Is it possible to get pregnant with untreated ureaplasma. Is it possible to get pregnant after treatment of ureaplasmosis (ureaplasmosis)? Ureaplasma after treatment, what is the chance of getting pregnant

B back to the eternal topic: influence of ureaplasmas on the outcome of pregnancy. This topic is probably the leader in terms of the number of questions that I receive from patients. So,

none There are no indications in the world leadership that all pregnant women should be examined for the presence of ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas, and even more so treated.

In our country, the detection of ureaplasmas and the subsequent prescription of antibiotics to pregnant women is a very common phenomenon.

In this regard, I cannot but cite the data of the last review on this issue. (i.e., summed up into one, all available research results regarding and and their impact on pregnancy). The author of the review, by the way, is a professor from Belgium, deeply beloved by me, Gilbert Donders.

So, what conclusions can be drawn based on the existing knowledge about mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas and pregnancy:

1. Ureaplasmas are found in the vagina of pregnant women extremely often (up to 93% of pregnant women); Mycoplasma hominis somewhat less often - up to 50% of pregnant women; Mycoplasma genitalium determined in 0.5-1% of pregnant women.

2. Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma parvum And Ureaplasma urealyticum are components of the flora that may be involved in development.

3. Identification Ureaplasma urealyticum in the amniotic fluid (not in the vagina!!!) of patients with premature rupture of amniotic fluid increases the risk of preterm labor and chorioamnionitis (infection of the membranes).

Couples who are planning a pregnancy are sometimes interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant with ureaplasma. Doctors answer that the problem is not only in the ability to conceive. But also in whether a woman infected with ureaplasmosis can bear a healthy child.

When planning a pregnancy, a couple is recommended to be tested for ureaplasmosis together with others. The causative agent of the disease is the microorganism ureaplasma. Transmitted sexually. These unicellular organisms are part of the natural microflora of many women, so they are classified as conditionally pathogenic. They can stay in the body for a long time without showing themselves. However, under the influence of certain factors (for example, pregnancy), ureaplasma is activated, and the woman becomes ill.

The incubation period is half a month to a month after infection. At this time, the patient is not bothered by anything, and only then symptoms appear. The most common complaints women have are:

  • Severe irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Infrequent discharge from the genitals;
  • Urge to urinate;
  • Burning and itching, which are aggravated by going to the toilet.

For men, similar signs are characteristic:

  • Burning during emptying;
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • Urine becomes cloudy.

Sometimes the symptoms are so minor that the patient does not pay attention to them. Sometimes the symptoms fade and then reappear. But if there are no signs for some time, this does not mean that you are healthy.

At the initial examination, even before the test, the gynecologist or urologist may assume that the patient is sick with ureaplasmosis. Special studies can confirm the verdict. A woman needs to take a smear and scraping from the cervix or urethra, a man needs a scraping from the walls of the urethra. The most popular, simple and accurate method is PCR (polymerase chain reaction).

This is what mucous membranes infected with ureaplasmosis look like.

The disadvantage of the analysis is that it is not able to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. Therefore, sometimes the doctor prescribes a serological analysis, which is supported by a bacteriological technique.

The bottom line is to understand which bacteria are in the patient's body. This is necessary to prescribe a course of antibiotics. Usually, treatment is prescribed for both partners at once to prevent relapse and prevent the disease from causing infertility.

Chronic ureaplasmosis can cause the development of colpitis, endometritis, cystitis, the formation of adhesions, inflammatory processes both in the urogenital tract and in other equally important organs, such as the kidneys.

Ureaplasmosis and conception

So is it possible to get pregnant with ureaplasma? Women doubt it for nothing. After all, ureaplasma can cause serious consequences, which include:

  • Inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • Damage to the genitourinary system;
  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • Dysfunction of the mucous membrane of the uterus and other important organs of the small pelvis.
  • Chronic infection can lead to adhesions in the fallopian tubes, and this is the path to infertility.

One of the complications is adhesions of the fallopian tubes.

With ureaplasma, you can get pregnant, despite the possible difficulties. But if conception has occurred, then the risk of abnormal development of the fetus will be high. In particular, after fertilization, the egg may be weakly fixed in the uterus. As a result, early miscarriage is possible.

Ureaplasma activates other inflammatory and infectious diseases. Therefore, the risk of various pathologies and complications of pregnancy increases.

When wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant with ureaplasmosis, it is important to think about the unborn child. The infection can enter his body during childbirth. Infected children have a high risk of developing conjunctivitis, meningitis, pneumonia, and sepsis in the future.

If the infection is detected after pregnancy, then expectant mothers should be informed that ureaplasmosis can interfere with the development of the child and the normal course of pregnancy.

Therefore, doctors still recommend getting rid of the infection first. It interferes with conception, women have serious problems with planning pregnancy and bearing a child. Therefore, doctors strongly advise women and men with ureaplasma to be cured, to re-take tests. Wait some more time (usually it takes 2-3 months to recover after treatment) and only then start planning. Ureaplasmosis must be treated and not ignored.

How to treat

It is easiest to fight the disease even before conception. The treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor and only a doctor. No folk methods for ureaplasma will help, they can only alleviate the symptoms, and then the disease will become chronic.

One of the drugs that has been prescribed for a long time for ureaplasmosis is Doxycycline. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic of the tetracycline series. However, now this antibiotic is rarely used in the treatment of ureaplasmosis, and only as part of complex therapy. Recent studies have revealed the resistance of ureaplasma to tetracyclines. In addition, when taking Doxycycline, side effects are possible: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, allergies, anemia, dizziness. Doxycycline is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Doctors today prescribe other antibiotics, such as macrolides or fluoroquinolones, as well as immunostimulants. After treatment of ureaplasma, you need to pass control tests.

Throughout the course of treatment, it is important to monitor nutrition. Exclude all fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, as well as alcohol.

But what if ureaplasma is detected during pregnancy? For doctors, such therapy is a very difficult process, since it is not easy to find antibiotics for pregnant women. To do this, you need to conduct additional examinations and constantly monitor medication.

Medications sometimes have to be changed, which is associated with increased hypersensitivity and the development of an allergic reaction. In this case, the drug is changed, otherwise not only the woman, but also the child may suffer.

If a woman becomes pregnant with ureaplasmosis, then the treatment is complex. Antibiotics and immunostimulants are prescribed to increase the level of the body's immune defenses and prevent the development of the disease. To restore the microflora, special agents from the group of probiotics are prescribed.

Today, many different diseases have appeared that are actively diagnosed and treated using various local and systemic drugs, including during pregnancy. And regarding some types of infections, scientists and physicians have disputes about whether these pathogens are dangerous during pregnancy, whether they need active detection and treatment. In recent decades, special attention has been paid to ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas, specific types of pathogens found in the genital area of ​​women and men. It is with regard to these microbes that future mothers have the most questions - is it necessary to treat these infections if there are no symptoms and nothing bothers? Let's talk more about these specific diseases.

Table of contents:

Do I need to treat mycoplasma and ureaplasma?

To date, there is a certain "fashion" for the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of certain pathologies, including in gynecology. Violation of microbial biocenosis, dysbacteriosis, as well as mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas occupy one of the leading positions in this list. But today, when studying literature from foreign sources, there is not a single indication that expectant mothers must be examined, revealing mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas, and even more so, there are no grounds for treating these pathologies. Moreover, foreign sources rank these pathogens among the usual microbial flora of the genital tract of men and women, in rare cases - to a conditionally pathogenic group. But in our country, a vicious practice has developed of over-diagnosis of many diseases and infections, including the treatment of ureaplasma and mycoplasma in non-pregnant and pregnant women, including with the help of. This leads to an excessive drug load on the body, and during pregnancy it also poses a threat to the fetus, because drugs are not harmless to him at any time.

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Ureaplasmosis during pregnancy

Today, a fairly large number of women visiting private clinics and regular clinics spend their health, time and money on treating such a non-existent diagnosis as "".


But in reality, according to world studies and the ICD-10 classification, such a pathology simply does not exist. There is not a single mention of it in international guidelines and scientific journals published in the world, they know about ureaplasmas in the medical environment, their properties have been studied well and for a long time and no evidence of their pathogenicity has been found.

To date, the international community of infectious disease specialists, obstetricians and gynecologists, ureaplasmas are classified as normal components of the microbial flora of the genital tract of men and women. They do not harm health and do not require any special attention. The vagina of a healthy woman, including during pregnancy, contains many millions of bacteria belonging to different types and groups, strains. Ureaplasma is one of the variants of microbial inhabitants. They are detected in more than half of women who are completely healthy in all plans.

