What is the daily calcium requirement for pregnant women? Calcium for pregnant women. Sources of mineral supply


While carrying a child, a woman's body undergoes a serious restructuring, which involves all biological systems. The skeleton of the expectant mother undergoes a high load throughout pregnancy, ensuring that the correct body position is maintained despite the increased mass. During this period, it is important to control the intake of all necessary macroelements into the body, one of the most important of which is calcium.

Why do pregnant women need calcium?

To ensure normal functioning, a person needs to regularly saturate the body with macroelements, one of which is calcium. Ions of this element are involved in the processes of hemostasis, the synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters, regulate muscle contractions and perform a number of other important functions. Calcium makes up up to 2% of body weight and is found in the skeleton and teeth, ensuring their structural strength.

During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body that affect all body systems. To build the skeletal system of the fetus, a restructuring of the mineral metabolism of the pregnant woman occurs - the absorption of phosphorus and calcium salts is enhanced, which are transferred to the embryo, determining its growth and development. During this period, women may develop a tendency to hypofunction of the parathyroid glands, which manifests itself in impaired calcium metabolism.

To prevent the consequences that may arise from a deficiency of an important macronutrient during pregnancy, it is necessary to satisfy the body's daily need for the mineral. Lack of the element can lead to the development of hypocalcemia, which is fraught with the following manifestations:

  • violation or stop of the physical and mental development of the fetus;
  • the emergence of a risk of developing rickets (bone formation disorder) in a newborn;
  • development of depression in the expectant mother;
  • the possibility of spontaneous abortion (the macroelement is responsible for the functioning of muscle organs, including the uterus, its deficiency negatively affects the contractility of muscles, causing their increased tone);
  • the occurrence of arterial hypertension due to pregnancy;
  • disorders of cholesterol and fat metabolism.

You can independently determine the lack of calcium in the body during pregnancy based on the specific symptoms of hypocalcemia, but the daily intake of this macronutrient should be increased only after consultation with a doctor who is monitoring the pregnant woman. Taking any medication during pregnancy should be done under medical supervision.

In most cases, the prescription of calcium-containing medications or the addition of calcium-rich foods to the diet occurs from the second trimester (no earlier than the 13th week of gestation). The duration of taking vitamin-mineral complexes or following a special diet should be carried out without interruption for no more than 1 month, and after the 35th week of pregnancy, the use of drugs that fill the deficiency should be stopped to prevent premature ossification of the fetal head.

Daily rate

The human body’s need for minerals depends on age, but it should be taken into account that the consumption of certain foods interferes with the absorption of the macronutrient. For adults (from 19 to 50 years old), the daily amount of mineral consumed should be at least 1000 ml, but not more than 2500 ml. Calcium during pregnancy, due to changes occurring in a woman’s body, is partially spent on the formation of fetal systems, so the daily need for this element increases to 1500 ml.

The rapid consumption of macronutrients in pregnant women leads to a decrease in the woman’s bone mass; the recovery period begins after the resumption of the menstrual cycle. In addition, the advisability of additional intake of an essential mineral is due to its versatility as a secondary intracellular messenger, with the help of which the nervous, cardiovascular and excretory systems are regulated.

Symptoms of deficiency

About 99% of calcium in the human body is found in the skeleton and teeth, the remaining 1% of the mineral element in an ionized or non-ionized state is an integral part of biological media (blood, urine, feces). If the supply of a macronutrient decreases or its absorption deteriorates, the mineral begins to be washed out of the bones to replenish its deficiency in the blood.

At the initial stages of calcium deficiency in a pregnant woman, the mobilization of the mineral from the skeleton is safe, but with a prolonged absence of replenishment of the loss, signs of hypocalcemia begin to appear. You can independently determine a mineral deficiency during pregnancy by the following characteristic symptoms:

  • the condition of the nails deteriorates, they begin to peel and become brittle;
  • hair loses its healthy shine, becomes dry, prone to rapid loss, split ends;
  • the skin loses its elasticity, peels, a feeling of severe dryness and tightness of the skin appears;
  • the ability to remember information decreases;
  • rapid tooth decay occurs, caries worsens or forms;
  • inflammation and allergies often develop;
  • a disorder of the nervous system, which first manifests itself as a deterioration in mood, rapid fatigue, then a feeling of numbness in the fingertips and the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is added;
  • in later stages of pregnancy, symptoms may be supplemented by muscle pain, spasms, cramps of the lower extremities (especially the calf muscles);
  • with a prolonged lack of the mineral, heart failure and gestosis develop (late toxicosis developing against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system).

If you ignore the symptoms of hypocalcemia, there is a risk of miscarriage and the risk of developing congenital anomalies in the fetus. With a chronic lack of an important macronutrient, the hemostatic properties of the blood change, its coagulability decreases, which can have an adverse effect during the birth process. The deterioration of immune defense that occurs with hypocalcemia manifests itself in the susceptibility of women during pregnancy to frequent infectious diseases and the development of inflammatory processes.

