Hot pepper recipes. Hot pepper for the winter. Finger licking recipes. Treatment and prevention of beriberi and anemia with pepper

No, the article is not about the heroes of adult films and not even about Semyon Slepakov's favorite band "Red hot chili peppers", but about hot red pepper, the hottest pepper in the world.

Traveling around Mexico and getting acquainted with Mexican culture, one cannot help but pay attention to Mexican cuisine. It is based on all kinds of dishes from corn, fish, meat and beans. But in order for these dishes to become truly "Mexican", they need one more ingredient - salsas. These are fiery hot sauces, which, in addition to tomatoes and herbs, include several types of pepper. It is about them that we will discuss in our today's article.

“Sharp, burning, appetizing and burst of energy” - this is how we can characterize the familiar hot pepper to all of us. However, not all so simple! Hot peppers, it turns out, there are a great many. And among them there are such sharp representatives of this family, which are used only for technical purposes. Less spicy peppers are used for cooking and in various tinctures, rubs, and ointments. Based on studies of capsaicin, a pungent substance in peppers, scientists have compiled a scale for the hotness of capsicum peppers. For reference, ECU is a unit of the Scoville scale.

1 Pepper Trinidad scorpion 855 000 – 1 463 700 ECU

And begins our traditional top ten pepper, whose name translates as Trinidad Scorpion. Even if you are a lover of everything “spicy”, we strongly do not recommend that you feast on this pepper. The fact is that the content of capsaicin (a burning substance) is such that it is necessary to grow and process this vegetable in chemical protection suits. It is grown mainly for the production of tear gas and paint that protects ships from the growth of shellfish colonies on them.

2 Naga Jolia 970,000 - 1,001,304 ECU

In order to get acquainted with the action of this pepper, you do not need to go to the Indian Naga tribe. It is enough just to get under the influence of pepper smoke bombs. By the way, in order to reduce the hotness of one gram of pepper to the possibility of its use, you need to dilute it in 1000 liters of water!

3 Habanero pepper 350,000 – 570,000 EHU

Our next nominee is a pepper with the proud name Habanero. There are legends about the hotness of this type of capsicum. It is said that in ancient times the Yucatan offered their captives a choice: drink half a liter of Habanero tincture or be sacrificed to the gods. Most chose the latter… As for its modern use, Habanero is popular for making Tabasco sauce, as well as for spicing up Tequila.

4 Pepper Scottish cap 100,000 – 350,000 ECU

This pepper gets its name from its resemblance to the Scottish beret. It is very pungent and can cause dizziness or numbness in the extremities. Pepper is used in sauces and first courses. And gourmets use it as a bite with chocolate and fruits.

5 Jamaican pepper 100,000 – 200,000 ECU

Fragrant but dangerous. May cause burns if used incorrectly. This pepper is used traditionally: in sauces, spices and pickles. Used with meat and dairy products.

6 Thai pepper 75,000 – 150,000 EHU

The birthplace of this pepper is Portugal, from where it migrated and successfully took root in Thailand. Use it for cooking fish, meat dishes, as well as in sauces and salads. In addition, this pepper copes well with such a female problem as cellulite.

7 Cayenne pepper 30,000 – 50,000 ECU

The name of this pepper comes from the port town of Cayenne, located in French Guiana. It was here, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, that the famous spicy route from South America to Europe passed. This type of pepper is used for the preparation of marinades, canned food, sausages. In addition, it is successfully used against sciatica.

8 Serrano pepper 10,000 – 23,000 EHU

"Time bomb" - so they say about this pepper in his homeland - in Mexico. He deserved such a comparison, thanks to his peculiarity - the delay of pungency. After chewing a couple of pieces of this capsicum, there comes an inevitable retribution. It feels like a REAL bomb exploded in your mouth!

9 Hungarian wax pepper 5,000 – 10,000 ECU

Despite its seeming harmlessness, it should not be underestimated. This is the pepper of Hungarian women who want to show all their passion in eating such burning "delicacies".

10 Poblano pepper 1,000 – 1,500 ECU

The "softest" of all of the above. The main pepper of Mexico. Without it, the most important holiday of the country, Independence Day, is unthinkable. This pepper tastes like prunes, and at the festival it is used in a stew, along with white nut sauce and pomegranate seeds.

