Vaginal plastic surgery: indications, rehabilitation, reviews. The main possible complications after vaginal plastic surgery How the pussy becomes after female surgery

At what age can labia reduction be performed? When should labia reduction surgery not be performed?

This operation does not have a clear age limit: it all depends on the general somatic condition of the patient and the indications. The main limitations include infectious diseases and inflammatory processes.

How long will the results from labia reduction last?

As a rule, repeated operations for this reason are not performed. Due to lack of need.

Will there be scars after labia reduction?

Scars always remain in the place where the incision was made. But on the mucous membrane the severity of scars is much less.

How is rehabilitation after labia reduction?

The rehabilitation period is quite comfortable. For a couple of days after the operation, there may be discomfort due to the presence of swelling. As soon as the swelling begins to subside, all sensations go away.

How long will it take for everything to heal after labia reduction? And when can you have sex after labiaplasty?

It is possible to return to your usual lifestyle the very next day after surgery, and to sexual activity – after 1 month.

When should vaginal plastic surgery be done?

The operation is indicated for: pain during sexual intercourse; decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse, anorgasmia (due to the expansion of the vagina, the penis does not fit tightly enough to it); urinary and/or gas incontinence; violation of defecation; gaping of the genital slit; pelvic organ prolapse (prolapse of the walls of the vagina, uterus, bladder).

When is the best time to plan a pregnancy after vaginal plastic surgery?

The operation does not affect the possibility of a subsequent pregnancy, but if you are planning a pregnancy in the near future, it would be better to give birth to a child first and only then undergo the operation, otherwise vaginal plastic surgery will be in vain.

How is rehabilitation after vaginal plastic surgery?

The rehabilitation period consists of treating the operated area with antiseptic solutions. There is no pain.

How long will it take to recover from vaginal surgery?

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, but, on average, rehabilitation takes 1 month.

Under what anesthesia is vaginal plastic surgery performed? And who gives the anesthesia?

As a rule, this operation is performed under spinal anesthesia. The patient's condition is monitored by an anesthesiologist from the beginning to the end of the operation.

What sutures are used during vaginal plastic surgery? Are sutures removed after vaginal surgery?

During this operation, sutures are placed directly on the vaginal wall, as well as on the perineum. Absorbable material is used, so there is no need to remove sutures.

Is it possible to sit after vaginal surgery? When can you have sex after vaginal surgery?

In our clinic, we do not prohibit patients from sitting in a sitting position - this is due to a special surgical technique that reduces the patient’s discomfort during rehabilitation. The patient is allowed to return to sexual activity within a month after the operation.

How long will it take to have a repeat vaginal surgery?

This depends on the patient’s lifestyle, the number of sexual partners and the presence of subsequent births. In most cases, repeat surgery is not required.

How long does the result last after virginity is restored?

The result itself lasts until the end of life; everything can depend only on the accompanying moments.

Vaginal plastic surgery (colpoplasty, vaginoplasty, intimate plastic surgery) is a type of surgical intervention that involves the effective elimination of sprains and internal injuries, restoration of muscle tone lost for one reason or another, as well as recreating the natural structure of the vagina.

The operation is performed not only for medical reasons, that is, to eliminate pathologies of the pelvic organs and various gynecological diseases, but also for aesthetic reasons. Posterior or anterior vaginalplasty is a technically complex procedure. During the intervention, the doctor must not only narrow the genital organ, but also restore the anatomically correct structure of the female organs.

Next, we will talk about indications for surgery, contraindications, preparation, the course of surgery, as well as recovery after vaginal plastic surgery. Let us consider in more detail a wide range of issues related to this manipulation. Attention will also be paid to reviews of vaginal plastic surgery from women who have already undergone this procedure.

Medical indications

During the plastic surgery of the vagina, the shape of the penis, changed for any reason, is normalized. During childbirth, the female body experiences severe stress, in the process of passing the child through the birth canal, the walls of the genital organ are significantly stretched. In some cases, labor activity may be accompanied by muscle ruptures of varying severity. These muscles support the internal organs of a woman in a physiologically normal position.

To prevent profuse blood loss, doctors usually put stitches on the tears (if they are extensive). Over time, scars may remain at the site of the sutures, which significantly reduce the degree of muscle contraction. As a result, the width of the vagina increases, the genital slit begins to gape, the woman's ability to experience an orgasm decreases, and therefore, sexual desire also decreases. All this can lead to problems that are absolutely not related to health, namely disruption of relationships in the family and between spouses.

In the event that the tears are very strong and the muscles are deeply damaged, the walls of the genital organ descend and the uterus falls out. As a result, sexual intercourse may be accompanied by painful sensations in the woman, and there is partial or even complete incontinence of urine and gases. It is precisely these problems that vaginal wall plastic surgery helps to get rid of. However, all kinds of labor disturbances, which lead to the vaginal walls losing their elasticity, are not the only reasons for the intervention.

