Pizza with tuna and crab sticks. Pizza with tuna. Canned tuna pizza: step by step recipe with photo

The most important thing in homemade pizza is the dough, it can be thick and soft, or it can be thin. Even in Italy itself, different cities make different pizza dough. The ingredients can be very different - this is already an amateur, whoever likes what.

Today we will cook a very tasty pizza according to a simple homemade canned tuna recipe. Yes, you heard right. Instead of the usual sausage, we will take a simple canned tuna.

To make tuna pizza you will need:

  • Flour - 0.3 kg;
  • Yeast - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Boiled water - 240 ml.;
  • Olive oil - 40 ml;
  • Sugar - 25 gr.;
  • Salt 10 gr.;
  • Tomatoes canned in their own juice - 80 g;
  • Canned tuna - 1 can;
  • Mozzarella cheese - 70 g;
  • Parmesan cheese - 30 g;
  • Pitted olives - at your discretion, olives will not spoil the pizza;
  • Basil - 3-4 small sprigs

Estimated cooking time is 1 hour 30 minutes. Energy value is approximately 260 kcal per 100 gr.

Step by step cooking homemade pizza

1 step

Take a deep bowl and add water, olive oil, yeast, salt and sugar. After that, add a little sifted flour and mix well with a spoon until it is difficult to mix. Then we dump the dough on the table, after sprinkling it with flour, and knead it well with our hands.

Photo 1: dough for making pizza with tuna.
2 step

After kneading, put the dough back into the bowl, or even better, take a large saucepan, and cover it with a homemade towel. The dough should rest in a warm place for 1 hour. According to our recipe, half a kilogram of dough should turn out - these are two delicious pizzas.

3 step

Prepare a baking sheet and sprinkle it with flour. You can also use a skillet to make pizza. We spread the base on it, which we rolled out with a rolling pin.

Photo 3: Pizza base.
4 step

We take canned tomatoes and remove the peel, do not be too lazy to do this. Then put the tomatoes in a blender and chop.

Photo 4: Cooking tomatoes.
5 step

We grate Parmesan cheese on a fine grater, and we cut mozzarella cheese into small pieces.

6 step

Rinse the basil sprigs well and pat dry with a towel. Remove all bad places, you also need to remove the roots.

7 step

Open a can of tuna, cut the meat into small pieces.

Photo 5: Divide the tuna into small pieces.
8 step

We spread the ingredients on the dough: first spread the tomato puree and evenly distribute it throughout the dough; Then sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

step 9

We turn on the oven at 250 degrees and send the baking sheet there with our pizza base for 5 minutes.

10 step

After 5 minutes, take the baking sheet out of the oven and put the rest of the ingredients on the base: olives, which we must cut into small circles; pieces of prepared tuna and mozzarella cheese. We send our baking sheet back to the oven for 7 minutes.

Photo 6: Laying out the pizza ingredients.

Be sure to sprinkle with basil before serving. You can also serve additionally a for lovers of spicy - black and red pepper.

Photo 7: Ready-made delicious pizza with tuna at home.
  • If there is dough left, it can be put in the freezer until the next pizza is cooked. It can be stored for a very long time.
  • The special secret of a real Italian pizza is that the tomatoes must be peeled.
  • Another prerequisite is the mandatory use of mozzarella cheese. But you can experiment and, perhaps, you will find a new delicious recipe for yourself.
  • Another Italian secret for making pizza is that the diameter should not exceed 35 cm.

Canned tuna pizza: step by step recipe with photo

To make tuna pizza at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • tuna, canned in oil;
  • onion;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;

Step by step photo recipe how to make pizza with tuna at home:

We roll out the dough thinly in the form of a circle, but 2 centimeters in diameter more than your baking sheet can accommodate. In a circle, the dough must be bent about 2 centimeters to make a side of the pizza. You can help yourself to do this with a fork - it will be more reliable and faster.

In a bowl, mix ketchup with mayonnaise and coat the pizza base well.

We send the base to the oven for 5-7 minutes. This is necessary so that the sauce absorbs a little and takes on a crust so that the rest of the filling, which we will add, does not flow over it.

Spread the finely chopped onion on the hot base.

