Algorithm for writing essays in the Russian language, OGE consultation in the Russian language (Grade 9) on the topic. All school essays on literature How do you understand self-education

Task 15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the modern linguist I.I. Postnikova: "Possessing both lexical and grammatical meaning, a word can be combined with other words, be part of a sentence" ...

Words do not exist in the language separately: being connected with each other in meaning and grammatically, they are part of syntactic units - phrases and sentences. The ability of words to combine is due to the fact that each of them has a lexical and grammatical meaning. In my opinion, this is the meaning she put into her statement. I.I. Postnikova.

The lexical meaning is the meaning of the word. Grammatical meaning includes signs that allow the word to change its form.

We illustrate the role of the lexical and grammatical characteristics of a word with examples from the text K. Osipova. Sentence 3 uses "unquenchable" (thirst), which very accurately characterizes the young Suvorov's desire for knowledge. The word has the lexical meaning "very strong, constant" and in meaning is combined with the concept of "thirst". From a grammatical point of view, the adjective "unquenchable" is in the feminine, singular, nominative form. At the same time, it is connected with the defined noun “thirst” according to the principle of agreement.

The word "started" (conversation) in sentence 25 is used in a figurative sense - "began". This is a metaphor to help the reader better imagine the communication between Suvorov and Hannibal. From a grammatical point of view, “began” is a perfective reflexive verb in the past tense, singular, feminine. Combining with other words, the word is part of a sentence in which it plays the role of a predicate.

So, the examples given confirm the idea of ​​I.I. Postnikova. " Possessing both lexical and grammatical meaning« , the word really can be combined with other words, be part of a sentence».

Task 15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentence number 11: "" ...

K. Osipov talks about childhood. The future commander was a weak, sickly child, and it seemed that a military career was an impossible dream for him. However, Alexander did not give up and stubbornly went to achieve his cherished goal.

In sentence 11, the author writes about this: “ With perseverance and perseverance, manifested already in childhood, he began to prepare himself for military activity.". I understand the meaning of this phrase as follows: Alexander from an early age did everything possible to fulfill his dream of becoming a commander.

The guide for the boy was the biographies of the great military leaders of the past: "Spending whole days in his father's library, Sasha found rich food for his mind in these books" (sentence 8).

The ten-year-old child managed to develop a "whole system of self-education", thanks to which he grew up as a person, strong morally and physically. This is stated in sentences 12-14.

So, the above examples prove that the perseverance and perseverance that he showed from childhood on the way to his goal helped Suvorov become a famous commander.

Task 15.3. What is self-education?» …

What is self-education?

Self-education is a process of independent formation of a human personality. There are few of us who are endowed from birth with all the traits necessary for a successful and fruitful life. So, in order to achieve your goals, you need to constantly work on yourself.

The text of K. Osipov, which tells about Alexander Suvorov, makes you think about this. The future military leader in childhood was not distinguished by either good health or a powerful physique. However, he did not give up his cherished goal - to become a commander. Suvorov prepared himself for military activity from an early age: "This was expressed in a whole system of self-education, which a ten-year-old boy subjected himself to in order to fulfill his dream."

While reading the text of K. Osipov, I also remembered another work - the story of Leonid Panteleev "Honest Word". The little boy refuses to break the word given to him, albeit in a game. I think such firmness of character is the result of self-education. The narrator is delighted with the behavior of the hero and claims that a real person will certainly grow out of him.

So, whatever we strive for, whatever we dream about, self-education will help to achieve.

Option 14 (compositions based on the text about Demosthenes)

Task 15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A.A. Reformatsky: “Pronominal words are secondary words, substitute words. The golden fund for pronouns is significant words, without which the existence of pronouns is "devalued" ...

Pronouns indicate objects, signs and quantities, but do not name them. The words of this part of speech are used instead of nouns, adjectives, numerals and would have no meaning without them. This is how I understand the meaning of the sentence. A.A. Reformed.

Let us illustrate the linguist's idea with examples from the book "Biographies of Famous Greeks and Romans". The personal pronoun of the third person “he” in sentence No. 2 replaces the noun “Demosthenes” used in the previous phrase, without which the meaning of the pronoun would be unclear. The possessive pronoun "his" in sentence No. 13 indicates belonging and, being a definition for the noun "attempt", replaces the adjective.

So, the examples given confirm the idea of ​​A.A. Reformatsky that pronominal words are used as "substitutes" for nouns, adjectives and numerals, without which their existence would be "depreciated".

