How to make an electric fireplace with your own hands. Do-it-yourself portals for electric fireplaces with a step-by-step guide, instructions. How a real wood burning fireplace works

In a real fireplace, a portal is needed to protect adjacent walls from the heat of the fire and burning wood or coals. Modern houses and apartments are heated with electric fireplaces, as they do not require special care and consumption of real fuel materials. Do-it-yourself portal for an electric fireplace is made for decoration. This design should repeat the relief of natural materials - stone, marble or brick.

portal design

The portal has the form of a frame that forms the main part of the fireplace. It should be a stable design that will harmoniously fit the electric fireplace into the interior of the room and serve as a shelf for photographs and flower vases. An interesting solution - framing the hearth in the form of a continuation of the furniture(racks, cabinets or plasterboard niches). The portal must support the weight of the built-in fireplace.

By type of construction, the frames are divided into stationary and mobile. Fixed portals can be made from any material, while movable portals must be strong and stable. The dimensions of this structure are small, the mobile structure must be deep and wide, have a center of gravity in the lower part. Thanks to this, the portal will not fall if careless handling. For a wide shelf, you need to screw a special corner to the wall above the fireplace.

Style and materials

Ordinary fireplaces are built from natural stones. But this is a heavy material, it is not easy to process and give it a suitable shape. Therefore, to create an electric fireplace with your own hands, choose wood, drywall or plywood. The portal is tinted, varnished or painted, pasted over with a decorative film.

The hearth, which will only play the role of decorating the room, can be placed in a foam, plasterboard frame. If an electric fireplace will heat the room, then the selected material must be resistant to high temperatures. It is better to cover the portal with plaster, tiles or heat-resistant mineral film.

Before designing, you need to purchase the electric fireplace itself. The size and style of the portal design depend on it. . The most popular styles of electric fireplaces:

  • Victorian;
  • country;
  • classical;
  • Romanesque;
  • urban.

In the premises of the Victorian era, a massive hearth, framed by expensive wood, dark polished stone slabs, gilded moldings and carvings, will harmoniously look. For country-style rooms, portals made of light wood, decorated with small stones or decorative brickwork, are suitable.

The classic version implies the presence of small columns, restrained stucco on a plastered surface, marble finishes. Bulky stone structures with wide shelves made of dark wood are suitable for lovers of the Romanesque style. A modern urban portal is made of glass or painted metal, its shape is very simple, there are practically no decorations.

The shape of the frame of the electric fireplace depends on the room. Usually a rectangular structure is made and placed against a plain wall. For the portal, a base must be installed - a stone or brick pedestal. Its width should exceed the frame by at least 30 cm, the owners adjust the height on their own.

The use of drywall

Drywall portals are reliable. The basis is metal frames, they are sheathed with plasterboard sheets. A little material is needed, but only a green moisture-resistant option is chosen. The portal is covered with plaster or lined with small tiles . For work it is necessary to prepare:

At the beginning of work, drawings are made, calculations are made of the dimensions of the pedestal, the portal itself and the upper shelf. On the floor and wall, they mark the location of the future hearth, cut a metal profile for the frame. Fix the pieces of the base on the floor and wall, install vertical strips of metal.

The dimensions of the frame are transferred to drywall sheets, the details are cut out. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, the corners are glued with sickle. The seams need to be puttied, the structure is finished with the selected material. Then a countertop is placed on top and an electric fireplace is connected. The portal can be covered with a layer of plaster and painted with white paint. A wooden light shelf will complement the country-style building. If you need to cover the fireplace with tiles, then it is pre-primed and the material is fixed on liquid nails.

Wood and plywood

You can also make an electric fireplace from plywood with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for working with this material are almost the same as creating a plasterboard portal. Wooden and plywood sheets are strong, thick, so they can withstand not only the weight of the fireplace itself, but also equipment - a TV or a music center.