The operation (vaginoplasty) is performed for the following reasons, they are also included in the list of indications:

  1. Congenital features of the anatomical structure of the genital organs. Colpoplasty is indicated for atresia of the hymen (this is a fusion of the entrance and obstruction of the septum, which prevents the exit of menstrual blood and discharge), lack of communication between the uterus and vagina, duplication of the female genital organs (a congenital anomaly, which is characterized by the presence of two separate uteruses and two vaginas), complete absence of a woman's vagina.
  2. Birth injuries. This is the most common reason for vaginoplasty surgery. A woman may be concerned about the width of the vagina, which after childbirth does not return to its original shape for a long time, a decrease in the lumen, excess volume, changes in the position of the vagina due to the healing of scars and scars, the appearance of passages between the vagina and the rectum or ureters that form at the sites of deep tissue ruptures.
  3. Age-related changes. As menopause approaches, there is a decrease in the tone of the perineal muscles, the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus and prolapse of the female genital organs. In this case, a woman may experience a sensation of a foreign body; vaginal prolapse may also be characteristic when the abdominal muscles are tense; sometimes it becomes possible to palpate the cervix at the entrance to the vagina.


Despite the fact that surgical intervention is a rather technically complex event, after vaginal plastic surgery, complications are rarely observed at a follow-up appointment. The manipulation has a very favorable prognosis. Contraindications to vaginal plastic surgery are:

  1. Diabetes mellitus, that is, the production of insufficient amounts of insulin or the body's resistance to its own insulin.
  2. The presence of any infectious diseases, including seasonal colds, flu, tuberculosis, STIs, blood infections.
  3. Oncological diseases of any location and severity.
  4. Blood clotting disorders, taking anticoagulants - medications that inhibit the activity of the blood coagulation system.
  5. Tendency to form hypertrophic scars, which are not only a cosmetic defect, but also cause pain.
  6. Some chronic and all acute diseases of internal organs, respiratory system, heart and blood vessels.
  7. The presence of acute inflammatory processes in the body.

In addition, vaginal plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so the anesthesiologist must also give the go-ahead for the intervention. Contraindications to anesthesia are:

  1. From the nervous system: the presence of acute neurological disorders, any mental illness, epilepsy, seizures.
  2. From the immune system: vaccination less than two weeks ago, some types of allergies and intolerance to certain medications.
  3. On the part of the respiratory system: acute bronchitis or chronic, with significant obstruction, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchial asthma during an exacerbation.
  4. From the side of the heart and blood vessels: severe heart failure, frequent crises, severe arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias.

Types of surgery

There are two main types of vaginal surgery. In the first case, the patient’s own tissues are used, that is, first the surgeon excises “extra” tissues, which connect the edges of the wound, reducing the lumen of the vagina. This is most often done if the ultimate goal is to narrow the inlet and strengthen the pelvis through plastic surgery of the anterior wall. The muscles are not affected during this surgical intervention; sutures are placed on the muscle layers, and then the edges of the mucous membrane are sutured.

Plastic surgery with implants is used to fix the walls in case of prolapse or prolapse of the vagina. During the operation, the sutures are secured using a special mesh, which grows with connective tissue and eventually resolves without a trace. This ensures long-term positive results from plastic surgery.

In addition, plastic surgery can be performed on the front or back wall of the vagina, and the doctor may only recommend suturing the entrance to the vagina and leaving the rest unchanged. Here it is better to rely on the recommendations of a doctor, who will advise the best option depending on the patient’s health status, her wishes and the condition of the vagina.

Also, vaginal plastic surgery can be an independent operation or a complex one, that is, carried out together with correction of the shape or fixation of the labia majora, enlargement of the clitoris, and so on.

Preparation for the procedure

Plastic surgery (as in all other cases) requires careful preparation of the patient. First, the woman undergoes the necessary tests: a vaginal smear for microflora, blood for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV.

The patient must undergo a consultation with a plastic surgeon, which includes an examination. This is necessary so that the surgeon can obtain information about the condition of the vagina and perineum, as well as select the optimal form of surgery.

In addition, during preparation for vaginal plastic surgery, a woman will have to visit a therapist, have a chest x-ray, ECG and undergo other tests to make sure there are no contraindications. In some cases, the list of analyzes and studies may be expanded. Usually, the final list of prescribed specialists and tests depends on the patient’s health condition and the scope of the proposed intimate vaginal plastic surgery.

A meeting with an anesthesiologist is also required, who must confirm the absence of contraindications to general anesthesia.

