Norkolut how much to drink to get your period. Norkolut during menstruation is the right solution to restore your cycle. After Norkolut, heavy periods

Gynecologists prescribe a variety of medications to women who have missed periods, which help cause monthly bleeding. One of the drugs of choice is Norkolut.

What kind of medicine is this? And why is it prescribed to induce menstruation?

Instructions and pharmacological action of "Norkolut"

The main active ingredient of the drug "Norkolut" is norethisterone. This substance is a progestogen. The lack of this particular group of hormones provokes infertility in women and delays in menstruation.

The drug maintains the uterine mucosa in a premenstrual state. The pituitary gland blocks the production of gonadotropin. And this, in turn, blocks the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg from the ovary.

Indications for use

The drug "Norkolut" is used to treat various gynecological diseases:

  • Delay and absence of menstruation;
  • Prescribed for painful periods;
  • Leveling out pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • Endometriosis – when uterine epithelial cells spread to other organs and systems;
  • With uterine fibroids;
  • Problems with the mammary glands - mastopathy and similar diseases;
  • Stopping milk production in nursing women, or after premature birth;
  • Alleviation of menopausal symptoms.

Contraindications to taking the drug

All contraindications are divided into absolute and relative.

Let's start with the absolute ones:

  1. Malignant formations in the genitals or mammary glands;
  2. Adolescence and childhood;
  3. Allergy to the active and excipients of the drug "norkolut".

Let's finish with relative contraindications:

  • Pregnancy period. Norkolut tablets during this period can cause a miscarriage.
  • Pathological processes in the liver - both acute and chronic. An increase in bilirubin in the blood during administration requires discontinuation of the drug.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Neurological diseases - epilepsy, migraines of any severity.
  • Excess weight and surges in blood pressure.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.
  • Taking certain medications: phenytoin and medications with the same active ingredient - oxcarbazepine and carbamazepine; barbiturates, primidone, rifampicin, rifabutin, and also if you take decoctions or preparations of St. John's wort.

Any alcohol is absolutely contraindicated during treatment.

Remember! The doctor is not a psychic! Charmingly inform your doctor about the presence of certain diseases.

No periods. Behavior rules

A missed period is stressful for any woman. Even if she wants to get pregnant and strives for this in every possible way.

  1. The first action if your period is late is to visit a gynecologist. This will allow us to establish whether it is really just a delay or a pregnancy. If you are absolutely sure that there is no pregnancy, you need to find out the reason for the violation of the monthly cycle.
  2. Go through the necessary examination - smears, ultrasound, tests.
  3. Start treatment with the drug “Norkolut” prescribed by your doctor.

Calling for periods. Reception methods

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician. But according to the standard Norkolut regimen, 2 tablets are prescribed per day - morning and evening for 7 days. Next you should wait up to 8 days.

This is the maximum waiting period - your period should start earlier. If menstruation does not start, you need to visit the doctor again and be examined.

A different regimen for using the drug to induce menstruation may be used. Prescribed for a period of 10 days, 1 or 2 tablets per day.

With continuous use, a different drug prescription regimen is used to normalize menstruation. Prescribed from day 16 to day 25 of the cycle.

The tablets are not chewed and should be taken with a large volume of water.

Important! After taking the drug, menstrual flow may be heavier than usual. And longer. This is not something to be afraid of unless you need to change the pad every 30-60 minutes.

Quite often during lactation there is no menstruation and this is normal. The body needs to feed the baby, and then continue to try to reproduce.

But if menstruation has already begun, then despite the production of milk, it should go on schedule. If there is a delay in menstruation, the decision to take the drug should be made by a doctor.

If maintaining lactation is important, then Norkolut is not used to induce menstruation. The drug suppresses milk production in a woman. This is one of the indications for the use of the drug.

Side effects

Any drug can cause side effects. You need to know about this and inform your doctor at your appointment.

  • Abdominal pain, vomiting and bloating, nausea and other troubles with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Neurological symptoms may be observed - headaches, migraines develop.
  • Various illogical reactions - itching, rashes, redness of the skin.

