Which birth control pills are better and how to take them. Hormones for cats: pros and cons Increased mammary gland size

The main essence of birth control pills is that they are a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy, which has saved humanity from numerous abortions and spoiled destinies.

Despite the fact that modern birth control pills have the most positive and numerous reviews, debate about their use continues both among consumers and among specialists. Such disputes are due to a number of side effects that may occur when taking drugs. The question often arises about whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills. All the problems that arise, most often, have a simple explanation: the questions of how to take birth control pills and what birth control pills should be taken were incorrectly resolved.

The principle of action of hormonal drugs

In general, several conditions are necessary for conception: maturation and release of the egg (ovulation), its meeting with the sperm in the fallopian tube, penetration and consolidation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. The whole process is controlled by the pituitary gland of the brain, which regulates the production of sex hormones by the ovaries - estrogen and progesterone. It is these hormones, or rather their balance, that provide the necessary conditions for the process of conception.

Hormonal-type contraceptive pills or oral contraceptives prevent the maturation of the egg, interfere with the penetration of sperm into the fallopian tubes and affect the structure of the endometrium of the uterine cavity, preventing the egg from gaining a foothold on it. Thus, these drugs create the maximum obstacle to conception.

The contraceptive effect is achieved by the presence of estrogen and progesterone in the composition of the tablets. This results in the following impact:

  1. Estrogens prevent the maturation of the egg in the follicle, inhibiting pituitary functions, disrupt the structure of the endometrium, increase the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, inhibit the formation of the corpus luteum, and inhibit the production of their own hormone by the ovaries.
  2. Progesterone increases the density of mucus in the cervical canal, inhibiting the movement of spermatozoa, disrupts the release of statins, blocking the production of GnRH, which inhibits the process of ovulation.

How non-hormonal drugs help

The second direction of contraceptives is non-hormonal contraceptive pills. Such funds, although they are available in the form of tablets, are not taken orally. They belong to the group of vaginal products and are inserted into the vagina. The drugs contain an active substance that can suppress sperm activity, thereby preventing fertilization of the egg. In addition, the active component of the tablets increases the thickness of cervical mucus, blocking the passage of sperm through it.

Thus, the principle of action of non-hormonal drugs is based on reducing sperm motility and blocking their movement, without changing the hormonal balance. Benzalkonium chloride and nonoxynol are actively used as active substances. It is possible to use other ingredients.

Non-hormonal drugs have less impact on the female hormonal mechanism, which reduces the risk of side effects. Moreover, under their influence, a protective film is formed in the cervical canal, preventing the penetration of fungal and other infections. However, it should be noted that the contraceptive ability of such drugs is lower compared to hormonal contraceptives (82-86% versus 98-99%). To increase efficiency, women sometimes additionally use vaginal diaphragms and cervical caps.

Why do you need funds after the act?

Another way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is birth control pills after intercourse or postcoital pills. Such funds belong to the so-called emergency protection group. They are used after unprotected sex or after a condom breaks. Postcoital tablets contain 2 types of active substance: levonorgestrel or mifepristone. The principle of operation of the first group is based on blocking the ovulation process, increasing the density of cervical mucus and, most importantly, preventing the fixation of the egg on the uterine endometrium. By changing the structure of the endometrium, the active substance provides an abortive effect. When using such a remedy, it should be remembered that the drug is considered hormonal and can significantly affect the hormonal balance.

The second type of drug has pronounced antiprogestogenic properties, which prevents the uterine endometrium from preparing to receive the egg, and also increases the contractility of the uterus, which helps to remove the egg from the cavity.

What hormonal drugs are popular?

Hormonal contraceptive pills are available in 2 main types:

  • combination drugs that include both main hormones;
  • mini-pill containing only progesterone.

The mini-pill group of drugs belongs to a monophasic composition. Combined agents can be two-phase or three-phase. Mestranol and Ethinylestadiol are usually used as estrogen substitutes. Progesterone is administered using the following substances: Norethindrone, Norgestrel, Levonorgestrel, Norgestimate, Desogestrel, Drospirenone. When choosing birth control pills, the preferred names are: Jess, Yarina, Tri-Mercy, Mercilon, Logest, Janine, Regulon, Lindinet, Novinet, Marvelon, Charozetta, Diane 35.

Among the combined agents, you can distribute the tablets according to the required dosage:

  • microscopic dosing: ensure effectiveness, absence of side effects - these are birth control pills Jess, Miniziston, Yarina, Lindinet-20, Novinet, Tri-Mercy, Logest, Mercilon;
  • low dosage: Lindinet-30, Silest, Marvelon, Microgynon, Femoden, Regulon, Regividon, Janine, Belara,
  • average dosage: Chloe, Diane-35, Demoulin, Triquilar, Triziston, Tri-regon, Milvane;
  • drugs that require a high dosage and are used with low efficiency of the previous groups: Ovidon, Non-Ovlon.

Common mini-pills include tablets such as Ecluton, Charozetta, Norkolut, Microlut, Micronor.

Specially allocated funds

Numerous reviews from women identify the following as the best birth control pills:

  1. The drug Jess was developed by Bayer Schering Pharma. It contains a small amount of estrogen and a progesterone substitute - drospirenone. In addition to contraceptive abilities, it can help with acne, seborrhea, and hirsutism. Designed for women of any age category.
  2. Yarina birth control pills are widely used. The drug is effective for normalizing the menstrual cycle and eliminating painful symptoms during menstruation. The main effect is aimed at blocking ovulation and changing the structure of the uterine endometrium. There are practically no serious side effects noted.
  3. Novinet tablets inhibit ovulation by blocking the production of luteinizing hormone and increase the viscosity of cervical mucus.
  4. Janine is a low dosage drug. It affects all 3 main areas of preventing conception. The active substances are ethinyl estradiol and dienogest.
  5. Regulon contains ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. The main effect is inhibition of the ovulation process. Positive effects are noted for menstrual irregularities and treatment of uterine bleeding.

High-quality hormonal contraceptives provide very high efficiency with regular use, and strictly according to the recommendations of the instructions and the doctor. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills? This probability is estimated below 1%, and even it is associated with violations of the rules of admission and its regularity.

Choice of non-hormonal agents

Contraceptives of a non-hormonal type have lower protective properties, but they are recommended in a number of cases when hormonal drugs are contraindicated: neglected fibroids, breastfeeding a child, endocrine pathologies, allergic reactions to hormonal drugs. The main advantage of non-hormonal tablets is the absence of contraindications and side effects.

The following non-hormonal agents are available in the form of vaginal tablets:

  • Pharmatex (action up to 3 hours);
  • Gynekotex, Erotex, Benatex (action 3-4 hours);
  • Contratex (4 hours);
  • Nonoxenol, Patentex, Traceptin.

An important property of these tablets is simultaneous antifungal and antibacterial protection. They are especially effective against Trichomonas, chlamydia, staphylococci, gonococci, Proteus and other microorganisms. The disadvantages include the rather short duration of action, which requires precise calculation of the time of sexual intercourse.

An important property of these tablets is simultaneous antifungal and antibacterial protection. They are especially effective against Trichomonas, chlamydia, staphylococci, gonococci, Proteus and other microorganisms. The disadvantages include the rather short duration of action, which requires precise calculation of the time of sexual intercourse.

Use of drugs after the act

Emergency protection during unplanned sex is provided by hormonal contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse. Different types of products allow them to be used at different times after contact. This interval can be 72 hours when high-quality contraceptives are used. However, most drugs are designed to be administered over 20-50 hours.

The following contraceptive pills of this type are distinguished:

  • levonorgestrel-based products: Postinor, Escapel, Eskinor F;
  • tablets containing estrogen and progesterone: Rigevidon, Non-ovlon, Silest, Ovidon;
  • drugs based on mifepristone: Ginepristone, Mifolian, Zhenale, Agesta.

