Basic rules of interpersonal relations. Interpersonal relationships: types and features. Punishment for breaking the rules

There are three mistakes in human communication:
The first is the desire to speak before it is necessary;
The second is shyness, not to speak when necessary;
The third is to speak without watching your listener.

In the life of every person, social contacts with other people play a very important role. Communicating, we involuntarily develop our own individual line of behavior and have a certain impact on others.

Many have noticed that some people are able to quickly find mutual language with others, while others do not. The secret of success is very simple - it is important to know the basic principles, the use of which makes the process of information exchange more successful and productive.

Interpersonal Rules

  • If you want to make a good impression on the interlocutor, put your appearance in order.

    Watch your clothes, hairstyle, manner of speaking, gait, remember that involuntarily watching you, the interlocutor makes up his own opinion. During a conversation, try to control your facial expressions and facial expressions. If you express your emotions (both positive and negative) too clearly, this can become an obstacle to building a constructive dialogue.

    • Remember that in order to form the first impression of the interlocutor, a few minutes of conversation are enough: it is during this period that the work of all the senses is aimed at getting to know the person as best as possible.

      Just 4 minutes after the start of communication, the interlocutors are already ready to make a preliminary conclusion about whether to continue the conversation. If you want to succeed, win the trust of your opponent, then from the very beginning, try to follow your tone, gestures, facial expressions.

      • At the beginning of the dialogue, it is best to talk on neutral topics.

        We listen to the interlocutor

        • To become a good conversationalist, learn to listen to other participants in the dialogue.

          During the conversation, try to concentrate and not be distracted by thinking about the questions that you would like to ask your opponent. Try to calm down - excessive emotionality interferes with the perception of information. After the interlocutor finishes his speech, be sure to demonstrate that you heard and understood him (for this purpose, you can briefly convey what the opponent said in your own words).

          • Psychologists recommend putting into practice the method of affirmative answers.

            Its essence is very simple: at the very beginning of the conversation, it is not worth mentioning those topics, discussing which the participants in the dialogue will not be able to come to an agreement. Avoiding sharp corners will give you the best results. Start a conversation with those questions that your counterpart will definitely answer in the affirmative.

            Do not criticize, and you will not be criticized!

            • If you want to make a good impression on others, refrain from criticism, evaluation of your interlocutors.

              Also, do not constantly talk about your problems - this will quickly bore other participants in the dialogue.

              • Try to avoid controversy and conflict situations especially if the conversation is not face to face.

                Under any circumstances, try to calmly listen to the interlocutor, only in this way you can find a way out of a difficult situation. If your opponent draws you into an unnecessary argument, try to remain calm, do not succumb to provocations. AT this case it is best to try to find out: what is the goal of the interlocutor.

                • If you want your opinion to be considered, respect the other person's point of view. Remember that the manifestation of irritability, tactless behavior can become an insurmountable obstacle to establishing contact between interlocutors.

Reading time 8 minutes

Interpersonal relationships are: no sphere of life is complete without interaction with people. Types of interpersonal relationships are manifested in various areas of an individual's activity, and also directly affect almost all areas of his life. Communication is the main component of human life. And the quality of interpersonal relationships directly affects the standard of living of a person, and his psycho-emotional state of mind. After all, it is impossible to live in harmony if quarrels with loved ones constantly occur in the house, misunderstandings arise in relations with friends, and an unfavorable atmosphere reigns in the team at work. Therefore, for the versatile development of the individual and the successful organization of one's own life, it is extremely important to have an established communicative function.

The most important meetings are arranged by the souls, even before the bodily shells meet.
As a rule, these meetings take place at the moment when we reach the limit, when we feel the need to die and be reborn. Meetings are waiting for us - but how often we dodge them ourselves! And when we despair, realizing that we have nothing to lose, or vice versa - we are too happy with life, the unknown appears and our galaxy changes its orbit. © Paulo Coelho

Absolutely all the people who meet on our way are not sent to us by chance. From all contacts, you can either make some benefit, or help another person with something. Perhaps a new acquaintance has been sent to you to gain life experience, or perhaps he is destined to become your companion throughout your life. It is necessary to be able to find out the reason why the Universe arranged a meeting with this or that subject. Various types of interpersonal relationships imply the presence of people whose meetings can be called fateful.

