UHF therapy: what it is, indications and contraindications. What is the UHF procedure, its indications and contraindications UHF therapy what is treated

For a complete and most effective treatment of a wide variety of pathological processes affecting the human body, an integrated approach is required. One of the ways to combat diseases is physiotherapy, which includes several separate techniques.

One of the most common and effective methods in physiotherapy is UHF therapy. Many doctors resort to this method of fighting diseases.

The abbreviation UHF stands for ultra-high frequency therapy. This is one of the methods of physiotherapeutic influence on humans in order to combat diseases.

The physiotherapy procedure involves the use of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields that freely penetrate through solid matter, affecting the tissues of the body. If we ignore complex terminology, the technique is based on thermal action. Due to the influence of the electromagnetic field that the equipment emits, not only tissues are affected, but even internal organs.

The main advantage of the UHF procedure is its complete painlessness. Moreover, the use of electromagnetic waves is appropriate on any part of the body and even with pathologies such as fresh fractures or active inflammation, no matter how deep they are.

Mechanism of therapeutic effect

To understand the full effectiveness of UHF treatment, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of action of this type of physiotherapy on the body.

To begin with, it is worth saying that doctors distinguish two main effects of the mechanism of action:

  1. Thermal - in this case, heat is produced due to the high frequency of electromagnetic oscillations. Internal tissues of various types are heated (soft, cartilaginous and bone, mucous membranes, etc.), organs, even blood vessels are affected. The therapeutic effect consists of converting particles of the electromagnetic field into thermal energy.
  2. Oscillatory – the mechanism of physiotherapy involves physico-chemical as well as molecular changes. All formations are biological in nature, the impact occurs at the cellular level.

The human body is capable of transmitting and even generating electric current; there are two more types of UHF influence on the body. As soon as the electromagnetic field generated by the device affects the body, two more effects are observed:

  1. Ohmic losses - the process occurs in tissues and biological substances of the body with high current conductivity. These are urine, blood, lymph and other tissues that provide increased blood circulation. Due to the high vibrations of electromagnetic field particles, a conduction current appears in the mentioned biological structures. At the same time, these molecular vibrations occur in a viscous medium, where, due to increased resistance, excess energy generated is absorbed. It is the absorption process that is called ohmic loss, and heat is generated in the structures.
  2. Dielectric losses - now the impact is on other types of tissue structures, fatty, connective, nerve and bone (they are called dielectrics). Under the influence of an electromagnetic field, dipoles are formed in these tissues. They tend to change their polarity depending on the frequency of oscillations created by the UHF device. Due to the oscillations of the dipoles, a displacement current is formed in the mentioned tissue structures. In this case, the action also occurs in a viscous medium, but now absorption is called dielectric.

The described mechanism of complex effects seems complex. What you really need to understand is that all vibrations have an effect at the molecular level. Thanks to this, blood circulation and healing of affected tissues improve, metabolic processes are activated, etc.

Equipment for the procedure

The device for UHF therapy is a special mechanism consisting of several parts. The structure of the device is as follows:

  • A generator that creates high-frequency electromagnetic waves.
  • Electrodes - they act as an electronic conductor.
  • Inductor – creates a flow of magnetic particles.
  • Emitter.

It is important to know that all devices are divided into stationary and portable. Typically the first type can produce much more power, up to 350 watts. A striking example of a portable device is the UHF 66. Portable devices are becoming increasingly popular due to their versatility, for example, a doctor can perform the procedure at home.

A feature of modern devices is the ability to operate in two modes:

  • Continuous exposure.
  • Pulse exposure - the duration of each pulse varies in the range from 2 to 8 seconds.

In addition, depending on the area of ​​the body where UHF therapy is applied, a certain power is set on the device. For example, if you need to influence the neck, throat or face area, the power does not exceed 40 watts, the minimum threshold is 20 watts.

If the pelvic organs are treated, the electrical power is set in the range from 70 to 100 Watts. If you purchase a UHF device for home use for independent use, consult your doctor about the methods of its use and the required power. And also specify where the electrode plates are attached depending on the nature of the pathological process.

How does the procedure work?

Despite the possibility of performing UHF procedures at home, it is still recommended to undergo a course of treatment with a doctor.

As for the method of conducting the UHF procedure, the course of treatment is carried out in the therapy department. During the session, the patient lies down or sits on the couch; there is no need to undress.

The procedure used depends on the location of the pathology and the extent of the lesion. The electrode plates are made of metal coated with an insulating material, or are soft; their area can reach 600 centimeters.

The principle of carrying out procedures is divided into 2 types:

  1. Transverse installation - the first electrode is placed in the affected area, the second is placed opposite. For example, if treatment is needed in the chest area, 1 electrode is placed on the chest, 2 on the back. This method allows you to achieve maximum effect, since the electromagnetic field penetrates the body completely.
  2. Longitudinal installation - electrodes are applied only to the affected area. To treat external otitis, the plate is placed on the ear so that the distance to the skin does not exceed 1 centimeter. The longitudinal method is best used to treat superficial diseases, since in this case the waves penetrate shallowly.

Once the electrodes are installed, the device is set to the required power, the procedure is carried out in this range for 10–15 minutes.

The treatment time (duration of the course) depends on the type and nature of the disease, the degree of its progression, as well as some individual factors.

How often can you do it

There are no strict restrictions on how often procedures can be done. They are usually carried out daily or every other day.

Indications for UHF therapy

The treatment method of ultra-high-frequency therapy is widespread and is used for a huge number of diverse pathologies. The need to use UHF, the specific settings of the device and the duration of therapy are determined by the doctor. It all depends on the type, nature, degree of development of the disease, age, general condition of the patient, etc. Diagnostic methods and symptoms play a decisive role in making a diagnosis.

UHF therapy indications are as follows:

This list goes on, because UHF is also used in dentistry, eye treatment, and as a restorative therapy after surgery. The electromagnetic field helps reduce inflammatory processes, improve blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes throughout the body, etc.


Despite the benefits of this method of physiotherapy, there are situations when UHF cannot be used. Let's consider for which pathologies contraindications come into force:

  • Cardiovascular failure, myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease.
  • Hypertension of the third degree.
  • Oncology, especially malignant tumors.
  • Problems with blood clotting, thrombosis.
  • Metal components in the body larger than 2 cm (prostheses, implants).
  • Severe increase in body temperature, leading to fever.
  • UHF should not be used during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Side effects

UHF therapy devices, despite the high level of safety for the human body, can still leave some side effects:

  • A burn on the skin is a rare case, permissible only in case of negligence. This can occur if the electrode plate is wet during the procedure or if the integrity of the insulating material is damaged.
  • Scar - exposure to ultra-high frequency rays stimulates the growth of connective tissue, the presence of which in the body is due to the inflammatory process. This means that if there is a risk of scarring, which is identified through diagnostics, UHF is not prescribed.
  • Bleeding – only the factor of using UHF before surgery is taken into account. Physical therapy before surgery makes it more difficult to stop bleeding on the surgical table.