  • Blood clotting may increase. This can provoke thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities. Therefore, if you have varicose veins or your veins hurt, be sure to tell your doctor about it.
  • The drug "Norkolut" can provoke a sharp weight gain. Increase bilirubin readings in liver tests.
  • Development of uterine bleeding. If spotting or bleeding begins during the procedure, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. The first three points usually do not appear when Norkolut tablets are re-prescribed.

Some conclusions

Moms! Keep Norkolut out of reach of growing robbers. Since it is absorbed and affects the liver and other organs of the child.

Menstrual irregularities are a common problem among women. This is often associated with diseases of the reproductive system, stress, and hormonal imbalances. To eliminate it, the specialist prescribes medications that normalize the menstrual cycle. Norkolut may be prescribed, and menstruation begins on time after a course of therapy. The drug helps not only restore the cycle, but also, if necessary. It is taken according to the schedule, strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

About the drug

Norkolut tablets are most often prescribed for conditions that are not caused by pregnancy. The drug is taken according to the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist. The main active component of the drug is norethisterone, which is a progestogen. An insufficient amount of this substance in the female body causes delayed menstruation and infertility.

Once in the body, the drug acts by replenishing the amount of gestagen. Thanks to this, after a course of therapy, menstruation occurs at the scheduled time. Norkolut can be prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis, uterine adenoma, and mastopathy. It helps alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

It must be remembered that Norkolut enters into drug interactions with other drugs taken during this period. It can weaken their effect. The gynecologist must be informed if there is a need to take other medications daily. If possible, they should be abandoned during treatment with Norkolut.

In individual cases, prescribing the drug is not possible. Then the doctor chooses among Norkolut analogues that are suitable for the woman.

It is strictly forbidden to change the prescribed drug or dosage on your own. Taking Norkolut according to the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist will help normalize the menstrual cycle and eliminate a number of diseases of the reproductive system.

Indications and contraindications

Experts have identified a number of indications for taking the drug:

  1. Norkolut for inducing menstruation is prescribed when it is delayed or completely absent.
  2. Using the drug helps relieve severe pain during menstruation.
  3. The active components of the drug neutralize pronounced premenstrual syndrome.
  4. Treatment of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, mastopathy.
  5. Relieving the woman's condition in. Norkolut helps alleviate unpleasant, painful pain.
  6. The drug can be prescribed to a woman during lactation if there is a decrease or cessation of milk production.

When prescribing the drug, the woman’s condition and the individual characteristics of the body are taken into account. There are a number of contraindications for which it is necessary to select an analogue.

  1. An absolute contraindication for use is the presence of malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands or organs of the reproductive system.
  2. The product should not be taken by children and adolescents.
  3. An allergic reaction to the active components of the product completely precludes its use.
  4. Pregnancy is a contraindication. Norkolut can cause miscarriage.
  5. In the presence of pathological processes in the liver, the drug is contraindicated.
  6. Diseases of a neurological nature.
  7. Bronchial asthma.
  8. Unstable blood pressure – sharp changes in readings from high to low.
  9. Diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys.

Norkolut may be contraindicated when taking other medications that contain the same active ingredients. Therefore, you should inform your doctor if you are taking other medications. Ignoring this recommendation may lead to a deterioration in your general condition. Drinking alcohol is prohibited during treatment. The gynecologist needs to be informed about all chronic diseases in order to avoid negative consequences.

Norkolut may cause side effects. They manifest themselves individually in everyone and may be completely absent. During therapy, you need to monitor your condition; if necessary, the drug is discontinued and an analogue is selected. May occur:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, heaviness;
  • headache;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • skin rashes, redness, itching;
  • feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands;
  • swelling;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • increased levels of bilirubin in the blood;
  • weight gain;
  • bleeding. This may be spotting or heavy discharge.

If side effects occur, especially bleeding, you should consult a doctor. He will cancel or adjust the treatment regimen until the woman’s condition stabilizes. Self-medication can be dangerous to health and life.