You need to prepare the following tools:

In a free room, a frame is assembled from bars, sheathed with plywood blanks. Details from the material are cut out with a jigsaw, screwed to the base with self-tapping screws. Then the hearth is leveled with sandpaper, varnished or painted in several layers. And also it can be decorated with baguettes, details from rounded timber.

Heat generator installation

The constructed hearth does not have a chimney, so an electric convector is used to heat the room. It is inserted into the recess of the front side of the portal, the cord is led out along the plinth to the outlet. Then they mask the generator with a fireplace grate, closing the hole in the portal with it.

At the end of the design, grates for the fireplace must be laid on the base. They can be replaced with rebar rods. They are placed at a distance of 2 cm from each other parallel to the front of the structure. On the pedestal, you can pre-cut grooves for laying iron rods.

Instead of a convector, infrared heaters are sometimes used; they are mounted on the walls even before the portal frame is assembled. Indoors, heat will spread to a distance of 1-1.5 m from the fireplace. Heaters provide an opportunity to save on electricity bills.

Imitation coals

You can decorate an electric fireplace with decorative glowing coals. To prepare them you will need:

  • plastic bags;
  • mounting foam;
  • LED garland;
  • red, brown and black paint.

The bags are filled with foam and crushed as it solidifies. Then the mass is pulled out by cutting the polyethylene. The inner part is taken out of each part, sections with green and blue lamps are separated from the garland. Several red or yellow diodes are put into each empty coal, fixed with tape. All parts are assembled into one mass, fastened together with foam. Then the coals are covered with paint, applying black color to the side and bottom faces. The design is placed on the grate, the garland is connected to the network. The flickering effect creates an imitation of smoldering coals.

Creating a portal for an electric fireplace with your own hands will reduce the cost of home repairs. When designing the structure, simple materials are used, and all drawings and calculations can be done independently. The hearth is decorated with artificial coals and a real fireplace grate.

Over the centuries of its existence, the fireplace has turned from required attribute home (used for heating, cooking) into a beautiful decorative item. There are no problems with installing a fireplace in private houses, but if you are a resident of a high-rise building, then certain difficulties and disappointments await you.

You can install a real wood-burning fireplace, but only in apartments that are located on the top floor of the house. This will require a permit issued by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, because:

Therefore, two permits will be required at once - one for each type of work.

Note! Paper wire problems do not end there. The fact is that according to SNiP, the load on the ceiling in city apartments should not exceed 150 kg / m². For your information: the weight of a fireplace with a firebox and a chimney can reach 500 kg.

Therefore, it is better to equip in an apartment (and residents of non-top floors have no other option). Do not be afraid of the word "electric", because in the process of work, you only have to make a frame and a pedestal.

Advantages of electric fireplaces

Not everyone can afford a stone or brick fireplace, we have already found out. And the point here is not only the complexity of installation or design, but also the price - a full-fledged fireplace will cost about 180 thousand rubles. Moreover, an additional ventilation system will be required.

Electric models do not have such disadvantages. The main thing is compliance with the operating rules (regular checking of electrical wiring, installation of a stabilizer, etc.). Other benefits include:

  • low cost (when compared with traditional options);
  • ease of use;
  • aesthetics, attractive appearance;
  • the possibility of installation in any room, without additional communications and redevelopment;
  • security.

With regards to the firebox itself, it must be bought at the store. But first things first.

Stage 1. Choosing a place for installation

Electric fireplace - the best option for a city apartment

Everything is quite simple here: any wall you like will do, preferably in the living room.

Note! You should not plan the construction of a large structure in a small apartment. The fireplace must match the area.

Stage 2. Purchase of an electric fireplace

Having decided on the place, you can go to the store for the firebox. Such devices cost an average of 25-30 thousand rubles, but you should focus not only on the price, but also on the size of a particular model.

In an apartment where literally every centimeter of free space is expensive, it is better to install oversized and shallow fireplaces. The most compact models have a depth of 7 cm. Among the manufacturers, it is worth highlighting the German company Hark, British Burley and Irish Berry.