Therefore, ureaplasma does not apply to pathogens that are sexually transmitted, they are in older and non-sexual women, virgins, and girls. The presence of these pathogens does not mean any gynecological pathology, and does not require any action.

Manifestations of pathology: are they possible?

Like many other microbes of the usual microflora of the vagina, sometimes ureaplasma, and often mixed with other pathogens, can lead to the formation of an inflammatory process. Moreover, the leading role of ureaplasmas in it has not been definitely proven. As a result, against the background of a sharply suppressed disturbance of the microbial balance due to gross and serious interventions, it leads to inflammatory lesions of the urinary system. Often there are lesions of the urethra, and more often they suffer from this, as well as the bladder and kidney tissues. That is, ureaplasmas manifest themselves in this situation like any other microbial flora that is not in its habitat. In the female genital area, including in pregnant women, it does not form any manifestations and does not pose a danger to the bearing of the fetus.

The consequences of ureaplasma during pregnancy for the mother

Based on the foregoing, we can make an obvious and unambiguous conclusion - ureaplasma does not form And , and also it does not threaten intrauterine infections and. This has been proven by numerous global studies conducted in the world. They do not affect conception, further course and any adverse pregnancy outcomes. But their presence in the smear is easy to explain the complications that have arisen, so as not to dig and find out the true causes of what happened.

The consequences of ureaplasma for the fetus (child)

Ureaplasmas do not penetrate the fetus during pregnancy, do not affect its growth and development, and cannot cause any harm to the baby when passing through the birth canal, even if they get on the skin or mucous membranes. These microbes do not form the malformations, anomalies and diseases that are often attributed to them.

Analysis for ureaplasma in pregnant women: norm and interpretation

In international practice, studies that detect ureaplasma are not carried out, they are not included in clinical guidelines and are not substantiated in any way. But, without any evidence-based research, ureaplasmas are included in one of the latest recommendations for dermatology and cosmetology. They indicate that ureaplasmosis should be treated in the presence of concentrations of the pathogen in a volume of more than 10 4 CFU / ml. However, she immediately made a reservation that only if there are signs of an inflammatory process on the mucous membranes. In gynecology and obstetrics, there are no such recommendations and any indications of diagnostic protocols at all!

But this indicator is also taken purely empirically, there is no proven data anywhere that a smaller number of microbes is safe - and more leads to pathologies. This allows you to treat perfectly healthy patients from a non-existent disease for a long time and quite financially, because it is almost impossible to remove this microbe, it is found in very many.

To identify ureaplasmas, a smear is taken from the vagina and cervix, and the contents are examined by PCR or culture is performed (microbiological examination of a culture of microbes under a microscope). Note that the titer of antibodies to this pathogen is not determined, because it does not cause an immune system reaction, which once again proves that this is not an infectious agent. In the analysis of ureaplasma are acceptable, this is a variant of the norm and no concentration of the pathogen needs to be treated.

Treatment of ureaplasma during pregnancy

According to world studies and guidelines, the examination and treatment of ureaplasma is not shown to anyone, especially pregnant women. If identified or other health problems, it is worth excluding more real and obvious reasons for this. Therefore, the appointment during gestation, and even local preparations in suppositories, vitamins and other procedures is not justified. Although there is evidence from domestic guidelines that treatment is required when the level of ureaplasma exceeds 10 4 CFU / ml, they usually do not lead to inflammation of the vagina, cervix or urethra, there are additional pathogenic microbes.

Mycoplasmosis in pregnant women

Today, a lesion in the genital area is a fairly common diagnosis in our country. Often it is placed when visiting a gynecologist outside of pregnancy or during the planning period, and then treated for a long time at porn, and often to no avail, mycoplasmas are again and again found in smears on the flora. As such, the general diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is not included in domestic and international guidelines, there are specific types of pathogens that lead to respiratory tract infections in children and adults, as well as a separate type of genital infection. But not all mycoplasmas are dangerous in terms of damage to the reproductive sphere. Therefore, during pregnancy, mycoplasmosis is not always dangerous and does not require any therapeutic action. It is always necessary to understand what and how is detected, and whether the detection of mycoplasma leads to clinical manifestations.