Before surgery, the patient must comply with the following recommendations:

  1. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking two weeks before intimate plastic surgery.
  2. A week in advance, start taking antibiotics and antiviral medications to avoid suppuration or recurrence of viral infections after surgery. A prescription for such medications should only be written by a doctor.
  3. During the day, limit your diet to a light breakfast and drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas. On the day of plastic surgery, you should not eat or drink anything.

As a rule, intimate plastic surgery is performed in the first days after the end of the next critical days.

Carrying out the operation

The average duration of a surgical intervention is from 30 to 60 minutes, a complex operation lasts 1.5-2 hours. Intimate plastic surgery is performed in an operating room equipped for general anesthesia. For pain relief, intravenous or inhalation administration of anesthetics, epidural anesthesia with drug sedation can be used, which makes it possible to create the most comfortable and safe conditions for the procedure.

The vagina is made smaller by removing a small portion of tissue. If the anterior wall is stretched, then plastic surgery of the anterior wall is performed; if the posterior wall is stretched, posterior colporrhaphy is performed. Caution is provided if they are present. If surgery is necessary to treat urinary incontinence, special threads are passed under the urethra to prevent its prolapse.

After the operation there are no visible traces of the intervention. Next, the patient must stay in the clinic for some time, where she will be monitored by qualified doctors. After vaginal plastic surgery, treatment of the vaginal entrance with antiseptic douches is also indicated. Before discharge from the hospital, a woman is given general and individual recommendations, and after some time a control appointment is made.

Rehabilitation period

Full recovery after surgical or laser plastic surgery of the vagina lasts about two months, for about a year a woman needs to observe some lifestyle restrictions, for example, not to lift objects that are heavier than five kilograms. In the postoperative period, the first three to five days should be strictly observed bed rest (at this time, the woman is still under the supervision of attentive doctors). It is not advisable to sit down for ten days. For another two months, you can not do serious housework, exercise and lift heavy objects. You are also not allowed to ride a bicycle.

For a year after the intervention, you should not lift anything weighing more than five kilograms. This is a great opportunity to give other people the opportunity to take care of you.

Immediately after vaginal plastic surgery (photo below), you should not eat, you can only drink fruit drinks or clean water. For the first two months, you need to eat only those foods that will not cause increased gas formation or bloating, because this can cause problems in the functioning of the pelvic organs, as well as an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. It is necessary to reduce the amount of solid food in the diet, as it can cause constipation.

Postoperative sutures from the perineum are usually removed on the seventh to tenth day, and from the vagina they are not removed at all, since absorbable threads are usually used for vaginal plastic surgery. Within a week after surgery, you need to treat the area with an antiseptic solution.

Within 2 months after vaginal plastic surgery (the uterus is not affected in most cases, unless necessary), you should avoid intimacy; in the second month, only vaginal contact is prohibited, but you can have anal and oral sex. Even excitement in the first couple of weeks after surgery can have a negative effect: it will provoke blood flow to the organs, which can cause the sutures to come apart, as well as increase post-operative swelling.

Consequences of the operation

Of course, the patient will most likely experience some adverse effects from the vaginoplasty over the course of the procedure. After the operation, pronounced swelling of the genital organs is noticeable, pain or bruises may appear. Severe swelling usually goes away within the first two weeks of the recovery period. This consequence completely disappears on its own after about two months. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen also disappear quite quickly, namely in two to three weeks. The pain is usually of moderate intensity, so painkillers may be needed.

Subcutaneous bruises do not require additional treatment unless they grow and are not accompanied by pain. In the latter case, you must definitely consult a doctor. The pelvic organs are well supplied with blood, so sudden bleeding can lead to significant blood loss.

Plastic surgery before childbirth

For medical reasons, vaginal plastic surgery can be performed on nulliparous girls. But it is very rare. In this case, after the birth of the child (if it is not a cesarean section), the procedure will need to be repeated. Also, women who had vaginoplasty after their first birth should plan to repeat the operation after the birth of their second or third baby.

Combination with other operations

Anterior or posterior vaginal plastic surgery can be performed as a stand-alone operation or in conjunction with other types of procedures. For example, sometimes such a surgical intervention is combined with an operation to strengthen the pelvic bones, that is, levatoroplasty.

Cost of the operation

In Moscow, several clinics can perform vaginal plastic surgery for medical reasons. In the treatment and rehabilitation center near the Spartak metro station, the procedure will cost from 30 thousand rubles, in the Vita laser cosmetology and medicine clinic - from 26 thousand. Vaginal plastic surgery for prolapse or other problems in the Happy Family and Estet Clinic clinics costs about 40-50 thousand rubles. At the Frau Clinic the operation will cost at least 70 thousand rubles.

