emergency contraception. Questions Delayed menstruation after emergency concentration

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Lera asks:

What are the consequences of taking emergency contraceptives?

After using drugs for emergency contraception, women may develop various consequences regarding the temporary disorder of the functions of various organs and systems. In addition, some side effects of drugs for emergency contraception can be attributed to the consequences.

Side effects of levonorgestrel drugs (Postinor and Escapel), COCs (Femoden, Regulon, Diane-35, etc.) and mifepristone (Mifepristone, Mifegin, Ru-348, Agesta, Zhenale, Ginepriston) are shown in the table.

Side effects of levonorgestrel drugs Side effects of mifepristone drugs Side effects of combined oral contraceptives (COCs)
HivesBloody discharge from the vaginaNausea
Rash on the skinPain and discomfort in the lower abdomenVomit
Itchy skinExacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the uterus, ovariesPain in the mammary gland
swelling of the faceNauseaBreast engorgement
Bloody discharge in various phases of the cycleIncrease in body temperatureBleeding from the genitals
VomitVomitPain in the lower abdomen
DiarrheaDiarrheaDelayed menstruation
Pain in the lower abdomenHives
Soreness of the mammary glands
Delayed menstruation
Menstrual irregularity

The side effects indicated in the table disappear after the elimination of the emergency contraceptive drug from the body. However, the effect of hormonal drugs does not go unnoticed and can lead to malfunctions of various organs and systems. The whole set of long-term effects of emergency contraception is divided into menstrual dysfunction, the appearance of spotting and changes in general well-being.

Menstrual dysfunction after emergency contraception. Even a single and rare use of Postinor, Escapel, Agesta and other drugs for postcoital contraception can provoke an irregular menstrual cycle. After taking these drugs, menstruation may begin earlier or later than the normal period. Menstruation can come 1 to 2 weeks early, and the delay is usually up to 7 days. Such fluctuations in the cycle after taking emergency contraception do not require treatment.

Menstruation after taking emergency contraceptives may be unusual, such as long or short, heavy or scanty, etc.

For several months after taking emergency contraception, a woman may experience slight fluctuations in the regularity of her menstrual cycle. For example, menstruation may come a few days earlier or later than the due date.

If, after taking drugs for emergency contraception, there is a delay in menstruation for more than 7 days, then you should be examined for pregnancy, which could develop, despite the measures taken to prevent it.

Bloody discharge after emergency contraception. A few days after taking Postinor or Escapel, relatively abundant spotting from the genital tract may appear, which lasts for 1 to 7 days. These spotting are a normal reaction to taking Postinor or Escapel and do not require special treatment. Quite often, such spotting passes into menstruation. In this case, the total duration of bleeding can be 10 - 13 days. Bleeding requires treatment only if it continues for 2 to 3 weeks. Bloody discharge may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and poor general well-being.

Bloody discharge does not always appear after taking Escapel or Postinor. Moreover, in the same woman, after one pill intake, spotting may appear, and after the secondary use of Postinor or Escapel, their complete absence will be observed. Both options are normal.

Changes in general well-being after emergency contraception due to the effect of hormones on all organs and systems. So, after taking drugs for emergency contraception, a woman may experience the following:

Menstruation after Escapelle may change beyond recognition or pass as usual. It all depends on what phase of the cycle the woman took the pill. And also from the characteristics of his own body. Emergency contraception should not be used more than once a month. A serious violation of the menstrual cycle is inevitable. What to expect from menstruation after taking Escapelle?

Means of instant contraception - Escapel, is produced in the form of tablets. The active substance is levonorgestrel. Synthetic analogue of the female hormone progesterone. Each tablet contains a significant proportion of progesterone. For example, in a similar one, this dose is divided into 2 tablets. Escapel inhibits conception at an early stage of fertilization. The tablet must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected contact. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the speed of taking the pill. According to WHO studies, the remedy can work if you take a pill even 102 hours after sexual contact. This statement once again confirms the strong impact of Escapelle on the human body.

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • unprotected intercourse;
  • failures with a barrier method of contraception;
  • rape.

The principle of operation of Escapelle

The drug has several mechanisms of action on the menstrual cycle of a woman at once. In this case, the contraceptive ability is 95%. Violation of the normal activities of the systems leads to the failure of the monthly cycle.

