Stuffed cabbage rolls for the winter. Cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers for the winter. Delicious semi-finished products will save time and budget. How to freeze cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice

We take a head of cabbage, remove the upper leaves (if they are damaged), cut the stalk deep into the stump, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on fire. After the water boils, add salt, reduce the fire and cook for about 10-15 minutes. After this time, the top leaves will already be scalded and may even move away from the head of cabbage, so you just have to pick them up with a fork and pull them into a bowl.

Then close the lid and cook for another 5-7 minutes, again choose a couple of leaves. And so on, until all the leaves are ready. The time of scalding the leaves depends on the type of cabbage. If she is young, then time is reduced.

Of course, there remains a small head, and you don’t really use it anymore, because the leaves at the end are quite small. In any case, I don’t throw anything away, but I put these same kids on the bottom of the pan before laying the cabbage rolls. As a result, we get a delicious stewed cabbage in sauce.

Today I will add garlic, fried onions with carrots and a mixture of dried herbs - basil, thyme, oregano and marjoram. I just take a tablespoon of each of the herbs, mix it up, pour it into a jar, twist it tightly and use it whenever and wherever I want.

Let the rice cook until half cooked. About 7 minutes.

We clean carrots and onions. We cut the onion into a medium-sized cube, and three carrots on a grater.

Heat the pan, add vegetable oil, chopped vegetables (I add both at once) and fry over medium heat for about three minutes.

Ground meat. Turn the pork. I have a neck. Firstly, I bought it inexpensively, and, secondly, I like the balance of meat and fat in it. Well, you can take whatever you usually take. Just do not take the already prepared stuffing! It is not known what they wound up there, it’s better to twist the meat yourself, at least you know for sure that everything is in order with your minced meat.

Add rice, vegetables from the pan, salt, black pepper (or a mixture of peppers), a teaspoon with a slide of a mixture of dry herbs to the minced meat in a bowl, and add 50-70 grams of plain water for the final softness of the minced meat.

No eggs - this is good for cutlets that need to be "tied up" and compacted, but here they are completely useless.

Mix the mince well and set aside.

Cut off the thick upper part from the cabbage leaves, so to speak, "vein".

We take a sheet, put the minced meat in the form of an oblong cutlet in the middle and fold it into an "envelope".

And so 24 times ... That's how many cabbage rolls I got. I always do this until the stuffing runs out. I either connect the smaller leaves in two, or twist the little duckies.

At this stage, they can be perfectly frozen. I just lay them out in one row on a wooden board and in the freezer. After some time, at least two hours, they can be taken out and transferred either to a dish intended for a freezer, or simply to a bag. I use the latter method - it takes up less space.

It's time and desire to cook our previously frozen cabbage rolls? Perfectly. They do not need to be defrosted in advance, and, due to the fact that they were originally laid out for freezing one at a time, then in the bag they are also not in the form of a solid frozen piece, but beautifully lie separately from each other.

By the way, the remaining small leaves that could not be wrapped can also be frozen, and then taken out with the cabbage rolls and put them on the bottom of the pan. Next, lay out the cabbage rolls, pour the sauce that you usually make, and simmer until tender.

Cooking-stewing time always depends on the type of cabbage. With young cabbage, cabbage rolls can be ready in 20 minutes, but stewing of later varieties can take up to an hour and a half. But! Keep in mind that frozen cabbage rolls cook a little faster than fresh ones, so check with a fork for softness.

I cooked these cabbage rolls in a pressure cooker for half an hour. The sauce was made from broth, tomato paste and adjika. I always serve sour cream with a ready-made dish.

And you can also freeze these ready-made cabbage rolls! If suddenly no one wants them anymore (well, they are tired and that's it), take them out of the pan, again put them on the board and in the freezer. Everything is the same: after a couple of hours, put it in a bowl or bag and store it in the freezer until the desire to eat them appears ... But, preferably, no more than a month, a maximum of two.

That's it, freeze and don't be afraid, because it's easy and simple!

Today I want to invite you to make a wonderful appetizer of vegetable cabbage rolls for the winter. The real, simple and delicious dish of cabbage with carrots.

We mainly prefer cabbage rolls with meat filling, but vegetable stuffed cabbage is better for the winter period, they have more vitamins, and for those who observe fasting, vegetable cabbage rolls for the winter will come in handy.

The recipe for vegetable cabbage rolls can be made simply under oppression, or you can roll it into jars. I will give you two options, and you decide which one suits you.

So, what do we need for vegetable cabbage rolls.