When using such contraceptive pills, you should remember that the maximum period is 72 hours after sexual intercourse, but the greatest degree of protection is achieved when the drug is administered within 24 hours. In this case, the probability of conception after taking the pills does not exceed 5%. In addition, it should be borne in mind that drugs of this type are considered emergency drugs, which are not recommended to be carried away. Due to the high content of hormones in them, the risk of serious complications and hormonal imbalance is quite high.

When not to take medications

There are a number of contraindications for taking birth control pills. They should not be used in the following cases:

  • after a heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris, pulmonary embolism, venous thrombosis; in the presence of malignant tumors;
  • for chronic liver pathologies;
  • with vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • for endocrine diseases;
  • before planned surgery for any reason;
  • after an abortion or miscarriage;
  • when breastfeeding a child.

With great caution and only after consulting a doctor, you can use the tablets in such conditions.

The same article about the dangers of the Sex Barrier, “contrasex” and other contraceptive drugs for animals is copied on many sites. The authors of the article assure owners of cats and dogs that even a single use of a hormonal drug will lead to inevitable health problems. Arguments about the deadly danger of hormonal drugs are supported by photographs of animals on operating tables.

Let's figure out where these photographs come from, what kind of contraceptives there are, who may actually be to blame for animal diseases, and what to do to avoid harming your beloved pet.

Where do scary pictures come from on the Internet?

Shocking photographs of cats with tumors and ovarian cysts on operating tables are thoughtlessly published by opponents of contraceptive drugs in order to enhance the effect of their message. When a specialist looks at these photographs, one can say that many of the photographs were not even taken in Russia (judging by the surrounding environment). Inaccurate photographs are “supported” by inaccurate information. It is written and distributed by people who present the problem superficially and do not seek to understand it more deeply. The pictures actually show cats with cancer, pyometra. However, think about it: cases of cancer are one in a thousand, and millions of contraceptives are used for cats and dogs.

The real causes of cancer in animals

  • Poor quality food;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Chronic stress in the animal (due to constant empty heats, prolonged stay at home alone);
  • Incorrect use of hormonal contraceptives.

However, “droplets from estrus” is the simplest answer from a veterinarian about the causes of such diseases. The essence of the problem is hidden much deeper.

What are CONTRACEPTIVES actually?

“NATURAL” PREPARATIONS or, as the authors of the article call them, “herbal teas”, are not contraceptives. They are not intended to regulate sexual heat in animals and are not able to prevent unwanted pregnancy. “Naturally based” products only stabilize the psychological state of a pet, for example, during times of stress. To achieve the desired effect, a long course of use is required.

ABOUT "CHEMICAL" PREPARATIONS. There are two types of “chemical” drugs: monohormonal and bihormonal drugs. The former contains one hormone, the latter contains two hormones. And this is of fundamental importance, that's why.

Monohormonal drugs appeared at the dawn of contraception for pets, in the 90s. These drugs use only one type of hormone (megestrol acetate). To achieve the necessary calming effect, a high concentration of it is introduced into the drug. This increases the risk of impact on the animal’s body.

Bihormonal drugs were developed 15 years ago, the most famous of them is the Sex Barrier drug. Unlike monohormonal drugs, bihormonal drugs use two hormones - analogues of natural sex hormones in animals. The presence of two hormones in the composition allows you to significantly reduce their concentration and delicately adjust the hormonal background of the animal, taking into account its species and gender. This is quite enough to calm the animal.

1 ml of monohormonal drug contains 20 mg of active substance, and in one course of use – 35 mg. Thus, the content of active ingredients in Sex Barrier is reduced by almost 20 times compared to other drugs based on megestrol acetate.

For example, in 1 ml of Sex Barrier drops for cats, including 2 hormones, the total content of hormones is 1.01 mg; one course of use of the drug contains 0.7 mg of active ingredients.

Don't make these mistakes!

As mentioned above, in bihormonal preparations the concentration of active substances is reduced tenfold, which indicates that the negative impact of hormones on the health of a pet is reduced to nothing.

Why is it that every now and then we come across negativity from owners whose “cat died from a sex barrier”? The reason is this: the most important condition when using any drug, especially a hormonal one, is strict adherence to the instructions. Here are the most common violations of manufacturer's instructions that can lead to negative consequences:

Using the drug without consulting a veterinarian, without taking into account the initial condition of the animal (perhaps there are already disorders in the pet’s body that the owner cannot know about).

For example, a cat used to behave quietly, but now it has started to “bawl”, or previously the heat passed in 3 days, but now there is no end in sight. Most likely, the animal has a hormonal imbalance. This behavior may indicate the presence of cysts on the ovaries. The use of hormonal drugs in animals with a similar disease can only worsen their condition. As a result, this becomes a key factor in making a diagnosis and forms a negative attitude towards hormonal contraceptives. That is why it is very important to make sure that the animal is healthy before starting to use drugs.

Starting to use the drug too late (later than the second day from the start of estrus). The result is a lack of effect and unnecessary impact on the animal’s endocrine system.

Calculation of dosage, as well as the choice of a drug that does not correspond to the type and sex of the animal, at your own discretion or on the advice of friends who do not have special education. Increasing the dose in order to speed up the effect of its action. Chronic use of the drug in such a non-physiological mode will sooner or later lead to problems with the pet’s health.

Such violations of instructions are not uncommon for careless animal owners. Then think about who is actually harming the health of the pet: the owners who use the drug, regardless of any rules, or a contraceptive designed to make the life of the pet and its owner calmer?

Choose the right path

Decide: does your cat really need to preserve her reproductive function? Is your cat of no breed value and not intended for breeding? You don’t have the time or desire to monitor your pet’s heat cycles, and you won’t be able to give him a contraceptive on time? Perhaps the solution to the problem of unwanted behavior of a pet during sexual hunting is sterilization or castration.

If surgery is unacceptable for your animal for one reason or another, but it is still necessary to calm down your “runaway” pet, adhere to the following rules:

  • Consult a veterinarian before starting to take the drug, check the health of the animal;
  • Read the instructions carefully;
  • Choose the drug strictly according to the type and gender of your animal (feline, tomcat, female or male);
  • Calculate the dosage correctly - based on the weight of the pet and depending on the problem that needs to be solved;
  • If your cat has already gone on a spree, it is important to start using the drug NO LATER THAN 2 DAYS after the start of sexual heat. The “estrus interruption” scheme is not suitable for constant use; use it NO MORE THAN 2 TIMES A YEAR;
  • If you want your cat to remain CALM THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE YEAR, use the CALMING EFFECT MAINTENANCE SCHEME. You need to start using the drug during the period of sexual rest, regularly, once every 7-14 days, depending on the drug chosen. To prevent your cat from asking for a cat, use this scheme throughout the year.

The described regimens for use are in the instructions for any contraceptive drug. The owner can only read them carefully.

Oral contraceptives are among the most commonly used drugs. Since its introduction in the 1960s. they influenced the lives of many millions of people and changed society as a whole: for the first time in human history, a convenient, affordable and absolutely reliable method of contraception appeared, allowing family planning and avoiding unwanted pregnancies.

Before moving on to the pharmacology of hormonal contraceptives, we note a number of key points:

  • hormonal contraceptives are one of the most effective drugs
  • they differ significantly in composition, doses and side effects, but are comparable in effectiveness,
  • these drugs have additional beneficial effects,
  • Due to the difference in drugs and doses used for hormonal contraception and hormone replacement therapy, the side effects in both cases are also different. In most cases, oral contraceptives are completely reliable and well tolerated.