Task 15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain why ""...

This fragment from the book "Biographies of the Great Greeks and Romans" tells about the great Demosthenes. Strong will and unyielding character helped him master the art of eloquence to perfection.

Demosthenes enjoyed great respect of his contemporaries, he became a legend for posterity - his name is now called skillful orators, recognizing their talent. This is how I understand the meaning of the statement that " the name "Demosthenes" acquired a nominal meaning».

The best recognition of the merits of Demosthenes is the people's memory of him: "There were many wonderful speakers in Ancient Greece, but Demosthenes was most remembered" (sentence No. 1). But nature did not give him a special gift of eloquence from birth. Demosthenes comprehended the art of oratory to perfection thanks to his perseverance and diligence. Therefore, the life of this great man is “instructive for our time” (sentence No. 28).

So, Demosthenes became a model, an example to follow. That is why his name now has a nominal meaning.

Task 15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: What is self-education?» …

What is self-education?

Self-education is a constant work on oneself. There are few of us who have been endowed by nature with all the qualities necessary for success in life. Therefore, in order to achieve your goals, you have to independently form certain traits in yourself: willpower, the ability to convince people, the ability to overcome all sorts of obstacles.

A fragment from the book "Lives of the famous Greeks and Romans" made me think about this. Demosthenes, thanks to intensive work on himself, managed not only to correct the shortcomings of his own speech, but also to achieve unsurpassed success in eloquence. This man left a memory of himself for centuries: "In ancient Greece there were many wonderful speakers, but Demosthenes was remembered most of all."

While reading the text about Demosthenes, I remembered the life story of Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov. As a child, he subjected himself to a system of self-education, which allowed him to fulfill his dream of a military career. But Suvorov was born a weak and sickly child, and at first hardly anyone could have imagined that he would become a great commander.

Thus, a person engaged in self-education can handle any business and is not afraid of any obstacles on the path of life.

To be continued. New compositions are already in the process of writing!

Self-education is the work of a person on himself. It happens that we do not like some traits of our character, they interfere with our life or work. Self-education is the formation by a person of his personality in accordance with consciously chosen goals, ideals and beliefs.

Self-education is the work of a person on himself. It happens that we do not like some traits of our character, they interfere with our life or work.

We want to get rid of them, and we come to understand that for this we will have to work on ourselves. Having understood ourselves, we set goals for ourselves and look for ways to achieve them. The goal of self-education is born from the motives that encourage you to work on yourself, and the desire of a person to become better. Without a goal, not a single business can be started, including self-education. While we are looking for ways to achieve our goals, it is at this time that we begin to work on ourselves. And over time, we will get the result in the form of an ideal self. Of course, ideal, in our view, in accordance with their ideals and beliefs.

The most important key to the emergence of motivation for self-education and self-improvement is a person's awareness of his lifestyle, his behavior or activities that require changes. A person must understand that he needs to change. And most importantly, he must want it.

The next important element of this process is mastering the skills of independent work. A person must himself know in which direction he should move in order to change, what actions he should take for this. This requires mastering some knowledge in the field in which you plan, or at least want to succeed.

And of course, the most important thing in the process of self-education is action. It is not enough just to want and know, you need to take action. It is not necessary to immediately try to cover some large volume. It is much more important to start small, with small steps. Step by step, the long road will be overcome, and the goal will be reached.

In the process of self-education, one should not be distracted by all sorts of temptations. You need to show your determination, try to make reasonable decisions and not deviate from the execution of your plans.

For example, laziness often interferes with our many plans. Surely, you have met at least once such people who go on a diet every Monday, or go to the gym, or start learning English. Someone promises himself to start reading some useful book, start eating right, give up tea or coffee. But each time, they find themselves at the starting point from which they started. And the reason for everything is laziness. Yes, it's hard to overcome. But you have to compromise with yourself. You need to make sure that laziness itself disappears, and your obligations turn into desire. To be motivated to act. And then everything will work out.

From my point of view, the most pleasant forms of self-education are self-persuasion and self-hypnosis. It is comfortable on a psychological level, which means that it is not perceived by the consciousness and the unconscious with hostility.

Less pleasant methods of self-education are self-criticism, self-commitment and not always successfully implemented attempt of emotional and mental transfer to the position of another person. Agree, self-criticism is not very pleasant, even if you criticize yourself. It may even be associated with the criticism of other people that you have ever heard in your address before. And maybe even bad memories.