Mycoplasma species: association with infection

The body may contain several types of mycoplasmas, but only two types of pathogen are relevant for the genitourinary sphere, the properties of which and the degree of danger differ very significantly. These are types like:

  • Mycoplasma genitalium (genital type of pathogen);
  • Mycoplasma hominis (belonging to the group of opportunistic flora).

The properties of these two types of pathogens differ significantly, which is associated with their microbiological characteristics.

The consequences of mycoplasma during pregnancy for the mother

Depending on the type of mycoplasma, the prognosis for pregnancy will also vary significantly. The presence of M. hominis in no way affects conception, pregnancy and childbirth, does not lead to intrauterine infection, damage to the placenta or fetal membranes, does not threaten miscarriages and premature births. The presence of the pathogen itself does not require any therapeutic measures during gestation. The presence of M . genitalium leads to inflammatory and adhesive processes in the genital area, which threatens , And risk of postpartum hemorrhage.

The consequences of mycoplasma for the fetus (child)

The presence of M. hominis in a future mother does not affect the development of the fetus in any way. It is not dangerous at any stage of pregnancy, does not lead to infection during childbirth and does not affect the growth and development of the fetus.

It is a completely different matter if it is M. genitalium: it does not penetrate the fetus, but it can cause damage to the placenta and fetal membranes, which threatens to give birth or a small baby. It is also dangerous for this type of infection to have congenital mycoplasmosis - This is an infection in a child, leading to damage to the liver, lung tissue, the formation of prolonged jaundice and possible. This requires urgent treatment.

Treatment of mycoplasma during pregnancy

Treatment is required only in the presence of M. genitalium, which can harm the course of pregnancy and the fetus. Of the drugs, Vilprofen or Azithromycin are applicable, the dosage and course of treatment are selected individually by the doctor, based on the duration of pregnancy and the condition of the mother

A considerable number of women in our time are faced with ureaplasma, not only during pregnancy, but also during preventive medical examinations. But few people know about such a disease as ureaplasmosis and understand what danger it poses to the body. In the presented article, we will consider the main important points regarding this disease, is it possible to get pregnant with ureaplasmosis and what is its effect on the female body during childbearing.

Key Aspects

Ureaplasmas are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that, in the presence of predisposing factors, can cause the disease. There are two subspecies of bacteria localized in the organs of the human genitourinary sphere and leading to the development of inflammatory processes, urealiticum and parvum. In the past, they were not separated, and this made treatment difficult.

90% of the microflora of the vagina in women is occupied by lactobacilli, and the other part is precisely pathogenic bacteria, the development and reproduction of which is suppressed by the immune system. When its protective properties are weakened, diseases begin to form.

When ureaplasma is diagnosed in a small amount (below the appropriate level) and there are no signs of the disease, the woman is considered a carrier of the infection.

Causes and ways of transmission

The main ways of transmission of the causative agent of ureaplasmosis are:

  • sexual - a woman could become infected through intimate contact with a carrier of the disease or a sick person;
  • contact-household - infection is possible when using the same personal hygiene items with an infected person (towels, linen);
  • transplacental - in which intrauterine infection of the fetus occurs.

Infection can also occur when a child passes through the birth canal of an infected mother.

Entry into the body of the pathogen does not always cause the formation of ureaplasmosis, this requires a contributing factor, which can be:

  • the presence in the anamnesis of a woman of a chronic disease;
  • general hypothermia of the body;
  • prolonged exposure to stressful situations;
  • conducting a promiscuous sexual life;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • the presence in the body of a concomitant disease, which refers to a sexually transmitted disease;
  • the use for a long time of certain medications, especially antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • deterioration in the quality of life.

Clinical picture

Usually, ureaplasmosis in women is asymptomatic (nothing bothers them) or its manifestations are not too intense. This becomes the reason that the infected woman does not pay special attention to this pathological condition. However, evidence of the disease may be:

  • pathological discharge, which has a yellowish tint and a rather unpleasant odor;
  • sensation of itching and burning of the external genital organs;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • urination disorders;
  • pain during the act of urination.

Features of the manifestations of the disease during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, ureaplasmas can affect various parts of the genitourinary system, and the symptoms of the disease will also depend on this.