Historical reference

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a number of European scientists (including Beard, Prenan and Loeb) suggested that the corpus luteum secretes a substance that suppresses ovulation during pregnancy. At first, this concept was largely theoretical, but the Austrian physiologist Haberlandt developed it further by proposing the use of hormones for contraception (Regope, 1994). In his work “On the Hormonal Sterilization of Female Animals,” he described temporary infertility in female rodents whose food was supplemented with ovarian and placental extracts, a clear example of the use of oral contraceptives (Haberlandt, 1927). Shortly after the isolation of progesterone from the corpus luteum, the purified hormone was shown to prevent ovulation in rabbits (Makepeace et al., 1937) and in rats (Astwood and Fevold, 1939).

In the 1950s it was found that progesterone and 19-norprogestogens disrupt ovulation in women (Rocketal., 1957). It is curious that these data were obtained from attempts to treat infertility with progestogens or a combination of progestogens with estrogens. In both cases, ovulation was prevented in the majority of women, but due to the risk of carcinogenic effects and other side effects of estrogens (diethylstilbestrol was used), only progestogens were subsequently used.

Among the progestogens, norethinodrel was one of the first to be tested, but at first it contained an admixture of mestranol. After clearing mestranol, it turned out that norethinodrel more often causes uterine bleeding and does not always suppress ovulation. The drugs were again combined, and the first large clinical trial of combined oral contraceptives was conducted with this combination.

Research conducted in the second half of the 1950s. in Puerto Rico and Haiti, showed almost 100% effectiveness of the combination drug mestranol/norethinodrel (Pin-, with us et al., 1959). In late 1959, the drug was approved by the FDA and became the first hormonal contraceptive approved for use in the United States; in 1962, a second drug appeared - mestranol/norethisterone. By 1966, a dozen similar drugs (1st generation) were already in use, including mestranol or ethinyl estradiol in combination with one of the 19-norprogestogens. In the 1960s Minipills and progestogen-only implantable contraceptives have also been developed. These drugs quickly became widespread in many countries, but were not approved in the United States until the 1990s.

Millions of women began taking oral contraceptives, but in the 1970s... There have been numerous reports of their side effects (Kols et al., 1982). When it became clear that these effects were dose dependent and that estrogens and progestogens were synergistic in suppressing ovulation, hormone doses were reduced. This is how 2nd generation oral contraceptives appeared. The rise of two- and three-phase combination drugs in the 1980s. allowed us to further reduce the dose of hormones; Perhaps, modern drugs contain minimal doses of estrogens and progestogens sufficient for reliable contraception. In the 1990s. In Europe and then in the USA, 3rd generation drugs appeared containing progestogens with reduced androgenic activity (norgestimate and desogestrel; gestodene is also used in Europe). Finally, in the 1980s. It became clear that oral contraceptives have additional beneficial properties (Kolset al., 1982).

Types of hormonal contraceptives

These drugs contain estrogens and progestogens. In the United States, they are used most often as a means of contraception. Their theoretical efficiency is estimated at 99.9%, while the actual efficiency is 97-98%. These drugs contain ethinyl estradiol (occasionally mestranol) and any 19-norprogestagen from the group of estrans or gonans. All progestogens, to one degree or another, have androgenic, estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity, which explains some of their side effects. Compared to other 19-norprogestogens, the newest drugs in this group, desogestrel and norgestimate, have less androgenic effects (Shoupe, 1994; Archer, 1994; Rebar and Zeserson, 1991). The pharmacokinetics of estrogens and progestogens is described above.

There are mono-, two- and three-phase combined oral contraceptives. The first contain a constant ratio of estrogens and progestogens, they are taken for 21 days, one tablet per day with a break of 7 days (usually the package contains 28 tablets, the last 7 tablets are placebo). Two- and three-phase preparations include 2 or 3 types of tablets with different ratios of estrogens and progestogens, the tablets are taken sequentially for 21 days. This reduces the total dose of hormones and better reflects the normal ratio of estrogens and progestogens during the menstrual cycle, including their higher concentrations in the luteal phase. Two- and three-phase combined oral contraceptives were developed in the 1980s, primarily to reduce the dose of progestogens, when evidence of their adverse effects on the cardiovascular system became available. In 2000, the FDA approved estradiol/medroxyprogesterone, a parenteral contraceptive administered once a month.

The ethinyl estradiol content in modern oral contraceptives is 20-50 mcg, usually 30-35 mcg. At a dose of 35 mcg or less they talk about modern, or low-dose, drugs. Due to the different activities of progestogens, their doses fluctuate within a wider range. Thus, monophasic drugs used in the USA contain 0.4-1 mg of norethisterone, 0.1-0.15 mg of levonorgestrel, 0.3-0.5 mg of norgestrel, 1 mg of ethynodiol, 0.25 mg of norgestimate or 0.15 mg of desogestrel; in two- and three-phase preparations the doses are slightly different. The first oral contraceptive (Enovid) contained 10 mg of norethinodrel and 150 mcg of mestranol. In 1966, most drugs contained 50-150 mcg of estrogens and 2-10 mg of progestogens. Significant differences in doses do not allow data on the side effects of 1st generation drugs to be transferred to modern oral contraceptives.

In terms of reliability, these drugs are somewhat inferior to combination drugs: their theoretical effectiveness is 99%, actual - 96-97.5%. These include: 1) mini-pills (capsules with low doses of progestogens - 350 mcg of norethisterone or 75 mcg of norgestrel), they are taken orally continuously, 1 capsule per day, 2) implantable contraceptives (for example, containing 216 mg of levonorgestrel), slowly releasing drug and providing contraception for 5 years, 3) suspension of crystalline medroxyprogesterone for intramuscular administration (single dose is 150 mg), providing contraception for 3 months.

Intrauterine contraceptives have been developed that slowly release progesterone; they are changed once a year. The effectiveness of the drug is 97-98%; the contraceptive effect is associated with the local effect of the hormone on the endometrium.

Postcoital contraceptives

Previously for postcoit-. high doses of diethylstilbestrol and other estrogens (morning after pills) were used for contraception, but this method was never approved by the FDA. Based on clinical trials (Task Force on Postovulatory Methods of Fertility Regulations, 1998), levonorgest-rel (tablets containing 0.75 mg of the drug, taken orally 2 times with an interval of 12 hours) and ethinyl estradiol were approved for post-coital contraception. levonorgestrel (tablets containing 0.05 mg and 0.25 mg of drugs, respectively, taken 2 times 2 tablets with an interval of 12 hours). Essentially, we are talking about the use of oral contraceptives in high doses, and, according to the FDA, the use of other drugs of similar composition is safe and effective for postcoital contraception.

The drug should be taken for the first time no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse and again after 12 hours. The probability of pregnancy is reduced by 4 times: in the absence of contraception it is 8% (with sexual intercourse in the 2-3rd week of the menstrual cycle ), and when using postcoital contraceptives it decreases to 2%.

Mechanism of action

Combined oral contraceptives

These agents act by suppressing ovulation (Lobo and Stanczyk, 1994). Against this background, serum concentrations of LH and FSH decrease, the rise in LH in the middle of the cycle disappears, and the synthesis of endogenous estrogens and progesterone decreases; As a result, ovulation does not occur. In certain cases, progestogens and estrogens separately have the same effect, but their combination reduces the serum concentration of gonadotropic hormones and suppresses ovulation more reliably.

Due to the complex feedback system in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, the suppression of ovulation by oral contraceptives appears to have several causes. In addition, long-term use of these drugs may involve additional mechanisms that are not characteristic of the normal menstrual cycle. Obviously, the exceptionally high effectiveness of these drugs is due to the multiple mechanisms of action.

The main role in the action of oral contraceptives is played by their effect on the hypothalamus. Progesterone sharply reduces the frequency of impulse secretion of GnRH, and since ovulation requires a certain frequency, this effect apparently plays a major role in the contraceptive effect. Estrogens do not affect the frequency of pulsed secretion of GnRH in monkeys and women with a normal menstrual cycle, but in its long-term absence (in monkeys with ovaries removed and in postmenopausal women), estrogens noticeably reduce the frequency of rhythmic activation of hypothalamic neurons, and progesterone enhances this effect ( Hotchkiss and Knobil, 1994). Theoretically, this effect of estrogen on the hypothalamus may be important during long-term use of oral contraceptives.

