Read an article about black magic. Ancient magic spells of white magic. Papus - "Black and White Magic"

Everyone has a hidden ability to heal themselves. It is quite possible to get rid of an illness or illness, even one that was caused with the help of a magical sacrament, the body has the resources for this. Our task is to activate them. Taking control of your life and building a chain of necessary events - all this becomes possible with the help of witchcraft. But a simple one will not work, and if you have White magic in the blood, the book of spells for beginners will help you achieve the desired result and begin to study the magical mysteries as a craft.

Spell Book for Beginners

When a person hears the word book, he has associations with learning and obtaining new information. The purpose of such a textbook is for a person to be able to control his life and achieve everything that he only wanted.

Each book carries a huge number of rituals. They can be used to gain wealth and become lucky in everything.

There are several types of such "textbooks". They can solve one problem of a person or all in general. Such literature will help to study all the nuances of the magical mysteries for beginners who are only at the beginning of a thorny path. White magic is amazing, each spell book is compiled by experienced magicians and healers, which will achieve maximum effect.

What you need to know to get rich

Your energy plays the main role in rituals that are related to finances, it feeds on it. That's why it matters how you treat them. Do you love money? Or not? It is from this that the effect of the performed sacrament will depend. White magic does not mean obtaining financial wealth, but its support. If you think you are poor, rituals cannot help you.

How often do you think about money? They should become the center of the universe for you. You must constantly imagine yourself in the place of a person who leads a luxurious life. Think about whether you rejoice at the arrival of even the smallest amount of funds received? If yes, then White magic and spell book for beginners will help you find not only wealth, but also happiness in your life.

A harmonious relationship with finances will help fill your wallet. You must think over every waste and carefully store money, only then will it show itself to the fullest. The important thing is how much energy you give to the money God. Connect with him and you will be able to radically change your life.

Basic rules for love spells

The white magic and spell book for beginners describe love rites that have a mild effect. But, there are also such magical effects that are no worse than.

Often, in order to receive the feelings of a loved one, the pronunciation of a conspiracy and the performance of certain actions are required. Such rituals affect the mental area of ​​​​your chosen one, the action is similar to how it works, but many times easier.

White spells are created by the word. It is very important to pronounce the plot calmly and harmoniously, without pauses and hesitation. Follow the rules, work with those icons that are indicated, read prayers or yourself for a spell in full accordance with the instructions. At the time when you are performing a magical sacrament, your thoughts must be pure and your intentions sincere. Concentrate on the object of the spell and do not be distracted by extraneous factors. Constantly visualize the result you intend to get. Book of white magic and spells to be recited always work for the result, take the rituals with all seriousness and you can solve your heart problems.

Conspiracies for mutual love

If you have tried all the traditional methods to start a relationship with your loved one, but each of them turned out to be ineffective, you will be helped. In order to use it in practice, you need to perform a conspiracy, which is described in the spell book.

His pronunciation should be harmonious. In addition, you will need to study it to perfection. You need to read it at a later time of the day, looking at the moon. With the help of this conspiracy, you can find an ideal relationship, but it is worth noting that in order to achieve a result, you will need to work hard. As soon as the right time comes, light the church candle, and begin to cast the spell:

« I do not light a candle, but the heart of a slave (name)! Do you hear? These words are for you. You come to me incense! Nothing else is needed ... Let the heart conceal and burn. Your love for me flies back!»

Words must be read seven times in a row. At this time, look at the moon, and imagine a loved one. In this ceremony, your feelings are very important. Try to transfer your energy to your loved one. From the moment the ceremony is completed, you will need to continue to conquer the feelings of your lover using traditional methods, and the book White magic and spells to cast while looking at the moon will help you with this.

White magic training

Before proceeding directly to the rituals, you need to learn some rules and instructions that will help your learning.

First you need to understand if you need magical sacraments or if you can solve problems without their help. Try to solve the current situation by traditional methods, if they turned out to be ineffective, resort to magic. In endeavors, it is best suited. Use it to evaluate your abilities.

White magic requires training in order to perform all actions with high accuracy. Imagine how you will perform the ritual and whether you will refuse it in the process. You can learn White Magic with the help of various rituals that are worth studying on my website. Among other things, one can resort to the relevant literature and study the sacraments that have been described only by professional magicians and healers.