Diagnosis of hypocalcemia

Self-identified symptoms of calcium deficiency during pregnancy must be confirmed by a qualified specialist. If hypocalcemia is suspected, the doctor prescribes diagnostic measures to determine the content of the macroelement in the biological media of the body. The research methods used in practice are:

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood analysis;
  • analysis of the mineral composition of hair;
  • bone densitometry (determination of bone mineral density).

Diagnosis of hypocalcemia is associated with a number of difficulties, which are due to the characteristics of absorption and distribution of the macroelement in the body. When in a non-ionized state, calcium binds to blood proteins, and low plasma total mineral levels may indicate a decrease in serum proteins rather than a macronutrient deficiency.

Ionized calcium (an active cation circulating in the blood plasma) is more important for the regulation of intracellular processes, so diagnostic measures are more often aimed at determining the amount of this element. Low levels of ionized cation also cannot reliably indicate hypocalcemia due to the high influence of vitamin D levels on this criterion.

In the absence of convincing data indicating a lack of a mineral, additional examinations are carried out. During pregnancy, the analysis of the mineral composition of the hair is used due to its safety. Bone densitometry in pregnant women is performed only if there are serious indications, since this method involves exposure to radiation (X-ray, magnetic, ultrasound) on the patient's body, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

How to take calcium during pregnancy

If, according to the diagnostic results, the assumption is confirmed that it is advisable to introduce additional calcium for pregnant women, the dosage of this element and the method of its use should be accurately calculated. Before starting to saturate the body with a mineral component, you should consult a doctor who bases his recommendations on the duration of pregnancy, the individual characteristics of the patient, the degree of hypocalcemia and the amount of macronutrient consumed with food.

The main sources of the mineral should be food, calcium tablets for pregnant women are indicated in the absence of the ability to fully eat or in violation of the absorption of the macronutrient. If there are no pronounced signs of mineral deficiency, it is recommended to take a course of taking calcium-containing preparations to create reserves that will be useful in the last trimester of pregnancy. Due to the limited ability to assimilate the mineral (500 mg is absorbed at one time), the prescribed daily dose should be divided into several doses.

If there are serious problems with the absorption or saturation of the body with minerals during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe medications to help fill the deficiency. To prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract in patients prone to this, it is necessary to increase fluid intake while taking calcium-containing drugs. The main ways to provide a pregnant woman’s body with an important macronutrient are:

  • products;
  • calcium-containing drugs (single drugs or combination drugs);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • biologically active food additives.

Calcium in foods

To ensure that the body's daily needs for macroelements are met, provided that all systems and the gastrointestinal tract are functioning normally, we can limit ourselves to introducing into the daily diet foods containing large amounts of the required element. Foods rich in calcium during pregnancy should be selected carefully, taking into account the individual reaction of the body and the compatibility of certain nutrients. The main sources of the mineral are:



Milk (fat content 1%)

Kefir (fat content 2.5%)

Hard cheeses

Natural yogurt

Green leafy vegetables



Turnip (turnip)



Fruits, nuts


sunflower seed


Fish, meat

Sardine (with bones)

Boiled fish



Soybean (grain)

What interferes and helps the absorption of calcium from foods

The main mechanism of absorption of the mineral from consumed foods is the transcellular method (through intestinal cells). When the macronutrient content in the diet is low or normal, its absorption is mediated by the action of calcitrol (the active form of vitamin D). If the amount of mineral supplied with food is increased, the paracellular (transcellular) absorption mechanism is activated, in which milk sugar (lactose) plays an important role.

Some products affect the process of assimilation of mineral macroelements, having both a stimulating effect and preventing normal absorption. Animal fats, such as beef and cow's milk fat, due to the palmitic and stearic fatty acids they contain, bind the mineral, forming insoluble soaps. These chemical compounds are excreted unchanged from the body, washing away beneficial minerals and fats, reducing bone mineralization.

Phytic and oxalic acids negatively affect the absorption of the macronutrient, which, when reacting with the mineral, form insoluble salts that slow down the absorption of the substance. In case of hypocalcemia, it is recommended to exclude products containing these acids (sorrel, celery, currants, gooseberries, spinach) from the diet or reduce their consumption to a minimum. Some cereal porridges (rice, oatmeal), tonic drinks (coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks, tea), salt also prevent the entry of active cations into the blood serum.

