Other features of the period, deviations from the norm

39th week of pregnancy: precursors of labor in multiparous and primiparous women

By the 39th week, the expectant mother should be constantly under the supervision of someone close: harbingers of labor may appear at any minute. And if for first-time mothers a lot of time may pass from the appearance of signs of labor to the start of the process, then for multiparous women there may be no reserve of time: literally 1 day or several hours - and the baby will appear.

  1. Discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Childbirth at 39 weeks of pregnancy

A baby at 39 weeks of gestation is ready to be born. At the 39th week of pregnancy, precursors of labor may appear unexpectedly in primiparous and multiparous women.

These include the following phenomena:

  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling that the stomach is turning to stone;
  • water leakage or drainage;
  • reduction in the number of fetal movements;
  • loose stools, which women perceive as mild diarrhea;

Along with these signs, the following are often observed:

  • weakness, apathy in a woman;
  • drowsiness - constantly want to sleep;

Rare movements of the fetus and deterioration in the health of the pregnant woman indicate that the period of bearing the baby is ending. It's time for him to see a new world. Did the doctor say it's time to go to the maternity hospital? So, there is very little time left to wait.

Diarrhea at 39 weeks of pregnancy

At the thirty-ninth obstetric week, a woman is often surprised by a change in the nature of the discharge from the intestines: instead of what had already become habitual, which, together with hemorrhoids, often bothered the pregnant woman, a loosening of the stool suddenly occurs. Such sensations, and even when there are pains in the abdomen, the child has calmed down, and the stomach is hard almost constantly - is this normal? What is happening indicates the beginning of labor. Heavy discharge is about to begin, that is, the water will break, and the baby will “ask” to be born. The body prepares for the process, completely freeing itself from everything that could interfere with childbirth, hormonal changes occur - this becomes the cause of frequent bowel movements. When labor begins, it will be easier for the mother.

39 weeks of pregnancy: how to speed up labor

If you are already 39 weeks pregnant, how can you give birth faster and what needs to be done for this? First of all, you need to get advice from your doctor about whether it is really necessary to speed up the process provided by nature. It is clear that you are already tired, but isn’t your desire selfish? Everything will happen on time. It’s just that childbirth and gestation periods are different for each pregnant woman. And your time will definitely come.

It happens that a woman gets very tired because her lower abdomen is pulled at the 39th week of pregnancy, she feels sick at the 39th week of pregnancy, she is tormented, there is leakage of amniotic fluid - but labor does not begin.

If this is accompanied by medical indications:

  • the fetal heart rate is changed (normally, CHT is determined to be 120-160 beats per minute);
  • the child is very active, something is bothering him;
  • umbilical cord entanglement was diagnosed.

In such cases, doctors may decide to induce labor or deliver the baby surgically (caesarean section). It is impossible to independently make a decision to bring forward the due date against the background of relative well-being.

Doctors try to induce labor using various means, such as buscopan or mifepristone.

The first drug is used at thirty-nine weeks, if the mother’s health is not very good, the placenta has aged, and the baby does not have enough oxygen. , suspicious spotting, constant leakage of amniotic fluid - all this can be the reason for prescribing the drug. Under the influence of the drug, the cervix relaxes and shortens - labor begins.

The second drug is also used to stimulate labor, and in the early stages - to stimulate uterine contractions after spontaneous or medical abortion, so that the uterus is quickly cleared of the remnants of the fertilized egg.

You cannot take these medications on your own; you can harm yourself and your baby!

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant

An interesting way to speed up labor is to have sex. Physiological and safe way. This stimulates the production of hormones responsible for uterine contractions. The method is convenient: painless and used at home. But you need to find a suitable position and get permission from the gynecologist. Orgasm can cause activation of the muscles of the cervix and uterus.