And send the pizza for 10 minutes in the oven. Only for 10 minutes, since the pizza base is already half cooked. When the pizza is ready, take it out of the oven and season it with grated cheese, then send it to the oven for another 1-2 minutes to melt the cheese.

We take out the resulting pizza, cut it and enjoy its aroma and taste!

I am sure that each of your household will like this pizza!

Bon appetit!

Tuna Pizza is one of the easiest fish pizza recipes to make. Usually canned tuna in its own juice is sold in jars with convenient packaging (150-180 gr) - just for one pizza. It is worth making sure that the tuna in the jar is in whole pieces, and not minced meat or tuna in tomato sauce.

Pizza, which has become very widespread all over the world, has long gone beyond the "real Italian" pizza, and has become the most beloved and international dish in the world. Its popularity is due primarily to ease of manufacture, and an endless variety of cooking options. Various types of pizza that exist in world cuisines, although different from Italian ones, will not be less tasty. Regional and local pizzas often take into account the peculiarities of the local range of products, the tastes of the inhabitants, and even the peculiarities of local religious views.

In Israel, pizza chains offer kosher pizza options. Japanese pizza "okonomiyaki" - fried flatbread with seafood and vegetables. In any pizzeria in the world you will be offered "classic" pizzas - or pizza with sausage. But be sure to pizza will be seasoned with local flavor and author's imagination. Any Italian will tell you that real pizza is only found in Italy, and will give you the address of the same pizzeria, which usually belongs to him or his friends.

If you are a fish lover, then you will surely like pizza with tuna, tomatoes and olives, with soft mozzarella cheese. I really like this pizza, and I love it when there are a lot of tomatoes and tuna. However, tuna fish is not cheap, and we sometimes make a similar one.

Tuna (lat. Thunnus), despite the fact that it is a very large fish, is essentially mackerel, mackerel. The whole life of a tuna is a continuous movement. In California, at The Monterey Bay Aquarium, a large shoal of tuna continuously cut circles in deep blue water. A bewitching spectacle.

Tuna meat is widely used in food, I think that the record holder is Japan, where you can buy tuna almost anywhere. So, making tuna pizza using canned tuna in its own juice is never difficult. It is important that there are fresh tomatoes and fresh mozzarella.

Pizza with tuna. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (pizza 34 cm)

  • Pizza dough 400 gr
  • Tuna 1 jar
  • Mozzarella 100 gr
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs
  • Basil, parsley, dill 2-3 branches
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato sauce 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Parmesan 1 tbsp. l.
  • Green olives 10-12 pcs
  • Oregano to taste
  1. Prepare the dough - yeast-free, or yeast according to the recipe, which we have long taken as a basis and pizza always turns out perfectly with us. After the dough has risen, knead and stretch it into a cake 5-7 mm thick. Put the dough on the form, after lightly greasing it with olive oil. Be sure to prick the dough with a fork in several places. If you like pizza on a thin and slightly crispy dough, you can lay out the filling right away. If you want pizza with tuna to be on a more fluffy and soft dough, you need to cover the dough on the form with a napkin and let it stand in a warm place for 15-30 minutes so that it rises additionally.

    Put the dough on the form

  2. Prepare all ingredients for topping (filling). An important ingredient for tuna pizza is tomato sauce. Quite often, pizzerias use ketchup from a bag or tomato paste. Should not be doing that. If you didn’t have time to prepare in the summer, just take 2-3 ripe tomatoes (in the most extreme case, half a glass of homemade tomato juice). Remove seeds, skin and growing area from tomatoes. Grind the tomato pulp to a puree state, add a pinch of salt, pepper and nutmeg on the tip of a knife. Pour mixture into skillet with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and simmer the sauce until desired thickness.

    Prepare all the ingredients for the topping

  3. Open the can of tuna and drain the liquid. Divide the tuna meat with your fingers into large, but thin pieces. Tomatoes for pizza with tuna can not be peeled and peeled. But, if you wish, scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin from them. Remove seeds. Slice the tomatoes into thin slices. Strictly speaking, the amount of tomatoes is up to your taste. For example, I really like the taste of tuna with lots of tomatoes. But, you can do without tomatoes altogether, limiting yourself to tomato sauce.