To ensure the coordinated operation of all mechanisms of mineral absorption, it is necessary to ensure a combination of many conditions. In order for the heart to perform its functions normally, the ratio of calcium ions to potassium ions (1 to 2) must be maintained in the blood plasma, while 1.5 times more phosphorus must be supplied from food, and 2 times less magnesium. In addition, many vitamins, elements, and acids are needed, which can be achieved by following the following rules:

  • regular walks in the fresh air (vitamin D saturation);
  • intake of vitamins A, C, E and all elements of group B;
  • maintaining normal acidity of gastric juice (by consuming foods containing plant acids, sour juices);
  • eating easily digestible carbohydrates and carotene.

Calcium supplements for pregnant women

All medications prescribed for hypocalcemia contain chemical compounds of the main element with other substances that ensure the absorption of the mineral in the body. The following are used as additional additives:

  • gluconic acid (gluconate);
  • lactic acid (lactate);
  • citric acid (citrate);
  • carbonic acid (carbonate);
  • hydrochloric acid (chloride).

In most cases, calcium for pregnant women is prescribed in the form of products based on carbonic acid (carbonates), one of which is Calcium Sandoz Forte. The elemental mineral content in carbonates is 40%, which explains its widespread use for the prevention and treatment of hypocalcemia. The occurrence of side effects after taking drugs of this group is rare, which is an important factor for pregnant women:

  • name: Calcium Sandoz Forte;
  • characteristics: a calcium-containing drug that replenishes the need for a macroelement, is available in the form of effervescent water-soluble tablets containing two salts of the mineral element (lactogluconate and carbonate), which is equivalent to 500 mg of ionized mineral, side effects such as allergies, constipation, nausea, vomiting are rare;
  • indications and contraindications: reception is indicated for violations of metabolic processes in bone tissues, the treatment of osteoporosis, for the prevention of hypocalcemia in pregnant women and during breastfeeding, contraindications include chronic insufficient kidney functionality, phenylketonuria, nephrourolithiasis, children under 3 years of age;
  • method of administration: tablets dissolved in a glass of water are taken orally, regardless of the time of day or meal, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor based on the level of macronutrient deficiency, the daily dose should not exceed 3 tablets;
  • advantages: pleasant taste, good tolerance;
  • disadvantages: high cost.

One of the most famous calcium-containing monopreparations is calcium gluconate. Due to the minimal number of components included in the product, the risk of negative effects on the body is minimized. These tablets have been used in medical practice for a long period, so their effect has been well studied, and their safety has been confirmed by many years of observations:

  • name: Calcium gluconate;
  • characteristics: calcium salt of gluconic acid, being the main active ingredient, has a rapid effect of saturating the body with the necessary element, reaching a maximum concentration in plasma 2-2.5 hours after administration; rare side effects of the tablets include nausea, thirst, allergic reactions;
  • indications and contraindications: use is indicated during times of increased body need for essential macroelements (child growth period, pregnancy, breastfeeding), in case of metabolic disorders associated with diseases such as hypoparathyroidism, hyperphosphatemia, spasmophilia, contraindications include hypercalciuria, severe renal failure, sarcoidosis, hemostasis disorders;
  • method of administration: tablets are taken orally whole or in crushed form 2-3 times a day, it is recommended to use the drug before meals, a single dosage ranges from 2 to 6 tablets;
  • advantages: safety, affordable price;
  • disadvantages: inconvenient release form, requires taking a large number of tablets daily (up to 18 pcs.)


In addition to the main mineral, multicomponent calcium-containing complexes may include vitamins of different groups, minerals (iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, zinc, etc.) and acids that help improve the absorption of micro- and macroelements. The most popular complex drugs prescribed for hypocalcemia are:

  • Calcium-D3 Nycomed and Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte (additional component cholecalciferol, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);
  • Calcemin (contains cholecalciferol, zinc, copper, manganese, boron);
  • Calcemin Advance (complex includes vitamin D3, magnesium and copper oxide, manganese, boron);
  • Calcium Active (contains complexone, amaranth leaf extract, vitamin D3, phosphorus);
  • Complivit (a complex containing 11 vitamins, 8 minerals, and lipoic acid);
  • Elevit Pronatal (8 vitamins, 9 minerals, folic acid).

The regulator of phosphorus-calcium metabolism of the German pharmaceutical company Bayer AG is represented by the drug Kalcemin. According to reviews, this remedy is highly effective in the treatment of hypocalcemia of various origins. The medicine is available in several forms (Advance, Active, Silver, Citra), the action of which is aimed at solving specific problems that provoke calcium metabolism disorders:

  • name: Calcemin;
  • characteristics: a combined calcium-containing product, in addition to the main macroelement, the composition includes vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), zinc, copper, manganese boron, vitamin D3 helps improve mineral absorption, assimilation of phosphates and magnesium, other elements catalyze the metabolism of bone and cartilage tissue, side effects are often dyspeptic disorders, gastrointestinal pain, allergic rashes are recorded;
  • indications and contraindications: indications for taking Calcemin are calcium metabolism disorders due to changes in hormonal levels in pregnant women, peri- and postmenopausal periods, contraindications are hypervitaminosis D, allergic reaction, hypercalciuria, renal dysfunction;
  • method of administration: tablets are taken orally along with meals, the recommended dosage for pregnant women is 2-3 tablets per day, divided into 2-3 doses, the duration of the course of treatment or prevention is determined according to the doctor’s indications;
  • advantages: complex action, multicomponent composition;
  • Disadvantages: Careful dosage control is required due to the risk of dangerous side effects if the dose is exceeded.