The belly becomes hard at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Signs of impending labor at -39 weeks of pregnancy include a peculiar condition: “stone belly.” This is exactly how his women are characterized. The stomach hardens due to the tone of the uterus: it tenses, preparing to reject the fetus. This may cause nausea and pain. But if this condition goes away on its own or after taking no-shpa or papaverine, then these are just training contractions. It's too early to go to the maternity hospital.

Nausea at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting may be warning signs of impending labor. The cause of nausea in this case: hormonal changes. This is how the body reacts to the opening of the cervix. If you've ever had surgery, remember that when the doctor did a slight dilation of the cervix to gain access to the uterus, or immediately after, you may also feel nauseous.

White discharge may be a sign of thrush. Its appearance before childbirth is extremely undesirable and urgent treatment is required. Your gynecologist will tell you how to treat thrush.

What can be observed at 39 weeks

By week 39, the second pregnancy, like the first or third, may be over. This is considered the norm, so at 39 weeks of pregnancy, the harbingers of labor do not surprise anyone. Doctors no longer prescribe drugs whose effect is aimed at maintaining pregnancy. On the contrary, the question often arises at 39 weeks of pregnancy, how to speed up the birth of a child. If all indicators are normal, the expectant mother does not make any complaints, then doctors usually leave everything as it is and send the woman to “walk out” the term until the end, waiting for the moment when the body itself begins the process.

At the 39th week of repeated pregnancy, when 9 full obstetric months and 7 more days are left behind, the process of bearing a child is gradually approaching its logical conclusion. The baby is already fully formed and even if the birth occurs a little prematurely, it will not pose a danger.

38, 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy before the second birth: medical examination

The expectant mother is under systematic observation from the moment of registration until discharge from the hospital. During 38-40 weeks, the obstetrician-gynecologist needs to assess as accurately as possible what the condition of the fetus is and whether it is ready for birth. For this purpose, the following indicators are determined in a pregnant woman:

  • blood pressure level;
  • height of the uterine fundus;
  • abdominal circumference.

During the last month, the woman has to submit urine weekly for a general analysis (this allows monitoring the condition of the kidneys and their function). The conclusion about the need for additional tests is made by the doctor who conducts the examination.

Also, the specialist must listen to the heart rate for timely detection of possible pathologies. If labor is planned to be resolved by cesarean section, the woman is sent for an ultrasound.

The same applies to mothers who are carrying twins (using ultrasound, the volume of amniotic fluid can be determined).

In addition, ultrasound can detect the presentation of the fetus, or its entanglement with the umbilical cord. By the 39th week, the baby has time to take the position in which it will remain during childbirth. This allows the obstetrician-gynecologist to feel the baby's head, both from the inside and the outside.

Second pregnancy: harbingers and signs of labor at 39 weeks

The main signs of the imminent birth of a child at 39 weeks of the second pregnancy are as follows:

If during the first birth the child was born naturally, then the second one will proceed similarly, since the cervix is ​​already quite elastic and prepared for this process. The principle of “first and second” also applies to caesarean sections and the appearance of cracks and tears (new injuries usually appear in old places).

Understanding this, obstetricians try to minimize possible negative consequences as much as possible.

39th week of second pregnancy: fetal condition

At the 1st week of the 10th obstetric month, the fetus is already large enough to occupy almost the entire intrauterine space. If in previous days the baby moved actively, then at this stage he calms down. Due to lack of free space, he only occasionally pushes (this usually happens about 10 times a day).

However, too infrequent movement or complete calm may indicate (although this is unlikely) the fetus is freezing. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor so that he can confirm that the child is okay.

During the 39th week, the baby’s biorhythms are the same as they will be after his birth, in addition, a reaction appears to:

  • light and darkness;
  • sounds;
  • touching the surface of the abdomen.

The weight of the little “tenant” reaches 3 kg, and the height is approximately 49-52 cm, which fully corresponds to the average for newborns. The respiratory and digestive systems are fully formed and ready to perform their direct functions.

The kidneys and liver are also ready to work, but they will continue to develop after the baby is born. The fluff covering the body disappears and hair appears.

