Daily intake of sesame. Sesame seed useful properties and contraindications. Harm from eating sesame

Sesame is considered one of the most common spices, especially in the countries of the East.

This plant is an ancient culture, its description as a food product and medicine has been known for many centuries.

Sesame - the same as sesame, this is its three times the correct name. The benefits and harms of sesame, and its use will be discussed in detail in the article.

Where and how does sesame grow

The sesame plant is found in the wild and is successfully cultivated in regions with a warm climate. It is a tall herbaceous plant (height - up to 3 meters), blooming with white, pink, lilac flowers (blooming lasts only a day).

As soon as the flower withers, a pod-box with sesame seeds appears in its place. Up to 100 seeds can be inside one box.

Indian sesame is the most famous, because in this country it has been successfully grown since antiquity. Sesame is also massively cultivated in North Africa, Pakistan, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Krasnodar Territory of Russia. In temperate climates, it can also be grown, but the yield will be low.

The composition and calorie content of sesame

Sesame seeds - benefit or harm, how to take and use

Even in the smallest quantities, plant seeds show their beneficial properties. Dietary fiber and fiber help to remove stagnant masses from the intestines, eliminating toxins and toxins along with them.

The seeds are incredibly useful for "clogged" vessels - they clean them, absorb this harmful component from the blood. Such cleaning will be an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and its complications - coronary artery disease, stroke, heart attack.

And what's more useful sesame for the body:

  1. pressure normalization;
  2. slowing down the aging of the body;
  3. anti-cancer action;
  4. help with any pain and inflammation;
  5. treatment of gum disease, oral cavity;
  6. increasing the strength of the musculoskeletal system
  7. improvement of the thyroid, pancreas.

Is there any harm from sesame

Do not abuse this product. It is quite fatty, and large portions overload this organ. It is better not to give sesame seeds to children under 3 years of age due to the inability of the body to fully decompose fats.

The product is also contraindicated with increased blood clotting - it contains factor T, which thickens the blood, which can harm the patient. With thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, sesame should be eaten little by little, with caution.

How to use sesame

The highest content of nutrients is in unpeeled sesame, so it is better to purchase this type of product. In the peeled seeds, the presence of calcium drops sharply.

How to roast sesame- there is a quick way: you need to pour it into a dry frying pan, stirring, fry until light brown (about 3 minutes).

It must be remembered: when heated above 65 degrees, calcium changes "shape" and is absorbed much worse. Therefore, the ideal way to improve the body is to eat a raw, not fried product, as well as periodically make and eat pastries with sesame seeds, bread, loaves, throw it into salads, add it to meat, poultry, fish.

Here are some ways to treat sesame seeds:
  1. With indigestion. Grind 2 tablespoons of plant seeds with a blender. Pour into a glass of warm water, cover with sesame seeds. Take this drink in small portions until the condition improves.
  2. From mastitis. Grind sesame seeds into powder. Mix it 1:2 with any. Apply to the sore chest, cover with a cloth, tie. Leave overnight. Repeat until inflammation subsides.
  3. From hemorrhoids. Heat 2 tablespoons of seeds for 5 minutes in a water bath in 500 ml of water. Let the broth cool, then strain it. Do enemas with the resulting remedy twice a day. In parallel, it is advisable to drink a teaspoon of sesame oil daily.
  4. From gum disease. Take a little in your mouth, rub it well into your gums with your finger. Repeat twice/day for 10 days.
  5. From dermatitis. Grind sesame, mix equally this powder, aloe juice, juice. Take orally on a spoon twice a day for 10 days.

The benefits of sesame for women

Sesame is especially useful for women during menopause, when the risk of osteoporosis is high. If a bone fracture has already occurred, the consumption of the product will help the bone tissue regenerate faster.

Surprisingly, nutritionists often recommend sesame for weight loss. If you add a small amount of seeds to light salads, intestinal motility will become more active, metabolic processes - rather, as well as the removal of harmful toxins. Eventually .

Sesame calcium is well absorbed and present in such quantity that it is enough to support the bones of a pregnant woman and for the proper formation of the fetal bone apparatus.

With regular use, sesame helps prevent anemia, promotes the production of blood cells. It relieves the pregnant woman of constipation, and bowel movements become regular. If you eat the product, there will be no problems with immunity, urination will return to normal, which is important during gestation.

Expectant mothers can eat seeds in any form - adding to dishes, consuming sesame paste. Sesame halva is also tasty, however, in the third trimester it is undesirable to eat a lot of sweet dishes, especially with honey.

Of course, you should not eat sesame with spoons every day.- sometimes it is enough to add a teaspoon of seeds to food or eat 50 g of pasta without harm to health.