Minimally invasive methods

Correction of the female perineum can also be carried out using minimally invasive methods. This is the name for operations that are performed without incisions, but only through minor punctures or natural physiological holes. Perineoplasty with thread (narrowing of the vagina, an alternative to intimate plastic surgery) strengthens the perineum, creating an organic frame. The procedure lasts about one hour, and the patient can return home the same day. The result of the manipulation is to improve the quality of a woman’s sexual life, prevent infectious diseases of the vagina and prolapse of the pelvic organs. Perineoplasty is a worthy alternative to “classical” intimate plastic surgery. The cost of such a procedure is 80-100 thousand rubles, excluding the price of threads.

Laser correction is also a minimally invasive (alternative) method of narrowing the vagina. During this procedure, the vaginal tissue is evenly heated using a laser. In this case, the area of ​​the zone affected during the operation is significantly reduced. The laser provokes the work of its own skin cells, as a result the body begins to actively produce its own collagen, that is, a protein that becomes the “building material”, the “framework” of the vagina. It also increases tone, improves the elasticity of the walls, and the mucous membrane becomes denser. After the first session, the sensations of intimacy become much more intense.

Laser plastic surgery of the intimate area does not require any lengthy preparation, as is the case with surgical intervention. Tissues recover very quickly after laser, there is no bleeding, risk of infection or development of any complications. Indications for laser correction are:

  • low wall tone;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • decreased sensitivity during intimate contact;
  • vaginal stretching after childbirth;
  • natural age-related changes in the walls;
  • excessive vaginal dryness, which is especially typical during menopause;
  • woman's dissatisfaction with sex life.

Typically, clients of clinics that provide laser rejuvenation are young mothers who want to get rid of postpartum changes, as well as women entering menopause to correct the damage caused by hormonal imbalances and time.

The cost of laser intimate treatment is about 20-30 thousand rubles. Sometimes 2-3 procedures may be required, which will affect the cost.

Conservative treatment

Vaginal plastic surgery for prolapse or other female problems is in most cases not the only treatment method. There are also conservative methods that will help with minor problems. Only a doctor should decide whether surgery is needed in each specific case. Firstly, a doctor may advise strengthening muscles and ligaments with the help of special gymnastics. Secondly, it is recommended to wear special latex, rubber or plastic rings that are placed on the cervix and secure the genitals while standing and walking. These rings do not interfere with normal life, but you just need to remember to take them off at night, maintain hygiene, and regularly go for preventive gynecological examinations. Physiotherapy and various types of massage are also actively used.

You can train the vaginal muscles with the help of gymnastics by doing Kegel exercises or doing Pilates. Kegel exercises can get your vagina in shape in just six to twelve weeks. At the same time, you only need to exercise for five minutes every day. Here are the basic exercises:

  1. Squeeze your muscles as if you were stopping the process of urination. Three sets of ten compressions are enough.
  2. Place your finger into the vagina and squeeze it several times with the internal muscles.
  3. Take a comfortable position and tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Hold them like this for 10 seconds, if it seems difficult at first, start with 4-5 seconds. Then relax for 10 seconds. The exercise must be repeated 8-10 times.

The main goal of modern plastic surgery is to improve the quality of human life. At the same time, it is not always about working with appearance. No less important is the possibility of correcting those parts of the body that are hidden from prying eyes - including such a delicate area as the female genital organs.

Vaginoplasty (vaginoplasty or colpoplasty)- a group of surgical operations aimed at eliminating damage and sprains of its anterior and posterior walls, increasing muscle tone, as well as restoring the natural anatomical structure of the vagina.

What are the indications and contraindications for this procedure? How is it carried out, and what results can you expect? How much does it cost to restore normal structure or correct defects in this area? The site examines all these questions together with invited specialists from leading metropolitan clinics:

Causes of intimate problems and indications for vaginoplasty

Disturbances in the normal structure and functioning of the vagina usually arise due to one or more of the following factors:

  • difficult or multiple births with ruptures and stretching of the walls are by far the most common reason for contacting a plastic surgeon;
  • mechanical and other injuries to the genital organs;
  • past illnesses;
  • age-related changes due to loss of elasticity and tissue tone;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • congenital features and developmental anomalies;
  • prolonged physical activity associated with lifting and carrying heavy objects.