The ability to fix the gaze on objects located 20-30 centimeters from the baby’s face, the ability to notice movements, and see the difference in the color and volume of objects is noted.

The mucous membrane of the lips is covered with special rollers, which should facilitate the sucking process. The skin acquires a pleasant pinkish color, and underneath it accumulates enough fat to ensure independent thermoregulation.

What happens in the mother's body?

The range of sensations experienced at this stage can be completely different for each expectant mother. Unfortunately, most of them are not very pleasant:

One of the pleasant moments is that the breathing process becomes easier, since the pressure on the diaphragm is reduced.

Other features of the period, deviations from the norm

Additional features accompanying the course of the second pregnancy at 39 weeks include:

  • periodic mucous discharge (if, instead of being clear, it acquired a different color or began to emit an odor, then there is reason to suspect the presence of a pathological process);
  • itching in the genital area, burning and pain when urinating.

This will help prescribe the necessary treatment and avoid infection of the fetus.

If there are no health problems, then it is better to devote yourself to activities “for the soul”:

  • reading books;
  • watching movies;
  • walks;
  • meeting with loved ones.

Everything that surrounds a woman should relax her and put her in a positive mood, since this greatly influences how the birth will go.

The main reminder for parents who have been carrying their second child for 39 weeks includes the following points:

  • Don't leave the city limits and try to stay close to home.

This will help to avoid transportation difficulties when necessary.

  • Decide exactly how you will get to the maternity hospital.

If we are talking about your own car, then you should immediately discuss which relative will be driving, since driving independently during contractions is not the best idea.

  • Documents for the maternity hospital should always be with you.

This includes: passport, medical insurance policy, birth certificate (contract for childbirth) and exchange card.

  • After your water breaks, you need to get to the maternity hospital as soon as possible.

Although the second birth itself has not yet begun, registration at the reception and the initial examination can take a lot of time. Therefore, it will be better to hurry up.

If we talk about various areas of life during this period, it is advisable to remember a few basic recommendations:

  • Nutrition.

Be sure to be complete and balanced. It is better to avoid fried, fatty and smoked foods. Moreover, you should avoid “fast” snack foods and carbonated drinks.

Ideally, the body should receive the entire range of essential vitamins through a properly composed menu. In some cases, this turns out to be impossible and then taking special multivitamins is prescribed. This guarantees the correct physical and mental development of the child and strengthens his immunity.

  • Sex.

This type of activity is not only not prohibited, but is even useful, since the substances contained in the male seminal fluid make the cervix more elastic and prepare it for childbirth. However, if the plug has already come off, then sexual intercourse must necessarily take place using a condom. This will protect the birth canal from harmful bacteria.

  • Rush of amniotic fluid.

Usually it happens quite quickly, but this does not apply to all cases. Therefore, if a regular release of small amounts of clear, odorless liquid has been noticed, then it makes sense to immediately visit a specialist for examination. It is possible that the time for childbirth has already come.

  • Physical exercise.

Strong, well-developed muscles in women allow them to significantly speed up the process of childbirth and recover faster after it. Swimming and water aerobics are especially suitable for pregnant women in this regard. We must not forget about walks, which not only strengthen the entire muscle frame, but also provide excellent sleep.

In addition to all of the above, you must always remember that pharmaceutical medications cannot be abused at the 39th week of your second pregnancy. To treat possible colds and other minor illnesses, it is better to use honey, milk, raspberries, berry fruit drinks, etc. But even regarding these funds, you must always consult a specialist.

A little more information about second birth can be found in the following video.

  • In the later stages, problems associated with digestion may disappear. Because of this, mothers begin to indulge in goodies. Doctors recommend moderating your appetite and not deviating from proper split meals.
  • Be positive and think only about good things. Move more, go shopping, meet nice people. If you already know the gender of your baby, you can prepare a dowry in advance.
  • Continuation of intimate relationships is possible only if there is no prohibition from the gynecologist. Care must be taken during sexual intercourse.
  • The bag with things should be kept in an accessible and visible place. You should take it with you when the ambulance takes you to the maternity hospital. If the birth begins outside the home, the baby's father will be able to bring pre-prepared clothes and personal hygiene items.