Video - Electric fireplaces for an apartment

Find out how to do it with step-by-step installation and finishing instructions in our new article.

Stage 3. Erection of the pedestal

The construction of the fireplace begins with the manufacture of a pedestal for the portal. It is advisable to use for this a piece of countertop, cut in accordance with the dimensions of the device.

Note! The portal is a frontal part of a fireplace with decorative facing. In other words, it's what gets noticed first.

It is recommended to use an MDF top with a laminated protective coating. This material is immune to moisture and high temperatures. The modern color range is quite wide, which allows you to choose a countertop for every taste. In a word, no difficulties should arise at this stage.

If you plan to install a wall-mounted fireplace, then a rectangular tabletop is cut out (for this, an electric jigsaw is used), and if it is angular, then it is pentagonal.

Note! The area of ​​the pedestal must necessarily exceed the area of ​​the fireplace itself.

The pedestal must be raised by setting it on a slight elevation. Such an elevation can be a frame made of a metal profile 5x5 cm or 5x4 cm. At the end, the pedestal is closed with a plastic plinth, the color is similar to the color of the countertop.

Stage 4. Making a frame for framing a fireplace

An electric fireplace is easiest to make from drywall sheets. This material is easy to install, resistant to temperature changes. In addition, it is most suitable in terms of environmental friendliness.

First, the frame of the portal is constructed. To work, you will need the following materials:

Note! The term "bugs" means short white self-tapping screws with a large head and used for fixing a metal profile.

You will also need equipment such as:

  • metal scissors;
  • mounting level;
  • marker;
  • stationery knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver

Now you can start installation. A wall-mounted fireplace is more common, so the technology of its manufacture is being considered.

Step 1. First, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall that will be in contact with the structure is covered with refractory material. Asbestos sheet can be used as such material.

Note! A level check is mandatory, since it is unlikely that a curved electric fireplace can be considered a good result.

Step 3. Guides from a 5x4 cm profile are attached according to the markings drawn up at the previous stage. The result should be a symmetrical parallelepiped. Self-tapping screws and dowels are used for fastening.

Step 4. All elements of the future frame are connected with the help of "bugs", after which the structure is strengthened, since it has to withstand a considerable load. In particular, this applies to the lower part, where the electric firebox will be installed. For reinforcement, a 5x5 cm profile is used - it is inserted across the structure in increments of 30 cm.

Step 5. The inner part is formed, intended for the firebox. To determine the dimensions of this part, the dimensions of the device itself are measured, and the width of the refractory tile (or any other heat-resistant material) is added to the figure obtained.

Stage 5. Making the frame for the chimney

To install this element, a metal profile of 10x4 cm and 10x5 cm is used. No complicated design, like for a portal, is required here - fastening one side to the wall is enough.

Step 1. Holes for self-tapping screws are made in a 10x5 cm profile. Profiles are applied to the markings on the wall, marks are made for dowels.

Step 2. Holes for plugs are made. A hammer is used to hammer plugs into the wall. After that, with the help of self-tapping screws, the profile itself is attached.

Note! The resulting structure will be fragile, so it also needs to be reinforced with a 10x5 cm profile installed in 50 cm increments.

Step 3. The frame is brought to the very ceiling - it will be more aesthetically pleasing, and the fake chimney will be extremely similar to the real one.

Stage 6. Wiring communications

The next step in creating an electric fireplace is the wiring of cables to the location of the structure. It is recommended to use cables with "self-extinguishing" insulation with a cross section of 2.5x2 for this. In the portal itself, the cable is laid in a metal "sleeve".

Note! If there is grounding in the apartment, a three-core cable should be used. Then the fireplace will require a ceramic socket with grounding.

When installing the socket, it is advisable to connect it also - in this case, it will not be necessary to remove it every time you need to turn off the device. In other words, it will be possible to turn on / off using the switch.

Stage 7. Drywall sheathing

After wiring the cable, it is necessary to sheathe the frame with drywall.

