If the bleeding contains dark pieces of clotted blood, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of any serious pathology. If, in addition to blood clots in the discharge, the following symptoms are observed, you should immediately visit a doctor:

    • dizziness or lightheadedness;
    • temperature rise to 37.5-40ºС;
    • severe pain or discomfort in the abdomen.

    Such a clinical picture may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, death of a uterine polyp and other life-threatening conditions. If, apart from clots, there are no unusual symptoms, you can contact a gynecologist immediately after the end of your period and have an ultrasound done.

    Endometrial peeling

    Peeling of the endometrium during menstruation occurs more or less evenly. This process is regulated by the hormonal system, so endocrine diseases can lead to changes in the nature of menstruation. In order to exclude diseases of the uterus, ovaries and pituitary gland, you need to take a biochemical blood test, undergo an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound. If the patient is healthy, all organs of the reproductive and endocrine system work without deviations from the norm, then why do large blood clots come out during menstruation:

    1. Bend of the uterus. This is a very common feature of the structure of the uterus, in which the organ deviates from its straight position. Retroversion of the uterus does not prevent conception and pregnancy, although some peculiarities during pregnancy are possible. Menstruation in patients with a bend is generally more painful, especially on the first day. At the moment, this anatomical position is not considered pathological. A woman may not even realize that she has a tilted uterus until she visits a gynecologist and undergoes an examination. When bent, blood stagnates and the blood is discharged unevenly. The accumulation of fluid in the far part of the uterus leads to blood clotting, and clots form during menstruation. There is no need to worry about this process. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, you can undergo a course of therapeutic gynecological massage. Treatment of uterine retroversion is carried out under the guidance of a gynecologist, and physiotherapy is usually prescribed.
    2. Change of position. Menstrual blood has a unique enzyme composition; it practically does not coagulate when in contact with oxygen. In addition to blood, the secretions include mucus, which is produced by the glands of the uterus and vagina, and pieces of the endometrium. Normally, blood clots should be no more than 1-2 cm in size. If a woman does not change position for a long time, for example, she sat in one position during the working day and then stood up, all the accumulated secretions will simultaneously rush down under the influence of gravity. Clots that form during menstruation, similar to liver, alarm most women, especially if they have never encountered such a phenomenon before. It is necessary to observe whether a sedentary lifestyle and long periods of sitting or lying down affect the number of clots.
    3. Failed pregnancy. It is a well-known fact that many pregnancies end spontaneously. If the fertilized egg contains defective genetic material, it is released routinely during menstruation. In this case, whole pieces of the endometrium may contain a zygote and a fertilized egg. It is impossible to see these structures with the naked eye. If the zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus and then the embryo dies, the color of the discharge may have a gray-yellow tint. In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist after the end of menstruation and make sure that the entire upper layer of the endometrium has completely disappeared. But if a woman usually has her period without clots, and then suddenly discharge appears in very large pieces, most likely this is a failed pregnancy.

    When the uterus is bent, in order for menstruation to go more smoothly, it is necessary to normalize hormonal levels. The selection of oral contraceptives will help with this.

    If blood clots during menstruation are associated with a lack of physical activity, it is enough to do exercises, stretch or squat a week before the expected date of menstruation. Very large, more than 5 cm, clots during menstruation, similar to raw liver, which appear repeatedly, serve as a reason for examination by a gynecologist.

    Iron-deficiency anemia

    The color of the discharge during menstruation changes from bright scarlet to darker. By the end of the month, the discharge is much darker than at the beginning. The consistency also changes, at first the discharge is liquid, and then thicker. Towards the end of menstruation, blood clots ranging in size from 0.5 to 4 cm can be found in the discharge. The normal volume of menstrual discharge ranges from 10 to 200-250 ml. But if atypical, too abundant or too scanty discharge appears, it is better to find out the cause from a gynecologist. Menstrual blood contains iron, but the loss of iron is not so significant as to cause anemia even with heavy discharge. Patients who have anemia due to metabolic disorders complain:

    • the appearance of large and dense clots in menstrual blood;
    • for menstrual malaise, severe headache, vomiting and weakness.

    If such signs of anemia appear, you should contact a therapist and gynecologist. In a healthy woman, the volume of discharge is determined by heredity and individual characteristics. If the circulatory system works without problems, even very heavy discharge will be compensated, and anemia will not occur.

    Possible diseases

    In women over 35 years of age, benign neoplasms are common:

    • uterine fibroids;
    • polyps and cysts.

    In order to detect the disease in a timely manner, you need to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist once a year.

