Period without clots is a sign of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy during menstruation. Enlargement of the uterus

Menstruation without clots in a woman may indicate the onset of serious pathologies. This is the first sign of uterine bleeding, its complex consequences and a number of other diseases. All of them have their own symptoms and are dangerous in their own way. In this case, you just need to consult with your doctor, who will make an accurate diagnosis, and not start the disease, if any.

There are some signs of the norm for menstruation in a woman. If there are no clots, the blood changes color and there are changes in duration, it is worth paying close attention to this. All deviations from the norm are fraught with the development of complications.

Causes of the phenomenon

The norm is dark scarlet, burgundy or brown blood with mucous particles that separate from the membranes of the walls in the uterus.

There are the following factors that affect the fact that women do not have clots in spotting during menstruation:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • ovarian diseases;
  • complications during pregnancy;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant tumors in the uterus;
  • benign tumors;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • transitional age;
  • menopause;
  • endometriosis;
  • taking blood-thinning medications;
  • infections;
  • inflammatory processes.

Menstruation has a number of features. During the day, a healthy woman secretes from 20 to 50 milliliters of dark-colored blood in small portions, a maximum of 150 milliliters. It contains lumps of mucus and clots. Their number is approximately stable over the same period of time in one person.

It is very important to distinguish healthy periods from uterine bleeding. For example, a sign of pathology is that there is a sharp change in the discharge. For example, the volume of blood changes, or it flows every day. It has no clots. The blood is scarlet in color, a specific smell disappears from it.

Failure of the menstrual cycle

Bleeding without clots is a consequence of menstrual irregularities. They are also characterized by a change in the time intervals between menstruation, an increase in their duration. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the blood can flow for months.

Attention is also paid to the influence of age factors. For young ladies, uterine bleeding is typical in the first years after the onset of menstruation. In adolescents, hormonal imbalances can be the cause of changes. Menstruation does not go regularly, there are no clots in them, sometimes too long menstruation can provoke anemia. The second age category are women in menopause or menopause. In this case, lumps of mucus in the secretions may temporarily disappear or disappear altogether. This is typical for the cessation of menstruation in the fair sex.

If violations are not treated in time when benign tumors appear, this can lead to shock syndrome. Specific clots, different from the usual ones, may appear when taking hormonal contraceptives. They look like slime with brown streaks.

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In pregnant women, mucus along with bloody discharge or the absence of clots and liquid blood sometimes indicates placental abruption. Such signs are also characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy.

A woman should definitely contact a doctor who will prescribe special drugs after making a diagnosis. Worth an ultrasound. If you start this process, the consequences can be dire. The gynecologist prescribes the pills, and he himself indicates the exact dosage of the drug. In some cases, only surgery can help. You should not attribute everything to age-related changes, since very serious diseases can be masked under them. It is time to pay attention to your health.

A change in the nature of menstruation occurs in the first months of taking hormonal contraceptives, in the first years of regular menstruation. An examination by a gynecologist is mandatory.

What to do when menstruation appears without clots

Every woman's menstruation is completely different. Any change in the nature of the discharge can be a sign of uterine bleeding and lead to the development of life-threatening complications. Menstruation without clots can occur with ovarian diseases, a violation of the course of pregnancy, and blood diseases.

During menstruation, an average of twenty to fifty milliliters of blood is released per day. It is dark in color, flows out in portions. Minor inclusions are characteristic of menstrual flow: lumps of mucus, clots. The number of lumps is constant in the same woman.

Menstrual blood has a specific unsharp, individual smell. are also specific to different representatives of the fair sex. The spectrum of shades ranges from pinkish to dark brown or brownish. With each menstruation, this shade of color is the same.

Differences between menstruation and uterine bleeding

The discharge of blood without clots can be a variant of the norm, if this nature of menstruation is repeated from month to month, the number of discharges does not exceed the normal one and their duration corresponds to the norm. The situation should be alert when the characteristics of menstruation change dramatically:

  • the volume of secretions increases or decreases;
  • blood flows constantly;
  • discharge becomes liquid;
  • their color changes, becomes scarlet, intense red;
  • clots disappear in the secretions;
  • the specific smell of blood disappears.

Bleeding without clots is characterized by an increase or decrease in the period between periods, an increase in the number of days of bleeding. It may take longer than usual. Without appropriate treatment, bleeding does not stop for months.


The main reasons that provoke such a symptom are the following:

  • malignant tumors of the cervix and body of the uterus;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • hormonal disorders in the ovaries;
  • adolescence;
  • menopause;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • endometriosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases with increased bleeding;
  • taking drugs that thin the blood.

