When taking Lindinet 20, menstruation began. Reception OK "Lindinet" during menstruation. Interaction with other drugs

Many young girls use oral contraceptives for protection. It is convenient, reliable, and in addition, it is also possible to treat some pathological conditions. But the body responds to any hormonal drugs in its own way: there are delays, spotting, mood changes, and some other signs.

Lindinet 20 and 30 are one of the first contraceptive drugs that are still actively used for treatment and for the purpose of preventing pregnancy. How to use the pills correctly, what are the features of the medicine? What to do if, while taking Lindinet, during menstruation, the previous symptoms continue to bother?

Read in this article

Admission rules

Lindinet is a combined oral contraceptive that contains estrogenic and progestogen components. The package contains 21 tablets for daily use. This is a monophasic drug, which means that each capsule contains the same amount of active ingredients. Lindinet is most suitable for young active girls who are not overweight and pronounced.

Standard reception pattern

Under normal conditions, Lindinet should be started at the moment when any bleeding from the genital tract appears. At a fixed time, take one tablet daily for 21 days. After that, you need to take a break for seven days. At this time, the woman will have menstrual-like discharge from the genital tract. The first capsule from the next package must be drunk on the 8th day (they will coincide with the day of the week of taking the pill from the previous pack).

If Lindinet start drinking after other OK

In this case, the first pill from the package must be drunk as soon as the other contraceptives are finished. It is possible that spotting will already begin, but they may not be. The same must be done when removing the contraceptive ring, patch, etc.

If a woman switches to Lindinet-20 or 30 after taking progestin preparations (mini-pill), then you can start using these tablets on any day of the cycle.

After termination of pregnancy

In the case when a medical surgical abortion was performed before 12 weeks of pregnancy, you can start taking Lindinet from the same or the next day. There is no need to wait for the next critical days to come. In this case, taking Lindinet, scanty periods in the next cycle are the absolute norm.

If the termination of pregnancy occurred after 12 weeks, as well as after childbirth, you can use Lindinet after a 28-day break. And even with proper use, it is necessary to apply additional protection measures against unwanted pregnancy for the first seven days.

If the time of taking the tablets is violated

It happens that a woman forgets to take a pill at the specified time. What matters is the break.

If less than 12 hours have passed, then you should take the medicine immediately upon detection. The next pill is on schedule.

If more than 12 hours have passed, then there is no point in taking the missed pill, you just need to skip it, and start with the next one on the schedule. But in this case, the risk of pregnancy increases, so it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception for seven days.

If at the time when the tablet was missed, 6-7 pieces remained in the package, then immediately after the end of this pack, you must start a new one without interruption. Menstruation when taking Lindinet in this mode will be in 50 - 60 days, but the possibility of spotting during the entire time is not ruled out.

If a woman missed two tablets, then proceed as in the previous case. If there are three, it is better to throw away the current package, start a new one, or stop drinking hormonal drugs altogether. In the first week after such a violation of the schedule, it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception.

Watch the video on the use of hormonal contraception:

Impact on the cycle

Lindinet refers to combined monophasic contraceptives. This determines its influence on . There are two types of the drug, which differ in the dose of the estrogen component - 0.02 and 0.03 mg. It also affects the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Norm when taking pills

Ideally, regular intake of Lindinet should normalize a woman's menstrual cycle to a duration of 28 to 30 days. Against the background of the use of the drug, the amount of monthly blood loss decreases.

The main characteristics of menstruation while taking Lindinet with a successful prescription of the drug:

  • , sometimes of a smearing nature. If very heavy periods were previously observed, then when using tablets, the volume of menstrual blood is significantly reduced.
  • occur rarely and are of a short duration, the use of analgesics is not required.
  • often 2 - 3 days, less often - 4 - 5. Up to 7 days, a minor may disturb.
  • The cycle is regular, premenstrual symptoms are absent or mild.

The use of Lindinet reduces or practically relieves pain on the eve and during menstruation. This contraceptive drug, normalizing the hormonal background of a woman, reduces the likelihood of development.

In most cases, menstruation after the abolition of Lindinet acquire previously existing unpleasant symptoms within 3 to 4 cycles.

Lengthening cycle

Sometimes a woman, for some reason, needs to lengthen her menstrual cycle. This can be achieved with Lindinet. But you need to think about it at least 30-40 days in advance. To increase the cycle to 50 - 60 days, you should not take a break in taking between two packages. Then in one of the cycles there will simply be no menstruation, they will go after the end of the second pack. Rarely, but still it happens that on the days of the expected menstruation, a slight daub may appear.

cycle reduction

If it is necessary to shift the beginning or end of the next cycle by several days, you should take a break not for seven, but for less than a day (exactly how much you need to change the duration). This, too, can only be done a month in advance.

Unwanted cycle changes

Not always everything goes smoothly while taking birth control pills. It happens that after Lindinet, “menses” begin in the middle of the cycle, or they don’t exist at all. Indeed, monophasic drugs have a rather harsh effect on a woman's body. Indeed, normally, the level of hormones constantly fluctuates, and in tablets there is a strictly fixed dose. Within a few months, the body adapts to the new regime, which is sometimes expressed by various kinds of discharge and symptoms.

The most common violations are:

  • After taking the first pill, periods stop or become unusually scanty. This occurs often, as a rule, and in the future menstruation will not be plentiful and not prolonged.
  • Spotting irregular spotting from the genital tract appears. This can go on for a month or even two. In most cases, nothing should be done, the cycle will be established on its own after a while. But sometimes the dose of the hormone in the preparation may not be enough, in particular, if the girl is taking Lindinet-20.

In such a situation, switching to 0.03 mg of estrogen will solve the whole problem. Smearing discharge may be associated with a mismatch between the biological rhythms of a woman and the time of taking the pills. To eliminate this factor, you should change the schedule, for example, from morning to evening or vice versa. Often this helps the body adapt faster.

  • The package was drunk, and menstruation came only on the 5th - 6th day of the break. This is normal. It is assumed that menstruation begins on one of the days, not necessarily the first.
  • If menstruation did not come after Lindinet, when the next one was started after the completion of the entire package. This also happens, you should not panic if all the rules of application are followed. Menstruation will go in the next cycle, for some reason this month the body did not have time to adapt. But in the case when the critical days are delayed up to 50 - 60 days from the previous ones, you should be examined by specialists. It may be necessary to make some adjustments to the reception.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking

Even when taking birth control, everyone is concerned about the question of whether the method is as reliable as it is described. Indeed, if there is no menstruation after Lindinet, it is worth thinking about pregnancy, especially in some cases. These include the following:

  • Skipping pills, especially if there is a break of more than 12 hours or several at once. Also, the effectiveness of contraceptives is reduced if the instructions for use are violated several times in one cycle.
  • If on one of the days of admission the girl had nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, as well as any digestive disorders that could lead to incomplete absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If, for health reasons, the girl took other medicines while taking the pills. This is especially true of antibiotics (ampicillin, rifampicin, and others), some laxatives (senna extract), antifungals (fluconazole, etc.), certain herbal medicines (eg, St. John's wort). Therefore, if necessary, treatment should be carefully familiarized with the interaction of drugs and their influence on each other, and even better during the entire therapy and seven days after its completion, use additional contraceptives.