Self-commitment is also not the best option. Especially for those who are not particularly fond of commitment.

You need to engage in self-education in order not to get lost in this life, to find your place. Self-realization is sometimes of great importance in the life of a single person. You need to discover your abilities, test all your abilities in order to become an interesting and unique person, first of all for yourself. And then, already your perception of yourself will be projected onto the people around you, and they will also find an interesting person in you.

Self-education, self-improvement is a hard and long work, which takes a lot of time, sometimes a whole life. But the end result is definitely worth it.

In my opinion, self-education is the formation of a personality with the help of the will and desire of the person himself. In order to achieve the cherished goal, most often you need to seriously work on yourself. The path of self-education is very difficult, but only it leads to the fulfillment of a dream.

The text of V.A. Kaverin tells about a hero who is passionate about aviation. The narrator understands that in order to enter the flight school, one must train hard. Hiding his intention from others, the boy daily "did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold sponging according to the Muller system" (sentence 34). It seems to me that the hero is destined for success, as he brings up in himself the qualities necessary for a pilot: determination, strength of character, perseverance.

As another argument, I will give an example from my own life. My friend Alexei never liked to read, so he often received unsatisfactory grades in literature. But when he found out that in order to enter college he needed to take an exam in this subject, Lyosha decided to overcome his laziness and began to devote an hour a day to reading. At first it was difficult, but gradually my friend began to understand literature. Now Alexey easily performs examination tasks. This became possible only through self-education.

Thus, self-education is a process necessary for the development of a person's personality. Without self-education, it is impossible to overcome difficulties and achieve success in life.

Read others on the OGE in Russian

Original text(option 1 from the collection edited by I.P. Tsybulko) :*

(1) Even in those years when I became interested in Amundsen, a simple thought occurred to me. (2) Here it is: by plane, Amundsen would have reached the South Pole seven times faster. (3) With what difficulty he advanced day after day across the endless snowy desert! (4) He walked for two months after the dogs, which, in the end, ate each other. (5) And by plane, he would fly to the South Pole in a day. (6) He would not have had enough friends and acquaintances to name all the mountain peaks, glaciers and plateaus that he would discover in this flight.
(7) Every day I made huge extracts from polar travels. (8) I cut out notes from newspapers about the first flights to the north and pasted them into an old account book. (9) On the first page of this book it was written: "Forward" is the name of his ship. (10) “Forward,” he says and really strives forward. (11) Nansen on Amundsen. (12) This was my motto. (13) I mentally flew, and on the plane after Scott, after Shackleton, after Robert Peary. (14) All routes. (15) And since I had an airplane at my disposal, I had to deal with its device.
(16) According to the third paragraph of my rules: “What is decided - do it,” I read the “Theory of Aircraft Engineering”. (17) Oh, what kind of flour it was! (18) But everything that I did not understand, I just in case learned by heart.
(19) Every day I took apart my imaginary plane. (20) I studied his motor and propeller. (21) I equipped it with the latest appliances. (22) I knew him like the back of my hand. (23) Only one thing I didn’t know yet: how to fly on it. (24) But this is exactly what I wanted to learn.
(25) My decision was a secret to everyone. (26) At school, they thought that I was scattered, but I didn’t want them to say about my aviation: “(27) A new hobby.” (28) It was not a hobby. (29) It seemed to me that I decided long ago to become a pilot, back in Ensk, on the day when Petka and I lay in the cathedral garden, arms outstretched with a cross, and tried to see the moon and stars during the day, when a gray plane resembling a winged fish easily bypassed the clouds and disappeared on the other side of the grain of sand. (30) Of course, it only seemed to me. (31) But still, it’s not for nothing that I remember this plane so much. (32) It must be, and in fact then I first thought about what now occupied all my thoughts.
(32) So, I hid my secret from everyone.
(34) Every morning I did gymnastics according to the Anokhin system and cold sponging according to the Muller system. (35) I felt my muscles and thought: “(36) What if they don’t accept it?” (37) I checked my eyes, ears, heart. (38) The school doctor said I was healthy. (39) But health is different - after all, he did not know that I was going to flight school. (40) What if I'm nervous? (41) What if something else? (42) Growth! (43) Damned growth! (44) Over the past year, I have grown only one and a half centimeters.
- (45) They will accept, - I answered decisively.

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay on the topic: "What is self-education" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you.
Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) argument examples confirming your reasoning: one example, give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.
The length of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.
Write an essay neat, legible handwriting.