    Open a jar of tuna and drain the liquid

  4. Cut pitted green olives in half lengthwise. Remove all leaves from the greens. Drain the liquid from the mozzarella and cut it into very thin slices of any size. Grate Parmesan.
  5. Lubricate the dough on the form with tomato sauce. Sprinkle with a pinch of dry oregano.

    Lubricate the dough on the form with tomato sauce

  6. Put the tuna meat in an even layer on top of the tomato sauce, trying to distribute it as evenly as possible.

    Spread the tuna meat evenly

  7. Arrange chopped tomatoes on top of the tuna and sprinkle with very finely chopped herbs.

    Arrange chopped tomatoes on top of the tuna

  8. Arrange the mozzarella pieces, distributing them evenly. It is worth spreading the cheese so that some of the tomatoes are not covered with cheese.

    Spread mozzarella pieces

  9. Lay out the green olive halves. Actually, if the olives are not the largest, you can leave them whole by removing the stone, if any. Sprinkle the pizza again with a pinch of dry oregano and drizzle with olive oil.

    Arrange green olives and sprinkle with Parmesan

  10. And finally, sprinkle Parmesan pizza with tuna, trying to distribute most of it along the side, and less in the middle of the pizza.
  11. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the pizza dish to bake. Each oven bakes differently, so you need to focus on a baking time of 20 minutes. Tuna pizza does not contain anything in the filling that requires heat treatment, so you need to focus on the readiness of the dough. As soon as the dough starts to brown on the bottom, the tuna pizza is ready.

    Bake pizza in the oven

  12. Remove the tuna pizza from the oven and cut it with a special knife into 6-8 pieces.

Everyone knows that pizza came to Russian cuisine from Italy. Today, this dish has become a traditional treat for family dinners, festive feasts, and warm gatherings with friends. There are many options for preparing fillings for such pastries, among them there are original Italian ones, for example, pizza with tuna.

Seafood toppings for pizza are considered original and special, as meat and mushroom ingredients are considered more familiar options for Russian cuisine. Italian tuna pizza belongs to the original recipes of Italian cuisine, but today this dish has become a favorite among many Russian housewives.

Pizza with tuna and tomatoes

Fans of fish dishes and seafood especially highlight the recipe for pizza with canned tuna and tomatoes. The dish itself is distinguished by its original taste solution and a special, marine aroma.

For the filling, stock up on the ingredients:

  • a couple of medium-sized tomatoes;
  • 100 gr. canned tuna;
  • 2 small onions;
  • mozzarella cheese - 120 gr.;
  • a teaspoon of dried oregano;
  • 120 gr. cold pressed olive oil;
  • bunch of basil

The dough for this pizza can be purchased ready-made in the supermarket, you can cook it yourself. For the fish version, the dough with the addition of semolina, which is prepared from the following ingredients, is better suited:

  • 800 gr. wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 200 gr. fine semolina;
  • a tablespoon of sea salt;
  • 6 art. l. cold pressed olive oil;
  • 14 gr. dry yeast;
  • 530 ml. cold water.

The recipe for canned tuna pizza involves the initial preparation of the dough and a special tomato sauce.

  1. The sifted flour is poured onto the table, mixed with semolina, a small depression is made in the middle of the mass.
  2. Pour water into the recess, gently mixing the dry mixture from the edges, gradually adding oil, yeast, salt.
  3. Using a fork, carefully collect the dough into a homogeneous mass, after which it is thoroughly kneaded with your hands until it stops sticking to your hands.
  4. The finished ball of dough is removed in a warm place for an hour and a half, after which it is kneaded for another quarter of an hour. At the end of all the “manipulations”, the dough is ready for rolling out and cooking the pizza itself.

While the dough is resting, you can start preparing a special sauce.

  1. Tomatoes are dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes, after which the skin is removed from them and the seeds are removed.
  2. The pulp of tomatoes is kneaded with a fork until a homogeneous gruel is obtained, olive oil, oregano, a little salt are added, mixed thoroughly and allowed to brew for about 10 minutes.