Carry an exchange card and documents in your purse. They will be needed during emergency hospitalization in the maternity hospital to assess the condition of the mother and fetus.

  • If labor begins, try to put aside fear and panic. First of all, think about your child, who is also having a hard time. In the prenatal and delivery rooms, follow all instructions of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Nutrition at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Dear mothers, site! Remember that your nutrition is your baby's nutrition. Until birth, you need to control your diet, saturating it with nutrients that are necessary for the full development of the child: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. Food should be balanced and harmless. The best cooking method is steaming or stewing. It is necessary to exclude or minimize rich, fried, salty, fatty, richly seasoned foods. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol, carbonated drinks or coffee drinks.

In the last days of pregnancy, it is important not to overload the stomach with heavy foods. Eat more greens, cut fruits and vegetables, drink more drinks. Pure water without gas will allow you to remove excess fluid from the body along with toxins and other harmful substances. Reduce baked goods, legumes, citrus fruits and berries from your menu. These products cause increased gas formation and can also trigger allergies in a child.

Physical activity at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Some mothers work out in fitness rooms until the very moment of giving birth. This commendable physical activity will, of course, play into the woman’s hands. Usually, the process of giving birth to a child is greatly facilitated by proper breathing and trained muscles. However, it is worth saying that not all expectant mothers are able to maintain mobility until the end of pregnancy. Many women are so tired from the stress they receive in an interesting position that by the 39th week they simply do not have the strength to exercise.

Meanwhile, this is not a reason to sit or lie at home. At this time you can:

  • practice breathing to help yourself and your baby during childbirth;
  • do light physical exercises at home;
  • perform Kegel exercises that will prepare the perineal muscles;
  • Take an hour-long walk near your home or in the park every day.

The expectant mother needs to remember that by the 39th week, most children experience an acute lack of oxygen due to the aging of the placenta. To ease your baby’s condition, walk outdoors more often and ventilate the room. It is not worth going on long trips, because labor can begin at any time, and you need to be close to the maternity hospital. Remember that movement and physical activity always have a positive effect: assistance and pain relief during childbirth, elimination of complications, rapid restoration of shape after the birth of a child.

Your pregnancy is now 9 obstetric months and 2 weeks.

This week, a normal weight gain is about 16 kg. The woman's weight will no longer increase.

What happens at 39 weeks

At this time it happens reduction of the uterine fundus, due to this, pressure on internal organs is reduced, which helps to improve well-being. But on the other hand, it increases pressure on the bladder, perineum and pelvic joints. can cause problems with balance, and due to the pressure of the fetal head, severe and sharp pain appears in the pelvic area. Before labor begins, the baby's head must be anchored in the bony pelvis, so that it can easily pass through the birth canal.

Cervix this week to be in constant tone: it narrows, then expands. As a result, there may be some blood in the discharge, but this is quite normal. Due to the fact that the baby is constantly lowering, the woman’s breathing improves and digestion speeds up, this in turn can cause the stool to become diluted.

This week, almost every woman begins colostrum appears, which in the first days of feeding will be food for the baby until real milk begins to be produced in the female body.

Happening aging placenta and its growth stops. She has already fulfilled her purpose, since the baby is already big and her functions are decreasing. Now the nutrients that come through the placenta are enough to support the child’s life. Sometimes there may be cases of oxygen starvation of the baby. But, despite the existing danger, hypoxia also has a positive side: it is an excellent training before childbirth, since during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, it will experience a lack of oxygen.

In addition, at the 39th week it decreases, but they are still enough to fulfill their immediate function - protecting the fetus.

At this stage of pregnancy, most women feel the baby's hiccups. This occurs when the baby inhales and swallows amniotic fluid into the trachea.