The piquant taste of bitter pepper will complement any dish. It is widely believed that growing this vegetable crop is more difficult than other vegetables.

Breeders create new varieties that can be easily planted in any lane. It remains to choose the name of the hot pepper variety, and find out the features of agricultural technology.

The birthplace of the annual is South America. The colonizers brought pepper to Europe. Today it is an integral part of the national cuisines of the whole world.

Residents of India, Thailand and Mexico attribute healing properties to the vegetable. In addition to the original taste, pepper has a lot of useful properties:

Capsaicin can cause pain, severe burning and swelling. It thins the blood and disrupts its clotting. During cooking, you should not scratch your eyes and nose: burning substances can burn the mucous membranes.

Varieties of hot pepper

What is the name of hot pepper? There are many options. Among themselves, peppers differ in taste, color and size of the fruit. Before buying certain seeds, you should decide for what purposes you need a vegetable.

Peppers with a mild spicy taste are good for eating raw. In canning, fruits with medium spiciness are used. Burning varieties are most often dried and ground to add a pinch to food.

An important role is played by the timing of aging. On average, pepper reaches full ripeness in 100 days. The following are popular varieties and types of hot peppers.

dragon tongue

One type of hot pepper

A variety that ripens before anyone else: 105 days pass from planting seeds to harvest. The bush reaches 70 cm in height. During the season, about 90 fruits are formed on it.

Ripened pepper has a rich color. Fruiting continues for several months. Ground in the south.

In central Russia, "Dragon's Language" is planted in a greenhouse. Pepper is good both fresh and as a seasoning.

Che Guevara

Another variety with a short maturation period. One pepper can weigh 90 g. The pulp has a pleasant aroma. Bushes develop well in open ground. The variety is valued for its appearance: the red fruits of an elongated conical shape are very showy. Due to its pungent taste, pepper is most often used as a condiment.


The hybrid variety contains many vitamins. From each bush you can harvest 600 g of the crop. A ripe vegetable has a conical shape and a pointed tip. "Tulsky" is grown in open ground throughout Russia.

Astrakhan 147

Hot green pepper with the name Astrakhan 147 is a mid-season variety, which is particularly hot. Growth is unlimited: the crop can be harvested before frost. Both red, finally ripened, and green fruits are plucked.

The variety adapts well to aggressive environmental conditions. Due to the high content of the irritating substance, pepper is often used for medicinal purposes.

Ukrainian bitter

Medium late variety. Ripening time 120 days. The fruits are small, small in size and have a cone-shaped shape. Bushes are neat and compact. The pulp of the vegetable does not burn, it is eaten raw. In the eastern and northern parts of the country, it is grown indoors.

flying moth

A small hot pepper with this name is popular due to the unusual shape of the fruit, which resembles a bell. The hybrid is resistant to many fungal diseases. Fruits are added to salads, dried and canned.

It can be grown not only in the country, but also in an apartment. In the premises, pepper contributes to the destruction of pathogenic bacteria.

Queen of Spades

A dwarf variety will enliven the garden bed with colorful peppercorns. At the end of the season, you can transplant the bush into a pot and transport it to the apartment. In pot culture, it grows as a perennial.

The plant reaches a height of 20 cm. As it ripens, the fruits change their color from purple to deep red. The variety bears fruit abundantly, fully satisfying the need for pepper.

In November, the plant sheds foliage, and at the end of winter comes to life again.

Where is the best place to plant hot peppers?

Certain conditions, as well as proximity to some vegetable crops, allow not only to increase the yield, but also improve the taste.

Seedlings are planted in open ground, when at night the thermometer does not fall below 18 ° C. In areas with sharp changes in day and night temperatures, the beds are covered with non-woven covering material or bushes are grown in a greenhouse.

Peppers need good lighting. In shaded places, the foliage turns pale, and the side shoots become brittle. The soil should not be acidic.

Bushes feel good on loamy and sandy soils. Regular watering is of great importance. During the period of fruit formation, the plants are watered frequently and plentifully.

When planting, you need to lay organic fertilizer. In total, three times top dressing with mineral fertilizers is required per season.