Step 1. Using a clerical knife, the material of the appropriate size.

Step 2 Sheets are attached to the profile with a screwdriver. For this, self-tapping screws are used - “seed and” (black, intended for metal) 2.5x0.3 cm in size.

Step 3. The joints between the sheets of drywall are puttied with sealant.

Step 4. By itself, this material is quite fragile, so all corners of the electric fireplace are reinforced with galvanized steel corners (necessarily perforated).

Step 5. Everything is primed and puttied.

Step 6. A preliminary fitting of the electric furnace in the finished frame is carried out. Opposite the ventilation lugs located in the device case, holes are made in drywall. If this is not done, the firebox will overheat during operation.

Stage 8. Decorating the electric fireplace

There are several options, so everyone can choose what they like the most. Below are the possible finishing materials.

  1. WD paint . You can use either a roller or a brush to apply it.
  2. For application textured plastera spatula is required.
  3. Fake diamondput on "liquid nails" or special glue.

Learn how to make, and also check out the types of fireplace finishes with a step-by-step photo report from our new article.

As you can see, installfireplace in the apartment with your own hands, let it be just an imitation. This will require a minimum set of tools and materials, desire and half a day of free time.

Video - Do-it-yourself installation of an electric fireplace

Electric fireplaces are a great solution for decorating the interior of a room. This is a stylish, fashionable solution that can radically change the image and atmosphere of the room. In modern salons and stores, electric fireplaces are sold in two variations - separately taken devices, as a heating device, and a fireplace device, along with a ready-made portal, often made of MDF panels. In order not to overpay, you can make a portal for an electric fireplace with your own hands. There are no difficulties in designing the portal, given the detailed information on its manufacture on the site.

Types of designs for electric fireplaces

Today, when there is a huge amount of materials available for making structures of any strength and complexity, there are no problems with choosing the necessary tools. In addition, a do-it-yourself electric fireplace allows craftsmen to decorate the portal in their own way, based on personal preferences. A huge advantage is the fact that the electrical appliance itself does not contain open heating zones and during its operation the fireplace body does not heat up. The weight of the device is also small.

To install an electric fireplace in an apartment with your own hands, you can use materials such as:

  • drywall;
  • brick;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • a rock;

It is not advisable to use natural wood or plastic arrays, as hot air can deform these materials.

Making an electric fireplace from drywall with your own hands is the most budgetary and easiest option for making a portal. The only drawback of this model is the impossibility of its movement around the apartment. You should draw up accurate drawings of the future project, for a better effect, you can familiarize yourself with the video and photo of creating an electric fireplace with your own hands, which would allow you to slightly correct your ideas by comparing them with professional advice. Do not forget about the ventilation holes and electrical wiring, which should be included in the design.

Create a frame

For its installation, two types of metal profiles are used: guide - 27 * 28 mm, rack-mount 60 * 27 mm. Between themselves, the profiles are fastened with "bugs".

After that, the entire wall adjacent to the fireplace should be covered with heat-resistant material. Next, the frame is attached to the wall. The installation of the frame should begin from the podium of the fireplace, and then select a portal for the firebox itself. Since the appliance itself is rather big and has a rather impressive weight, the frame should be strengthened by attaching rack profiles after 20 cm.

Plasterboard sheathing

Before sheathing an electric fireplace in an apartment with your own hands, it is worth conducting electrical wiring. It is also worth cutting out several holes in the inner wall of the portal, which will subsequently serve as exhaust ducts. We turn to the sheets, a clerical knife is used to cut the GKL.

For dimensional accuracy, so that the pieces of drywall fit snugly against the frame, you can make a layout of the pieces on paper, and then transfer them to drywall. The sheets are sewn up with a screwdriver, using self-tapping screws 3.5 * 25. A sheet of drywall is unable to bear the full weight of the electric fireplace; for this, the sheets should be further strengthened with galvanized corners. After the drywall construction is completely primed and puttied.