Of course, UHF also causes harm in cases where this method of treatment is used in the presence of the previously described contraindications.

Safety rules and special instructions

Responsibility for compliance with safety rules falls on the shoulders of the doctor involved in treatment. But just in case, it will also be useful for the patient to know these rules:

  • Procedures are always carried out in specially equipped rooms where screened barriers are created.
  • The patient must be at a safe distance from the device. This means that for a while it is important to prevent human contact with any metal objects and electrical power cords of the device.
  • Before using the UHF drug, the physician must check the integrity of all wires (power supply, electrodes, etc.). If breaks or damage to the insulating layer on the wires or electrodes are detected, the procedure is impossible.
  • Particular care is required when treating pneumonia and other severe inflammatory processes, as they are accompanied by connective tissue formations. The duration of the procedure in such cases is reduced.
  • In cases where metal implants smaller than 2 centimeters are installed in the human body, UHF is applied for only 5–10 minutes.

Is it possible to do it at a temperature

High temperature is a contraindication for the use of ultra-high frequency therapy. However, if you have a low-grade body temperature, you can perform procedures, just notify your doctor first.

UHF therapy: what it is, indications and contraindications, explanation, mechanism of action

UHF therapy (or ultra-high frequency) is a type of impact on the body that uses electromagnetic radiation of very high frequency.

The effect of UHF is the so-called heat treatment, which penetrates tissues and organs.

It is necessary to consider its indications and prohibitions, the main methods of implementation.

Operating principle of the device

An electromagnetic device emits rays that have the following effects on the human body:

  1. changes in cellular structure at the physical and biochemical level;
  2. heating of tissues, as high-frequency rays gradually turn into thermal radiation.

The UHF device has the following components:

  • a generator that produces high-frequency radiation that is active against most tissues of the body;
  • electrodes (they have special plates and act as a conductor);
  • inductors (these devices are responsible for generating a specially tuned magnetic field);
  • emitters of electromagnetic waves.

For stationary exposure the following types of devices are used:

  1. "UHF-300";
  2. "Screen-2";
  3. "Impulse-2";
  4. "Impulse-3".

UHF therapy can also be carried out using portable devices. The most commonly used:

  • "UHF-30";
  • "UHF-66";
  • "UHF-80-04".

Devices for ultra-high-frequency therapy differ in power. Thus, UHF-5 devices and their analogues, UHF-30 and the like have low indicators (up to 30 W).

Average power (up to 80 watts) is developed by such devices as the UHF-66 or 50 apparatus of the “Mouth” and “Undaterm” types. The devices of the Ekran-2, UHF-300, etc. series have high power, that is, over 80 W.

Today, a variety of devices are used that can operate in pulse mode. The mechanism of action of all such devices is similar.

When are UHF procedures indicated?

Various factors are taken into account before prescribing such treatment:

  1. age (as a rule, for children the duration of warming up is proportionally reduced);
  2. course of pathology;
  3. general health of the patient;
  4. the presence of concomitant diseases (some of them may have contraindications).

UHF is often prescribed for inflammatory processes in the body. This is especially true for acute lesions.

During such ailments, blood cells and infiltrate accumulate in the sore spot.

Under the influence of high-frequency inflammation, it dissolves faster, which is why the symptoms of inflammation pass faster.

It is possible to use a UHF-66 or other device for purulent processes.

However, in this case, the use of UHF is justified and permissible only when there is a channel for draining the infiltrate.

So such an indication does not mean that the patient will necessarily undergo such therapy. The general indications for physiotherapy are as follows:

  • pathologies of the upper respiratory tract;
  • ENT diseases;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • digestive pathologies;
  • diseases of the urinary and reproductive system;
  • dermatological pathological processes;
  • various disorders of the central nervous system;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • eye diseases, especially of infectious and inflammatory origin;
  • dental diseases;
  • recovery period after surgery.

Mechanism of action in various diseases

Depending on when UHF physiotherapy is prescribed, its effect on the human body is different:

  1. In case of pathologies of the respiratory system, high-frequency radiation leads to rapid inhibition of the activity of pathogenic bacteria. The UHF therapy device has an immunorestorative effect on the human body; it kills a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. This creates good conditions for the healing of diseased areas of these organs.
  2. For hypertension and other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, this device improves central and peripheral blood circulation. The contractile activity of the heart muscle increases significantly. Improving vascular tone, in turn, helps reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. The choice of UHF therapy in the treatment of the digestive system is explained by the fact that it helps strengthen the immune system and tissue activity. Physiotherapy also has a pronounced analgesic effect. That is why it is often prescribed for acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis, inflammation of the small or large intestine. Under the influence of high-frequency radiation, healing of ulcers and other pathologically altered areas occurs. Accordingly, all inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract proceed more easily, and recovery occurs much faster.
  4. UHF treatment is also used for inflammatory phenomena in the genitourinary system. Blood supply to affected organs of the body improves, swelling and inflammation decrease.
  5. UHF prevents the development of purulent lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. This is especially true in cases where the inflammatory process is in an acute purulent phase. Due to the pronounced bactericidal effect, the effectiveness of the negative phenomenon decreases. The protective function of the skin is also stimulated, which is why the inflammatory process goes away very quickly.
  6. Ultra-high background electromagnetic radiation is also used for the treatment of major nervous pathologies. UHF inhibits processes in the central nervous system that lead to pain syndromes. Due to the significant improvement in blood circulation processes, the nervous tissue is restored faster and the recovery period is thus significantly accelerated. As a result, in some clinics the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis and other similar pathologies using UHF devices is the main thing.
  7. It has been proven that high UHF frequency improves metabolic processes in the membranes of the eye. This way it is possible to reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in the membranes of the organs of vision and significantly improve their functionality. Some patients note that after UHF their vision improves. This can be explained by the fact that the intensity of metabolic processes in the membranes of the eye increases and blood circulation improves.

To clarify the need for UHF, the doctor may need to decipher some examinations (for example, ultrasound, MRI, etc.).

How is the procedure performed?

To carry out the procedure, wooden furniture is used. Usually the patient sits or lies, depending on where exactly the affected area of ​​the body is located.

Some patients think that such an examination involves removing clothes. This is not true: a person does not have to undress.

UHF radiation can even penetrate bandages.

The doctor chooses the most convenient and necessary electrodes for the patient (their sizes vary depending on the size of the diseased area of ​​the body).

The plates are fixed in the holder and wiped with an ethanol solution. After this, they can be brought to the affected area.

The electrodes can be installed in a transverse and longitudinal arrangement.