Is it possible to sesame while breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, the body of the mother and child is in dire need of calcium, which can be obtained from sesame in sufficient quantities. The nutritional value of sesame is great, and the quality of milk against its background will be higher. Therefore, the question of whether sesame can be given to a nursing mother has a positive answer.

It is allowed for the mother to gradually consume the oil of the plant. They are usually seasoned with vegetable salads, added to oriental dishes. When using oil, the hormonal background returns to normal, the work of the heart improves, skin, hair, nails come into shape.

Occasionally there is an allergy to sesame, so use a new a product for a nursing mother should be used with caution. Among other things, overeating may cause nausea, vomiting in the baby.

Therefore, it is enough to add seeds to pastries or sprinkle a little salad with them, and eat oil a teaspoon per day or also as an additive to dishes.

How much sesame can you eat per day

The norm for the use of the product for an adult is no more than 3 teaspoons per day. Based on the same amount, you can calculate the rate of inclusion in the menu of pastries, pastas and other dishes.

To make the product better chewed and absorbed, it can be soaked. Also, some practice grinding sesame, which will not violate its properties, however, it cannot be stored in a ground form. The healing properties of sesame are especially manifested during its germination, and the amount of vitamins C and E in it seriously increases.

How and where to buy sesame

You can usually buy unpeeled sesame seeds or ready-packed seeds at any grocery market, as well as in the seasoning department of a supermarket. Sesame is also sold in health food stores, in the form of bars - in pharmacies.

When buying, they evaluate the smell - a quality product has a fresh, not musty aroma. Sesame oil is made from raw and roasted sesame (the second is more aromatic), but they are the same in nutritional value.

In addition to the above - video:

Sesame seeds are an ancient oilseed that is widely used to this day. Sesame seed useful properties and contraindications are of interest to many consumers, as this product is tasty, affordable and very healthy.

Sesame is grown in the countries of South Africa, Central Asia, the Far East and India, and it is there that it is most widely used. In Europe, it is included in the menu of the Mediterranean diet. In our area, sesame seeds are used mainly in cooking for sprinkling various bakery products or in the manufacture of halvah.

Sesame seed. Product description. Recommendations. Reviews.

It is worth knowing better what are the beneficial properties of sesame seeds. In fact, sesame seeds have a healing effect. Having understood this issue, you will see that you can use sesame seeds not only for making desserts.

What are the benefits of sesame seeds? Many of its beneficial properties for the body, we will describe in detail below. And sesame seed oil can be used for medical purposes, and in cosmetology and in cooking.

What are useful and harmful sesame seeds, how to take, are there any contraindications. First, let's highlight what is contained in sesame seeds - the composition and beneficial properties of this wonderful food product. Where to buy sesame seeds.

Sesame seeds benefits and harms how to take

Why are sesame seeds so useful? Many medicinal and beneficial properties of sesame seeds are due to their unique composition. In sesame, the percentage of oils is higher than in all other seeds and ranges from 45% to 60%.

Sesame seed useful properties - composition and calorie content

In addition to oils, sesame seeds contain many amino acids, carbohydrates and 20% proteins rich in lysine, tryptophan and methionine. One tablespoon of sesame seeds contains 2 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbohydrates.

The sesame seed is rich in the chemicals potassium, magnesium (31 mg 8% DV), iron, calcium (87 mg 9% DV), and phosphorus. Contains 4 mg copper (18% DV), 2 mg manganese (11% DV) and 1 mg thiamine (5%), which normalizes metabolism in the body and improves the functioning of the nervous system. All these trace elements contribute to better health when eating sesame seeds.

The seeds also contain a powerful antioxidant sesamin and beta-sitosterol, the main benefit of which is to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and the ability to protect against various diseases, even cancer. It is believed that the main benefit of sesame seeds lies precisely in these fat-soluble lignans and phytosterols.

The composition of the seed includes useful vitamins: retinol, tocopherol, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, vitamin PP ensures the full uninterrupted operation of the digestive system and digestive tract.

The phytin substance contained in sesame restores and normalizes the mineral balance in the body, if it is disturbed. Phytosterol helps to strengthen the immune system, reduces the risk of infectious diseases and atherosclerosis, and also helps in the fight against obesity.

The energy value of one sesame seed is about 560-580 kcal, and the calorie content of 1 tablespoon contains 52 calories.

Sesame seed has beneficial properties and contraindications due to its chemical composition, it tastes good. To get the most benefit from the seeds, they are best eaten raw, soaked or heated slightly, but not roasted.

