Shatavari Himalaya. What is Shatavari? Can I take Shatavari during menstruation?

The drug is a natural remedy based on a plant extract that has a beneficial effect on reproductive function in women and restores various processes in the human body. Shatavari is especially effective during menopause and menopause. A detailed review will help determine the beneficial properties of the medicine.

Main action, composition and release form of Shatavari

The effectiveness of the drug is based on the content of the natural extract of Shatavari, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the female reproductive system. At the same time, there is a positive effect on men's health.

A study of the composition of the drug confirmed the presence of bioflavonoids, which at the cellular level restore damaged tissues of the body. Therefore, the effectiveness of Shatavari is complex and the biologically active substance is used in the treatment of many pathological diseases.

The composition of the medicine is based on the extract of the Shatavari plant. Release form of the drug: oblong capsules, packaged in special sealed bottles.

Purposes, contraindications, side effects of Shatavari

Shatavari has wide indications for use and is effective in the following cases:

  • decreased functionality of the female reproductive system;
  • treatment and prevention of female infertility;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • the onset of menopause and subsequent aging of the body;
  • severe pain during menstruation.

The medicine is also used as an additional agent in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • ulcerative manifestations;
  • inflammatory processes in the lungs;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • toxic poisoning;
  • herpes virus.

Shatavari has virtually no contraindications, since the composition of the medicine is based on a natural component. But it is still not recommended to use the drug in such cases as:

  • allergy to the active ingredient in the medicine;
  • excessive levels of female hormones in the body;
  • period of bearing a baby;
  • breast-feeding;
  • diseases of unknown etiology.

If we talk about the side effects of the drug, they are almost completely absent and occur in rare cases. There has been no official data on the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms or drug overdose. Therefore, in most cases, the biological additive is highly safe, which is a big advantage compared to analogues of chemical origin!

Instructions for use Shatavari

The use of the medicine is quite simple and does not require compliance with any complicating conditions. Shatavari is taken orally before eating and washed down with the required amount of purified water. Data from the description of the instructions assume the following quantities of the drug:

  1. when used for prophylactic purposes, drink one capsule per day before meals. The general course of medication is 20 days. Then it is recommended to take a break for 10 days and start taking the medicine again. To achieve a positive effect, it is advisable to perform three approaches to using Shatavari;
  2. treatment of inflammatory pathologies involves using the drug in the amount of two capsules per day, half an hour before meals. In this case, the drug can be washed down with water or warm milk with honey.
  3. Infertility therapy or the onset of menopause requires three capsules per day. They are also washed down with water or milk with the addition of saffron leaves;
  4. To restore the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to use two capsules throughout the day, half an hour before starting to eat.

It should be emphasized that doctors prescribe the drug Shatavari mainly as an auxiliary therapy and therefore it is not necessary to treat with this drug alone when indicated for the treatment of acute inflammatory processes!

The drug is freely available and can be purchased at a pharmacy or a licensed online store. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. After the expiration of time, the use of biological additives is strictly prohibited! Storage conditions at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees in a dry, dark place out of reach of children.

There are no confirmed clinical data on the interaction of Shatavari with other drugs, so the drug does not give additional side effects and is completely safe for a woman’s health!

The average cost of the drug ranges from 300–350 rubles. This pricing policy is low, so the medicine can be purchased and the costs will be minimal!


Reviews of the biologically active substance Shatavari from women who have used the medicine are mostly positive and many patients note noticeable improvements after using the medicine. Gynecologists also welcome the use of Shatavari to a greater extent as an auxiliary component in restoring the activity of the reproductive system. Below are real recommendations from specialists and patients who took the medicine.

Gynecologist in Vladimir

I have been working in the field of gynecology and obstetrics for quite a long time and try to prescribe the most effective treatment regimens for my patients. And I want to note that the use of only drugs of chemical origin does not always give real results. Sometimes the use of so-called dietary supplements provides special help. One of these is Shatavari, an active substance based on a natural plant extract. The main advantage of the drug is the safety of use and the absence of strong side effects. At the same time, the medicine additionally performs the function of restoring and regenerating a woman’s reproductive system during the onset of menopause and subsequent menopause. Shatavari is ideal for the prevention of women’s health in the period 35–45 years, when the functionality of the ovaries slows down and unpleasant symptoms of premature menopause occur. Therefore, I prescribe the drug Shatavari and do not consider it useless, but on the contrary, an effective, highly effective remedy!