What are the types of interpersonal relationships? How to achieve harmony in relationships with other people? And what are the methods for developing the quality of communication? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

interpersonal relationships are

Interpersonal relationships are any kind of relationship with other people. As a rule, they reflect the inner world of a person, convey his emotions and moods. Interpersonal relationships imply a complex different types communication: verbal and non-verbal, facial expressions, gestures, behavioral features, emotional manifestations and much more.

Misunderstanding always causes aggression. The degree of aggressiveness, perhaps, can be a measure of misunderstanding. © V. V. Nalimov

The formation of interpersonal relationships begins from the very birth of a person and lasts throughout his life. Initially, the individual learns to build the right interaction with society with the help of parents, educators and teachers. But over time, when the personality of the individual is finally formed, the construction of interpersonal contacts depends purely on the individual qualities of a person and his ability to communicate.


The classification of interpersonal relationships is quite extensive. They are divided by purpose and by nature, and are also distinguished into types and styles.

  • By purpose, there are primary and secondary interpersonal relationships. Primary is called such a type when people interact with each other on equal terms, without any specific need. Secondary relations are carried out when there is a need for certain assistance, the provision of services by one person to another.
  • By the nature of interpersonal relationships are official and informal (informal). Formal interactions between people are based on the observance of strict rules and boundaries of communication. There is no right to choose a partner independently. Most often this is a relationship between colleagues or business partners. In informal communication, there are no clear behavioral frameworks; the basis of informal interpersonal relationships is a wide emotional base and the right to choose an opponent. In informal relationships, personal preferences dominate both, in fact, with whom to communicate, and in the choice of topics and method of communication.
  • By style, social contacts can also be official (for example, interaction with a work team) or personal (friendly, friendly interpersonal relationships belong to this category). Personal relationships are more pleasant and varied, emotionally richer than official ones.

To have human relations with someone means to be on an equal footing with him, to speak with him confidentially apart from love; and this is also called friendship. © Françoise Sagan


The division of interpersonal relationships into types is more specific. There are five main types of human connections, interpersonal relationships are:

  1. Acquaintance. The first and most extensive type of interpersonal relationships. This category includes a very large number of people. Even people who are only visually familiar to you, with whom you have never entered into a dialogue, belong to this type of relationship.
  2. Friendly relations. This type is based on mutual affection and the mutual desire of people to maintain relationships, craving for spending time together.
  3. Friendly relationships. All participants in this category are united by the presence general view activities. People who maintain comradely contacts are united by a common goal, their communication is aimed at achieving it.
  4. Friendly relations. In order to achieve them, you need to make a lot of effort and have certain personal qualities. Not all people are able to maintain friendly relations; many do not know friendship in any of its manifestations. This type of interpersonal relationship brings incredible benefits to a person, both emotionally and in the form of moral support and the provision of all kinds of assistance.
  5. Love relationship(romance, passion). Just like friendship, love involves long and hard work to create a favorable background against which such relationships would develop harmoniously. Love is one of the strongest motivations, it is a great driving force. However, not everyone is given to comprehend this feeling. And the point is not only in individual qualities, but also in the fact that you can not find a worthy partner.

It should be remembered that each person has a certain degree of responsibility for any kind of relationship: even if it is interpersonal relationships in the family, even in love or friendship, or relationships with colleagues. Fifty percent of the success of building relationships depends on you, you are half responsible for the final result of communication with a person. This is especially true for such categories of relationships as love and friendship.