Sesame seed benefits are as follows:

  • Their use has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails, improves blood composition, and due to the content of vitamin B2, human growth is stimulated.
  • Improving the state of the cardiovascular system due to the huge content of phytosterols in pome crops. And fat-soluble lignans reduce cholesterol levels in the blood plasma and reduce its production by the liver.
  • Replenishment of the required amount of minerals.
  • They have a laxative effect, due to which the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.
  • The action of phytosterol reduces the risk of formation of fatty plaques on the walls of veins and capillaries and the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • The work of the nervous system improves due to riboflavin and thiamine.
  • Vitamin PP contributes to the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Help in losing weight. Betacitosterin, which is part of sesame seeds, in the body, and lignans increase the activity of hepatic enzymes that break down fatty acids. In addition, sesame seeds are rich in protein and healthy snacks on seeds help reduce appetite and prevent overeating. These properties contribute to weight loss.
  • Cancer prevention. Sesame seeds contain lignans that form enterodiol and entererolactone compounds, which have anticarcinogenic activity.

Sesame seed useful properties and contraindications of which were known many centuries ago, ancient healers used them to treat infectious diseases, as well as to ease breathing in asthma and lung diseases.

In addition, the benefits of raw sesame seeds are known for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and thyroid gland, and oncological diseases.

Sesame seeds come in different colors - white, golden, beige, brown and black. Most often, sesame seeds can be bought in white. In our area, in Europe and America, it is white sesame that is more common.

Black sesame seeds are more difficult to buy and are more expensive in price. Black seed is more common in China and Southeast Asia. It has a more pronounced taste and aroma, but the beneficial properties of white and black seeds are almost the same. Therefore, there is no particular need to chase the rarer and more expensive black seeds.

Black sesame seeds useful properties and contraindications

Black sesame seed differs from white in the following properties:

  1. Black seeds are sold with dark husks, while white seeds are already peeled.
  2. The taste of black sesame seeds is slightly bitter, while white sesame seeds have a milder, nutty flavor. Oil from black seeds is of better quality with a very rich composition.
  3. The smell of black seeds is more pronounced and brighter than the aroma of white sesame seeds.

Sesame seed benefits for women

What is useful sesame seed for women? Sesame helps to keep the female reproductive system in good condition. Even in ancient times, healers recommended that women eat a spoonful of raw seeds daily, chewing them thoroughly.

Sesame seed benefits for women after 45 years of age are invaluable, since sesame contains phytoestrogen and is an analogue of female hormones, the replenishment of which is very important during menopause.

Young breastfeeding mothers can keep their breasts healthy and reduce the risk of breast disease. By consuming 50 grams of seeds every day, a woman will significantly improve her hormonal levels.

In addition, sesame seed has useful properties in cosmetology. Sesame oil relieves irritation and flaking of the skin, helps to make the skin more fresh and supple, eliminates fine wrinkles, moisturizes and improves the condition of the hair.

Above, we highlighted the beneficial properties of sesame seeds. Is there any harm from this product? Sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which can border on each other, have some contraindications.

sesame seed useful properties and contraindications to the use of sesame seeds:

  • Allergic reactions that may be accompanied by bouts of coughing and rashes and redness on the skin.
  • Children aged 1 to 5 years should refrain from sesame, because their body is not yet able to fully digest and break down fats.
  • Since sesame seed has properties to increase blood clotting, its frequent use is contraindicated in people with thrombosis and who already have increased clotting.
  • Sesame is contraindicated in the presence of sand in the organs of the urinary system and in urolithiasis.
  • The mucous walls of the stomach are sensitive to sesame seeds, so its excessive consumption, as well as if you eat the seed on an empty stomach, causes a feeling of nausea and thirst. A sufficient norm for an adult is up to three small spoons per day.
  • Sesame oil lowers blood pressure, which is useful for hypertensive patients. But hypotensive patients need to be careful with it.
  • Sesame seeds should not be consumed by pregnant women in the third trimester, as an increased content of calcium and other substances can cause preterm labor.

Sesame seed how to take

Many people wonder how to properly use sesame seeds. In fact, it is not a drug. It is simply a food product with many useful properties.

Sesame seeds how to use - they can be used to prepare various dishes: adding to salads, desserts, cocktails and just ready meals.

In order for sesame seed to give its useful properties the maximum of useful properties, you can prepare it for use in the following ways: 1. Soak for a couple of hours; 2. Crush or grind; 3. Heat up in a pan, but do not fry; 4. Add raw sesame seeds to the dish at the very end of cooking.

How to Consume Sesame Seed to Boost Calcium

Since sesame seeds are rich in calcium, it is an indispensable product for strengthening bones and joints and preventing osteoporosis. In addition, they help build muscle volume. How to take sesame seeds with a lack of calcium? The daily norm for saturating the body with calcium is considered to be about 100 grams of seeds (1475 mg of calcium).

