What to take calcium with. How to take calcium so that it is well absorbed? The value of calcium for the human body

Calcium is an element that takes part in many physiological processes of the body. Getting enough of it is critical to maintaining health. Find out what interferes with the normal absorption of calcium, and how to properly take this mineral.

1. Calcium and Vitamin D

In order for calcium to be well absorbed, sufficient intake is necessary in the body. There is very little vitamin D in food, so walking in sunny weather is recommended, since this vitamin is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

2. Calcium, phosphorus and trace elements

Calcium is best absorbed with phosphorus and trace elements. Products that contain a lot of calcium and trace elements are natural cottage cheese, fresh herbs, fish and seafood.

3. Limit Calcium Depleting Foods

These foods include coffee, sorrel, salt, rhubarb, spinach, beets, and sodas. Oxalic acid, found in many green leafy vegetables, forms oxalates (salts) with calcium, some of which is excreted from the body, and some is deposited in the form and joints.

4. Regulate stomach acid

Violation of the acidity of the stomach can impair the absorption of calcium. Diseases of the small intestine also prevent calcium from being absorbed into the bloodstream in adequate amounts.

5. Calcium and hormones

For normal absorption of calcium, it is necessary to normalize the hormonal background of the body. Increased or reduced levels of growth hormone, parathyroid hormone or estrogens impair the quality of calcium absorption into the bloodstream.

6. Diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys can interfere with the normal absorption of calcium. Treatment of these diseases will solve the problem with calcium.

7. Taking certain medications

Often the cause of poor absorption of calcium is the use of certain medications, such as anticonvulsants, steroid hormones, laxatives and diuretics.

8. Calcium and sports

Active physical activity can flush out calcium, which leaves the body with sweat. In order to make up for calcium deficiency, it is recommended to drink 1-2 cups of kefir or eat 100-200 g of cottage cheese.

9. Stressful situations

In order for calcium to be well absorbed, stress must be avoided. With emotional stress, the hormone cortisol is produced, which promotes the excretion of calcium in the urine.

10. Chemical composition of the drug

If you are taking, then its digestibility will largely depend on the chemical composition of the drug. For example, calcium citrate is well absorbed regardless of food intake. Calcium carbonate is best taken with meals, and calcium gluconate is the worst absorbed.


There is no consensus on whether to take calcium supplements. Some experts advise taking it during the day, others - in the evening. Therefore, it is most reasonable to take the drug 2-3 times a day, respectively, breaking the daily dose into parts (usually, the maximum daily dose is 1000 mg). For example, day and evening, 500 mg.

Should I take calcium before meals, during meals? It depends on which one is included in the . For example, calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) is better absorbed if taken with or immediately after meals. If drugs based on calcium gluconate, calcium citrate or calcium lactate are taken, then the efficiency of their absorption is almost the same at any time of the day, regardless of whether you have eaten or not.

In any case, it is recommended to drink the calcium preparation with a large amount of liquid, and best of all, ordinary water. Simultaneous intake of vitamin D together improves the absorption of this trace element. The source of vitamin D in its natural form can serve as fish oil, liver, sour cream, egg yolk, herring, mackerel, salmon. But the absolute record holder for the content of vitamin D is the liver of marine fish. You can also take synthetic vitamin D in the form of a dragee,. It is also produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight, so in the summer, try to walk more in the fresh air.

To prevent osteoporosis - bone fragility caused by a lack of calcium, adults are recommended to take about 400 IU (that is, international units) of vitamin D per day, and for the elderly - from 400 to 800 IU.

There are currently three main forms of calcium supplements: regular tablets, chewable tablets, and effervescent (instant) tablets. The most effective of them are effervescent, because they contain more calcium and are absorbed faster. However, chewable tablets also have their benefits. For example, they can be used almost anywhere and anytime (in a train compartment, in a cinema hall, at a meeting, etc.), without attracting attention to yourself and without disturbing others.

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Modern ecology, the frantic rhythm of everyday working life and improper nutrition do not have a very positive effect on the human body. That is why there is a need to additionally take some vitamins and minerals, such as calcium. With calcium deficiency in the body, human bones become brittle, nails and hair brittle, teeth begin to crumble. And an excess of this mineral leads to the formation of stones in the organs. That is why calcium should be taken correctly.

For preventive purposes, calcium preparations are recommended to be taken 1-2 times (depending on the dosage) per day, preferably in the daytime. For medicinal purposes, the dosage of calcium is determined by the doctor.

Vitamin D significantly improves the absorption of calcium into the human blood. It is found in dairy products, vegetable and butter, seafood, fish oil, herring, mackerel. By the way, sunlight is great for helping the skin produce vitamin D. So long summer walks contribute to the excellent absorption of calcium into the human blood.