Only practice will help to learn the magical mysteries to perfection. Therefore, in order to know all the features, you will need to perform one or another ritual.

White magic and learning all the actions will take time, but the effect that you get thanks to this will certainly please. You will be able to solve all your problems that may be related to the various activities of your life. You will get happiness and everything you need.

How to learn magical mysteries with the help of a spell book

The performance of some rituals may have its own consequences and nuances, which is why not every person wants to learn in this way. But there is a substitute for this. There is a huge amount of literature that can teach everyone how to influence their lives. Teaching white magic with the help of a book has been used for quite some time. Many people who practice magical activities have acquired their abilities thanks to these "textbooks".

They have conspiracies in themselves that will help you get love, wealth, good luck. There are spells that can heal a person from a particular disease. Magic is full and varied and everyone will find their niche in it. The most sought after today are love influences, such as those like him. They are known for their efficiency and effectiveness. Many of them have been changed, but the literature has retained the original recipe that will help you get the feelings of your loved one to the fullest.

Written by: Mage Hades

Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money Zachary

Magic white and black

Magic white and black

Before proceeding with the magical practices contained in this book, you and I need to agree on what kind of magic - white or black - we will use. It may seem strange to you that a white magician should suddenly talk about black magic. Since the title of the book contains the word "white", it means that all the magical methods in it are also white. However, everything is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. Magic itself is neither white nor black. A person makes it white or black, and most often unconsciously. He can be sure that he is resorting to the help of light forces, but in fact he is a prisoner of a dark force that deceives him, creating the illusion of power over himself.

By the way, many magicians and sorcerers, of those who call themselves "white", in fact, are engaged in real black magic. True, they are unaware of this, and are very offended if someone calls them black magicians. These grievances only prove that a person does not know what dangerous path he has stepped on, with what forces he is playing. A true magician will never be offended by such an accusation. On the contrary, thank the person who said it. After all, such words are an occasion to think about whether he is doing the right thing, is he engaged in that kind of magic? The magician is obliged to constantly check himself: after all, magic is a slippery slope on which it is very easy to stumble. The magician needs continuous self-control, only in this case his magic will be white.

The problem is that the very concept of "magic" has many interpretations, most of which are fundamentally wrong. People always judge by what lies on the surface. It seems to them that magic is what is described in fairy tales: he waved a magic wand, pulled out a hair from his beard, read a spell - and a miracle happened. But this is only an appearance. If you dig deeper, it becomes clear that magic is a very complex concept. This is a whole science, or even a complex of several sciences, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics ... However, magic is the progenitor of modern science (although scientists have long expelled magic into the realm of superstition and obscurantism). Think about what science does. She studies the laws in force in the world and puts them at the service of man. Magic does the same! Only magicians, unlike scientists, know that the range of these laws is unlimited, because the world itself is unlimited. However, the understanding of the infinity of the world and its laws gradually comes to worldly science. Much of what used to be the domain of magic has now passed into science. Weather prediction, disease diagnosis, rejuvenation, life extension, moving a person over long distances in a short time - before, only magic was involved in all this. And now much of the above is considered in the order of things.

And after all, science, like magic, can be white and black! When atomic energy is used to generate electricity in power plants or to break ice in icebreakers, this is white science. And when that same energy destroys hundreds of thousands of lives, that is black science. As you can see, everything depends only on the purpose for which science is used. From myself I will add - and magic.

So first decide on your goals. Think it over carefully. After all, it often seems to people that they are pursuing only noble and pure goals, although in reality they are striving for evil. For example: an abandoned wife tries to return her husband to the family with the help of magic. Good goal? Undoubtedly. But at the same time, she ... brings damage to her rival, as a result of which she falls ill and dies. It turns out that the woman who resorted to magic wanted not so much to restore the family as to harm the homeowner. And harm, no matter who it is done, is always evil. So, using magical recipes, carefully analyze your true goals and intentions. Of course, I cannot follow each of my readers and control your magical practices. But I want to warn you: this book is charged to achieve only good goals. If you try to use my magic for evil, it will immediately return to you. And only you will be to blame!

This text is an introductory piece.

