Sensation of dampness and phlegm before menstruation. Feeling wet before period Feeling wet before period


It happens that menstruation does not occur, and this becomes a serious reason for excitement. The first thought that visits a woman in such a situation is pregnancy. However, there are a number of reasons why menstruation may not come on time.

The absence of menstruation on time primarily indicates the onset of pregnancy, but in addition to this, there are a number of reasons why the menstrual cycle can either go astray or be completely interrupted.

Reasons for delayed menstruation other than pregnancy and menopause, what to do: What to do if there is a delay and lack of pregnancy?

A negative test with a delay is a reason to contact your gynecologist. Do not rush to do the test on the day of the expected menstruation - wait 2-3 days. This period is considered harmless - a slight deviation in the date of menstruation is a variant of the norm. It is better to do two pregnancy tests from a different manufacturer. Then the probability of obtaining a false negative result will be practically reduced to zero.

Do not try to induce menstruation using dangerous and untested methods of traditional medicine - this can lead to bleeding and increased signs of the underlying disease. The duration of the menstrual cycle is under the control of sex hormones, which can only be affected by special preparations. They should be selected by a doctor - and only on the basis of laboratory diagnostics, determination of the level of hormones in the blood and the results of an ultrasound examination. With timely appeal for help, cycle disorders can be easily corrected.

So, if you have a negative pregnancy test and no periods, make an appointment with a gynecologist to dispel all doubts and start treatment in a timely manner, if any violations are found. Every woman should maintain her health for as long as possible, because this is the key to her femininity, beauty and physical activity.

Reasons for delayed menstruation other than pregnancy and menopause, what to do: Reasons for delay

Why are there no periods, but the test is negative? Every modern woman has asked this question at least once in her life. Even the most effective methods of contraception are not 100% guaranteed. Therefore, any delay should alert the woman and force her to take a simple pregnancy test.

The causes of menstrual irregularities and lack of menstruation can be very different:

● stressful situations, strong emotional shock;

● frequent fluctuations in weight, severe dietary restrictions;

● change of climate zone;

● start taking hormonal contraceptives, switching to another method of contraception from unwanted pregnancy;

● recent operations on the genitals;

● hormonal diseases;

● obesity or, conversely, lack of body weight;

● previous abortions;

● inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs;

● neoplasms of the uterus, ovaries.

The main reason for a delay in menstruation with a negative test is a failure in the cycle caused by stress or hormonal changes. If such a problem occurs periodically, we can talk about a persistent violation of the menstrual cycle. Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis, after receiving complex diagnostic data. When contacting the clinic, a woman will be offered to undergo an examination, laboratory blood tests, and an ultrasound examination.

The sooner you seek help from specialists, the sooner you will be prescribed an effective treatment for cycle disorders and detected diseases. Don't forget to bring past exam data to your doctor's appointment. Some women are asked by specialists to show a menstrual calendar that reflects the constancy, duration and other features of the menstrual cycle.

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12.11.2017 Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

During the entire menstrual cycle, various changes occur in the body of a woman, including in the nature of the secretion of the genital organs. - in most cases, a normal sign, but pathologies with a change in color, smell and consistency of secretion are not excluded. We will analyze in this article when traces on underwear before menstruation do not cause concern, and when you should contact a gynecologist.

General characteristics of the symptom

The level of female hormones is constantly fluctuating: during menstruation, the amount of estrogen increases, after critical days it is small, closer to the middle it increases again. After ovulation, there is a tendency to increase progesterone, and by the end of the cycle, on the eve of menstruation, its content falls, yielding to estrogen. Under the influence of this hormone, the endometrium, the inner mucous layer of the uterus, swells, stimulating adjacent tissues, as a result of which the work of the glands becomes more intense, and more mucous secretion is produced. This explains the appearance of all kinds of discharge before menstruation. Their nature depends on such factors:

  1. The age of the woman. A year before menarche, the first menstruation, the girl notices the appearance of different secretions associated with hormonal changes. In the first year after menarche, hormonal slides will be observed, changing the composition and amount of mucus that the reproductive system produces. This is especially noticeable during ovulation and a few days before menstruation.
  2. The presence and activity of sexual activity.
  3. Lifestyle and food quality.
  4. Present acute and chronic diseases.
  5. The state of the hormonal background and the immune system.
  6. The use of contraceptives and emergency contraception based on hormones.