If the anatomically correct structure of the vulva and its vestibule is violated, the quality of sexual life suffers significantly, the woman experiences constant moral discomfort, and in serious cases, additional problems appear - such as prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls. Thus, indications for plastic surgery can be both aesthetic (restoration of an attractive appearance and sexual sensitivity) and medical (elimination of various complications dangerous to health). The main ones:

  • uterine prolapse;
  • prolapse of the anterior or posterior wall;
  • growth or hardening of scar tissue after operations, injuries to the genital organs or suturing of birth ruptures, leading to a narrowing of the vaginal opening;
  • stretching of the vulva and loss of muscle tone during menopause and hormonal fluctuations due to age-related changes;
  • absence or underdevelopment of the vagina, other developmental anomalies (duplication of the genital organs, lack of connection with the uterus, etc.);
  • urinary incontinence due to tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall during sneezing, laughing, coughing, physical activity, sudden movements;
  • prolapse of the bladder and the associated risk of infection of the genitourinary system;
  • the appearance of fistulas between the vagina and the rectum or ureters;
  • the patient’s moral discomfort due to aesthetic defects;
  • decreased libido and intensity of sexual relations due to age-related changes in the genital organs and/or pain during sexual intercourse;
  • proven gender dysphoria (gender identity disorder in men).

Types of vaginal plastic surgery

Vaginoplasty as a branch of plastic surgery includes the following types of operations:

  • Narrowing of the vaginal opening (colporrhaphy)- the main and most popular option. It involves suturing the walls with excision of excess tissue. Depending on the area being treated, anterior and posterior colporrhaphy are distinguished. In the first case, work is carried out on the anterior wall, and in the second, on the posterior wall of the vagina. Depending on the severity of the prolapse of the walls, a special mesh may be used during surgery to strengthen them.
  • Restoration of vaginal patency (colpoesis)- performed to eliminate aplasia (congenital absence of the vagina). In this case, it is formed using a small fragment of the sigmoid colon. In addition, there is a “lighter” version of this operation (using skin grafts), which is performed to eliminate obstruction caused by the formation of a large amount of scar tissue. Similar changes often occur in women who have had a difficult birth with a perineal rupture.
  • Vagina shaping as part of gender reassignment surgery- a unique type of vaginoplasty, in which the skin of the penis or fragments of the sigmoid colon are used to create a vulva.

How is the operation performed?

The optimal time for vaginoplasty is the first few days after your next menstruation. The specific technique is determined by the surgeon based on the desired result. The operation is performed under general anesthesia or (less commonly) with epidural anesthesia in combination with medicated sleep.

The surgeon's work for anterior or posterior colporrhaphy takes 1-2 hours, other types of operations require much more time (especially feminizing vaginoplasty, which lasts up to 8-10 hours). The incisions are made from the side of the mucosa, so it will be impossible to notice postoperative scars in the future. If it is necessary to reduce the vestibule of the vagina, excision is carried out in a small volume in the superficial layers of soft tissue. Simultaneously with vaginoplasty, other intimate operations can be performed, incl. And .

Recovery period

  • Full rehabilitation after vaginal plastic surgery takes at least 2 months. For the first 2-3 days, you will need to follow a special diet based on liquid food to prevent possible infection during bowel movements. You will also need to follow dietary restrictions throughout the month to avoid constipation.
  • For 2 weeks, the woman is prohibited from sitting, and until complete recovery, she will need to minimize any physical activity and heavy lifting, and enhanced genital hygiene is also required. Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, a woman should not visit baths, saunas, or take hot baths.
  • You will have to give up intimate contacts for 1.5-2 months, and in the first 4 weeks it is advisable to avoid even sexual arousal: this causes blood flow to the genitals, which can increase post-operative swelling and cause problems with sutures.

Contraindications, possible complications and side effects

The main factors precluding the operation:

  • acute or chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • skin damage or inflammatory processes in the genital area;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bleeding disorders or taking anticoagulants;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe stress or depression;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart failure;

If we are not talking about colporrhaphy/colpoiesis, but about gender reassignment from male to female, then in addition to basic tests, official permission is required, issued based on the results of a medical commission, which includes a plastic surgeon, psychiatrist, endocrinologist and urologist.

Possible complications after vaginoplasty are mainly general surgical (typical for any operations): there are risks of bleeding, infection, temporary or permanent loss of sensitivity, etc. As a rule, all such problems are associated with the patient’s failure to comply with the restrictions of the recovery period or become a consequence of the surgeon’s mistakes, therefore one should be extremely responsible about one’s own behavior after surgery and the choice of a specialist.

Is it possible to give birth after vaginoplasty?

In the absence of direct contraindications, women who have undergone vaginal plastic surgery can subsequently give birth on their own without using a cesarean section. However, it is important to understand that the process of childbirth itself will most likely negate the result of a previously performed correction, after which repeated surgery will be required. For women planning children, it is advisable to undergo this operation only for medical reasons.