Obviously, the effect on the pituitary gland is also important. While taking oral contraceptives, the administration of GnRH increases the serum concentration of LH. However, this increase is much less than in the absence of oral contraceptives; consequently, the latter reduce the sensitivity of the pituitary gland to GnRH (Mishell et al., 1977). Normally, estrogens in the follicular phase inhibit pituitary FSH secretion, which may contribute to the suppression of follicular growth observed with oral contraceptives. A prolonged increase in the serum concentration of estrogen also causes the LH surge necessary for ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone during the natural menstrual cycle does not affect this process, but taking progestogens suppresses the estrogen-induced LH surge. Thus, the varied effects of estrogens and progestogens on the pituitary gland contribute to the action of oral contraceptives.

Perhaps suppression of ovulation is not the only mechanism of action of oral contraceptives. They apparently disrupt the movement of sperm, egg and embryo through the fallopian tube, which is so important for pregnancy. In addition, under the influence of progestogens, the glands of the cervix secrete dense viscous mucus, which impedes the penetration of sperm, and endometrial restructuring occurs, preventing implantation of the embryo. However, against the background of suppressed ovulation, it is difficult to quantify the contribution of these mechanisms.

Progestogen contraceptives

Doses of progestogens contained in minipills and implantation contraceptives suppress ovulation only in 60-80% of cases, and the effect of these drugs is associated mainly with an increase in the viscosity of cervical mucus, which impedes the penetration of sperm, and changes in the endometrium, which prevent implantation of the embryo. Injections of medroxyprogesterone suspension also have a similar effect, but also provide a serum concentration of the drug sufficient to almost completely suppress ovulation. The latter effect is associated with a decrease in the frequency of impulse secretion of GnRH, which prevents the LH surge necessary for ovulation.

Postcoital contraceptives

The action of these drugs is associated with various mechanisms. There is some evidence that when used in the first half of the menstrual cycle, they delay or suppress ovulation, but this alone is probably not enough to explain their high effectiveness. Other, somewhat controversial mechanisms include effects on the endometrium with disruption of embryo implantation, inhibition of the function of the corpus luteum necessary for maintaining pregnancy, increased viscosity of cervical mucus, disruption of the movement of sperm, eggs and embryos through the fallopian tube, and disruption of fertilization. One way or another, after embryo implantation, postcoital contraceptives do not work.

Side effects

Combined oral contraceptives

Soon after the introduction of these drugs, evidence of their side effects began to accumulate (Kols et al., 1982). Many of the effects were dose dependent, leading to the development of modern low-dose hormonal drugs. 1st generation drugs caused dysfunction of the cardiovascular system (including increased blood pressure, myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism), breast, liver and cervical cancer, as well as a number of endocrine and metabolic disorders. Modern oral contraceptives are reasonably safe (unless contraindicated) and provide additional benefits (Baird and Glasier, 1993).

The cardiovascular system

Reducing the dose of hormones in modern drugs has markedly improved their safety (Baird and Glasier, 1993; Mischell, 1999; Castelli, 1999; Sherif, 1999). In the absence of risk factors for atherosclerosis (primarily smoking), these drugs do not affect the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. The risk of pulmonary embolism increases, but the absolute increase in the number of such cases is small (approximately 50% of that during pregnancy), since in the absence of additional risk factors, pulmonary embolism occurs extremely rarely. However, against the background of smoking and other predisposing factors, this increase increases (Castelli, 1999). 1st generation oral contraceptives increased blood pressure in 4-5% of healthy women and in 10-15% of women with arterial hypertension. With the use of modern drugs, these figures are much lower, and most studies have not revealed a significant change in blood pressure. After discontinuation of oral contraceptives, the risk of cardiovascular complications appears to return to baseline.

In 1995, there were reports in Europe that 3rd generation oral contraceptives containing gestodene and desogestrel significantly increased the risk of PE compared with drugs containing levonorgestrel and norethisterone, but subsequent analysis attributed the differences to factors unrelated to the composition of the drugs ( Barbieri et al., 1999). In general, the various progestogens included in modern oral contraceptives have approximately the same effect on the cardiovascular system.

As mentioned above, estrogens increase the concentration of HDL and reduce the concentration of LDL, while progestogens act in the opposite way. According to recent data, modern oral contraceptives do not significantly affect the concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL and LDL, but slightly increase the concentration of triglycerides.

Malignant neoplasms

It was thought that due to the mitogenic effect of estrogens, oral contraceptives may increase the risk of cancer of the uterus, ovaries, breast and other organs. Moreover, in the late 1960s. There was evidence of endometrial dysplasia associated with sequential contraceptives, and these drugs were banned in the United States. But oral contraceptives have now been shown to have no significant effect on the risk of cancer (Baird and Glasier, 1993; Sherif, 1999; Westhoff, 1999).

Combined oral contraceptives even reduce the risk of uterine cancer by 50%, and this effect persists for 5 years after their discontinuation. This effect is associated with progestogens, which block the mitogenic effect of estrogens throughout the entire cycle (21 days) of their administration. Likewise, the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced, which may be explained by less stimulation of the ovaries by gonadotropins.

An increased risk of adenoma and liver cancer has been reported, but these are quite rare diseases, and determining their risk with oral contraceptives is complicated by many factors. There is evidence of an increased risk of cervical cancer, but it is difficult to identify a clear connection between this disease and the use of oral contraceptives.

The main concerns about the carcinogenic effects of oral contraceptives relate to breast cancer. In women of childbearing age, the risk of this tumor is low and, according to numerous studies, when taking modern medications, it increases by only 10-20%, depending on additional factors. The increase in incidence depends little on the duration of taking the drug, its composition, the age at which it was started, and the number of births. It is important that 10 years after stopping oral contraceptives, the risk of breast cancer is the same as in women who have never received them. In addition, breast cancer in women taking these drugs is more often detected in the early stages, without lympho- and hematogenous metastases, and is better treatable (Westhoff, 1999). In general, oral contraceptives have little effect on your lifetime risk of breast cancer.


Estrogens and progestogens have ambiguous effects on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity; it may differ among drugs of the same group, for example among 19-HopnporecTareHOB (Godsland, 1996). 1st generation contraceptives generally impaired glucose tolerance, increasing glucose and insulin concentrations both in the fasting state and after an oral glucose tolerance test. With decreasing doses of hormones, these effects weakened, and modern drugs can even improve insulin sensitivity. In addition, high doses of progestogens in 1st generation drugs increased LDL concentrations and decreased HDL concentrations, but modern drugs do not have this effect (Sherif, 1999). There have been reports of an increased risk of gallstone disease; Obviously, it increases slightly and only during the period of taking oral contraceptives and with long-term use (Grodstein et al., 1994).

Estrogens promote the synthesis of a number of plasma proteins in the liver, including thyroxine-binding globulin, transcortin and sex hormone-binding globulin. Through feedback mechanisms, this leads to an increase in the synthesis of the corresponding hormones, which normalizes the concentrations of free hormones. However, total hormone concentrations are increasing, which may complicate the interpretation of diagnostic samples that measure total plasma hormone concentrations.

Ethinyl estradiol, which is part of some oral contraceptives, causes a dose-dependent increase in the concentration of a number of coagulation factors. In healthy non-smoking women, fibrinolytic activity simultaneously increases, so in general, blood clotting remains almost unchanged. However, in smokers this compensatory effect is reduced, which may shift the balance towards increased clotting (Fruzzetti, 1999).