Thus, the change in the menstrual cycle directly depends on the phase in which the hormonal drug was taken. Menstruation comes earlier or there is a significant delay, which makes women pretty worried.

Failure of the menstrual cycle on the background of Escapelle

The menstruation that has begun excludes pregnancy, allows the woman to breathe calmly. The situation is even better if the monthly discharge came earlier. But if your period is due and you don't, thoughts of an unplanned pregnancy come to mind. When the monthly discharge begins after taking Escapelle, it depends on the processes that took place in the body under its influence. It may happen sooner or later.

Failure in the first phase of the monthly cycle

After taking a pill of a hormonal drug before ovulation, in half of the cases, a daub begins the next day. Women mistakenly take this phenomenon for menstruation, they are very surprised when, after 2 weeks, bloody discharge began again. The presence of discharge after taking Escapelle means a hormonal surge, which has become an obstacle to the further development of the egg. Ovulation did not occur, which means that there will be no pregnancy, menstruation should begin. In most cases, they arrive on time or earlier. Allocations are scarce. Since the failure of hormones did not allow the development of the endometrial layer. During menstruation, there is nothing to reject. However, a daub in the middle of the cycle is not ruled out against the background of taking a strong hormonal agent.

Failure in the second phase of the menstrual cycle

Allocations after taking Escapelle in the second phase of the cycle also lead to hormonal failure. Elevated progesterone levels cause the body to prepare for pregnancy, even if fertilization has not occurred. During this time, an excessive layer of the endometrium grows. Allocations after taking Escapel become thick, but menstruation does not begin. A delay after a hormonal remedy is observed for several days, or even weeks. Some women have a mid-cycle failure in the form of a daub, followed by a delay after pills for 20 days. The discharge is plentiful, bleeding appears, which seriously frightens the woman.

Delay after Escapelle followed by bleeding

There is nothing strange in such a phenomenon. Abundant periods always appear against the background of hormonal failure, with a predominance of progesterone. Escapelle tablets significantly increase the level of the hormone. The body does not care where it came from - naturally or artificially. As ovulation occurred, a layer of the endometrium began to form. To ensure this process, progesterone must be at a high level. The artificial introduction of an additional amount of the hormone leads to an excessive growth of the endometrial layer. For example, as it happens with endometriosis. When the time comes for menstruation, it is very difficult for the uterus to reject a significant mass, it takes more effort. For this reason, pain intensifies.

The delay after Escapelle is accompanied by unusual pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature. What kind of discharge should come after taking Escapelle - abundant, similar to bleeding. Due to hormonal failure, bleeding can last up to 7 days. Then the menstruation should stop. If this does not happen, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

In addition, bleeding after a delay can occur due to a miscarriage. Tablets do not promise 100% results. A small percentage of pregnancy still remains. Against the background of hormonal failure, pregnancy is not able to develop normally. Initially, there is a delay after emergency contraception. Then the bleeding may start.

When should menses start?

Against the background of taking hormonal drugs, the monthly cycle always gets off. There is nothing dangerous if menstruation begins ahead of time for a week or a few days. The next month, the body should fully recover. Delay after taking emergency contraception is also an understandable phenomenon. In this case, the absence of menstrual flow is allowed for about 20 days from the expected date of the critical days.

It should be remembered that taking the drug is allowed only 1 time per cycle. If a woman has taken the pills twice, the consequences can be very different. Bleeding may begin immediately after taking Escapel again. A significant hormonal failure is guaranteed. It will take about 3 months to restore the female body.

Failure of the monthly cycle is always an undesirable phenomenon. Sometimes it takes several months to recover. Before using emergency contraception, you need to weigh everything well. Side effects from taking the drug are quite strong. They can last until the next menstruation. Nausea, general weakness, headache, disruption of the nervous system, insomnia, mood swings, decreased ability to work, apathy.

One more point should be taken into account, if the pregnancy has already occurred, Escapelle is not able to disrupt it, but it is capable of causing harm. With the exact certainty that ovulation has passed, there is no point in taking pills.


Good luck!


It is impossible to unambiguously answer your question without even knowing the nature of the menstrual cycle, its regularity. In any case, the decision will have to be made by you.

There is an opinion that a woman's menstrual cycle can be divided into 3 phases:

Relative sterility (conception is unlikely) - lasts from the first day of menstruation until ovulation.

