How to relieve constipation in pregnant women. How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy: suppositories, foods, folk remedies. How to prevent: prevention methods

Pregnancy is a time of global restructuring of the body of the expectant mother. Back pain, heaviness in the legs, chest swelling and many other symptoms do not leave the woman alone. Changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are no exception.

Constipation occurs due to slow digestion of food. How to cope with constipation during pregnancy, this material.

This is difficult fecal formation, which interferes with the conduct of a habitual lifestyle. Constipation can be considered the absence of regular bowel movements for more than a day and a half. This uncomfortable condition affects everyone, young and old. The greatest risk group is made up of women, in particular of childbearing age.

The classification of constipation is as follows. There are episodic type and chronic form. The first type is typical for certain short-term situations (stress, climate change, pregnancy), the second - a regular delay in defecation for more than two days).

Causes of constipation in pregnant women

There are many factors causing. The main ones will be considered:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  • Insufficient consumption of water and other liquids due to the appearance of edema.
  • Drinking enough fluids and eating fruit will help restore proper bowel function and regulate bowel movements.
  1. Taking medicines containing calcium and iron.
  • These chemical elements have a binding effect, which provokes fecal retention.
  • A laxative will help solve the problem.
  1. Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Due to the large amount of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) produced, digestive function is impaired.
  • Progesterone reduces the tone of the uterus and thereby relaxes the intestinal muscles responsible for bowel movements.
  1. Insufficient physical activity in the later stages.

The closer to childbirth, the woman begins to limit her movement due to weight gain and pain in the spine (associated with fetal pressure).

  1. Fetal position.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the fetus's head presses on the intestinal walls.

  1. Emotional changes.

Frequent mood swings, fear and anxiety before the upcoming birth also provoke constipation.

How to cope with constipation during pregnancy at home

Constipation affects almost all pregnant women, causing enormous discomfort and the risk of hemorrhoids. Diseases of the circulatory system in the pelvic organs. How can a pregnant woman get rid of constipation? There are plenty of answers to this question: the use of medications, using traditional medicine, and other methods. The question is how valid these methods are, which we will discuss further.

Medical supplies

Intestines during pregnancy

How to quickly get rid of constipation during pregnancy at home? Using medications for these purposes will help solve this problem. The list is as follows:

  1. Preparations based on lactulose ( ).
  • An absolutely safe product for pregnant women, which allows you to soften stool.
  • Gives a slight laxative effect and removes feces in large quantities.
  • Significantly alleviates the condition of a pregnant woman.
  • Safe drug for children and adults.
  • It is inserted into the rectum in a lying position.
  • It has a mild effect on the rectum, provoking the act of defecation.
  • The substance, glycerin, is not absorbed into the blood and does not tone the uterus, which is very important during pregnancy.
  • They act similarly.
  1. Mini enema Microlax.
  • Quick and softening effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).
  • The laxative effect occurs within 10 minutes.

It should be remembered that there is also a list of prohibited medications for pregnant women:

  1. Drugs that irritate the gastrointestinal tract (Gutalax, Senade, Regulax).
  2. Salt-containing drugs (Fotrans, Foralax), increase intestinal pressure.
  3. Laxative based on methylcellulose (increases the contents of the intestines and puts pressure on the gastrointestinal tract).

This is a list of those classic ones that are not allowed during pregnancy due to the fact that they can lead to uterine tone, the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of constipation at home during pregnancy using traditional medicine?

With popular advice, a pregnant woman needs to be extremely careful so as not to cause spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

During pregnancy, decoctions and infusions of herbs can be used only after consultation with a doctor.

Taking such laxative herbs as senna leaves, rhubarb, aloe, wormwood, nettle, yarrow, alder buckthorn bark, joster fruits - prohibited. By improving the functioning of the digestive organs, herbs relax the muscles of the uterus, which is dangerous. Flax seed infusion also tones the uterus. A decoction of chamomile can cause bleeding and lead to the risk of fetal loss.

The following plants are allowed to be used:

  1. Plantain.
  2. Motherwort.
  3. Ginger.
  4. Dill.
  5. Mint.
  6. Collection based on calendula.
  7. Mountain ash.
  8. Dandelion.

At the beginning of pregnancy, you can use decoctions and infusions of herbs only after consulting a doctor.

How to get rid of constipation during early pregnancy? The answer is simple. Movement is life, walks in the fresh air have a miraculous effect on blood circulation in the pelvis and improve the well-being of a pregnant woman. Sports activity - yoga, swimming, gymnastics on a fitball - help cope with defecation disorders.

The main rule– do not abuse long hikes or excessive physical exertion, because in the early stages there is a high risk of miscarriage.

Often constipation is of a spastic nature (associated with nervous feelings); to improve the situation, it would not be superfluous to take tea based on sedative herbs. They are also prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous.

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy? The stool will be soft if you drink a glass of water every morning half an hour before meals. Adding lemon juice or a spoonful of honey will also be effective. You can make a laxative tea by adding some dried apple fruits to hot water.

The stool will be soft if you drink a glass of water every morning before meals.

Prunes will work great, raw, boiled, grated - it doesn’t matter. It will perfectly improve the functioning of the pregnant woman’s intestines and promote stool to exit.

Recipes for constipation in pregnant women

Beetroot decoction. For two liters of water you need about 100 grams of prunes, oatmeal, and beets. Wash all components and grate on a coarse grater. Place in a deep container and add water, cook for an hour, strain and consume chilled. Store the decoction in the refrigerator.

Pumpkin-honey mixture. Take 150-200 grams of ripe pumpkin, grind with two teaspoons of honey. Bake in the oven.