A relationship without responsibility and its awareness is just a hobby, or even worse, a habit. Responsibility cannot show whether you are compatible or not, but it can show the significance of your relationship, well, then it's up to you. © Nathaniel O'Farrell


In addition to the above varieties of relationships, there is also a systematic division into rational and emotional relationships, as well as parity and subordination. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • rational relationship. It logically follows that the basis and purpose of this type of relationship is the intention to benefit. A rational system of relations implies a certain mutual benefit for all participants in communication.
  • Emotional social connections - based on personal preferences, based on the basis of sensual contacts, which may not always be positive. Along with friendship and love, emotional relationships include enmity, antipathy, and hatred.
  • Parity contacts - the communication of a couple or a group of people of this category is based on equality. The basis of these interpersonal relationships is complete freedom of choice.
  • Subordinate relationships are relationships that have a clear hierarchy. For example, it can be communication between the boss and subordinates.


All types of contacts between people are very closely interconnected, for this reason it is extremely difficult to distinguish between them. Also, interpersonal relationships are based on human feelings and emotions. The sensory development of relationships is characterized by both positive and negative emotional manifestations.

When we meet any new person in our life, we immediately give him an assessment - whether he is sympathetic to us or, on the contrary, is extremely antipathetic. Based on this, the foundation for future contacts begins to be laid. All types of interpersonal relationships are built on this principle.

People who have a sense of empathy, are able to empathize and rejoice in the success of others, are more prone to building harmonious relationships with others. Such personalities are conducive to communication, it is pleasant to contact with them, I want to continue communication, and also give in return those positive vibes that come from harmonious positive-minded people.


The main problem of interpersonal relations is a violation of the communicative function. If a person does not know how to communicate correctly, is afraid to establish contacts with people, then any kind of interpersonal relationship is unlikely to develop successfully.

Everything in a relationship is about communication. Solve any problems through dialogue. © Ekaterina Makarova

There are several effective tips on how to learn how to communicate with people:

There are situations when during communication people cannot find the right words, do not know what to talk about and how to build a constructive dialogue. As a result, there is misunderstanding in the relationship.

What communication mistakes should be avoided so that the types of interpersonal relationships are not under the threat of unfavorable development?

  1. Watch your tone, facial expressions and gestures. Avoid an indifferent tone, a bored look, skeptical assessments - such manifestations discourage the desire to continue communication.
  2. The language barrier. This is not only a problem of people speaking different languages. Also, a language barrier can arise between people with different levels of development, age characteristics and culture of speech. For example, you won't be able to talk to children the way you would with adults, if only because most of the words and terms that adults use in a conversation may not be known to children.
  3. Manifestations of social phobia. It happens that a person, for inexplicable reasons, feels fear of communicating with people. That is why awkward situations and pauses arise when trying to establish contact with the interlocutor. If you are faced with a similar problem, then you need to show inner willpower and stamina in order to work on improving your communication functions.

The only time in a person's life when he is objectively dependent and when he can be considered a hostage is his childhood and dependence on his parents. It lasts for a relatively short time. In other cases, being in a relationship is the choice of an adult. © Mikhail Labkovsky

Each person is born and lives in society throughout his life. Complete isolation is completely impossible. There are options to cut and shorten the types of interpersonal relationships, leaving only the most necessary areas of social ties. But without the successful construction of social communication links, harmonious personal growth and development is impossible.

It is difficult to imagine humanity without interpersonal relationships. Most people spend most of their adult life in communication: from the moment we wake up until we go to bed, we are in the company of our family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers. Individuals enter into certain forms of face-to-face relationships, through the telephone, the Internet, various forms of paper documents. Exclude all this from our life, and then it can hardly be called human in the full sense of the word. How is the formation of interpersonal relationships and what is meant by this term? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

Definition of interpersonal relationships

By the term "interpersonal relationships" psychologists mean a set of interactions that occur between individuals, often accompanied by emotional experiences and in some way convey the state of a person's inner world.

Interpersonal relationships are based on various types communication, which includes non-verbal connections, a certain appearance, body movements and gestures, spoken language, etc. They combine cognitive, emotional and behavioral components.

The cognitive component means such features of interpersonal relationships as various forms of cognition - representation, imagination, perception, sensation, memory, thinking. All of them allow us to recognize in a person his individual psychological features and achieve understanding, which, in turn, depends on adequacy (how accurately we perceive the psychological portrait of the person with whom we interact) and identification (identification of our personality with the personality of another individual).