Electric hearth installation

The electric part of the fireplace itself is quite powerful and for its installation it is worth following the instructions attached to it. Also, a separate multi-core double-insulated cable should be run to the fireplace. The cross section of the wires used must not be less than 2.5 mm. When installing, the wires should be laid in a metal corrugation. It is worth taking care of installing a separate outlet for the fireplace. As such, there are no strict rules for installing the electrical part of the fireplace. You can cope with the installation of the fireplace on your own, especially if the frame is ready.

Decorating an electric fireplace

An important stage is the decoration of the portal for the electric fireplace. Here you can not hold back your imagination. You can imitate the texture and colors of natural wood. To avoid cracking of the fireplace surface during operation, and this is possible under the influence of hot air and temperature changes, it is better to cover the plaster layer with varnish or paint. Facing with artificial stone is one of the most suitable decoration methods. It is necessary to fasten an artificial stone to a plasterboard surface using an adhesive mixture.
Twilight, light burning wood by the fireplace and a cup of hot chocolate… And it doesn’t matter that this is just an imitation of fire…

DIY electric fireplace video

They consist of an electrical device - a firebox and an outer casing, which may include various decorative elements. Heating spiral or tubular electric heaters are used inside the furnace. The body of the electrical device itself does not heat up.

The advantages of electric fireplaces include:

  • The cost of the finished product is lower than the cost of building a fireplace heated by real firewood;
  • Ease of maintenance. Unlike its "real" counterparts, such a device does not need to be cleaned of soot and soot, and fuel is not required;
  • No fume extraction systems required, and ventilation systems, if necessary, are much simpler;
  • Does not require repair during installation and carrying out any additional work on the premises;
  • Comparative mobility. If necessary, such a fireplace is not difficult to disassemble and move to another room or building;
  • Can be used even on the hottest days with adjustable temperature, turning off the heating and leaving only an imitation of fire;
  • As with any certified electrical appliance, installation does not require coordination with regulatory organizations.

Possessing a number of advantages over real sources of open flame, the electric hearth is a spectacular addition to any interior.

Types of fireplaces

Electric fireplaces differ in heating elements, systems for distributing the heat they generate, as well as the presence of various improvements and additional functions. These can be thermostats for the ability to turn off when a certain temperature is reached, imitators of the crackling of burning branches, etc.

According to their purpose, the devices in question are divided into completely decorative and functional. Decorative fireplaces without heating systems are much cheaper and are used exclusively for decorating rooms. Appliances with a heating function, in addition to an understandable decorative effect, are sometimes able to be the main source of heat in a room.

A conventional heater with imitation of a fire burning is able to heat a room with an area of ​​20-25 m² at a power of about 2 kW.

According to the type of execution, electric fireplaces are divided into:

  • Stand alone. This view directly imitates the fiery hearth. The firebox is quite compact, the appearance of such a device does not require additional design. For its operation, it is enough to choose a location and connect it to the mains;
  • Fireplace complex (set). Such a decorative element consists of an electric hearth and a finished decorative frame. For obvious reasons, this is the most expensive type of electric fireplaces, if we evaluate them by design features;
  • Built-in electric fireplaces. These devices are suitable for mounting in the wall of a room or placing in a separately manufactured portal. It is this execution of the fireplace that ultimately allows you to get a decorative element of the room that is most suitable for a particular person.

Preparation for work

For convenient manufacture and installation of the electric fireplace portal, you should first of all:

  • make room for work;
  • provide for the release of dust during the processing of materials.

Before placement, consider the direction in which the heated air will move. In the path of the constant flow of hot air currents, there should not be anything that could suffer from excessive heating and drying. From prolonged direct exposure to hot air, furniture and a number of plastic products, including plastic windows, can become unusable.

There must be an electrical outlet near the location of the portal. In order not to constantly remove the plug from the socket, it is advisable to provide a switch for it.

On the wall where the hearth will be placed, a sheet of heat-resistant material should be attached to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fireplace portal. For this, a sheet of asbestos or a similar material is suitable.