In order not to get into an uncomfortable position and not harm your health, you should carefully study the instructions before taking the drug and act in accordance with it in emergency situations. And if you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor.

Lindinet is a combined monophasic contraceptive drug that exists in two variations - 0.02 and 0.03 mg of the estrogen component. Suitable for young and active girls. Subject to the rules of use, it helps to achieve almost 100% protection against pregnancy. It happens against the background of taking Lindinet, spotting, as well as some other failures. In most cases, the menstrual cycle returns to normal within 2 to 3 months. In case of doubt, you should consult a doctor.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

I have been taking Lindinet 20 for a year now, there were no problems. This month, while taking Lindinet on the 15th tablet, menstruation began. Whether to continue reception or to postpone for the period of "these days"?

In your case, do not stop taking Lindinet. Bleeding could begin as a result of a violation of the cyclical intake of hormonal contraceptives. Consult a gynecologist.

From the 1st day of menstruation, she began to drink Lidinet20. next period will start during the 7 day break, right away? according to the cycle, they should come another 10 days after taking the last pill. Does that mean my cycle will change? Can I make my period come on time or later?

Usually, menstrual bleeding, in the event that you started using Lindinet in accordance with the instructions and did not miss the pills, begins precisely during the seven-day break. Even if menstruation does not start by the end of the break, or, conversely, does not end, you need to start taking OK from the next pack exactly after 7 days.

I drank Logest for half a year, but they told me now at the pharmacy that it would not be for half a year and you can drink Lindinet 20, it is identical in composition. Here I am drinking for the first month, and on the 13th tablet bleeding began, the amount is minimal. Is it addictive? BUT he is identical to Logest, should I be worried? Ultrasound recently did so that pathologies can be excluded. (By the way, she did it because in one month of taking Logest there was also a history of spotting bleeding in the middle of the cycle, but then everything got better)

There is nothing wrong with the appearance of such secretions. If you have been taking Lindinet regularly and without gaps (i.e. the possibility of pregnancy is excluded), you can continue using Lindinet as usual. You can read more about the drug Lindinet and the rules for its use in our thematic section: Lindinet.


Many young girls use oral contraceptives for protection. It is convenient, reliable, and in addition, it is also possible to treat some pathological conditions. But the body responds to any hormonal drugs in its own way: there are delays, spotting, mood changes, and some other signs.

Lindinet 20 and 30 are one of the first contraceptive drugs that are still actively used for treatment and for the purpose of preventing pregnancy. How to use the pills correctly, what are the features of the medicine? What to do if, while taking Lindinet, during menstruation, the previous symptoms continue to bother?

Lindinet is a combined oral contraceptive that contains estrogenic and progestogen components. The package contains 21 tablets for daily use. This is a monophasic drug, which means that each capsule contains the same amount of active ingredients. Lindinet is most suitable for young active girls who do not have overweight and severe premenstrual syndrome.

Under normal conditions, Lindinet should be started at the moment when any bleeding from the genital tract appears. At a fixed time, take one tablet daily for 21 days. After that, you need to take a break for seven days. At this time, the woman will have menstrual-like discharge from the genital tract. The first capsule from the next package must be drunk on the 8th day (they will coincide with the day of the week of taking the pill from the previous pack).

In this case, the first pill from the package must be drunk as soon as the other contraceptives are finished. It is possible that spotting will already begin, but they may not be. The same must be done when removing the contraceptive ring, patch, etc.

In the case when a medical surgical abortion was performed before 12 weeks of pregnancy, you can start taking Lindinet from the same or the next day. There is no need to wait for the next critical days to come. In this case, taking Lindinet, meager periods in the next cycle are the absolute norm.

If the termination of pregnancy occurred after 12 weeks, as well as after childbirth, you can use Lindinet after a 28-day break. And even with proper use, it is necessary to apply additional protection measures against unwanted pregnancy for the first seven days.

It happens that a woman forgets to take a pill at the specified time. What matters is the break.

If less than 12 hours have passed, then you should take the medicine immediately upon detection. The next pill is on schedule.

If more than 12 hours have passed, then there is no point in taking the missed pill, you just need to skip it, and start with the next one on the schedule. But in this case, the risk of pregnancy increases, so it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception for seven days.

If a woman missed two tablets, then proceed as in the previous case. If there are three, it is better to throw away the current package, start a new one, or stop drinking hormonal drugs altogether. In the first week after such a violation of the schedule, it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception.

Watch the video on the use of hormonal contraception:

Lindinet refers to combined monophasic contraceptives. This determines its effect on the menstrual cycle. There are two types of the drug, which differ in the dose of the estrogen component - 0.02 and 0.03 mg. It also affects the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Ideally, regular intake of Lindinet should normalize a woman's menstrual cycle to a duration of 28 to 30 days. Against the background of the use of the drug, the amount of monthly blood loss decreases.

The main characteristics of menstruation while taking Lindinet with a successful prescription of the drug:

  • Scanty discharge, sometimes smearing. If very heavy periods were previously observed, then when using tablets, the volume of menstrual blood is significantly reduced.
  • Pain occurs rarely and is of a short duration, the use of analgesics is not required.
  • The duration of menstruation is often 2 - 3 days, less often - 4 - 5. Up to 7 days, a slight daub may disturb.
  • The cycle is regular, premenstrual symptoms are absent or mild.

The use of Lindinet reduces or practically relieves pain on the eve and during menstruation. This contraceptive drug, normalizing the hormonal background of a woman, reduces the likelihood of developing functional cysts.

Sometimes a woman, for some reason, needs to lengthen her menstrual cycle. This can be achieved with Lindinet. But you need to think about it at least 30-40 days in advance. To increase the cycle to 50 - 60 days, you should not take a break in taking between two packages. Then in one of the cycles there will simply be no menstruation, they will go after the end of the second pack. Rarely, but still it happens that on the days of the expected menstruation, a slight daub may appear.

If it is necessary to shift the beginning or end of the next cycle by several days, you should take a break not for seven, but for less than a day (exactly how much you need to change the duration). This, too, can only be done a month in advance.

Not always everything goes smoothly while taking birth control pills. It happens that after Lindinet, “menses” begin in the middle of the cycle, or they don’t exist at all. Indeed, monophasic drugs have a rather harsh effect on a woman's body. Indeed, normally, the level of hormones constantly fluctuates, and in tablets there is a strictly fixed dose. Within a few months, the body adapts to the new regime, which is sometimes expressed by various kinds of discharge and symptoms.

The most common violations are:

  • After taking the first pill, periods stop or become unusually scanty. This occurs often, as a rule, and in the future menstruation will not be plentiful and not prolonged.
  • Spotting irregular spotting from the genital tract appears. This can go on for a month or even two. In most cases, nothing should be done, the cycle will be established on its own after a while. But sometimes the dose of the hormone in the preparation may not be enough, in particular, if the girl is taking Lindinet-20.

In such a situation, switching to 0.03 mg of estrogen will solve the whole problem. Smearing discharge may be associated with a mismatch between the biological rhythms of a woman and the time of taking the pills. To eliminate this factor, you should change the schedule, for example, from morning to evening or vice versa. Often this helps the body adapt faster.