With the transverse installation method, they are located opposite each other. One plate is located on the diseased area, and the second is on the opposite side.

The UHF device distributes electromagnetic radiation throughout the body.

It is necessary to maintain a minimum distance between the electrode and the human body (no more than 2 cm).

With the longitudinal installation method, the elements are placed only on the affected area. This use is preferable provided that a small part of the body is damaged.

With a longitudinal installation scheme, electromagnetic waves penetrate to insignificant depths. And the closer the electrode plate is to the skin, the stronger the thermal effect.

An electrode cannot be placed directly on the skin, as this can cause a severe burn.

The doctor must adjust the device, supplying the required amount of electromagnetic radiation. For this there is a scale that sets the power in watts. There are 3 types of UHF dosages:

  • athermic (less than 40 W) - has a mainly anti-inflammatory effect;
  • oligothermic (less than 100 W) - improves cellular metabolism, nutrition of organs and tissues with blood;
  • thermal (over 100 W) - rarely used, as it has some contraindications.

Decoding the results

Depending on the dosage chosen, the following changes may occur in the human body:

  1. the phagocytic activity of white blood cells increases, they begin to fight pathogens of dangerous diseases;
  2. the degree of exudation activity decreases, that is, the penetration of effusion into the tissue due to a drop in the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  3. fibroblasts are activated (they are responsible for the formation of connective tissues in the body);
  4. the permeability of capillary walls increases;
  5. Metabolic processes in all tissues and organs are stimulated.

The scheme for using UHF treatment is, in most cases, standard. The duration of the procedures does not exceed 15 minutes (and sometimes less).

Warming up will be effective if it is done every day (or every other day). The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

The duration of therapy will be individual in each case.

Side effects

In some cases, UHF treatment may be associated with certain side effects in the body. These include the following:

  • Skin burns - occur mainly due to the fact that the doctor used wet pads during the procedure. The same happens if the electrodes come into contact with the skin.
  • If EHF is used before surgery, the risk of bleeding increases significantly. Increased bleeding can also occur in tissues directly irradiated by high-frequency waves.
  • Scars appear because high-frequency rays stimulate the development of connective tissue. In some cases, for example after abdominal surgery, such treatment is not recommended.
  • In rare cases, electrical shock may also cause tissue damage. This often happens if the patient does not follow safety rules and comes into contact with exposed wires of the devices.


In some cases, there are contraindications for treatment with UHF, in particular such as:

  1. Severe bleeding disorders.
  2. Arterial hypertension stage 3.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. State of fever.
  5. Built-in pacemaker. In this case, the presence of high-frequency radiation can contribute to its failure and death of the patient.
  6. Acute stage of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, persistent or decompensated form of angina.
  7. Vein blockage.

Relative prohibitions on UHF are as follows:

  • the presence of benign neoplasms in the body;
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • the presence of removable metal dentures.

The gender and age of the patient do not matter. For children, the intensity of radiation exposure and the duration of the procedure may be reduced.

So, therapy using high-frequency irradiation is indicated for a significant number of diseases. In the vast majority of cases, such treatment brings good results.

However, when undergoing all procedures, it is necessary to follow safety rules, since high-frequency radiation can be harmful.

Sometimes it is completely contraindicated due to the presence of acute and chronic pathological conditions in the body.

Source: http://pneumonija.ru/treatment/physiotherapy/uvch-terapiya.html

Treatment using ultra-high frequency therapy - UHF

For a complete and most effective treatment of a wide variety of pathological processes affecting the human body, an integrated approach is required. One of the ways to combat diseases is physiotherapy, which includes several separate techniques.

One of the most common and effective methods in physiotherapy is UHF therapy. Many doctors resort to this method of fighting diseases.

What is UHF

The abbreviation UHF stands for ultra-high frequency therapy. This is one of the methods of physiotherapeutic influence on humans in order to combat diseases.

The physiotherapy procedure involves the use of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields that freely penetrate through solid matter, affecting the tissues of the body.

If we ignore complex terminology, the technique is based on thermal action.

Due to the influence of the electromagnetic field that the equipment emits, not only tissues are affected, but even internal organs.

The main advantage of the UHF procedure is its complete painlessness. Moreover, the use of electromagnetic waves is appropriate on any part of the body and even with pathologies such as fresh fractures or active inflammation, no matter how deep they are.

Mechanism of therapeutic effect

To understand the full effectiveness of UHF treatment, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of action of this type of physiotherapy on the body.

To begin with, it is worth saying that doctors distinguish two main effects of the mechanism of action:

  1. Thermal - in this case, heat is produced due to the high frequency of electromagnetic oscillations. Internal tissues of various types are heated (soft, cartilaginous and bone, mucous membranes, etc.), organs, even blood vessels are affected. The therapeutic effect consists of converting particles of the electromagnetic field into thermal energy.
  2. Oscillatory – the mechanism of physiotherapy involves physico-chemical as well as molecular changes. All formations are biological in nature, the impact occurs at the cellular level.

The human body is capable of transmitting and even generating electric current; there are two more types of UHF influence on the body. As soon as the electromagnetic field generated by the device affects the body, two more effects are observed:

  • Ohmic losses - the process occurs in tissues and biological substances of the body with high current conductivity. These are urine, blood, lymph and other tissues that provide increased blood circulation. Due to the high vibrations of electromagnetic field particles, a conduction current appears in the mentioned biological structures. At the same time, these molecular vibrations occur in a viscous medium, where, due to increased resistance, excess energy generated is absorbed. It is the absorption process that is called ohmic loss, and heat is generated in the structures.
  • Dielectric losses - now the impact is on other types of tissue structures, fatty, connective, nerve and bone (they are called dielectrics). Under the influence of an electromagnetic field, dipoles are formed in these tissues. They tend to change their polarity depending on the frequency of oscillations created by the UHF device. Due to the oscillations of the dipoles, a displacement current is formed in the mentioned tissue structures. In this case, the action also occurs in a viscous medium, but now absorption is called dielectric.

The described mechanism of complex effects seems complex. What you really need to understand is that all vibrations have an effect at the molecular level. Thanks to this, blood circulation and healing of affected tissues improve, metabolic processes are activated, etc.

Equipment for the procedure

The device for UHF therapy is a special mechanism consisting of several parts. The structure of the device is as follows:

  1. A generator that creates high-frequency electromagnetic waves.
  2. Electrodes - they act as an electronic conductor.
  3. Inductor – creates a flow of magnetic particles.
  4. Emitter.

It is important to know that all devices are divided into stationary and portable. Typically the first type can produce much more power, up to 350 watts.

A striking example of a portable device is the UHF 66.

Portable devices are becoming increasingly popular due to their versatility, for example, a doctor can perform the procedure at home.

A feature of modern devices is the ability to operate in two modes:

  • Continuous exposure.
  • Pulse exposure - the duration of each pulse varies in the range from 2 to 8 seconds.