Other side effects

Possible nausea, swelling, mild headache; Severe migraine occurs occasionally. Bleeding is sometimes observed in the first 21 days of the cycle when medications are taken. In some cases, no menstrual-like bleeding occurs during a 7-day placebo intake, and the woman may think that she is pregnant. Weight gain, acne and hirsutism that sometimes occur are associated with the androgenic activity of 19-norprogestogens. Progestogen contraceptives. Irregular spotting and bleeding from the genitals are the most common side effects and the main reason for stopping all three types of these drugs. Over time, the risk of bleeding decreases, especially with long-acting medications; After a year of use, amenorrhea often occurs.

Mini-pills do not increase the risk of thromboembolic complications (this effect of combined oral contraceptives is associated with estrogens), do not affect blood pressure and do not cause pain in the mammary glands and nausea. Due to the androgenic activity of progestogens (for example, norethisterone), acne may occur. Progestogen-based contraceptives are preferable for nursing mothers, since, unlike combined preparations containing estrogens, they do not suppress lactation.

Headache is the second most common side effect (after bleeding) that occurs after injection of medroxyprogesterone suspension. Raedra-vitality and weight gain have also been reported, but there is no clinical trial data on this. Another thing is more dangerous - a number of studies have found a decrease in the concentration of HDL and an increase in the concentration of LDL; There is also evidence of a decrease in bone density. This may be due to the suppression of estrogen synthesis, since medroxyprogesterone particularly strongly reduces the concentration of gonadotropic hormones. In one early study, medroxyprogesterone caused mammary cancer in dogs, but this was later found to be due to species-specific metabolism of the drug to estrogen.

Numerous clinical trials have not found an increased risk of cancer of the pouch, ovary, body and cervix in women receiving medroxyprogesterone. Complete elimination of the drug takes a long time, and the contraceptive effect can persist for 6-12 months after injection.

Implantable contraceptives can cause infection, irritation and pain at the site of insertion under the skin, and occasionally the implant will be rejected. Sometimes headache, irritability, weight gain are observed; Acne causes great inconvenience for some patients. Metabolic studies with levonorgestrel implants in most cases revealed only minimal changes in lipid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism and blood biochemical parameters. After removal of the implant, ovulation is quickly restored: in half of women - within 3 months, in 90% of cases - within a year.

Postcoital contraceptives. These drugs most often cause nausea and vomiting: ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel - in 50 and 20% of women, respectively, levonorgestrel - in 23 and 6% (Task Force on Postovulatory Methods of Fertility Regulation, hash Although there is no data on increased blood clotting with ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel, this effect is inherent in combined contraceptives, therefore, in case of risk factors for pulmonary embolism (smoking, history of thrombosis), it is preferable to prescribe only levonorgestrel.In confirmed pregnancy, postcoital contraceptives are contraindicated.


Modern oral contraceptives are quite safe for most healthy women, but under certain predisposing factors they can increase the risk and severity of a number of diseases. Absolute contraindications I thromboembolic diseases (currently or in history), coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral artery atherosclerosis, primary dyslipoproteinemia, breast cancer or suspicion of it, malignant neoplasms of the genital organs and other hormone-dependent tumors, unclear bleeding from the genitals etiologies, confirmed or possible pregnancy, liver tumors (even remote ones) and liver failure. The risk of myocardial infarction and stroke is especially high in women over 35 years of age who smoke more than 15 cigarettes per day; Even drugs with low doses of hormones are contraindicated for them.

Relative contraindications are migraine, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cholestasis in pregnancy, cholestasis during previous use of oral contraceptives and cholelithiasis. Many recommend stopping these medications 3-4 weeks before elective surgery to reduce the risk of thromboembolic complications. If there is a history of uterine fibroids and gestational diabetes, oral contraceptives are prescribed with caution; only drugs with low hormone content are acceptable.

Mini-pills are contraindicated in cases of bleeding from the genital organs of unknown etiology, tumors and other liver diseases, and breast cancer or suspected cases of it. Injections of medroxyprogesterone suspension and implants with levonorgestrel are contraindicated, in addition, in thrombophlebitis and other thromboembolic diseases, as well as in the presence of risk factors for these conditions.

Choice of drug

A wide variety of drugs and dosages makes it possible to individually select hormonal contraceptives. The general consensus is that you should start with the minimum doses of hormones that provide reliable contraception. Typically, the drug should contain 30-35 mcg of ethinyl estradiol, but for thin women and women over the age of 40, 20 mcg is sometimes sufficient (the same dose has recently been used to treat menstrual disorders in pre-menopause). For obese women, a drug containing 50 mcg ethinyl estradiol may be required. A low estrogen to progestogen ratio sometimes leads to uterine bleeding due to uneven proliferation of the endometrium; in such cases, a drug with a higher dose of estrogen is indicated.

In case of contraindications to estrogens, you can resort to progestogen contraceptives. The effectiveness of mini-pills is especially high in certain categories of women, for example, those who are breastfeeding or those over 40 years of age. when fertility is reduced. Unlike estrogens, progestogens do not inhibit lactation.

It is necessary to take into account the effect of other drugs that accelerate the metabolism of estrogens (rifampicin, barbiturates, phenytoin) or disrupt their enterohepatic circulation (tetracyclines, ampicillin). Antimicrobial agents can suppress the intestinal microflora, which forms the enzymes necessary for the hydrolysis of conjugates excreted in bile and the reabsorption of estrogens. In such cases, serum estrogen concentrations decrease and the effectiveness of low-hormone drugs is less than the theoretical 99.9%.

The choice of drug may also depend on the progestogen it contains - this is due to differences in the antiandrogenic and other properties of 19-norprogestogens. The androgenic activity of progestogens can contribute to weight gain, acne (due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands) and dyslipoproteinemia. Modern drugs with low hormone content are largely devoid of this side effect, but if it does occur, switching to a drug containing a progestogen with less androgenic activity can help. Among the progestogens included in oral contraceptives, the androgenic properties are most pronounced in norgestrel, in norethisterone and ethynodiol they are moderate, and in desogestrel and norgestimate they are minimal.

A triphasic oral contraceptive with low levels of ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate is approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate acne in girls over 15 years of age who wish to avoid pregnancy. Similar drugs containing ethynodiol and desogestrel also help. Their action is associated with increased synthesis of sex hormone-binding globulin, which causes a decrease in the concentration of free testosterone in the plasma while maintaining a constant concentration of total testosterone (Redmond et al., 1997).

Thus, the effectiveness and tolerability of various hormonal contraceptives varies among women. The choice is very wide, and changing the drug can help reduce side effects without affecting the reliability of contraception.

Additional benefits of oral contraceptives

Already in the 1980s. Additional benefits have been found for combined oral contraceptives (Kols et al., 1982; Goldzieher, 1994; Baird and Glasier, 1993), including reducing the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer, preventing menstrual irregularities and several other diseases.

The risk of ovarian and uterine cancer decreases within 6 months after starting oral contraceptives; after 2 years it is halved. Moreover, the protective effect persists for almost 15 years after discontinuation of the drug. In addition, oral contraceptives prevent the development of ovarian cysts and fibrocystic mastopathy.

Oral contraceptives have a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle. For many women, it becomes more regular and bleeding decreases.

Fertilization in a woman's body is a complex biological process. Medical progress allows women today to avoid unwanted fertilization and subsequent fetal development with the help of contraceptives. In this article we will try to explain the principle of action of female contraceptives.

Main the essence of the action of birth control pills- intervene in the female cycle and change it with the help of artificial hormones and synthetic estrogens and progesterones. These compounds vary depending on a particular product and differ from natural hormones.

Combined method

This method involves the use of synthesized estrogen and progesterone throughout the entire cycle (21 days).

Various combinations are used:

Monophasic drugs

All tablets in the package have an identical composition; this includes estrogen and progesterone in equal proportions. The standard tablet contains 50 milligrams of estrogen (ethinyl esradiol), and the mini tablet contains 30 milligrams (the minimum dose required to inhibit ovulation).