Fertilizers are applied by spraying or by watering. If necessary, pest and disease control is carried out. Bushes are affected by a potato ladybug, aphids and spider mites.

Tall varieties need a garter. Besides:

  • for better branching, the crown is pinched at a height of 20 cm;
  • remove weak side shoots and stepchildren, leaving a few strong ones;
  • the first flowers are cut so that all forces go to.

At high temperatures, the plant is shaded. To avoid cross-pollination, plant separately from acute.

Hot pepper develops well next to eggplant and tomatoes. These vegetables belong to the same species and require the same conditions.

Spicy herbs growing nearby give the pepper a spicy flavor. Dill, marjoram, thyme and basil are planted between the beds with peppers.

Many varieties ripen faster next to nettle, chamomile and dandelion. However, weeds in large numbers will suffocate the plant and take away nutrients.

Regular weeding is necessary. Fennel has a negative effect on hot peppers. It depresses the bushes and can provoke their death. Beets and potatoes are bad neighbors.

Seedlings of a culture called hot pepper are very sensitive to cold. Therefore, before transplanting plants into open ground, you need to harden them and leave them outside for several nights. It is important that in the morning the seedlings do not look lethargic.

Organic fertilizers can only be used well-rotted. It is better not only to fertilize the soil, but also to disinfect it before planting. For this, a solution of manganese, boron, or just boiling water is suitable, with which you can pour the wells an hour before planting.

After planting, it is better to water the plants with slightly warm water. It is better to mulch the soil under pepper with peat or plant seedlings on agrofiber.

Of the pests, the bear is also dangerous. This insect eats the roots of hot pepper, after which the aerial part quickly dies. To protect plants, you can cook porridge, in which an insecticide and a large amount of vegetable oil are added. Of the preparations, we recommend Regent, Aktara, Confidor, Bi-58.

The resulting mixture is laid in a groove to a depth of 2-3 cm, which is dug around the beds. You can just lightly sprinkle the boiled cereal with soil. It is important that the porridge is covered with something, otherwise the birds may die, and not the described unpleasant pest.


Essential oils and pungency stimulate the appetite perfectly. Fresh peppers are added to salads and sauces.

Small fruits are used entirely in pickling, they give an original flavor to the rest of the vegetables.

It is difficult to imagine adjika, Mexican sauces and oriental dishes without pepper. Dry pepper seasoning is added to meat, hot appetizers and seafood dishes.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes based on hot pepper. It has a warming effect.

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a piece of pepper is added to warm milk and drunk before bedtime.

Alcohol infusion based on red pepper stimulates hair growth and strengthens their structure. Juice is added to massage oil. This composition is used in the fight against cellulite.

While watching the video, you will learn about.

Hot pepper is one of the popular vegetable crops. New varieties regularly appear that are distinguished by cold resistance and the original appearance of the fruit. Each summer resident will find a variety that he will like.

Attention, super FLY!

Hot hot pepper is used to spice up a wide variety of dishes. It can be used all year round, but how to save this vegetable.

A simple solution would be to pickle the peppers in jars or other containers in which the mixture will be stored all winter. Salting hot peppers - recipes are collected for your convenience.

A spicy vegetable can be prepared for the winter and later used as a seasoning for dishes. And as an appetizer, such a blank will look great on the festive table. To make bitter pepper tastier and richer for the winter, you can add peppermint leaves, dill, cilantro or celery. This recipe includes celery greens.

For those who like to diversify their winter diet with the help of blanks, we would like to offer other spin options: pickled, salted or. You can easily find all these and many other recipes in our recipe book on the website.

Required Ingredients:

  • Hot pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Salt - 250 grams;
  • Bay leaves - 7 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Celery - 150 grams.

  1. Rinse vegetables well;
  2. In a suitable container, a large saucepan is better, put prepared peppers, peeled garlic, celery, bay leaf;
  3. In a separate container, bring water to a boil, put salt in it, stir until dissolved and remove from heat, set aside to cool completely;
  4. When the mixture has cooled down, it is necessary to fill in the prepared vegetables with it;
  5. It is necessary to put oppression on top of the mass, for this you need to put a large plate on the mass, and press it on top with something heavy, for example, a large jar of water;
  6. Under oppression, the workpiece should stand for about 15 days, and it should be in the room, room temperature will shorten the salting time;
  7. After the mixture is well salted, you can pull out the pulp from it and transfer it to sterilized jars, you can sterilize it over steam or in the oven, the main thing is that the temperature regime is correctly observed;
  8. The remaining salt brine must be put on the stove and boiled, then the mass must be poured with this composition;
  9. It remains only to close the workpiece with iron or nylon lids.