Vegetable cabbage rolls for the winter - recipe

  • - cabbage (medium size) - 1 head
  • - carrots - 4-5 pcs.
  • - garlic - 1-2 heads

For brine for 1.5 liters of water:

  • - salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • - sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • - vegetable oil - 200 g
  • - vinegar 9% - 60-70 g
  • - black pepper and allspice peas - to taste

How to cook vegetable cabbage rolls for the winter

I want to warn you friends right away that for cabbage rolls it is better to take mid-season cabbage varieties. In such varieties, the leaves are softer and more pliable (easier to wrap) than late-ripening ones.

So, we separate the leaves from the head of cabbage and blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, put it in a colander so that the water is glass.

We clean the carrots, wash them, rub them on a coarse grater, also clean the garlic, chop, add to the carrots and mix.

Cut off tough spots from cabbage leaves or beat with a meat mallet. Put the filling on each sheet and wrap it with an envelope.

If you want to do it under oppression, then put the finished cabbage rolls in an enameled pan. And if in jars, then we put stuffed cabbage into clean, dry and sterilized jars, closer to each other.

We prepare the brine: pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, add salt, sugar, mix pepper, boil for 3-5 minutes, add vegetable oil, vinegar, mix and turn off.

Pour the prepared vegetable cabbage rolls with boiling brine in a saucepan, put oppression and these cabbage rolls will be ready for use in 3 days. When the brine has cooled, the pan can be removed in a cool place.

Pour prepared cabbage rolls with brine into jars, roll up, turn upside down, wrap and cool in this position. It is recommended to store in a cool place.

Vegetable cabbage rolls for the winter, can be served with any side dish, but we love it with boiled potatoes. At your discretion, you can flavor vegetable cabbage rolls with any herbs, even spicy or spicy, choose for yourself according to your taste and eat with pleasure. Bon appetit!

Cabbage rolls stuffed with meat and rice are classics of the genre. But it takes a long time to cook cabbage rolls. To enjoy your favorite dish at any time, spending a minimum of effort and time on it, cabbage rolls can be prepared for future use by freezing them. How to cook semi-finished cabbage rolls in the freezer, you will learn by looking at this step-by-step recipe with a photo.

First, let's prepare the filling. To do this, we need meat or ready-made minced meat. I used 900 grams of minced pork.

Onion (200 grams) peeled and cut into small cubes.

Peel carrots (150 - 200 grams) with a vegetable peeler and three on a coarse grater.

The next step is to fry the carrots and onions until lightly browned.

While the vegetables are fried, boil 100 grams of rice. I prefer to use long grain rice for stuffing any vegetables. Dip it in boiling water and cook for no more than 5 minutes.

It needs to be whitened and slightly swollen.

Now, let's prepare the stuffing for the cabbage rolls. To do this, add rice and sautéed vegetables to the minced meat, as well as salt, a mixture of peppers and an egg.

Thoroughly mix the stuffing for stuffed cabbage.

Now let's get to the cabbage. This is probably the most crucial moment in the preparation of cabbage rolls. Cabbage should be chosen loose, it is easier to work with it. But if you have a dense head of cabbage, then you can remove the head from the beginning and place it in the microwave for 5 minutes (at full power). After this manipulation, the leaves will easily come off. In my case, the cabbage was pliable, and I did not have to resort to the help of a microwave.

So, we carefully remove the leaves from the cabbage, cutting each leaf at the base for this. We try not to damage them.

Boil water in a large saucepan, and put cut leaves (maximum three pieces) into boiling water. Blanch them for about one minute, and put them in a colander to cool. We do this procedure with all the leaves.

How to freeze cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice

After the cabbage has cooled, you need to carry out one more, in my opinion, necessary manipulation. If the leaves are juicy and large, then I cut off thick veins with a knife. And so that the stuffed cabbage rolls up more accurately, I pierce the base of each sheet with a chop hammer.

Now you can begin to form semi-finished products. To do this, put a tablespoon (as much as possible) of minced meat on the cabbage and carefully fold the stuffed cabbage. We lay out the finished twists on a tray covered with cellophane. We put the filled tray in the freezer for a day.

After 24 hours, we take out the frozen cabbage rolls and transfer them to bags in which they will be stored in the freezer in the future.

Undoubtedly, it is worth a little work and at one time spin more stuffed cabbage rolls for freezing. But this blank will make it easier for you to prepare such a wonderful dish at times.

Stuffed cabbage is a traditional autumn dish, when the shelves in shops and markets are literally overflowing with fresh cabbage. But this does not mean at all that this dish cannot be prepared at another time. Everyone knows how delicious cabbage rolls are, but their preparation takes time. The main thing in them is the filling! Cabbage rolls can be filled with a mixture of vegetables, minced meat, mushrooms and even cottage cheese. We offer you classic recipes "", which are the most popular and practical, since cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and minced meat can be easily frozen and cooked at any convenient time.