In addition, depending on the area of ​​the body where UHF therapy is applied, a certain power is set on the device. For example, if you need to influence the neck, throat or face area, the power does not exceed 40 watts, the minimum threshold is 20 watts.

If the pelvic organs are treated, the electrical power is set in the range from 70 to 100 Watts.

If you purchase a UHF device for home use for independent use, consult your doctor about the methods of its use and the required power.

And also specify where the electrode plates are attached depending on the nature of the pathological process.

How does the procedure work?

Despite the possibility of performing UHF procedures at home, it is still recommended to undergo a course of treatment with a doctor.

As for the method of conducting the UHF procedure, the course of treatment is carried out in the therapy department. During the session, the patient lies down or sits on the couch; there is no need to undress.

The procedure used depends on the location of the pathology and the extent of the lesion. The electrode plates are made of metal coated with an insulating material, or are soft; their area can reach 600 centimeters.

The principle of carrying out procedures is divided into 2 types:

  1. Transverse installation - the first electrode is placed in the affected area, the second is placed opposite. For example, if treatment is needed in the chest area, 1 electrode is placed on the chest, 2 on the back. This method allows you to achieve maximum effect, since the electromagnetic field penetrates the body completely.
  2. Longitudinal installation - electrodes are applied only to the affected area. To treat external otitis, the plate is placed on the ear so that the distance to the skin does not exceed 1 centimeter. The longitudinal method is best used to treat superficial diseases, since in this case the waves penetrate shallowly.

Once the electrodes are installed, the device is set to the required power, the procedure is carried out in this range for 10–15 minutes.

The treatment time (duration of the course) depends on the type and nature of the disease, the degree of its progression, as well as some individual factors.

How often can you do it

There are no strict restrictions on how often procedures can be done. They are usually carried out daily or every other day.

Indications for UHF therapy

The treatment method of ultra-high-frequency therapy is widespread and is used for a huge number of diverse pathologies.

The need to use UHF, the specific settings of the device and the duration of therapy are determined by the doctor. It all depends on the type, nature, degree of development of the disease, age, general condition of the patient, etc.

Diagnostic methods and symptoms play a decisive role in making a diagnosis.

UHF therapy indications are as follows:

  • For broken bones and joints, bruises, sprains, burns, injuries and other physical damage. This also includes diseases of the musculoskeletal system, inflammation in the muscles, joint diseases, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, etc.
  • Pathological processes of ENT organs, maxillary sinuses, sinusitis, UHF are used for sinusitis and other similar diseases. In such cases, electrodes are placed in the nose area using a longitudinal installation method.
  • The method of treatment with UHF therapy must be used for diseases of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, etc. The same method is used to treat severe forms of viral and bacterial infections, including in children.
  • Diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Pathological processes of this type include vascular insufficiency, varicose veins, and circulatory problems in the brain area.
  • With the help of UHF, the chance of successful treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly higher. Damages to the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver and secretory glands are taken into account. If we talk about specific diseases, these are ulcerative conditions, gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, etc.
  • Ultrahigh frequency therapy is an excellent way to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. This method is part of a complex of treatment procedures for prostatitis, cystitis, nephritis, and pyelonephritis.
  • UHF is widely used for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Thanks to the electromagnetic field, nerve impulses are restored, various forms of neuralgia, headaches, migraines, etc. are treated.
  • Doctors are achieving good results in the treatment of skin pathologies. Through the influence of electromagnetic fields, everything is treated - from ordinary burns to abscesses and trophic ulcers.

This list goes on, because UHF is also used in dentistry, eye treatment, and as a restorative therapy after surgery. The electromagnetic field helps reduce inflammatory processes, improve blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes throughout the body, etc.


Despite the benefits of this method of physiotherapy, there are situations when UHF cannot be used. Let's consider for which pathologies contraindications come into force:

  1. Cardiovascular failure, myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease.
  2. Hypertension of the third degree.
  3. Oncology, especially malignant tumors.
  4. Problems with blood clotting, thrombosis.
  5. Metal components in the body larger than 2 cm (prostheses, implants).
  6. Severe increase in body temperature, leading to fever.
  7. UHF should not be used during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Side effects of the UHF device

UHF therapy devices, despite the high level of safety for the human body, can still leave some side effects:

  • A burn on the skin is a rare case, permissible only in case of negligence. This can occur if the electrode plate is wet during the procedure or if the integrity of the insulating material is damaged.
  • Scar - exposure to ultra-high frequency rays stimulates the growth of connective tissue, the presence of which in the body is due to the inflammatory process. This means that if there is a risk of scarring, which is identified through diagnostics, UHF is not prescribed.
  • Bleeding – only the factor of using UHF before surgery is taken into account. Physical therapy before surgery makes it more difficult to stop bleeding on the surgical table.

Of course, UHF also causes harm in cases where this method of treatment is used in the presence of the previously described contraindications.

Safety rules and special instructions

Responsibility for compliance with safety rules falls on the shoulders of the doctor involved in treatment. But just in case, it will also be useful for the patient to know these rules:

  1. Procedures are always carried out in specially equipped rooms where screened barriers are created.
  2. The patient must be at a safe distance from the device. This means that for a while it is important to prevent human contact with any metal objects and electrical power cords of the device.
  3. Before using the UHF drug, the physician must check the integrity of all wires (power supply, electrodes, etc.). If breaks or damage to the insulating layer on the wires or electrodes are detected, the procedure is impossible.
  4. Particular care is required when treating pneumonia and other severe inflammatory processes, as they are accompanied by connective tissue formations. The duration of the procedure in such cases is reduced.
  5. In cases where metal implants smaller than 2 centimeters are installed in the human body, UHF is applied for only 5–10 minutes.

Is it possible to do it at a temperature

High temperature is a contraindication for the use of ultra-high frequency therapy. However, if you have a low-grade body temperature, you can perform procedures, just notify your doctor first.

Source: https://MoiPozvonochnik.ru/otdely-pozvonochnika/pozvonochnik/uvch-terapiya

UHF procedure: what it is, indications and contraindications for the procedure, use of a UHF device

Complex therapy of various diseases of the ENT organs includes physiotherapeutic procedures.

One such method is UHF – treatment with ultra-high frequency waves, which has been used by doctors for several decades to strengthen the effect of medications and speed up the patient’s recovery.

The procedure is indicated for many diseases and is performed in a special room as prescribed by a doctor.

Theoretically, it can be done at home if you have the appropriate equipment, but in practice it can be dangerous, so doctors do not recommend doing it yourself.

Thanks to UHF therapy blood circulation improves And the inflammatory process in the diseased organ decreases without the introduction of drugs and heating.

What is a UHF device?

Thanks to stationary devices and the assistance of a specialist, UHF therapy is considered safer than when carried out at home.