Salted peppers for the winter

For harvesting, it is best to use a spicy green vegetable; it is more suitable for pickling and pickling. In a similar recipe, green peppers can be supplemented with celery greens. From this combination, the mixture is more nutritious and healthy. Celery sets off the taste of a spicy vegetable quite well and becomes spicy.

Required Ingredients:

  • Hot pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Salt - 200 grams;
  • Bay leaf - about 5 pieces;
  • Celery - 100 grams;
  • Water - 2.5 liters.

How to pickle hot peppers in jars for the winter

  1. Garlic wash, peel;
  2. Wash the celery and put it in a container, it is best to take a large wide pan;
  3. Wash the pepper, you don’t need to peel the pulp, you don’t even need to cut off the stalks, they will be salted well enough, then put in a container on top of the celery;
  4. Now you need to put peeled garlic in a container, as well as bay leaves;
  5. Now you need to prepare a mixture for salting, you need to bring the water to a boil, put salt in it, boil a little and cool completely;
  6. The cooled mixture should be poured over the fruits so that they are completely covered with saline;
  7. Put a plate on top, and place a large load on it, in this form you need to leave the vegetables for about 10-14 days, when the vegetables are pickled, they will change color from green to yellow;
  8. The pulp itself needs to be decomposed into jars, if the containers are not sterilized, then it will only be necessary to store the twist in the refrigerator, it will turn sour in a warm place, then pour the fruits again with boiled saline, you can close the jars with lids and put them in a cool place.

hot pepper for the winter

If you need to prepare a spicy vegetable, then undoubtedly you should use this recipe. It is easy to prepare, does not require additional ingredients and unnecessary cooking elements. But despite the simplicity, this appetizer turns out to be very tasty and interesting. You can use vegetables of different colors for this recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • Hot pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • Table salt - 24 tablespoons;
  • Water - 3 liters.

How to salt hot peppers

  1. Peppers must be sorted out, seeds, stalks removed and a cut along the tip of the fruit made, the cut should be about 2 centimeters long. This is done so that the pulp is completely and evenly salted;
  2. Now the fruits must be placed in a container in which they will be salted;
  3. Now is the time to prepare the solution itself, in which the fruits will be salted, for it you need to boil 1 liter of water, add 8 tablespoons of salt to it and wait until the salt dissolves, if sediment has formed at the bottom of the pan, then the mixture must be filtered through several layers of clean gauze;
  4. Hot brine must be poured over the previously prepared mass, the liquid must be hot;
  5. Now it is worth putting oppression on the mass, but it is important to ensure that the pulp is completely covered with saline liquid;
  6. The mixture is left in the room for 72 hours;
  7. After that, we drain the mixture, and from the same amount of water and salt we cook the brine and pour the pulp again;
  8. Again, we put the pulp under oppression and withstand another 5 days;
  9. After that, it is necessary to drain the liquid from it and prepare a new brine from the remaining water and salt;
  10. Remove the pulp from the mass, transfer to sterilized jars and pour new brine, now you can close the twists and put away for storage.

hot pepper pickling recipe

All lovers of spicy should prepare a hot bitter pepper, green fruits are especially sharp. But to reduce the sharpness, you can use yellow or red vegetables. Vegetables only need to be sorted out and washed. If desired, you can roll not whole fruits, but cut them into thin strips, then they will pickle much faster.

Required Ingredients:

  • Hot pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • Salt - 8 tablespoons;
  • Water - 2 liters.