    If a polyp or cyst obstructs the endometrium, severe PMS occurs. The first day of menstruation in this case is accompanied by severe malaise, vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen, headache and decreased performance. When a polyp delays the desquamation of the upper layer of the endometrium, clots appear during menstruation.

    Another reason is excessive growth of the endometrium, hyperplasia. Symptoms of this disease:

    • dark brown discharge and clots during menstruation;
    • weakness, dizziness and loss of strength on the first day of menstruation and during PMS;
    • loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, stool upset.

    Often women do not pay attention to such signs because they are influenced by the widespread prejudice about PMS. In fact, with PMS, a woman should not feel unwell, suffer from vomiting, headaches and abdominal pain. If the patient regularly experiences such manifestations, she needs to undergo an examination and find out her diagnosis. After menstruation, the upper layer of the endometrium is restored. Usually, by the time the mature egg leaves the fallopian tube, the layer has reached a sufficient length for successful implantation of the zygote. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then in the following cases she needs to undergo a gynecological examination:

    • if clots appear more than once;
    • if the size of the clots is more than 5 cm;
    • if the discharge has a strong foul odor;
    • if yellow, white or green inclusions of mucus appear in the discharge;
    • if the cycle becomes irregular;
    • if menstruation is accompanied by very severe PMS;
    • if after menstruation weakness, dizziness and loss of strength persist.


    For a successful pregnancy, it is important that each organ of the reproductive system works clearly and in harmony with the others. With fibroids, polyps, cysts and endometriosis, it will not be possible to get pregnant right away, and carrying a pregnancy to birth is accompanied by a lot of difficulties. In order for motherhood to bring only happiness and not harm to the body, you need to undergo a full examination and treatment by a gynecologist even before conception. The appearance of white, yellow or green clots in the discharge may indicate an advanced form of infection, candidiasis, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. The smell of discharge is also a diagnostic criterion. Every woman knows exactly what smell is characteristic of her menstrual blood. If the smell changes, becomes sharply unpleasant or painful, you need to be checked for sexually transmitted infections.

    Dangerous symptoms and emergency care

    An ectopic pregnancy is a direct threat to a woman’s life. If several of the following symptoms are observed at the same time, you need to do an ultrasound as soon as possible and consult a gynecologist:

    • the appearance of brown discharge outside the scheduled menstrual cycle;
    • menstruation comes on time, but is accompanied by severe pain and large brown-black clots;
    • the temperature rises to 39-40ºС;
    • dizziness, weakness, and fainting occur.

    A woman can die if the growing fertilized egg ruptures the fallopian tube. Therefore, if it is not possible to immediately contact a gynecologist, for example, the doctor sees by appointment, you need to inform your loved ones about your illness. In an emergency situation, when a woman loses consciousness, a loved one will be able to immediately respond and call an ambulance. Typically, an ectopic pregnancy is signaled in advance by a nagging pain in the right or left side. But in some cases, symptoms do not appear until the fallopian tube begins to stretch and rupture. With an ectopic pregnancy, the entire contents of the tube spill into the abdominal cavity, causing septic shock. If medical assistance is not immediately provided, the woman dies. Therefore, if the menstrual flow turns black and brown, and the temperature rises even slightly, you should immediately do an ultrasound.

    Preventive measures

    In order to compensate for the amount of iron that is lost along with menstrual flow, you need to include the following foods in your diet:

    • Hematogen;
    • beef or pork liver;
    • buckwheat with butter (iron absorption occurs with the participation of vitamin D);
    • apples and eggs;
    • red meat, beef, veal, dark meat chicken;
    • fish;
    • boiled beets or borscht.

    Even if a woman does not have iron deficiency anemia, such a diet is beneficial and makes menstruation easier. What foods should you avoid at least a week before your period starts:

    • salty foods, marinades, pickles, smoked meats;
    • food with a lot of flavoring additives, for example, chips, fast food, canned food;
    • legumes, cabbage and white bread;
    • coffee and energy drinks.


    On the eve of menstruation, the body accumulates from 1 to 3 liters of fluid. Salty foods increase this volume and put additional stress on the kidneys. Dehydration also has a negative impact on your period, so you need to drink enough water. Coffee and energy drinks provoke hypertonicity of the uterus, making menstruation more painful. It is better to avoid tonic drinks and foods that provoke the formation of intestinal gas. Most women with iron deficiency anemia were diagnosed with diseases such as gastritis, enteritis or colitis. Therefore, following a diet that is safe for digestion will in any case be justified.

    If a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, you can conduct an experiment. A week before your period, start doing simple exercises every day. If the formation of clots is associated with low physical activity, then menstruation will pass without dark lumps of coagulated blood. If diet and exercise do not change the composition of menstrual blood, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and take tests to find out why blood clots come out during menstruation.

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