BLACK MAGIC OF ATLANTS Just as a bride prepares for marriage, weaves and sews a dowry in order to live happily in her husband's family, so the soul of a person prepares a dowry for the beloved Creator throughout his earthly life. At a time when the astral body is completely centered on the physical,

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BLACK AND WHITE MAGIC I was then in my early twenties. I was preparing for an expedition to the Amazon basin, when suddenly I received a call from the fund that subsidized my research. They urgently needed an anthropologist who could help complete their study of voodoo in Haiti. I didn't feel like

White and Black Energy Your thoughts and feelings, such as love, kindness, mercy, compassion, understanding, etc., have a white life-giving energy. When you think of someone with love, your own soul becomes pleasant, the body seems to be spreading something incomprehensibly

Black magic Everything in one way or another connected with black magic has a powerful negative energy. People who have somehow touched this dark, gloomy hulk forever spoil the lives of themselves and their descendants. With the help of black magic, it is impossible to bring

White and Black Magic Before proceeding with the magical practices contained in this book, you and I need to agree on what kind of magic - white or black - we will use. It may seem strange to you that a white magician should suddenly talk about black magic. Once a

WHITE AND BLACK MAGIC AND MAGICS Lesson 125 You are asking me to tell you "who or what I am referring to when I use the terms 'white' and 'black' magic." The term "black magician" in contrast to the term "white magician" now refers to any adherent of a negative or vicious principle.

15. Samekh. ABOUT BLACK MAGIC SamaelAuxiliator I start black magic. We will attack in his very sanctuary the black god of the Sabbat, the fearsome goat Mendes. Here the timid reader must close the book, and nervous impressionable persons will do well to refrain from reading; but I

Alexandra David-Neel Magic of Love and Black Magic Foreword I hesitated for a long time, or rather did not dare to publish this book for several years because of some of the inherently monstrous facts described in its fifth and, especially, sixth chapters. Once again in Asia,

BLACK MAGIC OF THE ATLANTS Bushes, crosses, sheets and spirits are all around. The moon splashed a potion of sorcery: Devils and old women fly to the Sabbath, And an owl bursts into laughter. A vampire yells - his dead man swallows, Skeletons drag someone's body into the forest. I see Viy, witches, a flock of kikimore, Wet meow from the grave

WHITE AND BLACK MAGIC AND MAGICS You ask Me what meaning I put in the expressions "White" and "Black Magic". The name "white magician" is used as a contrast to the name "black magician", which means any adherent of a negative, or vicious,

BLACK MAGIC OF ATLANTS Just as a bride prepares for marriage, weaves and sews a dowry in order to live happily in her husband's family, so the soul of a person prepares a dowry for the beloved Creator for the whole earthly life. At a time when the astral body is completely centered on the physical,

Letter 49 Black Magic in America July 25, 1915 You now have a clear enough idea of ​​what methods the forces of Evil use to hinder progress, destroy what has been created for centuries, destroy those who work for the future, and intimidate those who seek

BLACK AND WHITE MAGIC OF CEYLON 70% of the population of the island are Sinhalese. The state religion is Buddhism, which came there in the 3rd century BC. e. However, Sinhalese Buddhism is very superficial: they observe rituals, but do not show much interest in the essence of complex Buddhist dogmas.

Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money

© Zakhary, 2010

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2010

Can magic solve all problems?

Dear my readers!

To be honest, when I published my first book, I didn't think I'd ever have to pick up a pen again. It seemed that in it I described everything from the field of practical magic that could be useful to a person. However, after the publication of the book, it became clear that I am responsible for my readers, for how they will use the knowledge received from me. I realized that one (albeit very detailed) description of magical recipes is not enough. From the letters that came to my name to the editor, it became clear that the very word "magic" is understood by people in very different ways and sometimes completely wrong. Many perceive magic as a servant, and even, pardon the rough comparison, as a concubine to satisfy their own whims. Meanwhile, magic is a special gift to a person, his secret weapon and a great helper, which must be treated with great respect. But for some reason, people do not want to understand this, and when magic begins to work against them, they are disappointed in their abilities and offended by the whole wide world. In order, on the one hand, to “rehabilitate” magic in the eyes of people, and to explain some of the rules for handling magic weapons, on the other hand, I sat down to write a new book.