How to pickle hot peppers for the winter

  1. Pods can be taken unripe, so they retain their appearance and structure, rinse them well, remove seeds, rough partitions, stalks and rinse well again, now you need to cut the pod along the tail by about 1.5-2 centimeters;
  2. Now you need to put the pods in a prepared container, it can be a saucepan, a plastic container or a glass jar, it is in it that they will be salted;
  3. Now you can start preparing the saline solution, it is boiled from water and salt to remove the sediment from the salt, the solution is filtered through a thin cloth;
  4. A hot, almost boiling solution must be poured over the prepared fruits;
  5. Oppression is put on the pulp and cleaned in a dark place for 3 days, this time can be reduced if the container is removed in a warm place;
  6. After that, it is necessary to drain the liquid from the pulp and bring the solution to a boil;
  7. Pour the pulp with a boiling solution and remove for another 3 days in a dark place, it is advisable to cover the container with a thin cloth so that debris does not get into the mixture;
  8. After that, you can shift the pods into sterilized jars and put them in a cool room.

How to salt hot peppers with garlic and dill

This recipe needs to be prepared from a slightly sluggish pepper, so after harvesting, you need to leave it for 1-2 days in the room so that it loses some of the moisture and becomes soft. It is best to use fairly small pods, and they should be about the same size, otherwise smaller fruits will turn out saltier. Now you know how to pickle hot peppers

Required Ingredients:

  • Hot green pepper - 6 kilograms;
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • Dill - 1 bunch;
  • Coarse salt - 2 cups;
  • Cold water - 10 liters.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse the pods without removing the stalks; the pulp must be pierced in several places with a fork or a toothpick;
  2. Now you need to put the fruits in a container;
  3. Add peeled garlic and chopped dill to the pulp;
  4. Dissolve the measured salt in cold water, you can take a little less than the recommended amount, pour the pulp with the resulting solution;
  5. Put heavy oppression on the fruits and leave for a few days, the process will go faster if you put the container in a warm place, the readiness of the fruits is periodically checked, for this they open the plate and check the color of the fruits, if they turn yellow, then the pulp is already sufficiently salted and you can proceed to the next stage of preparation;
  6. After that, it is worth freeing the pulp from the liquid, otherwise they will be oversalted, for this we throw the fruits into a colander, you can squeeze the pulp a little;
  7. The fruits must be well tamped in a glass jar, if liquid is released from the mixture, then it must be drained;
  8. Now the jars can be sterilized by putting them in boiling water for about 10 minutes, after which you can roll up the jars and put them in a cool place;
  9. You can do it a little differently and pour the tamped fruits with freshly prepared saline, then you should also put the jars for sterilization in boiling water for 10 minutes;
  10. If you need to fill the fruits with saline, then you can not boil it, but simply mix cold water with salt and pour it into glass jars;
  11. Such a workpiece is recommended to be stored at low temperatures.

Hot pepper recipes for the winter should be used carefully, because the mixture is very spicy, since the concentration of the vegetable is high. Based on this, it follows that such a preparation will be an excellent snack for meat and fish dishes. And with salt, you also need to be careful, there is already a large amount of salt in the mass.

Kira Stoletova

Green hot pepper is a well-known red chili, the fruits of which are in the phase of technical maturity. By this time, the vegetable has time to get enough vitamins and minerals. It differs from red in that it is less pungent. a detailed description of the variety is presented in the article.

Variety varieties

There are several varieties of red chili peppers that have green fruits when ripe. They have become very popular. They are easy to grow in the garden, in the greenhouse and on the windowsill.


The variety is very popular in America. Early ripe - 90 days pass from emergence of shoots to picking up fruits in green form.

The bush is well leafy. New shoots are not formed. This makes it easier to care for the plant and provides the fruits with plenty of light.

The fruit is long - 15-16 cm. The width of the stalk is 4.5-5.5 cm. The shape is cone-shaped, the vegetable is flattened. The tip is pointed or concave. In biological maturity it becomes red. Sharpness on the Scoville scale is 500-2500. These are averages. It has a sweet, slightly spicy aroma. Grilled, marinated, stuffed. Because of the size of the fruit, they are cut in half.


The pepper comes from Mexico. It got its name in honor of the Sierra mountains. The variety is high yielding. The first fruits can be harvested three months after seed germination.

A showy perennial plant. The semi-shrub develops quickly.