Possible risks

Beware of colds this week, as infections can easily reach a pregnant woman. The danger is that the disease is much more severe with serious complications. Under no circumstances should you resort to self-medication; be sure to consult a doctor for help. Read about treating colds during pregnancy


Many women are giving birth this week and this is quite normal. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is considered full-term.

Signs that indicate the onset of labor:

  • increasing nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • release of the mucus plug;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • regular contractions;
  • bloody issues;
  • diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature.

Read more about the harbingers of labor

How a woman feels at 39 weeks

The fatigue of a pregnant woman reaches its peak; she no longer has enough strength for anything. The baby is already very heavy and carrying him around is not so easy.

In addition, depression increases; every little thing can make a woman angry. You need to gather your last strength and wait for your miracle to be born.

Possible physical sensations

The body is already ready for childbirth, so significant changes in the woman’s body practically do not occur:

  1. Uterus. The distance from the pubic symphysis is about 40 cm, and from the navel about 20 cm. This week the cervix begins to contract and dilate.
  2. Stomach. The size of the belly is so huge that it seems that it might burst. In this case, the skin stretches very much, it loses its elasticity, as a result of which a pigment strip appears in the center of the abdomen, as well as itching and flaking. In this case, you should definitely use it against the appearance of stretch marks.
  3. Painful sensations. At week 39, pain becomes more pronounced and chronic. A woman may feel pain in the perineum due to the great pressure of the uterus on the bladder. Pain in the lower back and sacrum indicates bone separation and softening of the joints. In addition, a woman may feel pain in the chest, which indicates that colostrum production has begun.
  4. Training contractions. This week contractions become more frequent, but their duration has not changed. Training contractions are preparatory stages for childbirth. Read about how to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor.
  5. Weight. The total weight gain until this week will be about 16 kg. In the last stages of pregnancy, a woman can lose up to 2 kg, do not worry, this will not affect the baby in any way. This removes excess fluid from the body.
  6. Discharge. If a woman’s mucus plug begins to come off, thick, sticky mucus of yellow or cream color will appear. Just remember that the infection in the uterus is now open to the baby, so avoid sex, swimming in ponds and other activities that could provoke infection:
    1. if a lot of blood appears in the discharge, then you need to urgently call an ambulance, as this indicates placental abruption;
    2. If your discharge becomes watery, then most likely your amniotic fluid is leaking. There are times when they do not come out immediately, but so-called leakage occurs.
  1. Movements. The baby's activity has decreased significantly, as he does not have enough space. Continue to count the movements; at this stage, the norm is 10 kicks in 12 hours. Read about why it is necessary to monitor the baby’s movements
  2. Diarrhea. Diarrhea indicates the approach of childbirth, thus the body is simply cleansed of everything unnecessary. In this case, in no case should you resort to self-medication, as this can cause serious problems.
  3. Nausea. The cause of nausea at 39 weeks may be late toxicosis. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor, as this can cause serious harm to the child. To reduce nausea, eat only light foods and spend plenty of time outdoors.

Possible emotional experiences

Most pregnant women feel nervous at this stage, emotions are at their limit. The reason, most likely, is that you are simply afraid to give birth and do not know what awaits next. Due to the constant action of hormones, a woman may experience frequent mood swings. In this case, only the understanding of loved ones and various ways to cheer yourself up will help:

  • go on a shopping tour;
  • find yourself a hobby;
  • go to meetings with friends;
  • watch a good movie;
  • do whatever brings you pleasure.

Reviews from women about 39 weeks

What do pregnant women who are already waiting and can’t wait to meet their baby say:

Pauline: “Today we turned 39 weeks and apparently the baby is not going to go out at all. Although I was in pregnancy at 36 weeks and everyone around me thought that I was not carrying the baby to term. I feel very strong pain in my lower back, it feels like someone is pulling me down. The doctor said that I can walk for another week. Now I sit on my bags and constantly listen to my feelings so as not to miss the beginning.”