But there was another reason that made me decide on this work. This is a global economic crisis, due to which the majority of our compatriots have come directly to the poverty line. In almost every letter, people asked me if magic can help someone stay afloat during this difficult period, and someone just survive? I realized that people see magic as a way to solve pressing problems. But magic is, first of all, a way for revealing spiritual abilities, a way of self-improvement. And as you follow this path, everyday problems are also solved. This is the main principle of magic. Without understanding this principle, you can “break” such “firewood” that the consequences will have to be disentangled all your life.

Of course, in magic there are many methods of obtaining and multiplying wealth. But not all of them can be applied without the danger of losing something more vital. Unfortunately, only a few realize this. Most people need a “freebie” that will instantly make them rich. But free cheese only happens in a mousetrap! Everyone knows what an inglorious fate awaits someone who hopes to get fabulously rich with the help of roulette or slot machines. Almost all gamers lose every penny, and many lose everything - home, family, human appearance ... Magic is millions of times more dangerous than gambling. You can play it to death, and even worse than to death. A person who wants to get wealth with the help of magic should know: there will be no freebies here. Magical wealth, like any other, is given as a result of hard and honest work, only this work is not so much physical as spiritual.

Magic as a special gift to man

Now let's talk about your magical gift. Yes, yes, exactly - about yours, and not mine or someone else's. The fact is that everyone has the ability to use magic. Including you, my dear reader. Someone feels these abilities in themselves, and someone allows them to doze off. As already mentioned, magic is a special gift to man - a gift that allows us to look beyond the visible, physical being, and use the laws that govern the spiritual world. And the spiritual world has a colossal influence on the physical world. Any change in the spiritual world immediately entails a change in the material world. But these changes can be both positive and negative. However, I'm already getting ahead of myself.

Apart from man, not a single living being on earth possesses the gift of magic. Just like the gift of the word, magic is given only to man. And the ability to speak is also magic; only people long ago forgot about the power of the spoken word. So only a few initiates remember about magic. But the truth is that absolutely anyone can become an initiate! The main thing is that he has enough desire and spiritual strength. And also - to find someone who could discover this gift in a person.

My gift was discovered in me by a simple Russian woman, Agrafena Ivanovna. I say “simple” because there was nothing bright, nothing pretentious, nothing shocking (as modern “witches” and “sorceresses” often like to present themselves). In fact, she was the strongest healer, from an ancient family of real Russian magicians, the keeper of reserved knowledge about the deep forces hidden in a person. Agrafena Ivanovna passed on her knowledge to me, but before that she discovered a magical gift in me. Just as at one time her teacher discovered this gift in herself. I wrote about all this in detail in my first book. I just want to convey to you the idea that each of you is able to master magic. There would be only the right intention and aspiration. This book will lead you step by step to the discovery of the magical gift. But it must be used with extreme caution, and most importantly, it must be remembered that magic is only a path. The goal is the spiritual perfection of man. Any other goals in magic lead to collapse!

I say magic is a gift. But a gift does not happen by itself, someone always gives it, that is, it gives it free of charge, for nothing. Who gave man the gift of magic? Of course, the One who created both magic and man himself. In this book, I will use the word "God" very often. Some of you may be a little confused by this. I understand that not every person feels that there is a God above him, and very few understand Who He is. But there is no such person who, at least for a short time, does not feel that there is a certain Power above him that leads and directs him. So if you are uncomfortable with the mention of God, just replace this word with the words "Higher Power" or "Heaven" or "Source of goodness." It doesn't matter what you call this Power. It is important that you strive towards Her and not away from Her.

Magic white and black

Before proceeding with the magical practices contained in this book, you and I need to agree on what kind of magic - white or black - we will use. It may seem strange to you that a white magician should suddenly talk about black magic. Since the title of the book contains the word "white", it means that all the magical methods in it are also white. However, everything is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. Magic itself is neither white nor black. A person makes it white or black, and most often unconsciously. He can be sure that he is resorting to the help of light forces, but in fact he is a prisoner of a dark force that deceives him, creating the illusion of power over himself.