How to take sesame seeds for fractures. Indeed, after a fracture, it is very useful to use sesame in any form - raw, in goats or halva. For maximum benefit in bone fractures, especially large tubular ones, soak sesame seeds in water for 3-4 hours or overnight.

Roasted sesame seed oil has a laxative effect. It protects from ultraviolet rays. Also, oil squeezed from sesame seeds can be added to various creams, emulsions and ointments. It is used for massage and as a make-up remover. Sesame oil is added to patches, as it tends to improve blood clotting.

How sesame seed grows - photo

How does a sesame seed grow. In general, Africa is the birthplace of sesame seeds. In Russia, this crop is grown mainly in the south, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories.

The plant grows up to two meters in height. Some gardeners are trying to plant sesame seeds in their backyard.

So, we examined sesame seed useful properties and contraindications. Supplement your diet with these delicious seeds and be healthy!

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Since ancient times, such a plant as sesame has come to us. Its beneficial properties and contraindications were known to our ancestors, who have retained this knowledge to this day. Sesame has a second name - sesame and is an annual plant. The seeds used for food are found in capsule-like fruits. Their color can be from black to white. They taste tender with a characteristic crunch.

Useful properties of sesame have found their application in cooking, medicine, cosmetology. Of particular importance is the oil from these seeds, which is mainly used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In our country, seeds are often used to make toppings for bakery products, however, abroad, sesame has found wider application. Why he gained such popularity, is there any harm from him, and how to use sesame seeds with maximum benefit, you will learn further.

The composition and benefits of sesame

As a rule, the seeds of all plants have a fairly high nutritional value and contain more than 50% fat in the composition, and sesame was no exception. Calorie content per 100 grams of it is 580 kcal. The percentage of oils in seeds reaches 55.

In order to extract all the beneficial properties of sesame, it is better to use it in a heated or soaked state. So the seeds will be easier to chew, and the product will be better absorbed. The value of the seeds is the oil in the composition, which contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides and glycerol esters.

The composition of sesame includes many useful substances:

  1. Sesame contains a powerful antioxidant called sesamin. It is able to get rid of many disorders of all organs and systems and prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  2. And beta-sitosterol helps to reduce bad cholesterol in human blood.
  3. Fitin restores the mineral balance in the body.
  4. Thiamine improves the functioning of the nervous system and normalizes metabolism.
  5. Phytosterol reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and removes cholesterol, helps fight obesity.

The composition of sesame is filled with carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and calcium. It contains many useful vitamins A, E, B, C, PP mineral compounds: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, dietary fiber and lecithin. Few people know about how much calcium is in sesame. But it contains a larger amount of this microelement than the famous cottage cheese, cheese or milk, previously considered its indispensable source. Because the seeds are healing for joints and bones, prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. With their regular use, the body becomes stronger, and muscle mass builds up more intensively.

Sesame is able to stimulate human growth, thanks to a special substance - riboflavin. In addition, it strengthens hair and nails, improves the appearance of the skin. It has a positive effect on the composition of human blood. Sesame is extremely beneficial for the digestive system. It is of great benefit together with medications in the treatment of asthma, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, hypertension, inflammation of the kidneys.

Sesame useful properties, which are manifested in the content of female sex hormones in it - phytoestrogens. It is especially recommended for women over 45 years old. But for girls, this product will also have a healing effect: it increases the reproductive system, strengthens hair, skin and nails.

When carrying a baby, he is able to rejuvenate the placenta, which ages with the development of the fetus. In order to understand whether sesame can be breastfed, you need to know that it belongs to dietary products. Even despite its calorie content, it does not provoke the appearance of extra pounds, but is able to restore strength and immunity after pregnancy. Do not forget about the high calcium content in sesame, which is important for the development of the skeletal system of the newborn, and for the appearance of the mother. It should be introduced into the diet little by little, following the reaction of the child. Sesame while breastfeeding should be eaten one teaspoon per day.

It also has the following valuable qualities:

Not only sesame seeds are used very actively. Useful properties and contraindications of the oil obtained from it are better known to nutritionists, cosmetologists and doctors. In medicine, it is used for the manufacture of ointments, patches, various emulsions because of its ability to increase blood clotting. Often used as a laxative, especially in hemorrhagic diathesis.

In the cosmetic industry, sesame oil is indispensable for massages, softening and moisturizing the skin. In its pure form, they can even remove makeup, apply to hair and skin. It is often added to anti-aging creams, largely due to its antioxidant properties.

Sesame contraindications

Before use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of sesame seeds. Due to the fact that it has the characteristic of increasing blood clotting, it is not recommended for people suffering from thrombosis, increased blood clotting, thrombosis. You can not use it for urolithiasis, kidney disease.