The emotional component denotes the experiences that we experience when communicating with certain people. And they can wear both positive and negative character, that is, in the process of interpersonal relationships, you can experience sympathy or antipathy, satisfaction with your partner or results joint activities, or lack thereof. We can feel empathy, or emotional response, to the experiences of another person, which is expressed in empathy, complicity and sympathy.

Finally, the behavioral component characterizes facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, speech and actions that express the attitude of the individual towards other people or the group as a whole. Actually, the behavioral component acts as a regulator of the nature of interpersonal relationships.

Formation of interpersonal relationships

The development of interpersonal relations is possible only under one condition - if the individual has the ability to establish contacts with people, find a common language with them. This is facilitated by lightness and contact, trust and understanding, emotional attraction and acceptance, as well as the absence of a rigid program of manipulation and self-interest.

Interpersonal relationships ideally strive for trust, this includes the expectation of support and confidence that the partner will not betray or use the situation to harm.

In the process of trusting interpersonal communication there is a deepening of relations, a reduction in psychological distance. However, trust often develops into gullibility, which is expressed in the fact that the individual unreasonably believes in the word, despite the tricks and disappointments.

Types of interpersonal relationships

There are many different criteria for assessing interpersonal relationships. Their content is determined by the degree of psychological closeness between partners, the assessment of relationships, the position of dominance, dependence or equality, as well as the degree of acquaintance.

From the point of view of the goal, the forms of interaction between individuals can be primary and secondary. Features of interpersonal relations of the primary type lie in the fact that the necessary connections are established between people, as a rule, by themselves. Secondary connections arise from what kind of help or function one person performs in relation to another.

By the nature of interpersonal relationships are divided into formal and informal. Formal ones are based on an official basis and are regulated by charters, laws and other prescribed rules of interaction, which usually have a legal basis. Informal ones are formed on the basis of personal connections and are not limited by official boundaries.

From the point of view of joint activities, interpersonal relationships are divided into business and personal. In business relationships, work, service or production duties are at the forefront. In the case of personal relationships, relationships that are not related to joint activities, based on subjectively experienced feelings, come to the fore. These include acquaintance, camaraderie, friendship and intimate relationship, the degree of confidence of which is on the rise.

Also, interpersonal relationships can be rational and emotional. In the first case, logic, reason and calculation prevail. In the second - emotions, affection, attractiveness, perception without taking into account objective information about the individual.

From the point of view of the status of people entering into interpersonal relationships, the connections between them can be of a subordinate or parity nature. Subordination implies inequality, the relationship of leadership and subordination. Parity, on the contrary, is based on the equality of individuals, while the participants in the relationship act as independent individuals.

Interpersonal relationships can bring the joy of communication, make life emotionally fulfilling and give peace of mind. On the other hand, they can bring frustration and depression. How effectively the development of interpersonal relationships will take place in a particular individual depends on his skills for effective communication, the ability to perceive people without prejudice, as well as psychological and emotional maturity. And if it seems that you are far from acquiring these skills, do not despair, because by showing perseverance and setting a goal, you will be able to develop all the necessary qualities in yourself.

Man in a group

Group- a real-life education in which people are united according to some specific signs: family, classroom, friendly company, workers, peasants, intelligentsia, youth, veterans, urban and rural residents, etc.

It is in groups that a person communicates with another person.

small group- a group of two or more people united by one goal, similar interests and needs for communication and joint activities, who are in direct contact with each other.

The main features of a small group:

1) interaction of group members directly, their personal acquaintance with each other;

2) a small amount of participants, it can vary from 2-3 to 20-25 people;

3) common activity subordinated to a common goal.

Classification of small groups

The position of a person in a small group depends on many conditions.

Conditions affecting the position of a person in a small group:

1) the role and position of a person in a group;

2) group norms - certain rules accepted by all members of the group;

3) group interests;

4) group values;

5) group sanctions (prohibitive, encouraging).

Each group has certain rules - group norms.

Group norms- a set of rules and requirements developed by each really functioning community and playing the role of the most important means of regulating the behavior of this group, the nature of their relationships, interaction and communication.