  • The package was drunk, and menstruation came only on the 5th - 6th day of the break. This is normal. It is assumed that menstruation begins on one of the days, not necessarily the first.
  • If menstruation did not come after Lindinet, when the next one was started after the completion of the entire package. This also happens, you should not panic if all the rules of application are followed. Menstruation will go in the next cycle, for some reason this month the body did not have time to adapt. But in the case when the critical days are delayed up to 50 - 60 days from the previous ones, you should be examined by specialists. It may be necessary to make some adjustments to the reception.

Even when taking birth control, everyone is concerned about the question of whether the method is as reliable as it is described. Indeed, if there is no menstruation after Lindinet, it is worth thinking about pregnancy, especially in some cases. These include the following:

  • Skipping pills, especially if there is a break of more than 12 hours or several at once. Also, the effectiveness of contraceptives is reduced if the instructions for use are violated several times in one cycle.
  • If on one of the days of admission the girl had nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, as well as any digestive disorders that could lead to incomplete absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If, for health reasons, the girl took other medicines while taking the pills. This is especially true of antibiotics (ampicillin, rifampicin, and others), some laxatives (senna extract), antifungals (fluconazole, etc.), certain herbal medicines (eg, St. John's wort). Therefore, if necessary, treatment should be carefully familiarized with the interaction of drugs and their influence on each other, and even better during the entire therapy and seven days after its completion, use additional contraceptives.

In order not to get into an uncomfortable position and not harm your health, you should carefully study the instructions before taking the drug and act in accordance with it in emergency situations. And if you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor.

Lindinet is a combined monophasic contraceptive drug that exists in two variations - 0.02 and 0.03 mg of the estrogen component. Suitable for young and active girls. Subject to the rules of use, it helps to achieve almost 100% protection against pregnancy. It happens against the background of taking Lindinet, a delay in menstruation, spotting, as well as some other failures. In most cases, the menstrual cycle returns to normal within 2 to 3 months. In case of doubt, you should consult a doctor.

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09/09/2012 Nazik
Alexey30 thank you for your advice)))

09/09/2012, Alena
hello. I drank Lindinet 20 for several months, but it didn’t suit me in terms of dosage, I switched to L-30, I’ve been drinking for the 2nd month and menstruation somehow starts strangely, then earlier or later, could this be due to switching to another dosage? Or does Lindinet not suit me at all??

09/09/2012, alexey30
Alena, if your menstruation starts in a 7-day break between packs of Lindinet 30, then everything is fine, fluctuations in a couple of days are not critical. a problem and does not mean that the drug is not suitable. as long as everything is within the normal range. continue to take Lindinet 30 further. In three months everything will be clear whether it is suitable or not.

09/08/2012, Julia
Hello, I am 24 years old. I have been drinking Lindinet since January. So I have such a problem: today I take 17 tablets, the last 3 tablets, i. 14-15th I have a whole day with interruptions sick. The PA was uninterrupted, I didn’t miss the pills, I always drink at 9 pm, or plus or minus an hour. Before this, this was not the case. In the last package, somewhere up to 10 tablets, I had a side effect: loose stools, I immediately drank another tablet and PA was protected for 7 days. Menses started on time. Can I be pregnant?

09/08/2012, alexey30
Julia, pregnancy is extremely unlikely. You may have nausea due to stomach problems or this is a temporary side effect of Lindinet20.

09/07/2012, aika22
Hello. I take Lindinet-20 for the first time, after a frozen pregnancy, the doctor prescribed it. I started from the first days of menstruation, but I have already drunk 12 tablets, and spotting does not stop. please tell me what it is connected with and is it dangerous? the doctor told me to finish drinking this package, but I already started having aching pains in the uterine area. Is it possible to throw Lindinet-20 in the middle of the package? and what are the consequences? thanks in advance for your answer))

09/08/2012, alexey30
aika22, your symptoms are normal for the first three months of taking lindinet20 (and bloody discharge and pulling (cramping) pains in the lower abdomen). The reason is a small dose of hormones in modern OK. You don’t need to change or cancel anything. discontinuation of Lindinet20: if there were unprotected sexual intercourse - pregnancy, cycle disorder, premature menstruation (the most harmless thing that can be).

09/08/2012, aika22
thank you very much, you put my mind at ease. Can I change Lindinet to Jess next month? According to the description and cosmetic effects, I like it more. and after a frozen pregnancy and the adoption of OK, after what period can a pregnancy be planned? one doctor said a year, another half a year to use OK, how would it be better for the health of the fetus? And is it possible to get pregnant immediately after Jess and Lindinet? thank you in advance!

09/08/2012, alexey30
aika22, yes, you can start taking jess next month (drink up lindinet 20, take a break for 7 days and start taking jess on the 8th day). OK, after a frozen pregnancy, it is enough to take six months and after stopping taking OK, you can immediately try to get pregnant. only preferably for three months before canceling OK and planning pregnancy, start taking folic acid.

09/07/2012, Kristinka553
Hello. I asked my doctor to choose me Ok, she offered two options: lindinet 20 or claira. I'm afraid to get better. I'm 30 I don't smoke for about a year (gained 4 kg)
Two births, 30 years.


Numerous reviews of women speak about the discharge when taking Lindinet 20. As a rule, it is a brown daub at different periods of the cycle. Today we will talk about whether the described phenomenon is normal, and whether it is worth canceling the drug and choosing another contraceptive.

Combined type oral contraceptive, the tablet contains estrogen-like and progestogen chemical compounds. Lindinet inhibits ovulation, thickens cervical mucus and changes the quality of the endometrium, which in combination prevents the onset of conception and the fixation of the fetal egg in the uterus. The number 20 in this case indicates the concentration of ethinylestradiol, respectively, in Lindinet 30 it is more.

If ovulation does not occur, then menstruation in its natural form is impossible. However, a special regimen of administration leads to monthly bleeding. For 21 days, you need to drink one tablet, while the rest of the week of the standard cycle is taken as a break. In the absence of the active substances of the drug, withdrawal bleeding occurs, which is similar to menstruation.

Like other combined contraceptives, Lindinet 20 is used to treat various gynecological diseases that develop against the background of hormonal disorders. In addition, the drug is used if a woman has long and painful menstruation or an unstable cycle.

Lindinet 20 is often prescribed without testing for hormone levels, or in situations where the results of the study do not show serious changes. The drug contains a minimum amount of active substances and in a combination that does not harm the female body. However, in some cases, stronger agents are required, or with a special ratio of estrogens and gestagens.

The main actions of Lindinet 20 on a woman's body:

  1. Prevention of pregnancy, subject to daily intake for 21 days and preferably at the same time with a break of up to 1 week at the end of the cycle. They come in packs of 21 or 63 pills to match the schedule.
  2. Regression of ovarian cysts, hormone-dependent tumors in the uterus.
  3. Getting rid of endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia.
  4. Normalization of the state of the endocrine system with an excess of male hormones with the corresponding symptoms is acne, hair loss on the head and their increased growth throughout the body.
  5. Normalization of the cycle occurs as a result of withdrawal bleeding, which occurs in response to the absence of the drug at the end of the cycle. "Monthly" regular and moderate.