In adolescence and menopause, hormonal disorders are the cause of uterine bleeding. In girls, they are most often noted in the first few years after the onset of menstruation. At this time, the cycle is not yet regular. Menstruation occurs at different intervals. They vary in duration and intensity. If the periods last for a long time, they can lead to the development of anemia.

Taking hormonal contraceptives in the first two or three months in about half of the cases is accompanied by the release of mucus with brownish streaks. They are minor, spotting, and may continue after replacing the drug with another. After the normalization of the hormonal background, after a few months from the start of the use of these drugs, the discharge stops.

With benign tumors, as a rule, there are two types of discharge: massive with the release of liquid blood or long-term (up to several months) with a daily rejection of a small amount. These bleedings are dangerous due to the occurrence of complications: shock or anemia.

For the treatment of certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the doctor prescribes drugs that make the blood more liquid (for example, aspirin), and prevent the appearance of microclots. Violation of the scheme of taking such drugs can lead to increased bleeding.

The appearance of mucus with blood or leakage of liquid blood in pregnant women may indicate the onset of placental abruption and be the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy.


A change in the nature of menstruation, an increase in its duration, the volume of blood released, the disappearance of clots should alert a woman. She should immediately consult a gynecologist.

With massive bleeding, the volume of fluid in the vessels decreases sharply. A woman develops symptoms of shock:

  • pads get wet at short intervals;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • heart palpitations occur;
  • dizziness appears;
  • the patient becomes pale;
  • the skin is covered with drops of sweat;
  • the condition worsens with a sharp rise;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • the woman may lose consciousness.

If the bleeding is spotting, disturbing for a long time, then there is a danger of developing anemia. In this case, the patient is concerned about such manifestations:

  • constant secretion of mucus streaked with brown;
  • over time, they change color, become lighter;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • the skin becomes dry, pale or with a yellowish tint;
  • fragility and delamination of nails;
  • hair loss;
  • dizziness when standing up abruptly;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • deterioration of success in schoolgirls;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • anemia.

If the above symptoms appear, the woman should consult a doctor immediately. Depending on the cause, treatment can be done with pills or surgery.


The outflow of mucus with brown streaks without clots most often occurs with a variety of pathologies. Any changes in the nature of menstruation need to be consulted by a gynecologist.

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At an early stage, there is the appearance of menstruation during pregnancy, which can be considered a physiological or pathological process. A pregnant woman needs to urgently contact a gynecologist, undergo a complete examination of the pelvic organs. It is possible that immediate hospitalization is necessary to preserve the pregnancy. By such an unpleasant symptom, an ectopic pregnancy is determined and not only. The condition is dangerous because it can cost the life of an unborn baby.

What is menstruation

According to the laws of the female body, the menstrual cycle ends with uterine bleeding. If abundant discharge did not come, it is possible that the woman is in an “interesting position”. With a missed period, thoughts of unexpected or planned motherhood come to mind. However, it happens that pregnancy has come, but the critical days have come anyway. This is possible even after a successful conception, but the nature of the discharge reduces its abundance and intensity. It is better to consult a gynecologist, find out the possible consequences for the health of the mother and child.

Can there be periods during pregnancy

This question is of interest to many expectant mothers, especially those who are preparing for motherhood for the first time. During the period of bearing a baby, this is real, and is explained by insufficient production of the hormone progesterone in the blood by the corpus luteum. With an increase in the term, the indicator should ideally increase, and then nothing threatens the intrauterine development of the embryo. Otherwise, there is a high probability of termination of pregnancy already in the early stages. In addition, one should not exclude the following clinical picture: a weak embryo cannot attach to the uterine mucosa, so rejection occurs.

If menstruation during early pregnancy appeared, it can take several hours - a day, they are scarce and have an unusual color. If everything stops after a couple of days, you can not panic, but visit the gynecologist anyway. Menstruation in the later stages of gestation, regardless of intensity and duration, eloquently indicates a progressive pathology. A pregnant woman should respond in a timely manner to such alarming symptoms. In any case, the question of whether menstruation can go during pregnancy has an unambiguously affirmative answer.

What do they look like

More often it is scarlet discharge, which is also called "spotting". However, there are also brown blood clots that come out partially. In the latter case, this may be a sign of endometrial rejection, as a dangerous pathological process. Menstruation during gestation is not abundant - in short intervals. They are easy to distinguish from the usual uterine bleeding. Pregnancy with menstruation is pathological, requires immediate medical attention already when the first symptoms appear.