How much does a vaginal plastic surgery cost? Current prices

The range of prices for various types of this operation is very wide; the final cost will depend on the volume of the planned intervention, the qualifications of the surgeon and the pricing policy of the clinic:

Experts' opinions:

plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences:

All indications and groups of operations are analyzed in the article absolutely correctly. It can be noted that colporrhaphy (no matter whether it is anterior or posterior) is not plastic surgery of the vestibule, but simply plastic surgery of the anterior or posterior wall of the vagina. But these are some terminological delights. An important point about this operation: depending on the severity of prolapse (prolapse) of the vaginal walls, sometimes it becomes necessary to use synthetic materials - that is, mesh. In this case, the scope and risks of surgical intervention significantly expand.

Colpopoiesis is done in cases of developmental anomalies, most often in Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome, when there are ovaries, an underdeveloped infantile uterus and vaginal atresia. In this case, a segment of the sigmoid colon is taken laparoscopically and moved down, actually taking the place of the missing vagina. This is a complex operation, which subsequently requires long-term rehabilitation (especially gradual bougienage).

The same operation can be performed on the last group of patients listed in the article - transsexuals (with m-f transformation). The second option is the so-called penile inversion (when the inverted skin of the penis is used as a new vagina, and a piece of its head is left to later recreate sexual sensitivity. The skin of the scrotum is used to reconstruct the labia majora.

gynecologist of the highest category, DoctorPlastic clinic:

We perform plastic surgeries on the walls of the vagina due to their prolapse, including the installation of synthetic prostheses. This problem, as a rule, is accompanied by a variety of problems not only in sexual life, but also in everyday life (sensation of a foreign body in the vestibule of the vagina, friction of the mucous membranes, other discomfort) as well as urinary disorders (frequent urination, urinary incontinence).

In other cases, we perform excision of scar deformities, individual characteristics, postpartum defects, and also use contour plastic surgery and biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid for patients who want to enhance the sensations of intimate life or correct age-related changes in the intimate area.

Plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Mont Blanc Clinic:

Vaginal plastic surgery is performed both for functional disorders and for aesthetic reasons. In the first case, it is carried out to eliminate pathologies such as prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls, uterine prolapse... Most often, such problems are the consequences of a difficult birth. Surgery is also indicated for urinary incontinence.

In the absence of functional disorders, vaginoplasty can be recommended to normalize sexual life when a woman is not satisfied with the elasticity of the vagina or has aesthetic defects. Of course, in this case it is better to think carefully about everything in advance. Minor disorders should not be corrected surgically. But if dissatisfaction with your body leads to psychological discomfort and interferes with a full sexual life, then it makes sense to consult a plastic surgeon.

The operation itself is a reduction in the volume of the vagina. To do this, a cone-shaped piece of tissue is excised on the back and, sometimes, on the front wall. Patients tolerate this relatively easily. One of the most significant restrictions is that you will have to abstain from heavy physical activity and sexual relations for a month and a half.

Each person who resorts to, to some extent, pursues the goal of becoming especially attractive to his partner. Women are often embarrassed by saggy or underdeveloped breasts; men feel uncomfortable due to excess fat on certain parts of the body. These and many other factors sadly affect the intimate life of people, which is why most of them decide to turn to aesthetic surgery.

At the same time, there are many myths around corrective procedures that attractiveness becomes only a visual effect, and in physiological terms, a “reshaped” body cannot please with anything. Especially many scary stories are concentrated around mammoplasty and. Opponents of plastic surgery in unison talk about terrible scars, foreign bodies and loss of sensitivity in delicate places after surgical interventions. Some talk about the "artificiality" of all cosmetic manipulations, as a result of which your partner may be horrified the next morning when he sees you next to him in bed. Let's try to debunk all the misinformation and establish what is true and what is false.

The presenter successfully carries out all types of aesthetic services, if necessary, applying the principles of microsurgery. We focus not only on visually improving your appearance, but also on preserving all the natural functions of a particular part of the body. Our clinic guarantees you excellent results without harm to your health and full life.

Myths about “artificial” breasts

"Rubber balls". This is exactly what ardent opponents call implanted implants. There is a strong opinion that after breast augmentation with silicone prostheses, the breast becomes hard and overly elastic, and the soft glandular tissue, as if by magic, turns into a ball of rubber. Many argue that “artificial” breasts are unpleasant to the touch for a man. However, among men only a few adhere to this position, and they have never “tried” such a bust.

In fact. Modern implants with highly cohesive gel provide optimal breast elasticity and natural softness. In addition, most surgeons prefer to install the prosthesis under the muscle, which gives additional naturalness to the shape and tactile sensations. In the USA, everything happens differently: American women still prefer aggressive large volumes and subcutaneous installation of prostheses. In this case, the implants can actually contour and create a “balloon” sensation, both visually and to the touch. However, such types of access and installation are carried out strictly at the request of the patient. Therefore, persistent myths about silicone “Baywatch” can be safely left in the past.