Biphasic drugs

To avoid fairly frequent bleeding during the period of taking one package of mini-tablets, laboratories have developed estrogen-gestagen drugs with two phases of action and increasing dosages of estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle, which provide two stages with increasing dosages or starting from the 8th tablet (7 one color + 14 another = 21 tablets), or starting from the 21st day (11 one color + 10 another color = 21 tablets).

Three-phase drugs

For several years now, a three-phase combination method has been used in France, combining separate rather than parallel administration of doses of estrogen and progesterone. In the first phase there is more estrogen, and in the second phase progesterone predominates. This chart was developed to reduce the likelihood of side effects such as venous bleeding or amenorrhea. The effectiveness of the drug is almost 100%.

Programmed tablet

It consists of absorbed estrogen, which is used for several days, and the remaining is a mixture of estrogen-progestogens. It is used in special cases not even for contraceptive purposes (for example, after cleansing). Efficiency is 99%.

There are three types of drugs:

  • Microtablet - contains progestins in small doses of long-term action.
  • The macropill is a long-acting progestin tablet containing a large dose of progestin, released from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle.
  • Injections. Instead of tablets, injections can be used. One intramuscular injection of 150 mg of progestin is sufficient to provide effective protection against pregnancy over the next 3 months. The 400 mg injection provides a 6 month guarantee. The principle of action of intramuscular injection has not yet been fully studied.

It can be compared with oral contraceptives: the injection slows down, the mucus at the cervix acquires special properties, becomes a barrier to sperm and prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

In terms of effectiveness, this method is closer to the combined one.

These injections are indicated only in cases of urgent need; they are often given to people who are not able to take care of contraception themselves (in particular, the mentally ill).

The principle of action of hormonal contraception

Using various doses of the proposed substances in combination or separately, it is possible to inhibit ovulation and/or act on the cervical mucus, fallopian tubes, and uterine mucosa to prevent pregnancy.

Combined method

Used most often. Prevents pregnancy by blocking the ovulation process. During menstruation, estrogen levels decrease significantly, but there is enough of it to indirectly transmit a signal to the pituitary gland, which produces follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

This hormone causes the maturation of the oocyte, which begins to grow under its influence until the moment of ovulation and, leaving the phyllicle, moves along one of the tubes towards the sperm.

If, however, the follicle manages to mature, which means that it is not blocked enough because the estrogen level is too low, or because the pills were not used at all for one or several days. Ethinyl estradiol is used as estrogen, the dose of which ranges from 30 to 100 mcg. This substance inhibits ovulation by suppressing FSH.

  • On the uterine mucosa - causes atrophy of the uterine mucosa and makes it unable to accept an egg.
  • Mucus is the secret secretion of the cervix, which facilitates the passage of sperm from the vagina into the uterine cavity, under the influence of which it becomes an impenetrable barrier to the path of sperm.
  • Finally, in addition to local action, progestin in combination with estrogen plays a central role in inhibiting the ovulation process. This double effect allows you to reduce the dose of estrogen introduced into the drug.

Preparations based on pure progestin

These are tablets containing only progesterone. How does it work? It is not yet known for sure. Progesterone should affect the consistency of the uterine mucus (the plug of secretions becomes denser and closes the entrance to the uterus more tightly, preventing sperm from penetrating the uterine passage). It also slows down the movement of the egg through the tubes and reduces the likelihood of sperm entering the egg.

The mucous membrane of maca is modified under its influence, and it becomes impossible for the egg to attach to the walls of the uterus.

The local effect of the progestin predominates when using a long-term microdosing method, while the general effect plays a decisive role in the intermittent and macrodose method.

The next-day pill is not exactly a contraceptive. This is not a hormonal drug that should be used for a specific, clearly limited period in case fertilization occurs during sexual intercourse. In this case, a set of measures is applied.

A large dose of estrogen should be taken within 48 hours after intercourse (2x25 mg distilbene or 5 mg ethinyl estradiol per day for 5 days). Due to poor tolerability, doctors recommend taking one classic combination tablet 2 times for 2 days with an interval of 12 hours. This changes the structure of the mucous membrane of the maca, which makes it impossible for the egg to attach to the wall and affects the mobility of the tubes. The end result of using this drug is the onset of menstruation.

Comparative analysis of the cycle with and without the use of tablets

Normal cycle Combination Pill Cycle
Day 1: Menstruation begins Day 1: Menstruation begins.
Day 5: In the ovary, the oocyte contained in the follicle begins to mature. It receives a hormonal (FSH) signal sent by the pituitary gland, which is “alarmed” by low estrogen levels at this point in the cycle. Day 5: The 1st tablet is taken, containing synthetic female hormones, estrogens and progesterone. The tablet contains more estrogen than is usually present in the body on the 5th day (this amount is enough to prevent the pituitary gland from sending a signal, after which the oocyte begins to mature. Thus, taking a certain dose of estrogen for 21 days does not allow it to “sleep” condition.
Days 12-13: There is a release of a small amount of progesterone, which causes ovulation. The estrogen level reaches certain values, a huge number of values ​​are produced, a huge amount of luteinizing hormone (corpus luteum hormone) is produced, which precedes the breakthrough of a mature follicle and ovulation. Day 6 and following: Continue taking pills daily.
Day 14: The mature germ cell leaves the ovary and begins its four-day journey towards the uterus. Fertilization by sperm most often occurs during the 24-hour interval that the egg remains in the tube. The ruptured follicle is now called the “corpus luteum.” Day 14: At the moment of ovulation, the germ cell does not enter the tube, and spermatozoa “look” for it in vain. A small dose of progesterone is enough to provide two important things:
- Maintain the mucus plug in a thick and dense state, which makes it insurmountable for sperm.
- Prevent the normal process of development of the mucous membrane lining the uterus in such a way that if the germ cell nevertheless manages to mature (if the level of estrogen is too low for a particular woman or if one day was accidentally missed in taking the pill) and fertilized, the egg still will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus.
Days 15-16: The corpus luteum continues to produce estrogens and progesterone for another 12 days to ensure the successful attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus. Progesterone levels increase and reach maximum values ​​on the 22nd day, which contributes to the fact that:
— the mucous plug becomes denser and drier
- the mucous membrane of maca is thicker and more nutritious (the uterine glands produce a sweet substance)
Day 25: Taking the last pill.
Days 27-28: If fertilization has not taken place, the corpus luteum produces very small amounts of estrogen and progesterone. In need of stimulation and hormonal support, the uterine mucosa begins to peel off. Days 27-28: A sharp drop in estrogen and progesterone levels contributes to the detachment of the uterine mucosa.
Day 29 (day 1): Menstruation begins. Estrogen levels drop again, as they do every month. This stimulates the pituitary gland to produce FGS, which is responsible for the development of the oocyte. A new cycle begins. Day 29 (day 1): Menstruation begins. It is less abundant than in a woman who does not take the pill. This happens because progesterone contained in the contraceptive drug is present.

Side effects of birth control pills

Effect on blood pressure

Synthetic estrogens used in contraception can increase blood pressure. In most cases, they do not increase it, but sharpen sensitivity and allow you to notice changes. If such an effect is detected, you should immediately stop taking this drug.

Some combinations of progestins in high doses can, but others have no noticeable effect. So, synthetic estrogens have an effect on blood pressure, the effect of which is enhanced by large doses of progestins.

Effect on glucose metabolism (blood sugar)

The main effect is exerted by synthetic estrogens. Progestins help only when used in medium to large doses. Small doses are practically harmless (such as microtablets).

Effect on lipid metabolism (increased levels of fats in the blood)

Estrogen-gestagen drugs mainly increase the level of triglycerides and cholesterol. New drugs are appearing on the market that have less or no effect on lipid metabolism. Microprogestins have a negligible effect: cholesterol levels do not increase, but triglysterides rather decrease slightly.