If a group member is not satisfied with its norms, then the group can use the so-called sanctions - condemnation, suggestion, etc., up to exclusion from the group.

The group has a significant impact on the psychology and behavior of a person through his relationship with the rest of the group members.

conformity or conformity (from lat. conformis similar, congruent) a person's susceptibility to real or imagined group pressure, manifested in a change in his behavior and attitudes in accordance with the position of the majority that he initially did not share.

The conformist consciously disagrees with the people around him, but nevertheless agrees with them, based on some considerations.

Interpersonal relationships, communication

Interpersonal relationships- the relationship of a person with the people around him: with another person, a group (large or small). Interpersonal relationships, as a rule, are characterized by the word "mutually".

There are the following types of interpersonal relationships:

1. Business(official - from lat. officialis- official) - are associated with the observance of any formalities, rules established by the administration, as well as by some official (for example, a teacher - a student; a school principal - a teacher; the President of the Russian Federation - the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.).

2. Personal(informal) - are formed between people on the basis of private relationships, regardless of the work performed and are not limited by established formal rules.

In the formation of interpersonal relationships, an important role is played by the fact that they arise and develop on the basis of certain feelings - emotional experiences. The whole gamut of feelings that form the basis of interpersonal relationships can be summarized in two large groups: feelings that bring people together, and feelings that separate people:

1) feelings that bring people together - sympathy (internal disposition, attractiveness of a person);

2) feelings that separate people - antipathy (internal dissatisfaction with a person, dissatisfaction with his behavior).

Sympathy and antipathy between people depend on how they perceive and understand each other. Understanding another person is an important condition for interpersonal relationships.

Normal relations between people are possible if they have the ability to sympathize, empathize with other people, put themselves in the position of another person.

Forms of interpersonal relationships:

Form name Conditions of occurrence

dating relationship(acquaintance): I level - “I know by sight, I recognize” (the widest range of other people); II level - “greet” (only with mutual recognition); III level - “greet and talk on general topics”.

They can arise on the basis of both business (you can know a person by business) and personal relationships.

friendly relations(friendship)

Mutual attraction, sympathy, desire for contact, communication.

partnership relations(partnership)

Business ties, common goal, means and results of common activities.


Mutual sympathy, common interests, mutual assistance, fidelity, inner closeness, frankness, trust.


Noble feelings, high morality, dedication, willingness to do everything possible for the well-being of a loved one, responsibility.

Communication- a type of activity in which there is an exchange of information, ideas, assessments, feelings, specific actions. In the broad sense of the word, communication is mutual relations, business or friendly relations between people.

In order to establish normal relationships between people, it is important culture of communication.

Communication culture includes:

1) the presence of trust in the one with whom you communicate;

2) the presence of respect for the one with whom you communicate: it is necessary to communicate carefully and politely;

3) demonstration of compliance in communication;

4) refusal to impose one's tastes, habits, preferences on another;

5) attention to the interlocutor;

6) possession of a culture of speech.

Interpersonal conflicts, their resolution

Conflict (from lat. conflictus- collision) - clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions and views of opponents or subjects of interaction.

A conflict arises when a clash of interests is recognized by both parties to the conflict. If the conflict of interests is not perceived and felt, the conflict does not occur. Or, conversely, if there is a commonality of interests, but the participants experience hostility towards each other, then the relationship between them develops into a conflict.

Specialists in the field conflictology (the doctrine of conflicts) distinguish the following types of conflicts:

1) constructive - the parties in them do not go beyond business arguments, moral relations;

2) non-constructive - one of the parties resorts to morally condemned actions, for example, insults.

Phases of conflict

1. Definition, awareness by the participants of communication of the situation as a conflict.

At this phase, a conflict may arise, but it may not occur, it can be avoided if at the very beginning one does not go to the aggravation of relations.

2. Choosing a strategy of behavior in a conflict situation.

3. The choice of methods of action if the strategy of "negotiations" (second option) or the strategy of "struggle" (third option) is chosen.