But not all patients understand how this procedure is performed.

What is UHF? By decoding this abbreviation, you can understand that this is the effect of ultra-high frequency current.

Improper use of the device makes the procedure dangerous, since it uses a high-frequency current generator, from which two capacitor plates extend, through which the patient’s organs and tissues are affected. Under the influence of current, the ions vibrate in these plates, creating a thermal effect. That is why many patients call this procedure warming up.

How is UHF therapy performed? The patient takes a comfortable position sitting or lying down. The plates of the device are positioned away from his body by 1-2 centimeters. For this, use dry cotton cloth.

This gap is necessary to prevent burns. An insulating material is used to cover the plates.

Their position can be longitudinal or transverse, depending on the location of the procedure or disease.

In areas such as the limbs, the plates are placed opposite each other, with the patient's body between them.

This makes the impact of frequencies more effective, which is important if the foci of inflammation are located quite deep.

If it is necessary to influence areas that are located close to the surface of the body, then the plates are placed longitudinally.

The current strength must also be selected correctly.

During inflammatory processes, it should be low, and to accelerate tissue regeneration, on the contrary, more pronounced heat generation is required.

UHF therapy lasts from 5 to 15 minutes and depends on the patient’s age and disease. The number of procedures is determined by the doctor and can range from 10 to 15.

Indications and contraindications

UHF therapy activates the body's immune forces and restores damaged tissue at the cellular level. Electromagnetic waves are effective in the inflammatory process of any location. This procedure is prescribed both at the beginning of the disease and at its final stage.

Most frequent indications for UHF therapy:

  • myalgia, neuralgia, arthritis, myositis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the female genital organs, menopausal syndrome;
  • gastritis, intestinal spasms, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • cerebrovascular accident, varicose veins, vascular spasms, thrombophlebitis;
  • skin diseases: trophic ulcers, festering wounds, furunculosis, felon;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • purulent inflammatory processes;
  • for complex therapy of tonsillitis, laryngitis, sore throat, viral and colds;
  • conjunctivitis, sinusitis, otitis;
  • bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

Indications for such a procedure also include fractures, sprains, and dislocations.

But UHF therapy may also have contraindications. These include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. elevated temperature;
  3. heart failure and acute heart attack;
  4. low blood pressure;
  5. thyrotoxicosis;
  6. blood diseases, tendency to bleeding;
  7. fibroids, mastopathy, oncological tumors.

In addition, if the patient has metal implants in the body, for example, pacemakers or crowns, then it is necessary to warn doctors about this, because this may be a contraindication to the procedure.

Application in ENT practice

Diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis often require UHF therapy. This procedure is carried out in combination with drug treatment.

The device for UHF therapy provides the following actions:

  • expands capillaries, improves lymph flow and blood circulation;
  • reduces fluid secretion at the site of inflammation;
  • improves the permeability of vascular walls, which increases the absorption of drugs;
  • phagocytic activity increases, and the protective apparatus begins to fight infection more effectively.

Before the procedure, the nasal passages are cleared of mucus. If there are indications, then vasoconstrictors are instilled. Treatment with a UHF device is carried out only if there is a good outflow of pus and mucus from the sinuses.

To carry out the procedure, a stationary device of imported or domestic production (such as “Impulse” or “Screen”) is used. For bedridden patients, a portable device UHF-30 or UHF-66 is used.

A classic device consists of a generator, emitters, inductors, and capacitor plates.

Side effects of device therapy

Undesirable reactions from the procedure can be avoided if the doctor takes into account all indications and contraindications, and also correctly selects and configures the device for a particular patient. Otherwise, the following side effects may occur:

  1. burns– if you accidentally touch the metal plate during the procedure;
  2. bleeding– occurs due to vasodilation or tissue heating, so contraindications must be taken into account;
  3. scar formation– occurs as a result of the development of connective tissue, which begins to limit the source of inflammation and prevents the spread of infection;
  4. electric shock– as a result of non-compliance with safety measures.

Thus, UHF therapy helps to cope with various diseases in a short time, but provided that the procedure is used correctly, taking into account the indications and contraindications for each individual patient. The effect of the procedure occurs quite quickly.

Hardware physiotherapeutic methods are used in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases.

Among the most effective and common methods is physiotherapy with a UHF device.

How does UHF stand for? It's simple - this is ultra-high frequency (therapy). It can be compared to a kind of heating that penetrates deeply into organs and tissues. In this case, electromagnetic oscillations have a wave frequency from 30 to 300 MHz, and the wavelength ranges from 1 to 10 m.

Mechanism of action

During the UHF procedure, the device produces rays that affect the human body in the following way. The magnetic field creates a thermal effect. Under its influence, biophysical and biochemical reactions occur in cells.

Biophysical changes include the process of increasing vascular permeability (in practice, this reduces swelling and improves trophism - tissue nutrition). At the same time, detoxification of the body occurs.

The biochemical process is an acidification of the environment, which stimulates the growth of leukocytes and strengthens the body's defenses. Thus, a kind of barrier arises around the local focus of inflammation, which separates the pathological process from healthy cells.

During a purulent inflammatory process, such a barrier is especially important.

Benefits and harms

Having studied the mechanism of action of magnetic vibrations on humans, scientists noted the positive effect of currents on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

Among the most important beneficial effects:

  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • acceleration of lymph flow;
  • stabilization of cell membranes;
  • restoration of cellular respiration;
  • increased capillary permeability;
  • stimulation of immune defense.

However, if you neglect the basic rules of the procedures, unpleasant consequences will arise. For example, In case of inflammation, do not heat the damaged area - this will lead to the proliferation of pathogenic cells. In addition, electromagnetic currents interfere with the functioning of the pacemaker.


The beneficial properties of this therapeutic technique are used in medicine in the following situations:

  • for inflammatory and purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin, musculoskeletal system, ENT organs, lungs;
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system (peripheral);
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

From the above indications for the use of the method, it becomes clear what UHF is in medicine.


Absolute contraindications to UHF therapy:

Relative contraindications include benign tumors, hyperthyroidism, metal objects no more than 2 cm (dentures).

Side effects

In addition to positive effects, side reactions may also occur. The most dangerous are burns.

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure before operations, as this increases the risk of bleeding. UHF cannot be performed immediately after surgery - there is a risk of developing adhesive disease.

Excessive use in the treatment of pneumonia leads to pneumosclerosis. For ENT pathologies, the bilateral use of UHF therapy affects the respiratory and vasomotor centers.

If safety precautions are violated, you may receive an electric shock.

How is the procedure performed?

The procedure technique is simple. As a rule, it is carried out in a medical institution, but thanks to the advent of portable UHF devices, similar procedures are now practiced at home (but only on the recommendation or prescription of a doctor).