Step 1I am writing an INTRODUCTION.

formulate definition words SELF-EDUCATION.

For help I turn to text for presentation (see the collection of I.P. Tsybulko p. 221 "Text for presentation to options 13-16", 2nd paragraph). There are lines like this:

Self-education is a conscious attitude to one's own life, one's thoughts and plans, and, above all, to one's own actions.

Now you need comment given definition, otherwise 1 point according to C3K1 criteria Interpretation of the meaning of the word (collection of I.P. Tsybulko p. 235) will be lost.
The comment might be:

Self-education plays a big role in the formation of a person. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person.

I combine definition and comment:

Self-education is a conscious attitude to one's own life, one's thoughts and plans, and, above all, to one's own actions. Self-education plays a big role in shaping a person as a person. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person. (35 words)

Step 2 I formulate the 1st argument (from the read text).

This argument needs briefly tell About,who in the text of K. Osipov is engaged in self-education and how he does it.

I single out key proposals, on which I will rely when writing the argument: 2-9, 11-14.

I build my argument like this scheme:

1. thesis (the idea that I will prove is the first sentence),
2. evidence (story about Suvorov),
3. micro-inference (the last sentence of the argument).

Most great people achieved victories and glory by working on themselves, overcoming their shortcomings and developing their best qualities. About one of them - the legendary A.V. Suvorov - K. Osipov tells in his text. E even in childhood, the future commander managed to overcome what prevented him from fulfilling his dream of military service: physical imperfection, insufficient upbringing and education, and even the lack of support from his father. For this, young Suvorov developed a whole system of self-education, which included hardening, self-education and reading military books. It is amazing how persistently a ten-year-old boy prepared himself for military activity. (86 words)

Step 3 I formulate the 2nd argument (from my own life experience).

Now I consider the second argument.
It can be remembered thathow great people worked on themselves.
  • Alexander Nevskiy,
  • Dmitry Donskoy,
  • Mikhail Kutuzov,
  • Vasily Chapaev,
  • Georgy Zhukov,
  • Lev Tolstoy,
  • Maxim Gorky and others.

L. N. Tolstoy in adolescence, he starts a diary, notes his shortcomings in it, draws up plans for self-education and self-education for various periods, describes the progress of work on himself, analyzes mistakes; outlines new, general and private plans for self-education.

Seriously engaged in self-education A. P. Chekhov. In one of the letters to his wife, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova, Anton Pavlovich wrote: “You ... envy my character. I must tell you that by nature I have a sharp character, I am quick-tempered, etc., etc. But I am used to restraining myself, because it is not befitting for a decent person to dismiss himself ... "

The great Russian traveler paid great attention to the self-education of himself and his son. V. K. Arseniev. For self-education of the will, he recommended that his son adhere to the following commandments: 1. One today is better than a hundred tomorrow. 2. Procrastination is like death. 3. Do not wait for a favorable moment, but create it yourself. 4. Work or die. 5. Implement your decisions immediately. 6. Do not waste your energy on aimless hesitation. 7. Not a single great deed is done by indecisive people. 8. Nothing is as valuable as perseverance and patience. 9. Twenty things half done are not worth one thing done. 10. Beating bad habits is better today than tomorrow. 11. Do not hold on to the charter like a blind wall. 12. Have respect for yourself. 13. Get used to thoroughness and accuracy. 14. Your life is what you make of it yourself.

Of interest are the moral and volitional norms of behavior that the great Russian teacher followed in his work on himself. K. D. Ushinsky: 1. Perfect calm, at least external. 2. Directness in words and deeds. 3. Deliberate action. 4. Decisiveness. 5. Do not talk about yourself without the need for a single word. 6. Do not spend time unconsciously; do what you want, not what happens. 7. Give a conscientious account of your actions every evening. 8. Never brag about what was, or what is, or what will be.Ushinsky gave the impression of a man who knew how to perfectly control his actions, his own personality.

Working day Peter the Great. “I am a king, and I have calluses on my hands,” Peter 1 liked to say. He did not tolerate idleness, and his day was filled to the limit. I got up very early before dawn. At 3-4 o'clock in the morning - the Council of Ministers, then control over the construction of ships in the Admiralty. Often he took up the ax himself. Then at home he was engaged in his favorite turning business. During his life he mastered 14 crafts. Then lunch, rest. And again - to the workshops, to construction, to inspect the ships. In the evening I visited friends and went to bed early. “Time for work is an hour of fun,” Peter often reminded those around him.