During pregnancy, the drug based on the natural component Calcid should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in the dosage recommended by him. The effect of the active substance of the calcium-containing product is enhanced by a complex of vitamins and mineral components. According to the information stated by the manufacturer of the dietary supplement in the instructions for use, Calcide, in addition to replenishing mineral deficiencies, helps normalize blood pressure, reduce the load on the heart and strengthen the immune system:

  • name: Calcid;
  • characteristics: complex dietary supplement based on natural eggshells, contains vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, D, has a positive effect on the processes of mineralization of bone tissue and the hematopoietic system, negative conditions that arise while taking Calcid include indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence, allergies;
  • indications and contraindications: the use of the supplement is indicated for poor nutrition to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, during periods during which there is a deficiency of minerals (intense growth, pregnancy, lactation, post-traumatic conditions), a contraindication for use is intolerance to the constituent components;
  • Method of administration: tablets are taken orally before or during meals, 3 tablets. per day, course duration is 20-30 days;
  • advantages: multivitamin composition;
  • disadvantages: insufficient knowledge of the mechanism of action.

Which calcium tablets to choose

The issue of hypocalcemia is very acute, and a large number of manufacturers of pharmaceutical products are addressing this problem, which explains the variety of calcium-containing products offered on the market. When choosing a tablet form of drugs to compensate for macronutrient deficiencies during pregnancy, you should give preference to the following types:

  • monopreparations containing from 200 to 500 mg of active substance in 1 tablet (Calcium Sandoz, Vitacalcin, etc.);
  • combined products, one tablet of which contains at least 400 mg of active substance (Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Calcium Active, etc.).

Calcium Active during pregnancy is prescribed not only to saturate the expectant mother’s body with the necessary macronutrients, but also to improve its absorption. The dietary supplements included in this drug (complex, vitamin D3) promote the absorption of nutrients and accelerate calcium metabolism. Products containing carbonate salts may cause side effects (flatulence, bloating, diarrhea), unlike drugs containing citrates.

Precautionary measures

Calcium-containing drugs, like other medications, have a number of restrictions on their use. Comprehensive information about contraindications and possible side effects is contained in the instructions for the tablets. In addition to warnings about the negative consequences for the body in the case of taking a contraindicated agent, the result of the interaction of drugs with other drugs should be taken into account, if there is a need for their use.

Taking tablets or other dosage forms is permissible only if there are medical indications, and the dosage should be agreed with the doctor. Calcium-containing drugs are contraindicated for use, mainly in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the constituent components;
  • milk-alkaline syndrome (Burnet's disease, which occurs when there is a violation of the regulation of the absorption of macronutrients);
  • the presence of malignant tumors and neoplasms of unknown etiology;
  • digestive disorders, chronic diarrhea or constipation;
  • vascular diseases (atherosclerosis);
  • dysfunctional kidney disorders.

Long-term use of tablets or powders containing macronutrients during pregnancy is not recommended, should be limited to 1 month of continuous use of drugs. An excess of a mineral substance (hypercalcemia), as well as its deficiency, entail negative consequences for the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, therefore, to control the effectiveness of the treatment of hypocalcemia, it is necessary to regularly diagnose the content of the macroelement in the blood.


During pregnancy, the expectant mother takes many tests and undergoes regular examinations to make sure that she and the baby are healthy. One of the most common studies is the analysis of calcium during pregnancy, as it plays an important role in the development and formation of the fetus. What is the norm of the element for expectant mothers? The article will tell.

Calcium in the blood: normal during pregnancy

A woman expecting a child must eat properly so that she and the baby do not suffer from a lack of useful elements. Many people recommend taking additional vitamins, but this is not always advisable, because any supplements are prescribed based on tests.

Pregnant women are often concerned about the correct calcium (Ca) levels. The normal level of the element in the blood is from 2.15 to 2.5 mmol/l. A lack or excess of calcium indicates that it is urgently necessary to bring its level back to normal.

Why is calcium so necessary for pregnant women? The microelement is involved in the formation of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system and all bones. In addition, calcium is necessary for the development of the brain and intelligence of the fetus.

The microelement also affects:

  • transmission of nerve impulses;
  • the work of the heart muscle;
  • blood clotting;
  • development of the pituitary gland;
  • formation of the endocrine system;
  • work of the pancreas.

The expectant mother needs to receive about 1200 mg of calcium per day: this is the dose that will ensure the normal development of the fetus.