"Terrible scars." The second most popular misconception is regarding. It most often refers to reduction mammoplasty and mastopexy ( and ). In this case, the doctor may indeed not be able to cope with the problem using a miniature suture, especially if the degree of ptosis is quite severe, and the mammary glands have grown to an abnormal volume. It is worth emphasizing that “terrible scars” in this case do occur, but only if the patient has keloidia, the fact of which she decided to hide from the doctor. However, even in the case of the formation of keloid scars, they can be treated, which shows excellent results in the treatment of this defect.

In fact. Even an anchor lift involves the application of a cosmetic suture. After a full-fledged invasive intervention, postoperative marks may indeed remain on your chest. However, there will be nothing terrible about them: firstly, they will soon match the natural pattern of nearby skin, and secondly, after a few months they will become light and will be practically invisible even to you. In addition, there are always cosmetic methods for removing scars at your service: laser treatment, microdermabrasion, various peelings. Our experienced surgeon Oleg Banizh will make every effort to make postoperative scars almost invisible even in the most difficult cases.

"Implant loss." A less common horror story is the implant falling out through a suture in the inframammary fold. Some opponents of plastic surgery actually believe that this is possible. And, it must be emphasized, not without reason.

In fact. Loss of an implant can only occur if the doctor is negligent, or if a prosthesis is installed that does not match the patient’s build. The amount of skin and glandular tissue in your breast area is extremely important when choosing the volume of implants. Unless the surgeon you choose has the specific experience, skill, and aesthetic sense, he or she may be willing to place large implants on you with a breast size of zero to begin with. However, in most cases the result of such actions will be disastrous. Approach breast surgery rationally, put aside impossible desires and choose a talented, experienced specialist for yourself. In this case, such emergency incidents will not threaten you in the future.

"Implant rupture on an airplane." The most ridiculous myth, which, nevertheless, has taken place over the past decade. The real story was in an incident when a woman’s “piece” foam pads in her bra burst due to pressure changes on a plane. Opponents of plastic surgery immediately changed everything in their own way and persistently proved to the whole world that these were silicone implants. Later, numerous media outlets joined them, eager to raise their ratings with such juicy and amazing stories.

In fact. Each implant undergoes several control tests while still in production. It is checked not only for tension, but also for changes in atmospheric pressure, as well as temperature jumps. For each pair of implants, a package of warranty documents is provided, in which the manufacturer undertakes to replace the prosthesis free of charge if its integrity is damaged. Objectively, implant ruptures occur mainly due to severe mechanical injuries, for example, in a traffic accident.

Myths about the pitfalls of intimate plastic surgery

"Loss of sensation." The most terrible theory for women who want to turn to plastic surgery of the labia. Incompetent people say that when manipulating the genitals, the sensitivity of the clitoris is lost, which can even lead to anorgasmia.

In fact. During labiaplasty, our doctor uses exclusively the labia, resecting their excess and “suturing” them to the desired shape. The most sensitive parts of the female genital organs are simply not involved in the operation. In addition, intimate plastic surgery is considered the most precious work, so the doctor performs the operation as carefully as possible so as not to damage nearby nerve endings. The innervation of the clitoris after labiaplasty remains the same, but the labia minora may lose sensitivity for 1-2 months. However, with the required monthly sexual abstinence, you will not even feel these uncomfortable phenomena.

The same situation develops with vaginoplasty and. The first case is generally a common occurrence after complicated childbirth; the female vagina is “sutured up” in the maternity ward. The appeal to a plastic surgeon here is based mainly on the low quality of the operation performed or its absence in the maternity hospital, even in urgent need. When performing male surgery, the most sensitive areas of the male genital organ also remain “untouched”, so the risk of decreased sensitivity during all interventions is reduced to almost zero.

Cosmetic myths

"Lips can burst!". People say that during a passionate kiss, lips can burst or tear, and their contents will begin to rapidly flow out of the crack.

In fact. The mechanism of lip augmentation when using contour plastic surgery is based not on the superficial introduction of the gel, but on the distribution of filler in the deep layers of tissue. Thus, the lips are filled with volume from the inside. In addition, our doctor prefers to use biocompatible ones. They provide natural filling of cells with moisture, eliminate the formation of irregularities and balls, and are beneficial for tissues and skin in all respects. Lips can “tear” only during surgical implantation of silicone implants, which is practically not practiced in modern aesthetic medicine.

"A Scary Awakening" People say that waking up with a partner who also uses contouring is truly terrible. They say that only a good layer of decorative cosmetics can hide the flaws that appear on the face during cosmetic procedures.