As with any product, it is worth remembering how to take sesame seeds. The optimal amount per day should not exceed three teaspoons, so as not to provoke negative consequences. Pregnant women should be especially careful not to exceed the recommended dose, as hypocalcemia in the fetus may develop or a miscarriage may occur.

Despite the possible contraindications of sesame, it can be used in different ways. In cooking, to give a brighter taste, it is heated in a pan or sesame oil is used, on which meat or vegetables can be fried. It is much more useful than sunflower and removes toxins from the body. When used for medicinal purposes, it is better to soak or slightly warm the sesame seeds. You can grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and soak in water, then take as directed by your doctor.

Traditionally, seeds are sprinkled on buns, desserts, cookies and other baked goods. It is useful to add it to various vegetable salads. In oriental cuisine, they are used to make delicious pasta with a nutty flavor. A dry seasoning based on seeds with salt is used in the preparation of rice.

As you know, the daily rate of calcium can cover sesame seeds. Few people know how to take seeds with a lack of calcium. One hundred grams of the product will help compensate for the lack of this trace element, but for prevention, two or three teaspoons should be consumed.

How to select and store seeds

It is best to buy sesame seeds by weight or in a transparent bag to evaluate their appearance. They must certainly be dry and crumbly, and bitter taste should not be felt. It is better to purchase an unrefined product, it has much more benefits, and it can be stored longer.

Store unpeeled seeds in a cool and dark place in a tightly closed container, but peeled seeds should be placed in the refrigerator. They keep from three months to a year. However, sesame seed oil has a much longer shelf life and may not go bad for years even in hot climates.

Sesame medicinal properties and contraindications, which we examined, is a fairly valuable food product. By the amount of calcium, it is many times greater than dairy products, it is a source of valuable vitamins and other substances. It has few contraindications and will be an excellent addition to a proper diet.

Watch the video of the sesame milk recipe:


Sesame or sesame seed is used not only in cooking, but also for medical and cosmetic purposes. The widespread use of sesame is due to its chemical composition, due to which the seeds of the plant are involved in the replenishment of calcium, alleviate the condition in various diseases, and have a beneficial effect on the skin and human body.

What is sesame

Sesame or sesame is a herbaceous plant from the Pedaliaceae family, the main places of which are India and Africa. The photo shows that tropical sesame has flowers of white and purple hues. The most valuable oily plant of the genus is Indian sesame, which has taken its place of honor in the culinary world. It is used to prepare gozinaki, sprinkles on bakery products, aromatic seasonings, sauces, and tahini, a special paste known in Arabic and Jewish cuisines.

Sesame seeds are used to make sesame oil, useful in the manufacture of cosmetics and medicinal ointments. There are 2 varieties of sesame - white and black. The latter type is much more expensive and more useful, since unrefined black grains are not polished. Sesame seeds taste like nuts. Peeled sesame seeds can be used for 6 months when stored in the refrigerator, and if frozen, about a year. The shelf life of sesame oil is 10 years.

Sesame - composition

The composition of sesame grains, in addition to minerals, vitamins, contains: water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber (fiber), ash, antioxidants (sesaminol, sesamol). The vitamin complex includes beta-carotene (A), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (PP), folic and pantothenic acids (B9 and B5), pyridoxine (B6), tocopherol and choline (E, B4). If we consider the mineral composition of sesame, then there are such macro- and microelements:

  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

Sesame seed calories

Sesame seeds are high in calories due to the fact that more than half is fat. The average calorie content of sesame seeds per 100 grams is about 570 calories. What are the benefits of sesame seeds? They are rich in calcium. A unique fact is that 100 grams of sesame is able to fill the body's daily need for a particularly important macronutrient. Sesame calcium is better absorbed than milk calcium.

Sesame - useful properties

Sesame is endowed with antioxidant properties, serves as a preventive measure against aging, and helps with weight loss. The benefits of sesame seeds in the cosmetic industry are moisturizing and softening properties. The contained substances make it possible to use the product in the production of sunscreen creams and lotions, since it does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. Sesame is used in medicine as a remedy not only for osteochondrosis, but also for the prevention of other diseases:

  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • fractures;
  • shortness of breath
  • manifestations of asthma;
  • cough;
  • inflammation of the lungs.

Seeds are useful in diseases:

  • thyroid, pancreas;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • joint diseases;
  • hearts;
  • vessels;
  • digestive system.

What is useful sesame for women

To alleviate the condition of mastitis during breastfeeding (lactation), women need to apply compresses from vegetable oil, sesame powder to the inflamed areas. Sesame seed reduces the risk of breast cancer, and also promotes blood flow to the pelvis. When mixed with poppy or flaxseeds, the product reveals its hidden properties, acting as a strong aphrodisiac. The main benefit of sesame for women is in a sex hormone substitute, phytoestrogen, which is good for the health of women after 45 years.