Fertility (the most favorable phase for conception) - from the moment of ovulation and ends 48 hours after it.

Absolute sterility - begins 48 hours after ovulation and before the next menstruation.

This position is even based on the calendar method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, the essence of which is to refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse during the fertile period.

However, such a method can be considered ineffective and rather conditional, I would say that there are no absolutely safe days during the cycle. As long as you know the exact time of ovulation, the days before the next period can be considered relatively safe.

It is believed that ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle (more often on the 11th, 12th, 13th or 14th day of a 28-day cycle). However, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation is possible between the 8th and 20th days.

It depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and many external and internal factors that affect the very fragile and dependent hormonal background of a woman.

And even if your monthly cycle is regular, you cannot be sure that ovulation in this cycle will occur in the middle of the cycle, and not earlier. Accordingly, if the cycle is short, ovulation can occur on the 8th-10th day of the cycle. And given the fact that the lifetime of spermatozoa in a woman's body can reach 10 or even more days, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of conception from sexual intercourse on the days of menstruation.

On the other hand, the use of emergency contraceptives is highly undesirable, since it causes a significant blow to the hormonal system of a woman, resulting in various unpleasant consequences, from menstrual irregularities to uterine bleeding, and other side effects.

Thus, you need to evaluate what is more terrible for you - an unwanted pregnancy or possible health problems. Take into account the state of your health, the stability of the menstrual cycle, age and social factors. If you are young, not financially self-reliant, and confident enough in your health, it is better not to risk it and take a post-coital contraceptive, because the hormonal pill is still better than a possible abortion.

I wish you good luck and good health!

Like any other contraceptive, emergency contraception is aimed at preventing the onset of an unwanted pregnancy, but does not suppress an existing one. This is the main difference between emergency contraception and abortion..

As you know, there is a period of 72 hours (or 96 depending on the medication) from the moment of unprotected sex, during which conception can still be prevented. It is during this period of time that it is necessary to take emergency contraceptive pills, otherwise it will not bring the desired effect and pregnancy will still occur.

Such contraceptives are not oral, taken every day as planned at the same time. Emergency contraceptives work by containing a high concentration of the hormone levonorgestrel. It is he who, being in the body in a timely manner, corrects the “mistakes” of other types of contraceptive methods (for example, in the event of a condom rupture).

It is important to understand that this is not the safest method and should only be used as a last resort and as infrequently as possible. If situations that force you to take these medicines happen often, try to find a method of contraception that is more suitable for you and safe for your health.

At present, in the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS, such representatives of the class of urgent contraception are available for sale:

  • Postinor available in packs of two tablets, each containing 750 micrograms of levonorgestrel
  • Escapelle 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel is dosed and goes on sale in packs of 1 tab.
  • Ginepriston dosed at 10 mg mifeston - the only non-hormonal representative

Menstruation after EC

The arrival of menstruation after medical postcoital contraception is one of the main indicators that conception has not occurred. Due to the high content of the hormone, you can be sure that its intake, albeit repeated, will go unnoticed by your body. The delay in this case is no exception.

Most likely a delay of 3-5 days, for example, after a postinor, a delay in menstruation is considered normal if it does not exceed 7 days. But there are other options - critical days can also start a few days earlier. Sometimes even weeks, that is, almost a couple of days after taking the drug. Such drugs have such a side effect as intermenstrual bleeding, this happens when taking pills in the second half of the cycle.

Severe bleeding - more than one sanitary pad is required for 3 hours - is a reason for urgent medical attention. In any other case, the unscheduled arrival of “these cases” can be considered the norm.

It is impossible to reliably predict the day of the onset of menstruation in this case. If your expected periods do not come on the seventh day, then this is a possible sign that, despite all the measures taken, fertilization has nevertheless occurred.

In what cases it is worth abandoning postcoital contraception:

  • in the presence of liver diseases in the present (cirrhosis, hepatitis, jaundice ...) or cases of their occurrence in the past
  • in case of too young age (up to 16-18 years old)
  • presence of pregnancy
  • lactation period (breastfeeding a child)
  • in case of allergy to the components of the drug (during the past use of similar drugs or the same, itching, rash, etc.)

Before taking any medication, it is better to consult a doctor in case of individual contraindications. And in the urgent case of using emergency contraception, follow the instructions. But don't let that be of use to you.

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