In this phase, a certain culture of communication that the conflicting parties have has a decisive influence on the behavior of people and on the means that they consider the most appropriate for resolving the conflict.

Interpersonal relationships is a relationship between two or more individuals.

The nature of interpersonal relations differs significantly from the nature of social relations: their most important specific feature is their emotional basis. Therefore, interpersonal relationships can be considered as a factor in the psychological "climate" of the group. The emotional basis of interpersonal relationships means that they arise and develop on the basis of certain feelings that are born in people in relation to each other. In the domestic school of psychology, there are three types, or levels of emotional manifestations of personality: affects, emotions and feelings. The emotional basis of interpersonal relationships includes all kinds of these emotional manifestations.

Types of interpersonal interactions:

Between two individuals (husband and wife, teacher and student, two comrades)

Between three individuals (father, mother, child)

Between four or more people (singer and his listeners)

Between many and many people (between members of an unorganized crowd)

Interpersonal relationships can be divided into formal and informal:

Formal interpersonal relationships:

Employment negotiations;

Principal's interview with student's parents

Relations between officials during office hours

Arranging a business meeting by phone

Informal interpersonal relationships:

Party of friends;

Trip with friends for a picnic;

Tourist trip;

Getting to know your neighbor

Chat with a friend on the phone.

Interpersonal relationships can be characterized as interaction, mutual understanding and mutual perception of people.

Interpersonal relationships are possible both among large groups of people (nations, classes, estates) and among small groups of people (family, collective, group).

Relations are business (official) and personal (friendship, camaraderie, friendship, love). In interpersonal relationships, sometimes there are conflicts.

Conflict- a clash of opposite goals, interests, a serious disagreement, a dispute. To resolve the conflict, it is necessary to determine the motive that caused it. The outcome of the conflict depends on the choice of further strategy and methods of action. Its positive resolution is consensus.

Consensus- consent, mutual agreement on any issue.

Causes of interpersonal conflicts:

inability to restrain anger, irritation, jealousy, anger, resentment, etc.

negative feelings: envy, self-interest, etc.


due to different views on fundamental issues

due to different value orientations in modern life

due to bad manners, tactlessness, mutual disrespect

by "contagion effect" (from one to another)

Offense, types of offenses

Offense- this is the behavior (actions) of people that is contrary to legal prescriptions and harms social relations.

The main signs of an offense:

1) this is a certain volitional act of behavior, a specific act, which is expressed:

· In action- an active act of behavior that violates a legal prohibition (theft, bribe, act of hooliganism, conclusion of an illegal transaction);

· inactive, i.e. non-fulfillment of a positive obligation stipulated by a certain rule of law, an act of application of law or a specific agreement (non-payment of tax, ticketless travel in transport).

2) this is a person's behavior that is contrary to the rule of law. The offense primarily infringes on the interests of other persons who are under the protection of the law (for example, property rights, etc.). The essence of the offense lies precisely in behavior that is contrary to the rule of law.

3) this is the guilty behavior of subjects of law. Guilt is the mental attitude of the offender to his unlawful behavior - in the form of intent or negligence.

4) this is behavior that causes harm to society, the state, a citizen. It harms the political, labor, property, personal rights and freedoms of citizens, the interests of organizations.

5) the offense entails the application of measures of state coercion.

All offenses according to the degree of public danger are divided into two types: misdeeds and crimes.

Misdemeanors are offenses that are characterized lesser degree public danger in comparison with crimes and infringe on certain aspects of the rule of law operating in society. These include disciplinary, administrative and civil offenses. Their distinction is made depending on the sphere of those social relations that are harmed as a result of unlawful behavior.

crimes are the most dangerous type of crime. They differ from misdemeanors by an increased degree of public danger and cause more serious harm to the individual, the state, and society. Crimes encroach on the foundations of the state and social system, property, rights and freedoms of citizens and entail the application of criminal penalties.