Hope: “This week the feeling of heaviness in the lower back has increased. The mucus plug came out 5 days ago, but my son doesn’t want to come out at all. I have absolutely no strength left, I can’t imagine how I’ll take care of him and not sleep or rest again.”

Marina: “I only showed 2 precursors of labor: nesting syndrome and I also lost 1 kg. I sleep very poorly, as my daughter is very active. Yes, and I fall asleep closer to 3 o’clock. Besides, I go to the toilet 5 times. In general, I ask my daughter to be born quickly, since mommy can no longer live like this.”

Anastasia: “All my bones really hurt, it only gets easier when I walk and do light exercises. My appetite has decreased, I eat no more than 3 times a day. At times, very severe heartburn bothers me. The stomach has dropped, so it is much easier to breathe. I'm counting down the days until I meet my son."

Arina: “It’s already week 39. The abdomen sank at 38 weeks, and there were no other warning signs of impending labor. What’s important is that I’m in a very good mood, and I’m not at all afraid of giving birth. Now we just have to wait until the baby asks to come out.”

Svetlana: “As my stomach sank, the pressure on my bladder increased, so I always want to go to the toilet. My legs hurt and it’s hard to walk. I don’t sleep well, my lower abdomen hurts at night, but there are no contractions. I’m waiting for the time to go to the maternity hospital.”

Alexandra: “I don’t want to give birth at all yet, I want to walk like this for a couple more weeks. I don’t feel any pain or heartburn, I even sleep well and don’t get up to go to the toilet. I have already prepared everything for the baby’s meeting, I even assembled the crib. But still, I want to postpone the period of lack of sleep and overwork that awaits after childbirth.”

Faith: “I haven’t been able to walk long distances for more than 3 weeks now; the only thing I can do is get out and walk to the store on the next street. I feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, the pressure on the uterus is enormous. The fetal pressure is so great that sometimes I can’t move. I don’t experience any warning signs of labor, not even training contractions.”

Eve: “My due date was set in 5 days, but there are no signs of impending labor. Pregnancy is going great, except this week I started having back pain. It feels like the muscles are being pulled down. I live in dreams of when I will hug my daughter.”

Zhanna: “Today we are exactly 39 weeks. Yesterday I went for an ultrasound because the baby was quite large, but today the doctor said that everything is fine and the baby is developing on time. I’m very scared about childbirth, I don’t know what will happen and how it will happen, I’m terribly worried.”

Fetal development at 39 weeks of gestation

The height of the child at this stage is about 51 cm, and the weight is approximately 3250 g.

The diameter of the head is about 92.5 mm, the chest is about 98 mm, and the tummy is about 92 mm.

Please remember that these are estimates only and each child develops individually. Baby already completely ready to meet you. Now he is in a head down position, and his knees are pressed to his chin. There is practically no room to lead an overly active lifestyle, so the baby’s movements are more like spinning or rolling. In addition, the child sleeps for about 20 hours, as he gains strength before the main leap into a new life.

He is well developed grasp reflex, and he can hold on quite tightly. The baby's skin is already almost clean, only in some folds you can see a small amount of lagoon. Nails are no longer just on the hands, but also on the toes of the entire industry. The skin becomes a pale pink color and the hair may become frizzy.

The child’s body begins to produce the hormone cortisol, which affects the final maturation of the lungs. Thanks to this, the baby will be completely ready to breathe on his own.

The salivary glands will begin to function only a month after birth. To make sucking easier, the baby has special rollers that are located on the mucous membrane of the lips and jaws.

The child is already completely ready to independent existence and can provide for its own livelihood.

At this time, some children may umbilical cord entanglement is observed around the necks. But this is not a reason for a caesarean section, since basically, the length of the umbilical cord is about 60 cm and the thickness is approximately 2 cm. After birth, it will be removed immediately, and nothing will interfere with the baby.