Flaxseed infusion. Pour a tablespoon of seeds into a glass of boiling water. Leave covered for four hours. Drink the infusion at night. Take only after visiting a doctor.

Infusion of dill seeds. About two tablespoons of dill are taken per glass of boiling water. Pour, leave for two hours and drink one tablespoon half an hour before meals. This decoction will help with flatulence.

A decoction of rowan flowers. Take 10 grams of flowers and pour a glass of water. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Take 3 times a day, 50 ml, after filtering.

Violet herb tea. Place 10 grams of violets in an enamel pan, add a glass of water, and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for about an hour, then dilute with 200 ml of water. Then filter and take a tablespoon three times a day.

Infusion of dandelion roots. Pour about two teaspoons of root into 200 ml of boiled water and leave for 8 hours. Take 1/3 cup three times a day.

Other ways to relieve constipation

How to quickly get rid of constipation during pregnancy using other methods. Firstly, you need reconsider the diet of a pregnant woman. It should include whole grain porridge, muesli, vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil. Also boiled and steamed vegetables (beets, carrots, turnips, etc.).

Eating fruits such as prunes, green apples, cherries, melon.

Be careful when eating honey, watermelon, apricots, and grapes - they contain substances that can cause allergies. Thick, rich soups, white bread, strong tea, pears, blueberries, pomegranates, etc. are prohibited.

Proper nutrition is the best way to prevent constipation

A combination of diet and regular exercise will give a greater effect.. When choosing a complex, you should ask your doctor for permission, because. some sports exercises provoke labor activity.

Positive emotions, which expectant mothers are so often deprived of, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract system.

Therefore, you need to be able to see good moments, and enjoy the world around you. Then stress will fade into the background, and this will save you from painfully difficult trips to the toilet.


The health of the expectant mother and child fundamentally depends on lifestyle. You shouldn’t remain silent about such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation. Any topic of concern must be discussed with the doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy.

Constipation during pregnancy - what to do? Medicines and folk remedies for treatment

The first episode of constipation appears in the early stages of pregnancy, as early as the 1st trimester. Abnormal bowel movements can accompany a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. Therefore, constipation during pregnancy is an annoying and pressing topic.

First of all, let's figure out what constipation really is, how it affects the health of a woman and child, and what to do?

  • What is constipation?
  • Why does it happen?
  • What are the dangers during pregnancy?
  • How does it affect the fetus?
  • How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy?
  • What can pregnant women do for constipation?
  • Treatment
  • Diet and food
  • Folk remedies for treatment

What is constipation in pregnant women?

According to statistics, true constipation during pregnancy occurs in 11-38% of cases. According to other authors, up to 60%. According to the self-assessment of expectant mothers, bowel irregularities are much more common.

If the act of defecation occurs once every 3 days, this is not constipation, but a physiological reaction to pregnancy. In order to make the right decision regarding the difficulty of defecation, you need to consult a doctor and together with him figure out whether to treat or not treat what you call constipation.

Diagnostic criteria for constipation are as follows:

  • straining;
  • stool is fragmented, dry and rough;
  • feeling of obstruction during bowel movements;
  • the need for manual techniques to evacuate stool;
  • less than 3 bowel movements per week with a small volume of stool (up to 35 g per day).

A condition is considered pathological when 2 or more symptoms occur in 25% of bowel movements.

Why does constipation occur during pregnancy?

There are several reasons why the intestines refuse to work as usual during pregnancy. The first of them is the most significant, the rest arise under the influence of external factors.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy:

  • Hormonal. The most important hubbub of the first trimester of pregnancy is progesterone. And everything that a woman experiences in the early stages of pregnancy: suppression or increased appetite, weakness, drowsiness, flushing - this is the influence of progesterone. Progesterone also affects the smooth muscle cells of the uterus. It relaxes them so that the pregnancy can be maintained and the fertilized egg can remain in the uterine cavity.

Progesterone similarly affects intestinal smooth muscle cells. Thus, it slows down motility - the evacuation of intestinal contents, peristaltic waves (wave-like movements) become weak and rare. This disrupts the passage of feces, which should lead to normal stool in all people. Constipation may be the first sign of pregnancy, along with frequent urination.

  • Mechanical. In the second and third trimesters, the growing uterus compresses internal organs, including loops of the large intestine, thereby disrupting the evacuation of feces.
  • Pregnant women often develop gastritis and heartburn in the early stages. Antacids and Omeprazole prescribed to women for these symptoms contribute to the development of constipation.
  • , and they take iron supplements. Iron supplements cause constipation.

Why is constipation dangerous during pregnancy?

First of all, the quality of life of pregnant women worsens; in the second and third trimesters, the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids increases (therefore you cannot push).

Constipation during pregnancy is a risk factor for:

  • disturbances of the biocenosis of the vaginal environment;
  • development of intestinal dysbiosis;
  • the risk of infection along the ascending route during childbirth increases (the introduction of pathological flora into the birth canal);
  • untimely discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • development of purulent-septic complications after childbirth.

What are the dangers of constipation during pregnancy for a baby?

It turns out that disruption of the usual bowel movement does not have a critically negative effect on the baby. Previously, it was believed that constipation during pregnancy causes fetal toxicity. But studies have been conducted that refute this hypothesis. Toxic substances during constipation, of course, are absorbed from the large intestine, but during pregnancy the kidneys work more actively and remove toxic substances faster.

At the beginning of pregnancy, women often need to visit the bathroom. There is still no mechanical pressure from the enlarged uterus and fetus on the kidneys and bladder, but the activity of going to the toilet increases sharply. Already the kidneys filter 1.5 times faster. In the third trimester, the situation is similar - the kidneys work very actively so that the baby does not get toxic substances.