Given these factors, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, what should be the discharge before menstruation. For each representative of the weaker sex, these criteria are different.

White discharge before critical days

The light color of mucus before menstruation is a sign of both the norm and a certain physiological state of the female body, and pathology. It all depends on its characteristics and associated symptoms.

All women observe natural whites, especially in the second half of the menstrual cycle. They include:

  1. A natural secret that must be secreted by the glands of the cervical canal and vagina.
  2. Microflora, consisting of lactobacilli and opportunistic microorganisms.
  3. Dead epithelial cells, which are attached in high concentrations.
Normal discharge before period

Normally, this secretion should produce about 5 ml per day. After ovulation, due to the increased content of progesterone, its volume may increase. Especially a lot is observed before the regulation when taking hormonal drugs.

Such secretion performs a protective function of the genital tract from the penetration of foreign microorganisms, cleanses the vagina from the waste products of the glands and serves as a natural lubricant during sexual contact.


If a watery discharge appears along with itching and burning, difficulty urinating, swelling and redness of the external genitalia, then this indicates inflammation or an infectious disease. Read in one of our articles about the diseases that cause.

Brown and black discharge

Dark and brown secretions mean that they contain blood, which, having coagulated and combined with oxygen, has acquired a similar color. A liquid of this shade is the norm during ovulation and in the first days after the conception has taken place. You shouldn't worry either. Such a sign is considered natural.

Thus, the readiness of the endometrium for renewal is indicated, after the installation of an intrauterine device in the first month, and the reproductive system also reacts in a similar way to the use of hormonal contraceptives.

It is acceptable to have brown and black discharge before menstruation 2 days before the first drops of red blood appear, but not earlier, and provided that they are not abundant, they are not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and cramps. Otherwise, you should contact a gynecologist, since the following pathologies can exist in the female reproductive system:

  • Endometritis is an inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.
  • Endometriosis is an overgrowth of endometrial tissue.
  • An erosive process in the cervix, a sign of which is discharge a week before menstruation. They often appear as .
  • A lot of brown mucus is produced with endometrial polyps, especially on the eve of the start of a new menstrual cycle, as this endometrium swells, affecting the neoplasm.
  • Uterine fibroids - indicated by dark brown discharge or clots after the regulation and before them. In 43% of patients with this diagnosis, characteristic discharge begins 3 to 5 days before menstruation.


Bloody discharge occurs for the same reasons as brown. The difference lies in the stronger release of blood, which does not have time to clot.

Of the non-pathological factors, the symptom can be provoked by drugs based on hormones, conception, which the expectant mother does not yet know about, mechanical damage to the vagina during rough sex, and an allergic reaction to medications. The designation is a natural phenomenon in the preparation of the female body for a new menstrual cycle for 65% of the fair half of humanity.

Of the diseases, endometriosis, erosion, polyps and other neoplasms, as well as inflammatory processes, make themselves felt.


The yellowish tint of sexual secretion is not classified as a pathology, provided that it is not accompanied by discomfort in the intimate area, has a neutral odor and is indicated in a small amount. These secretions appear due to changes in the hormonal background or in connection with the use of hormone-based products.

The mucus may turn yellow due to the use of certain medications, herbal preparations, or be an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear and lubricants or intimate hygiene products. This happens at any moment of the cycle, but before the critical days, due to hormonal surges, the volume of mucus increases due to the increased work of the glands.

During sexual arousal, the amount of female sexual secretion increases, and. After sex, abundant mucus of a yellowish pale hue is indicated, which indicates the ingestion of male sperm inside, which the vagina must secrete along with female lubricant.

Yellow mucus mixed with blood sometimes suggests erosion of the cervix, and sometimes it is of purulent origin due to advanced inflammation or sexually transmitted diseases.
The symptoms of such ailments tend to worsen before menstruation, and the amount of secretion during this period increases.


This symptom is an indicator of vaginal biocenosis, the development of an inflammatory process against the background of an infection.

Discharge with an unpleasant odor before menstruation

To understand which discharge is the norm before menstruation, and which is pathology, you should pay attention to their smell and other symptoms. If the mucus smells unpleasant, then this is a clear sign of an inflammatory or infectious process and the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the microflora.