The benefits of sesame seeds for men

Bodybuilding men will be interested to know that a large amount of protein accelerates the process of muscle building and restores them after a heavy load. The benefits of sesame seeds for men are its ability to lower cholesterol levels due to the content of phytosterols, thereby increasing potency. Zinc, a substance directly involved in the production of testosterone, the most important male hormone, will help activate libido.

Harm of sesame

Serious research in the field of contraindications to the use of sesame seeds has not been conducted, so there are only a few reasons not to eat the product. However, the undeniable fact is that people have found benefits in sesame since ancient times, so we can conclude that it has a high nutritional value. So what are the contraindications and harm of sesame seed when its use is not beneficial:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the seeds are digested for a long time;
  • during pregnancy (threatened miscarriage);
  • if eaten on an empty stomach (nausea occurs);
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • under the age of three years (due to the inability of the child's body to break down fats).

How to take sesame seeds

Before using the product, you need to make sure that it is of high quality. Sesame seeds should look clean and not bitter, and a defect indicates depravity, then it can be harmful. The daily rate is 2 tsp. How to take sesame seeds correctly depending on the disease:

  1. For health purposes, to remove toxins from the body, take sesame seeds (20 g) in powder form 3 times. It is better to drink with water before meals.
  2. For digestive disorders 2 tsp. seeds need to be crushed, mixed in a solution of honey (1 tbsp of water per 1 tsp of honey).
  3. How to take sesame seed with a lack of calcium: eat 1 tbsp daily. l. sesame seeds.
  4. Sesame powder is taken for pain in the lower back, neuralgic pains in the arms and legs. To do this, you need to: roast the seeds until a specific smell appears, finely chop. Correctly take 1 time daily for 1 tbsp. l. along with 1 tbsp. l. honey with warm water.
  5. You can remove the symptoms of hemorrhoids if you pour 2 tbsp. l. crushed seeds 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes, let the broth brew for half an hour. After cooling, drink in small sips.


Sesame has been used as a condiment and source of edible oil for over 5,000 years. It has incredibly beneficial properties, and this is one of the reasons why it is so popular in cooking. At Pravravkino.ru you will learn everything about what sesame is and why it is so good for health, where you can add it, as well as how to choose and store it properly.

Sesame seeds are small (about 3 mm long and 2 mm wide), teardrop-shaped seeds with a nutty flavor and a delicate, crunchy texture. Depending on the species, they come in different colors: white, yellow, black and red.

Sesame adds a nutty flavor to sushi and rolls, french fries and salads, and is an ingredient in delicious and nutritious spice mixes like tahini and hummus. Oil is pressed from the seeds, which is used in cooking.

Sesame is often sprinkled on bread, crackers, cookies, and other baked goods and sweet confections.

What does sesame look like - photo

general description

Sesame is a tall annual herbaceous plant in the Pedaliaceae family that is widely distributed in Asia, especially in Burma, China and India. It is also one of the main crops for commercial cultivation in Nigeria, Sudan and Ethiopia. Scientific name: Sesamum indicum.

Sesame and sesame are the same name for this spice.

It can reach a height of 2 m. It has pink or white flowers and long leaves.

How sesame grows - photo

This is what a sesame plant looks like.

After flowering, pods will appear containing small white, brown, red or black seeds depending on the variety.

The pod (2-5 cm long) is a long rectangular capsule-like box with deep grooves on the sides. Each contains up to 100 or more seeds.

What is the difference between black sesame and white

Sesame seeds have an outer coating that can be removed. It is also called shell or husk.

White sesame seeds are peeled seeds. They are relatively easy to find on sale, they are more popular.

The difference between black and white sesame is relatively small, and they can be used interchangeably.

  • The most obvious difference will be the color. The black sesame seeds are not peeled, while the white sesame seeds have had their shells removed, that is, these are the inner parts of the seeds. Another difference is the texture.
  • Black sesame seeds are richer in calcium than their white counterparts. They are also slightly bitter as a result of the presence of the shell.

What smell and taste

Sesame seeds have almost no smell, but if they are dried in a hot pan, a nutty aroma and taste appears.

  • The white seeds have a caramel flavor with nutty and sweet notes.
  • Black sesame has a richer flavor that can be compared to dark chocolate.

How to choose and where to buy

You can buy sesame seeds in almost all grocery stores and supermarkets, as it is one of the most popular spices in the world. Mostly white and black varieties are available everywhere.

Sesame seeds are best bought in small quantities and used quickly, as the high oil content causes the seeds to go rancid quickly.