Constipation during pregnancy: what to do

During pregnancy, constipation is mainly controlled by diet. Recommendations in this case, as with nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. The menu should be rich in plant proteins, fats and fiber. Fruits and vegetables are obligatory companions. Transgenic and refined fats, sandwiches, sandwiches, fast food, sausages, fried foods, sushi, pizzas, and baked goods are excluded as much as possible.

You definitely need to get away from white bread and replace it with grain, rye bread with bran. An excellent remedy for constipation is salads containing beets, bran, and prunes. Don't forget that in order to go to the toilet, you need to eat something. If a woman allows herself a fasting day, then, in principle, feces will not be formed, and this also applies to a diet that lacks dietary fiber.

What can pregnant women do for constipation?

In some cases, bran can be used to treat constipation in pregnant women. They can be purchased at pharmacies or health food stores. But before taking them, you need to consult a doctor. Adding fiber to the diet in the form of bran or wheat requires strict adherence to the drinking regime and their smooth introduction.

If you did not take fiber before the onset of constipation, then you can start adding bran to water or kefir, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, gradually increasing the dose over 14 days. The fact is that taking bran for medicinal purposes can aggravate the situation and cause severe constipation. It is better to take bran half an hour before meals, dissolving it in water (if there is no heartburn). They are not recommended for use for heartburn.

Sufficient fluid intake in the form of dried fruit compotes (plums, prunes, apricots, dried apricots) and clean drinking water (not mineral or carbonated) helps combat constipation during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, drinking less than 1 liter per day is prohibited, even if the woman has . Because insufficient fluid intake provokes the body to “store” water for future use. For pregnant women, 1.5 liters per day is the norm. If a woman drinks this volume in fractions and gradually it will not affect the formation of edema. In the absence of edema syndrome, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water. Swelling is aggravated by the consumption of salt (pickles, smoked meats) and simple carbohydrates (sugar, cake, sweets). In tandem, salt and sugar definitely cause fluid retention in the tissues.

If there are no obstetric contraindications, then increasing physical activity will help cope with constipation during pregnancy.

There is a rather specific mineral water on sale - Donat Sodium. Doctors may recommend it as a means to quickly get rid of stagnation of intestinal contents. It has a pronounced laxative effect. But you need to be careful with her. The effect of high levels of magnesium ions on the fetus has not been sufficiently studied. So, if you are not put off by its taste, you can use it occasionally while bearing a child to normalize stool.

Treatment of constipation during pregnancy

The goal of taking medications for constipation in pregnant women is to normalize stool consistency, and not to achieve daily bowel movements. This must be remembered and understood. Taking laxatives should be auxiliary and occasional. Sea buckthorn, glycerin suppositories for pregnant women for constipation can be used as prescribed by a doctor, since any laxatives (tablets, powders, teas, microenemas) can provoke increased peristalsis not only of the smooth muscles of the intestines, but also of the uterus.

For routine therapy, lactulose-based drugs, for example Duphalac, may be prescribed. Its effect is based on probiotic action. The syrup increases the formation of lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria living in the intestines. Acid accelerates peristalsis and promotes emptying. In case of dysbacteriosis while taking the drug, bloating may occur in the first three days. Flatulence goes away on its own, but stool does not appear immediately. It takes several days for the drug to take effect. If the drug causes bloating for more than 2-3 days, then you should stop taking it.

The drug Forlax can be used only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly follow the recommendations set out in the instructions. Its molecules form strong compounds with water and retain liquid in the intestinal lumen, thereby increasing the volume of feces. Fecal pressure ensures peristalsis and emptying. Moisture for binding medicinal molecules is taken from the intestinal lumen, so drinking regime is extremely important if treatment of constipation with this drug is prescribed.

Dietary recommendations for constipation in pregnant women combined with heartburn

  1. In the morning you must have breakfast.

As soon as the body “wakes up”, hormones are activated, which set the body up for physical activity. When a person gets out of bed, the orthostatic reflex is triggered - the work of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, is activated. There is another reflex: when food or water enters the stomach, the lower sections of the gastrointestinal tract begin to work more actively.

It is advisable for these two reflexes to be triggered in the morning. Therefore, breakfast should not be skipped or put off for a long time. Breakfast should contain complex carbohydrates, they are the ones that switch night metabolism to daytime and help empty the intestines.

  1. An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach. Therefore, food should be taken 5-6 times a day in small portions so that the stomach does not become overfilled and gastric contents do not reflux into the esophagus.
  2. For the same reason, you should not bend over or take a horizontal position after eating.
  3. Be sure to have a sufficient amount of fluid (1.5-2 liters per day).
  4. Eat soft fiber: boiled carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, prunes and dried apricots soaked overnight.
  5. Remember that cottage cheese (a very important food product for pregnant women) itself can cause constipation. Therefore, it should be eaten with fillings: baked or boiled pumpkin, soaked prunes, dried apricots, grated apple and carrots. So you get the necessary calcium and nullify its ability to slow down the work of the intestines.
  6. Eliminate foods that increase gas formation from your diet. The first enemy of a pregnant woman with constipation is carbonated water and sweet carbonated drinks. Flatulence is caused by legumes, grape and apple juice, vegetables with a high content of essential oils - steamed prunes to taste. Stir and the salad is ready!

    Another folk recipe. Pour a handful of dried plums or prunes (not smoked) overnight with hot boiled water (0.5 liters). In the morning on an empty stomach, drink the liquid that formed after infusion. And the fruits themselves can be eaten after breakfast or added to cottage cheese.

    An excellent laxative for constipation for pregnant women is the dry residue after cooking fresh carrots. You can add steamed dried apricots to the cake, form balls - you get sweets.