Tatyana Sergeevna Magnitogorsk

I went through menopause early at the age of 38, and all the accompanying symptoms appeared. After a visit to the hospital and prescriptions for a bunch of hormonal medications, I started treatment. But then side effects arose in the form of weight changes, acne and constant headaches. These drugs did not suit me, and the doctor advised me to start using Shatavari. After all, the drug is natural and should not cause serious contraindications! I started taking the medicine and after the first course I noticed real improvements. The constant hot flashes disappeared, the menstrual cycle was restored, and the side effects completely disappeared. I was left very pleased with the drug and felt a surge of second youth. And sexual health has noticeably improved, and with it the quality of life in general! I will continue to use Shatavari as it completely met my expectations!

Anna Vladimirovna, p. Distant

I am 52 years old and have started menopause. Unfortunately, the body does not get younger every year, but, on the contrary, loses its position. The activity of hormones decreases, and signs of a slowdown in the activity of the reproductive system appear. To maintain women's health, I use the biologically active substance Shatavari. This drug is very suitable for me in all respects, as it has strong restorative properties! I take the medicine as a preventative measure every day for 20 days, and then take a break, and so on for three months. This course once a year significantly improves my overall condition and prevents the development of unpleasant symptoms during menopause. I lost constant hot flashes, pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the joints and constant pressure changes. The drug brought me a positive effect, and in the future I will use the medicine!

Evgenia Alexandrovna, Zelenograd

I am a middle-aged woman and I am 46 years old. Recently I began to notice strange manifestations in the form of severe sweating, insomnia, excessive irritability and fatigue. The doctor stated the onset of menopause and also noted that at my age it began too late. I immediately asked to be prescribed medications with a natural composition, since the body has a hard time tolerating chemical medications. The specialist prescribed Shatavari and assured me that it was the one that met my requirements! After completing the first course, I noticed the disappearance of discomfort and hot flashes, and also felt a new surge of strength. I would also like to emphasize the convenience of the supplement in that you can take the drug at any time before meals and you should not be afraid of side effects compared to hormonal drugs. So, now I recommend Shatavari to my friends and even men, because the drug is also suitable for the opposite sex!

In conclusion, I would like to say that Shatavari is a fairly effective remedy for restoring women’s health among this category of drugs. But it is worth remembering that it is best to first coordinate the use of any drug with your doctor! Human health directly depends on the correctness and appropriateness of the chosen treatment!

Ayurvedic medicine is gaining popularity outside India. Thanks to this, Slavic women have recently gained access to shatavari - the use and contraindications for this dietary supplement (BAA) have not yet been studied by domestic medicine, so there are practically no medical reviews about the drug. However, women are still actively purchasing medicine, trying to get rid of gynecological and hormonal disorders.

Use of shatavari powder and its contraindications

The literal translation of the word “shatavari” from Sanskrit is “having a hundred husbands.” This is a very succinct and understandable hint at the areas in which the Indian plant in question is used.

In Ayurvedic sources, shatavari is considered the best remedy for supporting women's health, rejuvenating the reproductive system and the body as a whole, increasing libido and increasing the chances of getting pregnant. The main indications for the described dietary supplement are very numerous:

  • frigidity, low sex drive;
  • severe cramps during menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • menopause;
  • recovery after hysterectomy surgery;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • bleeding;
  • gynecological tumors;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • insufficient secretion of breast milk;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • genital herpes.

In addition to specific ones, there are also general indications for the use of shatavari:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • frequent or prolonged bacterial inflammation;
  • cystitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • gastritis;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, kidneys and lungs;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • dysentery;
  • poor mobility of joints and muscles;
  • spasms;
  • epilepsy;
  • hysterical fits;
  • lipid and fluid balance disorders in the body;
  • herpes;
  • anemia;
  • skin diseases;
  • increased heart rate;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • high acidity of gastric juice;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • liver damage;
  • deterioration of visual acuity.

The instructions for shatavari indicate that there are no contraindications to dietary supplements; only short-term side effects may occur with prolonged use or exceeding the established dosages, usually constipation.

Scheme for using shatavari powder

The basic course of therapy with the described remedy is to take 0.25-1 teaspoon of powder half an hour before breakfast (on an empty stomach). You can take the drug with water, but it is better with warm milk, as it accelerates the effect and absorption of the active ingredients.

The duration of treatment is 3-4 months.

Method of using shatavari capsules: 1-2 tablets 20 minutes before meals, washed down with warm water or milk, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

The course lasts 20 days, after which a break is taken for 10 days and therapy is resumed. A total of 3-5 repetitions will be required.