How and how much to store

Sesame seeds are high in unsaturated fats and therefore should be stored in airtight containers to avoid rancidity. Place them in a cool, dark place, preferably in the refrigerator. When properly stored, dry seeds have a shelf life of six months.

Unrefrigerated sesame seeds can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to three months.

Chemical composition

The health benefits of sesame seeds are due to their chemical composition rich in vitamins, minerals, natural oils and organic compounds.

Nutritional value per 100 g of whole dried sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum)

Name Quantity Percentage of the daily norm,%
Energy value (calorie content) 573 kcal 29
Carbohydrates 23.45 g 18
Squirrels 17.73 g 32
Fats 49.67 g 166
Dietary fiber (fiber) 11.8 g 31
folate 97 mcg 25
Niacin 4.515 mg 28
Pantothenic acid 0.050 mg 1
Pyridoxine 0.790 mg 61
Riboflavin 0.247 mg 19
Thiamine 0.791 mg 66
Vitamin E 0.25 mg 2
Sodium 11 mg 1
Potassium 468 mg 10
Calcium 975 mg 98
Copper 4.082 mg 453
Iron 14.55 mg 182
Magnesium 351 mg 88
Manganese 2.460 mg 107
Phosphorus 629 mg 90
Selenium 34.4 mcg 62,5
Zinc 7.75 mg 70
beta carotene 5 mcg -

Health Benefits

Sesame is rich in phytonutrients - omega-6 fatty acids, flavonoid phenolic antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber - which have beneficial properties and promote health.

  • Delicious, crunchy sesame seeds are widely regarded as healthy foods. Calorie content of sesame seeds: 100 grams of seeds contain 573 calories. While most of its calories come from fat, it contains several vital nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins.
  • The seeds are especially rich in oleic acid, which helps lower LDL or “bad cholesterol” levels and increases HDL or “good cholesterol” levels in the blood. Studies show that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats helps prevent coronary artery disease and stroke.
  • Sesame is a valuable source of dietary protein with excellent quality amino acids, which are especially necessary for a growing organism. Just 100g of seeds provide about 18g of protein (32% of the recommended daily allowance).
  • Sesame seeds contain many health-promoting compounds such as sesamol, sesamin, furylmethanethiol, guaiacol, phenylethanethiol and furanol, vinylguacol and decadienal. Sesamol and sesamin are enzymatic antioxidants - a means of intracellular protection. Together, these compounds help remove harmful free radicals from the human body.
  • Sesame is among the seeds rich in quality vitamins and minerals. It is high in B vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamine (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and riboflavin.
  • 100 g of sesame contains 97 micrograms of folic acid, which is about 25% of the recommended daily intake. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When administered to pregnant mothers, it prevents neural tube defects in newborns.
  • Niacin is another B-complex vitamin abundant in sesame. About 4.5 mg or 28% of the required rate is obtained from just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps to reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it helps to reduce anxiety and neurosis.

The seeds are incredibly rich in many important minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium and copper are concentrated in sesame seeds. Many of these minerals play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme synthesis, hormone production, and normal heart muscle function.

For example, the calcium content in 100 g of sesame is 975 mg - 98% of the required daily allowance. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of osteoporosis. One quarter cup of natural sesame seeds provides more calcium than a whole glass of milk. A tablespoon of seeds contains approximately 88 mg of calcium. The body needs it, because it is the main building material, it is involved in the processes of restoring the structure of bones, hair, teeth.

Just one handful of sesame a day provides enough of the recommended amount of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and protein.

How and with what to eat sesame seeds to absorb calcium

Cooking and prolonged heating changes the nutritional value of sesame. For example, calcium levels are reduced by about 60% when the shell is removed. However, the form of calcium in it is calcium oxalate, and it is poorly absorbed by the body.

When the seeds are crushed, as in tahini or sesame oil, the nutrients are more easily absorbed. When left whole, the seeds are almost indigestible.

Studies show that calcium levels are somewhat higher when the seeds are slightly toasted.

Sesame should not be considered a major source of calcium due to the fact that it is in the form of oxalates. For better absorption, consider taking vitamin D and omega-3s.

Benefits for the body

Sesame seeds are extremely beneficial for the health of men and women, contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases.