It is important to consume calcium not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation.

For normal development, a child needs 13 mg of calcium per hour. During the period of stay in the mother's womb, the baby accumulates about 25 g of the microelement - this is the amount that prevents various diseases, including rickets.

In addition, calcium is necessary for normal blood pressure of the mother, as well as to avoid the threat of miscarriage during pregnancy and bleeding during labor.

Signs of calcium deficiency in the body during pregnancy

A pregnant woman's body works twice as hard as usual, because it experiences additional stress. Therefore, any ailment may indicate that the expectant mother needs to more closely monitor her diet and lifestyle.

How to find out about a lack of calcium in a pregnant woman’s body? This element accumulates in teeth and bones, and is also found in small doses in blood plasma.

If a child does not receive enough calcium through food, he begins to use the mother's internal reserves. This is why pregnant women often suffer from dental problems: the enamel becomes overly sensitive, caries quickly appears and spreads.

Expectant mothers also complain of pain in the legs, back, and pelvic area. In 90% of cases, these ailments occur due to a lack of calcium.

The following signs of element deficiency also appear:

  • frequent cramps (especially in the legs);
  • increased fatigue;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • brittleness and fragility of nails;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • sleep disorder;
  • excessive emotionality, tearfulness;
  • constant feeling of freezing;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • gum bleeding.

Of course, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on these symptoms, since they occur not only when there is a lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman. However, if you notice something similar in yourself, we recommend that you immediately take a detailed biochemical blood test.

Remember that calcium deficiency may not appear for quite a long time, so do not neglect regular tests.

How to replenish calcium in the body during pregnancy

So, the analysis showed that there is not enough calcium in the body. What to do in this case? Take pills or try to make up for the deficiency with food?

Of course, only a doctor can answer this question. But it is still better to give preference to natural foods, since calcium supplements sometimes provoke its excess.

If we talk about foods containing calcium, cottage cheese immediately comes to mind. Indeed, 100 g of fermented milk delicacy contains about 160 mg of Ca. However, the leader in the amount of calcium is not cottage cheese, but sesame: in 100 g you will find about 970 mg of Ca. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, be sure to treat yourself to healthy seeds.

Calcium is found in many foods, but is not always well absorbed by the body. For example, beets and strawberries contain acid, which slows down the processing of the microelement and provokes its leaching.

Calcium is well and easily absorbed for pregnant women in foods:

  • nuts (especially a lot of almonds);
  • maque;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • hard cheese;
  • soy cheese tofu;
  • dark chocolate;
  • fatty varieties of red fish;
  • spinach;
  • white beans.

Expectant mothers should remember the list of these products and introduce them into their regular diet.

In order for calcium to be absorbed, it needs vitamin D3. That is why it is important not only to consume foods, but also to regularly take sunbathing (without fanaticism - 20 minutes a day is enough).

Remember that it is necessary to observe moderation in everything. Only 500 mg of calcium is absorbed per meal or tablet, so do not try to get the daily requirement at once. Also, an excess of microelements makes childbirth difficult - the baby’s fontanel grows together, and he cannot pass through the birth canal on his own.

Regular consumption of calcium in foods will help you always feel good and ensure the proper development of your baby. Get tested, eat frequently and properly, and listen to your doctor’s advice - then your pregnancy will be easy and without complications.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body works with redoubled force, as it actively builds the cells of the baby’s body. No less actively it consumes vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation and growth of the skeleton, tissues and organs. One of the most important minerals that are actively consumed during pregnancy is calcium. This substance is necessary for the full formation and growth of the skeleton, muscle development, the formation of neuromuscular conduction, blood clotting and the functioning of the kidneys and heart. Calcium requirements during pregnancy increase several times compared to the normal state.

Calcium standards during pregnancy

The level of calcium intake during pregnancy increases significantly; on average, a pregnant woman needs from 1000 to 1500 mg of calcium per day. Consumption rates increase from month to month. In the first trimester, the fetus spends 2-3 mg per day on growth and development, in the second trimester 100-200 mg, and in the third, especially in the last month, 250-300 mg of calcium can be consumed. The presence of calcium is no less important for the woman herself - the strength of the skeleton, the integrity of the teeth, nails and hair depend on it. During pregnancy, calcium absorption from the intestines increases, but quite a lot of it is also lost in the urine. Therefore, it is important to ensure sufficient daily intake.
Often, the entire amount of calcium needed by a pregnant woman cannot be covered by nutrition, therefore, either enhanced calcium nutrition or additional calcium supplements with or without vitamin D are used.