Effect on blood clotting

The introduction of estrogen entails hypercoagulation (the appearance of clots in the blood). Progestins have virtually no effect on clotting.

Cardiovascular complications

With the advent of oral contraceptives, many publications appeared in the press signaling an increase in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in women taking them. However, most likely the pills only alleviated pre-existing health problems.

Women who became victims of thrombophlebitis were predisposed to vascular diseases (symptoms preceding vascular embolism; high blood pressure; lesions that promote thrombosis; problems with lipid metabolism; obesity; diabetes; hereditary vascular diseases; smoking; age).

The following diseases lead to death: thrombophlebitis, embolism of the respiratory tract, brain, especially the carotid artery, myocardial infarction.

The risk of vascular blockage by a blood clot increases with the use of estrogen-progestin drugs. It is associated primarily with the presence of estrogen and is reduced when using drugs containing small doses of it. The danger increases in the first month of taking the contraceptive, then the situation stabilizes.

The duration of use of the drugs does not matter. When you stop taking estrogen-progestin drugs for one month, the risk completely disappears.

The birth control pill and cancer

According to the World Health Organization, there is no evidence that estrogen-progestin drugs promote or reduce the risk of cancer in any part of the body.

If, before taking the contraceptive, a woman already had a malignant tumor or dysplasia (the presence of abnormally developing cells) in the uterine area, the pills can stimulate the development and increase in cancer cells that were “dormant” until that moment. Naturally, in such a situation, birth control pills are contraindicated.

The link between the words "cancer" and "birth control pill" came after it was discovered that cancer of the lining of the uterus occurred with sequential use of the pill. They were subsequently withdrawn from sale in the United States. No increase in cervical disease was reported. Epidemiological studies indicate that estrogen-progestin drugs may have beneficial effects in the treatment of benign breast tumors.

Having adopted a small kitten or puppy into their home, many owners do not think about the fact that over time their animal will grow up, and after reaching puberty the character of the pet may change. If the owner is engaged in breeding, he can only rejoice at the sexual activity of his pet. If an animal was adopted into a family simply as a pet, then its behavior during the heat period causes unnecessary concern.

You can read more detailed information about veterinary drugs, their use and dosages in the section - Veterinarian advice . You can also get an online consultation and check the availability of a particular drug in veterinary pharmacies in Astrakhan.

That is why a number of drugs have been developed that temporarily interrupt the sexual cycle (contraceptives) and have become widespread in Russia. They are easy to give and quite effective. Contraceptives can be divided into two groups. The first is drugs that are made on a natural basis - usually herbs. The second group is chemical hormonal contraceptives. Regardless of the composition of the contraceptive, the dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the animal. Therefore, the effect with the correct dosage is the same in both cats and dogs, and in small and large breeds.
Natural preparations are slightly weaker than chemical ones, but, on the other hand, do not cause any harm to the animal’s body. Perhaps the most popular of this group is Kot Bayun, a herbal tea that is used to calm the animal, including during heat.

Chemical preparations include “Contrasex”, “Sex Barrier”, “Sex Control”, “Stop Intim”, etc. For convenience, chemical preparations are produced both in tablet form and in the form of drops.
When using chemical group contraceptives, you must regularly consult with a veterinarian and strictly adhere to dosages. Improper use of hormones can lead to disruption of the animal’s endocrine system, which in turn contributes to the development of diseases that are dangerous to the health of the pet.

The price of good quality hormonal drugs is significant, so more often the owners choose what is cheaper, or, in order to save money, do not follow the recommended dose or regimen. This increases the risk of complications. Don't skimp on your pet's health!

In some pet stores and veterinary pharmacies you can find a number of fairly cheap drugs that do not officially exist, be careful! Never purchase “Anti Meow” and “Anti Sex”! The Anti Meow packaging has a false registration number and even indicates the manufacturer - a non-existent Finnish company. There is no registration number on the Anti-Sex packaging, but the manufacturer - a fictitious LLC from Tomsk - is also indicated. Studies have shown that the composition of these drugs is by no means harmless and their use can seriously affect the health of your pet.

Gestrenol for cats and cats

Indications : Preparations of the Gestrenol series belong to the group of oral bihormonal contraceptive drugs to reduce sexual arousal, prevent unwanted pregnancy and correct the aggressive and demanding behavior of cats and kittens during the period of increasing activity of sex hormones. Prescribed to cats to reduce sexual activity and correct psychophysiological changes during the period of sexual heat.

Doses and method of administration : The drug is administered to animals individually, by applying a calculated number of drops into the mouth, nose or treat. For cats, in doses: to reduce sexual activity and correct psychophysiological changes in cats weighing from 1 to 5 kg - 4 drops, from 6 to 10 kg - 5-8 drops. During the period of sexual rest for preventive purposes, regardless of the animal’s body weight, 4 drops. For cats, to interrupt estrus (estrus) up to 5 kg in weight - 4 drops, from 6 to 10 kg - 5-8 drops. For protection against unwanted pregnancy after accidental mating, regardless of the animal’s body weight, 8 drops. During the period of sexual rest for preventive purposes, delaying the onset of estrus regardless of the animal’s body weight – 4 drops.

Contrasex for cats and dogs

Indications : It is a bihormonal gestagen-estrogen drug containing 1 mg of hormones dissolved in polyethylene glycol per 1 cm3.

Doses and method of administration : During the period of heat, give in the form of drops 1 time per day directly into the mouth or with a small amount of food 1-1.5 hours before the main meal. The drug is given daily until the animal calms down. If heat reappears, repeat the course. Restoration of reproductive function no more than 4 months after stopping the drug.

EX-5 and EX-7.5 for cats and dogs

Indications : Preparations "EX-5" and "EX 7.5" are used as a medicine to regulate sexual heat in cats and dogs (interruption of estrus in females, weakening of sexual activity in males).

Doses and method of administration :

Application diagram : Before use, the bottle (tube) with the drug is shaken for 1-2 minutes until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. Start taking medications at the first signs of sexual heat (in females - the beginning of mucous discharge mixed with blood, in cats - subtle signs of estrus, accompanied by a shrill meow, in males - signs of excitement). The drugs are used daily for 7-8 days (full course dose) in females and males once a day in the form of drops, forcefully on the root of the tongue or with a small amount of treat 1-2 hours before the main feeding of the animal.

Signs of heat disappear after 2-4 days.

Sex barrier for females

Indications : The drug causes inhibition of sexual arousal by affecting the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The active components included in the drug cause changes in the gonadotropic regulation of reproductive function, creating a contraceptive effect.

Doses and method of administration : Tablets are given when cats and bitches become sexually aroused with food or forcefully on the root of the tongue until sexual estrus completely stops. The daily dose depends on the weight of the animal: up to 5 kg - 1 tablet, from 5 to 10 kg - 2 - 3 tablets, from 10 to 30 kg - 3 - 4 tablets, over 30 kg - 4 or more tablets. For each subsequent increase in body weight by 10 kg, the dose is increased by 1 tablet. In case of rapid calming of the animal (in 2-3 days), to consolidate the effect, continue taking the drug for another day. To maintain a calming effect, cats are prescribed the drug monthly: 1 tablet for 2 - 3 days. After accidental mating, to protect animals from unwanted pregnancy, the drug is administered within 24 - 48 hours after mating: cats - 2 tablets at a time for 2 days, females - a three-day course in a dose depending on body weight. 2 - 3 months after discontinuation of the drug, the reproductive function of the body is completely restored.

Sex barrier for males

Indications : The drug causes inhibition of sexual arousal by affecting the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Ethinyl estradiol, by inhibiting the secretion of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, has a depressing effect on the sexual function of males.