The vegetable is shaped like a bullet. The size is small - only 4 cm. The skin is smooth, glossy. The walls are pretty thin. The presence of partitions inside reduces the burning. Removing the seed also helps reduce the spiciness. In the biological phase of maturity, they acquire a red color. It has a slightly sour taste. Hot green pepper is consumed raw. Ripened - processed.


The bush reaches a height of 1 m. With good care, 25-35 peppers can be collected from each.

Curved fruits. The end is blunt. The surface is smooth. Length - 5-9 cm. Weight about 50 g. They have a spicy-sharp, slightly vinegary taste. A lot of pungency is contained in the seed. Therefore they are removed.

Benefit and harm

The advantage of green hot pepper is its use in different areas:

  • in medical practice;
  • in cosmetology;
  • for dietary purposes;
  • in cooking in various forms.

The medicine

A burning substance found in vegetables can dull pain. Beneficial for arthritis and neurosis, inflammation of the joints. Regular use of green chili improves immunity, improves blood circulation.

Improves metabolic processes in the body, increases appetite. Helps with various diseases: colds, bronchial asthma, insomnia, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, epilepsy and allergies. It has been proven that hot pepper fights cancer cells, so it is used in the prevention of cancer. It also protects tooth enamel and prevents caries.

Cosmetics and diet

Due to the high content of vitamin C and capsaicin, chili peppers are often used for cosmetic purposes. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. It can also raise body temperature. Thus, it breaks down body fat. Does not work on carbohydrates. These processes will be beneficial in the fight against excess weight. Hot pepper also provides a feeling of satiety.


Chili-based dishes acquire a spicy, spicy taste. It is consumed raw, grilled, stewed, marinated.

The beneficial properties of hot pepper are undeniable, but it can only be used in moderation. Otherwise, it will harm the body.

The harm of this pepper also has a basis of medical conclusions. You can not use this product with existing diseases of the digestive system, especially with gastritis and ulcers: the vegetable can cause burns on the mucous membranes. It should be excluded from the diet for heartburn.


Growing hot green peppers can be done both on the windowsill and in the open field or greenhouse. For a good harvest, the plant must provide optimal conditions:

  • illumination and corresponding temperature;
  • watering;
  • bush formation;
  • loosening;
  • top dressing.


Regardless of where the plant is cultivated, it is necessary to provide it with good light. For most plants, 8 hours of daylight is enough, but if the sprouts are weak, it is advisable to increase this time to 12 hours. Fluorescent lamps are used for illumination.

Temperature regime

To grow a strong adult culture, you must first take care of the health of the seedlings. The temperature in the room where it will be located should be 20 ° C. After a few weeks, it is lowered gradually. Somewhere 14 days before planting, it is necessary to harden the seedlings. Every day they are taken out into the street (for 1-2 hours in a shaded place). It is worth protecting the seedlings from sudden jumps in temperature and drafts.


After landing in a permanent place, pinch the top of the peppers (when they are adapted). This process can be carried out if the plants put out 1-2 new leaves.


Watering is carried out once a week until the culture begins to bloom. In hot weather, the amount can be increased up to two times. The dosage should be 12 liters per 1 sq. m. In the subsequent stages of cultivation, it is watered three times a week, adding 14 liters of water per 1 sq. m.

Be sure to properly form a bush, then the yield will be higher. To do this, pinching is carried out - only 5 upper shoots are left. The rest must be removed.


Hot pepper will respond well to loosening the soil. It should be carried out regularly, but carefully so as not to cause harm. After all, the root system of the plant is superficial and can be damaged.

top dressing

Some gardeners advise not to apply fertilizer at all. This is provided that the soil is enriched with useful substances. To do this, use ash, chicken manure or rotted mullein in the fall and dig it up. But during the growth of hot pepper, you can feed it with complex fertilizer. It is applied every two weeks, dosing strictly according to the instructions.

Diseases and pests

Chili peppers can affect such diseases:

  • bacterial spotting;
  • anthracnose;
  • Pickled hot peppers. Teschiny blanks for the winter


    Green hot pepper has many useful properties and qualities. Its benefits have been proven by both doctors and traditional healers. It became popular due to its universal use.

    You can grow a plant both at home and on the site. And unpretentiousness in care will satisfy every gardener.

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