    You can eat this delicacy throughout the day. Carrot cake can be successfully used to make cottage cheese casseroles. The laxative effect will be more pronounced if pumpkin cake is added. Delicious and will allow you to get rid of the feeling of a full intestine at home without the use of drugs.

    Do not forget about baked apples - a delicious and healthy dessert.

    Remember - not all folk remedies can be pregnant. This primarily applies to herbs: buckthorn, senna, rhubarb. They can not be used even with the most severe constipation.

    You may find it useful

While carrying a baby, a woman should have regular bowel movements, since constipation poses a threat to the normal development of the baby in the abdomen and to the woman’s well-being in general.

Constipation during pregnancy in the second trimester: causes of the disease

Pregnant women are more likely to experience constipation than others. The main reason why constipation begins is an increase in progesterone levels, which weakens the intestinal walls.

If a woman did not suffer from constipation before pregnancy, she may experience it in the second or even third trimester.

In a normal situation, a woman in this position should walk most times a day; a delay in bowel movement of 72 hours is considered constipation.

Why constipation occurs:

  • Dehydration of the body due to toxicosis;
  • Iron and calcium supplements, which are prescribed to the expectant mother, strengthen the stool;
  • Reduced physical activity;
  • Poor nutrition – not enough fresh vegetables, fiber and dairy products;
  • Violation of drinking regime;
  • Pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines;
  • Nervous overstrain.

Irregular bowel movements in a pregnant woman are a reason to consult a doctor. Having found out the causes of the disease, he will help you choose a treatment that will not harm the fetus and the pregnant woman.

What are the dangers of constipation during pregnancy: risks for the expectant mother and her baby

Severe constipation not only torments a woman, but also causes certain harm during pregnancy. The intestines are in close proximity to the organs of the female reproductive and reproductive system.

Throughout pregnancy, they come into contact even more, so problems with the intestines affect the course of pregnancy - the health and well-being of the mother and the development of the fetus in the womb.

In addition to the feeling of heaviness and discomfort that occurs during constipation, a woman may be exposed to certain risks that negatively affect pregnancy.

What are the dangers of constipation for pregnant women?

  1. During constipation, the microflora is disrupted. Bacteria can enter the reproductive organs and provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process.
  2. Germs and bacteria that settle on a pregnant woman's vagina can enter the baby's intestines during childbirth. This way the baby can develop dysbiosis and suffer from colic.
  3. Stagnation of feces leads to the fact that toxins begin to be absorbed into the woman’s blood. Intoxication begins, which harms the development of the child in the mother’s belly.
  4. Constipation in pregnant women can lead to hemorrhoids.
  5. Difficulties with bowel movements cause bloating and gas. A full colon puts pressure on the uterus, which can tighten it up.
  6. Severe constipation in the last trimester can lead to premature birth.
  7. During pregnancy, many laxatives are harmful - they provoke intestinal peristalsis and become a threat to miscarriage.

It is better to solve problems with stool before they appear, adhere to a special diet and follow preventive measures. Folk remedies for constipation will help cope with it, but they must be used with great caution.

Prevention of constipation in pregnant women: how to prevent the disease

Constipation is a common companion of pregnancy, especially in the early stages or in the first days. However, difficulties with bowel movements may occur in a pregnant woman, both at 3-4 weeks and in the last trimester of pregnancy.

If the problem of constipation is neglected, a woman is at risk of developing hemorrhoids and rectal fissures.

You can avoid treatment and relieve symptoms by performing simple preventive actions.


  1. Nutrition. Every day a woman should eat the first - soup or borscht. The diet should contain fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and fiber. It is recommended to exclude fried, spicy and salty foods. Sugar and white bread are harmful.
  2. At the first signs of bloating, you can drink infusions of medicinal chamomile, peppermint or lemon balm, and dill seeds. Avoid foods that cause gas in the intestines - cabbage, legumes, radishes, grapes, apple juice.
  3. Drinking mode. In addition to soups and tea, she must drink about 1.5 liters of regular water per day. A rule should be introduced - drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning; it is recommended to have breakfast half an hour after drinking the liquid.
  4. Walking in the fresh air, light exercise in the morning and yoga for pregnant women are ideal options to feel good.

If preventive measures do not bring the expected result, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment. You may have to not only adjust your diet, but also start taking special medications to facilitate bowel movements.

What pregnant women can do for constipation: approved medications

You can get rid of constipation by adjusting your diet and paying more attention to physical activity. If this does not help, you will have to resort to using laxatives.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use some ointments, drops and tablets, which have a laxative effect on the intestines and help the woman empty its contents.

It is forbidden to take castor oil during pregnancy! Its use can cause premature birth or early miscarriage.

You should take medications such as Guttalax and Senna with caution - strictly follow the instructions. Taking these drugs is especially dangerous in the first trimester.

Throughout pregnancy, you can take Duphalac, which is not addictive and does not affect the intestinal mucosa of the pregnant woman.

Despite the fact that Duphalac is considered the safest drug for pregnant women, it has a side effect - its use can cause bloating.

Glycerin suppositories help to cope with the problem - the effect occurs within 20 minutes after administration. Microenemas also have good reviews, which can also be done during pregnancy and the postpartum period. You can use drugs such as Norgalax and Normacol.

Constipation in pregnant women: how to deal with them using traditional methods

If a woman was prone to constipation before pregnancy, she should be especially careful about this problem while expecting a baby. First of all, you need to pay attention to the diet - peristalsis is slowed down by white bread, buns, sweet semolina porridge, large quantities of bananas, nuts and legumes.

To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink a glass of kefir or eat a portion of yogurt at night.