But if the umbilical cord is short, it may become tightened during childbirth. During childbirth, doctors monitor the child’s condition, listen to his heart, and if there is at least some danger to the life of the fetus, doctors will perform a caesarean section. It is impossible to determine the length of the umbilical cord using ultrasound. The baby continues to receive all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and oxygen through 2 arteries and a vein, which are located in the umbilical cord. Read more about umbilical cord entanglement and its consequences.

Eyes The baby can already focus at a distance of about 30 cm. This distance is equal to the distance from the baby to the mother’s face during feeding. In addition, he has sensitivity to contrast and sharpness, volume, and he also has color vision, reaction to flicker and movement.

Divisions of the central nervous system develop differently. This week, only the spinal cord nerve cells and glial tissue are fully developed. A small amount of mother's antibodies can pass through the placenta to the baby and thereby trigger his own immune system.

In the intestines The first stool, called meconium, has already accumulated. It usually comes out after the baby is born, but there are cases when it occurs in the womb. Due to the fact that the baby breathes and some amniotic fluid enters his lungs, some meconium may also enter with it. In this case, after birth, doctors will need to perform a special procedure called lavage. It is necessary for cleaning the bronchial tubes.

The intestines are ready to receive, digest and assimilate food, since villi have already formed inside, which are responsible for moving food along the digestive tract. In addition, the stomach produces enzymes that will break down food. To digest food, bacteria are needed, which enter the body along with mother's milk.

Fetal ultrasound photo

Photo of a 3D ultrasound of a fetus at 39 weeks:

Examinations at 39 weeks

During the visit, the doctor will certainly check the baby's heartbeat, this is necessary in order to make sure that everything is fine with him.

In addition, the doctor will definitely check the readiness of the cervix for childbirth. If there were any problems with the child previously, then an ultrasound may be prescribed at this time.

During your next visit to the doctor, the following basic procedures will be performed:

  • weighing;
  • measurement ;
  • ;. After the uterus descends, the pressure on the stomach has decreased, which in turn can cause an increase in appetite, but there is no need to give in and eat a lot of food. There is absolutely no need to overload the body before childbirth. Doctors, on the contrary, recommend slightly reducing the amount of food eaten to prepare the body for childbirth.

    The daily menu should include squirrels. It is recommended to get them from the following products: fermented milk products, fish, porridge. At this stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed. This is necessary in order to accumulate energy for the upcoming birth.

    You can eat the following foods: semolina, rice, biscuits, yoghurts and curd desserts. At 39 weeks you you can afford sweets, the main thing is that they are natural, for example, a bun with homemade jam. In addition to simple carbohydrates, do not forget about complex carbohydrates, which are necessary for normal intestinal function. These products include: products made from wholemeal flour, vegetables, fruits, etc.

    Intimate relationships

    For quite a long time, there have been debates about the benefits or harms of sex in late pregnancy. Today doctors say that the most important thing is the well-being of a pregnant woman. If you feel great and want your spouse, you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure. Otherwise, there is no need to force yourself to have sex.

    Pros of intimate relationships at 39 weeks:

    1. During sex, a hormone is released in the female body, which is a pain reliever for the body.
    2. A man's sperm contains prostaglandin, which improves the elasticity of the uterus, thereby preparing it for childbirth.
    3. During orgasm, the baby experiences the same pleasure as his mother.
    4. Orgasm is an excellent workout for the uterus, which stimulates productive labor.
    5. Sex can bring the long-awaited birth closer naturally.

    Very it is important to follow safety precautions during sex, penetration should not be deep and sharp. As for the positions, at this time only those that involve penetration from behind are suitable.

    Video about 39 weeks of pregnancy

95% of multiparous women give birth at 39 weeks of pregnancy, so if you are expecting your second or third child, be prepared! Primiparas have less chance of delivering a pregnancy in the next week - only 20 out of 100. We hasten to console you: wait another 7 days. At 280 days of pregnancy, the chances of giving birth will increase to 35%!

What's happening to the baby

By 38-39 weeks the fetus reaches physiological maturity. It means that:

  • the lungs can open and allow gas exchange;
  • the cardiovascular system is fully functioning, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues;
  • reflexes are developed;
  • The gastrointestinal tract is ready to digest and absorb breast milk.