You can write about their own self-education program.

  • option 14 (about Demosthenes),
  • option 15 (on parole),
  • option 16 (about Meresyev).

I will stop at Demosthenes. I use the same scheme, as when writing the 1st argument.

Seriously engaged in self-education and the famous Demosthenes. From a young age, the ancient Greek dreamed of glory speaker. Meanwhile, he was tongue-tied, had a weak voice, short breathing, a habit of twitching his shoulder. Then oh He began to learn to pronounce words clearly, picking up pebbles in his mouth, read poets aloud, and practiced facial expressions in front of a mirror. Studying samples of eloquence, Demosthenes did not leave the room for weeks. His first attempts to speak in public were not successful, but the future speaker continued to work on himself. Yes, n through perseverance and diligence, he achieved his. (79 words)

5. Work according to the plan for each word

6. Sample work plan

Attention! After each word, leave 10 lines (ruler) or 20 lines (cell) for correction!

1. TASK. How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate
and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic “What is friendship”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


OGE Essay-reasoning on the text from the collection of I.P. Tsybulko on the topic "What is self-education" (task 15.3, option 13)

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay on the topic: "What is self-education", taking as a thesis the definition given by you.
Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) argument examples confirming your reasoning: one example, give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience.
The length of the essay should be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.
Write an essay neat, legible handwriting.

Step 1 Write an INTRODUCTION.

formulate definition words SELF-EDUCATION.

For help I turn to text for presentation (see the collection of I.P. Tsybulko p. 221 "Text for presentation to options 13-16", 2nd paragraph). There are lines like this:

Self-education is a conscious attitude to one's own life, one's thoughts and plans, and, above all, to one's own actions.

Now you need comment given definition, otherwise 1 point according to C3K1 criteria Interpretation of the meaning of the word (collection of I.P. Tsybulko p. 235) will be lost.
The comment might be:

Self-education plays a big role in the formation of a person. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person.

I combine definition and comment:

Self-education is a conscious attitude to one's own life, one's thoughts and plans, and, above all, to one's own actions. Self-education plays a big role in shaping a person as a person. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person. (35 words)

Step 2 I formulate the 1st argument (from the read text).

This argument needs briefly tell About, who in the text of K. Osipov is engaged in self-education and how he does it.

I single out key proposals, on which I will rely when writing the argument: 2-9, 11-14.

I build my argument like this scheme:

1. thesis (the idea that I will prove is the first sentence),
2. evidence (story about Suvorov),
3. micro-inference (the last sentence of the argument).

Most great people achieved victories and glory by working on themselves, overcoming their shortcomings and developing their best qualities. About one of them - the legendary A.V. Suvorov - K. Osipov tells in his text. Even as a child, the future commander managed to overcome what prevented him from fulfilling his dream of military service: physical imperfection, insufficient upbringing and education, and even the lack of support from his father. For this, young Suvorov developed a whole system of self-education, which included hardening, self-education and reading military books. It is amazing how persistently a ten-year-old boy prepared himself for military activity. (86 words)

Step 3 I formulate the 2nd argument (from my own life experience).

Now I consider the second argument.
It can be remembered that how great people worked on themselves.

· Alexander Nevskiy,

Dmitry Donskoy,

Mikhail Kutuzov,

Vasily Chapaev,

Georgy Zhukov,

· Lev Tolstoy,

Maxim Gorky and others.

For example:

L. N. Tolstoy in adolescence, he starts a diary, notes his shortcomings in it, draws up plans for self-education and self-education for various periods, describes the progress of work on himself, analyzes mistakes; outlines new, general and private plans for self-education.

Seriously engaged in self-education A. P. Chekhov. In one of the letters to his wife, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova, Anton Pavlovich wrote: “You ... envy my character. I must tell you that by nature I have a sharp character, I am quick-tempered, etc., etc. But I am used to restraining myself, because it is not befitting for a decent person to dismiss himself ... "

The great Russian traveler paid great attention to the self-education of himself and his son. V. K. Arseniev. For self-education of the will, he recommended that his son adhere to the following commandments: 1. One today is better than a hundred tomorrow. 2. Procrastination is like death. 3. Do not wait for a favorable moment, but create it yourself. 4. Work or die. 5. Implement your decisions immediately. 6. Do not waste your energy on aimless hesitation. 7. Not a single great deed is done by indecisive people. 8. Nothing is as valuable as perseverance and patience. 9. Twenty things half done are not worth one thing done. 10. Beating bad habits is better today than tomorrow. 11. Do not hold on to the charter like a blind wall. 12. Have respect for yourself. 13. Get used to thoroughness and accuracy. 14. Your life is what you make of it yourself.