Recipe for classic cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice
The ingredients for preparing the recipe "" are as follows:
- 1 head of young cabbage,
- 1 kg minced meat (pork + beef),
- 1 tomato,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 5 tablespoons rice,
- 1 egg,
- a bunch of parsley and dill,
- vegetable or olive oil,
- 2 bay leaves,
- 5 peas of black pepper,
- ground black pepper,
- salt.

For stuffing cabbage rolls, it is better to cook homemade minced meat, in which to combine pork and beef or pork and chicken. Rice should be boiled until tender. Chop half an onion. Boil the egg. Cut greens finely. All the ingredients for the filling are mixed and salted with 2 tsp. salt and season as desired.

Then you can do cabbage - an equally important product in cabbage rolls. The head of cabbage should be washed, the upper wilted leaves should be removed from it and the stalk should be cut off as deep as possible. Or you can make an incision around the stalk, so that later it is convenient to separate the leaves from the cabbage head. The prepared head of cabbage is placed in a large pot with water and boiled in it for about 15-20 minutes. During cooking, the cabbage leaves will not become brittle, soft, comfortable enough to wrap minced meat and rice in them. The leaves are separated from the head. You can not use the inner small leaves, but leave them for cooking other dishes: stewed cabbage with vegetables or for salad.

Cabbage rolls are wrapped like an envelope. 1 full tbsp is applied to the cabbage leaf. minced meat with rice (or the volume of minced meat is selected depending on the size of the cabbage leaves), one twist is made, the side edges are folded over each other, and the cabbage roll is wrapped to the end. On average, about 10-12 cabbage rolls are obtained from one medium head of cabbage.

Next, onions and carrots are peeled, chopped. Tomatoes are cut into cubes. Olive or vegetable oil is poured into a frying pan, heated up and vegetables prepared for stewing are laid out in it, which are salted, peppered and seasoned with ground black pepper and bay leaf. Onions, carrots and tomatoes are stewed for 10-15 minutes under a closed lid, stirring them occasionally. Cabbage rolls are laid out on stewed vegetables so that they are slightly buried in vegetables. A small amount of water is added to them and, having covered the pan with a lid, the dish is stewed for 40 minutes over low heat.

After 40 minutes, you can add chopped fresh herbs to the cabbage rolls, simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from heat. When serving cabbage rolls to the table, do not forget to accompany them with sour cream or sour cream sauce.

Instead of water "Stuffed cabbage with minced meat and rice" recipe before stewing, you can pour with tomato-sour cream sauce, for the preparation of which you need:
- 250 ml of sour cream or mayonnaise,
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste,
- 1-2 tablespoons wheat flour
- broth or water
- salt, spices.
For the sauce, sour cream or mayonnaise is mixed with tomato paste, previously slightly diluted with water, and wheat flour. Then broth or water is added to them, depending on the desired density, salt is added, and the sauce is brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Sauce can also be poured over other dishes: potatoes in various presentations, all kinds of pasta dishes ...

Recipe " How to cook cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice lazy with garlic sauce"
The hostess does not always have time to mess with cabbage leaves to prepare her favorite cabbage rolls. But you really want to treat yourself to this dish! Then you can use the “lazy” recipe, when the cabbage, cut into small pieces, is placed directly in the minced meat or scrolled in a meat grinder along with it. Cabbage rolls, formed from cabbage and minced meat, are stewed in some kind of sauce. This recipe is a great alternative to traditional cabbage rolls, and is absolutely not inferior to them in taste. To cook lazy cabbage rolls with garlic filling, you need:
- 0.5 kg minced meat,
- 0.3 g of cabbage,
- 1 egg,
- 150 g of rice,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- breadcrumbs,
- salt and ground black pepper,
- vegetable oil.
For the sauce you should take:
- 500 ml of sour cream,
- 400 ml of tomato juice (or 2-3 tablespoons of ketchup),
- bunch of greenery
- 2-3 cloves of garlic,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot.

The recipe for "lazy" begins with the preparation of minced meat. Of course, minced meat is better to cook yourself at home. Combined minced meat (pork and beef) will have the most attractive taste qualities for cabbage rolls. Having prepared the minced meat, you can do rice, which is boiled until half cooked in salted water and leans back into a colander to drain.