The minimum thickness of the hearth for an electric fireplace is 70 cm. Based on this, you need to calculate how much space such a decorative element will take up along with the manufactured body. If the room is small, you can make a corner fireplace.

Before starting work, a drawing of the planned product should be prepared with a breakdown by parts and an indication of the number and dimensions of all components. Naturally, the parameters of the future fireplace must correspond to the dimensions of the built-in electrical appliance that simulates the burning of a flame.

The size of the countertop should be larger than the area of ​​the upper part of the fireplace portal body by about 15-20 cm on each side, except for the one adjacent to the wall.

Naturally, the parameters of the future fireplace must correspond to the dimensions of the built-in electrical appliance that simulates the burning of a flame.

For the manufacture of the body of the electric fireplace you will need:

  • Countertop - MDF panel is best(medium density fibreboard), it is easy to process due to the uniformity of the structure. The panels may already have the desired appearance, many manufacturers cover the plates with plastic or enamel of various colors and textures, or you can paint the uncoated plate yourself to your taste.
  • Directly the body, which is made of drywall sheets. This material is resistant to temperature changes, easy to process and quite environmentally friendly;
  • The frame of the body (racks and crossbeams) is made of a metal profile. Parameters for racks - 50x50 mm, for guide rails - 50x40 mm;
  • As fasteners small self-tapping screws 10-20 mm long are used;
  • Dry mixes for puttying and priming drywall. For surface treatment, it is enough to mix them with water. For priming drywall, it is best to use universal acrylic mixtures;
  • Special glue for finishing material;
  • Finishing material: decorative tiles, mosaic. You can use textured plaster, stucco or paint. Bricks can be used to finish the bottom of the fireplace or make a podium pedestal.

To process these materials and assemble the fireplace body, you will need:

  • Grinder;
  • metal scissors;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • construction pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • a hammer;
  • construction or clerical knife;
  • primer roller, paint brushes, spatula.

Making a fireplace

A place for a fireplace is marked directly on the wall and floor using a marker and a building level. This is done for ease of manufacture and assembly, and besides this, it allows you to try on the main element, an electric firebox, to the parameters of the future portal.

Before mounting the frame, you can make a podium for a more spectacular appearance of the entire product. The pedestal is made of brick or other blocks, it can be decorated with tiles, natural stone, that is, those materials that are suitable for finishing the foundations of buildings. A significant disadvantage of this add-on is its complete static nature, such a pedestal will be almost impossible to move anywhere.

After the necessary materials and tools have been prepared, you can begin to manufacture the fireplace portal. The algorithm of work is the following:

The fireplace is ready and you can place the heating part in it.

If the ventilation of the electric heating device itself is directed upwards, then it makes sense to add a decorative chimney to the main portal. It is also made of metal profiles and drywall according to the same algorithm as the main part of the body.

In the upper tabletop of the portal at the installation site of the decorative pipe, you will need to make a hole for ventilation, and make several small holes on the sides of the chimney. For a better visual effect, such a pipe should be made up to the ceiling.

The location of the fireplace must be held. It is best that it be made of wire with self-extinguishing insulation. It is desirable that the wiring be wound into the body of the fireplace portal in a metal corrugated sleeve.

When installing the firebox, make sure that no foreign objects get into it. The power cord of the heating part must not be placed under the floor covering or in the wall; access to it must be open.

corner fireplace

There are no special differences in the manufacture of the corner portal from the preparation of the portal of the front fireplace.

The only thing that changes is the shape of the frame and, accordingly, the shape of the entire body of the corner fireplace, or rather its part facing the corner of the wall. Also, the shape of the table top changes from rectangular to pentagonal. Everything else, both the manufacturing process and the assembly of the entire structure, is almost the same.

The corner fireplace differs from the front one only in that it is more versatile when placed in small rooms, and also in that the corner fireplace, in the case of performing a heating function, provides less heat transfer than the front one.