Signs of calcium deficiency, indications for taking calcium

There are a number of specific symptoms that will indicate calcium deficiency during pregnancy. This is first of all:
- spasms of the calf muscles, recurring day after day, especially during sleep and at rest,
- feeling of crawling sensations in the fingers or toes, cramping of the fingers,
- brittleness of nails, their delamination, cracking,
- dry and brittle hair, thinning hair,
- dry and flaky skin even when using moisturizers,
- tooth decay, caries, rapidly progressing during pregnancy,
- pain in bones, joints, fatigue,
- frequent bruising on the skin.

Natural blondes, women who smoked before and during pregnancy, those who eat a lot of starchy foods and sweets, drink a lot of coffee or cocoa, and carbonated drinks are prone to calcium deficiency. Calcium is less easily absorbed with a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, dieting, preeclampsia and somatic diseases, pregnancy with the same age, and multiple pregnancies.

With calcium deficiency, intrauterine development of the fetus may be delayed and the ossification of its bones may be impaired, which is noticeable on ultrasound. If at least some of the described symptoms appear, or if there is a high risk of calcium deficiency, it is necessary to use calcium supplements and consume calcium-containing foods.

Taking calcium supplements

There are a lot of calcium preparations in pharmacies, but not all of them are equally well absorbed by the pregnant woman’s body. Calcium gluconate tablets contain the least useful calcium, but they are the most inexpensive of all. More useful and easily digestible are calcium lactate and calcium carbonate. All calcium preparations are divided into single preparations, only with calcium salts (lactate, gluconate or calcium carbonate in tablets), combined preparations - usually calcium preparations with vitamin D, which enhances the absorption of calcium. Sometimes vitamin C, microelements boron, magnesium or zinc are also added to these preparations. The third group of drugs includes multivitamin preparations, which contain any calcium salts.

The most widely used drugs among all calcium products today are considered to be “Calcium-D3-Nycomed”; it is often even given out by prescription at antenatal clinics in pharmacies for free to pregnant women. This drug contains calcium carbonate in a dosage of 1250 mg, in terms of pure calcium it is 500 mg, and also contains 200 IU of vitamin D. The drug belongs to the group of combined drugs, and this drug has shown its high effectiveness in the prevention of calcium deficiency and treatment of disorders in phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Taking this drug in combination with a good diet covers the daily requirement of calcium, prevents the loss of calcium from the bones, and during pregnancy helps to actively eliminate the symptoms of calcium metabolism disorders. For preventive purposes, the drug is prescribed once a day, one tablet, for therapeutic purposes, two tablets are used per day. The drug has virtually no side effects.

In general, the combination of calcium with vitamin D has a beneficial effect on the pregnant woman and the fetus when taking medications in the last trimester. Due to this combination, calcium is actively absorbed by the mother and fetus, which also helps prevent early rickets in children after birth. Multivitamin and mineral preparations will also be effective; they contain at least 200 mg of calcium. These are the drugs "Elevit", "Vitrum prenatal" with calcium, "Materna" and others. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but for the purpose of prevention they can be used in all pregnant women, in the absence of proper contraindications.

What else is needed?

Undoubtedly, the main source of calcium for any woman, especially a pregnant woman, is food. However, not all food products are rich in calcium, and in addition, substances such as zinc and magnesium, copper and manganese, partly boron and some vitamins affect the absorption and assimilation of calcium. The main sources of calcium in the diet of pregnant women are natural healthy foods - milk and any dairy products, including cheese, butter, nuts, and vegetables. However, in pursuit of calcium, we must not forget about the variety of foods - just cottage cheese and nuts are not the most suitable food for pregnant women. There is a lot of calcium in broccoli and in general in any cabbage, greens and green vegetables. However, in those vegetables that contain a lot of oxalic acid, calcium is poorly absorbed - beets, spinach and sorrel make calcium absorption difficult.

If there is no need for increased calcium intake, there is no chronic pathology of the digestive tract and the problems that we talked about earlier, you can increase your calcium intake. This will be enough for your increasing needs and well-being. You can add about 200 g of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir and a glass of milk to your daily diet (you can cook porridge with it), and 50 g of cheese per sandwich. This is quite enough for the daily requirement. And if you add nuts, fish, salads or cabbage dishes, berries and raisins, the diet will be quite rich in calcium, almost the daily requirement. If you consume up to three to four dairy products per day, you can increase the amount of daily calcium you receive to 1000-1500 mg.

In addition, it is worth remembering that calcium “loves” fresh air and sunlight; with regular walks with active movements and exposure to the sun’s rays, calcium is absorbed much more fully and actively. Firstly, when exposed to sunlight, the skin produces an additional portion of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium, and secondly, calcium is more actively absorbed by actively working body muscles and skeletal bones that receive stress. The duration of walks should not be less than 45 minutes per day. If you walk very little, do not get the necessary physical activity, drink a lot of tea or coffee, do not tolerate dairy products well, or even smoke during pregnancy, if your pregnancy mostly occurs in the autumn-winter period, you should take additional calcium supplements.