The patient takes a comfortable position depending on the location of the process: lies down on a wooden couch or sits on a wooden chair. Then the specialist selects the appropriate size electrodes.

With the transverse method the plates are opposite each other. One plate is placed over the diseased area, the other on the opposite side. This way all tissues are warmed up. The gap between the plates is more than 2 cm.

With the longitudinal method electrodes are placed only over the damaged area. Electromagnetic waves travel shallowly into tissue. The air gap is less than 1 cm.

After this, the required force of influence is selected. The number of procedures and their duration are recommended by the doctor, taking into account the indications and contraindications for UHF therapy.

Functional parts of the UHF device:

  • generator;
  • electrodes in the form of plates;
  • inductors;
  • wave emitters.

UHF physiotherapy devices are divided into 2 types: portable (portable) and stationary. Portable devices are “UHF-66” and “UHF-30”, and stationary devices are “Ekran-2” and “Ekran-1”. The UHF-66 device has a rated output power of 80W and automatic frequency adjustment.

In order to improve individual power selection (for patient irradiation with UHF fields), the output power is adjusted proportionally between 3 steps. The device comes with an EVT-1 eddy current applicator.

When using UHF devices, observe safety precautions: use shielded cabinets. Before starting the procedure, the operator checks the integrity of the wires and makes sure that they do not touch each other.

The patient is placed at a safe distance from ungrounded and metal objects.


UHF therapy is a physiotherapeutic method of treatment with a very high frequency electromagnetic field. It is used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Like any other medical procedure, UHF therapy has a number of contraindications and side effects. However, for many diseases, the use of this method of physiotherapy significantly improves the patient's health and well-being.

Conducting UHF therapy

One of the features of this procedure is that it is performed on wooden furniture. During its implementation, the patient either sits or lies (it all depends on which part of the body needs rehabilitation). Since the device works through clothing, it is not necessary to undress. UHF can be performed in the following ways:

  1. Longitudinal - during the procedure, electrodes are applied only to the affected area. With this method of exposure, the electromagnetic field penetrates shallowly, so this procedure is more often used to combat superficial diseases. The optimal distance between the body and the electrode is up to 1 cm.
  2. Transverse - this type of physiotherapy involves a bilateral effect (one plate is applied to the affected area of ​​the body, and the second - on the opposite side). With this arrangement, an extensive electromagnetic field is formed. The optimal distance between the patient’s body and the electrode is less than 2 cm.

UHF – range:

  1. Thermal dose– its power varies from 100 to 150 W. During this procedure, you feel warm. This therapy has a provocative purpose.
  2. Oligothermic dosage– power fluctuates between 40-100 W. The patient experiences barely perceptible warmth. This UHF at home improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolism.
  3. Athermic dose– its power varies between 15-40 W. The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This therapy is prescribed for both adults and children. If the procedure is prescribed for children, when performing it, they are guided by the following principles:

  1. The child must be at least 5 days old.
  2. For children under 7 years old, the recommended power is 30 W, and for school age children – 40 W.
  3. To protect the child from burns, a bandage pad is placed between the electrodes and the baby’s body.

UHF for sinusitis

The procedure is often performed daily. Its duration is up to 15 minutes. The treatment course for adults consists of 15 sessions, and for children – 12 procedures. UHF of the nose provides exposure to heat of varying power:

  • with a purulent process - with a cold stream;
  • in the non-purulent period - weak heat;
  • if the patient has a chronic lesion, the power is increased.

UHF for bronchitis

Under the influence of heat flow, the outflow of blood and lymph increases. As a result, inflammation is reduced and tissues are restored faster. UHF of the chest for bronchitis is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a day. The procedure can last 20 minutes. The duration of therapy directly depends on the intensity with which the disease occurs. More often 6-10 procedures are prescribed.

UHF for otitis media

The procedure gives good results. The UHF algorithm is the same as for the treatment of other diseases. Magnetic fields of varying intensities can be used:

  • weak – will reduce inflammation;
  • medium – will improve metabolic processes;
  • strong - will provide a provocative effect.

UHF tooth

With such therapy, the power used should not exceed 40 W. UHF in dentistry does not last long: a session does not exceed 10 minutes. The course depends on the disease:

  • for acute inflammatory processes – 4-5 procedures;
  • in case of osteomyelitis – 8-10 sessions.

Contraindications for UHF

This manipulation has a wide range of applications. At the same time, the UHF procedure has a considerable list of contraindications. Before performing it, you need to weigh all the positive and negative features. Only a doctor can do this accurately. Self-medication is dangerous! Even if the procedures are performed at home, they must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

When prescribing this therapy, the doctor takes into account the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • intensity of disease manifestation;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • presence of contraindications to the procedure.

UHF indications for implementation are as follows:

  1. ENT diseases (bronchitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, and so on) – the procedure inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, such physiotherapy strengthens the immune system and has an analgesic effect. In addition, UHF accelerates the healing process of affected tissues and minimizes the likelihood of complications.
  2. Gastrointestinal pathologies (pancreatitis, ulcers, enteritis, cholecystitis, viral hepatitis) - the procedure reduces pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and accelerates tissue healing. In addition, UHF improves intestinal motility.
  3. Disorders in the nervous system(plaxitis, neuritis, encephalitis, migraine, sciatica) – thanks to the acceleration of blood circulation, tissues are restored faster. At the same time, muscle spasms are reduced.
  4. Eye diseases(blepharitis, uveitis, glaucoma, etc.) – this procedure reduces allergies and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, under its influence, phagocytosis increases, due to which damaged tissues are restored faster.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system(hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, varicose veins) – after UHF, tissue swelling decreases, muscle tone decreases and, as a result, blood pressure normalizes.
  6. Skin diseases(acne, eczema, psoriasis, phlegmon, herpes) - this procedure strengthens the body’s defense system, accelerates the process of epithelization and has a desensitizing effect.
  7. Dental problems(alveolitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, trauma) – UHF increases blood circulation in the gums and reduces pain. In addition, this procedure inhibits the viability of pathogenic bacteria.
  8. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system(dislocations, fractures, bruises, radiculitis, and so on) - during this physiotherapy, the tissues are heated, due to which the blood vessels dilate and, as a result, blood circulation increases. This improves cell nutrition and accelerates their regeneration.
  9. Rehabilitation in the postoperative period– the procedure reduces the risk of tissue infection and complications. In addition, it accelerates the regeneration process, relieves pain and strengthens the body's defenses.

In some cases, this procedure cannot be carried out. UHF treatment is prohibited under the following circumstances:

  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • stage 3 hypertension;
  • fever;
  • presence of a built-in pacemaker;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • severe blockage of veins.