Firewood for electric fireplaces

As decorative elements used to simulate a "live" flame, you can use combinations of lamps, artificial firewood and coal, reflective elements. To create the effect of movement, cloth patches and fans can be used.

For example, you can make a decorative hearth using artificial homemade logs and LED lamps with randomly switching red, yellow and white lamps.

The procedure for making decorative logs:

  • From corrugated cardboard tightly twist oblong rolls of different lengths and thickness and with the help of glue to fix the cardboard in this form. To fix the shape, tighten the ends of the rolls with rubber bands;
  • Using the differences in the size of the rolls, glue the blanks in the form of logs with knots. Use adhesive tape to fix knots;
  • Remove fixing straps paint the resulting logs with paint;
  • Separate branches can be made, painting sheets of paper crumpled into crumpled rolls.

The theater uses this method of simulating a flame:

  • Placed in a cardboard box small fan;
  • Multi-colored LEDs are installed above this fan. appropriate colors (yellow, red, orange, etc.);
  • Directly above the LEDs are small mirrors, which will reflect electric light, creating the effect of fiery highlights;
  • Strips of different sizes and shapes are cut out of white fabric. These strips are placed inside the box around the fan. They will play the role of tongues of fire.
  • The box can be decorated with artificial charcoal, branches, decorative logs and place in the hearth of an electric fireplace.

  • The inner surface of the electric fireplace portal can be isolated from warm air jets using reflective thermal insulation. This will increase the heat transfer of the device itself and extend the life of the portal body and its finish.
  • It is strongly not recommended to use candles, as well as any other open source of real fire, as an imitation of a fire flame in an electric fireplace. In addition to the obvious risk of fire, the source of an open fire almost always smokes, which negatively affects the appearance of a decorative fireplace, especially if it is made in light colors.
  • Before buying, you should carefully study the functions of the device. If you cannot control the brightness of the simulation, running the device for a long time can cause eye strain. It is advisable to ask to turn on the device and pay attention to the noise level during its operation. Here it must be remembered that in a store any noise is not as noticeable as in residential premises, and if the noise level of a new product is higher than desired, then with further operation, the noise of working mechanisms will only increase.
  • To design a composition with a hearth, you can add elements, accompanying the maintenance of a real fire: tongs, a poker, a bundle of firewood, etc.

Fire is one of the elements that has a truly magical effect on a person. It is impossible to get tired of the contemplation of a burning flame, which relieves fatigue, allows you to relax or, conversely, mobilize thoughts, think about the important. In organizing a romantic dinner, fire plays the role of an indispensable addition.

A room electric fireplace may well replace a real one, provided that the main functions are performed qualitatively: creating heat and simulating a flame. But not everyone can buy a fireplace in a stylish frame, with a three-dimensional image, with a set of programs because of its high cost. Therefore, among novice masters, more and more often a conversation starts about whether it is possible to make an electric fireplace with your own hands.

Just a mesmerizing sight

The manufacture of a heating element is a troublesome business, but clear enough. This requires basic skills and physical knowledge. But the effect of a living flame, at first glance, seems out of reach. However, this is only a deceptive fear that prevents you from doing, doing and getting an excellent result.

Firewood layouts

Regardless of the type of construction imitating a flame, a firewood layout will always be needed. In this matter, the flight of the master's imagination is only welcome. The props can be bought in the online store. From China, they can send you components for fireplaces (we will use this fact in the future). In some cases, real firewood is used. With skillful lighting, a good result is obtained.

But if all the searches were unsuccessful, then you will have to make a dummy yourself. But then it will be doubly pleasant to look at manual work. Corrugated cardboard is used as the material, it can be found in boxes of household appliances. There it is often used as filler between sheets.

Corrugated cardboard log

By making tubes from such cardboard and painting them brown, we get a log, to which a knot made of the same material is attached to the adhesive tape, only with a smaller diameter and length. It remains to stack the firewood in the fireplace, from a distance they look like real ones.

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