How to distinguish menstruation during pregnancy from normal

Habitual menstruation is abundant, stable cycle, lasts from 3-7 days. If a woman is not planning a child, it is recommended to keep an individual schedule. Menstruation during pregnancy is characterized by scant discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, and internal discomfort. With unplanned bleeding, the time interval between discharges is reduced, a woman develops iron deficiency anemia. With bloody discharge, the head may additionally hurt, feel sick, and weakness appears.

Menstruation during early pregnancy

The appearance of menstrual bleeding during gestation in the first trimester is an alarming sign for a future mother. The delay in menstruation is easily explained by the successful process of fertilization of the egg, but the appearance of abnormal discharge may indicate that the uterine corpus luteum is being rejected. In addition, this phenomenon is not excluded with hormonal disorders, diseases of the endocrine system in pregnant women. Other causes of minor spotting that accompany pregnancy and menstruation at the same time are:

  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • progressive ectopic pregnancy;
  • the threat of miscarriage at an early stage;
  • death of the embryo in one of the trimesters.

Scanty periods as a sign of pregnancy

If menstruation appeared during pregnancy, it is possible that this is a systematic period of embryo implantation, which is not considered a pathology and may be accompanied by spotting. It lasts from 7 to 15 days, while it is not accompanied by hormonal changes in the female body. In the future, with minor discharges that do not stop, you need to be alert, voice your suspicions to the district gynecologist. Such a symptom can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, but doctors suggest other diagnoses.

If a woman does not know about her "interesting position", scanty periods are a clear symptom. In this case, the test may give a false negative answer - one strip. This is explained by the short term and insufficient concentration of sex hormones, as an option - progesterone. In such cases, it is required to control the onset of menstruation, and after its completion, wait and perform a second home study. It is possible that the tests will be positive.

What are the dangers of menstruation during pregnancy

The rejection of fetal eggs, as the main cause of menstruation during gestation, is preceded by a disturbed hormonal background, internal diseases in a female way, strong physical exertion and mental upheaval. If 9 months pass in a state of stress, it is possible that menstruation will appear at an early date. There is no need to talk about her calm course and normal childbirth in such a clinical picture; It is important to ask your doctor how to save the life of an unborn child. If menstruation appeared during gestation, dangerous causes may be as follows:

  • detachment of the fetal egg;
  • the threat of miscarriage at an early stage and pathological childbirth in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  • profuse bleeding with progressive anemia;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • genetic disorders of the embryo;
  • bad heredity;
  • social and domestic factor.


Do you know the first signs of pregnancy? Below we provide a list of 25 signs of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy, depending on their reliability and informativeness, it is customary to divide into 3 categories: possible (the presence of these signs indicates that pregnancy is possible), probable (the presence of these signs indicates that the likelihood that you are pregnant is very high) and accurate (the presence of these signs always indicates the presence of pregnancy).

Possible signs of pregnancy

Absence of menstruation

In the absence (delay) of menstruation, pregnancy is suspected in the first place. It is customary to talk about a delay in menstruation in those cases when, against the background of a regular menstrual cycle, menstruation did not occur at the expected time. Pregnancy, however, is not the only reason for the absence (delay) of menstruation. Other possible reasons for not having a period are:
  • Stress
  • Intense physical activity (for example, fitness classes)
  • Disease
  • Changes in the mode of life, work (for example, switching to work on a night shift)
  • Taking certain medications (such as hormonal medications)
  • Overweight
  • Underweight
  • Incorrect counting (in case of irregular menstrual cycle)
  • Period close to menopause

unusual menstruation

The menstrual cycle, in any way different from the usual: longer, or vice versa, shorter; starts earlier or later, is accompanied by more or less abundant discharge - any of these variations and their combinations may indicate pregnancy. It should be noted that in addition to the onset of pregnancy, such menstrual irregularities can be observed in some gynecological diseases, so the identification of this symptom should serve as a reason to consult a doctor (either for a positive diagnosis of pregnancy, or for the diagnosis and treatment of a disease that disrupts the menstrual cycle).

"Feeling" of pregnancy

At the very beginning of pregnancy, some women experience uterine cramps or even pain. Most of all, uterine cramps resemble premenstrual pain.

Nausea and vomiting

These are some of the most common early signs of pregnancy. Although nausea and vomiting may appear from the first weeks of pregnancy, most often these symptoms occur from the 6th to the 12th week. If nausea and vomiting appear in the first weeks of pregnancy, they are usually considered as signs of early preeclampsia (toxicosis of pregnant women). Nausea and vomiting can be observed in a number of other conditions (diseases) that are not related to pregnancy in any way (gastritis, gastric ulcer, enteritis, enterocolitis, migraine) - however, in such cases, in addition to nausea and vomiting, there are usually other symptoms of the disease that are not characteristic for pregnancy.