  • Sesame prevents diabetes. These seeds are a source of magnesium and are also rich in various other nutrients. Together, they lower blood glucose levels, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes. People with diabetes can use sesame oil for cooking.
  • Sesame is a natural cure for anemia. Black seeds are one of the most recommended home remedies for anemia as well as other iron deficiency problems.
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases. Sesame seed oil helps prevent atherosclerotic lesions and is therefore very beneficial for heart health. Sesamol, an antioxidant present in sesame seeds, improves the cardiovascular system.
  • Has anti-cancer properties. Sesame seeds contain magnesium, which has an anti-cancer reputation. They also contain an anti-cancer compound known as phytate. Thanks to the actions of these ingredients, sesame reduces the risk of colorectal tumors and even prevents their onset.
  • Improves digestion. Sesame seeds contain fiber that helps the digestive system and colon function properly.
  • Sesame relieves symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The seeds contain copper, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and reduces swelling and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. This mineral also strengthens the bones, blood vessels, and joints of the body.
  • Prevents respiratory disorders. The presence of magnesium in sesame seeds reduces the risk of developing asthma and other diseases related to the respiratory system by reducing airway spasms.
  • Protects DNA from radiation. Sesamol protects DNA from damage caused by radiation.
  • Sesame Promotes Bone Health. It contains zinc, a mineral that stimulates bone density. Zinc deficiency has been linked to the onset of osteoporosis. The seeds also contain calcium, which is essential for bone health.
  • Reduces stress and improves sleep quality. Antispasmodics magnesium and calcium regulate muscle function, improving the transmission of nerve impulses. Thiamine, a natural calming agent, helps the functioning of the nerves. Sesame seeds also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that aids in the secretion of serotonin. Serotonin is needed to reduce pain and regulate sleep.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels. Black sesame seeds are rich in lignans, which. are well known for their cholesterol lowering properties. Black sesame seeds also contain plant compounds, phytosterols, which have cholesterol-like structures. Hence, including these seeds in your diet can definitely help you get rid of high blood cholesterol levels.
  • Sesame is useful for pregnant women and the fetus. Seeds rich in folic acid promote proper DNA synthesis in the fetus and add to the health of the pregnant mother. The iron in black sesame prevents pregnancy-induced anemia. However, this nutrient source is not recommended during the early stages of pregnancy.

Contraindications (harm)

Sesame products should be avoided by people who are allergic to sesame seeds as hives, dermatitis, itching, etc. may occur. This is a kind of individual hypersensitivity reaction in some people, which is not so common.

Sesame is contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Application in cooking

Black and white sesame seeds are used in different ways in cooking:

  • Black - for desserts, soups or toppings.
  • Whites are made into sesame paste or used to coat desserts, fried foods, and to decorate food.

White sesame seeds are almost always toasted before consumption.

Here is how sesame is used in cooking:

  • The roasted seeds are crushed and mixed with olive oil or any other vegetable oil to form a semi-solid, flavorful paste that is then added to various dishes. It's called tahini. It is one of the main ingredients of the famous Middle Eastern dish hummus.
  • Toasted sesame seeds are sprinkled on sandwiches, cookies, bread, cakes, salads and deep-fried dishes.
  • In Europe, it is mainly used in the production of margarine.
  • Roasted and crushed sesame seeds are often sprinkled on salads, desserts, and other confectionery.
  • Sesame is used in the Japanese spice Gomashio.
  • They are sprinkled on Asian dishes and rolls.
  • Sesame oil, derived from seeds, is one of the most sought after vegetable oils in Malaysia, Indonesia and the southern parts of India.

How to make sesame tahini - a simple recipe

Tahini is a paste made from sesame seeds that can be used as an ingredient in sauces or on its own on crackers and toast or for dipping fruits and vegetables.

Total cooking time: 15 minutes.

Yield: 4 cups.


  • 5 cups white sesame seeds;
  • 1½ cups olive oil.


  1. Preheat oven to 180 C.
  2. Place the sesame seeds on a parchment-lined baking sheet and roast for 5-10 minutes, stirring frequently with a spatula. Avoid browning.
  3. Let cool for 20 minutes.
  4. Transfer the sesame seeds to a food processor and add the oil. Grind for 2 minutes.
  5. Check consistency. The goal is a thick yet fluid texture. Add oil or sesame seeds until desired result.

Tahini is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container for up to 3 months.

What to replace in recipes

If a recipe calls for sesame seeds and you don't have them on hand, try substituting them with alternatives from the list below.

  • Poppy seeds. They also have little flavor until they are baked or fried. This evokes nutty and spicy notes similar to sesame seeds. Both are used in bread, cakes and candy. As a substitute, you will need the same amount of poppy seeds, this will work for most recipes.
  • Flax seeds . They provide the same nutty notes you get from sesame seeds. Note that flaxseeds need to be finely ground as they are difficult to digest. They will vary in texture and may not be suitable for all dishes that call for sesame seeds. Use a 1:1 ratio for replacement.
  • shelled sunflower seeds. They are slightly larger than sesame seeds, but they have a similar mild nutty flavor and add crunch to dishes as well. Add them to desserts, baked goods, or sprinkle over salads. Sunflower seed kernels will work for most dishes that call for sesame seeds.
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