Shatavari translated from Sanskrit means “having a hundred husbands”, its tonic and rejuvenating effect on the female genital organs, according to beliefs, makes it possible to have a hundred husbands. Shatavari is an excellent rejuvenating drug for PITTA dosha and for the female reproductive system. Enhances the production of breast milk, normalizes the monthly cycle, increases the ability of eggs to fertilize, prevents the development of fibroids and mastopathy. It has a softening effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach, lungs, kidneys and genitals. Effective for stomach ulcers. It has an excellent tonic effect for the uterus and ovaries. It relieves thirst and helps retain fluid in the body, therefore it is indicated for diarrhea and dysentery. Calms and softens VATA dosha. It has a sattvic nature and helps harmonize the entire body.
Shatavari is a feminine tonic. Normalizes hormonal levels and metabolism in women. Strengthens lactation. It also has a hypotensive (lowers blood pressure) and antiseptic effect. Anticoagulant (reduces blood clotting and thrombus formation). Increases libido (sexuality).

. for hormonal disorders and imbalances (menstrual cycle disorders, metabolic disorders, infertility, during menopause)
. as an additional drug in the treatment of inflammatory diseases
. with increased blood coagulability and viscosity, thrombophlebitis.

Compound: Asparagus racemosus.

Indications: weakness of the female genital organs, infertility, menopause, leucorrhoea, diarrhea, dysentery, dehydration, gastric ulcer, hyperacidity, pulmonary abscesses, cough, herpes.

Increases sexual energy many times over. Shatavari activates eggs, increasing their ability to fertilize. Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women. Scientific studies have shown enlargement of the mammary glands and increased milk secretion in women who regularly take this plant, which is associated with increased synthesis of prolactin and somatotropin. The plant's rich content of bioflavonoids and natural antibiotics cleanses the blood and mucous membranes of the female genital tract. Since the plant contains many analogues of female sex hormones, it is taken by menopausal women, as well as those who have undergone hysterectomy. Shatavari balances the female hormonal system, accelerating the transition of estradiol to estrol, and stimulates the synthesis of progesterone. Thus, the plant prevents the development of estrogen-dependent diseases (fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis, cervical erosion). Has an anti-carcinogenic effect.

Shatavari also has a positive effect on the male genital area - it is used in the complex treatment of impotence and inflammation of the genital organs. Improves spermatogenesis.
Shatavari is an effective emollient for atrophic hypoacid gastritis, gastric ulcers, dry skin and even herpes. It relieves thirst and promotes the preservation of fluids in the body and is indicated in the complex treatment of enterocolitis.
Effectively used for bleeding and hemorrhoids. Externally it has a softening effect on stiffness of joints and neck. Relieves muscle spasms. Calms and softens Vata. Roots boiled in sesame oil are used for various types of skin diseases. Improves skin color and relieves skin irritations.

Application: 1 capsule 1 hour before meals, 2 times a day. Drink a glass of water.
To provide additional effect, you can add mumiyo, manjishta and neem.
Natural product without chemical impurities. Does not give any adverse reactions.
Naturally based, organically pure, without preservatives. Dermatologist tested for safety. Not tested on animals.
Dietary supplement is not a medical drug.

The drug "Shatavari" is rightfully recognized as one of the most effective and very popular tonics that has a beneficial effect on women. It is used at any age to solve a variety of problems: from infertility and lactation disorders to all kinds of disorders in the intimate sphere and sexual relationships.

Shatavari capsules: description of the drug

Literally, “shatavari” is translated as “having a hundred husbands.” However, a plant-based remedy is more often used to treat infertility and normalize reproductive functions.

It has been noted that regular use of it increases the possibility of conception, having a positive effect on eggs and increasing their ability to fertilize. However, a drug based on this plant can be used not only by women, but also by men. Reviews (“Shatavari” is a fairly popular remedy abroad) indicate that the use of the substance by a male audience can also show positive results.

Indications for use

Among the disorders for which taking Shatavari tablets is indicated are the following:

  • weakening of the functions of the female reproductive system, for which the drug is most often prescribed;
  • infertility;
  • lack of desire;
  • the period preceding the onset of menopause, as well as the menopause itself;
  • manifestation of PMS and pain.

In addition, the drug can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, gastric ulcers, hyperacidity, dehydration, pulmonary abscesses, vomiting with blood, cough. The Shatavari dietary supplement received very positive reviews; people talk about the very high effectiveness and safety of this product. It is prescribed during the rehabilitation period, after suffering from cancer, recurrent fever, etc.

The effect of the drug "Shatavari" on the body

The effect that the drug has on the human body can be called complex and very active. It is based on a plant known since ancient times for its rejuvenating and tonic effect. Just like ashwagandha for men, shatavari has a beneficial effect on women, prolonging youth and improving the functioning of the female reproductive system.