Composition of the offense:

Separate signs of offenses the following:

the object of the offense - those social relations, regulated and protected by law, to which the actual or possible damage has been caused by the offense, those benefits, values ​​of society and the individual (life, health, material well-being of people, public order, etc.), which are encroaching on the offender;

the subject of the offense is tortious, i.e. a sane person who has reached a certain age, as well as an organization (firm, enterprise, press agency, etc.) that committed an offense. In jurisprudence, general principle- ignorance of the officially published law does not release the subject from legal liability for its violation (ignorantia legis non est argumentum);

the objective side of the offense is a characteristic of the elements of an unlawful offense. First of all, it concerns the act itself, the methods and circumstances of its commission. For a number of offenses, the onset of harm is necessary, as well as the establishment of a causal relationship between the act and the harmful consequences that have occurred. For such offenses, it is important that the resulting harm was caused precisely by this act, and not due to any other reasons;

the subjective side of the offense determines the type and degree of guilt of the offender, characterizes his mental attitude to the deed, as well as the motives and goals of the offense.

Types of offenses

Depending on the degree of public danger, they are divided into crimes and misdemeanors.

Misdemeanors These are illegal acts that are not directly provided for by the Criminal Code. Depending on the object of the offense, the damage caused and the nature of the sanctions, they are divided into administrative, disciplinary, and civil law (they are often called torts).

Administrative offenses- these are encroaching on public order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens. the established procedure for managing acts for which administrative liability is established, provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses (traveling without a ticket in public transport, violation of fire regulations, petty hooliganism, etc.). Administrative offenses entail such types of penalties as a warning, a fine, deprivation of a special right (for example, to drive vehicles), administrative arrest for up to 15 days, etc. The subjects of such offenses can be both citizens and officials, and legal entities.

Disciplinary offenses- these are violations of discipline, i.e. the procedure established by law for the activity of a certain team (labor, service, military, educational). Examples include violations of the internal labor regulations (being late, appearing at work in a state of intoxication, etc.), disciplinary military regulations (unauthorized abandonment of a unit, failure to comply with a military order, etc.).

Civil law violations(torts) - this is the infliction of non-contractual property damage to a person or organization, the conclusion of an illegal transaction, non-performance of a contract, copyright infringement, etc. The subjects of torts can be individuals and legal entities.

crimes the most dangerous offenses that encroach on the social system of the country, its security, fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as other acts provided for by criminal law, are recognized. Crimes entail the most severe punishments - deprivation or restriction of liberty, corrective labor, significant fines, and for especially dangerous crimes - the death penalty. The subjects of crimes can only be citizens and officials. After serving the sentence, a person convicted of the most serious crimes retains for a certain period or permanently a special legal status - a criminal record.

A crime- this is a guilty socially dangerous act (action or inaction), prohibited by the Criminal Code under the threat of punishment.

Characteristic signs of a crime:

public danger- this is the creation of a threat of causing certain harm by public relations protected by law (Article 2):

a) human and civil rights and freedoms

b) property

c) public order and public safety

G) Environment

e) the constitutional system of the Russian Federation

f) peace and security of mankind

criminal wrongfulness- consists in the prohibition of a crime by the relevant criminal law norm under the threat of applying punishment to the guilty person

guilt- this is the attitude of the psyche of a person to a socially dangerous act committed by him and its consequences in the form of intent or negligence. (Only a person is recognized as guilty who, both in his age and mental state, is capable of realizing the actual nature and social danger of his actions (inaction) or directing them.

punishability- the necessary legal consequence of the crime. Punishability is expressed in the threat, the possibility of applying punishment for acts (inaction) provided for by criminal law.

Depending on the nature and degree of public danger distinguish between crimes:

minor gravity (punishment does not exceed 2 years in prison)

moderate (punishment does not exceed 5 years in prison)

serious (punishment does not exceed 10 years in prison)

especially grave (imprisonment for more than 10 years or more severe punishment).