After the sauce and dough are ready, you can start cooking the baking itself. Tomato pizza with tuna and onions is prepared following a step-by-step recipe:

  1. The peeled onion is cut into thin half rings, the tuna is taken out of the jar, having previously drained the juice, slightly knead with a fork.
  2. The dough is rolled out in a thin layer, slightly raising the sides, thickly smeared with prepared tomato sauce.
  3. Spread onion, tuna, cheese slices, chopped into pieces of arbitrary shape and size, on the sauce.
  4. Bake in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for about a quarter of an hour. Ready pizza is covered with a golden brown crust.

Fans of spicier options can add a little chili pepper or a mixture of peppers to the sauce. True connoisseurs of Italian pizza can add finely chopped basil and finely chopped rosemary to the tomato sauce.

Tip: pizza with tuna will be no less tasty if you cook it on a yeast-free dough. Suitable for this is the usual puff pastry, prepared according to the recipe that the hostess prefers. You can also buy ready-made puff pastry at the supermarket.

Pizza with tuna and sausage

A variant of a family pizza that can satisfy the culinary preferences of all family members is an assorted pizza, the filling of which differs in that it contains both meat and fish ingredients: sausage and canned tuna.

The dough for this product can be purchased ready-made, you can cook it yourself according to the recipe with the addition of semolina.

For the filling, stock up on products:

  • 150 gr. salami sausages;
  • a can of canned tuna;
  • a small jar of green olives;
  • hard cheese - 150 gr.;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes, olive oil, oregano, salt, basil for sauce.

The filling for pizza with tuna and sausage does not mix, it is important to follow the sequence specified in the recipe when preparing this dish.

  1. Prepare the dough and leave it for an hour and a half to "rest".
  2. Blanched tomatoes are peeled and seeds are chopped, mixed with olive oil, spices and herbs - to prepare a tomato sauce for future pizza in this way.
  3. Drain the liquid from the can of tuna, put the fish in a separate container, mash with a fork.
  4. Grind the salami into strips, drain the olives from the brine, cut each olive into two halves.
  5. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, cut the onion into thin rings.
  6. The dough is thoroughly kneaded for a quarter of an hour, rolled out and reassembled into a ball.
  7. Roll out the dough in a thin layer, slightly bending along the edges, forming a kind of "sides".
  8. Spread the finished sauce of tomatoes and spices on the dough, evenly distributing it over the surface.
  9. Onion rings are laid out in an even layer on the sauce, after which the base is visually divided in half.
  10. On one half spread the stuffing from the chopped sausage, on the second - chopped tuna.
  11. The olives, cut in half, are spread over the sausage and tuna fillings, evenly distributed and covered with grated cheese.
  12. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 150-180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

This dish looks original: half with sausage has a pinkish tint, with tuna - just a dark color. Those who prefer sausage stuffing will easily be able to identify their half of the gourmet pastries.

You can add some canned gherkins to the filling for such a pizza. Their taste and aroma will add piquancy to the dish and complement the taste of olives. Some culinary experts prefer to add a little canned corn to half of the sausage: the finished pizza only benefits from this both aesthetically and in taste. Mushrooms also win over advantageously and give a special exquisite taste to the sausage half.

The original Italian pizza is different in that it almost always contains mozzarella cheese. In order not to break traditions, you can use a mixture of cheeses: take half of any hard cheese and half mozzarella.

Are you wondering how best to pass the evening? Rather invite your friends and comrades to your home! And in order to surely lure them, promise a wonderful Italian dish as a dish. Pizza with tuna, accompanied by good white or rose wine - and the success of the company and leisure is guaranteed!

The mood of the dish

Cooking a real pizza brings back memories of the narrow streets of Rome, the warm wind and the wonderful smell from a nearby small cafe. Well, not memories, because not everyone has been to Rome. But Italian delicious food and its aroma cannot be confused with anything. And if you suddenly want to feel the warmth of the Mediterranean coast, then pizza with tuna according to the Italian recipe will pamper you with warm impressions. It is incredibly easy to prepare, but the result will be amazing!

Some Features

Of course, every pizza starts with a dough. What else does the taste of this favorite dish depend on in the first place? It is high time to learn how to make yeast-free dough, as it is rolled in pizzerias. But why without them? And because the Italians themselves almost always do this. Of course, different dough is being prepared for the Tuna Pizza dish, for example, the classic dough on water or kefir. Someone will add sour cream or butter, and the dough will turn out crispy. With cottage cheese, it will simply melt in your mouth, and if you put a little potato puree, then it will not go stale for a long time.