Suction problems

Even though you may eat plenty of foods containing calcium, not enough is absorbed from the intestines, which can cause calcium deficiency in the body. Some foods can significantly slow down the absorption of calcium from food. Such products include cereals, currants and sorrel, spinach and gooseberries. These products contain phytins and oxalic acid, which bind calcium into insoluble compounds. Caffeine and products containing it - coffee, tea, Coca-Cola - also create a problem with the absorption of calcium, so during pregnancy you should drink them very limitedly, and not drink Coca-Cola at all.

There are a number of diseases that lead to impaired absorption of calcium - these are problems of the digestive tract with peptic ulcers, colitis, enteritis, as well as liver inflammation. Problems also arise with calcium metabolism in diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and bronchial asthma, especially if glucocorticoid drugs are required. In such cases, taking calcium supplements should be discussed with your doctor, and he will prescribe additional medications for you.

The body of a pregnant woman performs a super task - it works to create a new person, and therefore needs an increased dose of vitamins, microelements, minerals and other useful substances. One of these elements is calcium. He is responsible for skeletal formation, nervous system, development of the child’s internal organs. Calcium during pregnancy, which enters the mother's body in sufficient quantities, reduces the risk of miscarriage, severe bleeding during childbirth, and increased blood pressure.

How to understand that the body does not have enough calcium

Calcium deficiency must be diagnosed by a doctor. But you are most likely at risk if:

  • You are excessively thin
  • Do you suffer from lack of appetite?
  • Don't sleep well
  • Smoke
  • Are you experiencing joint pain?
  • You notice a deterioration in the condition of your hair, nails and teeth

A pregnant woman needs to eliminate calcium deficiency, because the deficiency will have a detrimental effect on both her and the condition of the fetus.

Calcium during pregnancy - daily requirement

Our body contains two types of calcium: ionized (free) and bound to proteins. It is considered normal if the share of ionized calcium in the blood is at least 45%. For a doctor, the proportion of free calcium is an informative indicator. With the help of which you can identify a number of diseases, confirm or refute a previously made diagnosis.

The average daily calcium requirement for an adult is 1000 mg. Calcium during pregnancy and breastfeeding is consumed by the body more actively, and the dose increases to 1300 – 1500 mg.

Calcium during pregnancy is especially necessary in the second trimester. Approximately at 20 weeks active formation of fetal bones begins. The norm of calcium per day during this period is 1500 mg. At the end of the third trimester, calcium intake should be reduced to prevent excessive ossification of the fetal skull bones, which impairs the adaptation of the head to passage through the birth canal.

If we translate these obscure milligrams into ordinary products, we get the following ratio:

  • 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese contains 300 mg of calcium; for the daily requirement you need to eat 400-450 grams
  • glass of milk - 300 mg, 1 liter per day
  • 30 g of hard cheese - 250 mg, 150 grams.

We will not say that it is impossible to eat so much in a day, but for this you need to really love dairy products. And you will have to eat this way not just once, but day after day throughout your pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

It is also important to understand that it is not enough to simply eat foods rich in calcium, you need it to be absorbed by the body.

Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium (produced as a result of sun exposure to the skin), but sunbathing during pregnancy is not very useful, and we don’t have many sunny days, especially in winter.

The table below shows the calcium content of various foods.

Products Calcium content in mg per 100 g
Salad 83
Cabbage 60
Celery 240
Onion 60
Beans 40
Olives 77
Rye bread 60
Wheat bread 30
Fruits and nuts
Orange 35
Dried apples 45
Figs 57
Dried apricots 170
Raisin 56
Almond 254
Peanut 70
Sesame 1150
Pumpkin seeds 60
Sunflower seeds 100
Fish and meat
Dried fish with bones 3000
Canned sardines with bones 350
Boiled fish 20-30
Beef 20-30

A little about the structure of bones

We all know that calcium is necessary for the formation of a strong skeleton. But you need calcium mounting base like a spool of thread. This role is played by collagen- a very strong protein that forms the basis of many body tissues, including tendons, cartilage, and skin.

Collagen synthesis is impossible without osteotropic minerals: zinc, copper, manganese, boron. Why this chemistry lesson, you ask? It's simple! For the formation of healthy bones calcium alone is not enough, it is necessary to take in a number of other elements.

The entire necessary complex contains the drug Kalcemin. It contains minerals involved in collagen synthesis, calcium and vitamin D3.

Calcium is important during pregnancy and the body will signal its deficiency. If a woman hears herself, then the desire to eat cheese, cottage cheese, and sometimes chalk should lead to taking calcium-containing medications!

Calcium and breastfeeding

The expectant mother knows how important it is to watch her diet and take vitamins. But how often does a woman returning from the maternity hospital completely concentrate on the child, and take care of herself on a residual basis.

You can't forget about yourself! At least out of a desire to maintain health!