Shatavari (reviews tell us about a number of beneficial properties of this plant) can bring the desired effect or be used as an additional auxiliary remedy for pulmonary diseases, ulcers and colitis, kidney disorders, etc. Some heart diseases are easier to treat. A special alkaloid asparagine, found in the plant, increases cardiac output and reduces heart rate, lowering blood pressure. Bioflavonoids prevent damage. Cleansing the body and accelerating metabolic processes helps rejuvenate and renew the cells themselves.

Due to the fact that the plant extract can help preserve fluid in the body, shatavari is widely used for diarrhea and dysentery. This way it is possible to prevent dehydration and removal of useful substances from the body.

Use for infertility

Probably, the drug "Shatavari" is most often used by women for infertility. The reviews say exactly this. It is no secret that infertility is a burning problem for many representatives of the fair sex. However, it is worth considering that the premium dietary supplement "Shatavari" for infertility, reviews of which are very positive, can only slightly increase the chances of conception.

If the patient suffers from a number of diseases that prevent pregnancy, then you simply shouldn’t expect a miracle from a herbal drug. The active substance can only stimulate the process, but cannot cope with the problem that requires surgical or other intervention.

Use during menopause

During the onset of menopause, many women may be prescribed Shatavari capsules. Reviews report their ability to alleviate the lady’s condition. After all, the capsules contain female sex hormones, which serve as some kind of support at that moment in life when their natural production is somewhat reduced.

Thus, it is possible to eliminate some of the symptoms associated with the onset of menopause and prolong youth.

Use to increase lactation

According to reviews, "Shatavari" is a drug that can solve problems with lactation. You can hear many positive opinions on this topic. For many happy mothers, the herbal preparation really helped them feed their baby on their own, without resorting to the use of special products and mixtures. The reason here is the same presence of hormones, which are responsible not only for performing the basic reproductive function, but also for the production of milk by the body of the new mother.

In addition, the plant extract helps cleanse the blood, generally strengthen the body, improve tone, etc.

Cycle disruption and suppression of the functions of the female reproductive system

Often reviews (“Shatavari” is a drug that is really talked about a lot) tell us about the use of the drug to treat a number of diseases. However, with the help of this supplement you can also get rid of such troubles as cycle disorders, pain and poor health. The drug reduces the risk of fibroids and the development of mastopathy. If the patient has a history of surgical interventions aimed at removing the uterus or ovaries, then regular use of the capsules helps improve the woman’s well-being and can be prescribed along with general hormonal therapy.

Use in cosmetology: reviews

"Shatavari" is a truly unique product that is also used in cosmetology. The action of the drug consists of a number of beneficial effects on the skin and hair:

In this case, it is enough to take shatavari powder, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, orally according to a general scheme corresponding to the implementation of preventive measures.


Despite the fact that, in general, taking this drug is quite reasonable and relatively safe, there are some restrictions in the use of the herbal supplement “Shatavari”. Often, irrational use of the drug causes a decrease in its effectiveness or the absence of any positive effect from the use of shatavari extract. Negative reviews are mostly related to this point.

Therefore, you should not use the drug without first consulting your doctor. Self-medication without establishing an accurate diagnosis is also unacceptable. This supplement can only be considered as an auxiliary component, a general strengthening agent, and it is not advisable to use only the drug “Shatavari” for the treatment of serious gynecological and other disorders.

Among the obvious contraindications for use are individual intolerance to the components and an allergic reaction to the herbal composition of the drug. Excessive levels of estrogen in the female body and high Ama are also an obstacle to taking shatavari extract. Reviews from doctors say that in order to prescribe this drug to a patient, a preliminary examination is necessary in order to identify the cause of the disease and establish the validity of the intake.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of herbal preparations are either absent or extremely mild. Individual intolerance to the components is possible. However, no conditions posing a threat to the health and life of the patient were identified during the entire period of use of the supplement.

This allows you to use dietary supplements without fear for the patient’s health. It will not cause any harm even with long-term use of the drug "Shatavari". However, there are also negative reviews. And this is quite understandable. In some cases, a positive effect from the use of components was simply not observed. This may be explained either by the inappropriateness of treatment with the drug in this particular case, or by errors in administration or irregular use of the drug. Therefore, before you start taking it, you should carefully study the instructions and read the annotation for the drug.

Methods of application

One of the main issues of concern to patients who decide to start taking Shatavari dietary supplement is application. Reviews tell us that not every buyer has any idea of ​​how he should use this product and what restrictions to adhere to.