Cabbage for lazy cabbage rolls is cut into cubes 1 cm high and sent to stew in a pan, after pouring a little water into it first (a couple of tablespoons). In order for the cabbage to steam and become soft, it must be kept on moderate heat for 5-10 minutes, and then thrown into a colander to drain excess juice and water. During this time, onions and carrots are peeled and cut into small pieces or rubbed on a coarse grater.

Prepared foods are mixed in a large bowl: minced meat, cabbage, rice, carrots and onions, an egg is driven in and salt and pepper are poured to taste. The mass is thoroughly mixed and left for some time alone to infuse. After 20-30 minutes, you can form long cutlets from minced meat with your hands dipped in cold water and roll them in breadcrumbs. Then lazy cabbage rolls are laid out in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil and browned on all sides over high heat, not bringing to readiness.

Sauce is being prepared. To do this, sour cream is mixed with tomato juice or ketchup, mixed. Onions and carrots are crushed, sautéed in a small amount of vegetable oil, cooled and added to sour cream and tomato. The filling is salted, peppered, mixed with crushed garlic and chopped herbs and mixed again.

The fried lazy cabbage rolls are transferred to a baking dish or to a baking sheet and poured over with the prepared filling so that they are completely covered with it. To steam the cabbage rolls well and make them softer, you can also add a little water to the mold. Or the filling itself needs to be made liquid. The form with cabbage rolls is sent for half an hour to the oven, heated to 180 C, where they are baked until tender.

Served lazy delicious cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice, as usual, with sour cream or your favorite sauce, with fresh vegetables and sprinkled with fresh herbs.


Carrot (large) - 1 pc.

Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.

Vegetable oil (for frying)

Hot red pepper - 0.5 pcs.

  • 46 kcal

Cooking process

Preparing vegetable cabbage rolls for the winter in jars is not at all difficult. The option of such preservation is light and tasty. For those who are fasting, it will become especially relevant. Perfect as a quick snack, open a jar and eat everything ready.

Ingredients for cooking vegetable cabbage rolls in jars for the winter.

Prepare vegetables for processing: clean, wash. Remove the first few leaves from the cabbage.

Grate carrots on a coarse grater.

Finely chop the pepper.

Blanch the cabbage, remove the leaves and set aside.

Shred the rest of the cabbage.

Mix chopped cabbage and chopped carrots with pepper, fry in vegetable oil.

Add chopped greens to the cooled mixture, mix.

Stuff cabbage leaves with vegetable mixture and roll into cabbage rolls.

Pack cabbage rolls tightly into sterilized jars.

Bring water to a boil, add salt, sugar, vinegar and boil for 3 minutes. Adjust the taste to your liking.

Pour the marinade into jars with stuffed cabbage. Put the red hot pepper, cut into circles.

Sterilize liter jars with cabbage rolls for 20 minutes. Roll up the lids and wrap with a blanket for a day. For storage, vegetable cabbage rolls in jars for the winter can be hidden in the pantry.

A proven recipe for cooking vegetable cabbage rolls for the winter in jars, step by step with photos.

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Vegetable cabbage rolls - a recipe without problems

I decided to publish the recipe for vegetable cabbage rolls. Naturally - your own version, for lazy rational people like me. 🙂

Beginning healthy lifestyles often ask how I live without milk, meat, sugar, bread? What do I eat? They ask you to suggest what to build a diet from, refusing animal food and other harmful things?

I eat and advise everyone to eat mostly raw vegetables and fruits. But sometimes you also want something ready (in the sense of “cooked”). So, vegetable cabbage rolls are a great option for a vegetarian dish, IMHO.

So, I'm telling you how to cook vegetarian cabbage rolls in the easiest way.

To prepare vegetable cabbage rolls, we need the following ingredients:

  • White cabbage (a small whole fork, from which nothing was cut off).
  • Rice, boiled until cooked (or half cooked) - about 100g (the weight of dry cereal is indicated, before cooking).
  • Carrots - pieces 4-5 (depending on the size).
  • Onion - 1-2 heads.
  • Any greens you like - 1 bunch.
  • Tomatoes - 5-6 pieces (or tomato paste - 200g).
  • Salt, garlic and spices - to taste.

I usually get it like this. Some days I boil rice just to eat it. I like varieties that are under-cleaned, coarse, and I do not cook for very long. Therefore, rice always turns out to be so “semi-finished”. I eat it with pleasure, but my husband does not really like it. Accordingly, I always have about half left.

A standard set of vegetables (I call it a “borscht set”) is constantly available in our refrigerator. Having added "two and two", I often come to an unoriginal idea - should we eat cabbage rolls?