At the end of the incubation period, the sick woman begins to interfere with the discharge, which is white in color and mucous in nature. This is what leads to difficulties in diagnosing a pathological condition, because a woman's body reacts to pregnancy with similar changes.

It should be noted that these symptoms pass quickly and the vast majority of people perceive them as normal. However, the disease does not doze off and is activated at the first weakening of the body's resistance.

As for the manifestations of ureaplasmosis of the second stage during pregnancy, they will depend on which department the infection is localized in:

  • With the localization of the pathological process in the vagina, its inflammation will be observed. However, its main symptoms are also discharge of a mucous nature and white color. They may go unnoticed, especially during the period of bearing a child. Even when paying attention to them, this pathological condition is most likely perceived as a thrush, and not all women go to the doctor with it either.
  • With the transition of the pathological process to the uterus, the development of endometritis can be observed. This pathological condition will be accompanied by the appearance of similar secretions with the previous case and the addition of pain in the lower abdomen.
  • When the bladder is involved in the pathological process, symptoms of cystitis will appear, which is characterized by frequent urge to urinate and the appearance of pain during it.
  • In the case of the location of the pathological process in the oral cavity, the symptoms will be similar to a sore throat. This situation can be observed after oral sex with an infected person or carrier.

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What tests for ureaplasma are taken from women and men

Dangerous ureaplasmosis is that its symptoms rarely cause concern in pregnant women, even if it does appear, they quite often self-medicate, thinking that it is a sore throat or thrush and by no means an infection with ureaplasma.

The impact of the disease on the ability of a woman to endure and give birth to a healthy child

It's no secret that the pathology of the reproductive organs in women negatively affects their ability to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a baby. Now let's take a closer look at how negative the influence of ureaplasmas is.

Possibility of conception

It should be noted that ureaplasma does not adversely affect the state of the egg, and also does not change the hormonal background. However, it is the cause of the formation of a large number of inflammatory processes of various nature and localization, which in any case lead to the appearance of changes in the affected organs. It is problematic to conceive a child if the ovaries are involved in the pathological process, especially both.

In addition, inflammatory processes cause a violation of the maturation of the egg, contribute to the formation of cysts, disrupt the normal patency of the fallopian tubes. These changes may be indicated by various menstrual irregularities.

If there is damage to the cervix with the development of the process of inflammation, then this can lead to difficulty in the movement of sperm through it.

Ability to bear a child

If the uterus is affected by ureaplasma, then its mucous membrane undergoes significant changes, which leads to difficulty in the process of attaching the embryo to its wall. Even if pregnancy has occurred, the woman should be under the supervision of a doctor from the antenatal clinic. This need is explained by the fact that she may experience violations during the bearing of a child of a different nature, namely:

  • violation of the functioning of the kidneys, and this in turn causes severe toxicosis;
  • high risk of abortion, especially in the first trimester;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency (disturbances in the mother-placenta-fetus system);
  • pathological processes associated with the state of amniotic fluid;
  • extragenital pathologies;
  • decrease in hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells;
  • premature birth.

The effect of ureaplasma on the fetus

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother and fetus are closely connected through the placenta and umbilical cord. As for the child's place, it is an excellent filter that prevents bacteria from entering the embryo.

However, ureaplasmas can also pass through this barrier, infecting the placenta. All this leads to fetal hypotrophy, anomalies in its development and congenital ureaplasmosis. The most severe consequences of such infection are fetal fading and spontaneous abortion.

If the infection of the fetus occurred during the passage through the birth canal of an infected woman, then in most cases this causes the formation of pneumonia.

It is possible to reduce the risk of the formation of these pathological processes if a woman treats future motherhood with responsibility, undergoes regular examinations and sanitizes the birth canal.

Please note that the detection of a large number of bacteria in most cases leads to the formation of disorders, compared with the usual carriage of ureaplasmas.

Activities aimed at diagnosing ureaplasmosis

The asymptomatic course of the disease or carriage is detected when a woman undergoes a preventive examination by conducting a scraping swab from the urethra and genital organs and microscopic examination of the material obtained. This type of examination is quite popular, because it has a low price and easy technique. Mandatory examination is recommended to pass:

  • all women during childbearing;
  • women who are planning a pregnancy
  • couples who cannot conceive a child for a long time;
  • women with a history of situations are associated with miscarriage or a pathological course of pregnancy.
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