For preventive purposes, one capsule is prescribed 20 minutes before meals. The dietary supplement should be taken with a sufficient amount of warm water. The duration of the course is about twenty days, after which a ten-day break should be taken. The course must be repeated at least three times to achieve the desired effect.

For use in order to eliminate inflammatory processes and some diseases, two Shatavari capsules are prescribed 20 minutes before meals. Take 2-3 times a day with boiled water or milk. You can add honey or ghee to the heated milk.

To treat infertility, take 2-3 capsules of dietary supplements per day, before meals. They should be washed down with milk with several stamens of saffron.

To normalize or stimulate the onset of the menstrual cycle, teenage girls should take one capsule of the product twice a day. Drink with milk or water.

Despite the fairly high effectiveness of the drug "Shatavari" (Himalayas), there are different reviews about the drug. The use of this dietary supplement does not always bring the desired result. In addition, the drug is not a medicine and cannot replace a course of hormone therapy or taking strong antibiotics, which are indicated for a number of inflammatory diseases.

It is permissible to supplement the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor with the use of this remedy. However, it is imperative to notify the specialist. The use of dietary supplements and other drugs, including those of herbal origin, simultaneously with the main therapy can reduce the effectiveness of some medications, and sometimes even enhance their effect.

Hello dear ladies!

This review will talk about a female Ayurvedic drug called Shatavari and how it raised my hormone, which is impossible to raise (according to doctors).

As many people know, Shatavari is translated from Indian as Having a hundred husbands and, naturally, this name was not chosen by chance, because... The drug is taken in the treatment of various gynecological diseases, to restore reproductive functions and facilitate menopause.

Its name is the plant atawari received thanks to its amazing effect on the female genital area. From Sanskrit it is translated as “having a hundred husbands.” Shatavari is a rasayana (rejuvenating agent) for women, a plant that gives strength to the reproductive organs, normalizes the function of the body's hormonal and immune systems.

Shatavari– this is not some magical elixir made from unicorn pollen, no, everything here is much simpler and more prosaic.

The drug is produced from the roots of asparagus, which is familiar to us all.

Shatavari(Shatamuli) is the Sanskrit name for asparagus racemosus.

There are different forms of release - you can buy powder or ready-made capsules or tablets.

For the first time I purchased tablets from the Indian brand Himalaya. It is these tablets that will be discussed in this review.

I didn’t have to look for the drug for a long time; I bought the first jar at the ASHA Indian goods store near Art. Dobryninskaya metro station, and the second in the Indian store in the Tagansky Passage shopping center.

There we bought Speman for my husband, because... Not everything is going smoothly with his spermogram either.

The price in the ASHA store was slightly lower than in the second store.

A jar of Shatavari of 60 tablets cost approximately 370 rubles . In Tagansky Passage more than 400 rub.

For a full preventive course you need 3 of these jars, and if you are undergoing treatment with Shatavari, then even more, but it is better to clarify this point with a specialist, and I will talk about personal experience.

Admission course

Recommendations for use vary from source to source. But a more or less safe and optimal course of administration is one tablet in the morning and evening, for 20 days. Then you need to take a 10-day break and continue taking it as before.

Thus, you need to take the drug three times for 20 days.

The tablets are large, their taste is strange, herbal, but I had no problems with use.

So I started buying milk (I had to look for lactose-free milk, because I am lactose intolerant) and bought a box of saffron. I purchased saffron from the same store as Shatavari.

From that moment on, my reception looked like this:

I heated half a glass of milk until warm, threw in 2-3 stigmas of saffron, waited until it brewed a little (5-10 minutes), then took Shatavari and washed it down with milk.

You need to do this about 20 minutes before meals, so first thing in the morning I drank Shatavari, and then went about my business, and the same thing in the evening - I came home and went to heat the milk.

Contraindications. It is important!!!

It is often written on the Internet that Shatavari has no contraindications, but this is not true.

In fact, the drug must be taken with great caution, because it contains many analogues of female hormones and can affect hormonal levels.

And the most important contraindication, which almost all sources write about, is increased Ama (toxins). That is, if your body has a high content of toxins and waste, then this drug should not be taken ! Otherwise, you will only make things worse for yourself, and taking the drug will have no effect.

The consequences of taking Shatavari can include digestive problems, constipation, an increase in toxins and, as a result, weight gain.

A little about cleansing the body.

There are a great variety of cleaning methods, for every taste and color.

There are radical but quick methods - fasting, cleaning with the “Sink Gesture”, enema, etc.

There are longer, but more humane ones, for example, taking milk thistle, flax seeds and other products aimed at removing toxins.

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