Libido changes

Changes in a woman's sexual desire are caused by a complex of emotional and physical changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. These changes can either increase or decrease libido (sexual desire). Physical changes include increased breast tenderness (which can also make touching more pleasant or extremely unpleasant), nausea, increased blood flow to the genital area, and others. Psychological changes are associated with the effect of female sex hormones on the nervous system. In view of the extreme delicacy of the problem of sexual desire, its changes are usually considered the last sign of pregnancy, especially if these changes are selective or chronic.

sore chest

During pregnancy, the breasts begin to prepare for feeding the unborn child. Breast changes during pregnancy include:
  • Sore or tender breasts
  • Enlargement and darkening of the nipples and areolas
  • Breast augmentation
  • Isolation of colostrum (either spontaneously or by pressure on the nipple and areola).
The described breast changes can also be observed in some endocrine diseases (for example, increased secretion of prolactin).

Breast augmentation

Although this is not a mandatory feature, many women experience breast enlargement from early in pregnancy. During pregnancy, both breasts increase symmetrically and evenly. One-sided or uneven (knotty) breast enlargement is observed with breast tumors, mastitis.

Frequent urination

It can be observed from early pregnancy. A woman experiences frequent urge to urinate, which usually ends with the release of a small amount of urine. The increased urge to urinate during pregnancy is due to the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, reducing its volume and ability to accumulate urine. In addition to pregnancy, frequent urination can be observed in diseases of the bladder or urethra - cystitis, urethritis (in such cases, frequent urges are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, burning directly during urination, temperature), endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus (frequent urination is accompanied by the release of a large amount of urine and intense thirst).

Unusual taste preferences

While many people associate pregnancy with "cravings" for pickles and ice cream, pregnant women's taste preferences vary and are not limited to the foods described. Some studies show that 68% of pregnant women experience unusual taste preferences, which are sometimes surprising in nature (the desire to eat raw vegetables, chalk, earth, lime, raw meat, etc.). And although most preferences are safe for health (in a reasonable amount), some pregnancy may experience the so-called pica - the desire to eat inedible substances such as chalk, starch, etc. A change in taste preferences can also be observed with iron deficiency anemia. In the case of anemia, taste preferences are combined with other symptoms: brittle and dry hair, splitting of nails, cracks in the corners of the mouth, pale skin, dizziness, and increased fatigue.


A number of important changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman and many processes take place, even if it is not very noticeable in the initial period. This organism needs a lot of strength and resources, which explains the reduced endurance, drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue. This sign has the least diagnostic value, since a feeling of fatigue or decreased performance can occur with many different diseases or be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, chronic overwork or lack of sleep.

Tubercles of Montgomery

Montgomery's tubercles are small bumps (reminiscent of goosebumps) on the areola of the breast (the areola). They do not pose any threat to health, and their appearance is a common sign of pregnancy.

Skin changes

Due to the many hormonal and mechanical changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, the skin can also change. Skin changes during pregnancy include:
  • Mask of pregnancy (chloasma) - in some pregnant women, due to increased secretion of melanotropin, increased pigmentation of the nose, cheeks and forehead develops. After childbirth, this pigmentation gradually disappears.
  • The dark line along the abdomen is a pigmented line that runs from the pubis to the fundus of the uterus and usually appears by the third month of pregnancy.
  • Acne - while some pregnant women have better skin than they ever did before pregnancy, for other women, skin becomes oilier and more acne-prone as pregnancy progresses.
  • Spider veins ("spider veins") - can appear on the face, neck, chest, arms and legs. They appear due to an increase in the blood level of estrogen (female sex hormones). In shape, they resemble stars, have a bluish tint and disappear when pressed.
  • Stretch marks - usually appear in the second half of pregnancy and depend on factors such as heredity, weight gain, diet, etc.
  • Erythema of the palms - redness or spots on the palms. It also occurs due to elevated estrogen levels.
  • Other types of changes - some women notice accelerated nail growth, others notice increased hair growth, hair may become stronger or more brittle, there may be increased sweating, and a host of other changes.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks appear due to the separation and rupture of the collagen fibers of the skin. They are not painful, but they may feel itchy or tingly. During pregnancy and in the postpartum period, stretch marks appear in 60-90% of women. Stretch marks most commonly appear in the lower abdomen, but can also appear on the thighs, upper arms, chest, and buttocks. There are many factors that affect the likelihood of stretch marks. The main factors are:
  • Family history - if your mother, sister, grandmother and aunt had stretch marks, you probably will too.
  • Weight Gained – Rapid and/or excessive weight gain dramatically increases the risk of stretch marks.
  • Multiple pregnancies - If you have multiple pregnancies, the chances of getting stretch marks are very high.
  • Diet – A healthy diet and sufficient fluids provide higher skin elasticity, and consequently reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Enlargement of the uterus

As the fetus grows, the size of the uterus increases, and, accordingly, the volume of the abdomen increases. An increase in the volume of the uterus can also be observed in cases of uterine tumors. An increase in the volume of the abdomen can be observed separately from an increase in the size of the uterus. In such cases, possible causes of an increase in the abdomen may be: obesity, ascites, an increase in the size of other internal organs.