Of interest are the moral and volitional norms of behavior that the great Russian teacher followed in his work on himself. K. D. Ushinsky: 1. Perfect calm, at least external. 2. Directness in words and deeds. 3. Deliberate action. 4. Decisiveness. 5. Do not talk about yourself without the need for a single word. 6. Do not spend time unconsciously; do what you want, not what happens. 7. Give a conscientious account of your actions every evening. 8. Never brag about what was, or what is, or what will be. Ushinsky gave the impression of a man who knew how to perfectly control his actions, his own personality.

Working day Peter the Great. “I am a king, and I have calluses on my hands,” Peter 1 liked to say. He did not tolerate idleness, and his day was filled to the limit. I got up very early before dawn. At 3-4 o'clock in the morning - the Council of Ministers, then control over the construction of ships in the Admiralty. Often he took up the ax himself. Then at home he was engaged in his favorite turning business. During his life he mastered 14 crafts. Then lunch, rest. And again - to the workshops, to construction, to inspect the ships. In the evening I visited friends and went to bed early. “Time for work is an hour of fun,” Peter often reminded those around him.

You can write about their own self-education program.

Or apply to other texts from collection of I.P. Tsybulko:

option 14 (about Demosthenes),

option 15 (on parole),

Option 16 (about Meresyev).

I will stop at Demosthenes. I use the same scheme, as when writing the 1st argument.

Seriously engaged in self-education and the famous Demosthenes. Ancient from a young agethe Greek dreamed of the glory of an orator. Meanwhile, he was tongue-tied, had a weak voice, short breathing, the habit of twitching the shoulder. Then he began to learn to pronounce words clearly, picking up pebbles in his mouth, read poets aloud, and practiced facial expressions in front of a mirror. Studying samples of eloquence, Demosthenes did not leave the room for weeks. His first attempts to speak in public were not successful, but the future speaker continued to work on himself. So, by perseverance and diligence, he achieved his goal.. (79 words)

Step 4 Conclude

Thus, these examples convince us that self-education helps a person not only get rid of shortcomings, but also achieve the goal. (21 words)

Step 5 I connect the parts and get this ESSAY:

Self-education is a conscious attitude to one's own life, one's thoughts and plans, and, above all, to one's own actions. Self-education plays a big role in shaping a person as a person. This is a complex process that requires strong-willed efforts from a person.

Most of the great people achieved victories and glory by working on themselves, overcoming their shortcomings and developing their best qualities. One of them, the legendary A.V. Suvorov, is described in his text by K. Osipov. Even as a child, the future commander managed to overcome what prevented him from fulfilling his dream of military service: physical imperfection, insufficient upbringing and education, and even the lack of support from his father. For this, young Suvorov developed a whole system of self-education, which included hardening, self-education and reading military books. It is amazing how persistently a ten-year-old boy prepared himself for military activity.

Seriously engaged in self-education and the famous Demosthenes. From a young age, the ancient Greek dreamed of becoming an orator. Meanwhile, he was tongue-tied, had a weak voice, short breathing, a habit of twitching his shoulder. Then he began to learn to pronounce words clearly, picking up pebbles in his mouth, read poets aloud, and practiced facial expressions in front of a mirror. Studying samples of eloquence, Demosthenes did not leave the room for weeks. His first attempts to speak in public were not successful, but the future speaker continued to work on himself. So, with perseverance and diligence, he achieved his goal.

Thus, these examples convince us that self-education helps a person not only get rid of shortcomings, but also achieve the goal. (221 words)

The text on which the essay is written (see option 13):

"OGE. Russian language. Standard examination options (36).

New demo 2015".

1. What is the inner world of man.
2. What is choice.
3. What is kindness.
4. What are precious books.
5. What is friendship.
6. What are life values.
7. What is love.
8. What is motherly love.
9. What is real art.
10. What is self-doubt.
11. What is a moral choice.
12. What is the strength of the spirit.
13. What is mutual assistance.
14. What is happiness.




1. Give an interpretation (definition, explanation, lexical meaning). (Pay attention to the part of speech, write all the interpretations, if there are several. It is best to work with Explanatory Dictionaries!)

2. Because or because ... (as you understand)

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