Release forms

Norkolut has a single release form - white, round tablets. 1 tablet contains 5 mg of noriethisterone, which acts as an active ingredient. There are also a number of auxiliary components. This:

  1. Lactose monohydrate.
  2. Potato starch.
  3. Corn starch.
  4. Talc.
  5. Gelatin.
  6. Silicon dioxide colloidal.
  7. Magnesium stearate.

The paper package contains 2 blisters of 10 tablets each, located in contour cells.

How to take it to delay your period

In some cases, the onset of menstruation may need to be postponed. In this case, Norkolut helps to delay menstruation. The gynecologist will write out a detailed plan; it is not recommended to select dosages on your own. Noriethisterone, acting on the body, does not allow the germ cell to exit in a timely manner. As a result, the thick endometrium is not rejected, and menstruation does not begin.

You need to start taking the drug 7 days before. If you follow the doctor's recommendations and take the pills correctly, their start date is postponed by 7-10 days. To delay menstruation, Norkolut should be discontinued under the supervision of a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to stop taking the course on your own. This can worsen the general condition and cause bleeding.

How to take when delayed

To induce menstruation, Norkolut is prescribed. The dosage and regimen are developed by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Detailed instructions for use are included in each package, but this does not mean that treatment can be started on your own. The wrong dosage can harm a woman.

Norkolut for delayed menstruation is prescribed in the amount of 2 tablets per day. Treatment is prescribed only by a gynecologist. They should be taken morning and evening. This is the standard treatment regimen. Duration of treatment: 7 days if menstruation is late. After this, a break is taken for 8 days, menstruation begins. In some cases, it begins a few days earlier, it all depends on the woman’s body and the problem that caused the delay.

Another treatment regimen may be prescribed, which involves taking 1 tablet of the drug for 10 days. If menstruation does not occur after cancellation within 8 days, you must visit a gynecologist. Increasing the dosage and duration of administration is strictly prohibited.

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When will your period start after taking it?

After taking Norkolut, your period will start in about 8 days. This is the maximum period of time. If the delay continues, you should consult a doctor. Individual characteristics of the body, the presence of other chronic diseases can directly affect the time of the onset of menstruation. In some cases, endometrial rejection and its release begins even while taking the drug. In this case, its cancellation may be immediately scheduled.

The appearance of menstruation indicates the imminent onset of menstruation. Your period may begin immediately the next day after taking the last pill, but even when it occurs 8 days later, this is considered normal.

Lack of menstruation

In some cases, there is a situation where there is no menstruation after Norkolut. In the first case, it may be caused by pregnancy. A pregnancy test performed at home and an examination by a gynecologist will help refute or confirm the hypothesis. In case of pregnancy, taking the drug is contraindicated; this must be taken into account; do not start taking it yourself without prior consultation.

Menstruation does not come as a result of the slow development of the endometrium of the uterus. Norkolut is a means that inhibits its development in itself and this becomes the reason that its rejection and release does not come in a timely manner. The drug affects hormone levels, reducing progesterone levels. If there is an insufficient amount of estrogen in a woman’s body, menstruation cannot begin on time, even with the influence of Norkolut.

It is forbidden to self-medicate by changing the dosage. You should consult a gynecologist. He will tell you what to do and adjust the treatment regimen.

How do periods behave?

The hormonal drug Norkolut has a strong effect on the endometrium of the uterus. In this regard, it is natural for a woman to be interested in what her menstrual cycle will be like in the future. Its character can change not only under the influence of the pills, but also due to the reason that caused the delay. The gynecologist explains what can be considered normal, a natural reaction of the body.

During your appointment

When taking Norkolut, the onset of menstruation is possible. The process is natural, this is how the body reacts to the active ingredients of the product. At the beginning and end of menstruation, spotting is observed. During this period, your doctor may stop taking the medicine. Character, it ends quickly, but this is considered the norm and should not cause concern. An individual reaction may be nausea, vomiting during this period, or increased pain. Swelling of the extremities may occur. Further .