Unfortunately, women often choose oral contraceptives on their own, based on reviews from other patients or on the price of the drug. This is fundamentally wrong. There are no good or bad pills. There are good ones and not so good ones. In addition, you can express your desire for cost or other aspects to the gynecologist so that he can choose the drug for you.

Any combined contraceptive causes a restructuring in the body. For some time comes the so-called adaptation to the drug. The timing of its completion is individual, as is the intensity and set of symptoms. Basically, patients note the following manifestations in the first 2-3 months of using Lindinet 20:

  • Scanty brown discharge in the middle of the cycle and on the eve of menstruation;
  • Prolonged menstruation for about 7-9 days with daubing at the beginning and end;
  • Sometimes whites can have a pink tint;
  • Decreased or lost sexual desire;
  • Migraine-like attacks of headache occur;
  • Inflammation in the vagina with itching and redness;
  • Enlargement and compaction of the mammary glands, combined with mild soreness;
  • Edema and weight gain.

The cervical secret against the background of the use of oral contraceptives thickens, so there is no mucous discharge. Basically, a woman is afraid of bloody whites on different days of the cycle. When there is little blood, the liquid has a pinkish or brown tint and will only smear. Sometimes the whites are very dark and may contain a few clots.

In the future, the cycle depends on the use of Lindinet. Menstruation will appear during the break. The last 21st pill is the end of the cycle. The beginning of the reception, therefore, is scheduled for the period of menstruation.

The reason lies in the influence of hormones on the formation of the endometrium. The intrauterine layer is usually very loose, necessary for fixing - implanting the embryo and feeding it afterwards. The active substances of the drug change the quality of the endometrium. It becomes denser and thinner, the fetal egg will no longer be able to catch on here. As we know, the intrauterine mucosa is a jelly-like substance filled with blood. As a result, when it changes, blood discharge occurs at different periods of the cycle. This is not menstruation, and by the time the fluid comes out, it will have time to curl up, acquiring a dark shade.

If, against the background of using the Lindinet 20 contraceptive, prolonged and rather heavy bleeding occurs, then you should contact a gynecologist. Perhaps the drug is not suitable in this case and a more concentrated hormonal agent is required, for example, Lindinet 30.

When using a contraceptive, you should not have the following symptoms:

  • Bad smell of secretions;
  • Pulls the lower abdomen;
  • Excessive bleeding except for the period of menstruation;
  • Temperature increase.

Attention! Missing appointments for more than 12 hours can lead to bleeding. Therefore, it is very important to use the remedy at the same hour every day. As for the weekly rest period at the end of the cycle.

The duration and nature of adaptation are individual. Gynecologists consider the occurrence of bloody spotting within 3-4 cycles to be normal. Provided that the situation gradually stabilizes and the symptoms subside. Usually, there is a lengthening of the period of menstruation in the first month of taking Lindinet 20, as well as daubing on other days. In cycle 2, there are rare scanty brown discharges. And then the state returns to normal.

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Of course, in such a situation, only a doctor can make a decision. The best option would be to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist or reproductologist and analyze the level of sex hormones. If for some reason it is impossible to visit the antenatal clinic, it is permissible to try Lindinet 30. However, again you will have to wait 1-2 cycles until the situation stabilizes and adaptation takes place.

Attention! If the drug is prescribed for treatment according to the results of histology, then there can be no question of any independent replacements.

Judging by the reviews of women, this really happens. Doctors attribute this to hormonal changes. The endocrine system is affected not only by oral contraceptives, but also by various circumstances in a woman's life:

  • stressful situations;
  • The use of other drugs;
  • Diseases;
  • Moving, different climate;
  • Abrupt changes in physical activity, work;
  • Diets, fasting;
  • Obesity or dystrophy;
  • And other.

In such a situation, a control examination by a gynecologist is necessary, and, possibly, a correction of contraception.

Not everyone knows that there are a limited number of eggs in the female body. They are not produced throughout life, like spermatozoa. When the supply runs out, the woman becomes infertile, menstruation stops, and menopause begins. Accordingly, female hormones almost cease to be produced in the body. Namely, they provide luxurious hair and skin, rounded body shapes and other aspects of female beauty.

Taking combined contraceptives, the patient blocks the consumption of eggs, delays the onset of menopause and maintains youth and attractiveness. Therefore, properly selected drugs can not only get rid of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, diseases, but also improve the quality of life.

In addition, it is during menopause that there is a risk of cancer, and hormone therapy helps to avoid such a danger.

Carefully! It is worth remembering that, already having tumors, it is dangerous to drink Lindinet or other birth control pills. As with increased blood clotting and some other problems.

Doctors advise choosing contraceptives in the gynecologist's office, and not on your own. In addition, all sensations should be reported to your doctor. Only a specialist, based on analyzes and other facts, can choose a safe and useful remedy.


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as mentioned above, penny clotrimazole, both candles and cream!

And pimafucin did not help me personally.

Terzhinan is also not for long.

If thrush of an intimate place - then Livarol candles - I read a lot of reviews about them, I myself was recently treated - the best!

uuuu zalain tried it, no more) it’s better to put candles for a week than this one)

it is written there that if there is a burning sensation after zalain, then this is how the treatment goes. so I couldn't sit for 2 days

Diet is the key to successful health and the outcome of any disease.
The thrush loves sweets, yeast, gluten, and milk.

Well, she's not just like that, but from something. So you need to eliminate the cause that causes thrush.

I didn’t have thrush during my entire pregnancy, a strange article ... my opinion is that thrush is detected in those who initially have it against the background of a weakened immune system.

Nonsense. And what was your gestational age, what did the ultrasound show and then did your period come?

wiped with a solution of soda in the mouth of a child

We did not treat anything, although the thrush was not strong. As it turned out, dysbacteriosis manifested itself in us, it disappeared as soon as we started drinking probiotics.

Tsp of soda in a glass of water, rub with a bandage dipped in a solution, tongue

I treated: borax on glycerin. And the first 2 days I mixed oxalin ointment, fluconazole and streptocide. And smeared 3 times a day. And the borax on glycerin is sweet, her children willingly suck. The thrush went away in 3 days

Candide 1% on a thick cotton swab and rub in the mouth. There is a separate stick for each area. It helps a lot, the pediatrician prescribed it for us.

Vitamin B12. On a gauze pad and wipe the mouth. Just be very careful. And don't overdo the vitamin.

We were prescribed Candide, rubbed her mouth and tongue 3 times a day and everything went away

Soda with water + finger in gauze up to one place .. ((

Go check the endocrine system, thyroid gland and diabetes. Thrush is either easy to treat or is chronic and associated with other health problems.

I treated the entire pregnancy, but it only went away after childbirth, pimafucin, terzhinan, klion d helped, but only for a while

Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories??... There are 6 of them in a pack, but after the 3rd suppository there was no thrush)☺️

After each feeding, wrap a bandage around the paley and wipe the tongue with a solution of soda (dilute a bit of soda with a spoon of boiled water), remove plaque, then wipe with a cotton swab

Dilute soda in a glass of warm water, then wrap a bandage around your finger, soak in soda solution and lubricate with your finger in the baby’s mouth

Soda solution. A teaspoon in a glass of water. And wipe it with a swab several times a day, everything passes quickly enough.