Modern calcium preparations are presented mainly in three forms of administration: in the form of effervescent, chewable and regular tablets. Effervescent forms of drugs have a number of advantages over the rest. First, they contain more calcium than other forms. Secondly, when taking effervescent tablets, calcium dissolves faster and, therefore, is absorbed into the human blood faster. Chewable tablets are convenient (anytime, anywhere).


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Calcium has a huge role in the human body, because. it is on this macroelement that the condition of the teeth, hair and bones of a person, the contraction of the heart muscle, the work of the central nervous system, and the normal assimilation of food largely depend. The development of such a dangerous disease as osteoporosis is associated with a lack of calcium. Therefore, experts often advise people to take calcium in addition, as part of various preparations. But in order for this substance to benefit the body, it is important to know how to do it correctly.


Preparations containing, take with or immediately after meals, as it is absorbed faster with food. Calcium citrate, calcium lactate or hydroxyapatite are best absorbed by the body, calcium is worse. But keep in mind that if you crush a calcium tablet and drop a few drops of lemon juice on it (the powder will “hiss” at the same time), it turns into calcium citrate, which is completely and quickly absorbed in the intestines.

The form of taking this drug is also important. It can be in the form of solutions, tablets or capsules. Effervescent ones dissolve faster and are absorbed by the intestines, while chewing ones are easier to swallow compared to large ones.

Divide the daily amount of the drug that you need to take into several doses and be sure to drink them with plenty of water.

Many scientists argue that calcium is best absorbed in the evening, after 7 pm, so take calcium supplements and products containing it, if possible, transfer to the evening.

By the way, pay attention to the fact that caffeine and alcohol impair calcium absorption, so try not to drink tea, coffee, or, especially, drinks containing alcohol while you are taking calcium. For the same reason, you should not eat a cheese sandwich with coffee.

To improve calcium absorption, try to supplement your diet with foods containing vitamin D or multivitamins. It's also good to spend more time outside, especially in the summer when the sun's rays work on the skin to promote vitamin D production.

For some people, taking calcium carbonate causes constipation. To avoid this, try to use supplements or foods at the same time that help activate intestinal motility.

The norm of calcium per day for adults is from 880 to 1200 mg. How much you need depends on your diet and physical activity. Keep in mind that oversaturation of the body calcium just as unacceptable as its lack. An excess of this substance, according to researchers, increases blood clotting, which is dangerous for people suffering from heart disease. In addition, excess calcium can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, affecting their elasticity and lumen size, similar to cholesterol plaques. Therefore, try to take this drug exactly in the dosages prescribed by your doctor. Better yet, consume calcium in your diet.

Most calcium is found in dairy products, as well as in eggs, chocolate, cabbage of all varieties, spinach, almonds, sesame seeds.

The daily requirement of an adult in calcium is approximately 1.5 grams. Only half of this norm a person receives from food. And the point is not only in the amount of calcium entering the body, but also in its absorption.

You will need

  • - dairy products;
  • - products containing magnesium;
  • - vitamin D;
  • - physical activity;
  • - dietary supplements with calcium;
  • - comfrey root, milk;
  • - elecampane root, unrefined vegetable oil.


Magnesium is required for the absorption of calcium, which prevents the excretion of calcium from the body. The ratio of the first to the second should be 2:1. In addition, D is needed, which is synthesized in the body only under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

The most effective prevention of osteoporosis is a diet that includes 250-350 ml of skim milk or sour-milk drinks daily or 100 grams of cottage cheese or hard cheese.

Calcium is also found in broccoli, beans, oranges, spinach and walnuts. Sesame and poppy seeds are especially rich in this trace element. Fry 100 grams of sesame seeds until yellow, grind in a coffee grinder and add 1-2 dessert spoons to cereals, cottage cheese, salad, etc.

To ensure the mineral balance of bone tissues, seafood and fish dishes, eggs, boiled meat, bran, vegetables and fruits, herbs, and yeast should always be present in the diet.

Also a significant factor that reduces the calcium content in the body is low physical activity. In conditions of immobility, the human skeleton loses up to half of its strength in a year. Daily training helps not only strengthen muscles, but also promotes the active absorption of calcium. Walking at a good pace should be devoted to at least 40 minutes a day.

Bioadditives, such as "Calcium-active", "Calcium-D3 Nycomed", calcium citrate, provide significant assistance in saturating the body with the calcium it needs.

Only the facts

About a decade and a half ago, devices appeared - densitometers, with which you can determine how strong our bones are and whether the process of osteoporosis has begun in them. It was then that it turned out that with age (especially in women), bone strength decreases, and this is fraught with fractures. Naturally, doctors sounded the alarm about this. Pharmacists have developed various calcium preparations. And we began to drink them - as prescribed by a doctor and without, because you can still buy them without a prescription.

It has firmly settled into our heads that after 40 years it is necessary to drink calcium preparations in courses, that in this way we protect ourselves from the risk of developing osteoporosis. It was recommended to take it during pregnancy, fractures, etc. Then it turned out that our body does not absorb this mineral well, especially with age. To better absorb calcium, pharmacies have new drugs with it in combination with vitamin D.