The use of medications that can combat constipation can be addictive, and many laxatives are strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

Home remedies for constipation:

  1. Mix fennel, anise and cumin seeds in equal quantities. At the rate of a glass of boiling water per 10 g of seeds - brew the tincture for 20 minutes. Take 70 ml of strained tea half an hour before your main meal.
  2. Take 50 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice daily on an empty stomach. Use juice with caution for women with stomach and intestinal diseases.
  3. Potato juice diluted with water in equal proportions helps cope with constipation. Drink 50 ml 30 minutes before meals several times a day.

At the pharmacy you can purchase ready-made preparations that can improve intestinal function. If the problem with constipation is particularly acute, you need to choose several suitable home treatment methods and alternate them every 15-20 days.

Treatment of constipation during early pregnancy (video)

It is better to prevent any illness than to treat it with medication, exposing both yourself and the child to unjustified risk. A properly selected diet, drinking regimen and physical activity are the key to the health of a pregnant woman.

The article will help expectant mothers understand why constipation can occur during pregnancy and how to safely solve the problem with bowel movements.

Constipation is a phenomenon familiar to almost every second or third pregnant woman. They can appear in a woman both in early and late stages of pregnancy.

Causes of constipation in early pregnancy

Constipation is defined as the absence of bowel movements for three days. In addition to the fact that a woman feels heaviness in the intestines, it is bloated, filled with gases, she can also feel pain in the lower abdomen.

All these unpleasant moments make the woman’s condition not very comfortable; constipation also negatively affects the pregnancy itself, since the reproductive organs are located in close proximity to the intestines.

IMPORTANT: Some women do not have bowel movements for several days; others may experience a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, which also causes discomfort. All these phenomena characterizing constipation have their own explanation.

The causes of constipation in pregnant women in the early stages are:

  1. Active production of progesterone. During pregnancy, already in the early stages, an active restructuring of its hormonal balance begins in a woman’s body. The hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, begins to be actively produced. The action of this hormone is aimed at relaxing smooth muscles, including the intestines.
  2. Changes in diet and movement patterns. One of the possible causes of constipation in the early stages of pregnancy is considered to be a change in a woman’s motor pattern. Some pregnant women may even be prescribed bed rest to maintain pregnancy, and some may even limit it themselves due to their new position. Insufficient physical activity of a pregnant woman can lead to a decrease in intestinal tone
  3. Taking iron supplements to prevent anemia. A woman's intake of necessary medications containing iron and calcium can also have a unique negative impact on timely bowel movements. These minerals make stool denser, which can cause constipation.
  4. Reducing the amount of fluid consumed. Another reason for constipation is a woman’s restriction of fluid intake, which is recommended for her to avoid swelling
  5. Toxicosis and refusal of food. Many women suffer from toxicosis in early pregnancy. To avoid and alleviate the condition, they may refuse their usual diet and be malnourished, and this automatically means a lack of bowel movements
  6. Stress. Various stresses associated with the new condition of the pregnant woman can also play an important negative role.

Causes of constipation in late pregnant women

Constipation can accompany a pregnant woman in the later stages.

In the second and third trimester, problems with bowel movements in the expectant mother may occur due to the fact that the baby puts pressure on her intestines.

The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • an increase in the size of the uterus, its pressure on the intestines
  • the same swelling of the extremities and attempts to avoid them by not drinking enough fluid, due to which the stool becomes hard and difficult to expel
  • stress
  • reduced physical activity
  • possible malnutrition
  • pressure from the fetal head on the intestines as it assumes the pre-labor position

VIDEO: Constipation in pregnant women

Constipation remedies for pregnant women. Laxative for constipation in pregnant women

  • Unfortunately, constipation in pregnant women can cause unpleasant consequences for the expectant mother and her baby, since the intestines are located in close proximity to the uterus and birth canal
  • If the intestinal microflora is disrupted and pathogenic bacteria develop in it, they can also infect the birth canal
  • Also, waste products of pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream and infect the body.

The desire to get rid of the masses accumulated in the intestines forces the pregnant woman to push, and this can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

IMPORTANT: You should try to avoid all these problems, however, it turns out that there are not many remedies for getting rid of constipation in pregnant women

A pregnant woman cannot use habitual laxatives due to various reasons:

  • due to their irritating effect
  • due to the effect on smooth muscle
  • due to their ability to disrupt enzyme and mineral composition, which is undesirable for women

However, there are some medications that a pregnant woman can take, in consultation with her doctor. These are the drugs microlax and fortrans, duclac.

  1. Microlax is a mini-enema that will have a laxative effect within a few minutes
  2. Duclac is a probiotic that cares for the preservation and development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, a lactulose-based drug that has a mild laxative effect

  • To the above-mentioned preparations such as Duclac and Microlax, you can also add the preparation phytomucil based on plant fibers, which helps soften the contents of the intestines and promote its trouble-free emptying
  • However, we emphasize again that all medications, even the most delicate ones, should be taken after the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist
  • In addition to these modern drugs, pregnant women can traditionally use suppositories for constipation

Candles for constipation for pregnant women

A doctor will help pregnant women choose suppositories for constipation, but this is perhaps the main remedy that will allow a woman to get rid of such a problem.

Their advantage is that they are not absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls and do not disturb anything in the woman’s body. Their action, gentle and effective, is to irritate intestinal receptors and soften feces.

Is it possible for pregnant women to take an enema for constipation?