This article contains numerous techniques of black magic, mainly related to Slavic culture. We provide information for informational purposes only and do not encourage anyone to use the described practices. Remember that for every negative magical effect, sooner or later you have to pay.

Black magic - spell book

We present to the reader's attention black spells with which you can take away health, wealth or luck.

Magic paraphernalia

Nail from the cemetery

This method causes the victim of witchcraft to stop urinating. This is a very dangerous damage from which a person can die. To bring her, the sorcerer had to get a nail from the cemetery, speak it and drive it into the wall of his enemy's house or into any wooden surface closest to his house.

The nail is spoken as follows:

“Restless spirits of the earth, help me so that (the name of the person who is being spoiled) does not have either the day of life, or the night of sleep, or the hour of strength, or half an hour of patience.”

A novice magician needs to know that this ritual is supposed to be performed on the day of Saturn, i.e. on Saturday. Hammering a nail into a tree, it is supposed to wish evil to your offender.

Goga (spoil cattle)

Black magic can harm not only a person, but also his home, family, social status and even animals. For example, to spoil livestock, a warlock can do the so-called. "gogu". This is a paper cut image of an animal (sheep, goat, cow).

Goga is buried where the owners most often graze their livestock. At the same time, a special spell is pronounced:

“Do not grow, but die, do not grow fat, but dry! Devilry Come, mutilate all the cattle of my enemy!

During the performance of the rite, no one should see the magician. Therefore, gogu is usually buried after sunset.

Damage to the root of the mandrake

Often used in black magic. With the help of this plant, you can bring misfortune and serious illness to a person. To do this, on the full moon, touch the mandrake root three times with a new knife, while pronouncing the name of your enemy.

Next, the magician cuts the root with the same knife if he wants to doom his enemy to a series of troubles (this is called cutting off luck). To take away health, you need to dig a hole, put a mandrake root in it, cover it with salt, and then with earth.

Punish the offender

A sorcerer can use this method to punish a person who has acted unjustly towards him. On Saturday, before the sun rises, you need to get a branch of a one-year-old hazel. The branch should be carefully cut with a knife. In this case, you will need to cast a special spell:

“I cut you off in the name (name of the offender) whom I want to punish.”

"In nomen Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctus, et in cute Droch, Mirroch, Esenaroth, Betu, Baroch, Maaroth."

Then the caster began to whip the hazel branch on the tablecloth. The offender received as many blows as they were inflicted.

Damage to the wind

This is a very simple way, a kind of black magic for beginners. In order to “plant” a disease to his enemy, the sorcerer had to gather a handful of dust from the cemetery in advance. Then it was necessary to wait for windy weather and approach the house of your enemy from the leeward side (i.e., in such a way that the wind blew from the magician towards the house of his enemy).

It was necessary to throw a handful of dust in the direction of the enemy's dwelling, and then cast a spell:

"Amakula Kulaba! Blind (offender's name) black, black, green, brown or blue eyes. Dry it so that it becomes thinner than cut grass, inflate its womb thicker than a coal pit!

Bust a business

In the old days, black magic was often used in the event that it was necessary to ruin the trading business of one's competitor or enemy. To do this, the warlock poured salt in the shape of a cross on the threshold of the store, while uttering the following spell:

“As soon as this salt melts, your business will fall apart. No way for you, no road!

black magic voodoo

Voodoo magic originated on the African continent, but over time it spread throughout the world and became incredibly in demand...

A voodoo doll

The finished volt is called the name of their enemy, then you can perform various manipulations with the doll - beat it, prick it with needles, cut it with a knife, or even burn it.

Strong love spell

Black magic is not always used to the detriment. With the help of this conspiracy, a sorcerer or witch can awaken reciprocal love feelings in the object of his sympathy. To do this, write the name of a loved one on a piece of paper, then put a note on a saucer and pour honey on a plate.

A lit red candle is placed in the center of the saucer. While it burns, you should read in a singsong voice:

"Ammet kolt kolto, mett kolt, owenid

Rpete me rappet, poum m'daid,

swomi loy swami san omweni,

Hmean wen ape koul demma."

The candle must burn out completely. To complete the ritual, you need to appease. To do this, you will need to leave the house after sunset and go to the crossroads (the intersection of two paths). At the crossroads you need to leave a plate with cakes or sweets.

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