A few days before menstruation, the glands in the mucous membranes of the genital organs work more actively, so more mucus is secreted, respectively, the symptoms are more pronounced.

Means bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis. A sour milk flavor indicates candidiasis. Onion or garlic, rotten smell indicates chlamydia. Purulent or rotten - about the inflammatory process or tissue decay. The smell of iron will tell you about the presence of blood in a small amount or inflammation.

Smelling mucus is often supplemented with various uncomfortable sensations, in the form of vaginal itching, burning during urination, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Prolonged inflammation gives temperature, general weakness and malaise.
Discharge with an unpleasant odor can occur in the vast majority of cases due to pathological processes.


To avoid the appearance of the described symptom, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Observe personal hygiene.
  2. Wash regularly (twice a day).
  3. Use daily pads, change them every 3-5 hours.
  4. Use protection in the absence of a permanent sexual partner.
  5. Visit your gynecologist regularly.
  6. Do not self-medicate.

Briefly about the main

A change in the quality and quantity of secretion before menstruation can occur for various reasons, both physiological and due to various disorders. Normal discharge before menstruation can be clear, white, milky, yellow, green, brown, pink. They are mucilaginous in nature and uniform in texture. They do not have an unpleasant odor and are not accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms. A deviation from these characteristics indicates a gynecological problem that requires a visit to the doctor.

The onset of pregnancy can be determined not only by a doctor. Every woman, if she carefully monitors her well-being, can understand that the long-awaited conception was successful.
You can understand what you need to go to the gynecologist by delaying your period. There are a number of other signs that allow you to determine the beginning of an interesting situation on your own.
The onset of pregnancy in the medical field is considered from the first day after the start of the last menstruation. With more accurate calculations, it can be seen that the first two weeks, in fact, the woman is not pregnant. Ovulation occurs approximately on the 14th day of the cycle, the egg, which will be subsequently fertilized, is just beginning to form. In this regard, early signs of pregnancy before the delay can clearly manifest themselves already 2-3 weeks after the moment of fertilization (according to the obstetric calendar, this is 4-5 weeks). Asymptomatic changes do not go away, a woman will definitely notice them, because they bring slight discomfort to ordinary life. This is due to active hormonal restructuring, all the forces of the body during this period are thrown to endure and give birth to a healthy, full-fledged baby.

Approximately 6-12 days after the moment of fertilization, a woman can observe small discharges with blood streaks of various consistency on her underwear. This is a sign that the egg, fertilized by the sperm, has successfully implanted in the lining of the uterus.
Normally, such discharge is not abundant, their shade varies from yellow to brown. Normally, a woman should not experience severe pain.

Unstable physical condition

The first sign is a feeling of heat or cold, which does not depend on the ambient temperature. A woman may get chills in the heat of summer or become hot when she is dressed lightly and it is cold outside. Periodically, the cheeks become red (burning), and droplets of perspiration appear on the forehead.
Periodic dizziness and general malaise. There is a desire to lie down, fatigue becomes a constant companion of a woman.
There may be a feeling that these are the first signs of a cold, the body temperature rises to 37 degrees, a runny nose and cough may occur. This is due to a sharp decrease in immunity, a woman becomes more susceptible to viruses than before the moment of fertilization.

Increasing the sensitivity of the breast

This body is always the first to react to the onset of pregnancy. The touches of a partner, which used to bring pleasure, now cause irritation. The mammary gland increases in size and swells, underwear, which was comfortable before, becomes a little tight.
There are also changes in the area around the nipples. Small bumps, which in non-pregnant women are only visible visually, become more distinct and felt when touched. Sometimes the area becomes darker, and if you press lightly on the nipple, a small drop of liquid may come out of it. Such a change may be present as early as 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, when there is no thought to expect a delay.