  • There is no clear answer to the question of whether an enema can be used for constipation in pregnant women.
  • Each remedy for regular bowel movements should be prescribed by a gynecologist in each specific case.
  • In principle, an enema can be given to pregnant women in the early stages, in the first trimester of pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: An enema is not advisable in the last stages, since relaxation of the intestinal muscles can tone the uterus, and this can, in turn, cause premature birth

Oil for constipation in pregnancy

Vaseline, vegetable, flaxseed, and pumpkin oils are considered good remedies for constipation. But, again, pregnant women are a special category, and the most delicate and safe means of relieving constipation should always be selected for them.

As for vegetable or olive oil, only a doctor can give such a recommendation. But pumpkin seed oil might work.

RECIPE: Pumpkin seed oil for constipation
Pregnant women can be recommended to take pumpkin oil 3 times a day, a teaspoon, until their stool normalizes.
Pumpkin oil in a volume of 1 teaspoon can be added to 1/3 of a glass of yogurt mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey. This mixture is taken at bedtime.

If you take unrefined olive or sunflower oil, then it is best to add it to any porridge. The beneficial laxative effect of the oil, plus the fiber in the cereal, is an excellent means of preventing constipation.

Prunes for constipation in pregnant women

Prunes and other foods are the best remedy for constipation. They are natural, and among other things, they will strengthen the woman’s body with useful substances and vitamins, primarily iron. Lactic acid products, plums, beets, and prunes should be included in the daily diet.

RECIPE: A decoction of prunes
Pour a glass of boiling water over 2-3 berries and leave for a little while. The broth is drunk and the berries are eaten.
This decoction can be made richer by adding a few raisins and 2 - 3 dried apricots to the prunes.

Prevention of constipation in pregnant women

As preventive measures for constipation for pregnant women, it is necessary to name:

  • diet based on fiber and fresh vegetables and fruits
  • food must be cooked, preferably by boiling or stewing
  • dry food should be avoided
  • sufficient physical activity - walking, light exercise, if there are no contraindications
  • a glass of warm water on an empty stomach

VIDEO: Constipation during pregnancy: 5 ways to deal with it

Immediately after conceiving a child, the restructuring of most organs and systems begins in a woman’s body. This process is manifested by various symptoms, one of which is constipation during early pregnancy.

Doctors at the antenatal clinic note gastrointestinal dysfunction in the first trimester of pregnancy in more than half of their patients. Constipation in expectant mothers cannot be considered a disease, since they have completely physiological causes and are caused by changes in the mother’s body. However, such digestive disorders can cause serious disorders in women.

Read in this article

What Causes Bowel Problems During Pregnancy?

Digestive disorders in the expectant mother are often expressed by the absence of stool for more than three days. This symptom is a consequence of changes in physiology and biochemistry during pregnancy, as well as various errors in the diet and lifestyle of a young woman.

Physiological causes of constipation during this period, experts include:

  • Hormonal changes in the blood of a pregnant woman. Immediately after the moment of fertilization, the endocrine glands begin to intensively produce the hormone progesterone, which is responsible in the female body for the successful course of pregnancy and preparation for childbirth. This substance has the property of relaxing the smooth muscles of many organs, including the small and large intestines.
  • This effect of the hormone leads to a decrease in peristalsis and causes stool retention in the expectant mother.
  • To stabilize metabolic processes in a woman’s body in the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend that she take a special complex of vitamins and microelements, the basis of which is iron and calcium. These substances indirectly affect a woman’s gastrointestinal tract, causing stagnation in the large intestine, reducing its muscle contractility, thereby causing constipation in a pregnant woman.
  • The process of bearing a child provokes changes in the hormonal balance of the expectant mother. Hormones not only reduce bowel function, they negatively affect the patient’s nervous system. A woman in the first trimester of pregnancy is susceptible to stress, and any disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract can cause her severe irritation. A malfunction of the central nervous system often provokes stool retention in the patient.

The expectant mother herself often leads to disorders in the digestive system through her actions.

If a woman experiences constipation during early pregnancy, the reasons often lie in the patient’s diet and lifestyle:

  • For the expectant mother, the correct one is very important in the first weeks after conception. Your daily diet should include a large amount of foods containing fiber, which is very important for restoring colon motility. An example of such food would be beetroot dishes, which can positively solve the problem of constipation.
  • Many expectant mothers, influenced by the advice of friends or having read recommendations on popular pseudo-scientific sites, sharply limit themselves to fluids from the first days of pregnancy. So they try to fight the possible ones, without completely imagining the mechanism of their occurrence.

Lack of fluid will not only cause constipation in a young woman. It is fraught with a violation of the fluid composition of the blood, its thickening and various pathological conditions as a result. There is evidence of an increased risk of blood clots in such patients and various CNS disorders due to lack of fluid.

Any woman, even if she had excellent health before pregnancy, can experience a similar problem in the first trimester of pregnancy. Constipation in expectant mothers is not considered a disease, however, it poses a certain threat to a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

What are the dangers of constipation in early pregnancy?

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract in patients expecting a child is most often expressed in stool retention for several days. If this condition lasts more than 3 days, it is necessary to take appropriate measures, since constipation can cause various problems for the expectant mother:

  • A woman will most often be bothered by heaviness and possible severe pain in the abdominal cavity. Since patients are not recommended to take many of the usual medications during the first 2 to 3 months of fetal development, it will not be easy to cope with such symptoms.
  • Constant constipation can increase pressure in the abdominal cavity, which can provoke. This is already a direct threat to the possible.
  • In the first trimester, the formation of all the main organs of the unborn child occurs, and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract contribute to stagnation in the intestines. This situation often leads to the fact that food breakdown products enter the patient’s blood. This is already an immediate threat to the fetus.
  • It is best to solve the problem of constipation in the early stages of pregnancy and not postpone it until after childbirth. Pathological microflora of the colon can provoke various inflammatory diseases of the birth canal, which can negatively affect childbirth.
  • Violation of the normal functioning of the intestines often causes the development of hemorrhoids in the expectant mother. A pregnant woman already has a high probability of problems with hemorrhoids, since the process of bearing a fetus is accompanied by stagnation in the veins of the pelvis, and constipation only aggravates this problem.