Preparing vegetable cabbage rolls in my performance is extremely simple. I don’t fry anything, I don’t pre-boil cabbage, I don’t use fat and I don’t bother at all. So, I'm telling.

My carrots, but do not peel, we just cut off ugly places. Grate on a coarse grater, throw to rice.

We clean the onion, cut it (the size of the pieces should be about the size of the pieces of carrot after rubbing), throw it to the rice and carrots.

Greens (this time I had dill, but cilantro is the most favorite green for such dishes) mine, wipe or dry, cut and throw, you can already guess where.

We also send one pre-washed and grated tomato there. Salt, pepper (if you want), add a couple of tablespoons of water (so that the mixture is not dry) and your favorite spices, mix. Stuffing for vegetable cabbage rolls is ready!

Cutting off the cabbage leaves with a knife at the very stump, carefully remove them from the head of cabbage one at a time. As if undressing the cabbage. We try not to damage the sheets, as they have to wrap the filling.

I noticed, no matter how much I cook cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers, I always get about 10 pieces per pan. Therefore, after separating 10 leaves from the head (or preparing 10 peppers), I usually calm down and move on to the next step. 🙂

We put a little stuffing on each cabbage leaf (about two full tablespoons) and fold the leaf into an “envelope”. In order for the cabbage leaf to bend better, it is first necessary to cut off thick veins with a knife - make them thinner, the same thickness as the main part of the leaf (see photo above). This greatly facilitates the work of wrapping the filling.

Place rolled cabbage rolls in a bowl. We try to lay it tighter, so that they do not unfold. I put the wrapped edges down.

I looked at the photo - oh, this time it turned out not 10, but 8 pieces. A hitch! 🙂

So, prepared cabbage rolls are in a saucepan. It's a matter of small. We boil the kettle - about 1-1.5 liters of water. Pour cabbage rolls with this water (carefully, trying not to float up and turn around) and throw the remaining grated tomatoes (or tomato paste) there, distribute everything neatly with a spoon, salt and pepper the gravy. Everything, put on the fire to stew.

Simmer over low heat with a loose lid for about 30 minutes. I usually stew less (20 minutes), but then the vegetables turn out a little harsh - I like it better. Once I read from Galina Shatalova that it is more useful to “undercook” vegetables, so I have since fallen in love with this method.

If you want, you can put out all 40 minutes. In general, the recipe for vegetable cabbage rolls, as well as any of my recipes, gives a lot of opportunities for creativity. The composition and quantity of ingredients are not rigid. You can add or replace anything to your taste, increase or decrease the amount, or even dance around - in any case, I'm sure you will get something very tasty! Vegetable dishes are not tasty! 🙂

If you have a small family, you are unlikely to eat a pot of cabbage rolls in one sitting. Therefore, I give advice to those who will warm up the next day. If you plan to eat not all, but only a few pieces, do not heat the entire pan. Repeated heating of food is harmful. Set aside the few cabbage rolls that you intend to eat now in a separate small saucepan and heat it up. Let the rest, those for tomorrow, remain cold.

Everyone, friends, bon appetit to everyone and see you soon!

Be positive, light, healthy and happy!

P.S. And most importantly, my children, NEVER, you hear, NEVER rush to cut cabbage for salad without first removing 8-10 whole leaves for stuffed cabbage from it! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Bye, my friends!

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Vegetable cabbage rolls - a recipe without problems: 6 comments

Here you are young, Tanya! And lately I’ve been lazy in the kitchen in general (I cook everything according to a simplified version (bake, boil, carcass). It’s a pity to spend time on complex dishes (I’d rather read a book).

By the way, mushrooms can be added to such cabbage rolls.

And I also freeze ready meals in portions (if I see that we don’t eat them). It doesn't hurt the taste in any way! But this happens very rarely (at the moment of a creative impulse to prepare a lot of things;)))

I'll go and stuff some pepper)) You inspired me.

Yes, this dish is not difficult. What is there, except to rub, cut and wrap in a cabbage leaf. But anyway, thanks for the kind words! 🙂

Tanya, yummy, of course! I'll have to cook, otherwise everything became boring somehow. But I would first douse the cabbage leaves with boiling water so that they are softer and tap them with a hammer to make them thinner. Thick leaves are some kind of non-chewing. Thanks for the recipe, or rather a reminder of it! Good luck and health!

Elena, the right addition! If you pour boiling water over the leaves and beat off, it will be tastier.

Oh, what delicious doves :)

And useful! So, I went to make a menu for tomorrow :))

Thank you for your response!

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Vegetarian pigeons. A very simple recipe. No frying, no fat, no troubles, no extra utensils. Delicious and reasonable.

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