Third pregnancy. Thrush for the first time. Itching was the strongest and discharge. I bought lactocide for pregnant women. I’ve been using the itching for five days.

No way. Less sweet if only. And it seems that during pregnancy terzhinan can be from thrush. But not the fact that it will save. A feature sometimes of such an organism

I was prescribed clotrimazole. Is it worth 50 rubles? Ask your doctor about these suppositories.
In general, the girls like it. I'm just starting treatment

We did the following. Wrap a bandage around your finger, soak it in a solution of baking soda (1 tsp per 200 ml of boiled water), thoroughly clean the plaque in your mouth, then drip candida on your finger and anoint the affected areas. The doctor ordered it that way.

We smeared Candida passed in a couple of days

candide soda and by the way holisal gel

Clotrimazole full course for yourself and your partner, then a course for restoring microflora, vitamins and strengthening immunity. The only way

I changed them to pimafucin, the doctor prescribed it, and this is the only way I cured the thrush. The doctor said that the choice is not very good, the body does not particularly respond to such treatment, there is such a term - addiction. And with pimafucin, on the contrary, everything goes right away. It feels clear right away - what helped and what did not.

Horror this, not Livarol! The gynecologist also prescribed them for me, I bought them right away (I gave 900 rubles for a minute), I inserted the first candle normally, but I couldn’t take the second one, everything became so dry there and everything seemed to be swollen ... tin in short ... switched to Macmirorr complex, ugh ugh it's ok...

The doctor prescribed Livarol for me too, though not mine, mine was on vacation, the instructions say 2-3 trimesters with caution, I asked mine, she told me it’s better to buy terzhinan or pimafucin, they can be used at all stages of pregnancy

With soda, you will kill all the microflora, then it will be difficult to restore. In general, this is a non-working traditional medicine, alas. Medicines are still needed, but correct and safe, without side effects and harm to the body. I cured the thrush with pimafucin, everything went quickly and without complications. As for me, it’s better to get to the pharmacy than later, like me, to fight chronic thrush.

It won't work without medication. Soap and so it is necessary to wash with a neutral pH, and soda is dangerous, now they don’t do this anymore, as far as I know. It's still better to find an opportunity to get to the pharmacy. If Zalain is there with a candle and cream, then we can say she is saved. For me, this is always an iron option to remove thrush.

Serum douching. I haven’t tried it on myself, since I don’t have such a problem pah-pah, but I heard from many friends that it helps a lot. There is also info about this on the Internet.

the itching is unbearable and it feels like everything inside burns and the discharge is thick like cottage cheese

Ah in 9 months this already stomatitis rather. Candide, miramistin, soda solution

sodium tetraborate wipe after each meal

for me, the super-remedy is the mustella cream. if you smear each diaper change, then there will be no diaper rash.

if you forget to spread it for a week and overcook the baby, then diaper rash may pop out.

from thrush, soda, 2% solution.

don't worry it's antifungal

only ordinary candida take ointment and not CANDID B

my son was terribly on the pope after diapers and the only thing that helped

BORROW IN GLYCIRINE. It costs a penny, the effect is just super. The price at the pharmacy is 15 rubles. We cured diaper rash with the joined thrush in three days!

Today I was at the gynecologist, I found out about thrush, she advised me to replace expensive medicines and suppositories. replace them with ACTIVIA drinking yogurt. it contains some kind of sour lactic bacteria that restore the microflora, in general, she said to do so, take gauze, fold it into a flagellum 1 cm wide, about 5 cm long. leave for an hour. then we take it out, says that after the first application you will already see the result. But I haven't tried it myself yet. So I can't vouch.

Numerous reviews of women speak about the discharge when taking Lindinet 20. As a rule, it is a brown daub at different periods of the cycle. Today we will talk about whether the described phenomenon is normal, and whether it is worth canceling the drug and choosing another contraceptive.

What is Lindinet 20?

Combined type oral contraceptive, the tablet contains estrogen-like and progestogen chemical compounds. Lindinet inhibits ovulation, thickens cervical mucus and changes the quality of the endometrium, which in combination prevents the onset of conception and the fixation of the fetal egg in the uterus. The number 20 in this case indicates the concentration of ethinylestradiol, respectively, in Lindinet 30 it is more.

If ovulation does not occur, then menstruation in its natural form is impossible. However, a special regimen of administration leads to monthly bleeding. For 21 days, you need to drink one tablet, while the rest of the week of the standard cycle is taken as a break. In the absence of the active substances of the drug, withdrawal bleeding occurs, which is similar to menstruation.

Like other combined contraceptives, Lindinet 20 is used to treat various gynecological diseases that develop against the background of hormonal disorders. In addition, the drug is used if a woman has long and painful menstruation or an unstable cycle.

Lindinet 20 is often prescribed without testing for hormone levels, or in situations where the results of the study do not show serious changes. The drug contains a minimum amount of active substances and in a combination that does not harm the female body. However, in some cases, stronger agents are required, or with a special ratio of estrogens and gestagens.

The main actions of Lindinet 20 on a woman's body:

  1. Prevention of pregnancy, subject to daily intake for 21 days and preferably at the same time with a break of up to 1 week at the end of the cycle. They come in packs of 21 or 63 pills to match the schedule.
  2. Regression of ovarian cysts, hormone-dependent tumors in the uterus.
  3. Getting rid of endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia.
  4. Normalization of the state of the endocrine system with an excess of male hormones with the corresponding symptoms is acne, hair loss on the head and their increased growth throughout the body.
  5. Normalization of the cycle occurs as a result of withdrawal bleeding, which occurs in response to the absence of the drug at the end of the cycle. "Monthly" regular and moderate.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

Unfortunately, women often choose oral contraceptives on their own, based on reviews from other patients or on the price of the drug. This is fundamentally wrong. There are no good or bad pills. There are good ones and not so good ones. In addition, you can express your desire for cost or other aspects to the gynecologist so that he can choose the drug for you.

What discharge occurs when taking Lindinet 20?

Any combined contraceptive causes a restructuring in the body. For some time comes the so-called adaptation to the drug. The timing of its completion is individual, as is the intensity and set of symptoms. Basically, patients note the following manifestations in the first 2-3 months of using Lindinet 20:

  • Scanty and on the eve of menstruation;
  • Prolonged menstruation for about 7-9 days with daubing at the beginning and end;
  • Sometimes whites can have a pink tint;
  • Decreased or lost sexual desire;
  • Migraine-like attacks of headache occur;
  • Inflammation in the vagina with itching and redness;
  • Enlargement and compaction of the mammary glands, combined with mild soreness;
  • Edema and weight gain.

The cervical secret against the background of the use of oral contraceptives thickens, so it does not occur. Basically, a woman is afraid of bloody whites on different days of the cycle. When there is little blood, the liquid has a pinkish or brown tint and will only smear. Sometimes the whites are very dark and may contain a few clots.