There are quite a few reasons why constipation occurs during early pregnancy. Even psychological problems can become an impetus for irregular bowel movements. Doctors at the antenatal clinic can recommend a pregnant woman a whole range of measures to combat this disease. The basis of all these measures is the prevention of stagnation in the intestines and stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Watch the video about the causes of constipation:

What can help the expectant mother

Since intestinal dysfunction, in addition to discomfort, poses a direct threat to the health of the woman and the unborn baby, you need to act decisively. To treat constipation, you cannot limit yourself solely to medications or diet. Only a combination of efforts will allow us to successfully cope with this problem.

Nutrition for an expectant mother is a fairly serious problem. On the one hand, the patient must receive a sufficient amount of useful substances, on the other hand, the food should not provoke gastrointestinal disorders and contain ingredients harmful to the unborn child.

Experts believe that the key to preventing constipation in an expectant mother is strict adherence to the following recommendations:

  • For complete and timely bowel movements, a woman’s food must contain a large amount of fiber. Doctors recommend including plenty of raw vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet. Preference should be given to those gifts of nature that are not capable of causing allergic reactions in the expectant mother. Beets, apples, pears, and plums are good for the diet.
  • Meat should contain a lot of connective tissue. Fatty varieties should be limited. Young veal, lamb, and poultry have proven themselves to be excellent for feeding pregnant women.
  • Your daily diet should include a large amount of vegetable or olive oil. This product perfectly helps restore intestinal function.
  • It is advisable in the diet of such patients to give preference to oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, wholemeal black bread, dried fruits, especially prunes.

Doctors at the antenatal clinic will definitely tell the expectant mother what she should refuse. If you have such problems, it is not recommended to eat rice, cabbage, white bread and other foods that cause constipation.

Separately, it should be noted the importance of the water regime for solving the problem. A pregnant woman should consume at least 3 liters of fluid per day. Preference should be given to juices, decoctions of fruits and vegetables. Loved by many ladies, coffee will only aggravate the difficulties during bowel movements.

Products for constipation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the following products that have a laxative effect will help with constipation:

Vegetables Carrots, onions, beets, fresh cucumbers, white cabbage, pumpkin. It is advisable to consume them fresh, but even when boiled/stewed, as they pass through the intestines, they have an irritating effect on its walls. This enhances peristalsis and guarantees the release of feces.
Porridge Buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal or millet. They are boiled in water, and not butter, but vegetable oil is added to the finished dish. Doctors recommend adding fresh fruit to the porridge to enhance the laxative effect.
Dairy products All without exception, as well as kumis and sour yoghurts. During pregnancy, you should pay attention to the fat content of such products and give preference to low levels.
Fruits Plums, bananas, pears and apples. They not only have a positive effect on intestinal motility, but also increase the amount of water in the stool - they simply pass out easier.

Vegetable oils also have a strong laxative effect; they can replace all fats in ready-made dishes. For severe/persistent constipation, you can consume 30 ml of vegetable oil on an empty stomach in the morning.

What can you drink for constipation during pregnancy?

If you have constipation during pregnancy, you can drink the following drinks:

  • dried fruit compote - cooked without adding sugar;
  • mineral water with magnesium and sulfates in the composition - “Essentuki” No. 4 and 17, ½ glass 2-3 times a day;
  • decoction of rose hips - prepared without sugar, drunk without adding honey;
  • fennel tea - sold in pharmacies, consumed in quantities of no more than 300 ml per day;
  • chicory drink - the optimal time for consumption is considered to be morning and lunch.

In general, for constipation, pregnant women are recommended to drink more clean water - it helps soften stool in the intestines. But recommendations regarding the use of any liquid must be agreed upon and obtained from a doctor - for example, with diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, some drinks will be contraindicated.

If a pregnant woman has constipation, then she should not drink black tea, coffee, or any carbonated sweet drinks.

Gymnastics as a remedy for constipation in pregnant women

Regular exercise can be an excellent remedy for constipation; an additional effect will be to increase the general tone of the pregnant woman’s body and strengthen muscle fibers. A total of 6 exercises are performed daily 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal:

  • Starting position - on all fours, knees and hands spaced shoulder-width apart. You need to lift your right hand off the floor and, bending slightly forward and transferring your weight to the resting hand, reach your left knee with your palm. After returning to the starting position, immediately perform the exercise for the other limb.
  • Sit straight on the floor with your legs extended in front and your hands on your hips. You need to turn your head and torso to the sides. Arms and legs remain in the same position, back straight.
  • Take a sitting position on the floor, pressing your back against the wall, bending your knees. Take deep breaths and exhalations with your stomach for no more than 3 minutes in a row.
  • Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, but not to their full amplitude. You should raise your right leg and touch the knee of your left lower limb with your heel. Then the exercise is repeated for the other leg.
  • Without changing the starting position, you need to bend your knees, spread them apart and bring your feet together. The goal is to lower your knees as close to the floor as possible.
  • From the previous position, place your feet on the floor and bend your knees. The task is to touch the floor with your knees, rotating your pelvis to the right/left.