Studies show that in the first six months of lactation, a nursing mother loses 5% of calcium from bone tissue. Lactation accelerates bone metabolism. If during this period a woman does not receive calcium in the amount she needs, her bones will become fragile. The risk of getting a fracture, even with a minor fall, will increase significantly. But this is already an extreme stage. First, your nails will begin to break and peel, and your hair will become dull. Joint pain, tooth decay and cramps will occur. If you notice similar symptoms in yourself, take action!

The daily intake of calcium during breastfeeding should be 1500 mg. It is important for a nursing mother to observe the principle of reasonable balance and not exceed the recommended dosage of calcium. Excessive consumption leads to hypercalcemia. Its symptoms: excessive fatigue, drowsiness, depression, sometimes hypercalcemia can cause hypertension and arrhythmia.

It is reasonable to adjust the diet and take calcium supplements during breastfeeding under the supervision of a doctor.

The main amount of calcium in our body is concentrated in bones and teeth. If a pregnant woman does not receive enough of this element, then the calcium necessary for the development of the child will be washed out from the body's main storage areas. This way, your baby will get calcium from the health of your bones and teeth. This can lead to serious problems such as tooth decay during pregnancy and osteoporosis (not enough calcium in the bones).

How much calcium does a pregnant woman need?

A pregnant woman needs to receive from 1000 to 1300 mg of calcium per day (daily dose).

What foods contain calcium?

Calcium is found in large quantities in dairy products, spinach, broccoli, and canned fish. A cup of milk, for example, contains 290-320 mg of calcium, cottage cheese contains 95 mg of calcium (per 100 g), kefir - 267 mg (per 100 g), hard cheese - up to 370 mg (per 50 g), in ice cream - 100 mg (in 125 ml), in cabbage - 210 mg (in 100 g), in canned Atlantic sardines - 286 mg (in 75 g).

What should you eat to maintain your calcium levels?

To ensure that calcium reserves do not deplete, you need to eat (drink) the following foods 3-4 times a day:

  • Milk (250ml)
  • Chicken egg
  • Serving of yogurt (125 ml)
  • Pasteurized cheese (40 g)
  • White beans (approx. 125 ml serving)
  • Salmon, salmon (serving approximately 85 g)

You can also include other calcium-rich foods in your diet.

What is needed for calcium to be absorbed from food?

Absorption of calcium in the intestines and its use in the body is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D is also called the “sunshine vitamin”, since it is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. In order to maintain a normal level of this vitamin, it is enough to walk in sunny weather for 15-30 minutes a day.

Your body will not be able to absorb more than 500 mg of calcium in one meal. You should not try to get your entire daily dose of calcium at one time. Eat foods containing calcium in small portions several times a day.

Do I need to take extra calcium?

No, as long as you get enough calcium from your diet and you don't have calcium deficiency symptoms. Taking calcium “just in case” is not the best option, since an overdose can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of kidney stones.

Yes, if you don't get enough calcium from your diet (for example, if you have a dairy intolerance), a blood test shows low calcium levels, or your doctor finds symptoms of calcium deficiency in your body.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body during pregnancy

  • Back and neck pain
  • Muscle spasms, cramps
  • Numbness of hands or feet
  • Tooth decay
  • Palpitations
  • Severe weakness

Calcium levels in the blood during pregnancy

A calcium blood test can tell you whether you need extra calcium supplements.

Normally, the level of calcium in the blood of pregnant women is from 2.15 to 2.5 mmol/l. If the calcium level is less than 2.15 mmol/l, then the pregnant woman needs to start taking calcium supplements.

What preparations containing calcium can pregnant women take?

Calcium can be available in three forms: calcium carbonate (Calcium D3 Nycomed, Complivit calcium D3), calcium citrate (Kalcemin) or calcium gluconate. It is believed that calcium citrate is absorbed better and faster by the body than calcium carbonate. Some calcium supplements contain vitamin D, which helps calcium be absorbed better.

Attention: The dosage and duration of taking calcium supplements is determined by the attending physician.
  • Calcium gluconate - can be prescribed by a doctor during pregnancy if there is a deficiency of calcium in the body. Available in the form of tablets (500 mg) or injections.
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed – contains calcium carbonate and vitamin D3, which promotes good absorption of calcium. One tablet of the drug provides the body with 500 mg of calcium, so the medicine is usually prescribed one tablet 2 or 3 times a day with meals.
  • Complivit calcium D3 – also contains calcium carbonate and vitamin D3. One tablet is prescribed with meals several times a day.
  • Calcemin - contains calcium citrate, as well as vitamin D3, copper, zinc, manganese and boron. One tablet contains 250 mg of calcium.
  • Calcium active - one tablet contains only 50 mg of calcium and vitamin D3. To get a sufficient amount of the element, you need to drink Calcium active 2-3 tablets several times a day.
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