After reception

Studying menstruation after Norkolut, doctors found that their character may not change. In individual cases, temporary changes in their course are observed. Heavy periods do not always occur, but they can be breakthrough in nature, reminiscent of bleeding. A woman needs qualified help. Gynecologists call it a side effect caused by taking the medication. Bleeding can occur against the background of endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia.

In most cases, the discharge is scanty. This is due to the increased blood clotting that the drug causes and a slight proliferation of the endometrium. The blood coming out is darker in color. There may be a shortening of menstruation after taking the drug. This state persists for several cycles in a row, and gradually everything will return to its previous schedule.

The drug Norkolut, based on the active substance norethisterone, is classified as a gestagen, but it also has the properties of estrogens and androgens. Among the wide variety of hormonal drugs on the pharmaceutical market, Norkolut is especially popular.

Reviews from women over 40 years of age confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of menstrual disorders, diseases of the uterus, mammary glands, uterine bleeding during premenopause and other functional disorders of the reproductive system caused by hormonal imbalance.

Mechanism of action

Norkolut has a therapeutic effect due to the inhibition of the production of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland.

The synthetic sex hormone included in the drug has a positive effect on the endometrium, reduces the contractility of the myometrium, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system during menopause, and delays the onset of menopause.

Norkolut is part of complex therapy for the treatment of infertility and early menopause.

Norkolut tablets act as a contraceptive, preventing the maturation of the egg, maintaining the endometrium of the uterus in a premenstrual state.

Indications for use of Norkolut:

  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • dysmenorrhea with shortening of the secretory phase;
  • anovulatory metrorrhagia (menstruation without ovulation)
  • endometriosis;
  • hyperplastic process of the endometrium;
  • prevention of milk production after termination of pregnancy;
  • suppression of lactation during weaning.

Mode of application

After 40 years, the hormonal drug is taken according to different schemes to achieve the desired effect:

Independent use of synthetic hormones increases the risk of serious hormonal imbalances, the development of pathological processes, and the occurrence of side effects.

Drugs such as:

  • Duphaston;
  • Femiwell;
  • Depo-provera.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Like any synthetic analogue of sex hormones, Norkolut can provoke side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and hematopoietic organs.

Among the most common unpleasant symptoms caused by taking the drug in women after 40 years of age are:

  1. discomfort in the epigastric region;
  2. nausea and vomiting;
  3. headache;
  4. increased fatigue, apathy;
  5. feeling of fullness and tingling in the chest;
  6. increased appetite;
  7. weight gain;
  8. swelling of the face and limbs;
  9. bleeding of varying intensity.

Long-term use increases the risk of thrombosis.

Restrictions on the use of the drug are:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes, obesity);
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • hypertension;
  • neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • convulsions.

If malignant tumors appear in the reproductive organs, mammary glands and other parts of the body, taking the drug is absolutely contraindicated. Particular attention should be paid to women with allergies to avoid an allergic reaction to the action of the synthetic hormone.

With the simultaneous use of Norkolut with Phenobarbital, Rifampicin, Phenytoin, steroid hormones and Cimetidine, the toxicity of the drug increases several times.

Medicines used for diabetes and blood diseases require special precautions when used in combination with Norkolut.

They are one of the most common problems of the female reproductive system that many face. In order to overcome this disorder of the body, doctors have a fairly large number of modern and effective medical supplies.

Did you know? One of the first to bring the menstrual cycle into the public conversation was Walt Disney. In 1946, the cartoonist created an educational cartoon for children, which described in detail the causes and course of this process in the female body. The picture was called “The Story of Menstruation”.

"Norkolut" is a multicomponent drug. Its main active ingredient is synthetic norethisterone. The compound is highly similar in composition and properties to the natural forms of norethisterones, so it is often used for the manufacture of medicinal contraceptives.

Additional components of Norkolut include: natural potato starch, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide in colloidal form, natural corn starch, lactose monohydrate. Additional components do not play a key role in ensuring the main functional purpose of the drug, but with their help it is possible to increase its effectiveness.
After entering the human body, the medication is instantly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, with the maximum concentration of norethisterone in the blood being achieved within 1-2 hours after administration, after which its concentration slowly decreases until complete removal from organs and systems. The process takes place in two phases: in the first, the amount of norethisterone sharply decreases (about 2-3 hours), after which the components are slowly eliminated from the body (about 8 hours). The elimination of drug metabolites is mainly achieved through the functioning of the intestines and liver.