Accomplices in a crime are:

organizer- a person who organized the commission of a crime or supervised its execution, as well as a person who created an organized group or a criminal community (organization) or managed them

executor- a person who directly committed a crime or directly participated in its commission with other persons (co-perpetrators), as well as a person who committed a crime through the use of other persons who are not subject to criminal liability due to age, insanity or other circumstances provided for by the Criminal Code

instigator- a person who persuaded another person to commit a crime by persuasion, bribery, threat or in any other way

accomplice- a person who facilitated the commission of a crime by giving advice, instructions, providing information, means or instruments for committing a crime, or removing obstacles, as well as a person who promised in advance to hide the criminal, means or instruments for committing a crime, traces of a crime or objects obtained by criminal means, as well as a person, who promised in advance to purchase or sell such items.

Criminal liability - this is an element of a criminal legal relationship, which is generated by a legal fact in the form of an action or inaction, containing signs of a crime.

Significant signs of punishment:

measure of state coercion (punishment is imposed on behalf of the state)

appointed by court verdict (punishment entails conviction)

applies to persons guilty of a crime

consists in depriving or restricting the rights and freedoms of the guilty person

differs from other measures of coercion in its severity of repression

Ticket number 7

Communication. Communication culture

Communication is a process of interrelation and interaction of people, social groups during which there is an exchange of information, experience, results of activities.

Human-to-human communication occurs only in the process of interpersonal relationships. Through communication a person:

gains knowledge about the environment

there is a transfer of experience

assimilates the cultural and moral values ​​that humanity has developed

learns the rules and norms of behavior

learns to evaluate the actions of others

forms personal qualities: integrity, responsiveness, honesty, kindness, etc.

Types of communication:

between real subjects (e.g. between two people)

a real subject with an illusory partner who, as it were, is assigned qualities of a subject that are unusual for him (for example, with animals)

a real subject with an imaginary partner (e.g. "self-communication", a dialogue with the image of another person)

between imaginary partners (e.g. communication of artistic characters)

To establish normal relationships between people, the culture of communication is important.

The ancient commandments say: “He who wants to enjoy communication must:

Trust in who you are talking to

Faith that he good man, located to you and ready to communicate

Respect for who you interact with

Recognition that he is equal to you and you need to communicate with him carefully and politely

In the psychology of communication, one of highlights teach yourself to listen and understand the person with whom you are communicating.

Learn to explain to people your intentions and thoughts from which you proceed, thereby you will be able to prevent many misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts. Honesty in communication with the interlocutor is often the only way out of a crisis, conflict situation.

If a person first of all knows how to listen to his interlocutor in the process of communication, while correctly expressing his thoughts in good level language, without slang, swearing and slang, we can say about such a person that he fully owns the culture of communication.

Learn to recognize the individuality of people, which will surely help you understand people and, as a result, respect people and their opinion, even if it does not seem true to you.

By learning to respect yourself, you will surely learn to respect your interlocutors. And do not forget to show interest both in the interlocutor and in the topic of your conversation, which will arouse the interest of the interlocutor and your conversation will move to a higher level.

One of the important parts of the culture of communication is speech. It is clear that every person would be pleased to hear expressions that evoke only positive emotions. But due to the economy of time and the desire of the language also for economy, we confine ourselves to short greetings, mean compliments.

The main thing in the culture of communication

The culture of communication, as you understand, includes not only verbal forms of expressing politeness and sympathy. Your words and actions must not conflict with your appearance, your clothes, your general appearance. In other words, etiquette will not be fully observed if, with all your correctness and courtesy of behavior, these rules are not observed. That is, it is necessary that your appearance is adequate to the situation.

The culture of communication in interpersonal relationships is very important for almost any person. Here everything has meaning: tone, intonation, gestures, forms of address, etc.

Rules for conducting a dispute, polemics, discussions .

entering into a discussion, it is necessary to present the subject of the dispute;

in a dispute, avoid a tone of superiority, respect the opinion of colleagues;

do not directly and rudely impose your point of view on colleagues, you must be able to find a successful combination of understanding and attacking intonations;

ask questions correctly and clearly;

clearly formulate the main arguments;

do not get excited, show restraint and self-control, remain calm;

it is foolish to object to reasonable and justified arguments;

conduct a conversation in a friendly calm tone;

do not answer a colleague without listening to the end and analyzing the course of his thoughts.

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