Due to the fact that the baby is cramped in the uterus, because she has nowhere to stretch further, active “dancing” in the stomach is replaced by more targeted pushes.

The number of movements should be within the range of 10-15 in 12 hours. That is, the norm is approximately one movement every hour. Silence in the abdomen lasting more than 5-6 hours or, conversely, excessively active movements for 1-2 days is not a good signal, indicating that the fetus is suffering.

What's happening to mom

Ideally, the expectant mother now feels only the pressure of the head on the pelvis, notices periodic false contractions and, perhaps, is a little tired of the additional 10-15 kg. Unfortunately, a perfect pregnancy is rare. Therefore, most often at this stage pregnant women note:

  • increased frequency of urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and sacrum;
  • pelvic pain and a feeling of strong pulling in the pubic area;
  • shooting pains in the back of the thigh, reaching to the knee;
  • feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands;
  • leakage of colostrum;
  • flattening of the foot;
  • light mucous discharge from the vagina.

This entire complex of symptoms is a variant of the norm. Their complete absence, too.

What's going on inside? The 39th week of pregnancy for the mother’s body is full of troubles: the cervix shortens and softens, the density of the mucous plug decreases, the pituitary gland begins massive production of the hormone oxytocin, the production of estrogen and the conversion of progesterone into estrogen increases.

Thanks to these outwardly imperceptible processes, at some point the plug will soften and come out, contractions will begin, the water will break - labor will begin!

To determine the approach of childbirth, focus on the harbingers. These signs, especially in combination, quite clearly indicate that the body is actively preparing for childbirth. Typical warning signs include:

  • drooping of the abdomen (the fundus of the uterus descends into the pelvic area);
  • training contractions;
  • weight stops growing or begins to slowly decrease;
  • the mucus plug comes off;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea) occurs.

The harbingers can “visit” the pregnant woman one at a time or follow one after another. Some women do not experience any of the typical precursors until childbirth. But if several characteristic signs are noted at once, prepare to be relieved of the burden within 1-5 days.

By the way, multiparous women have less time to prepare. As a rule, several warning signs that appear in an expectant mother with her second or third baby signal not preparation, but the beginning of labor.

Analyzes and examinations

The doctor is still interested in a urine test, so you will have to take it weekly until delivery. If by this time the last blood tests for HIV and RW have been taken, the pregnant woman can take a break from other examinations. The only exception is Dopplerography and CTG according to indications. These studies are prescribed to expectant mothers with pathologies of pregnancy and fetus, as well as to monitor the child’s well-being during rare or, conversely, overly active movements.

Dangers and complications

All the dangers of the 39th week of pregnancy are associated with hypoxia and the upcoming birth.

Whether the child has enough oxygen and whether he experiences discomfort is determined by the mother and the doctor. Mother - by the number and intensity of fetal movements. Doctor - by heartbeat. The causes of intrauterine hypoxia (lack of oxygen) can be:

  • diseases of the pregnant woman (pathologies of the cardiovascular system, poisoning, kidney dysfunction, etc.);
  • diseases of the fetus, for example, intrauterine infections;
  • dysfunction of the umbilical cord and placenta.

Oligohydramnios, breech presentation, entanglement of the umbilical cord and other intrauterine pathologies are fraught with possible complications when a child is born. Knowing about these features of your pregnancy, it is important to take a flexible approach in choosing the method of delivery and discuss labor management tactics with your doctor.

The birth of a child does not always go according to plan, so expect the best, but be prepared to accept stimulation, an emergency caesarean section, and an episiotomy to preserve the health and life of the baby. Familiarize yourself with the basic methods of childbirth in advance, at least superficially, and inform your partner if a partner birth is planned. In a situation where you need to make an urgent decision, being informed helps you maintain common sense and a cool head.

Have an easy birth and a healthy baby!

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