The most common indication for the use of this medication is the restoration of healthy menstruation, when the process has been delayed for quite a long time. Also, one of its main goals is to ensure the healthy functioning of the reproductive system and the elimination of various types of genital organs. Let's look at the main indications for using the product in more detail.

So, according to the official instructions for use, Norkolut is used:

  • to call menstruation;
  • during times complicated by severe conditions of the body;
  • in case of disruption of the secretion phase during PMS;
  • to eliminate pain in the mammary glands;
  • as a medicine for endometriosis and uterine adenomyoma;
  • to eliminate uterine hemorrhages during menopause;
  • with pathological cystic glandular disorders in the endometrium;
  • as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent to eliminate or prevent process disturbances.

Did you know? In ancient times, a woman went through about 50 menstruation in her entire life (today it is about 450) - this is explained by the fact that most of her time during the childbearing period she was exclusively engaged in bearing offspring.

How to induce menstruation if you are late: instructions and dosage

A delay in the menstrual cycle is a real stress for every woman, since a real problem bursts into the cloudless and usual course of circumstances, which can sometimes cause serious concern for one’s own body. However, with the help of modern progestogens - Norkolut is no exception - it is possible to normalize any pathological condition.

According to the official information in the instructions for its use, the drug must be taken according to the standard regimen for medications of this group. It consists in taking the medication for 1 week, 1 tablet 2 times a day: morning and evening. This should be followed by a waiting period for exposure to the components, which lasts 7 days.
There are several other schemes for stimulating menstruation with Norkolut. According to one of them, you need to drink 1-2 tablets per day for 10 days. There are also recommendations for use, in which the drug is taken for a shorter period (no more than 5 days, 2 tablets per day), but the most popular is a weekly regimen of taking the medication. In rare cases, Norkolut becomes a constant companion to healthy menstruation in women. Then the drug is used strictly according to the calendar cycle of a woman’s menstruation from days 16 to 25 inclusive.

Important!If, after the period of use of the drug, menstruation has not begun, it is prohibited to use Norkolut again. In this case, you should visit a gynecologist to correct general therapy.

Can the drug be used to eliminate unwanted pregnancy?

According to official recommendations and descriptions, Norkolut is not used for medication, since the product does not have all the necessary properties to ensure the ideal course of this process. However, the medication is still used, but only in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse or as an adjuvant to eliminate the side effects of abortion on the body (lactation).

It is also actively recommended to women as a product, since its main active ingredient, norethisterone, in combination with estrogen-containing agents, can inhibit the ovulation process and prevent pregnancy.
In addition, not many people know how and for what purposes Norkolut can still be taken. Some women use it to delay their periods. Due to certain individual circumstances, modern representatives of the fairer sex are increasingly thinking about slightly adjusting physiological processes in relation to the rhythm of life.

Features of application

Like any other drug, drugs containing norethisterone have a number of features that accompany their use in therapeutic practice. These primarily include contraindications and side effects on the body. Let's look at them in more detail.

Side effects

The drug is not absolutely safe for the human body. Therefore, it must be used with extreme caution to treat pathologies of the menstrual cycle. Otherwise, Norkolut may threaten the body with the following side effects:

  • strong;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • uncharacteristic bleeding from the vagina;
  • obesity;
  • paresthesia sensations;
  • on the skin;
  • swelling;
  • increased fatigue;
  • labored breathing;
  • thromboembolism and thrombosis (exclusively with long-term use).

Before using this medication, every woman must find out the main reason for stopping her period, since this drug is prohibited in case of pregnancy. Also, before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine whether the pathology of menstruation is caused by a malignant tumor formation (mammary glands or reproductive organs).