What are the rules to follow

How to drink calcium supplements? Firstly, to undergo an examination on a densitometer (a device that determines bone density), and secondly, to do a monthly laboratory analysis for the content of this mineral in the blood. Unfortunately, a densitometer examination is available only for residents of large cities. Meanwhile, the study of the effect of calcium preparations on the condition of bones and the whole organism continues. Over the years, more than a dozen studies have been conducted on this topic, involving more than 11,000 people. Recently, a group of English, American and New Zealand scientists studied and summarized the results of all the studies. The results were shocking: if you take calcium supplements, the risk of getting a heart attack increases by 31%! Another conclusion about bones: drugs with this mineral do increase bone strength a little, but this is not enough to reduce the risk of fractures.

So, to drink or not to drink?

How did it happen that calcium is both beneficial and harmful for the heart and blood vessels? According to scientists, the whole point is in what form and dosage it is taken. For example, if you drank a calcid tablet, your blood suddenly became more calcium than normal, as it is quickly absorbed by the body from drugs.

Why is calcium dangerous?

Calcium is a mineral that our body needs. With its deficiency, you need to take calcium supplements, but not everyone knows how to drink calcium correctly and which calcium is better to drink.

How to drink calcium?

Whether it is necessary to drink calcium and what kind of calcium to drink is better for the doctor to decide, based on the results of the tests. Here are the main questions you need to know the answer to if you decide to take calcium:

How long to take calcium

How long you can drink calcium is usually written by manufacturers in the instructions, it is better to take one month, then take a break for 2 weeks! How much calcium you need to drink should be written by a doctor.

How often can you take calcium?

Calcium should not be drunk unnecessarily, its excess also harms the body. Drink the course prescribed by your doctor, get tested and if the calcium level is normal, take a break. How much calcium you can drink should only be decided by a doctor, because if your hair falls out and your nails break, this is not necessarily a lack of calcium (in this case, it is better to drink multivitamin complexes)

How much calcium to drink

Calcium is better to take in small doses several times a day than all at once in one large serving. Small amounts of the drug are quickly absorbed and absorbed by the human body. For preventive purposes, calcium preparations are recommended to be taken 1-2 times (depending on the dosage) per day. For medicinal purposes, the dosage of calcium is determined by the doctor.

What should you take calcium with?

Calcium should be taken with vitamin C (lemon, orange), and washed down with plenty of water. Some manufacturers add vitamin C to calcium, so you can just take the pill with water.

What time to take calcium?

Calcium is better absorbed in sleep, so the question of when it is better to drink calcium can only be answered in the EVENING.

If you forgot to drink calcium in the evening, then take it with meals or after meals.

Why take calcium?

With food, even rich in calcium (cottage cheese, cheese, milk), we get only half of the required daily norm of this valuable trace element. Therefore, we simply have to take extra calcium if we want to be healthy. If you want to know about the values ​​of calcium in the body, read our article!

What is the best calcium to drink?

Modern calcium preparations are presented mainly in three forms of administration: in the form of effervescent, chewable and regular tablets. Effervescent forms of drugs have a number of advantages over the rest. First, they contain more calcium than other forms. Secondly, calcium when taking effervescent tablets, it dissolves faster and, therefore, is absorbed into the human blood faster. Chewable tablets are easy to use (anytime, anywhere).

Before taking, you need to deal with questions about the period in which it is better absorbed. There is no point in spending money on a drug if you do not get the maximum benefit from taking it! So, let's consider all the significant aspects that should be considered before taking calcium.

When is the best time to take calcium?

Calcium should not be taken on an empty stomach: it is absorbed much faster if you have eaten before. That is why taking drugs of such a plan should be carried out either during or immediately after a meal.

How to take calcium supplements correctly?

In order for calcium to be absorbed, it should be washed down with plenty of water - 0.5–1 glass. It should be borne in mind that the body will not be able to take large doses of calcium and will remove it, so the daily dose of calcium should be divided into 2-4 doses and drunk in small portions throughout the day.

It should be borne in mind that calcium is necessary for the absorption. Particularly effective are calcium preparations that contain both (for example, Calcium D3 Nycomed). However, you can get vitamin D from fish oil, salmon, butter and vegetable oil, herring and mackerel. The body can make its own vitamin D when exposed to sunlight or tanning beds. In the question of how to properly take calcium, the sun may well become your reliable ally, allowing you to make the effect of the drug more effective.

How to take magnesium and calcium in terms of dosage?

Do not try to guess the dose you need on your own. If you need Ca in the treatment of an illness, the doctor will prescribe its amount. But even if you're taking it as a preventive measure, it doesn't hurt to consult a doctor. As a last resort, if you cannot visit the hospital, follow the instructions that come with the medicine you have chosen.

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