Rules for making delicious pizza

Tuna pizza is a pastry that is not too complicated. But before you build the dough, you need to provide something:

  • Flour must be of the highest grade, from durum wheat varieties.
  • It is necessary to knead the dough in warm rooms, avoiding drafts.
  • When baking, the main thing is not to overdo it, 15 minutes in the oven is enough if it was preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees. Otherwise, the pizza will turn out "wooden".

And one more thing: it is quite convenient that the dough made in advance can be put in the freezer. When you need to cook, it will always be at hand.

Pizza dough without yeast is thin. Recipe

We will need: 2 cups of sifted “hard” flour, half a cup of warm, 30 degrees, milk, 2 eggs, a little salt, a few tablespoons of vegetable oil (it is best to take olive oil, but you can do something else).

  1. Beat the heated milk together with eggs and butter with a mixer (this speeds up the process). Mix flour and salt in a separate bowl. In a loose mixture, it is necessary to make a small funnel and gradually pour the resulting liquid into it, kneading (thin) little by little. The recipe, as you can see, is quite simple to execute.
  2. Further, we already knead by hand: until there is a smooth ball of elastic dough in skillful hands. After 10 minutes, cover this mass with a slightly damp towel or cotton napkin.
  3. Roll out the resulting dough into thin rounded cakes. Everything, you can start filling the dish with stuffing.

Sour cream test

We will need: a couple of glasses of durum wheat flour, one glass of fatty homemade sour cream (can be replaced with a store-bought one, but the fat content should be at least 20%), a piece of butter, two eggs, a bit of baking soda.

yeast pizza

The base can also be prepared using yeast. It's as easy to do it as it is without them. We will need: a couple of glasses of flour, fifty grams of fresh yeast (can be replaced with a dry bag), a spoonful of sugar and salt, half a glass of olive oil, warm water.

  1. In a spacious bowl, mix the yeast and flour, salt and sugar, oil and water diluted with warm water.
  2. Knead the dough by hand until elastic. Then we put the already prepared again in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave it warm for about an hour.
  3. During this time, the dough will rise. We divide it into two parts and crush it. And then roll out into thin layers (thickness less than 1 centimeter), put on a baking sheet and grease with vegetable oil. Our yeast pizza has a base!

What's next?

Well, our dough is ready. How is tuna pizza prepared in the future? Its recipe is very easy! It is taken: tomato paste in the amount of a couple of large spoons (neutral ketchup is also possible), mozzarella cheese - one hundred grams, any soft cheese - 50 grams, a jar in its own juice, a jar of olives, a couple of fresh tomatoes.

  1. Lubricate the dough with tomato paste or ketchup (you can add a little Italian dried herbs there).
  2. We take the tuna from the jar and knead it with a fork, evenly spread it over the base. Add half rings of red onion on top. In principle, other ingredients can be added at this stage. For example, olives and slices of fresh tomatoes.
  3. Squeeze the mozzarella cheese lightly and tear into pieces. They need to be evenly distributed over the base.
  4. Sprinkle some more grated cheese, any soft variety, on top.
  5. We put the dish in an oven heated to 180 and bake for 10 minutes. It is good to use airflow if it is available in the oven. Tuna pizza is ready!

More about stuffing

Fried tuna as a filling also has a right to exist. It's simple: we will use all other ingredients, as in the previous recipe. We choose the basis to taste: yeast or without yeast. But we prepare the main filling in a different way.

  1. Before frying, fresh tuna fillet must be marinated. If soy sauce is included in the ingredients of your marinade, do not salt the fish. Otherwise, rub the pieces with salt and a little pepper.
  2. Then fry the tuna in hot vegetable oil (3 minutes on each side) until golden. Pieces should be cut no thicker than 3 cm, so that the fish is perfectly steamed.
  3. Readiness is determined by piercing a piece with a fork: if it is slightly stratified, and inside it is pinkish, then the fried tuna is ready. Remove the fish from the pan, let cool and use as an excellent

Bon appetit!

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