This type of physical therapy can be beneficial or cause serious harm. The decisive factor is whether UHF of the chest or other part of the body is done by a specialist or not. Self-medication is unacceptable. If the power is calculated incorrectly, serious complications can arise. The negative consequences of UHF in physiotherapy are as follows:

  • thermal tissue damage due to contact with electrodes;
  • bleeding caused by hyperthermia;
  • electric shock (occurs in case of contact with exposed areas of the device);
  • scars appear.

There are absolute and relative contraindications for UHF therapy.

The following absolute contraindications exist:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • stage 3 hypertension;
  • malignant tumors;
  • feverish conditions;
  • hypotension;
  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy;
  • Bleeding.
    Using UHF before surgery increases the risk of bleeding. The electromagnetic field, heating the tissue and causing hyperemia in the affected area, can subsequently lead to bleeding.
  • Scar.
    One of the therapeutic effects of UHF is aimed at the development of connective tissue, which, for example, during inflammatory processes creates a protective barrier, preventing the spread of infection throughout the body. However, in some cases where there is a risk of developing unwanted scar tissue ( for example, after abdominal surgery
    ), UHF is not recommended.
  • Electric shock.
    A side effect that may occur in rare cases if safety rules are not followed, if the patient comes into contact with exposed live parts of the device.

One of the effective treatment methods for many diseases is physiotherapy. Such procedures are especially often in demand for inflammation and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And for several decades now, doctors have been using UHF in treatment. What it is is of interest to patients who are prescribed this physiotherapy.

Oncological neoplasms, mastopathy or fibroids;

Tendency to bleeding, blood diseases;


Low blood pressure;

Acute myocardial infarction and heart failure;

Elevated temperature;

During pregnancy.

In addition, if the patient has metal implants in the body, for example, crowns or pacemakers, medical personnel must be warned; this may also be a contraindication for UHF. Therefore, this, like all other physiotherapeutic procedures, should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Not every patient is suitable for treatment of existing ailments with UHF therapy. Like any other physiotherapy, this procedure cannot be used for diseases presented by:

  • Oncology, mastopathy, fibroids.
  • Poor blood clotting and some vascular diseases.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Heart attack and heart failure.
  • High temperature.
  • Bearing a fetus.

In addition, if the patient has metal implants, such as a pacemaker or dental crowns, he should inform the attending physician and the physical therapist who will perform the procedure. Perhaps this factor will become a contraindication for the session. It is for this reason that treatment with UHF therapy should be resorted to only if the therapeutic method has been prescribed by a doctor.

The procedure is contraindicated in patients with the following pathologies:

  • fever;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • blood diseases and bleeding;
  • purulent processes;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • adhesive disease;
  • heart failure of II and III degrees;
  • a condition characterized by low blood pressure - hypotension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • active phase of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • the presence of a pacemaker in the area of ​​operation of the device;
  • pregnancy.

Important: the procedure is performed with extreme caution on patients with dentures and metal objects in the body.


During pregnancy.

Like any other medical procedure, UHF therapy also has some restrictions regarding its purpose. Contraindications apply to the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to waves;
  • obvious problems of the cardiac system;
  • some diseases of the vascular system;
  • vascular weakness;
  • the presence in the patient’s body of foreign metal bodies of crowns);
  • benign formations.

In the above cases, the doctor may still prescribe UHF. Contraindications are not absolute, so the doctor can decide on the advisability of the procedure.

The situation changes radically if the patient is found to have:

  • malignant formations or the slightest suspicion of their presence;
  • development of purulent inflammatory processes in the body;
  • hypotension, which can result in a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • temperature;
  • hemophilia;
  • pregnancy (II-III trimester);
  • bleeding.

Contraindications may include:

  • significant disturbances in blood clotting;
  • hypertensive and hypotensive diseases in the 3rd stage;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • pregnancy;
  • myocardial infarction or persistent angina;
  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • cardiovascular failure and venous thrombosis.

Relative contraindications include:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tumors with a benign course;
  • the body contains metal objects whose size does not exceed 2 cm (for example, dentures)

All detailed information about the procedure, the essence of the method, is in a separate article.

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How to remove pigment spots on the face with laser, what are the prices of the procedures, you will find all the details.


During pregnancy.


During pregnancy.


During pregnancy.

Let's consider
how does the UHF electric field work?
into electrolyte and dielectric.

where k
– proportionality coefficient; E –
electric field strength; 
– specific resistance of the electrolyte.

Application in the field of beauty

In cosmetology, these procedures use currents of low strength and low frequency, which makes it harmless, comfortable, and most importantly, effective. The use of UHF allows cell membranes to change their electrical potential, which is why the cell itself is revitalized, opening membrane channels and activating metabolism.

Under the influence of microcurrents, DNA synthesis and the transport of amino acids, lipids and proteins, which are so important for the life of the cell, begin to increase.

Microcurrents also activate the rapid production of elastin and collagen, which has a positive effect on smoothing out fine wrinkles, giving the skin elasticity and firmness.

In cosmetology, this therapy is carried out to achieve goals such as:

  • correction of facial contour avoiding surgical intervention;
  • prevention and treatment of lymphostasis and edema;
  • to eliminate chronic or acute pain;
  • for post-operative rehabilitation purposes;
  • in the treatment of rosacea and rosacea;
  • to increase muscle tone;
  • improve skin condition (smoothing wrinkles, sagging, hypersensitivity);
  • to reduce skin oiliness.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient feels the lifting effect. This is explained by the influence of microcurrents, which have a restorative effect on the tone of the facial muscles. In addition, the resulting currents have a positive effect on the muscles of the lymphatic and blood capillaries, thereby stimulating the contraction or relaxation of the fibers.

This helps in the fight against seborrhea, acne, swelling and slagging. Stagnant spots resolve and manifestations of rosacea decrease (under the skin, laser removal of blood vessels is also possible).

Before prescribing UHF therapy, factors such as:

  • presence of existing diseases (their stages of development and course);
  • age and general condition;
  • the presence of general contraindications to the procedure.

It is also considered important in the use of UHF that the procedures can be carried out with the presence of inflammatory diseases that are in the active stage.

The only condition for this is that there is a waste for the purulent contents that will flow from the affected area.

What goes with it?

Combining ultra-high-frequency therapy with other cosmetic products only improves the result. In cosmetology, these procedures are often combined with thread lifting, laser, contouring and chemical peels.

Combining these procedures can significantly reduce skin healing time, smooth out wrinkles, restore elasticity, eliminate age spots, improve complexion and much more. The combination also makes it possible to reduce the number of procedures and increase the duration of the positive result.

4. Movement of a dipole molecule and ions between
electrodes E at
change in electrical
UHF fields.

UHF therapy is one of the popular techniques widely used in the treatment of ENT diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal, nervous, genitourinary and other body systems. Therapeutic procedures can be carried out both in a medical facility and at home.

What is UHF?