Each exercise is repeated 10-15 times; gymnastics should not cause severe tension or discomfort. If pregnancy proceeds with complications, then you should consult your doctor about the advisability of performing the proposed complex.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine specialists have at their disposal a sufficient number of medicinal plants to solve gastrointestinal problems in expectant mothers. Special literature notes the positive effect of beets, prunes or grapes on the patient’s intestinal function. It can be suggested to use the following folk remedies to prevent constipation:

  • 200 grams of ground fresh beets are mixed with 100 grams of dried fruits and 150 grams of oatmeal. The resulting mass is poured with 3 liters of cold water and boiled over low heat for 60 - 90 minutes. The drink is cooled and stored in a dark and cool place. 200 grams of decoction before bed will help the expectant mother forget about constipation for a long time.
  • A medicinal mixture of equal parts of dried apricots, raisins, prunes and honey is also of interest to pregnant women. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a mixer or blender and transferred to a special form. The mixture is infused for 12 hours, after which it is recommended that the woman eat 50 grams of this medicinal potion before bed.

But not all common folk laxatives can be used by expectant mothers. Experts are categorically against the patient’s use of decoctions and infusions based on buckthorn, senna leaves and rhubarb. The herbs listed can cause disruption of the hormonal system, which can lead to the threat of miscarriage.

Traditional medicine

If, with the help of diet and folk recipes, it is not possible to prevent constipation in a woman during early pregnancy, the treatment of this problem should be entrusted to doctors. The thing is that after conception, most conventional medications are contraindicated for young women. What do doctors advise:

Solving the problem of constipation in early pregnancy requires an individual approach, since the likelihood of pathological reactions to any medicine in such patients is very high.

Tablets for constipation during pregnancy

If adjusting the diet and drinking various drinks does not give a positive result, then constipation during pregnancy can be cured with both tablets and powders, and the latter are especially effective:


Increases the volume of feces (not quantity!), preventing them from hardening. It consists of granules that are intended for preparing a solution. Take 1 teaspoon (from this amount a solution is prepared in 150 ml of water) a maximum of 6 times a day.

Defecation is normalized due to improved intestinal motility. Helps solve the problem of nervous diarrhea.

Sold in single sachets - they contain powder that should be dissolved in 150 ml of warm water. You are allowed to consume 1 sachet per day.


A natural remedy containing plantain and plum. Helps in the initial stages of constipation, because it acts on the problem gently and sparingly.

No more than 1 packet per day is accepted.

Even the most gentle remedies should be taken only in consultation with a doctor. Stronger tablets (Senade) are often prohibited during pregnancy because they increase peristalsis too much and are absorbed by the intestinal walls.

Constipation in the first trimester: what to do

For constipation in the first trimester, you can use enemas, and the optimal solution would be to use microenemas - for example, Microlax. Their volume is only 15 ml (this is the maximum), they are distinguished by a gentle effect and gentle cleansing of the intestines. A woman should consult a gynecologist about the treatment of constipation; he will give permission for enemas only under certain circumstances:

  • constipation lasts more than 5 days;
  • conservative methods do not give a positive result;
  • due to the accumulation of feces, symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) of the body appear.

In general, this method of solving the problem is considered an extreme option when other means do not help, and fecal stagnation takes a chronic course. It is strictly forbidden to perform such procedures when:

  • a woman has a history of miscarriages;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • diagnosed threat of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • previously discovered isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Problems with the intestines in early pregnancy: constipation, diarrhea, pain

In most cases, pregnant women notice problems with the intestines in the early stages - spasms/colic, constipation, diarrhea; doctors associate them with the restructuring of the body, new conditions for its functioning. Intestinal colic can occur against the background of hormonal imbalance, which leads to bloating of the large intestine and severe muscle tension. Constipation and diarrhea are a consequence of intestinal colic and unbalanced nutrition.

To solve problems, you just need to follow the general recommendations of doctors:

  • adjust your diet - the body in the early stages of pregnancy needs vegetables, fruits and any low-fat foods;
  • drink more water – clean and not carbonated;
  • give preference not to black tea and coffee, but to rosehip decoction, dried fruit compote and other healthy drinks;
  • eat in small portions and often, avoid overeating.

Watch this video about nutrition during pregnancy:

The best treatment for constipation in a pregnant woman is to prevent its occurrence.

To avoid disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and the associated need for treatment, a woman who is preparing to become a mother needs to follow a few simple rules:

  • You can't limit yourself to fluids. You need to drink at least 2 - 3 liters of compotes, juices, mineral water or medicinal decoctions per day. If edema appears, you should carefully monitor the ratio of the fluid you drink to the amount you excrete and be sure to consult a doctor.
  • To a woman. Stress will definitely cause constipation in the expectant mother.
  • Such ladies should adhere to a diet that specialists at the antenatal clinic will help her develop. All gas-forming and constipating foods should be excluded from your diet.
  • Pregnancy is not a reason for an expectant mother to reduce physical activity. It is dosed exercise, walks in the fresh air and an active lifestyle that will help prevent gastrointestinal disorders during pregnancy.

Constipation as a sign of pregnancy

Until 2-3 weeks, signs of pregnancy are practically invisible, and the woman simply does not suspect that conception has occurred, but there are also pronounced changes in well-being - pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of distension in the intestines and constipation. Additionally, severe heartburn may be present even after eating usual foods. What can be done to alleviate the condition:

  • review your menu and exclude marinated, smoked and fried dishes from it;
  • drink plenty of fluids, but avoid morning coffee and strong tea for several days;
  • introduce fresh vegetables, weak meat broths, and water-based porridge into the diet;
  • . From it you will learn about the reasons for the malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract in a pregnant woman, assistance and the danger of diarrhea for the mother and fetus.

    And more about what sensations arise in the early stages of pregnancy.

    These simple tips are useful for all representatives of the fair sex. And if a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy, then she simply needs careful monitoring of her well-being and health care.

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