Feelings in the intimate area

The first thing a woman pays attention to during this period is a sharp increase in sexual desire for a partner or a significant decrease in it. At this time, you can not deny yourself pleasure, especially if the fact of pregnancy is not established and there are no strict prescriptions from the doctor.
Some women dismiss increased sensitivity in the intimate area, which was not previously observed in her.
Blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, the biological fluid circulates more intensively. This can cause pulling light pains in the lower abdomen and a feeling of "fullness" in the small pelvis. Also, a slight tingling sensation may be felt in the uterus, this is the most likely sign of successful fertilization of the egg.
Often there is pain in the lower back in the region of the sacrum, no matter what position the body takes. Painful sensations can accompany throughout the entire period of gestation or stop at the end of the third trimester and resume before childbirth, when body weight increases significantly and the load on the musculoskeletal system becomes even greater.

Change in taste preferences

Food that previously evoked pleasant emotions can be unpleasant after fertilization (not only its taste, but also its smell). The process of cooking food itself can cause nausea and vomiting.
A similar situation is observed with perfume aromas. The olfactory organs begin to react too actively to the stimulus. Some favorite perfumes go to the back of the dressing table, it will be possible to get them only after childbirth.


In connection with the hormonal restructuring of the body, a phenomenon occurs that is called toxicosis of pregnant women. It can manifest itself from the first week after the moment of conception, and continue until the baby is born.
Dizziness in transport, nausea in the morning or in the afternoon, constant vomiting - all this gives a lot of discomfort to a woman if she continues to follow her usual daily routine.

Changes in basal body temperature

These metamorphoses can only be noticed if the woman regularly measured the temperature in the rectum before pregnancy (used the chart for contraceptive purposes) and made appropriate notes in the chart. If the egg is not fertilized, the indicators return to normal a day or two before the onset of menstruation. In a pregnant woman, the opposite situation is observed.

It happens that menstruation does not occur, and this becomes a serious reason for excitement. The first thought that visits a woman in such a situation is pregnancy. However, there are a number of reasons why menstruation may not come on time.

The absence of menstruation on time primarily indicates the onset of pregnancy, but in addition to this, there are a number of reasons why the menstrual cycle can either go astray or be completely interrupted.

Reasons for delayed menstruation other than pregnancy and menopause, what to do: What to do if there is a delay and lack of pregnancy?

A negative test with a delay is a reason to contact your gynecologist. Do not rush to do the test on the day of the expected menstruation - wait 2-3 days. This period is considered harmless - a slight deviation in the date of menstruation is a variant of the norm. It is better to do two pregnancy tests from a different manufacturer. Then the probability of obtaining a false negative result will be practically reduced to zero.

Do not try to induce menstruation using dangerous and untested methods of traditional medicine - this can lead to bleeding and increased signs of the underlying disease. The duration of the menstrual cycle is under the control of sex hormones, which can only be affected by special preparations. They should be selected by a doctor - and only on the basis of laboratory diagnostics, determination of the level of hormones in the blood and the results of an ultrasound examination. With timely appeal for help, cycle disorders can be easily corrected.

So, if you have a negative pregnancy test and no periods, make an appointment with a gynecologist to dispel all doubts and start treatment in a timely manner, if any violations are found. Every woman should maintain her health for as long as possible, because this is the key to her femininity, beauty and physical activity.

Reasons for delayed menstruation other than pregnancy and menopause, what to do: Reasons for delay

Why are there no periods, but the test is negative? Even the most effective methods of contraception are not 100% guaranteed. Therefore, any delay should alert the woman and force her to take a simple pregnancy test.

The causes of menstrual irregularities and lack of menstruation can be very different:

● stressful situations, strong emotional shock;

● frequent fluctuations in weight, severe dietary restrictions;

● change of climate zone;

● start taking hormonal contraceptives, switching to another method of contraception from unwanted pregnancy;

● recent operations on the genitals;

● hormonal diseases;

● obesity or, conversely, lack of body weight;

● previous abortions;

● inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs;

● neoplasms of the uterus, ovaries.

The main reason for a delay in menstruation with a negative test is a failure in the cycle caused by stress or hormonal changes. If such a problem occurs periodically, we can talk about a persistent violation of the menstrual cycle. Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis, after receiving complex diagnostic data. When contacting the clinic, a woman will be offered to undergo an examination, laboratory blood tests, and an ultrasound examination.

The sooner you seek help from specialists, the sooner you will be prescribed an effective treatment for cycle disorders and detected diseases. Don't forget to bring past exam data to your doctor's appointment. Some women are asked by specialists to show a menstrual calendar that reflects the constancy, duration and other features of the menstrual cycle.

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