The name of this procedure stands for: ultra-high-frequency therapy. This technique involves exposing problem areas to a strong or weak electromagnetic field. The oscillation frequency can be 27.12 MHz or 40.68 MHz. During this procedure, two electric fields are simultaneously applied: one coming from the device, and the second from the human body.

Lymph, urine and blood have high current conductivity. In these liquids, charged particles oscillate at the same frequency as in an electromagnetic field. In addition, energy absorption occurs in this environment, accompanied by the release of heat. In this case, a directly proportional effect is observed. In other words, the more energy absorbed, the greater the thermal effect. Based on this, UHF is heating (as it is popularly called). This corresponds to the effect on the body.

UHF action

This procedure has a considerable list of effects on the body. UHF radiation has the following effects:

  • reduces pain;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • fights inflammation;
  • reduces swelling;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • has a desensitizing effect.

UHF therapy device

To carry out such procedures, two types of equipment are used:

  • stationary;
  • portable.

The first group includes the following devices:

  • UHF-300;
  • Impulse-2;
  • Screen-2;
  • Impulse-3.

The most commonly used portable equipment is:

  • UHF-30;
  • UHF-66;
  • UHF-80-04.

The standard device has the following components:

  • generator – generates energy;
  • inductors - thanks to them, the UHF device creates a magnetic field;
  • electrodes – conduct electric current;
  • emitters.

UHF - indications and contraindications

This manipulation has a wide range of applications. At the same time, the UHF procedure has a considerable list of contraindications. Before performing it, you need to weigh all the positive and negative features. Only a doctor can do this accurately. Self-medication is dangerous! Even if the procedures are performed at home, they must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

UHF therapy - indications

When prescribing this therapy, the doctor takes into account the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • intensity of disease manifestation;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • presence of contraindications to the procedure.

UHF therapy is used to combat inflammation that is in the active stage. During this period, an infiltrate is formed in the body due to the accumulation of lymph and blood cells. UHF therapy promotes its resorption. The amount of calcium ions increases in the problem area. As a result, connective tissue forms around the lesion: it serves as a barrier that prevents the spread of infection. However, this method of physiotherapy can only be used in cases where pus drains from the area affected by inflammation.

UHF indications for implementation are as follows:

  1. ENT diseases(, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, and so on) – the procedure inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, such physiotherapy strengthens the immune system and has an analgesic effect. In addition, UHF accelerates the healing process of affected tissues and minimizes the likelihood of complications.
  2. Gastrointestinal pathologies(pancreatitis, ulcers, enteritis, viral hepatitis) – the procedure reduces pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and accelerates tissue healing. In addition, UHF improves intestinal motility.
  3. Disorders in the nervous system(plaxitis, neuritis, encephalitis, migraine, sciatica) – thanks to the acceleration of blood circulation, tissues are restored faster. At the same time, muscle spasms are reduced.
  4. Eye diseases(, uveitis, glaucoma, and so on) - this procedure reduces allergies and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, under its influence, phagocytosis increases, due to which damaged tissues are restored faster.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system(hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, varicose veins) – after UHF, tissue swelling decreases, muscle tone decreases and, as a result, blood pressure normalizes.
  6. Skin diseases(acne, eczema, psoriasis, phlegmon, herpes) - this procedure strengthens the body’s defense system, accelerates the process of epithelization and has a desensitizing effect.
  7. Dental problems(, gingivitis, periodontitis, trauma) – UHF increases blood circulation in the gums and reduces pain. In addition, this procedure inhibits the viability of pathogenic bacteria.
  8. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system(dislocations, fractures, bruises, radiculitis, and so on) - during this physiotherapy, the tissues are heated, due to which the blood vessels dilate and, as a result, blood circulation increases. This improves cell nutrition and accelerates their regeneration.
  9. Rehabilitation in the postoperative period– the procedure reduces the risk of tissue infection and complications. In addition, it accelerates the regeneration process, relieves pain and strengthens the body's defenses.

UHF – contraindications

In some cases, this procedure cannot be carried out. UHF treatment is prohibited under the following circumstances:

  • pregnancy;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • stage 3 hypertension;
  • fever;
  • presence of a built-in pacemaker;
  • angina pectoris;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • severe blockage of veins.

Conducting UHF therapy

One of the features of this procedure is that it is performed on wooden furniture. During its implementation, the patient either sits or lies (it all depends on which part of the body needs rehabilitation). Since the device works through clothing, it is not necessary to undress. UHF can be performed in the following ways:

  1. Longitudinal– during the procedure, electrodes are applied only to the affected area. With this method of exposure, the electromagnetic field penetrates shallowly, so this procedure is more often used to combat superficial diseases. The optimal distance between the body and the electrode is up to 1 cm.
  2. Transverse– such physiotherapy provides for a bilateral effect (one plate is applied to the affected area of ​​the body, and the second - on the opposite side). With this arrangement, an extensive electromagnetic field is formed. The optimal distance between the patient’s body and the electrode is less than 2 cm.

The UHF treatment procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The specialist selects the optimal shape of electrodes for the patient.
  2. Installs them in special holders.
  3. He wipes the plates with an alcohol-containing solution and applies them to the patient’s problem area.
  4. After installing the electrodes, electricity of a certain power is supplied. The value of this indicator is set using a special regulator.

UHF – range:

  1. Thermal dose– its power varies from 100 to 150 W. During this procedure, you feel warm. This therapy has a provocative purpose.
  2. Oligothermic dosage– power fluctuates between 40-100 W. The patient experiences barely perceptible warmth. This UHF at home improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolism.
  3. Athermic dose– its power varies between 15-40 W. The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This therapy is prescribed for both adults and children. If the procedure is prescribed for children, when performing it, they are guided by the following principles:

  1. The child must be at least 5 days old.
  2. For children under 7 years old, the recommended power is 30 W, and for school age children – 40 W.
  3. To protect the child from burns, a bandage pad is placed between the electrodes and the baby’s body.

UHF for sinusitis

The procedure is often performed daily. Its duration is up to 15 minutes. The treatment course for adults consists of 15 sessions, and for children – 12 procedures. UHF of the nose provides exposure to heat of varying power:

  • with a purulent process - with a cold stream;
  • in the non-purulent period - weak heat;
  • if the patient has a chronic lesion, the power is increased.

UHF for bronchitis

Under the influence of heat flow, the outflow of blood and lymph increases. As a result, inflammation is reduced and tissues are restored faster. UHF of the chest for bronchitis is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a day. The procedure can last 20 minutes. The duration of therapy directly depends on the intensity with which the disease occurs. More often 6-10 procedures are prescribed.

UHF for otitis media

The procedure gives good results. The UHF algorithm is the same as for the treatment of other diseases. Magnetic fields of varying intensities can be used:

  • weak – will reduce inflammation;
  • medium – will improve metabolic processes;
  • strong - will provide a provocative effect.

UHF tooth

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