In addition, there are other features that exclude the use of Norkolut for:

  • puberty;
  • acute and chronic disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • hemorrhages from the genitourinary system of unknown nature;
  • overweight;

  • hepatitis;
  • cholestatic jaundice (during);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the circulatory system and blood vessels;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Analogues of the drug

Today there are several analogues of Norkolut. Their main similarity lies in the same therapeutic effect on the body, which is achieved thanks to the hormonal components of the drug. The most common ones include the following:

  • "Linestrenol";
  • "Norethisterone";
  • "Orgametril";
  • “Primolut-nor”;
  • "Pregnin."

Important! The use of Norkolut may cause heavier and longer-lasting discharge during menstruation. This is not a pathology, so if this situation arises, you should not worry about your own health.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug retains its properties without changes for 5 years from the date of its manufacture. But for this it is necessary to create optimal storage conditions. First of all, this is a minimum amount of solar radiation, a temperature not higher than +30°C and the absence of excessive moisture.

“Norkolut” refers to drugs that have been familiar to modern medicine for decades, as it is a fairly effective and powerful remedy for eliminating diseases associated with the menstrual cycle and other pathologies.
Despite the ease of use, the use of the medication should be approached with extreme caution and only if prescribed by a specialist, since self-medication can easily disrupt the functioning of the hormonal system and the menstrual cycle, which can lead to much more serious consequences for the body.

The body is not always able to regulate itself. Stress, illness, climate change can permanently change the usual order. If it persists, medications are prescribed to eliminate it. What will your period be like after Norkolut, how long will it take to wait, and what is the general effect of the drug on the body? This remedy for their restoration is often prescribed for a wide variety of gynecological ailments.

Read in this article

Norkolut: what is it

It is known that the reproductive system functions under the influence. The process is no exception. Hormones work not only during this period. They are active throughout the entire cycle, replacing each other. Containing gestagens, Norkolut causes menstruation, as it ensures the necessary development of the endometrium. The active ingredient of the drug is one of them – norethisterone. This is the result of testosterone conversion. Norethisterone suppresses estrogens, promoting the transition of the proliferative stage to the secretory stage, that is, the one in which menstruation occurs. How to take Norkolut to induce menstruation is based on these properties of the drug. It is for this purpose that the medicine is most often prescribed.

Why do you need Norkolut: details

The most common reason why the drug Norkolut is used is. But only when it is not caused by pregnancy. In other cases, when the absence of menstruation is noted due to insufficient functioning of the ovaries, problems with the growth of the endometrium, the doctor may prescribe it according to a certain scheme.

Menstruation when taking Norkolut may be of a different nature due to different problems in the reproductive sphere, which force it to be used. Among the accompanying manifestations, they often include increased pain and swelling of the extremities. Menstruation while taking Norkolut may also be accompanied by breast engorgement. Not uncommon phenomena in the digestive tract that it causes are nausea and vomiting.

After stopping treatment

If we talk about the amount of discharge, Norkolut provokes quite rarely. And in most cases it is more likely to be breakthrough bleeding. Some of them require urgent assistance and are considered as a side reaction of the body. Heavy periods after Norkolut can occur with endometriosis or endometrial hyperplasia. But even with these diagnoses, there is noticeably less discharge than before treatment with the drug. And to adjust the volume, other medications are prescribed.

Scanty periods are observed more often after Norkolut. The gestagens it contains prevent a strong increase in the endometrium. It is clear that there will also be little discharge. Another property of the drug, doctors call the ability to increase blood clotting. This is also a good reason for a decrease in menstrual volume. And their color is darker due to the same factor.

Menstruation after taking Norkolut may be shortened in time. This is also natural. Moreover, the scarcity of discharge and the short duration of critical days can persist for several cycles in a row.

Menstruation after using Norkolut can return a woman to her reproductive capabilities. After all, the process itself is intended for a mature egg to unite with a sperm, and a new life arises. But knowing about the properties of the drug, you should not try to use it yourself. In addition to the wide possibilities of influencing the reproductive system, it has many contraindications. A mistake in choice can cost many months of subsequent infertility treatment.

Before using any medications, you should consult a specialist doctor. There are contraindications!

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