In the future, the cycle depends on the use of Lindinet. Menstruation will appear during the break. The last 21st pill is the end of the cycle. The beginning of the reception, therefore, is scheduled for the period of menstruation.

Why does bleeding occur during the use of Lindinet 20?

The reason lies in the influence of hormones on the formation of the endometrium. The intrauterine layer is usually very loose, necessary for fixing - implantation of the embryo and feeding it afterwards. The active substances of the drug change the quality of the endometrium. It becomes denser and thinner, the fetal egg will no longer be able to catch on here. As we know, the intrauterine mucosa is a jelly-like substance filled with blood. As a result, when it changes, blood discharge occurs at different periods of the cycle. This is not menstruation, and by the time the fluid comes out, it will have time to curl up, acquiring a dark shade.

If, against the background of using the Lindinet 20 contraceptive, prolonged and rather heavy bleeding occurs, then you should contact a gynecologist. Perhaps the drug is not suitable in this case and a more concentrated hormonal agent is required, for example, Lindinet 30.

When using a contraceptive, you should not have the following symptoms:

  • Bad smell of secretions;
  • Pulls the lower abdomen;
  • Excessive bleeding except for the period of menstruation;
  • Temperature increase.

Attention! Missing appointments for more than 12 hours can lead to bleeding. Therefore, it is very important to use the remedy at the same hour every day. As for the weekly rest period at the end of the cycle.

When does addiction to the drug end?

The duration and nature of adaptation are individual. Gynecologists consider the occurrence of bloody spotting within 3-4 cycles to be normal. Provided that the situation gradually stabilizes and the symptoms subside. Usually, there is a lengthening of the period of menstruation in the first month of taking Lindinet 20, as well as daubing on other days. In cycle 2, there are rare scanty brown discharges. And then the state returns to normal.

If there is a dark daub for 5-6 months when using Lindinet

Of course, in such a situation, only a doctor can make a decision. The best option would be to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist or reproductologist and analyze the level of sex hormones. If for some reason it is impossible to visit the antenatal clinic, it is permissible to try Lindinet 30. However, again you will have to wait 1-2 cycles until the situation stabilizes and adaptation takes place.

Attention! If the drug is prescribed for treatment according to the results of histology, then there can be no question of any independent replacements.

Non-standard situation - discharge occurred after prolonged use of Lindinet

Judging by the reviews of women, this really happens. Doctors attribute this to hormonal changes. The endocrine system is affected not only by oral contraceptives, but also by various circumstances in a woman's life:

  • stressful situations;
  • The use of other drugs;
  • Diseases;
  • Moving, different climate;
  • Abrupt changes in physical activity, work;
  • Diets, fasting;
  • Obesity or dystrophy;
  • And other.

In such a situation, a control examination by a gynecologist is necessary, and, possibly, a correction of contraception.

Interesting information about birth control pills

Not everyone knows that there are a limited number of eggs in the female body. They are not produced throughout life, like spermatozoa. When the supply runs out, the woman becomes infertile, menstruation stops, and menopause begins. Accordingly, female hormones almost cease to be produced in the body. Namely, they provide luxurious hair and skin, rounded body shapes and other aspects of female beauty.

Taking combined contraceptives, the patient blocks the consumption of eggs, delays the onset of menopause and maintains youth and attractiveness. Therefore, properly selected drugs can not only get rid of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, diseases, but also improve the quality of life.

In addition, it is during menopause that there is a risk of cancer, and hormone therapy helps to avoid such a danger.

Carefully! It is worth remembering that, already having tumors, it is dangerous to drink Lindinet or other birth control pills. As with increased blood clotting and some other problems.


Doctors advise choosing contraceptives in the gynecologist's office, and not on your own. In addition, all sensations should be reported to your doctor. Only a specialist, based on analyzes and other facts, can choose a safe and useful remedy.

Recently, more and more women are choosing Lindinet 20 as an oral contraceptive. It is believed that this hormonal agent has a rather mild effect on the female body. According to statistics, the number of pregnant women while taking a contraceptive varies within 0.05%. Despite this, it should be taken seriously in its use. This will help the reviews of the women and specialists who received it.

Lindinet 20: features of the drug

Lindinet 20 is a coated tablet. They are sold in individual blisters and are designed for certain admission courses. Moreover, all tablets have the same doses of hormones.

The action of the drug is due to the presence of ethinylestradiol and gestodene in its composition. The first is a synthetic analogue of a hormone that has an effect on the menstrual cycle. How the drug works: its components affect ovulation. They also make the mucus in the cervix more viscous. Due to this, the spermatozoa cannot continue to move towards the egg.

The drug is interesting in that it can have a positive therapeutic effect on the female body. It manifests itself in the fact that menstruation becomes less painful. There is also a cycle going on. It is believed that Lindinet 20 has a preventive effect. In particular, it can prevent the occurrence of fibroids and ovarian cancer.

How to take Lindinet 20?

The main feature of the drug is in the method of application. The pills in the blaster are numbered. You need to drink them in this sequence, 1 pc per day. It is better to choose the same time. There is a nuance. It is believed that oral hormonal contraceptives increase appetite. Therefore, it is better to drink them in the evening, when you are less hungry. Some doctors believe that the optimal time is 9 hours, since at this time hormones begin to be better absorbed. Take the drug according to the following scheme:

  • Begin to drink Lindinet 20 from the 1st to the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. In the first days of admission, menstruation may stop. Don't be scared. This is the reaction of the body.
  • In the first 14 days of taking a contraceptive, non-hormonal methods of protection should be used. This is due to the fact that the contraceptive effect at this time may not occur. A similar reaction is associated with the absorption of hormones and their effect on the body.
  • Then drink 1 tablet for 21 days. Then you need to take a 7-day break. During this period, you may begin menstruation. During this period of time, you can do without other methods of contraception if you continue the course.
  • Resume drinking Lindinet strictly on the 8th day of the break. This is done even if your period has begun.
  • The drug has a number of features. Often they are related to how to take Lindinet 20 after other contraceptives. Reception regimens depend on the course of previous drugs. If it contained 28 tablets, then Lindinet 20 is taken the next day. It happens that contraceptives are designed for 21 days. In this case, you can take Lindinet 20 immediately the next day after the last tablet. It is also allowed to take a 7-day break and drink it for 8 days.
  • A separate scheme exists if you stick a hormonal contraceptive patch or put on a ring. Then you can start drinking Lindinet 20 after you have taken them off. Or they drink it on the day when they need to be replaced.
  • The instructions for the drug also indicate how it should be drunk when “missing” tablets. If this happened in the period from 1 to 7 days, then the drug should be drunk as soon as possible. A double dose is allowed. By the way, it has the desired effect only for 12 hours. In the next week, you will have to use additional protection. In the period from 8 to 14 days they do the same. If there were no missed pills in the previous week, then you can not protect yourself in other ways. The same rule applies to a pass in the period of 15-21 days.