Doses and method of administration : Tablets are given when cats and males become sexually aroused with food or forcefully on the root of the tongue for 3 to 5 days. The daily dose depends on the weight of the animal: up to 5 kg - 1 tablet, from 5 to 10 kg - 2 - 3 tablets, from 10 to 30 kg - 3 - 4 tablets, over 30 kg - 4 or more tablets. For each subsequent increase in body weight by 10 kg, the dose is increased by 1 tablet. For young cats, the first dose of the drug is prescribed 2 tablets at a time. In case of rapid calming of the animal (in 2-3 days), to consolidate the effect, continue taking the drug for another day. To maintain a calming effect, cats are prescribed medications monthly: 1 tablet for 2 - 3 days.

ROLF CLUB Sex Control for cats and cats

Indications : Medicine for regulating sexual heat in cats, reducing sexual activity and correcting behavior.

Doses and method of administration : The drug is administered to animals orally 1-2 hours before feeding. To reduce sexual arousal and correct behavior in cats, the drug is used in a daily dose of 1 tablet (5 mg DV) per animal. For the first 7 days, the drug is used daily in a daily dose, in the next 14 days - in ½ daily dose. To interrupt estrus in cats, the drug is used when its first signs appear (but no later than 2 days from its onset) in a dose of 7-8 drops (0.2 ml) per animal once a day for 4-7 days ( until the signs of estrus disappear plus one day). To delay estrus, the drug is used in the period between estrus at a dose of 3-4 drops (0.1 ml) per animal once a week or 7-8 drops (0.2 ml) once a week 2 weeks. The duration of taking the drug should not exceed 18 months. Repeating the course is possible after the cat has a normal sexual cycle. The drug should not be used for diseases of the genitourinary system, tumors, diabetes, or immature animals.

ROLF CLUB Sex Control for females and males

Indications : The drug is prescribed to females and males to delay and interrupt estrus.

Doses and method of administration : The drug is administered to animals orally 1-2 hours before feeding, instilled into the mouth, applied to the tip of the nose, or on a piece of treat. To interrupt estrus in female dogs, the drug is used when its first signs appear (but no later than 2 days from its onset); the first three days at a dose of 12 drops (0.4 ml) for every 5 kg of animal weight and the next seven days at a dose of 6 drops (0.2 ml) for every 5 kg of animal weight. To delay estrus, the drug is used 7-15 days before its onset daily at a dose of 3 drops (0.1 ml) for every 5 kg of animal weight. During the year, it is recommended that bitches be prescribed no more than two courses of the drug according to the same regimens. To reduce sexual arousal and correct behavior in male dogs, the drug is used in a daily dose of 1 tablet (20 mg DV) per 10 kg of animal weight. For the first 7 days, the drug is used daily in a daily dose, in the next 14 days - in ½ daily dose.

The drug should not be used for diseases of the genitourinary system, tumors, diabetes, or immature animals.

With long-term use of the drug or repeated courses of use, changes in appetite, behavioral reactions and enlargement of the mammary gland are possible.

Stop sex for cats

Indications : Prescribed to cats and female cats to reduce sexual activity and correct psychophysiological changes during the period of sexual estrus; cats are also prescribed to protect against unwanted pregnancy

Doses and method of administration : The drug is given orally to animals individually, by applying the calculated number of drops to a treat 1 - 2 hours before feeding, or it is injected forcibly onto the root of the tongue in the doses indicated in the table:

For cats : The dosage of the drug depends on the body weight of the animal and the purpose of use.

For cats :

Purpose of using the drug

Animal weight, kg

Number of drops of the drug

Delayed estrus (estrus)

Interruption of estrus

Reduction of sexual activity and correction of psychophysiological changes in cats

Before use, the bottle of solution should be shaken thoroughly for 20 - 30 seconds. In order to delay the onset of estrus, the drug is prescribed between estrus, weekly, but not more than 18 months. After which, you should take a break until the cat’s normal sexual cycle is restored. In order to interrupt estrus, the drug should be used no later than 3 days from its onset, for 5 - 7 days until signs of heat disappear. It is recommended to interrupt estrus no more than 2 times a year. Reproductive functions in cats are restored 2–3 months after stopping the drops. In cats, the drug is used daily for the first 5–7 days, and then once a week until sexual activity decreases.

Kot Bayun herbal tea for cats and dogs

Indications : Kot Bayun is a medicine intended for the correction of behavioral disorders in cats and dogs.

Doses and method of administration : Used, starting from 10 months of age, to correct the behavior of cats and dogs, aggression (towards the owner; associated with the struggle for dominance or due to fear), phobias (fear of noise; fear of separation; fear and excitement before exhibitions and during transportation), disturbances in sexual behavior (sexual aggression; imitation of covering; cats screaming during sexual heat; excessive anxiety during false pregnancy; marked in the apartment), hyperactivity, unreasonable constant barking, obsessive licking, coprophagia (an animal eating its own or other people's excrement)

The drug is administered orally :

cats 2 ml (0.5 teaspoon)

dogs 4 ml (1 teaspoon)

3-4 times a day for 5-7 days every month, or add to drinking water.

Pilkan 5

Indications : Prescribed to delay (interrupt) estrus in females and cats, suppress sexual activity in males, eliminate behavioral symptoms associated with the period of sexual activity.

Doses and method of administration : The drugs are fed from the owner’s hand or added to food or drinking water.

Cats are prescribed Pillkan 5 according to the following scheme :

Interruption of heat: at a dose of 1 sugar cube 1 time per day for 8 days. The drug is started when the first signs of sexual arousal appear.

Heat delay: at a dose of 1/2 sugar cube 3 times a week with an interval of 2 months.

Bitches are prescribed Pillkan 5 according to the following scheme :

Heat delay:

Start giving the drug 7 – 15 days before the start of estrus.

The daily dose of Pillkan 5 is 1 sugar cube per 10 kg of animal weight.

Application procedure : The daily dose is given daily for the desired period of delay in estrus, but not more than 32 days. Estrus will begin a few days after stopping the drug.

Interruption of heat:

Start giving the drug no later than the 3rd day after signs of estrus appear.

The daily dose of Pillkan 5 is 1 sugar cube per 2.5 kg of animal weight.

Application procedure : The first 3 days give a daily dose, the next 7 days 1/2 the daily dose. It is recommended to conduct only two courses of the drug per year.

Males, when signs of satyriasis (sexual arousal) appear, are given Pillkan 5 at a dose of 1 sugar cube per 2.5 kg of animal weight for 8 days. For the next 8 days, Pillkan 5 is given at a dose of 1/2 sugar cube per 2.5 kg of animal weight.

Pilkan 20

Indications : Prescribed to delay (interrupt) estrus in females, suppress sexual activity in males, eliminate behavioral symptoms associated with the period of sexual activity.

Doses and method of administration : The drugs are fed from the owner’s hand or added to food or drinking water. To interrupt estrus, you should start giving Pillcan 20 at the first appearance of blood-red discharge in bitches and continue use for 10 days. During this period, keep the bitch away from males. When signs of satyriasis (sexual arousal) appear in males, the same doses are used to obtain a sedative effect as for interrupting estrus in females. Body weight 10 – 20 kg 1 sugar cube for 3 days, then 1/2 sugar cube per day for the next 7 days. Body weight 20 – 40 kg 2 sugar cubes per day for 3 days, then 1 sugar cube per day for the next 7 days. Body weight more than 40 kg 3 sugar cubes for 3 days, then 1.5 sugar cubes per day for the next 7 days.

Delayed heat : If the dog’s pregnancy is undesirable due to some external reasons (exhibitions, competitions, moving, etc.), the time of estrus can be delayed. Administration of the drug should begin 7 days before the start of estrus and continue for as many days as it is desirable to delay estrus. Estrus will begin a few days after stopping the drug. Body weight 20 – 40 kg 1/2 sugar cubes per day. Body weight more than 40 kg 1 sugar cube per day.

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