Women who have not given birth before, first feel the movement of the fetus around the 20th week of pregnancy. Those who were previously pregnant feel the movement earlier, around the 16-18th week. Note that the feeling of fetal movement, as a possible sign of pregnancy, comes much earlier than the visible vibrations of the abdominal wall, which is considered as an undoubted sign of pregnancy.

Isolation of colostrum from the breast

Colostrum is the first milk. It contains all the necessary nutrients for a newborn baby. Usually, by the end of pregnancy, women notice a yellowish liquid from the breast, or simply notice the appearance of a thin white film on the nipples - this is colostrum. For some women, colostrum may also appear earlier in pregnancy.

Possible signs of pregnancy

Increasing the volume of the abdomen

If you have been pregnant before, you may notice a slight increase in belly volume as early as the second or third month of pregnancy. However, most often the abdomen noticeably increases only after the third or fourth month of pregnancy, and sometimes even later. After the 12th week, the uterus can be felt above the pubis.

Changes in the shape of the uterus

This sign can be checked by an obstetrician, and it can also be checked with an ultrasound.

Braxton Hicks contractions (training contractions)

Braxton-Hicks contractions are defined as intermittent, painless contractions that occur at intervals of 10 to 20 minutes and may appear after the first trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes they are called training bouts. Not all pregnant women feel exercise contractions, and some mothers say they felt them much more clearly in subsequent pregnancies compared to their first pregnancy. Some women do not feel contractions, but feel periodic tension if they feel their lower abdomen with their hands. Training contractions differ from true labor contractions in that they are shorter, less intense, and irregular. They often stop if the woman lies down and relaxes. If the gestational age is less than 37 weeks, the contractions are regular, do not stop and are repeated more often than every 10-12 minutes, you need to urgently consult a doctor, since these may not be training contractions, but premature birth. The difference between real labor pains and Braxton Hicks contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions Labor contractions
Contractions do not increase Contractions get more frequent
Contractions don't get worse Contractions intensify
Contractions are felt more in the front of the abdomen Contractions felt all over the abdomen
Contractions don't lengthen Contractions lengthen
Walking does not affect contractions Contractions get worse when walking
The cervix does not change The cervix softens and opens
If any of the described signs or their combinations are determined, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause of their occurrence. Diagnosis of pregnancy should be made as early as possible - this is extremely important for the prevention of some complications of pregnancy.

Positive pregnancy test

A regular pregnancy test, available from a pharmacy, is taken 5 or more days after the date your period was due (in the case of a regular menstrual cycle). If this test is carried out earlier, it is likely that it will show a false negative result (that is, there is pregnancy, but it has not yet been determined using the test). This is because this test detects the level of pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine, and the concentration of this hormone increases gradually during the first weeks of pregnancy. If you want to check if you are pregnant or not before the specified date, you can take a more sensitive laboratory test. Very rarely, an increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin can be observed with some tumors of the uterus.

Accurate Signs of Pregnancy

Feeling the fetus

In the later stages of pregnancy, you can feel the fetus through the abdomen. Obstetricians do this to determine the position of the fetus.

Listening to the fetal heart

The fetal heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. With the help of an electronic stethoscope, the heartbeat can be heard as early as 10-12 weeks. The average fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute.

Determination of pregnancy using ultrasound (ultrasound)

It is recommended to undergo the first ultrasound examination (ultrasound) between the 7th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. However, with the help of ultrasound, you can determine the presence of pregnancy much earlier - starting from 2-3 weeks of pregnancy.

Determination of pregnancy using x-ray

Due to the risk of radiation exposure, X-ray examination is not used as a method of determining pregnancy. However, pregnancy can be determined by chance, during an x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. In such cases, the bones of the fetus will be visible on the x-ray.
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© L.V. Terentyeva, G.A. Pashinyan, 2003 UDC618.1/.7-06:340.6 L.V. Terentyeva, G.A. Pashinyan FORENSIC-MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF ADVERSE...

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