In fact. Bruises, hemorrhages and tissue swelling may only accompany you for the first few days after Botox or filler injections. Moreover, even these transient side effects are not typical for everyone. Only patients with thin, hypersensitive skin are prone to them. Exceptions are patients with a history of allergies, a tendency to reject foreign bodies, and individual intolerance to the components of the administered drug. An experienced doctor will conduct all the necessary tests and allergy tests before applying one or another cosmetic correction method.

Intimate life after plastic surgery worries each of our potential patients, and this is no wonder: no beautiful breasts, juicy lips and neat genitals are worth a global decrease in the quality of life. In this article we covered all the nuances of plastic surgery and its possible consequences. I would like to emphasize that all these myths can theoretically come true if you choose an unscrupulous doctor. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully select your surgeon based on his achievements and experience. Our aesthetic surgeon Oleg Banizh is ready to provide you with any service to correct your appearance, focusing on your healthy condition after surgery.

Vaginoplasty is a well-established and fairly common operation in the field of female intimate plastic surgery.

The age of the patients is from 25 to 55 years. Helps eliminate a number of problems in the intimate area, reduces and restores the structure of the vagina.

The most possible complications after vaginal plastic surgery occur during the first week. Within 5-7 days, slight bleeding and a slight increase in temperature may appear.

After the operation, patients may experience the following complications:

  • Hematomas. They usually go away without additional treatment. But the occurrence of pain with a concomitant increase in the area of ​​hematomas is a reason for an urgent visit to a surgeon.
  • Painful sensations. May occur for about two weeks. Painkillers are prescribed to relieve pain.
  • Swelling may last for a week. Usually goes away on its own.
  • In rare cases, asymmetry of the labia may occur. To prevent this from happening, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and observe all restrictions.
  • Scarring. The appearance of scars is possible due to excessive growth of connective tissue in the area of ​​the sutures. Depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Consequences of vaginal plastic surgery and benefits

Vaginoplasty helps in solving problems such as excess vaginal volume, scarring in the vagina (after childbirth), and urinary incontinence.

In addition to physiological defects, surgery helps get rid of psychological discomfort and low self-esteem. A number of patients resort to this operation for aesthetic reasons, due to congenital characteristics or age-related changes.

The consequences of vaginal plastic surgery are more positive. Vaginoplasty helps improve sexual relationships, because the increased volume of the vagina interferes with the intensity of sensations due to the loose fit of the vaginal walls to the penis. Vaginal plastic surgery helps to return to a full, rich life and improve relationships in a couple.

Scars that remain after stitching up tears during childbirth also interfere with full sensations. The entrance to the vagina after the healing of the sutures remains wider, as a result of which a woman sometimes loses the ability to enjoy sexual intercourse.

Vaginoplasty reduces the size of the vagina, eliminates urinary incontinence and prolapse of the vaginal walls. The operation serves to prevent possible complications associated with an increase in vaginal volume.

Recovery and sex after vaginoplasty

The main limitation is abstaining from sex after vaginoplasty for 2 months. Moreover, it is worth paying attention that even sexual arousal during the 1st month after surgery can lead to swelling and divergence of the sutures. This is due to blood flow to the genitals during arousal. In the second month, restrictions apply only to vaginal sex.

The advantage of vaginoplasty is a quick recovery and a relatively painless rehabilitation period.

  • The first day after plastic surgery, it is recommended to stay in the hospital; you cannot be in a sitting position. A sitting position is not recommended for 10 days after surgical procedures.
  • Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and vaginal suppositories are used for 5-7 days.
  • The sutures are treated with antiseptic solutions after each urination.
  • To speed up healing and avoid the inflammatory process, apply napkins with Levomekol ointment.
  • For sanitation and speedy healing, special suppositories are inserted into the vagina for 2 weeks.
  • To avoid pressure on the sutures, it is recommended to empty the bladder frequently, every 2-3 hours, even without urge.
  • Defecation should only occur on the 3rd postoperative day, stool should be semi-liquid. For this, a special diet is followed.
  • Under no circumstances should constipation be allowed; for this purpose, it is recommended to consume vegetable oils daily.
  • The diet is necessary for 2 months; foods that prevent excessive gas formation, which contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, are excluded.


The use of modern materials allows you to avoid such an unpleasant procedure as removing sutures. The threads used when suturing the vagina dissolve on their own.

Hygiene procedures are carried out only in the shower. For 14 days, visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, and swimming in reservoirs is completely prohibited. Physical activity and sports are prohibited for a month. For 1 year after plastic surgery, the weight of weights lifted should not exceed 5 kg.

Compliance with all necessary regulations and restrictions speeds up the recovery process after vaginal plastic surgery.

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