Lindinet 20 side effects

The side effects of Lindinet 20 may scare some women. The manufacturer claims that in some cases the drug can also lead to hearing loss! The main unpleasant symptoms from taking the drug include:

  1. Deterioration of the condition - there is a headache up to migraines, nausea, weakness. A sharp change in mood is possible, and even the onset of depression.
  2. Skin and hair problems - hair may begin to fall out. Eczema or rash occurs on the skin.
  3. Changes are also possible in the reproductive system. Discharge or inflammation may begin. Sometimes women have a severe decrease in sexual activity.
  4. The digestive system reacts with stomach pain and even ulcerative colitis!
  5. Vision loss is also possible.
  6. This drug should not be taken by diabetics, women with problems with blood clots, in the presence of liver tumors, jaundice, during pregnancy and lactation, and in a number of other cases.

Lindinet 20: reviews of doctors

Lindinet 20 is a special preparation. The instructions for it say that it can not be assigned independently. If you want to switch to this contraceptive, then first you need to contact a gynecologist. He will conduct a routine examination and prescribe the necessary tests. The drug is prescribed only on the basis of diagnosis!

Special attention should be paid to doctors' reviews about the action of Lindinet 20. There are opinions that the drug is "capricious". This means that there are times when it is difficult for a woman's body to perceive it. This is manifested, among other things, in the manifestation of some side effects. The woman simply becomes ill. The condition worsens to the point that bright red discharge occurs, the temperature rises and severe weakness.

Equally important are the reviews on Lindinet by 20 women who take it. On the network, opinions about this drug differ. So you can find references to strong side effects. Some people have spotting discharge, there is pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the lower back. Those who are not suitable for Lindinet 20 may also suffer from nausea up to the rejection of food. It happens that because of the drug there are migraines.

Some women, on the contrary, have positive side effects due to taking Lindinet 20. So, the fair sex, in some cases, according to reviews, is pleased with the enlarged breasts. In some cases, it becomes 1-1.5 sizes larger! Also note the normalization of weight. One of the women in the reviews on Lindinet 20 wrote that she started taking it when her daughter was 6 months old. At that moment, with a height of 165 cm, she weighed 80 kg. As a result, in six months of taking her weight decreased to 68 kg!

Lindinet 20 can only be used after consulting a gynecologist. He is appointed according to the results of the examination and analysis. They drink a contraceptive from 1 to 5 days of the cycle for 21 days. Then they take a break for 7 days and resume taking it on the 8th day. In the first 14 days, you need to use additional contraceptives. Reviews for the drug are different. In some cases, the woman's body rejects it. This causes severe side effects.

Latin name: Lindynette
ATX code: G03AA10
Active substance: Ethinylestradiol
Manufacturer: Gedeon Richter, Hungary
Pharmacy leave condition: On prescription

Lindinet 20 is one of the oral contraceptives with a low content of hormones.

Indications for use

Lindinet 20 tablets are taken for contraceptive purposes, as well as to regulate menstrual dysfunction.


One tablet of a hormonal contraceptive contains two main components, which are represented by ethinyl estradiol and gestodene, their mass fraction is 0.02 mg and 0.075 mg, respectively.

Additionally, there are such substances:

  • Povidone
  • magnesium stearate
  • starch from corn
  • Silicon dioxide in colloidal form
  • Lactose monohydrate
  • Sodium calcium edetate.

Medicinal properties

A contraceptive based on ethinyl estradiol and gestodene inhibits the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, which slows down the maturation of follicles.

The estrogen component of birth control pills is represented by ethinylestadiol, which is one of the synthetic analogues of the hormone estradiol produced in the human body, which is actively involved in the regulation of menstrual function along with progesterone.

Gestodene is the second component of the contraceptive, it is classified as a derivative of 19-nortestosterone, in terms of its effect it significantly exceeds both the natural hormone - progesterone, and its synthetic analogue - levonorgestrel. Due to the fact that the activity of this gestagenic component of Lindinet is quite high, it will be used in low doses. Due to this, there is no significant effect on the course of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, and its androgenic properties do not appear.

The action of the contraceptive is associated with the work of both central and peripheral mechanisms that inhibit the process of maturation of the follicles, thereby reducing the susceptibility of the endometrial uterine layer to the blastocyst itself. This increases the viscosity of secretions (namely, cervical mucus), which significantly reduces the likelihood of conception.

If you drink Lindinet 20 constantly (as the description for the drug indicates), you can observe the therapeutic effect of the contraceptive - the MC is normalized, the risk of developing certain gynecological ailments, including oncological ones, is reduced.

Ethinylestradiol is almost completely absorbed by the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. After 1-2 after taking the tablets (according to the instructions), its highest concentration in the blood is observed. The bioavailability index is 60%. Communication with albumins - 98.5%.

As a result of aromatic hydroxylation, the formation of methylated and hydroxylated metabolites occurs. The elimination process takes place with the participation of the renal system and intestines, the half-life is 24 hours. At the same time, a stable level of ethinylestradiol is recorded for 3-4 days.

Gestodene also quickly goes through the process of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, the highest levels of this substance in the blood are reached after 60 minutes. The bioavailability of the progestogen component of the drug reaches 99%.

The amount of gestodene in the blood decreases slowly, the half-life of metabolic products is 24 hours. A stable level of gestodene is observed in the 2nd half of the MC.

Release form

Hormonal pills are round, light cream in color, placed in a blister pack of 21 pcs. Inside the pack there may be 1 or 3 blisters. packaging with instructions.

Lindinet 20: instructions for use

Price from 381 to 2059 rubles.

The use of the hormonal drug Lindenet should be done every day at the same time to ensure their contraceptive effect. It is worth noting that Lindinet 30 is also accepted, the instructions for use are similar.

If the hormonal drug is used for the first time, then the first tablet is taken from 1 MC to 5 MC. It is necessary to take Lindinet 20 for 21 days, after which a seven-day withdrawal of the hormonal drug is provided, it is on these days that menstruation begins. Reception of hormones from a new blister pack begins at 8 days. regardless of whether withdrawal bleeding has ended or not.

Switching from another COC

Lindinet 20 tablet will need to be taken the next day after the woman took the last COC pill from the blister. The beginning of the first menstruation passes as usual.

Switching from mini-pills, hormonal injectables, intrauterine systems, or implants

Hormone therapy can be started on any day of the MC if you have been taking mini-pills. When using earlier implants - on the day of removal, injection of hormones - on the day of the intended injection.

In the case of switching from single drugs, it will be necessary to use barrier contraceptive measures so that the woman does not become pregnant during the first cycle of taking.

After an early abortion (1 trimester)

Hormone therapy with birth control pills should begin on the same day that the operation is performed. Let a woman drink them according to the standard scheme, there is no need to protect yourself, since in this case you will not get pregnant. After an abortion, long-term hormone therapy is indicated.

After an abortion at a later date (2nd trimester)

The first Lindinet 20 tablet should be taken after 28 days. (one month) without using any additional contraceptive measures. If the contraceptive drug is taken later than the specified period, for 7 days. should be protected from pregnancy additionally.

If, before taking contraceptives, a woman had unprotected sexual contacts, you should start using hormonal pills after excluding a possible pregnancy, or do it differently - drink the Lindinet 20 pill for the first time directly on the first day of the MC (when your own menstrual cycle begins).

Reception schedule for missing pills

If you missed the use of tablets, there is no need to stop taking them, drink the missed Lindinet 20 tablet as soon as you remember about it.

If gaps in taking pills do not exceed 12 hours, then the contraceptive effect works, barrier measures of protection are not used. All subsequent pills are taken as usual, skipping the drug does not affect the contraceptive effect.

If a woman happened to miss another contraceptive dose, and the time interval exceeds 12 hours, hormonal pills are not as effective. A woman should drink the pill she missed, the next ones are taken according to the standard scheme. Additionally, barrier methods of protection are used for 7 days. since the pass.

If there was a missed pill, and there were less than 7 pieces left in the package, it is best that the woman does not take a break in taking hormonal pills. Skipping pills in the third week of contraceptive therapy does not significantly reduce its effectiveness.

It should be borne in mind that if you take these contraceptives continuously, there will be no menstruation, but breakthrough vaginal bleeding may occur during the use of tablets from a new blister. If after two months of continuous pill intake (including the cycle when there was a pass), menstrual bleeding does not occur, you should definitely exclude pregnancy while taking Lindinet 20. What to do next, consult a gynecologist, he will offer several options for solving the problem.

What to do if vomiting, diarrhea begins

If, while taking pills, vomiting or diarrhea is observed, and more than 3-4 hours have not passed since taking the drug, this can be compared with skipping a pill, the likelihood of pregnancy increases. What to do - take the same measures as in the case of a missed pill. If the woman does not want to change the contraceptive regimen, take the Lindinet 20 tablet from a new blister.

How to delay your period

If, with prolonged use of a hormonal drug, it becomes necessary to delay menstruation, take hormonal pills without the usual seven-day break. You can delay your period for any number of days, up to the completion of the pills from the second blister. Do not exclude the possibility of spotting spotting or breakthrough bleeding (such a reaction of the body is considered normal). After the end of the seven-day break, you can drink Lindinet 20 as usual. What to do if you need to stop taking Lindinet, consult a gynecologist.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Hormonal pills are not prescribed during pregnancy. If you need to use a contraceptive during lactation, you should stop breastfeeding.


You should not take this hormonal remedy if:

  • Excessive susceptibility to contraceptive components
  • Pathologies caused by dysfunction of the liver
  • Pathological neoplasms in the liver
  • Tendency to thrombosis, as well as thromboembolism
  • Serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system (including myocardial infarction)
  • sickle cell anemia
  • The presence of estrogen-dependent neoplasms
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown origin
  • Diabetes mellitus, which occurs against the background of microangiopathy
  • Jaundice idiopathic
  • Manifestations of herpes
  • Pregnancy
  • Otosclerotic changes
  • Over 35 years of age (since the likelihood of side effects increases significantly with age).

Precautionary measures

With extreme caution should be exercised in the presence of such pathological conditions and diseases:

  • Severe migraine headaches
  • Cancer process in the mammary glands
  • Frequent epileptic seizures
  • Pathologies of the functioning of the gallbladder (including gallstone ailments)
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Immobilization
  • depressive state
  • Recovery period after major surgery
  • Diabetes
  • Jaundice cholestatic type
  • Various forms of liver failure.

If the patient is over 35 years old and she smokes, it is worth consulting with a specialist about the possibility of switching to Lindinet 30. It is worth noting that the woman's age and the amount of hormones taken directly affect the contraceptive effect. After 40 years, it is worth choosing other means of contraception.

Cross-drug interactions

In accordance with the instructions for Lindient 20 and 30 inducers of hepatic microsomal enzymes, antibacterial drugs significantly reduce the level of estrogen in the blood, which increases the likelihood of pregnancy. Is it possible to get pregnant during this period? Yes, the probability is high enough. During the entire period of treatment and for the next 7 days. upon its termination, it is necessary to resort to the use of additional contraceptive measures.

Inhibitors of liver enzymes, in turn, increase the concentration of estrogen components in the blood.

Drugs that increase gastrointestinal motility reduce the absorption of the components of hormonal pills.

Ascorbic acid slows down the process of sulfation of estrogen components, and increases their bioavailability.

The hormonal agent affects the metabolic processes of cyclosporine and theophylline in the body, which can cause an unexpected reaction from various organs and systems.

You can not drink preparations with St. John's wort, as during phytotherapy heavy menstruation (bleeding) may begin.

Patients with diabetes should adjust the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs taken.

It is worth noting that the same cross interactions occur if Lindinet 30 birth control pills are taken.

Side effects

While taking birth control pills, the development of undesirable reactions is possible:

  • CCC: very rarely, thromboembolism or thrombosis may develop against the background of increased blood clotting, a sharp jump in blood pressure
  • Gastrointestinal tract: severe nausea and urge to vomit, development of hepatocellular adenoma, possible hepatitis
  • Reproductive system: decreased libido, heavy periods, impaired secretion of vaginal secretions
  • Endocrine system: weight change, chest tightness
  • CNS: emotional instability, tendency to depressive states (against the background of long-term hormonal therapy), frequent headaches, lethargy, fatigue, migraine (very severe headache).

You may also experience: pain in the lower abdomen, the occurrence of chloasma (with a tendency to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun), intolerance to contact lenses, swelling, manifestations of allergies, symptoms of glucose intolerance. Such a reaction can develop as a result of long-term use of hormones.


If a woman drank increased dosages of the drug, the following symptoms may occur: nausea and vomiting, headache. An overdose can be manifested by heavy periods.

Symptomatic therapy is recommended. What to do - consult a doctor (he will advise you to cancel the drug) and drink the prescribed drugs. After that, there is a significant improvement in the general condition and cessation of bleeding. It should be noted that there is no specific antidote.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Hormonal pills are stored at an average temperature not exceeding 30 C. The contraceptive has a shelf life of 3 years.


Bayer Pharma, Germany

Price from 500 to 2142 rubles.

Logest is similar in composition to Lindinet 20, is a low-dose contraceptive. They take it in exactly the same way, it has similar contraindications, it can cause side effects similar to Lindinet. The pack contains 1 (21 tab.) or 3 (63 tab.) blister. packaging.


  • The pills work effectively (block the onset of ovulation)
  • Regulates MC
  • It is used to treat certain hormone-dependent gynecological diseases.


  • High price
  • High risk of side effects
  • It is not prescribed if the woman's age is more than 35 years.
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There are several reasons for diagnosing cytomegalovirus infection. Often there is an asymptomatic course ...

Contents If a woman is sexually active, but does not feel ready for motherhood, she is faced with the question of what ...

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under ...

10/22/2017 Olga Smirnova (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010) Throughout the reproductive age, a woman is accompanied by various vaginal discharges,...
Evra: instructions for use and reviews Latin name: Evra ATX code: G03AA13 Active ingredient: Norelgestromin +...
It happens that menstruation does not occur, and this becomes a serious cause for excitement. The first thought that comes to a woman in...
Menstruation without clots in a woman may indicate the onset of serious pathologies. This is the first sign of uterine bleeding, it ...
39th week of pregnancy: harbingers of childbirth in multiparous and primiparous By the 39th week, the expectant mother should be constantly under ...
The most common benign non-blastomatous tumors are follicular, luteal (yellow body cyst), ...